Guest Post: Blaise Vanne And The Mask Of Zorro (Part 3)

Part 3 in an on-going series on the greatest scam this side of the Crab Nebula:

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits.
-Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), “the father of public relations,” nephew of Sigmund Freud, cited from his book “Propaganda” (1928)

(Picture above: Remember, as Leona Helmsley told us, “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” Similarly, I suppose, for the pandemic, only the little people wear masks)

Regarding the frantic need for masks, the bought and paid for World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, told us In a March 3, 2020, media briefing (see WHO media briefing March 3, 2020 ) “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.” So, 3.4% is the case fatality rate (CFR, or deaths from COVID-19 divided by the number of cases), while the 1% is infection fatality rate (IFR), or the number of deaths divided by all infected individuals. Here’s the problem: Tedos – either through ignorance or intentional lying – was conflating the CFR and IFR, an incredibly basic mistake. Quantitative scientist John Ioannidis, professor of medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, calculated the IFR for COVID-19 in a review of 61 seroprevalence studies, which was a median of 0.23%, and 0.05% in people younger than 70 (see WHO Bulletin 2021;99:19-33F). Yes, that’s right – Covid is much less of a threat to the young that the seasonal flu – by about a thousand-fold between the young and those 70 and older (this statistic does not differentiate between the young and those 70 and older who have no co-morbidities, significantly). Heck, even Fauci in a New England Journal of Medicine editorial published March 26, 2020, wrote that “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.” Incidentally, if you still trust WHO, you might want to reconsider. See the documentary TrustWHO by Lilian Franck who does a deep dive into the scam the organization is. Mercola notes WHO’s fake investigation into COVID origins is corrupt, as China was allowed to hand pick the members of the WHO’s investigative team, which includes Peter Daszak, Ph.D., who has close professional ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that was being investigated. Yes, the fox once again is guarding the henhouse. Of course, the recently divorced Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the biggest funder of WHO when Donald Trump stopped U.S. funding, making Gates’ priorities the backbone of WHO. Roman writer’s question from 2,000 years ago remains unanswered: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” – Who controls the controllers?

Given the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily influenced, if not outright controlled, by Bill Gates and industry,

And if Mike Adams of Natural News is right, as he reports from an article in the Journal of Clinical Perioidontology, “mask mouth” causes inflammation and gum disease, may increase coronavirus death risk by 900%, with study co-author Professor Lior Shapira of Hebrew University in Israel stating “The results of the study suggest that the inflammation in the oral cavity may open the door to the coronavirus becoming more violent.”

Alfie Oakes, CEO of the largest grocery store chain in Southwest Florida, in a video Insanity Exposed, discussed why enhancing the immune system – which is easily done through getting off highly processed foods – rather than using masks, led him to never requiring his thousands of employees to wear masks during the height of the of the panic, yet had much, much less incidence of Covid at his stores (granting that many, though not all, employees were more health conscious). Video here of Oakes discussing the issue. And Oakes is right. As of late April, 2021, in a Fox article Open States Texas and Florida Doing Much Better than Closed Blue States, it all became clear: Republican-led states including Texas and Florida are reporting fewer coronavirus cases than Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York — all of which are led by prominent Democrats who refuse to roll back COVID-19 regulations and statewide mask mandates, according to CDC data.

And what about those nutty people you see when walking in a nature preserve, no one else nearby, yet dutifully wearing their mask? Mercola again: Experts say brief outdoor encounters present a “very low risk” for transmission of COVID-19, as viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air. “Using mathematical models, Italian researchers have calculated the amount of time it would take for you to contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus outdoors in Milan. If 10% of the population were infected, you would require 31.5 days of continuous outdoor exposure to inhale a dose of virus sufficient to transmit infection … Several investigations looking at SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in air have come up empty. No detectable RNA was found in air samplings from various locations in Wuhan, China, Venice in northern Italy, or Lecce in southern Italy, during the pandemic.” Meanwhile, Germany’s first registry for side effects of mask wearing on children has identified 24 physical, psychological and behavioral health issues, including irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), reduced happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%). Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech and an expert on viral transmission mechanics stated in the NYT April 22, 2021 that “”Viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air, and the risk of inhaling aerosolized virus from a jogger or passers-by is negligible,” Marr told Parker-Pope. “Even if a person coughs or sneezes outside as you walk by, the odds of you getting a large enough dose of virus to become infected remain low.” The same article quotes , Dr. Muge Cevic, a clinical lecturer of infectious disease and medical virology at the University of St. Andrews School of Medicine in Scotland, is quoted saying: “I think it’s a bit too much to ask people to put the mask on when they go out for a walk or jogging or cycling. We’re in a different stage of the pandemic. I think outdoor masks should not have been mandated at all. It’s not where the infection and transmission occurs,” and also quotes Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, an infectious diseases physician and medical director of the special pathogens unit at Boston Medical Center: “Let me go for my run, maskless … Given how conservative I have been on my opinions all year, this should tell you how low [the] risk is, in general, for outdoors transmission for contact over short periods …” Interestingly, this is same for this writer: I was one of the very, very first to go into stores with a N-95 mask, and once more research came out, one of the first to remove it.

