CV #26(B): WHO Lies About Asymptomic Transmission To Perpetuate Hoax

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

This has been a lengthy series on the lies, distortions and manipulations of the coronavirus industry. In order to understand why it’s happening, it’s necessary to show the lobbying, influence peddling and money trail that is going on. This is a multi billion dollar industry, and a lot of people have a vested interest in prolonging it.

2. WHO Claims Asymptomatic Transfer Rare

Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, claims that asymptomatic transfer of this virus is extremely rare. This statement would indicate that the lockdown and shutdown measures are unnecessary, and should be immediately ended. That is the logical conclusion.

3. WHO Immediately Flip Flops On Position

Looking at this “revised” statement, Maria Van Kerkhove now claims that an estimated 6% to 41% of the global population may be infected but not have symptoms. Supposedly they think it’s around 16%, but refused to disclose how that estimate was arrived at. So nearly half the population could be infected already.

There’s also a Clinton-esque parsing of words. Apparently, “very rare” doesn’t actually mean “very rare.

Let’s do some quick math.
There are 7.8 billion people on the planet as of March 2020 (according to Wikipedia). Let’s take that at face value here.

At 6% infection, there would be 468 million infected people.
At 16% infection, there would be 1.248 billion infected people.
At 41% infection, there would be 3.198 billion infected people.

Also keep in mind those estimates are from nearly a month ago. It is surely higher now. It was reported on June 18 by Reuters, that CV deaths had exceeded 500,000. Okay, let’s use that.

If 6% is infected, then 500,000/468M = 0.107% mortality.
If 16% is infected, then 500,000/1.248B = 0.04% mortality.
If 41% is infected, then 500,000/3.198B = 0.016% mortality.

For some context, using WHO’s “estimates” of 6-41% of asymptomatic global infection (which is almost a month old), try this. If you had a town of 100,000 people, and 100% had the virus, between 16 and 107 of them would die from it.

Does this sound very deadly?

Of course, we should also point out that the overwhelming majority of people had underlying health problems, and that many jurisdictions are deliberately inflating their death tolls. There are skeptics (such as me), who wonder if this virus was a hoax to begin with.

4. WHO Additionally “Clarifies” Itself

Apparently, they have no idea how many people are infected but show no symptoms. WHO also doesn’t have a clue how many asymptomatic people can go on to infect others.

Also, singing and shouting seem to be a health hazard, since it will infect people a distance away, even though WHO doesn’t know how often this actually happens. Even giving WHO the benefit of the doubt every step of the way (and assuming there is no intentional deceit), it becomes clear they don’t have a clue what they’re doing.

5. WHO: Transmission Is An Evolving Science

Supposedly the WHO has said since early February that spreading by asymptomatic people is possible, but that they didn’t know the degree of which it happens. That’s not very encouraging. The position, in a nutshell: we don’t have a clue how this spreads or transmits, so let’s just shut down society and see what happens.

6. WHO: Woke Protests Don’t Spread CV

At 3:27 in the video, Trudeau talks about loosening the “population control measures”. Yes, he actually used that term. This was always about control, and never about public health.

Some will remember that Theresa Tam (who also works for the World Health Organization), said that protesting certain causes is okay and can be done safely. Just remember to wear a mask, and don’t shout. Very interesting. Walking the wrong way down a grocery aisle is a safety issue, but mass gatherings to protest “systematic racism” can be done without spiking the cases.

7. WHO: Confirmed Cases Just Tip Of Iceberg

According to Theresa Tam, who again, works for the World Health Organization, the number of laboratory confirmed cases is just the tip of the iceberg. This implies that it is many, MANY times higher than what it is thought to be. Isn’t is reasonable to infer that if such widespread infection has already happened, that this “virus” isn’t nearly as deadly as originally thought?

Oddly, in the video, Tam talks in circles to avoid answering the question as to whether the testing numbers are accurate.

So which is it?
Is this a virus that is spread extremely easily, that many millions of people are already infected, but that it’s not really that deadly a disease? Or is it a deadly virus that relatively few people have, and it’s not easily spreading? It can’t simultaneously be both cases.

8. Canada Planning For Second Wave

This could just be poor wording, but Ottawa is supposedly planning (did they mean “preparing”?), for a second wave of this virus.

These statements seem to be contradictory to what was said before. If the number of official cases was just the tip of the iceberg (and WHO estimates 6% to 41% are already infected, how exactly would a second wave happen? Society is already infected on a huge scale.

If this transmissibility rate is anywhere near accurate, then the population is already infected, rending this second wave a non-issue. This of course assumes that CV-19 is a real thing, and not a media concoction.

Remember, in it’s “clarified” statement, the World Health Organization said that it estimates that between 6% and 41% of the population is already infected, and figures that the real total is close to 16%.

9. Death Tolls All Based On Lies

Perhaps Anthony Fauci thinks that Deborah Birx is lying when she stated that the virus death tolls are being inflated. Apparently, simply having the virus and dying with it can be conflated as dying from it.

It’s been admitted by

(among others), that coronavirus death counts are being inflated. How is this so? Because if a person does WITH this virus, it is counted as being the CAUSE OF the deaths, even when the deaths had nothing to do with the virus. In short, various governments are blatantly lying to their people in order to justify draconian measures.

10. This Is All About Control

The measures we are seeing have nothing to do with promoting or protecting public health. They are not about making society a healthier place to be.

This is all about control. It’s about controlling your ability to earn a living, travel, go about your daily life, attend mass and other gatherings. This was never about helping the population. As Trudeau (or his double), put it, this is about “controlling” the population.

Just to repeat: the World Health Organization estimates that between 6% and 41% of the population is infected, and believes it is close to 16% (or about 1 in 6 total).

At 6% infection, there would be 468 million infected people.
At 16% infection, there would be 1.248 billion infected people.
At 41% infection, there would be 3.198 billion infected people.

If 6% is infected, then 500,000/468M = 0.107% mortality.
If 16% is infected, then 500,000/1.248B = 0.04% mortality.
If 41% is infected, then 500,000/3.198B = 0.016% mortality.

If people are willing to accept “this” as normal, then they will likely accept anything, such as vaccines and implanted ID. Of course, people need to think that this is a real pandemic. They need to believe that this is a deadly virus and easily transmissible.

Final thought: does this virus even really exist?

UNESCO’s Campaign To Counter “Mis-Information”

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

So far there are 27 pieces on the coronavirus planned-emic, (it started at #0). Much of it focuses on the lobbying and corruption that is at the heart of it. Once you follow the money, it becomes quite clear how and why this happening. Very tedious, but it is a wealth of information, very little of it shared by official sources.

2. Media Bias, Lies, Omissions And Corruption

Lies and distortion by the media are nothing new. In order to convince people to undertake extreme measures, it’s often necessary to get them believing the absurd. Here is the series so far on media corruption on the website, a few of them directly related to the CV planned-emic. More examples are surely on the way.

3. Remember: Only Trust The Experts

Anthony Fauci later claimed he only recommended against masks in order to prevent a buying spree which would have left no masks available for health care workers. Motives aside, he blatantly lied to the public. In the third video, he appears to take the mask off as soon as the cameras are off. But remember, trust the experts and official sources.

4. UNESCO Guidelines On Fake News

For the original source of these audio clips, check the page on the UNESCO website. It is creepy the level to which they tell others to ignore contradictory viewpoints.

