CV #10(B): Quebec Pharma Lobbying, Bipartisan Support For Lockdowns

Quebec Premier Francois Legault announces that more freedoms will be stripped away under the pretense of public safety. This will involve a forced curfew on Quebecers. But who’s really running the show in Quebec?

Link To Quebec Lobbying Registry

1. All Quebec Parties Support Lockdowns

To be fair, this not just Legault who is pushing this effort to impose a curfew. All parties in Quebec support it. Although they moan about the details of implementation, they are ideologically on the same page. Despite there being no evidence, none are willing to publicly reject it. This is only the appearance of opposition.

2. Gates Foundation Behind Quebec Lockdown

Date: October 2020
Purpose: to increase Canada’s global leadership through investments in international development
Amount: $541,566
Term: 24
Topic: Family Planning, Public Awareness and Analysis
Program: Advocacy|Global Development
Grantee Location: Westmount, Quebec
Grantee Website:

In October 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $541,566 to Global Canada, a “think tank” proposing martial law (a.k.a. lockdowns) throughout Canada. See the paper that is now publicly available. Keep in mind, that shills like Brian Lilley refused to properly cover that.

3. Gates Foundation Major McGill Donor

In October 2018, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $7.3 million to UNESCO in Montreal. There was also $195,000 handed out in November 2017. Those are far from the only grants in Quebec.

Date Of Grant Amount Given
November 2012 $1,488,773
November 2013 $2,351,021
October 2014 $196,305
October 2015 $100,000
August 2017 $652,488
September 2017 $50,000
July 2019 $629,970
April 2019 $524,285
April 2020 $839,644
September 2020 $1,227,508

Too lengthy to go into here, but it seems that an awful lot of powerful politicians have gone either to McGill, or University of British Columbia. Must be quite the networking opportunities.

4. Quebec Lobbying Registry Records

  • Aspen Pharmacare
  • Astellas Pharma Canada Inc
  • Canadian Biosimilars Forum
  • Gilead Sciences
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Laurent Pharmaceuticals
  • Merck
  • Novartis
  • Pfizer
  • Purdue Pharma
  • Sanofi
  • Teva
  • Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Inc.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but some of the companies that are lobbying in Quebec.

5. Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association

On behalf of CGPA and its member companies, congratulations to François Legault and his team for their historic victory in Monday’s Quebec elections. The CGPA wishes them every success in their majority mandate for the next four years. I also congratulate the elected representatives of all political parties, as well as the defeated candidates who participated in the important democratic process that has taken place over the last 40 days.

Our association looks forward to working with the new government on issues of importance to our members as well as Quebec’s health-care system and its economy. The CGPA and the Government of Quebec signed an agreement in July 2017 that achieves substantial savings for the health care system while helping to provide a more sustainable environment for generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. We remain committed to our ongoing partnership with the Government of Quebec.

Our association also reiterates its disappointment with the provisions of the US – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) that will delay Quebecers’ access to competitively priced biosimilar drugs. Biologic medicines are the fastest growing segment in the health sector. These delays will be costly to patients, the Government of Quebec and Quebec employers that sponsor drug plans for their employees.

Interesting. Is this normal to congratulate every politician who ever runs in any race? Or is in order to remain friendly with everyone, should the balance of power shift?

It seems that all major political parties are on board with the same vaccination and martial law initiatives. And it’s the citizens who suffer.

(1) Link To Quebec Lobbying Registry
(2) CTV: All QC Parties Support Lockdown Measures
(3) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Main Page
(4) Global Canada’s Paper On Proposed Lockdowns
(5) Gates Donated $541,000 To Global Canada Group, 2020
(6) Gates Donated $103,000 To Global Canada Group, 2015
(7) Global Canada’s Financial Supporters
(8) Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association

CV #4(C): Crestview Strategy’s Ashton Arsenault Takes Over Lobbying For GAVI

The Gates Foundation lobbies the Canadian Government, but not directly. It uses proxies. GAVI (the Global Vaccine Alliance), is heavily funded by Gates, and it employs a lobbying firm called Crestview Strategy. Crestview was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, and is well connected. Lobbyists are dispatched to Ottawa to try to get more taxpayer money.

The most recent to sign up is Ashton Arsenault.

Keep in mind, lobbying is legal (for the most part), as long as all meetings are documented, and available to the public. Doesn’t make it any less underhanded though.