Here’s how the mask gambit all fits together, per Mercola. (And if the Nazi term “ubermenschen” comes to mind while reading this, aided and abetted by the iatrarchy – medical dictators – you are spot on), for it is, as Robert F. Kennedy wrote, in “The Truth About COVID-19”:

“The medical profession has not proven itself an energetic defender of democratic institutions or civil rights. Virtually every doctor in Germany took lead roles in the Third Reich’s project to eliminate mental defectives, homosexuals, handicapped citizens and Jews. So many hundreds of German physicians participated in Hitler’s worst atrocities — including managing mass murder and unspeakable experiments at the death camps — that the allies had to stage separate “Medical Trials” at Nuremberg. Not a single prominent German doctor or medical association raised their voice in opposition to these projects. So it’s unsurprising that, instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science, the badly compromised and newly empowered government health officials charged with managing the COVID-19 pandemic response collaborated with mainstream and social media to shut down discussion on key public health and civil rights questions.”

The mask gambit, in one graphic:

The truth is, the media outright lies., including masks. And pair that with a medical system that is co-opted and corrupt. And as Sayer Ji has noted, you cannot make ethical medical decisions unless you know both the risks and the benefits, so the censorship of medical information is, in a very real sense, a violation of human rights. A peer-reviewed paper, COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During a Global Health Crisis — An Evidence-Based Position Paper to Ensure Ethical Conduct,” discussed this issue further, available here. Basically, this substantiates Dr. Peter McCullough’s allegation of rampant, wanton misconduct among public health officials, the active suppression of safe and effective treatments, and pandemic measures being implemented based on incorrect assumptions and outright lies. Even Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the Lancet himself said April 15, 2015 “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Marcia Angell, the former editor of the NEJM, similarly wrote in 2009 “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” Here is Angell interviewed live at a Harvard Medical School interview (at least, while YouTube hasn’t yet banned it).

Dr. Leeman Henry, PhD, Univ. of Edinborough reviews the same issue here and here. Of course there is the famed study by Dr. Barbara Starwood, MD, out of Johns Hopkins, finding a couple decades ago that almost a quarter million die every year from medical caused death. Famed “left the reservation” Pulitzer-nominated reporter Jon Rappoport’s interview with Starfield here).

Mercola did some more digging and presented a list of links to articles in “respectable media” about various unseemly practices, including by the very pharma companies that we are supposed to idolize today. His list below:

The Guardian — Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims

The Atlantic — Did Pfizer Bribe Its Way Out of Criminal Charges in Nigeria?

The U.S. Department of Justice — Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

STAT — Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine

The Intercept — Drug Companies Continue to Shed Liability for Rushed Coronavirus Treatments

Nature Biotechnology — Research not fit to print: Some biotech companies now eschew traditional publication in peer-reviewed journals

Daily Mail — Merck Knew its Anti-Baldness Drug Propecia Was Linked to Depression and Reports of Suicide

NPR — Rush to Produce, Sell Vaccine Put Kids in Philippines at Risk

Medical Xpress — Narcolepsy fiasco spurs COVID vaccine fears in Sweden

BMJ — Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?

The Guardian — Revealed: how drug firms ‘hoodwink’ medical journals

Reuters — AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries

Forbes — Johnson & Johnson to Pay $100 Million in Baby Powder Settlement

Wikipedia — List of largest pharmaceutical settlements

NPR — The Campaign To Wipe Out Polio Was Going Really Well … Until It Wasn’t

Drugwatch — Pfizer

The BMJ Opinion — Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines — we need more details and the raw data

The Guardian — UK firm tried HIV drug on orphans

Consumer Reports — How Your Hospital Can Make You Sick

MSN — Killer fungus spread rampantly at US hospital Covid ward: study

Journal of Patient Safety — A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated With Hospital Care

PLOS Medicine — Editors, Publishers, Impact Factors, and Reprint Income

The New York Review — Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption

The Lancet — Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?