(1) Only official sources and trusted media outlets are to be listened to. Assume that if it conflicts with the settled narrative, it’s fake news.

(2) Teach your child that if a piece of information on CV is not from an official source, it should not be listed, let alone shared with anyone.

(3) If an “expert” is not from an approved or official agency, chances are they are a disinformation agent whose goal is deceive and mislead the public.

(4) CV information can be created and released in such a way as to be emotionally manipulative. Remember, the only ones allowed to manipulate are official sources. Don’t trust any others

(5) Disinformation is a serious problem. Therefore, the only sources of information that can be trusted are official, public ones. All others are to be viewed with suspicion.

(6) Quality journalism is important, but the only journalists who can be trusted are those reporting the official narrative on CV.

(7) Remember: UNESCO tells you to not like or share any information you see on social media if you don’t know where it cam from. First, you should check with the World Health Organization. If the information conflicts, feel free to post WHO talking points on the other media.

(8) Access to public information is essential. Just remember, the only sources we can trust are official ones. Freedom of the media is our strength.

(9) Apparently this planned-emic is a great opportunity to squash racism and come together as one human race. Unity through diversity apparently.

Remember folks: the only sources of information you can trust are official media outlets, certain organizations, and government officials. Everything else to be met with skepticism, if not rejected out of hand.

It’s interesting that UNESCO doesn’t encourage people to think critically, or try to spot conflicting or illogical claims. UNESCO doesn’t ask people to apply any logic or reasoning and get to the truth themselves. Instead, it is drilled in that only official sources are to be trusted.

5. Book: Journalism, Fake News, Disinformation


Then there are the many ways that journalism can respond directly to disinformation and misinformation. These include resisting manipulation, through to investigating and direct exposing disinformation campaigns. But these have to be accompanied by major efforts to improve journalism in general (see below).

The “major efforts” which Cherilyn Ireton and Julie Posetti list below are chilling. They are absolutely an attack on independent journalism, and against people who don’t tow the line. It’s interesting to note that the authors are not merely acknowledging that this happens. They openly call for it.

Societal responses to ‘information disorder’ and challenges thrown up by social media platforms are varied and take place on multiple levels. Solutions are evolving – some rapidly. Many originate in the U .S., where the social media companies and Google are headquartered. Some evolving tech-related initiatives to address misinformation include:
(a) A commitment to engineering out of search results and news feeds what the company (not without controversy) deems to be fraudulent news
(b) Starving disinformation providers of click-driven advertising revenue
(c) Providing tech-driven solutions for verifying digital content and images
(d) Funding of supportive journalism initiatives that are at the intersection of journalism, technology and academic research
(e) The development and use of technical standards, or trust signals, to help consumers (and algorithms) identify news emanating from credible providers.

This is from page 37 of the book. Techniques to combat what they refer to as “misinformation”. It looks an awful lot like Objective 17(c) of the UN Global Migration Compact.

1. Satire and Parody
Including satire in a typology about disinformation and misinformation, is perhaps surprising. Satire and parody could be considered as a form of art. However, in a world where people increasingly receive information via their social feeds, there has been confusion when it is not understood a site is satirical. An example is from The Khabaristan Times, a satirical column and site that were part of the news site Pakistan Today. 60 In January 2017, the site was blocked in Pakistan and therefore stopped publishing.

From page 46, apparently satire qualifies as misinformation since people can’t always tell when people are being satirical.

In some instances, journalists have been targeted in acts of ‘astroturfing’ and ‘trolling’ – deliberate attempts to “mislead, misinform, befuddle, or endanger journalists” with the sharing of information designed to distract and misdirect them, or their potential sources. Alternatively, journalists might be targeted to trick them into sharing inaccurate information which feeds a false interpretation of the facts or, when it is revealed as fake, diminishes the credibility of the journalist (and the news organisation with which they are affiliated). In other cases, they face digital threats designed to expose their sources, breach their privacy to expose them to risk, or access their unpublished data.
There is also the phenomenon of governments mobilising ‘digital hate squads’ to chill critical commentary and quash freedom of expression.

Cherilyn Ireton and Julie Posetti, on page 109, talk about journalists being targeted for harassment, or having unwarranted attacks on their work. They hypocrisy is obvious, as they promote having viewpoints they deem “misinformation” to be hidden from searches, or have authors bankrupted via ad revenue loss. Furthermore, they suggest bankrolling or subsidizing their competitors, or “trustworthy” media.

6. Parallel Of Coronavirus & Climate Change

(17:50) the speaker talks of how the science is always moving. Yet critics are dismissed when they question official narratives.
(20:00) How to get children to spread the right news.
(30:30) scrolling internet to determine truth is impractical.
(47:00) parallel between CV and global warming.

Of course there are other topics discussed in that video, but those were a few worth focusing on.

7. UNESCO’s Twitter Feed

UNESCO reminds us to be careful about lies and misinformation, and to only trust official sources for information on the CV pandemic. Don’t share info that contradicts the ever changing narrative.
UNESCO held a webinar on June 22nd, to talk about human rights abuses that had gone on as a result of the CV-19 “pandemic”. This is morbidly amusing, as UNESCO repeatedly recommends that people only listen to and trust official channels and sources. Guess who were the people calling for restrictions of human rights?
UNESCO seems to be 100% on board with the George Floyd psy-op. Remember, to only listen to official sources, and avoid sharing misinformation. No mention of course why people flock to the West if it’s such a racist hellhole.

8. UNESCO Supports Digital Cooperation

Here is a call by UNESCO to support so-called “Digital Cooperation”. What is it, and why is it so bad? UN Digital Cooperation is a program that is already underway, to attempt global internet regulation. It’s a horrible idea, since it would eventually lead to global control of internet activity. Ideas and views that are deemed “inappropriate” for whatever reason could be shut down.

See this piece for a previous review on the topic of digital cooperation. It’s worth noting that the shooting in New Zealand in 2019 has been an excuse to try to bring in a “digital charter“. However, the principle of global internet control long precedes that shooting.

Notice that all attempts to shut down free speech and a free media are done under some guise of “public safety” or of “preventing emotional harm”. Very rarely, of ever, is it admitted that the goal is to eliminate free speech.

From a debate in a 2019 Burnaby South by-election, then Liberal Candidate Richard Lee openly suggested that the United Nations should have a department to regulate the internet. Perhaps he was unaware that this was already in the works.

The scale, spread and speed of change brought about by digital technology is unprecedented, and the current means and levels of international cooperation are unequal to the challenge. Digital technologies make a significant contribution to the realisation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and cut uniquely across international boundaries, policy silos and professional domains. Cooperation across domains and across borders is therefore critical to realising the full social and economic potential of digital technologies, mitigating the risks they pose, and curtailing any unintended consequences.

The High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation was convened by the UN Secretary-General to provide recommendations on how the international community could work together to optimise the use of digital technologies and mitigate the risks. In June 2019, the Panel published their report “The Age of Digital Interdependence” and with it a series of recommendations to improve digital cooperation.

Sounds pretty Orwellian, doesn’t it? Instead of nations determining their own internet policies, there will soon be a “global consensus” on how the internet should be used, and for what purposes. UNESCO presumably supports this all.