1. Ashton Arsenault Latest Shill For GAVI

Ashton Arsenault is a senior consultant with Crestview Strategy based out of the Ottawa office.

Prior to joining Crestview, Ashton worked as a political aid on Parliament Hill where he was responsible for parliamentary affairs and issues management for the Minister of National Revenue. Prior to that, he worked as a legislative researcher in the Official Opposition Office in Prince Edward Island. He continues to volunteer in electoral politics at the federal level.

Ashton has been involved in politics for several years, serving as a campaign manager for a Conservative candidate in the 2015 General Election. As well, he served as the University of Prince Edward Island’s Chair of Council from 2011-2012.

Ashton holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Prince Edward Island and a Master of Political Management from Carleton University in Ottawa.

Zakery Blais worked for (Liberal) MP David Lametti, and Jason Clarke volunteered for (Liberal) candidates in Ottawa for the 2015 election. Arsenault has ties to the Conservative Party of Canada, showing that this is not simply a partisan issue.

Make no mistake, lobbying is a very effective way for corporations to get what they want. In total, GAVI has secured over $1 billion in funding, from different administrations.

2. Arsenault Also Represents Medicago

Arsenault is also lobbying on behalf of Medicago, which is working with GlaxoSmithKline to develop a plant-based vaccine for the coronavirus.

3. Arsenault Frequently A CPC Talking Head

Ashton Arsenault regularly appears on television in order to sell CPC talking points to a gullible crowd. This is, of course, not unique to Conservatives. All of these “debates” on screen are arranged to address pre-planned scripts for the public.

Arsenault has donated several times to the Conservative Party of Canada, but the amounts aren’t enough to draw much attention.

4. Arsenault Replaces Zakery Blais

Zakery Blais was previously a lobbyist for Crestview Strategy, on behalf of GAVI. He appears to have since left the firm. Blais also worked for David Lametti (yes, the sitting Attorney General), back when he was a Parliamentary Secretary.

5. What Else Crestview Strategy Does

Drive winning arguments.
Crestview Strategy effectively represents the interests of corporations, not-for-profits and industry associations to achieve results with governments around the world.
No longer is a winning outcome based on ‘who you know’ or the ‘magic meeting’. It is about contributing to the policy process, presenting a case that is supported by authentic community voices, verified impact and compelling insight. And getting in front of the right decision makers and opinion leaders to make that case.

Drive winning engagement.
We build and run campaigns that mobilize support and impact change for both political and corporate clients.
Mobilization campaigns are premised on the simple fact that for elected officials, the single most influential voice in shaping their decision is that of their local voters, influencers, and community leaders.
The benefits of mobilization go beyond just a one-off campaign. The long-term goal of mobilization is to increase engagement potential, provide greater value for members, and to increase the share of voice and influence outcomes.

Keep in mind that firms like Crestview Strategy employ operatives who cover multiple parties. By doing this, it ensures that influence peddling will be effective, regardless of who officially sits in power. It’s important to note that few politicians actually make their own decisions.


How Conservative Inc. Media Provides Cover For Hoax Being Perpetrated

This is Brian Lilley, who works for the Toronto Sun. Rather than do any in depth reporting on the fraud and hoax that this “pandemic” is, Lilley prefers to run interference for Doug Ford. Instead of holding the Ontario Government to account, his response is: “well, the other guys would have been worse”.

Lilley wants people to look at a symptom (how this is managed), and not the disease (creeping Communist takeover). He’s far from alone.

1. Strategic Uselessness Of Con Inc. Media

Liberal position: More lockdowns, more restrictions, more freedoms taken away. Don’t be selfish and act in individual interest.

Conservative position: Maybe these measures are a bit harsh, but people shouldn’t go around flaunting the rules. They should follow the directions of Public Health.

The effect this has is one of limiting of Overton Window so that public discourse is extremely narrow. An honest discussion of what’s going on is not encouraged by either side. And Conservative Inc. media plays their part in freezing and neutralizing any real opposition.

Very few argue that these measures — which are effectively martial law — are completely wrong, or that the “pandemic” is a manufactured crisis. What they do is criticize details of how it’s implemented.

This is intentional, of course. The goal is not holding Governments accountable for the things they do, but the “illusion” of holding them accountable. This is something completely different.

