TSCE #10(C): Bit Of History — Doug & Rob Ford Voted In 2013 For Sanctuary Toronto, Amnesty For Illegals

In 2013, brothers Doug Ford and Rob Ford voted to officially make Toronto a sanctuary city. This allows people in the city, (but without a legal right to be in Canada), to continue to access social services. It also makes deportations harder to implement, and furthers balkanization of Toronto. However, there is another consequence of doing this: making human trafficking, smuggling, & child exploitation easier.

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

There is a lot already covered in the TSCE series. Many of the laws politicians pass absolutely ensure this obscenity will continue. Also, take a look at the Border Security topic for some extra background, and the NGOs who are supporting open borders.

2. Important Links

(1) http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2013.CD18.5
(2) http://archive.is/ZDsHU
(3) http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2019.EC5.4
(4) http://archive.is/I5mkr
(5) https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/accountability-operations-customer-service/long-term-vision-plans-and-strategies/end-trafficking-to/
(6) http://archive.is/6LQv2
(7) https://www.immigrationreform.com/2018/01/17/sanctuary-jurisdictions-likely-turn-blind-eye-human-smuggling-slavery/
(8) https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/levy-refugees-flood-into-our-sanctuary-city
(9) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/victims-of-crime/human-trafficking/human-trafficking-training/module-2/prevalence
(10) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/victims-of-crime/human-trafficking/human-trafficking-training/module-2/rcmp-findings
(11) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/victims-of-crime/human-trafficking/human-trafficking-training/module-2/international-sex-trafficking

3. Fords Vote To Create Sanctuary Toronto

City Council Decision
City Council on February 20 and 21, 2013, adopted the following:
1. City Council re-affirm its commitment to ensuring access to services without fear to immigrants without full status or without full status documents.

2. City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to conduct an internal review, with community consultation, of City Divisions, Agencies and Corporations, and to report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in the 3rd quarter of 2013 on the following:
a. a review of opportunities to improve access without fear;
b. opportunities for City-funded agencies to improve access without fear;
c. providing training for front line staff and managers to ensure that undocumented residents can access services without fear; and
d. a complaints protocol and a public education strategy to inform Torontonians of the City’s policy.

3. City Council request the City Manager and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on current Federal and Provincial arrangements to deliver immigration and settlement programs in Ontario, and options for strengthening intergovernmental collaboration and partnerships with the City of Toronto.

4. City Council request the Federal government to establish a regularization program for undocumented residents, and that a letter be sent to the Government and Opposition parties to this end.

5. City Council request the Federal government to increase Provincial Nominee Program levels so that the Province can bring in workers with specific skills who have left Canada as undocumented workers with Canadian children, and that they be given priority processing by Canadian Citizenship and Immigration.

6. City Council request the Provincial government to review its policies for Provincially-funded services for undocumented residents with a view to ensuring access to health care, emergency services, community housing and supports for such residents within a social determinants of the health framework.

Here is what the final resolution actually says. Despite all attempts to make it sound compassionate and humanitarian in nature, this really is an “amnesty for illegals” piece oflegislation.

#1 is a commitment to fund services for illegal aliens.
#2(c) is to train workers that illegals have access to services.
#2(d) is to convince the public that this is somehow okay.
#4 is asking amnesty for illegal aliens.
#5 is asking the Federal Government to give priority to illegal aliens with anchor baby children in the citizenship line.
#6 is asking the Province of Ontario to review its current decision to NOT directly fund services for illegal aliens.

4. Fords Support Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

One has to marvel at the mental gymnastics the Ford Brothers engage in. They vote FOR creating a sanctuary city, which allows illegal aliens to receive free city benefits. They vote FOR illegals with anchor baby children going to the front of the line in a pathway to citizenship. However, they also vote to REMOVE illegals from Toronto, and push for legal immigration.

How does this work? Give illegals access to public services, then deport them, then bring them back to get expedited for a pathway to citizenship?

Possibly the vote on the amendment to deport illegals was just an attempt to pander to constituents who hadn’t read the entire legislation.

5. Ford’s Hypocrisy On Horwath Proposal


We will work with professional associations and the federal government to streamline the process for foreign credential recognition so that highly-educated immigrants can find meaningful employment in their areas of expertise.

And we’ll take steps to make sure that rights and dignity are respected by calling on the federal government to stop using provincial jails to detain immigrants.

We will declare Ontario a Sanctuary Province.

In the 2018 Ontario election campaign, NDP leader Andrea Horwath took a lot of criticism for a proposal (see page 11) to make Ontario a sanctuary province. Much of that came from the “Conservative” party of Doug Ford. In reality though, Horwath was just proposing to expand what Ford was on record as having voting for.

Amnesty or sanctuary cities/provinces are horrible ideas, certainly. But Doug Ford really has no moral high ground to stand on here.

6. Businesses Support Cheap Labour Pool

This pilot program was covered previously on this site. While it specifies 500 workers and their families (some 2,000 to 3,000 people total), don’t be naive and think that this will be a one time deal. Why do many businesses support the inflow of labour? Because it helps to drive wages down.

Now, certainly the cheap labour and strain on social services are large problems in a sanctuary city. However, there is something much darker, and more evil to worry about.

7. Smuggling/Trafficking & Open Borders Link

2.2 Conceptualization of smuggling of migrants
2.2.1 Smuggling as an illegal migration business
The conceptualization of smuggling as a migration business was formally developed by Salt and Stein in 1997, even if one may find reference to this theory in earlier literature. This new interpretation of the smuggling phenomenon had a great influence on academic circles, and the concept was then borrowed by many academics. In a critical analysis of this concept, Herman stresses that the focus of expert discussions then revolved around the notion of a migration industry and its professionalization, in which migrants are seen as “products” and “people who aid migrants are called ‘smugglers’, and are portrayed as illegal ‘entrepreneurs’”

Salt and Stein suggested treating international migration as a global business that has both legitimate and illegitimate sides. The migration business is conceived as a system of institutionalized networks with complex profit and loss accounts, including a set of institutions, agents and individuals each of which stands to make a commercial gain.