And just remember, as you dutifully wear your mask, your betters don’t need to. The list is too large to enumerate, so just a few here. A quick DuckDuckGo or SwissCows web search (what? You are still using corrupt, co-opted Google??) will show pictures of Gov. Newsome at the uber-luxe French Laundry restaurant, both Nancy Pelosi and Chicago mayor Lightfoot violating their own rule to get their hair done, Dr. Fauci not wearing his mask at a baseball game, Gov. Whitmer deciding it was fine for her to travel to Florida before she was vaccinated to see her father, etc. Too bad things like Whitmer-esque hypocrisy is no excuse for us poor, unwashed peasants, or Whitmer’s director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services— the very department issuing the warnings not to travel – who was caught heading out on vacation, while another member took a spring trip to Florida after her government specifically told people not to go to Florida as it wasn’t locked down. But my all-time favourite mask hypocrite is Sarah Chambers, on the executive board of the Chicago Teachers Union. She posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood. But hey, her screen says she is “4 Justice,” so all is OK… or not. Must be nice to be modern day Marie Antoinettes in Michigan, California and Chicago, right “Guv.” Whitmer, Rep. Pelosi, and Ms. Chambers?

Of course, MIT reported April 2021 that social distancing does nothing either, particularly with masks on, but at this point, do any of the mask police care about actual fact? Rather, if we want to stop the spread, take off your mask in the grocery store and ask that obese person behind you with a cartload of Pepsi, Twinkies and Captain Crunch high fructose corn syrup cereal to leave the store. Why? Turns out obese people may be the super spreaders of Covid. See study by PNAS, telling us “Adults age 26 and younger and those with a body mass index, or BMI, below 22 were “low spreaders of [the] exhaled” respiratory droplets from the nose and mouth that transmit the coronavirus, the data showed. Conversely, adults with a higher BMI, which measures body weight according to a person’s height, exhaled more of these droplets, particularly as they aged. The findings may help explain how some people become “superspreaders” of COVID-19 and pass the virus on to large numbers of people, the researchers said. Thirty-five, or 18%, of the 194 participants in the study generated 80% of the exhaled respiratory droplets produced by the group as a whole, with older, heavier participants driving that spread.” stories, here, here, here or at Tulane University news here. What’s next? Lock down the obese?

To close out the mask gambit, hear this impassioned plea from a Georgia mother of three on what the mask mandate on her young kids – who have virtually ZERO chance of dying from it – has to say. Then after listening to this, ask your local mask supporter how they can live with themselves while doing so much evil. And as Tucker Carlson noted on his show in April, masks were “purely a sign of political obedience like Kim Il-Sung pins in Pyongyang” and that the only people who voluntarily wear masks outside are “zealots and neurotics.”

And if we need masks, as Jeff Harris wrote at the Ron Paul Inst.: “You would think that during the worst Pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu life insurance companies would be hedging their bets to avoid major losses from Covid-19. I haven’t written a life policy for several years so I was wondering what was going on? I called one of the brokers I deal with that interacts with hundreds of big life insurers to get an inside look into how the Covid crisis has changed their business. Imagine my surprise when she said it was pretty much business as usual! Last year when the hysteria was just getting ramped up she did say the companies temporarily tightened up underwriting and reduced the amount of coverage they would offer. But as time went by and the hard data came rolling in those same companies went back to business as usual. I asked her specifically if life insurers wanted a Covid test as part of the underwriting process and she said none that she was aware of. Hmm, that’s pretty interesting isn’t it? The most lethal pandemic in decades descends on the globe with deadly mutations taking millions of innocent lives and the life insurance companies couldn’t care less. I also asked if the cost per thousand of coverage had increased due to Covid and again she said no. Rates were pretty much the same as they were before the Covid Pandemic ravaged the earth. Life Insurance companies are very risk adverse. They don’t like losing money to unnecessary claims. The fact they’re treating Covid as a nonevent should be an indicator that something is very wrong with the whole narrative.”

Next installment – on to the vaccine itself!