2. Con Inc. 2-Faced On Media Subsidies

Lorrie Goldstein, in that one tweet, sums up what is wrong with “conservative” outlets in Canada. He feigns outrage at Trudeau for using taxpayer money to prop up unprofitable media. In the next breath, he shrugs it off as necessary to save jobs.

Perhaps their tepid opposition is one of pragmatism: in order to keep the subsidies rolling in, it’s best not to rock the boat too much. The odd shot at Trudeau is allowed, but no serious threats to the status quo are premitted.

Of course, an honourable mention goes to the “charity” of True North Centre for Public Policy. This is what Candice Malcolm, (Jason Kenney’s ex-Staffer), took over and claims to have founded. It was originally the Independent Immigration Aid Association. Even while Malcolm rails against media subsidies, she profits from repurposing an actual charity for tax benefits.

3. More Examples Of Controlled Media

People should follow the rules and obey Public Health guidelines. But at least Hillier is open about his position. Really?

What second wave?

Or take this piece by Spencer Fernando. He calls for Rod Phillips to be fired for taking a trip abroad in December, but Ford apparently gets a pass, despite covering it up. Such hypocrisy. Then again, what can one expect from the National Citizen’s Coalition?

There’s also this juvenile clip from Andrew Lawton. He proposes removing any restriction that a politician gets caught breaking. While amusing, he avoids any real coverage on the deception at the heart of the scam.

These examples are just a tiny bit of what is available online.

In recent days, 2 noticeable themes have emerged:
[1] Criticizing politicians for leaving the country
[2] Borders remain open during “pandemic”

A focus lately is how countless politicians have been caught breaking the rules they insist on for other people.

Interestingly, many in the media don’t take this as an opportunity to reevaluate how dangerous the whole situation is (or isn’t). Instead, the anger is directed at the people not being subjected to the same erosions of their freedoms. Nice trick.

Similarly with the flights coming in. Media in Canada are finally talking about the absurdity of keeping the borders open in a “pandemic”, and not asking why borders should be open at all. The focus becomes on asking if it is safe to allow travellers in.

These tactics are great are directing anger towards people breaking the rules, rather than getting the public to question why those rules exist in the first place. Conservative outlets don’t seem to have much of an issue with stripping our rights away in general. They just argue over the minor details of how to do it. It’s a way to narrow the focus on debate, and limit real discussion.

4. Goal Is To Limit Public Discussion

There isn’t any real opposition in the MSM to Governments imposing martial law, no matter where on the political spectrum they are. Instead,

Putting the spotlight on people like Rod Phillips, breaking his own rules, is a deliberate move. It is done to focus anger on those who are not following along. This is an appeal to emotion, deflecting from having a logical discussion.

A very common tactic is played out here: get people focused on a symptom (hypocritical politicians), and not on the disease (erosion of basic rights). Too many in Canada will spend their time covering the symptoms exclusively.

Keep in mind that Con Inc. media has very low regard for the growing resistance to these power grabs. These people are not allies, and cannot be trusted. Legitimate voices are ignored, or dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

5. Questions That Need To Be Asked

Here some difficult questions that must always be in the public eye. Before accepting the official narrative at face value, they have to be answered. Unfortunately, we aren’t getting this from the media giants.

  • Has this virus ever been isolated?
  • What’s the real fatality rate?
  • How many people have it, and have recovered?
  • Why use PCR tests, when its creator says this isn’t their purpose?
  • What’s the error rate of PCR tests?
  • What’s the error rate of antibody tests?
  • Why bother with rapid-tests if the test itself is flawed?
  • Do masks actually work?
  • How are group sizes (or bubbles) determined?
  • Where did the 2m distancing requirement come from?
  • Why are hospitals really being emptied out?
  • Why are other causes of death being downplayed?
  • Why are deaths mis-labelled to drive up the CV count?
  • How do you determine “non-essential” businesses?
  • Why are Governments so eager to shut businesses down?
  • Is this all just an excuse to implement social changes?
  • Was the “Great Reset” laid out in advance?
  • Why are laws written to give health officers dictator powers?
  • Are we legally obligated to follow WHO’s IHR?
  • Did the WHO actually write the 2005 Quarantine Act?
  • How many politicians actually oppose what is going on?
  • Have politicians been bribed or threatened into compliance?
  • Was all of this planned out?

6. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; and the International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

This is what a small site can come up with, given enough time and hard work. Yet the mainstream media Canada in can’t provide proof that this “pandemic” is entirely manufactured?