9. UNESCO Supports Mass Vaccinations

The world can only contain the virus and its impacts if every person has access to accurate, reliable information. That’s down to all of us. Verified is a United Nations initiative to encourage us all to check the advice we share. Sign up to receive content you can trust: life-saving information, fact-based advice, and stories from the best of humanity. Look out for the double tick.

Apparently this site is an agent of disinformation, considering all of the effort done to expose the lobbying and corruption behind the vaccine agenda. Remember folks, only trust verified sources of information, and assume all others are lying to you.

10. China Falsified Reporting

China had supposedly brought this to the attention of the World Health Organization in late 2019. However, that was revealed to be a lie. Still, according to UNESCO, we should only trust official sources.

11. UNESCO Is Propaganda Outlet

UNESCO promotes various Un agendas, which is not surprising given that it is part of the UN. In various outlets, the group reiterates that only official and verified sources can be trusted, and that others are to be viewed with skepticism.

The reality is the UNESCO, and the UN as a whole, are not interested in truth or research that contradicts their narratives. Better to smear contradictory sources as “misinformation” than to answer the hard questions they pose.

CV #26: Toronto Public Health Admits To Falsifying Cause Of Death In “Victims”

According to Toronto Public Health: “Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19 are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto.”

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For the very extensive effort to expose the coronavirus hoax, see the previous two dozen articles on the subject. Much of it includes the lobbying efforts, and the money changing hands. Once you understand the money and influence peddling behind the scenes, things start to make sense.

2. Toronto Public Health “Claims” 1,100 Deaths

In a June 30 tweet, Toronto Public Health claimed that there were 1,093 (nearly 1,100) deaths due to coronavirus. Interestingly, they neglect to mention that they consider all deaths where a person HAS this virus to be CAUSED by the virus.

These are not the same thing. If a person was run over by a drunk driver and die, the cause of death would be some sort of blood loss or blunt force trauma. Even if he or she had the virus or some other disease, that is not the cause of death. Saying otherwise is fraudulent.

3. TPH Retweets John Tory’s Mask Hoax

Toronto Mayor John Tory made it mandatory for residents to begin wearing masks, and Toronto Public Health obviously promoted the decision. However, the whole mask demands are about getting the citizens to submit, rather than any real health benefits. No one demonstrates the dishonesty more than Anthony Fauci, the “top doctor” in the U.S.

Anthony Fauci later claimed he only recommended against masks in order to prevent a buying spree which would have left no masks available for health care workers. Motives aside, he blatantly lied to the public. In the third video, he appears to take the mask off as soon as the cameras are off. But remember, trust the experts and official sources.

4. More Lies From Toronto Public Health

The Toronto Public Health feed is full of tweets like this, tracking total deaths. However, it is all based on deception, since Toronto (as many other surely do) treats people who HAVE the coronavirus — or any of these viruses — as if it CAUSED their deaths.

5. City Of Toronto Lies About Virus Deaths

The City of Toronto continues to respond to COVID-19. Torontonians are reminded to continue adhering to Toronto Public Health’s advice to wash their hands often, stay within their social circle of no more than 10 people, and practise physical distancing, or wear a face covering or non-medical mask to protect others when in settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

There are 14,134 cases of COVID-19 in the city, an increase of 40 cases since yesterday. There are 233 people hospitalized, with 60 in ICU. In total, 12,215 people have recovered from COVID-19, an increase of 88 cases since yesterday. To date, there have been 1,072 COVID-19 deaths in Toronto. Case status data can be found on the City’s reporting platform.

Provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act orders, the City bylaw on physical distancing, and laws prohibiting consumption of alcohol on City property and in unlicensed public areas remain in effect. Yesterday, the City received 103 complaints related to parks use and physical distancing. Officers have spoken to or cautioned more than 6,600 people this month. Bylaw officers issued nine tickets yesterday in City parks or squares.
The City’s website is updated daily with the latest health advice and information about City services, social supports and economic recovery measures. Check for answers to common questions before contacting the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Hotline or 311.

Toronto is home to more than 2.9 million people whose diversity and experiences make this great city Canada’s leading economic engine and one of the world’s most diverse and livable cities. As the fourth largest city in North America, Toronto is a global leader in technology, finance, film, music, culture and innovation, and consistently places at the top of international rankings due to investments championed by its government, residents and businesses. For more information visit or follow us on Twitter at , on Instagram at or on Facebook at .

Toronto has 2.9 million residents, and has had 1,100 deaths due to this so-called virus. And there has clearly been some inflation to get it that high. Even if it were true, it would mean that 1 our of every 3,000 or so people have died from CV. It’s obviously completely overblown.

Yet nowhere in this press release is it stated that people who simply have the virus and die are presumed to have died because of it. A little transparency would be nice.

6. Ontario Government Supports Falsification

In a very roundabout way, the Ontario Government admits that on at least one occasion, a person who did not die of CV-19 was classified as that being the cause of death. This woman died in a car crash, but it was still attributed to this virus.

7. CDC (U.S.) Inflating Death Totals


The CDC, the Center for Disease Control (U.S.), has been making it easy to lie and FALSELY CLAIM that a person had died of Covid-19 when it is unknown. Take a look.

It is important to emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Other terminology, e.g., SARS-CoV-2, can be used as long as it is clear that it indicates the 2019 coronavirus strain, but we would prefer use of WHO’s standard terminology, e.g., COVID-19. Specification of the causal pathway leading to death in Part I of the certificate is also important. For example, in cases when COVID-19 causes pneumonia and fatal respiratory distress, both pneumonia and respiratory distress should be included along with COVID-19 in Part I. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. Here is an example:

Look at how it is worded. “disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death”. It doesn’t say that the virus caused the death, but rather assumed to have caused or contributed to death. That is a much, much lower standard.

Why would doctors misdiagnose someone on purpose? A cynic might wonder if it has to do with the extra federal funds that are available for coronavirus patients. Supposedly $39,000 dollars (USD) if it is a covid patient.

Yes, this information has been out for quite a while. Still, it’s worth a reminder about just how deceitful the system is when it’s rewarded financially.

8. Death Tolls Artificially Inflated

If the only way to get the numbers up is to falsify the cause of death (or just not properly determine it), then it’s clear that governments are lying to their citizens. Toronto Public Health has admitted that people who test positive for this virus after death are attributed to the virus, even if that wasn’t the actual cause of death. The Ontario Government has admitted to doing it, and only because they got caught. This goes on elsewhere as well.

This pandemic is a hoax. People need to wake up.

CV #24: Gates Financing Of Imperial College London, And Their Modelling

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Alternate Theory On Models

Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson has (justifiably) taken a lot of criticism for his doomsday computer modelling of how the coronavirus “planned-emic” was supposed to play out.

Considering Ferguson’s laughable failures in other predictions before, people are wondering why anyone still takes this man seriously. That is a fair question to ask.

But consider an alternate theory. Let’s suppose these doomsday scenarios were cooked up on purpose. Perhaps this modelling INTENTIONALLY led to overhyped conclusions and estimates. It wasn’t incompetence, but deliberate.

Why would someone do this? To answer this, think about where Imperial College London gets a good amount of its financing from. There are many vested interests who would stand to make a fortune if countries around the world were desperate for a vaccine. In this scenario, Ferguson’s modelling should not be taken as research, but as a calculated effort at propaganda.

Disclaimer: I don’t have any hard evidence to support such a theory. However, it is interesting that Ferguson’s work is financed by people who would greatly benefit from him reaching a doomsday conclusion. It’s reasonable to assume he would become more cautious after his repeated failure, but he hasn’t.