CIHR Using Taxpayer Money To Convince Pregnant Women & Children To Get Vaccine

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, nothing will. CIHR, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research has been handing out public money to pay people to convince others to take the experimental, unapproved, gene replacement “vaccines”. And yes, pregnant women are specifically mentioned in these grants.

To make things even worse, the CIHR wants to hire people to convince children to get poisoned as well.

Now, who are the people who have sold their souls in return for getting some sweet, sweet “pandemic bucks”?

Barkun, Alan N $784,125
Berman, Peter $118,575
Bottari, Carolina $218,025
Brignardello Petersen, Romina Andrea $1,365,525
Brunet, Alain F $240,975
Burchell, Ann N $768,825
Campbell, Tavis S $271,575
Caron, Etienne $738,000
Cheng, Adam $248,625
Divangahi, Maziar $569,925
Durocher, Evelyne $115,000
Elahi, Shokrollah $1,071,000
Ehrhardt, Rudolf A $229,500
Estabrooks, Carole Anne $756,890
Foster, Jennifer $332,775
Fowler, Robert A $455,175
Gesink, Dionne $393,975
Harris, M. Anne $325,125
Jan, Eric $445,230
Jardine, Cynthia $348,075
Katapally, Tarun Reddy $554,434
Kaul, Rupert $489,600
Lavoie, Kim $638,775
Lisonkova, Sarka $168,300
Luo, Honglin $562,275
Mazurak, Vera C $344,250
Meyer, Jeffrey H $761,175
Mubareka, Samira $612,765
Nissim, Rinat $294,525
O’Campo, Patricia J $302,175
Oremus, Mark $195,075
Pai, Nitika $378,675
Pike, Ian $267,750
Puyat, Joseph H $302,175
Rigatto, Claudio $562,275
Robillard, RĂ©becca $168,300
Rothman, Linda $416,925
Rousseau, Cecile $240,975
Sylvestre, Marie-Pierre $457,422
Vivion, Maryline $153,000
Wang, JianLi $137,700
Webster, Fiona $160,650
Woodgate, Roberta L $358,594
Zimmermann, Camilla $423,045

Should anyone raise the topic, no, this isn’t doxing. If one accepts grants from the Federal Government, it is public, and searchable by anyone. Moreover, it’s in the public interest that others know who they are. These people are pushing injections on the general population, most likely without being completely forthcoming.

Interesting to note: most of these grants run until 2022 or 2023. It could be because these drugs are in the experimental stages, and the testing won’t be done until then. These drugs are not “approved” by Health Canada, but instead, are given interim authorization under an emergency order.

  • INTERIM AUTHORIZATION — deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Also known as emergency authorization.
  • APPROVED — Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population.


January 2019: First Interim Report Of Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine

The term “hallway medicine” is used to describe a health care system that is so overloaded that there aren’t enough rooms for patients. Ontario’s health care system has long been operating over capcity. Shortly after taking power in 2018, Doug Ford promised to have the issue studied and corrected.

However, in the light of this so-called “pandemic”, that previous issue seems to have been scrubbed from the media, and from political talking heads. Prior to this, apparently there were no serious health care issues.

The Ontario Science Table and various “TV experts” would have you believe that hospitals are overwhelmed because of a virus (that has yet to be isolated). Countless “non essential” health care services have been cancelled in the name of freeing up space to accommodate anticipated death waves.

Read the 1st report for yourself, but it’s quite telling:

Key Findings
1. Patients and families are having difficulty navigating the health care system and are waiting too long for care. This has a negative impact on their own health and on provider and caregiver well-being.
2. The system is facing capacity pressures today, and it does not have the appropriate mix of services, beds, or digital tools to be ready for the projected increase in complex care needs and capacity pressures in the short and long-term.
3. There needs to be more effective coordination at both the system level, and at the point-of-care. This could achieve better value (i.e. improved health outcomes) for taxpayer money spent throughout the system. As currently designed, the health care system does not always work efficiently