The model conceives trafficking and smuggling as an intermediary part of the global migration business facilitating movement of people between origin and destination countries. The model is divided into three stages: the mobilization and recruitment of migrants; their movement en route; and their insertion and integration into labour markets and host societies in destination countries. Salt and Stein conclude their theory by citing the need to look at immigration controls in a new way, placing sharper focus on the institutions and vested interests involved rather than on the migrants themselves.

This was addressed in Part 9 of the series. Even the United Nations recognizes the connection between illegal entry, and human smuggling & trafficking. While this 2011 study focused on borders, the same idea applies to sanctuary cities. After all, it will be a lot easier for illegals to get by if they can access social services without actually having to be in the country lawfully.

8. Toronto’s Human Trafficking Problem

The City of Toronto condemns the horrific crime of human trafficking and is committed to working collaboratively to support survivors of human trafficking and eradicate human trafficking in Toronto.

Over the last decade, concern regarding human trafficking in Canada has grown. In Toronto, human trafficking for the purposes of forced sexual labour has received significant attention.

Human trafficking is a complex issue for which there is limited data that can be relied upon to fully describe and understand the problem. From the limited data that is available, it is clear that human trafficking occurs throughout Toronto.

The City’s work related to human trafficking falls into the four main categories of the anti-human trafficking lens, where the person being trafficked, or at risk of being trafficked, is put at the centre, and their safety, well-being and human rights are prioritized:
(1) identifying people being or at-risk of being trafficked
(2) supporting survivors of human trafficking
(3) preventing human trafficking
(4) avoiding increasing the vulnerability of people engaged in consensual sex work.
On June 18, 2019, Council adopted the report (EC5.4) that outlines a number of actions that the City proposes to take, in collaboration with other agencies, corporations and divisions to support survivors of human trafficking.

Certainly, human trafficking is awful. There is no excuse whatsoever for forcing or coercing someone, or for exploitation of people. This is even more true when minors are involved.

But what does any of this have to do with open borders, or with Toronto becoming a sanctuary city? Take a look at some of Toronto’s “measures to combat” trafficking, and it becomes more clear.

Service Access
The City has many services that may be useful to survivors of human trafficking. While some people may be fearful of accessing services because they do not have immigration status, the City’s Access to City Services for Undocumented Torontonians (Access T.O.) ensures access to services to all Torontonians, including those without full status or full status documents.

Yes, letting people into the country illegally, or establishing sanctuary cities are harmless, critics say. However, the City of Toronto is fully aware that trafficking happens to people who aren’t in the country legally. Whether entry comes from illegally entering, or overstaying a legal entry, the result is much the same. People are here — unknown to the Government — who are being exploited.

Did Doug and Rob Ford vote to support human trafficking? No they didn’t. However, by supporting Toronto becoming a “sanctuary city”, they helped ensure that illegals will continue to flood into Toronto, and that identifying people will become that much harder.

9. Toronto Knows Illegals Are Trafficked


(page 9) Service access: The City has many services, as noted above, that may be useful to survivors of human trafficking. However, some people may be fearful of accessing services because they do not have immigration status. The City’s Access Toronto policy is relevant. In February 2013, City Council affirmed its commitment to ensuring access to services to all Torontonians, including those without full status or without full status documents.

(page 11) Access to income: Toronto Employment and Social Services has established several policies to support individuals who are vulnerable and at-risk of exploitation, including human trafficking survivors. For example, within eligibility for Ontario Works, procedures are in place that permit the waiver of documentation requirements on a short term basis when information is not readily available due to circumstances beyond a person’s control.

Individuals without immigration status in Canada can access Toronto Employment and Social Services Employment Centres, and apply for financial support through the Hardship Fund or Emergency Energy Fund that is administered by Toronto Employment and Social Services. Additionally, Toronto Employment and Social Services Service Delivery Guidelines ensure clients are connected to relevant support services and community resources.

The City of Toronto is fully aware that a portion of victims (though it’s not clear how many), are in the country illegally. Open borders, combined with sanctuary status, ensures that this will only get worse.

The Fords may not have explicitly voted for this, but it is the consequence. People involved in human trafficking — both as victims and perpetrators — are now able to live in a major city, and are completely unknown to authorities.

10. Toronto Pays Ethnic Anti-Trafficking NGOs

Not too many convictions since Toronto Police Services began keeping track in 2014. And considering recent calls to defund the police, how will this get any better?


(Appendix F) In September 2017, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Government of Ontario, announced a total of approximately $18.6 million to 44 partners and agencies across the province for projects that aim to prevent human trafficking and support survivors. Grants for Toronto-based partners were allocated the total amount of $3.1 million and the funded period started in 2017.

  • FCJ Refugee Centre: Identification, intervention and prevention of labour trafficking and exploitation among migrant workers ($369,289)
  • South Asian Legal Clinic Ontario: Legal education for victims and survivors of human trafficking and front-line service providers in the areas of criminal law, immigration law and employment law, including e-learning tools that can be accessed throughout Ontario ($156,768)
  • Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network): Butterfly: Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network is managing the Migrant Sex Workers Outreach and Education Project which provides outreach specifically to migrant sex workers across Toronto. Peer workers provide monthly harm reduction workshops at informal gatherings to reduce isolation and increase harm reduction knowledge amongst migrant sex workers. ($199,311)
  • Native Family Child and Youth Services Toronto: Comprehensive culture-based outreach, prevention, healing, and treatment services for Indigenous survivor ($406,325)
  • Native Women’s Resource Centre Toronto Facilitation of regional working groups to provide education, evidence-based interventions, holistic individualized supports and wraparound resources that empower survivors. This will include 12 community engagements ($678,641)

Human trafficking seems to be such a widespread problem that groups are choosing to help victims along ethnic lines. Again, how does making Toronto a sanctuary city cause it to be any safer?