CV #35(C): Health Canada Refuses To Answer Questions About Indemnification For Vaccines

The public is understandably anxious about whether vaccine manufacturers will be indemnified (legally immune), for the products they sell. It’s a valid question, from a patient perspective, and as a taxpayer.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; and the International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Email Exchange With Health Canada

Health Canada was contact specifically about the indemnification of vaccine manufacturers. Above are the responses. However, it’s a bit misleading to say that they can’t release information due to ongoing negotiating. Health Canada wouldn’t even discuss indemnification for Eli Lilly Canada and Gilead Sciences Canada. Both had been settled long ago.

3. Health Canada And Vaccine Regulation

Vaccination is one of the world’s greatest public health achievements. For over 50 years, vaccines have helped prevent and control the spread of deadly diseases and saved the lives of millions of infants, children and adults. For example, there are vaccines for:

-epidemics, such as Ebola
-childhood diseases and debilitating diseases, such as polio
-diseases, such as Yellow Fever, that are common in some travel destinations
-influenza strains that change every year
-preventing or treating cancer
Many vaccines are recommended as part of Canadian public health programs to prevent people from getting diseases. This means that they are given to large numbers of healthy people.

This is why regulating the safety, efficacy and quality of vaccines is of particular importance. There are also reporting systems in place to monitor vaccine safety.

Emergency access to vaccines
In some cases, such as public health emergencies like flu pandemics, special authorizations are used to give emergency access to a vaccine. For example, Health Canada issued an Interim Order in 2009 for the H1N1 pandemic vaccine. The vaccine was developed to protect against the H1N1 pandemic virus. The vaccine contained an inactivated (non-live) version of the H1N1 virus strain recommended by WHO for the manufacture of vaccines during the 2009 flu pandemic.

Worth addressing: in that 2009 Interim Order to approve vaccines for H1N1, Health Canada allowed drugs made by GlaxoSmithKline, (GSK), onto the market that hadn’t been fully tested. GSK was indemnified by the Government. Would it happen here?

Why is it so hard to get a straight answer with this case? Will they be indemnified or not?

CV #24(C): Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium, More Bogus Science

The Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium: just another group involved in the junk science of computer modelling for epidemics. It in under the umbrella of Imperial College London, and is heavily funded by Gates and GAVI. Of course, GAVI is heavily funded by Gates.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. VIMC Key Partners

About us
The Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium coordinates the work of several research groups modelling the impact of vaccination programmes worldwide.

The Consortium was established at the end of 2016 for a period of five years, and is currently coordinated by secretariat based at Imperial College London.

As its core objective, the Consortium aims to deliver more sustainable, efficient, and transparent approach to generating disease burden and vaccine impact estimates. Furthermore, the Consortium will work on aggregating the estimates across a portfolio of twelve vaccine-preventable diseases and further advancing the research agenda in the field of vaccine impact modelling.

The Consortium is funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the data generated by the Consortium will support the evaluation of the two organisations’ existing vaccination programmes, and inform potential future investments and vaccine scale-up opportunities.

Strange that the coronavirus isn’t listed. After all, this group is closely tied to Gates and GAVI. However, it seems to be involved in everything else under the sun.

3. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

In 2016, a donation of $5.6 million was awarded to Imperial College London to establish the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium. As the name implies, it would work on computer models to predict viruses and vaccine treatments. Of course, models are just predictions, and are not evidence of anything.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

The tax records are worth going through. The Gates Foundation donates to many universities across the globe. It’s difficult to comprehend without seeing the full list.

4. Know Who This Group Works For

The takeaway here is simple: when research is released, always know who is funding it, and where their allegiances lie. Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium is no different.

CV #30(B): Pfizer Still Lobbying In Canada, Vaccine Approved In U.K.

Vaccines are coming into Canada from Pfizer and others. This was recently been announced on the CBC. For some context, remember that:
-The virus survival rate is over 99% (if it even exists)
-PCR tests are useless as diagnostic tools (again, if it even exists)
-People have to be tested to know they have it
-Vaccines were cooked up in the last few months, side effects unknown
-Things like masks will continue afterwards

1. Rempel Isn’t Who She Pretends To Be

In the video with Michelle Rempel-Garner (discussing Derek Sloan’s petition), it’s interesting that she shrugs off the very valid concerns of unproven drugs. She also doesn’t question the wisdom behind lockdowns themselves. Want your freedom? Shut up and get the vaccine. This is typical of “conservative” politicians in Canada.