Chapter 1: The Patient Experience
Patients and families are having a difficult time navigating the health care system. Ontarians cannot always see their primary care provider when they need to, wait times for some procedures and access to specialists and community care are too long, and emergency department use is increasing. A lack of early intervention and prevention is contributing to more patients becoming ill. All of these challenges are connected to the problem of hallway health care.
Chapter 2: Stress on Caregivers and Providers
Health care providers, family members, and friends are feeling the strain of a system that isn’t making caregiving easy. This leads to high levels of stress and places a heavy burden on caregivers to act as advocates for timely and high-quality health care services.
Chapter 3: Different Health Care Needs
There are more patients with complex needs and an increase in chronic issues that require careful and coordinated management, like an aging population living longer with high rates of dementia. Fair access to health care across the province continues to be a concern.
Chapter 4: Immediate and Long-Term Capacity Pressures
Ontario does not have an adequate or appropriate mix of services and beds throughout its health care system. This leads to capacity pressures on hospitals and long-term care homes. Demographic projections indicate there will be additional strain on existing capacity in the near future.
Chapter 5: Responsibility and Accountability in the System
Ontario’s health care system is large. Responsibility for coordinating high-quality health care is spread across many government agencies, organizations, and the Ministry with no clear point of accountability to keep the focus on improving health outcomes for Ontarians. There is a fundamental lack of clarity about which service provider should be providing what services to patients and how to work together effectively. Ontario could be getting better value for the money it currently spends on the health care system.

Looks pretty serious. Keep in mind, this was 2018/2019, and the consensus even then was that Ontario hospitals were overflowing.

Adalsteinn Brown was part of the Premier’s Council on Improving Healthcare and Ending Hallway Medicine. Their 2019 report concluded that Ontario hospitals didn’t always run efficiently, and there weren’t enough reasons.

Fast forward a year or 2. That same Adalsteinn Brown now runs the Ontario Science Table. The group is claiming that coronavirus cases are responsible for Ontario hospitals being overwhelmed.

This previous Committee work seems to have been completely swept under the rug, as it doesn’t fit with the present narrative.

Even as late as January 2020, it was being reported on that Ontario hospitals were already overwhelmed. In face, CBC referenced a specific campaign promise Ford had made back in 2018 on this issue. CBC’s own investigation had concluded the same thing: that Ontario health care was pushed to its very limits.

From the CBC’s own work, it was shown that many hospitals were over 100% capacity, nearly every single day. This is a serious problem.

However, once the “global pandemic” hit, all talk about this seemed to stop. Instead, hospitals were being overwhelmed by waves of sick and dying “Covid” patients. That was the new narrative.

Hospitals across Canada — not just Ontario — responded by cancelling thousands of preventative, screening, and non emergency procedures. The health care system stopped taking care of the people it didn’t have the capacity to anyway. An interesting way to end hallway medicine. Just cancel services and end the backlog.


(8) Ontario Science Table: Ties To University Of Toronto
(9) Ontario Science Table: Extension Of Gov’t, No Independence
(10) UotT/DLSPH Joins WHO; Communism; Anti-White
(11) Ontario Science Table: Kwame McKenzie, Ontario UBI Pilot Project
(12) Robert Steiner Claims To Be Major PHAC Advisor To Liberals
(13) Ontario Science Table: Actually Set Out In May 2019?
(14) Ontario Science Table; Kumar Murty; Perfect Cloud
(15) Ontario Science Table: Influenced By $5M From Como???
(16) OST: Partnered With CADTH, A WHO Group; And pCPA
(17) Centre For Effective Practive/Partners Profit From Lockdowns
(18) Ontario Science Table: Cochrane Canada; McMaster; Gates
(19) Ontario Science Table: SPOR Evidence Alliance; WHO Funding
(20) OST: David Fisman; Race Baiting; Side Job With ETFO
(21) OST: Adalsteinn Brown; DLSPH; MOH; Premiers Council
(22) Institute For Pandemics Started For Ontario Science Table Hacks
(23) Ontario Science Table Release Guide For “Obedience Training”

Pavlov’s Dogs: OST’s Obedience Training Guide For Ontario Residents

Many years ago, Ivan Pavlov discovered that given the right structure of rewards, dogs could be trained simply by ringing a bell. Dogs would to associate the ringing with food, even at times when that wasn’t the end result.

While his experiments are rudimentary today, they were important break throughs at the time. It’s still taught in introductory college psychology classes. Now, from the Ontario Science Table, and their paper of April 2021.

Key Message
The science of getting people to start something new is different from the science of getting them to continue positive behaviours. Amid rising rates of new SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, Ontario needs a refreshed approach to maintaining and enhancing adherence to public health measures. Promising strategies to increase effective masking and physical distancing include persuasion, enablement, modelling the behaviour, and clear education.