11. Sanctuary Cities Shield Predators

Although there is more data available in the United States on illegals being released, the same issue exists in Canada. Predators in Canada are already released after short sentences. If sanctuary cities exist, it becomes easier to disappear. Either the person can hide in such a city, or, if deported, can come back and hide fairly easily.

Think of it from this perspective: if city staff doesn’t care whether its residents are there legally, how seriously will it take the plight of people being exploited?

12. Porn/Prostitution & Trafficking Are Linked


Distinctions between consensual sex work and human trafficking

A broad range of stakeholders are concerned about the conflation of consensual sex work and human trafficking. While consensual sex work may include some elements of exploitation, as many forms of work do, it is distinct from human trafficking in that the “worker” is not coerced. There is general agreement that anti-human trafficking measures should focus on people who are being coerced and controlled.

When consensual sex work is conflated with human trafficking, there is often increased surveillance of sex work and efforts to “rescue” sex workers. Avoiding conflating consensual sex work and human trafficking is important so that sex workers are not further surveilled, stigmatized, criminalized1, and forced underground, resulting in greater marginalization and isolation. The more socially and physically isolated sex workers are, the more vulnerable they are to violence and exploitation. Relatedly, providing access to services and resources that promote harm reduction to people engaged in consensual sex work both supports sex workers’ well-being and provides opportunities for sex workers to build relationships that may be useful if they choose to leave the sex industry and/or if they experience violence or exploitation.

The Toronto Anti-Trafficking Action Report tries to have it both ways. It repeatedly insists that consensual sex workers are not being exploited. Yet it also says that sex workers can be (and are) exploited to a degree. It seems almost schizophrenic in its reasoning.

13. John Tory Supports Sanctuary Toronto

Toronto Mayor, and former Ontario Conservative Party leader, John Tory, also supports Toronto being a sanctuary city. To think this man almost became Ontario Premier in 2007. Then again, his successors are no better.

14. How Widespread Is Trafficking In Canada?


Unfortunately, getting a real answer to this question is difficult, as there is little data available. However, the BC Government has some worthwhile information of a general nature. The RCMP does provide some numbers, and international trafficking is addressed.

15. Trudeau Reduced Penalties For Child Sex Crimes

Worth mentioning is this and this earlier articles, the Trudeau Government actually reduced the penalties for child sex crimes. While everyone was outraged about the diluted sentences for terrorism, the break that it gave to pedophiles seemed to slip by. Also, the various parties work together to prevent real border security from taking place.

16. Sanctuary Cities Conceal Problems

While touted as a humanitarian gesture, sanctuary cities can have the exact opposite effect. Making it easier to conceal people illegally in the country ensures they are more likely to be exploited. After all, few know where they are, and officially they don’t exist.

It’s expected that liberal globalists will support sanctuary cities. The real disappointment, however, is so-called “conservatives” who go along with it anyway.

CV #47: Media Manipulation, Free Speech And The “Pandemic” Hoax

Remember when this was only supposed to be 2 weeks? Remember when it was just about “flattening the curve”? Well, prepare to have the next 2 to 3 years of your life set on hold. That is, until the goal posts move again.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For other articles in the coronavirus series, check here. There is an awful lot that you are not being told my the mainstream media, including the lies, lobbying, money changing hands, and one world agenda. Nothing is what it appears to be. Also, check out related topics, such as the media, and free speech.

2. Context For This Piece

The media in Canada (and elsewhere) report on this fake pandemic almost non-stop. However, there are many important topics and details that aren’t reported, or are just done so in a very superficial way. Some independent outlets do, but they are few are far between. Outlets that receive subsidies are unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them.

By mainstream, of course this refers to outlets like CBC, CTV and Global News. However, the Post Media empire (which comprises dozens of newspapers), and the Koch/Atlas “independents” are little, if any, better.

In order to understand what is really going on, we need to talk about the important things that aren’t being addressed.

3. Collusion Of Social Media Outlets

It’s not some conspiracy theory that social media outlets like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube were colluding to limit information that contradicts the public narrative. Furthermore, they limit access to anti-vaccine information on their platforms. In fact, they are quite open about doing it. They rationalize it for the public as acts of safety and protection. UNESCO does it as well.

Don’t like being fed B.S.? Well, be quiet and tolerate it. Otherwise, they may accuse you of spreading misinformation, and access to these platforms may be removed.

4. Canadian Media Pushing Fear-Porn

BC 2,898 3,392 85% 190 3
AB 8,506 9,975 85% 176 21
SK 838 1,072 78% 16 13
MB 319 375 86% 7 1
ON 33,963 38,210 89% 2,755 35
QC ? 58,080 ? 5,662 14
NB 165 170 97% 2 0
NS 1,003 1,067 94% 63 0
NFLD 259 264 98% 3 0
PEI 34 36 94% 0 0

The above chart was a snapshot of July 23, 2020. The Province’s own data shows that the overwhelming majority of people who got sick have already recovered. So why the need to force a vaccine?

And here are the numbers the Federal Government has posted as of last night. Again, the vast majority have already recovered, yet the government and media work together to keep people in a state of panic.

5. Canadian Media Pushing Culture Shift

The Canadian media is becoming more and more overt in pushing the agenda. No longer is this purely about safety. Instead, there are intense efforts to create a culture shift, to have things like masks become viewed as normal in society. Again, this is not about safety, but about changing behaviour. Try as they will, this will never become normal.

There is an interesting parallel about making the hijab a part of society. It started with societal pressure, and eventually became law in some places. Yet it is still promoted as a “choice”.

And why do our leaders want everyone to wear masks? Because if people are willing to follow orders and do this, then they will probably line up en masse for their vaccines.

While the NPC is an overused meme (not sure the creator here), there is a valid point: if masks work, then how come EVERYONE has to wear one? Similarly, if vaccines work, how come people won’t be safe unless EVERYONE is taking one?

While opposing voices do have the right to speak out (at least for now), articles and videos like this are becoming more common. Legitimate concerns are being met with gaslighting.