3. Gates Grants To Imperial College London

This chart was compiled from information posted on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website. The following grants are just those provided to Imperial College London. Note: it seems that computer modelling is just one small part of what they do.

June 2002 $31,928,231 Schistosomiasis Control
July 2002 $30,000,000 HIV Prevention
Jan 2003 $200,000,000 AIDS, Malaria, Other Diseases
July 2005 $12,501,971 Tuberculosis
Oct 2005 $8,636,543 Test CD4+, T-lymphnodes
Nov 2005 $8,600,000 AIDS Testing
June 2006 $9,185,813 Novel Recombinant Adenovirus
Oct 2006 $9,826,566 Health Package in Dev. World
Dec 2006 $46,700,000 Neglected Tropical Diseases
Sept 2007 $3,565,073 Neglected Tropical Dis.
Oct 2007 $47,616 STD, Infections
Oct 2008 $100,000 Prevent TB Replication
Oct 2008 $7,344,583 HIV/AIDS Research
Feb 2009 $7,300,000 HIV/AIDS Research
Feb 2009 $871,544 Collab W/Euro Partners
Sept 2009 $16,529,688 Feeding Prog in Africa
Oct 2009 $100,000 “Homing Factors” As Vax Adjuvants
Oct 2009 $100,000 Enzymes, Malaria Parasites
Nov 2009 $1,200,000 Nutrition Research
Sept 2010 $2,692,835 Euro Agri Development
Oct 2010 $3,044,244 HIV Computer Modelling***
Oct 2010 $1,648,585 Neglected Tropical Disease
Nov 2010 2.7M (pounds) Agricultural Research
Dec 2010 $1,500,000 Disease From Livestock
Apr 2011 $100,000 Polio Vaccine, India
Oct 2011 $100,000 Self-Replicating Biosensor
Oct 2011 $2,724,038 Malaria Blocker Research
May 2012 $3,018,257 Oral Polio Vaccine
Oct 2012 $3,589,972 Malaria Computer Models***
Oct 2012 $1,132,773 HIV, Hormone Contraceptives
June 2013 $5,194,767 HIV, Intervention, Planning
June 2013 $1,397,325 Merger, Computer Modelling***
oct 2013 $1,894,953 Advocacy, EU Donors
Oct 2013 $648,060 Product Development, Misc.
Nov 2013 $772,341 Polio Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $2,054,944 DNA Vaccine, HIV
Nov 2013 $582,541 TB Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $2,743,052 Health Care Consulting
Sept 2014 $74,433 Information Dissemination
Oct 2014 $36,752 Vaxx Research Meetings
Oct 2014 $98,934 Cell Phones, Meals
Oct 2014 $181,868 Cost Estimates, Vaccines
Apr 2015 $100,000 Meals Or Shoes For Vaxx
May 2015 $249,549 Optical Imaging, Gut Lesions
July 2015 $1,271,423 HIV/AIDS Testing
Nov 2015 $180,000 Child Health, Africa
Dec 2015 $15,558,425 Global Health Care
Apr 2016 $100,000 Vaxx for HIV, mucosal
May 2016 $37,468,960 Stop Malaria Transmission
Nov 2016 $100,000 Malaria Tracing Modelling***
Nov 2016 $5,625,310 Vaxx Computer Modelling***
Nov 2016 $3,752,342 Mosquito Tampering
Nov 2017 $736,222 Malaria Tracking
May 2018 $1,320,030 HIV Prevention
Sept 2018 $505,207 HIV/Reprod Modelling***
Sept 2018 $292,318 Mosquito Sporozoites
Nov 2018 $326,707 TB Computer Modelling***
May 2019 $100,000 Crop Viruses
July 2019 $11,300 Attend Mosquito Summit
Nov 2019 $959,389 Typhoid Surveillance
Mar 2020 $79,006,570 Malaria Control, Africa
May 2020 $52,180 Testing Gene Drives
May 2020 $2,699,443 Degradable Contraceptive Implant
June 2020 $3,375,098 Population Replacement In Genes

As for just the funds directly provided to Imperial College London for computer modelling, these are the donations listed on the site.

Oct 2010 $3,044,244 HIV Computer Modelling***
Oct 2012 $3,589,972 Malaria Computer Models***
June 2013 $1,397,325 Merger, Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $772,341 Polio Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $582,541 TB Computer Modelling***
Nov 2016 $100,000 Malaria Tracing Modelling***
Nov 2016 $5,625,310 Vaxx Computer Modelling***
Sept 2018 $505,207 HIV/Reprod Modelling***
Nov 2018 $326,707 TB Computer Modelling***

Yes, the Gates Foundation directly finances a lot of the computer modelling that Imperial College London is involved with. Some $16 million or so directly granted for these computer models.

But do these doomsday models actually work? Are they supposed to? Perhaps not. After all, if they predicted that there weren’t deadly pandemic, then there would be no need to develop a vaccine.

4. From Gates Foundation Tax Records, ICL

EIN: 56-2618866

Don’t worry. It’s not like this is any major conflict of interest, or anything like that.

5. Imperial College London Admits Grants

Even a quick look of the website for Imperial College London will show many grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

6. GAVI Funded By Gates Foundation

This is probably the most well known link in the chain. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped found GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance in 1999, and has made regular contributions to it. The foundation essentially runs the show.

The Global Vaccine Alliance, as the name suggests, is an organization devoted to pushing vaccinations on the public all across the world. Bill Gates has long been a proponent of mass vaccinations.

One of (but certainly not the only) lobbyist for the vaccine agenda is a firm called Crestview Strategy. They lobbied the Federal Government on behalf of GAVI, on 20 separate occasions. See Part 4 in the series.

7. Gates/GAVI Issuing Vaccine Bonds

(Information on what the International Finance Facility for Immunization, or IFFIm, really is and does)

This was covered in Part 18 of the series. Vaccine bonds are now a real thing, and GAVI is involved in running the operation. Of course, the bonds market would completely dry up if there weren’t a pandemic to deal with. Pretty convenient.

8. Gates Influence In Pharma Industry

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

Company Type Of Stock Shares Total Value
Eli Lilly Corp Bonds $952,265
Gilead Sciences Common 21,250 $1,329,188
Gilead Sciences Corp Bonds $3,297,777
Laobaixing Pharma Common 831,829 $5,719,831
Merck Common 27,200 $2,078,352
Novartis Common 70,330 $5,995,662
Pfizer Common 39,500 $1,724,175
Roche Common 37,881 $9,353,059
Sichuan Kelun Common 2,818,448 8,480,098
Sinopharm Common 394,080 $1,655,978
Tasly Pharma Common 8,114,941 $22,693,515
Teva Fin BV Corp Bonds $819,555
Teva Fin IV Corp Bonds $9,465
Teva Pharma NE Corp Bonds $1,106,435

While this is by no means an exhaustive list, the point is clear. See Part 21 in the series. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust (which is separate from the Foundation), owns stocks and bonds in many pharmaceutical companies that are pushing the Federal Government for money to develop a vaccine.

9. Gates Funding WHO & CDC

It’s pretty well known at this point that the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control in the U.S. both are heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Consequently, they toe the line that coronavirus is a deadly pandemic, and that vaccines are necessary.