Rempel isn’t who she appears to be. And why exactly does she keep looking to her right in the video? Is there someone else in the room?

2. Pfizer Lobbying Ottawa Regularly

Pfizer has lobbied the Federal Government 153 times since becoming a registered lobbyist in 2007. Of course, that doesn’t include any discussions that may be “off the books”. One of Pfizer’s lobbyists, Steven Hogue, used to work in the Prime Minister’s Office when Jean Chretien was in office.

3. Goldy Hyer Ex-Pfizer Lobbyist In Ottawa

Goldy Hyer was at a time the Chief-of-Staff for Joe Clark, then Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. He is also involved with:
(a) The Century Initiative
(b) Asia Business Leaders Advisory Council
(c) Catalyst Inc. / Catalyst Canada
(d) 30% Club Canada

4. Pfizer Lobbied M-132 Committee Vice-Chairs

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

M-132 was filed in late 2017, by Raj Saini. It was a motion to finance pharmaceuticals, and pharmaceutical research, both in Canada and abroad. See here and here. Marilyn Gladue, and Don Davies, (both lobbied by Pfizer), were the Vice-Chairs on that Committee.

5. Pfizer Lobbying In Ontario

Pfizer has also been busy lobbying Ontario since 2002 over pharmaceutical interests. It’s worth noting, that both Kathleen Wynne and Doug Ford never fully implemented Bill 160. This Bill would have mandated disclosure, (rather than it being optional), of payments made to health care providers to sell certain drugs.

Since Bill 160 isn’t really the law, there’s no requirement hospitals or health care staff to disclose the financing they may get to push certain remedies.

8. Pfizer Lobbying In Manitoba

Manitoba has had lobbyists from Pfizer in the past, but none active since 2017. Perhaps they have moved on to Ottawa.

7. Pfizer Lobbying In Alberta

A search in the Alberta Lobbyist Registry shows 12 meetings since 2018 between Government officials, and Pfizer. The last one was just the other day. Jason Kenney isn’t doing quite the “hard sell” that Ford does, but he is still fully on board with the agenda.

Of course, there is other lobbying going on, and in other Provinces as well. These examples provided are hardly exhaustive of what’s going on, but should provide a decent sample.

8. Hajdu Order To Approve Untested Vaccines

Interim Orders
Marginal note:Interim orders
30.1 (1) The Minister may make an interim order that contains any provision that may be contained in a regulation made under this Act if the Minister believes that immediate action is required to deal with a significant risk, direct or indirect, to health, safety or the environment.
Marginal note: Cessation of effect
(2) An interim order has effect from the time that it is made but ceases to have effect on the earliest of
(a) 14 days after it is made, unless it is approved by the Governor in Council,
(b) the day on which it is repealed,
(c) the day on which a regulation made under this Act, that has the same effect as the interim order, comes into force, and
(d) one year after the interim order is made or any shorter period that may be specified in the interim order.

On September 16, 2020, Health Minister Patty Hajdu signed an Interim Order allowing for approval of vaccines in an expedited manner, even if they were fully tested. Section 30.1 of the Food and Drug Act allows that. It must be pointed out, however, that Hajdu is not a doctor, and has no medical background at all.

9. UK Approves Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine, Dec. 2

Tens of thousands of people will receive an effective and high-quality COVID-19 vaccine from next week, as the UK becomes the first country in the western world to authorise a vaccine.

Following rigorous clinical trials involving thousands of people and extensive analysis of the vaccine’s safety, quality and effectiveness by experts from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccine has been authorised for use in the UK.

Now authorisation has been granted, Pfizer will deliver the vaccine to the UK. In making the recommendation to authorise supply, the MHRA will decide what additional quality assurance checks may be required before a vaccine can be made available. Pfizer will then deliver the vaccines to the UK as soon as possible.

The NHS has decades of experience in rolling out successful widespread vaccination programmes and has put in place extensive deployment plans.

In line with the recommendations of the independent Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the vaccine will be rolled out to the priority groups including care home residents and staff, people over 80 and health and care workers, then to the rest of the population in order of age and risk, including those who are clinically extremely vulnerable.

Isn’t this great? Pfizer/BioNTech got their approval to start distributing vaccines in the UK. Surely, with all these rigorous tests, they are certain that the product is safe, right?