6. Media Deflecting With Floyd Psy-Op

When people started asking hard questions about this coronavirus pandemic, it became necessary to shift the focus. Conveniently, there was an allegedly racially motivated murder in Minnesota (see here and here). On to the next story.

This also had the effect of making it seem like people had “moved on” from the topic of wearing masks everywhere. That was no longer a topic that needed discussion. Instead, it was all about racial injustice and systemic racism. Since that psy-op has died down, it’s back to the virus “pandemic”.

However, having everyone walking around with masks is not normal. Pretending otherwise doesn’t make it reality.

7. Vaccine Hesitancy Research Ramping Up

The media in Canada doesn’t seem interested in pointing out just how many programs there are in Canada to overcome “vaccine hesitancy”. These are not programs to MAKE vaccines safer. Instead, these programs are to CONVINCE you that they already are. One of the most prominent is the VCP, or the Vaccine Confidence Project.

8. Laws Cracking Down On Free Speech

Back in April, Dominic LeBlanc, President of the Privy Council, suggested passing laws to ban “misinformation” related to this so-called pandemic. Although it was just a proposal, the mainstream media in Canada seemed fairly unconcerned with this veiled threat to free speech. Perhaps they didn’t want to see their subsidies cut off.

9. Gates Financing Imperial College London

Oct 2010 $3,044,244 HIV Computer Modelling***
Oct 2012 $3,589,972 Malaria Computer Models***
June 2013 $1,397,325 Merger, Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $772,341 Polio Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $582,541 TB Computer Modelling***
Nov 2016 $100,000 Malaria Tracing Modelling***
Nov 2016 $5,625,310 Vaxx Computer Modelling***
Sept 2018 $505,207 HIV/Reprod Modelling***
Nov 2018 $326,707 TB Computer Modelling***

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributed some $16 million to Imperial College London, according to their own postings. However, that is a drop in the bucket compared to other donations they have made.

One has to ask “why” the Gates Foundation would continue to fund Neil Ferguson’s computer modelling, after his proven track record for screwing up. Keep in mind, computer models are predictions, not proof. A cynic might think that Gates uses Ferguson to specifically make doomsday predictions. Intentionally or not, however, the mainstream media doesn’t make the financial connection between the parties.

Questioning the computer modelling isn’t a wonky conspiracy — it’s necessary for a functioning society.

10. Conflicts Of Interest Not Reported

It should raise serious concerns that the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada works for the World Health Organization, though that was eventually addressed. Likewise, it’s alarming that the sitting Deputy Prime Minister and former Bank of Canada President are both Trustees for the World Economic Forum.

GAVI hired Crestview Strategy, a lobbying firm to push the vaccine agenda. One of their lobbyists was Zakery Blais, former assistant to the current Attorney General, David Lametti. And Crestview was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, Trudeau’s Chief of Staff.

As for the Gates Foundation itself,
Link to search IRS charity tax records:

Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

On the topic of conflict-of-interest, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been a very large donor to (among others):
(a) GAVI
(b) World Health Organization
(c) Center for Disease Control
(d) John Hopkins University
(e) Imperial College London
(f) United Nations
(g) ID2020
(h) Immunization 2030

How can the average person have access to free speech and adequate representation when political leaders hide behind friendly media, and only take pre-approved questions?

11. Lies Of Public Officials Not Reported

(a) There’s no science behind limiting groups to 50 people
(b) Covid tests result in almost 50% false positives
(c) Politicians not giving direct answers on contradictions
(d) Death toll is artificially being inflated
(e) Toronto Public Health lying about its numbers
(f) WHO says no evidence to support masking healthy people
(g) WHO doesn’t say keep 2 metre distance
(h) Bill Gates owns virus patents and supports depopulation

There are many more of course. However, these restrictions that Canadian politicians are imposing on the people don’t have any medical or scientific basis. What’s more: they are fully aware of this, but do it anyway. Yet the media silence is deafening.

12. Openly Globalist Agenda Not Reported

There is a much bigger picture than what is being presented to us.

  • United Nations Population Division
  • World Health Organization
  • GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations
  • Immunization 2030
  • ID2020
  • World Economic Forum

13. Immunity Passports, Contact Tracing

Remember when it was dismissed as tin-foil hat ravings that an “immunity passport” would be coming? The World Economic Forum now openly suggests one. Likewise, contact tracing is now something publicly talked about. What was mocked previously is now considered serious policy discussion.

14. Rampant Lobbying Not Being Reported

The mainstream media pays zero attention to the lobbying that the pharmaceutical industry is involved with. See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why the heavy push for a vaccine? It’s because the pharma lobby wants one, as it will be worth many billions of dollars.

15. Questionable Legislation Not Reported

The legislation mention here and here is Motion M-132, introduced by Raj Saini. Its stated goals were to finance drug research and drug manufacturing for Canada AND ABROAD. While this may have seemed harmless enough in 2017, this fake pandemic puts things in a whole different light.

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

Given that the Sherman killings happened a month after this was introduced, one might reasonably wonder if there was any connection.

16. The Vaccine Bonds Industry

Canada recently contributed to the vaccine bonds industry, giving $125 million to IFFIm, the International Finance Facility for Immunization. While this fact was mentioned by the media, they chose to go no deeper into the scheme.

The Canadian media also never asked the obvious question: why not give the money directly to GAVI, instead of letting other parties skim off the top of it?

17. Promoting Degeneracy As Coping Mechanism

While the B.C. Government restricts normal, healthy activities, it promotes all sorts of immoral and disgusting behaviour. This includes: access to abortion, pornography, masturbation, glory holes, and prostitution. It’s as if the people running the province are intentionally trying to break down any sense of decency and social cohesion.

18. Pre-Planning This Pandemic

  • Dark Winter (2001)
  • Dead Zone (2003 Movie)
  • Atlantic Storm (2005)
  • Rockefeller/Lockstep Narrative (2010)
  • Theresa Tam, Outbreak (2010)
  • Clade X (2018)
  • Event 201 (2019)

How many dress rehearsals need to be done in order to see that this current situation was planned out as well? Despite the evidence, and the ease to find it, there seems to be no interest in mainstream Canadian media. Also, who exactly is Theresa Tam anyway? There is almost no information available.