10. Immunization 2030, ID2020

This was addressed in Part 3. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is heavily involved in both ID2020 and Immunization Agenda 2030. The Foundation also supports some version of a “vaccine certification” which would be needed to go about life in the new normal.

Of course, advancing these agendas depends on there being a pandemic (or perceived pandemic). Good thing Ferguson was so completely off in his computer modelling. Make no mistake, it’s not only helpful that the death rates be inflated, but essential that they are.

11. Models Supposed To Be Wrong?

Ferguson was behind the disputed research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Charlotte Reid, a farmer’s neighbor, recalls: “I remember that appalling time. Sheep were left starving in fields near us. Then came the open air slaughter. The poor animals were panic stricken. It was one of the worst things I’ve witnessed. And all based on a model — if’s but’s and maybe’s.”

In 2002, Ferguson predicted that, by 2080, up to 150,000 people could die from exposure to BSE (mad cow disease) in beef. In the U.K., there were only 177 deaths from BSE.

In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009.

In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a “reasonable worst-case scenario” was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the U.K.

Last March, Ferguson admitted that his Imperial College model of the COVID-19 disease was based on undocumented, 13-year-old computer code that was intended to be used for a feared influenza pandemic, rather than a coronavirus. Ferguson declined to release his original code so other scientists could check his results. He only released a heavily revised set of code last week, after a six-week delay.

Could it be that Ferguson is truly incompetent, and has no clue what he is doing? Or, are his predictions exaggerated on purpose? There’s no reason to take him or his models seriously, yet governments still do.

While this all sounds like an absurd conspiracy theory, consider what else is going on. Would there be a growing vaccine bonds industry without this so-called pandemic? Would it be easy to get the public on board with implanting a vaccine certificate, or pushing Immunization 2030? How else could one get the public on board with making mask wearing seem normal?

It is possible that there is nothing malevolent here, and that Ferguson is just a serial screwup. But it’s undeniable that these screwups help advance other parts of the agenda.

Nothing is as it seems.
Question everything.

Claim That Masks, Other Restrictions, Violate Religious Beliefs

(This is Doug Ford in April 2020 telling the public that he thinks masks are beneficial, but won’t say or do anything without the approval of the Health Department. Not like he’s Premier of Ontario or anything.)

(This is Doug Ford in October 2018 telling the public that respecting civil rights and religious freedoms is more important than public safety. Apparently the laws of gravity don’t apply since the turban is religious.)

1. Previous Solutions Offered

A response that frequently comes up is for people to ask what to do about it. Instead of just constantly pointing out what is wrong, some constructive suggestions should be offered. This section contains a list of proposals that, if implemented, would benefit society. While the details may be difficult to implement, at least they are a starting point.

2. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

As of the time of writing this, the “planned-emic” series has 23 pieces in it, including efforts to shift the culture, in order to make mask wearing the new normal. Lots of detail in the series.

3. Helmets Mentioned In Previous Article

The topic of letting motorcycle riders evade health and safety regulations was mentioned on this site nearly 2 years ago. While it seemed absurd at the time, perhaps there is a silver lining to this double standard.

Whatever faith you may belong to, it doesn’t matter. But know that from this day on: your religious beliefs don’t allow you to wear a mask in public. Forcing you to do so will violate your conscience and beliefs.

4. Resisting The “Culture Shift”

This was brought up in the last coronavirus piece but worth repeating. There is a deliberate, conscious, and planned effort to make mask wearing normalized and mandatory throughout the world. In parts of the West, this is not so much being imposed, but by attempts to “shift the culture”, to make this the new way of life. It’s time to fight back against it.

There aren’t criminal penalties in the West for not wearing masks — yet. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at some point in the future.

5. BC Exemption On Helmets For Sikhs

“Point in Time” Regulation Content
Motor Vehicle Act
Motorcycle Safety Helmet Exemption Regulation
B.C. Reg. 237/99
Section 1 BEFORE amended by BC Reg 62/2017, effective March 1, 2017.
1 The following persons are exempt from the requirements of section 221 of the Motor Vehicle Act:
(a) a person who
(i) practices the Sikh religion, and
(ii) has unshorn hair and habitually wears a turban composed of 5 or more square meters of cloth.

BC has given Sikhs an exemption on wearing helmets when riding a motorcycle since 2017.

6. Alberta Exemption On Helmets For Sikhs

Sikhs who wear turbans are exempt from:
the Vehicle Equipment Regulation helmet requirement in the Traffic Safety Act
the Off-highway Vehicle Regulation helmet requirement in the Traffic Safety Act
This means:
drivers and passengers who are over 18 and are bona fide members of the Sikh religion who wear a turban can ride a motorcycle without using a helmet
drivers and passengers who are bona fide members of the Sikh religion who wear a turban can ride an off-highway vehicle without using a helmet
Turbans are an integral part of the Sikh identity. This decision allows them to ride without having to remove their turban.
Alberta is the third jurisdiction in Canada to allow this exemption, alongside British Columbia and Manitoba.

In March 2018, Alberta gave Sikhs and exemption on helmets.

7. Manitoba Exemption On Helmets For Sikhs


The following persons are exempt from wearing a helmet:
• persons riding motorcycles in a legally-authorized parade
• bona fide members of the Sikh religion

On page 8 of the handbook, it clearly states that Sikhs are exempt from wearing helmets, as are people taking part in a parade.

8. Ontario Exemption On Helmets For Sikhs

Despite obvious safety concerns with letting some people ride motorcycles without helmet, Ford seems to think that religious freedom is a much more important virtue.

9. Quebec Hypocrisy On Face Coverings

(This is Quebec Premier Francois Legault in 2019 saying that he will use the “Notwithstanding Clause” if needed to ban religious symbols — which include face coverings — from people in government positions. Many countries have banned the Muslim face veil as a security risk.)

(This is Francois Legault in 2020 saying that he strongly recommends everyone wearing face masks in public. Apparently it’s in order to help protect public health.)

10. CHRC – Duty To Accommodate

Employers and service providers have an obligation to adjust rules, policies or practices to enable you to participate fully. It applies to needs that are related to the grounds of discrimination. This is called the duty to accommodate.

The duty to accommodate means that sometimes it is necessary to treat someone differently in order to prevent or reduce discrimination. For examples, asking all job applicants to pass a written test may not be fair to a person with a visual disability. In such cases, the duty to accommodate may require that alternative arrangements be made to ensure that a person or group can fully participate.

What is Undue Hardship?
It is also important to consider that there is a reasonable limit to how far your employer or service provider has to go to accommodate your needs. Sometimes accommodation is not possible because it would cost too much, or create health or safety risks. This is known as undue hardship. Your employer or service provider can claim undue hardship as the reason why certain policies or practices need to stay in place, even though they may have a negative effect on you. They will need to provide sufficient evidence.

Would a service provider be required to make an exception for this planned-emic? Difficult to say how it would play out in court, or at a human rights tribunal. That said, this tactic can definitely be a “boot on the neck” to getting around any requirements in most cases.

11. Mask Objections: Specific Religions

If you are a Muslim (or just “identifying” as one) remind the person that in the Middle East, the headscarf and face coverings are used to subjugate and enslave women. It’s not a sign of religious freedom, but one of being a prisoner. If the service provider doesn’t take a hint, you can always can them a sexist and Islamophobe.