As such, the strategies are explicitly linked to target groups in a position to action them to support two key groups of Ontarians:
1. Those who are already adhering to physical distancing and masking in most situations but are unclear on the remaining high-risk scenarios that exist in their lives (focus on maintenance).
2. Those who are inconsistently following these public health measures due to easily addressed capability, opportunity and motivation reasons (focus on enhancement)

This paper (also archived here) from the Ontario Science Table outlines psychological and behavioural modification techniques that can be applied to convince people to obey the ever changing public health measures.

This was mentioned in a previous article, but now, deserves its own standalone piece. This is quite a piece of work.

The Ontario Science Table recommends tax breaks for companies to force customers and employees to wear masks. That had been rumoured to be a part of the subsidy requirements, but the OST openly suggests that sort of thing.

This is a common type of tactic in retail settings. By moving certain products to make them constantly visible, they are more likely to be on the minds of customers. Hence, they are more likely to be bought.

Masks are to be provided at will in order to reinforce the message that mask wearing is necessary. And by extension, masks are used to reinforce the claim that there is a global pandemic, despite there not being any evidence whatsoever for it.

This one puts the “training” in obedience training. OST recommends creating videos and instructional guides on masks, and to claim it’s what they’ve learned from the science.

OST recommends the implementation of “mask refreshers” so that masks are constantly on the minds of Ontarians. This is essential, otherwise they may start questioning whether there really is a pandemic.

This is straight out of advertising. Get people to identify with those sending the messages, and they are much more likely to comply. It’s subtle emotional manipulation.

Interesting way to get people to go along with the psy-op. Just use humour to lighten the situation.

That same idea can apply to people who get the experimental gene-replacement shot. Doughnuts, beer, lottery tickets and other incentives are already being handed out. Then again, maybe taking out such people is for the best.

Governments, public health units, and healthcare organizations are delivering strategies to support Ontarians in adhering to public health measures, with an emphasis on physical distancing and masking. This Science Brief recognizes that more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to move beyond “more of the same” when it comes to strategies to maintain and enhance how, when, and where Ontarians engage in masking and distancing. Groups in a position to support change can leverage behavioural science to refresh their approaches by using a range of evidence-based behavioural change strategies. These strategies can help to move beyond asking Ontarians to “do more” (potentially contributing to pandemic fatigue) and instead focus on creating the conditions needed to ensure ongoing adherence in our current state.

Methods Used for This Science Brief
The advice on this brief has been developed using the COM-B model. COM-B is a theoretical framework employed by Behavioural Scientists to help identify key behavioural barriers to desired action. The model identifies three essential conditions: Capability, Opportunity, Motivation that affect Behaviour and decision making. Capability barriers include lack of knowledge and comprehension about a behaviour and its consequences, and lack of skill necessary to carry out a behaviour. Opportunity barriers include time and resource constraints that make a desired behaviour more difficult or costly to carry out. Motivation barriers include emotional reactions and inaccurate beliefs that create obstacles for carrying out a behaviour.

It’s hard to believe that the OST would release such a report, detailing how to use Ontario as modern day dogs of Ivan Pavlov. But here we are. The April 2021 white paper speaks for itself, and commentary isn’t really necessary.

(3) OST Science Brief Enhancing Adherence to Public Health Measures

(5) Ontario Science Table: Ties To University Of Toronto
(6) Ontario Science Table: Extension Of Gov’t, No Independence
(7) UotT/DLSPH Joins WHO; Communism; Anti-White
(8) Ontario Science Table: Kwame McKenzie, Ontario UBI Pilot Project
(9) Robert Steiner Claims To Be Major PHAC Advisor To Liberals
(10) Ontario Science Table: Actually Set Out In May 2019?
(11) Ontario Science Table; Kumar Murty; Perfect Cloud
(12) Ontario Science Table: Influenced By $5M From Como???
(13) OST: Partnered With CADTH, A WHO Group; And pCPA
(14) Centre For Effective Practive/Partners Profit From Lockdowns
(15) Ontario Science Table: Cochrane Canada; McMaster; Gates
(16) Ontario Science Table: SPOR Evidence Alliance; WHO Funding
(17) OST: David Fisman; Race Baiting; Side Job With ETFO
(18) OST: Adalsteinn Brown; DLSPH; MOH; Premiers Council
(19) Institute For Pandemics Started For Ontario Science Table Hacks

IMM #5(C): Remittances Remain High, Even As Unemployment Rates Soared In 2020

Apparently it’s the International Day for Family Remittances. Despite dire predictions in early 2020 by the World Bank and others, this didn’t actually materialize. The total drop was almost insignificant.