19. Citizen Journalists Are Needed Here

None of the information above was difficult to find. There were no secret codes, or access needed to get at any of it. All that was required was an internet connection, and some patience.

It’s incredibly disappointing to see that mainstream media, and even the alternative media show no interest in searching out the truth. But it’s not surprising. All that’s left is for citizen journalists to take the lead, and expose what is going on.

There is still much more to cover. However, this article is a fair representation of the research that has been published thus far.

CV #46: Dominic LeBlanc Proposes Law To Ban “Misinformation” About Virus

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For other articles in the coronavirus series, check here. There is an awful lot that you are not being told my the mainstream media, including the lies, lobbying, money changing hands, and one world agenda. Nothing is what it appears to be. Also, check out related topics, such as the media, and free speech.

2. Recent Proposal To Require Licensing

Keep in mind, if was only back in February that the Federal Government had proposed making it mandatory for media personalities to be licensed. Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault admits that the panel proposing it was formed in 2018 by the Liberals.

So the Liberals are no stranger to attacking free speech. In fairness though, the groups pushing for media licensing may be different than those pushing to ban research into coronavirus.

3. Quotes From CBC Article

The federal government is considering introducing legislation to make it an offence to knowingly spread misinformation that could harm people, says Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc.

LeBlanc told CBC News he is interested in British MP Damian Collins’s call for laws to punish those responsible for spreading dangerous misinformation online about the COVID-19 pandemic.

LeBlanc said he has discussed the matter already with other cabinet ministers, including Justice Minister David Lametti. If the government decides to follow through, he said, it could take a while to draft legislation.

“Legislatures and Parliaments are meeting scarcely because of the current context of the pandemic, so it’s not a quick solution, but it’s certainly something that we would be open [to] as a government,” said LeBlanc.

NDP MP Charlie Angus said he would support legislation to fight online misinformation.

Yes, this came out in April, but is worth revisiting. The Canadian Government is seriously open to the idea of cracking down on what it calls “misinformation” harmful to the public. Also disturbing is an NDP MP who is open to joining the Liberals in this. This is after calls in the UK for similar laws.

More recently, said Collins, the misinformation has shifted to conspiracy theories about what triggered the pandemic — claims that it was cooked up in a lab, for example. A conspiracy theory claiming the disease is caused by 5G wireless signals prompted attacks on wireless towers in the U.K.

The British government has set up a rapid response team to correct false information circulating online. Collins has launched a fact-checking site called Infotagion, along with Angus and Liberal MP Nate Erskine-Smith, among others.

No this is not just a Canadian problem. It’s a problem for people (globally) who want to expose and write about what is really happening.

4. LeBlanc & Microsoft President Smith

There’s been an online surge in disinformation and misinformation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic in recent weeks, along with cyber attacks on hospitals, says the head of one of the world’s tech giants.

Speaking at an event with Canadian Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc this morning, Microsoft president Brad Smith said his company has seen a recent shift in the pattern of online attacks and efforts to spread false rumours and lies about the pandemic.

Microsoft President met with Dominic LeBlanc in May to talk about the wave of misinformation that was all over the internet. Never mind the obvious fact that Microsoft was headed by Bill gates until very recently, who is pushing the vaccine agenda.

5. Social Media Collusion Already Exists

If we are going to have a law to ban “misinformation”, why don’t we start here? Social media companies like Twitter, Google and Facebook already work to promote the vaccine agenda. They already work together to dismiss critics. Wouldn’t that be a textbook case of what should be included in this proposed ban?

6. So What Exactly Is “Misinformation”?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam works for the World Health Organization?

Or how about that Deputy Prime Minister Chystia Freeland also is on the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum? And to mention Mark Carney, former head of the Bank of Canada, is as well? Is it “misinformation” to point out that the WEF was behind getting CV declared a pandemic, and now pushes the GREAT RESET?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that on August 4, Theresa Tam parroted the World Health Organization’s line about a vaccine not being a silver bullet?

Is it “misinformation” to point out the rampant lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry here, here, here, and here?

Is it “misinformation” to point out the vast research done into vaccine hesitancy? This is research into psychological manipulation to convince people that vaccines are safe. Not research into MAKING safe vaccines, but research into CONVINCING you that they already are. See here and here.

Is it “misinformation” to point out M-132 was launched PRIOR to this pandemic, to finance drugs, and drug research for the entire world?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a major and regular contributor to Imperial College London, who does the CV modelling?

Is it “misinformation” to point out the vaccine bonds industry we send money to offers nothing of substance in return?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that the Provinces’ own data show the overwhelming majority of people recover on their own, with no vaccine?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that the BC Provincial Health Officer repeatedly admits there is no science behind limiting group sizes, but does it anyway?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer Of Health, Barbara Yaffe, admitted that 50% of tests give false positives?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that the World Health Organization doesn’t actually say to stay 2 metres apart?

Is it “misinformation” to point out the rampant lying and exaggerating by public officials of the virus death tolls?

Is it “misinformation” to point out that social media companies openly collude with governments in order to push the pro-vaccine agenda?

7. Still Just A Proposal (For Now)

While it seems to still just be an idea for consideration, it’s a chilling one. Such a law would effectively give the government the right to silence anyone who criticizes its agenda, REGARDLESS of how accurate or factual it may be.

On a personal note: could this site be shut down under the guise of “promoting misinformation”? Could all of this work cease to exist?

CV #45: Ottawa Lies, WHO “Doesn’t” Recommend 2m Distancing

WHO says 1 metre.
So where does the 2 metre guidelines come from?

Here, we are continuing to expose the lies. First, a recap of several examples of the “science” being distorted, then let’s jump into the lie that WHO recommends people be separated by 2 metres.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For more on the hoax, check out this series. Understand the lies, corruption, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and money changing hands. This rabbit hole is much deeper than what people realize.