If you are Jewish (or just “identifying” as such) remind the person that attempts to erase your people have been made throughout history. If the service provider doesn’t take the hint, remind him/her that 6 million people died in the Holocaust. If the person still doesn’t get it, feel free to start dropping the term anti-Semite.

There are other religions of course. Feel free to find a scripture that helps your case, no matter how weak or flimsy, to justify your refusal. Reminder, passages can always be quoted out of context, and store clerks probably won’t know the difference. Should that fail, just gaslight the person as a bigot.

12. Alternative: Get A Medical Note

An alternative to this is going to a walk in clinic to get a medical note to attest to the fact that you have a medical condition (such as asthma) that will make wearing a mask unhealthy. There will probably be a fee to pay, but it may be worth it to you.

A further alternative is to just create your own doctor’s note. With Photoshop, and many similar applications, the average computer user can generate a realistic looking note in minutes. No need to prove anything, since doctor-patient confidentiality is grounded in law.

13. Reject Masks, Vote With Your Wallet

If you have a variety of places to shop from, one option is to stop patronizing places which require masks. This avoids the confrontation aspect, but in numbers it sends the message that people won’t shop at such a place.

14. Masks Are About Asserting Control

Does it make sense that a Quebec town would change the law to require masks be worn in public, but not have it kick in for another month? How about Brampton announcing they will be mandatory on transit, in another month? Or Toronto requiring them for transit riders — in another 2 weeks? Make no mistake. This is all about asserting control and domination over you.

But there is a solution. Remember, your religious beliefs do not allow you to wear face coverings. Governments, employers and service providers have a duty to accommodate. While a few may push back and claim it is an undue burden, most will not. This is especially true if you happen to be filming them and suggest it will be posted online.

Never forget: your well being, and the well being of your family members come first. If it means putting a “foot on the neck” of someone just following orders, then so be it. That excuse didn’t work for the Nazis either.

Media Culture Shift Well Underway To Accepting Wearing Mandatory Masks

What do these women have in common? They are all wearing mind control devices on their heads. It’s meant not just to control their thoughts and actions, but that of those around them, demonstrating their submission. Also see this and see this for those articles. More on the Muslims at the end.

Post of some random commenter on Toronto Star article.

1. The Media Is Not Loyal To The Public

Truth is essential in society, but the situation in Canada is worse than people imagine. In Canada (and elsewhere), the mainstream media, periodicals, and fact-checkers are subsidized, though they deny it. Post Media controls most outlets in Canada, and many “independents” have ties to Koch/Atlas. Real investigative journalism is needed, and some pointers are provided.

2. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For background, check this and this article. The Gates Foundation finances many things, including: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

3. Important Links

(11) “

4. Following Content Involves Speculation

This should go without saying, but I don’t know 100% that this is what they have in mind. Am trying to make sense of otherwise bizarre and random series of events. So take everything you read from that perspective.

5. Why Cover This Subject?

This may come off as alarmist, but will address it anyway. After seeing events unfold, it’s impossible to believe that events unfolding are not being done for public SAFETY, but for public CONTROL instead.

It’s really brilliant strategy. Shut down entire sectors of society and strip away civil rights. Inflict mental, financial and psychological stress to such a degree that people will be desperate to end it. BY end it, this means go back to the “new normal” as they call it, but ceding that certain rights will be gone forever.

Why do this? If people are willing to wear masks full time (and accept the health risks associated with them), then they will submit to nearly anything. Seeing widespread use in public will have the psychological effect of convincing doubters that there is a real health emergency.

Of course, there is a self-fulfilling prophecy element here. Wearing masks for a long time can cause breathing problems, or make existing ones worse. As such, it may be reported that more people are getting sick, presumably of this virus. Hence the need for more draconian measures.

When other more drastic events happen, such as protests over “systemic racism” across the Western World, the mask issue will get lost in the noise. This of course is done on purpose. Although no government official came out and said publicly this will be permanent, the end result is that it will be. That is of course, unless people stand up to it, and soon.

This is not about public safety, but about public control. And if people are willing to accept a “culture shift” where this becomes normal, what else would they accept?

Does this sound paranoid? Perhaps, but consider the following sections and topics before you decide.

6. Real Reason Tam Flip Flopped

Theresa Tam had been questioned why this change of heart happened. Cynics suggested she downplayed the situation to buy time so that China (where she’s from) could purchase Canadian supplies. While plausible, there is another possible motive, a psychological one.

If face masks had been made mandatory early on, there would likely have been public backlash. This is especially true since the death waves didn’t materialize. So the opposite approach was taken.

By intentionally causing a shortage of PPE, the Canadian Government can cause a panic in claiming that more cases are coming. This takes longer, but makes the shift a lot less obvious. Of course, people are desperate to get their livelihoods back after months long shutdown.

People can get back to work, but only if they wear a mask. And only if they accept other conditions, and conditions to be named later.

7. Culture Shift Is A Major Goal

OTTAWA — Ottawa’s top doctor suggests a “culture shift” is needed to accept people wearing masks or face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical Officer of Health Dr. Vera Etches has been recommending Ottawa residents wear masks to protect themselves from COVID-19 for several weeks.

Now, Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam are recommending Canadians wear non-medical face masks when maintaining a two-metre distance isn’t possible.

During a Town Hall with Ottawa’s Board of Trade on Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Etches suggested a “culture shift” is needed to accept wearing a face mask to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Speaking on Newstalk 580 CFRA’s Ottawa Now with Kristy Cameron, Dr. Etches said wearing a mask or face covering is a “new behaviour” Canadians have never been asked to do before.

“It’s a new behaviour that we want to make more normal. So shifting the culture,” said Dr. Etches.

“Typically, previously before if we saw someone wearing a mask we’d wonder ‘oh, are they sick’ and be kind of concerned. I think what we’re looking for now is to recognize that people are wearing masks to protect others.”

Ottawa’s Emergency and Protective Services General Manager Anthony Di Monte told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that OC Transpo and Ottawa Public Health are working together on developing a policy for masks on OC Transpo buses and the O-Train.

Di Monte added he doesn’t think the city wants to explore a bylaw mandating people wear face masks in public places and businesses.

The Chair of the Board of Health, Councillor Keith Egli says Ottawa wants to get “buy-in” from the public on wearing masks, just like how everyone bought in to the need for physical distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

“We’ve seen from the actions of our citizens in the past that they get the importance of physical distancing, and I’m confident they’ll get the importance of wearing a mask when that’s impossible.”

You heard it straight from the source. The goal is “shifting the culture” so that Canadians get used to wearing a mask in public. They would rather not push a law to mandate it, but instead get people to accept it internally.

Perhaps we are just animals who need to be trained in a new behaviour. Seems to be where things are going.

Why they would prefer to “shift the culture” as opposed to making such things mandatory? Quite simply, less backlash or chances to be challenged if the masses can be manipulated into doing it willingly.

8. Provinces Jump On Board

She said Public Health will be posting the updated recommendations on medical masks online today, noting that the recommendation isn’t mandatory and will allow for public health officers across Canada to consider their area’s needs.

In the hours after her announcement, public health officers from various provinces began echoing the recommendation. Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, said that as people continue to enter public settings they should be wearing non-medical masks.

“In certain situations such as transit where you cannot be assured that you’ll be able to guarantee that two metre or six foot distance, and we are recommending, strongly recommending the use of [a] facial covering, non-medical, in that time so as to prevent any further transmission to others and to respect their space as well as your space in that regard,” Williams said.