10. UK: Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme

In advance of a rollout of an authorised COVID-19 vaccine and in line with other immunisation programmes, the government is taking the precautionary step to ensure that, in the very rare possibility where someone is severely disabled as a result of taking a COVID-19 vaccine, they can access financial assistance through the Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme (VDPS).

No safety concerns have been reported in vaccines authorised for use following rigorous clinical trials involving tens of thousands of people and extensive analysis of the vaccine’s safety, quality and effectiveness by experts from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccine is now the first COVID-19 vaccine to be authorised for use in the UK, and the MHRA will keep safety under continual review.

Adding diseases to the VDPS is not new and numerous diseases have been added as successive governments have rolled out more immunisation programmes, such as HPV and Meningitis B. In response to the H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic, the previous government added swine flu to the VDPS on 10 October 2009.

Generally, only those who were administered vaccines as part of a childhood immunisation programme are covered under the VDPS. However, because COVID-19 vaccines will be rolled out to a large proportion of the adult population, the government will amend the eligibility requirements, ensuring adults who are administered a COVID-19 vaccine in the UK or Isle of Man, or as part of an armed forces medical treatment, will be covered by the scheme too.

The VDPS is a safety net to help ease the burden on individuals who have in extremely rare circumstances experienced harm due to receiving a government-recommended vaccine. It is not a compensation scheme. Rather, it provides a one-off, tax-free lump sum – currently £120,000 – for those suffering a severe disability as a result of a vaccine against a disease listed under the Vaccine Damage Payments Act.

Background information
Currently, in order to qualify for the payment, it must be accepted, on the balance of probability, that there is a causal link between the vaccine and the claimed disability and that the resulting disability amounts to severe (ie at least 60%) disablement.
Claims are assessed and paid where successful by the Department for Work and Pensions.

The UK Government only the day before announces approval for Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccine. Almost immediately afterwards, the UK reveals that taxpayers will be on the hook for any injuries that result from these vaccines.

The amount is capped at £120,000, and even then, it’s only with very serious disability. Capitalized profits, socialized compensation. Of course, the implication of having a vaccine compensation scheme means that the companies themselves will be off the hook for whatever death and injury results.

11. Pfizer And Violation Tracker

Of course, Pfizer isn’t too willing to share some of it’s more troubling history, such as this provided by Violation Tracker. Well worth a long read. Everything from false claims, to bribery, to kickbacks are cited.

12. Gates A Recent Pfizer Donor

In addition to making contributions to Pfizer, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation owns over $1.7 million in stock from the pharmaceutical company.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

Take a look at the documents for yourself. The full list can be found here, just search for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Those 2 organizations will pop up.

The above screenshots are donations the Gates Foundation made in 2016 and 2018.

13. Pfizer Vaccines Coming To Canada/U.S.

Pfizer has already applied for permission to begin distributing in Canada and the United States, and they very likely will get it. If it’s anything like what happened with GlaxoSmithKline, they’ll be indemnified as well. Even if Canada were to set up a compensation scheme, it will never fully make up for the harm done.

And this point is critical: the vaccines haven’t even been fully tested. They’ll be doing more long term studies as the years go on. This is not the same thing as having vaccines ready.

As Tam says: vaccines normally take a decade or more. But here, just a few months apparently. And all for something with a mortality rate approximately that of the flu.

What about long term problems like premature death? Sterilization? Paralysis? Pain? Disfiguration? Unfortunately, a lot of that won’t become clear for a few years at least. Consequently, people will have to hope and pray.

Pfizer’s Vaccine Promoted On CBC News
Lobbying Commissioner’s Office In Canada
Lobbying Registry Of Ontario
Manitoba Provincial Lobbying Registry
Alberta Lobbyist Registry
Pfizer Lobbying The Federal Government On Vaccines
Goldy Hyer Ex-Pfizer Lobbyist In Ottawa
Goldy Hyer’s LinkedIn Page
M-132, Parliamentary Study On International Vaccines
Section 30.1 Of Canada Food And Drug Act
Interim Order Allowing CV Vaccines To Be Sold In Canada

UK To Allow Certain Vaccines Deployed In Country
CV-19 To Be Added To UK Vaccine Compensation Scheme

GSK Indemnified Against Damages For H1N1 Vaccines In 2009
Pfizer Clinical Information
Pfizer And Violation Tracker Documentation