2. No Science Behind Computer Modelling

Why would anyone listen to Imperial College London or Neil Ferguson after their lengthy track record of completely wrong predictions? Remember, models aren’t proof of anything, just predictions. When you realize that the Gates Foundation has been funding them for years, things start to make sense.

3. No Science Predicting Asymptomatic Transfer

The World Health Organization can’t give any sort of clear answer on the rate of asymptomatic people spreading. They also have no clue how many people are infected globally. Again, this is all based on computer modelling. Saying (in June) that 6% to 41% of the population is infected but asymptomatic is pretty useless. But it does raise the serious question how deadly this virus is.

4. No Science Behind Limiting Group Sizes

BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry repeatedly admits there is no science behind limiting public gatherings to 50 people, but does it anyway. On May 25, 2020, she said that “50 cars” was included in the guidelines for limiting groups of people who can get together.

5. No Science Masking Healthy People

WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng (1)

Worth a reminder: the World Health Organization said in April 2020 that there was no evidence to support masks for healthy people, but that health care providers need access anyway. In June 2020, WHO said there was still no evidence, but recommended them anyway. See this post, or an admission from BBC that this is political, at 4:20 in the video.

6. Covid Test Gets 50% False Positives

People really think that testing is going to solve the entire problem, and it isn’t. It’s one component of a response. If you test someone today, you only know if they’re infected today. And in fact, of you’re testing in a population that doesn’t have very much covid, you’ll get false positives, almost half the time. That is, the person doesn’t actually have covid. They have something else. They may have nothing. So, it will just complicate the picture. On the other hand, if we have evidence of a case, even a suspect case in school, all the contacts, be it a child or a teacher, would be tested.

This is Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer Of Health, Barbara Yaffe. She says that tests can have up to a 50% false positive rate. The test is garbage, as the article explains. See this clip, and this full video (at 36:20).

7. People Recovering Without Any Vaccine

BC 2,898 3,392 85% 190 3
AB 8,506 9,975 85% 176 21
SK 838 1,072 78% 16 13
MB 319 375 86% 7 1
ON 33,963 38,210 89% 2,755 35
QC ? 58,080 ? 5,662 14
NB 165 170 97% 2 0
NS 1,003 1,067 94% 63 0
NFLD 259 264 98% 3 0
PEI 34 36 94% 0 0

The table represents the compiled data as of July 23, 2020. Each Province (except Quebec, who wasn’t listed) says that their infected people are overwhelmingly recovering on their own.

8. Lobbying, Not Science, In Vaccine Drive

This has been covered in Part 4, Part 5, Part 21, and elsewhere in the series. The pharmaceutical industry is heavily invested in making sure that a vaccine is “necessary” regardless of whether or not it’s needed for public health. An awful lot of money tied up in this.

9. Politics, Not Science Inflating Death Toll

This list has been added to several times. It is a compilation of lies and inconsistencies when public officials distort the truth in order to make the “pandemic” seem much worse than it really is.

10. Global Reset Is Agenda, Not Science

Globalist players have been planning to use this “pandemic” as an opportunity to seek broader changes. See this review, or this video.

Now that we’ve set the stage for the lies and dishonesty being perpetrated, let’s get to the specific topic of that 2 metre separation between people.

11. What WHO Says On People Distancing

To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:
-Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
-Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
-Avoid touching your face.
-Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
-Stay home if you feel unwell.
-Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
-Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.

So not only does it say 1 metre (not 2), but it says to stay away from them coughing of sneezing. This is still up on WHO’s site. Not only that, it doesn’t list masks as a recommendation for prevention.

12. WHO Guidelines From May 10

Also see the original here.

Physical distancing
• Introduce measures to keep a distance of at least 1 metre between people and avoid direct physical contact with other persons (i.e. hugging, touching, shaking hands), strict control over external access, queue management (marking on the floor, barriers)
• Reduce density of people in the building (no more than 1 person per every 10 square metres), ivphysical spacing at least 1 metre apart for work stations and common spaces, such as entrances/exits, lifts, pantries/canteens, stairs, wherecongregation or queuing of employees or visitors/clients might occur.
• Minimize the need for physical meetings, e.g. by using teleconferencing facilities
• Avoid crowding by staggering working hours to reduce congregation of employees at common spaces such as entrances
or exits
• Implement or enhance shift or split-team arrangements, or teleworking
Defer or suspend workplace events that involve close and prolonged contact among participants, including social gatherings.

I don’t see any reference to 2 metres anywhere in the document.

13. WHO On “Safe” Ritualistic Slaughter

Also see the original here.

Overarching considerations
Advice on physical distancing
• Practice physical distancing by strictly maintaining a distance of at least 1 metre between people at all times.
• If physical distancing cannot be achieved, wearing a fabric mask is recommended. It is critical to follow best practices on how to wear, remove and dispose of masks, and performing hand hygiene after removal.7
• Use culturally and religiously sanctioned greetings that avoid physical contact, such as waving, nodding, or placing the hand over the heart.
• Prohibit large numbers of people gathering in public places associated with Eid activities, such as markets, shops and mosques. If allowed, a mechanism should be in place to regulate such activities and avoid gathering of people.
• Restrict social gatherings, both public and private, and encourage the use of technology for meeting and greeting people to mitigate transmission.
• Consider closing of entertainment venues, particularly indoor venues, during Eid to avoid the mass gathering of people.

Again, where is this 2 metres that Canadian officials are always going on about? It doesn’t appear anywhere in the document.

Animal-Human Interface and Sacrificial Slaughter
The source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not yet been identified. Understanding which animal species are most susceptible to the virus is important in discovering potential animal reservoirs to mitigate transmission and future outbreaks. According to common safe practices when handling meat, countries should take strict measures around the selling and slaughtering of animals and the distribution of meat while ensuring that national food safety and hygiene regulations are enforced.

Understand that halal slaughter involves inflicting deliberate cruelty, and causing intentional suffering. The World Health Organization doesn’t actually say stop, just follow some rules.