Quebec’s Deputy Premier Genevieve Guilbault also encouraged her province’s residents to adopt the habit of wearing a non-medical mask when in public.

“It’s a new habit that we’re going to have to develop and cultivate. It’s not instinctive for us and perhaps doesn’t come naturally for us yet to wear a face covering when you leave your home, but we must absolutely develop that habit,” she said, speaking in French.

Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Abdu Sharkawy said the latest recommendation is a prudent one, but cautioned that Canadians should not ease up on other public health efforts.

Whether they are complicit in the scam, or just useful idiots, Provincial politicians and officials are once again parroting the talking points of Theresa Tam. This comes despite her repeatedly giving contradictory information.

Forget the conflicting advice. Forget the computer modelling that has been laughably wrong. Forget about the people who have recovered and internally developed antibodies. Don’t stop to think that if this virus (assuming it exists) was anywhere near as deadly as predicted, people would be dropping like flies.

9. Alberta Begins Mask Program

Quebec is asking its residents to wear a mask if they leave their house. Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw said her recommendation is for Albertans to wear a mask if they are going somewhere where they will be two metres from another person.

Hinshaw also stressed that wearing a mask does not replace public health measures.
“Even if someone is wearing a mask, it’s still really important to try and maintain that distancing as much as possible. There may be a mistaken impression that if a group of friends want to get together and have a party, as long as everyone is wearing a cloth mask, they can do so and there’s no problem at all,” she said.

Yes, people should be wearing masks, but don’t assume you would otherwise still enjoy your freedoms.

10. Quebec “Strongly Recommends” Masks

Premier Francois Legault, his health minister and the public health director all donned masks as they entered a media briefing in Quebec City – the first time they have done so. “A good way to greatly reduce the contagion is to wear a mask,” Legault said. “We strongly recommend that you do so.

But Legault said the province won’t make masks mandatory for now, unlike such places as France and New York State, where they are required while using public transit.

Legault said the government doesn’t want to discriminate against those who are unable to buy or make their own masks. Legault also said it would be difficult legally to order that masks be worn, because they haven’t been proven to be 100 per cent effective in stopping the spread of the virus.

But Montreal civil rights lawyer Julius Grey said the mask doesn’t need to be perfectly effective to be made mandatory. It is enough that the benefit be “reasonably probable” to gain an exemption under Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms – which outlines a balance between the rights of the individual and the interests of society, he said.

Grey said forcing people to wear masks might infringe on individual rights but it would be considered a “reasonable limit” as long as the mask rules were not too draconian.

“It’s only common sense,” Grey said. “These are charter rights, but they can be limited for something as serious as COVID.”Grey noted that the Quebec government’s own secularism law prohibits certain public servants deemed to be in positions of authority – including teachers, judges and police officers – from wearing religious symbols, such as turbans, kippas and hijabs.

“How is it they can prohibit the hijab, but they can’t mandate and enforce the mask for public safety?” Grey asked with a laugh.

Grey noted that most physical distancing measures introduced since COVID-19 raise charter issues. He said that’s likely to repeat when a vaccine for coronavirus emerges, given there are many opposed to vaccination despite the need to protect society as a whole.

Quebec’s public health department last month began offering instructions for homemade masks. And last week, Montreal’s transit authority announced it would distribute 600,000 masks in the coming weeks to transit users, saying they would not be obligatory because it wouldn’t be able to enforce the rule.

Quebec public health director Dr. Horacio Arruda said Tuesday he wouldn’t hesitate to make masks compulsory if necessary. “But when we make it mandatory, we will make sure that people who cannot afford them cannot be discriminated against compared to those who can,” Arruda told reporters.

So it’s not being made mandatory in Quebec, at least for now. However the goal is to apply social pressure to people into conforming, to get the public to force skeptics into compliance.

Masks are being given out for free. Of course they are. If you want someone to submit to absurd demands, then make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

Interestingly, this puts Quebec in the strange position of proposing mandatory masks for health reasons, even as they banned face coverings for being a security risk, and diluting their culture.

It’s rather disturbing to see this article. While it is cloaked in the language of “strongly recommended”, it also clearly talks about making it mandatory, and whether it would survive a Charter challenge in court.

11. New Brunswick & Mandatory Masks

The province also announced new rules for wearing face masks.
“When outside of the home, and in any location in which physical distancing of 2 metres is not possible, people must wear a face covering that covers their mouth and nose,” the government said in a news release. “Effective June 9, everyone entering a building open to the general public must wear a face covering. Children under the age of two, children of any age while attending licensed early education and childcare facilities, and those unable to wear face coverings due to medical issues are exempt from these requirements.”

On June 5th, the New Brunswick Government announced that masks would be mandatory for entering any public building as of June 9th. That was reversed a day later, which sounds great. However, the reversal was not one of principle, but of putting extra burdens on people. Potentially it could still happen later.

11. Cities Implementing Mask Use

Toronto Mayor John Tory has given consideration to the idea, but hasn’t made it law yet.

MONTREAL — A municipality on the island of Montreal is boasting that it has become the first jurisdiction in Canada to make wearing a mask mandatory for anyone entering a business or a city-owned building.

Cote St-Luc Mayor Mitchell Brownstein said his council passed the bylaw on Monday, and businesses have two weeks to comply. Fines for businesses and individuals who violate the bylaw range from $100 to $500, he said.

Brownstein said all business owners will be required to post a sign provided by the city alerting clients to wear a mask upon entry. He said exceptions will be made for people with asthma or other health conditions or disabilities preventing them from wearing masks.

He said his office researched the situation across the country and found no other town or province that has gone this far. “We want to make Cote St-Luc the safest place for people to shop, and hopefully the provinces in Canada will follow,” Brownstein said in an interview Tuesday.

On Monday, Ottawa’s transit commission voted to make mask-wearing on public transit mandatory starting June 15, but officials said they will not prohibit unmasked people from boarding.

Cote St-Luc has gone further and made masks mandatory. Let’s see how long this lasts.

Even within businesses, this mind control can be implemented. By denying people access without masks, such as Whole Foods, Longo’s, it makes submission more and more likely

Granted, retailers may ease up. However, it’s chilling to see them risk losing customers to this hoax. But as long as the businesses are doing it voluntarily, it’s not government overreach.

An article by VICE inadvertently looks at the issue in a different light. Could demanding your own subjugation be viewed as a human right worth striking over?

And no, this is by no means limited to Canada. Parts of the United States and other countries are also implementing various degrees of the same program.

That one is from New Mexico, but the same idea applies.

12. Mandatory Masks On Travel

COVID-19 is a global public health challenge that has changed the daily lives of people around the world, and ensuring the safety and security of Canadians remains the Government of Canada’s top priority.

Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Marc Garneau, announced new measures requiring all air passengers to have a non-medical mask or face covering to cover their mouth and nose during travel. These measures come into effect at noon EDT on April 20, 2020.

Domestic travel has now been somewhat reopened. The catch? Submitting to wearing a mask. This on top of the other nonsense that is pushed on passengers.

This is also being done by ebus.

Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, who “identifies” as a conservative, announced on June 3rd that face masks will be mandatory for public transit. It was such as urgent matter it won’t actually be implemented until July 2nd.

This is problem isn’t just in Canada. Take a look at our Southern neighbour, and you will see some of the same behaviour.

Certainly images like this (forcing people off buses), create bad optics for officials, but there are other ways to achieve the same goals.

13. Anthony Fauci Flip Flops On Masks

Not only have Canadian officials been laughably incompetent, but so have the American ones. Fauci of course is the public face, but the Surgeon General seems to toe the line. However, one might ask if this had been calculated ahead of time: to appear to be unprepared in order to frighten the public.

Dr. Anthony Fauci now says that a second wave of COVID-19 may not even happen and that wearing a mask is largely symbolic at this point.

In a Wednesday interview with CNN’s “Newsroom,” Fauci — member of the White House’s coronavirus task force — said that a second COVID-19 wave is not necessarily inevitable.

“We often talk about the the possibility of a second wave, or of an outbreak when you’re reopening,” Fauci explained. “We don’t have to accept that as an inevitability.”

Anthony Fauci has finally admitted that masks really are just symbolic, and that the dreaded “repeat waves” were just speculation. So the U.S. was largely shut down on guesswork.

14. Press Briefings Are Hoax

These press conferences are a farce in the sense that the reporters are wearing masks strictly for show. They take them off as soon as the camera is off. And the President doesn’t even bother.

Despite the obvious signs that this is a hoax, on the state level, mask requirements are piling up. The site, MASKS4ALL.CO tracks it by state level. So far, 14 have statewide orders. The website also recommends contacting your Member of Congress to push for wider laws.

15. Worthless Computer Modelling


To long to go into here, but the computer modelling used to make these predictions has been debunked. In fact, the researchers have a long history of overinflated predictions. To be clear, modelling isn’t proof of anything — it’s guesswork. Yet major decisions are made because of it.

For a great summary of this, Jill Colton did a video on it. She drops a lot of truth bombs in it.

16. Shift To Race Riot Psy-Op

The murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin made international news. The video is still widely available online, which is strange considering the censorship levels that YouTube and other outlets engage in.

Another obvious thing: it wasn’t Derek Chauvin that did this. Look at the side by side pictures (one of the perpetrator, the other of Derek Chauvin’s mugshots. They look nothing alike, yet the media is being silent on it. Chauvin isn’t the man responsible, and in retrospect, we don’t even know that Floyd is dead, or that it was even him.

One would think that having the police department burned down would cause someone to speak out publicly that the man who allegedly killed Floyd wasn’t the officer in question. If telling the crowd that “it wasn’t one of our people” doesn’t work, what approach would you take?

Of course, don’t expect the mainstream media to cover this story properly. Here is Jennifer Mayerle perpetuating the coronavirus psy-op with her mask, while she covers the George Floyd psy-op in her talk. Mayerle clearly has trouble breathing with her mask on (just listen to her), but the act must keep going.

This is from NBC News. How messed up is it to be forced play along with the “pandemic” psy-op, while being charged with serious crimes resulting from the Floyd psy-op?

See how effective this has been? By intentionally shutting down entire sectors of society, governments have made people desperate to return to normal. And they can, if a few freedoms are permanently given away.

Now that the media attention is focused on rioting (from the psy-op listed earlier), the media has a new crisis to focus on. Wearing masks is “the new normal”. We need to move on and focus on the systemic racism that is breaking our nations apart.

17. Tam Supports Protest, Wear A Mask

Forget all that “social distancing” that was all the rage before. Forget about staying at home whenever possible, and avoiding crowds. None of that matters anymore. Protesting is totally fine, just WEAR A MASK.

18. Protesting Exemption For Racism

This is disturbing on many levels. Then man pretending to be Trudeau, and his adoring public, are wearing useless masks to protect themselves from a fake pandemic. While doing that, they are taking a knee to atone for the non-existent problem of systemic racism. Of course, the real Trudeau has worn blackface several times, and openly calls Canadians “racist”.

It’s hard to tell how many people actually are taking this seriously. Nonetheless, it is chilling to see Canada, or anyone, go down this path.

Nonetheless, there has been a very successful bait and switch performed here. The “planned-emic” started out in slow motion, but then more and more rights were taken away. The economy is slowing being allowed to reopen, but in a controlled fashion. The new normal is one where face coverings will be expected, if not required or legislated.

Of course the obvious question has to be asked: why in the world would Tam, or anyone RECOMMEND that people attending protests on these loaded subjects conceal their faces? Is the goal to create anarchy and chaos?

19. Make Public Submission Easy/Affordable

Alberta plans, at least for now, to make free masks available virtually everywhere to encourage their use. Make Albertans think these free gifts are for their benefit.

There’s actually a trend that is emerging: deny a person access to a place of business, but provide free masks at the entrance. The reason? To make it “easier” for people to go about their day. Just one catch: they must agree to a face covering.

The plan of course being to change behaviour and culture in the long term.

20. Parallel With Islamic Head Coverings

Okay, we finally get to the topic of contrasting the forced wearing of face masks with forcing girls and women to wear the hijab. There are a lot of the same techniques at play here.

  • Wear a hijab as part of 1 world vision
  • Wear a hijab to show you’re not a bigot
  • Wear a hijab as an act of solidarity
  • Wear a hijab to avoid harassment/rape
  • Wear a hijab to avoid being arrested
  • Wear a hijab to avoid being killed

World Hijab Day is a real thing: it’s to celebrate the head coverings, even for people who aren’t Muslims. Of course, this all looks fine and dandy. Never mind the very real fact that in many countries, women don’t have the choice, but are forced to wear one.

Then there is this approach: if you won’t wear a hijab in order to avoid harassment or sexual assault, do it to avoid Islamophobia and show tolerance. Remember, not all Muslims are bad people, and you should be more accepting of them.

Yes, wearing a hijab to show solidarity with the group is something that has been suggested by both Muslims, and non-Muslim useful idiots.

According to the EU Times, even in 2016, Austrian girls were putting the hijab on to prevent assault and harassment from Muslim men. Despite the girls not being Muslim, or having anything to do with that culture, they WILLINGLY put the headscarf on in order to protect themselves. Many would say that not allowing such incompatible people in would be a great idea. Many would support deporting such people. Instead, the pressure is put on locals to conform for their own safety.

Also see this video by One America News Network.

In other countries, women are actually arrested for refusing to wear the hijab. Punishment can come in the forms of a fine, lashings, imprisonment, or a combination thereof. Remember, in the West, people are told to embrace the hijab as empowerment.

Not the first honour killing to happen. A 16 year old was killed by her brother and father, at least partially, for refusing to wear a hijab. This happened in Canada.

Many women will say they wear it willingly, but are they really? Some will yes, but is fear of harassment, abuse, rape, or arrest contributing to many more wearing it? Is it really a choice when it is made under duress? How much is due to family pressure?

21. Consequence Of Mask Refusal

The comparison of face masks to the Muslim head scarf may seem absurd on the surface, but consider what is happening already in parts of the West.

  • People are being fined for refusing to wear one
  • People are prohibited from taking public transit
  • People are prohibited from flying without a mask
  • People are prohibited from entering certain stores
  • Certain jobs now require a mask at all times

Certainly, there isn’t an exact duplication, but there are parallels. Even in the West, women began “willingly” wearing the headscarf to avoid physical and emotional attacks.

The virus mask, on the other hand, seems to be enforced with a more Chinese style “social credit” type of way. Restrict things that the public is allowed to access without it.

In both cases, mental manipulation is required to sustain it.