Meanwhile, church goers who aren’t maiming or disfiguring animals are limited to gathering in groups of 50, at least in BC. This is from July 25, 2020.

14. WHO Guidelines From May 20

the importance of source control such as providing medical masks if available to travellers with respiratory symptoms, performing frequent hand hygiene and maintaining at least 1 meter physical distance from others before, during and after the interview process


On May 20, 2020 guidelines, WHO said that 1 metre difference between people was sufficient, (see original). Again, where is 2 metres coming from?

15. Gov’t Distorts WHO Recommendations


There are many more “technical guidance publications” that the World Health Organization has freely available. One thing they have in common: they never mention 2 metres (at least the ones seen so far). So what is the real reason for implementing this? To make surveillance easier?

July: BBC Reports WHO Mask Reversal Politically Motivated

The BBC covered Atlantic Storm in 2005. Did no one connect the dots between that fake pandemic, and this one in 2020?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For more on the coronavirus hoax, take a dive into the rest of the series. Information that you will never hear about from the mainstream media.

2. BBC Video Publicly Released


CLICK HERE, for the original video. Also see a backup copy of the video mirrored onto Bitchute.

3. WHO Says In June No Real Evidence

(Download the pdf at the bottom)
WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng (1)

(from page 4)

There are currently no studies that have evaluated the effectiveness and potential adverse effects of universal or targeted continuous mask use by health workers in preventing transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Despite the lack of evidence the great majority of the WHO COVID-19 IPC GDG members supports the practice of health workers and caregivers in clinical areas (irrespective of whether there are COVID-19 or other patients in the clinical areas) in geographic settings where there is known or suspected community transmission of COVID-19, to continuously wear a medical mask throughout their shift, apart from when eating and drinking or changing the mask after caring for a patient requiring droplet/contact precautions for other reasons (e.g., influenza), to avoid any possibility of cross-transmission

So there are no actual studies to test or research the effectiveness of masks in health care settings. However, it’s common practice to expect them to be worn.

(from page 6)

Available evidence
Studies of influenza, influenza-like illness, and human coronaviruses (not including COVID-19) provide evidence that the use of a medical mask can prevent the spread of infectious droplets from a symptomatic infected person (source control) to someone else and potential contamination of the environment by these droplets.(54, 55) There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in households, in particular those who share a house with a sick person, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a measure preventing transmission.(41, 56-61) A recent meta-analysis of these observational studies, with the intrinsic biases of observational data, showed that either disposable surgical masks or reusable 12–16-layer cotton masks were associated with protection of healthy individuals within households and among contacts of cases.(42)

This could be considered to be indirect evidence for the use of masks (medical or other) by healthy individuals in the wider community; however, these studies suggest that such individuals would need to be in close proximity to an infected person in a household or at a mass gathering where physical distancing cannot be achieved, to become infected with the virus.

Results from cluster randomized controlled trials on the use of masks among young adults living in university residences in the United States of America indicate that face masks may reduce the rate of influenza-like illness, but showed no impact on risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.(62, 63) At present, there is no direct evidence (from studies on COVID19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19

The World Health Organization admits there is no direct evidence that widespread masking of healthy people actually prevents any sort of sickness. They speak on in terms of “indirect evidence” or being “possible”.

(from page 6)

2) Advice to decision makers on the use of masks for the
general public
Many countries have recommended the use of fabric masks/face coverings for the general public. At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider (see below).

However, taking into account the available studies evaluating pre- and asymptomatic transmission, a growing compendium of observational evidence on the use of masks by the general public in several countries, individual values and preferences, as well as the difficulty of physical distancing in many contexts, WHO has updated its guidance to advise that to prevent COVID-19 transmission effectively in areas of community transmission, governments should encourage the general public to wear masks in specific situations and settings as part of a comprehensive approach to suppress SARS-CoV-2 transmission (Table 2).

So no direct scientific evidence to support masking healthy people, but governments should encourage it anyway. Rather than focusing exclusively on science, it takes “values and preferences” into account. Perhaps this is why BCPHO Bonnie Henry says “there’s no science behind it”. It gets even better.

(from end of page 8/early 9)

A non-medical mask is neither a medical device nor personal protective equipment. However, a non-medical mask standard has been developed by the French Standardization Association (AFNOR Group) to define minimum performance in terms of filtration (minimum 70% solid particle filtration or droplet filtration) and breathability (maximum pressure difference of 0.6 mbar/cm2 or maximum Advice on the use of masks in the context of COVID-19: Interim guidance inhalation resistance of 2.4 mbar and maximum exhalation resistance of 3 mbar).

The lower filtration and breathability standardized requirements, and overall expected performance, indicate that the use of non-medical masks, made of woven fabrics such as cloth, and/or non-woven fabrics, should only be considered for source control (used by infected persons) in community settings and not for prevention. They can be used ad-hoc for specific activities (e.g., while on public transport when physical distancing cannot be maintained), and their use should always be accompanied by frequent hand hygiene and physical distancing.

So a non-medical mask isn’t actually considered PPE. But it’s nice to know that 70% is the new standard for being an acceptable filter. And despite them not being beneficial to healthy people, the World Health Organization recommends them anyway.

(from page 10)

WHO is collaborating with research and development partners and the scientific community engaged in textile
engineering and fabric design to facilitate a better understanding of the effectiveness and efficiency of nonmedical masks. WHO urges countries that have issued recommendations on the use of both medical and non-medical masks by healthy people in community settings to conduct research on this important topic. Such research needs to look at whether SARS-CoV-2 particles can be expelled through non-medical masks of poor quality worn by a person with symptoms of COVID-19 while that person is coughing, sneezing or speaking. Research is also needed on nonmedical mask use by children and other medically
challenging persons
and settings as mentioned above.

World Health Organization recommends the use of masks, but admits that research needs to be done, and there’s no hard evidence that they work on healthy people.

4. WHO Says In April No Real Evidence


In April 2020, the World Health Organization said there was no evidence to support putting masks on healthy people. In June, they reiterated that there was no evidence, but recommended them anyway. However, that “no evidence” portion gets lost in public discussions.

Wake up people. It’s all been a lie.

5. Gates Foundation Major BBC Donor

Link to search IRS charity tax records:

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

World Economic Forum; The “Great Reset”; Hoax An Excuse To Bring About Change

1. Other Articles Globalism, CV Hoax

CLICK HERE, for the CV “planned-emic” series.
CLICK HERE, for review of the Paris Accord.
CLICK HERE, for UN Agenda 2030.
CLICK HERE, for UN Digital Cooperation (internet regulation).
CLICK HERE, for MasterCard and financial inclusion.
CLICK HERE, for research on vaccine hesitancy.
CLICK HERE, for the Vaccine Confidence Project.

2. World Economic Forum, Global Reset

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.

As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.

The World Economic Forum has developed a reputation as a trusted platform for informed collaboration and cooperation between all stakeholders – reinforced by a track record of success over five decades. The Forum now offers its experience in building purpose-driven communities in service of the extraordinary challenge and opportunity the world faces for a “Great Reset”. The Forum provides an unparalleled platform for creating, shaping and delivering collaborative solutions for the future through its:

Is this about curing a deadly pandemic? No, it’s about using the “illusion” of a pandemic in order to bring about a massive social upheaval. This is an upheaval that

3. Global Reset Summit, June 2020

-CV shows that old systems are no longer adequate
-This is about addressing fairness and equality
-Nationalism apparently equates to racism
-Need to build a new social contract, be in harmony with nature
-This is an opportunity not to be wasted
-Cyberspace is lawless (ie no internet regulation)
-Inequality (financial?!) must be addressed
-Building on Agenda 2030 and Paris Accord
-Climate change is a major issue to be addressed
-Climate change threatens the human race
-Economy to be replaced by a “bio-economy”
-A new “global economic system” to replace existing one
-New priority is so-called sustainable financing
-This is an “opportunity” that may never come up again
-MasterCard rep is present and pushing financial inclusion
-Bailouts conditional on green committments

4. WEF Global Reset Subtopics


5. Chrystia Freeland, Mark Carney On WEF

Our current Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, is on the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum, while holding high office in Canada. So is Mark Carney, and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

6. GAVI Still Integral To WEF Agenda

GAVI was launched at the 2000 World Economic Forum at Davos. It remains a big part of WEF’s goal of world domination.

7. WEF’s March 2020 Action Plan

The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. All stakeholders, especially global business, must urgently come together to minimize its impact on public health and limit its potential for further disruption to lives and economies around the world.

But the sum of many individual actions will not add up to a sufficient response. Only coordinated action by business, combined with global, multistakeholder cooperation – at exceptional scale and speed – can potentially mitigate the risk and impact of this unprecedented crisis.

No coincidence, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic after the March summit. Almost like they are on the same page.

8. WHO Lies About CV Being Treatable

Supposedly there is no cure yet to this virus (if it exists, at least according to the World Health Organization.

According to Health Canada, as of August 1st, there were 116,599 cases nationwide. Of those, 101,436 have already recovered. This is rather perplexing. How are people recovering en masse if there is no cure? Seriously, how are people getting cured if no cure exists?

An astute person will also notice recommendations of staying one (1) meter apart, not 2. Either government officials are not very observant, or they don’t want to give on this one.

9. Asymptomatic Spread? Don’t Know

On June 9, 2020, WHO reported that asymptomatic transfer was very rare. The next day they backtracked and said that “very rare doesn’t mean very rare”.

Can COVID-19 be caught from a person who has no symptoms?
COVID-19 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing or has other symptoms such as fever or tiredness. Many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true in the early stages of the disease. It is possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has just a mild cough and does not feel ill.
Some reports have indicated that people with no symptoms can transmit the virus. It is not yet known how often it happens. WHO is assessing ongoing research on the topic and will continue to share updated findings.

WHO’s latest version (from its website) seems to be maybe, but we have no idea how often it happens.

10. No Evidence To Support Maskings

WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng (1)
(from page 4)

There are currently no studies that have evaluated the effectiveness and potential adverse effects of universal or targeted continuous mask use by health workers in preventing transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Despite the lack of evidence the great majority of the WHO COVID-19 IPC GDG members supports the practice of health workers and caregivers in clinical areas (irrespective of whether there are COVID-19 or other patients in the clinical areas) in geographic settings where there is known or suspected community transmission of COVID-19, to continuously wear a medical mask throughout their shift, apart from when eating and drinking or changing the mask after caring for a patient requiring droplet/contact precautions for other reasons (e.g., influenza), to avoid any possibility of cross-transmission

So there are no actual studies to test or research the effectiveness of masks in health care settings. However, it’s common practice to expect them to be worn.

(from page 6)

Available evidence
Studies of influenza, influenza-like illness, and human coronaviruses (not including COVID-19) provide evidence that the use of a medical mask can prevent the spread of infectious droplets from a symptomatic infected person (source control) to someone else and potential contamination of the environment by these droplets.(54, 55) There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in households, in particular those who share a house with a sick person, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a measure preventing transmission.(41, 56-61) A recent meta-analysis of these observational studies, with the intrinsic biases of observational data, showed that either disposable surgical masks or reusable 12–16-layer cotton masks were associated with protection of healthy individuals within households and among contacts of cases.(42)

WHO reports that’s there no solid evidence to support the idea that forcing masks on healthy people works, yet they recommend it anyway.

11. No Evidence To Support Group Limits

Good old Bonnie Henry, BC Provincial Health Officer states that there is no science behind the Province allowing groups of up to 50 people.

12. Pandemic An Excuse To Enact Change

Why would politicians across country keep pushing the obviously BS narrative about the coronavirus? Quite simply, because this is all an elaborate diversion to keep the focus off the real goal. That goal, of course, is the global reset, and a new globalist agenda that will advance.