Despite COVID-19, remittance flows remained resilient in 2020, registering a smaller decline than previously projected. Officially recorded remittance flows to low- and middle-income countries reached $540 billion in 2020, just 1.6 percent below the 2019 total of $548 billion.

Rather interesting: even as the West experienced record level unemployment rates, the drop in remittances sent abroad was almost negligible. If all these jobs were disappearing, where exactly was the money coming from? A huge drop in 2020 was predicted by the World Bank, but did not materialize.

Year Total ($B) To 1st World To 3rd World Diff.
2013 $581B $177B $404B $227B
2014 $592B $162B $430B $268B
2015 $582B $142B $440B $298B
2016 $573B $144B $429B $285B
2017 $613B $147B $466B $319B
2018 $689B $161B $528B $367B
2019 $706B $158B $548B $390B
2020 $702B $162B $540B $378B

According to the World Bank: “With global growth expected to rebound further in 2021 and 2022, remittance flows to low- and middle-income countries are expected to increase by 2.6 percent to US$553 billion in 2021 and by 2.2 percent to US$565 billion in 2022.”

The World Economic Forum estimated about $714B in global remittances in 2019, while the World Bank claimed $706 billion. Note: these estimates are often updated.

These global citizens are the world’s “Economic First Responders”. The money they send across the world’s borders have helped smooth the economic shocks from the pandemic, fostering stronger resilience and recovery in their home nations throughout 2020, and into 2021 and beyond, than would have been the case without these flows.

They provide an essential lifeline to their home communities by funding spending on essentials, lowering extreme poverty and supporting healthcare and education. They serve on the front lines within their host communities as medics, scientists, grocers, bus drivers, construction workers, teachers, and contribute human capital towards the functioning of a robust economy.

These actions, during an unprecedented global pandemic, serve to shine an even bigger spotlight on the criticality of remittances and those who send them. They are the resilient and inclusive global economic force. Policymakers, development experts and economists must give cross-border remittances the consideration and priority they deserve as a significant global economic engine. There has simply never been a greater need for innovation and technology that provides the on-the-ground financial support flowing instantly across borders.

A January 2021 Oxford Economics report, The Remittance Effect: A Lifeline for Developing Economies Through the Pandemic and Into Recovery, illustrates how remittances impact developing economies, both in the very short-term and in the longer-term, in a way that neither government aid nor private foreign direct investment can match, given the larger value of remittances today.

These economic first responders selflessly act to quickly wire money into the hands of loved ones back home, stimulating spending on housing, medical care, and other essentials; boosting savings, improving creditworthiness and funding investments; and supporting economic and financial stability – all of which promote economic growth. As Oxford Economics says, the “remittance multiplier effect” boosts local economic activity and ultimately GDP.

In the last several years, remittances overtook Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as the largest external capital source in developing economies. The forecast for global FDI flows is bleak, with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) having forecast that these flows contracted by up to 40% in 2020.

A strikingly honest take from the World Economic Forum, or at least, a look into how they view things. Sending large amounts of money out of the 1st World isn’t undermining the West, rather “Economic First Responders” are doing their part to save the planet.

It also underscores their agenda. WEF views remittances as a more effective way of doing wealth transfers to other nations. It doesn’t provoke the same backlash as foreign aid does.

These “global leaders” don’t want countries or nations. They want economic zones where employees and production can be shifted around.

Pew Research estimated that Canada sent some $28 million USD (about $33 million CDN) abroad in the year 2018. The United States sent about $159 billion. Under the guise of “pandemic management” Canada had already experienced 63 days of business closures — keeping in mind, this article was written in June 2020. It’s actually much higher now.

One would expect remittances to plummet as businesses closed, many for good. But in the end, the overall drop in remittances was pretty insignificant. So, where did they come from? How much CERB, or other relief, was simply sent abroad?

Unfortunately, too many politicians want to look good in the eyes of the world, instead of serving their own people? Here’s a great example of this sort of mindset. Since most readers are probably blocked, these are some of the tweets that are important.

Don’t worry. There will always be Canada-last politicians like Michelle Rempel-Garner in power. She’s fully aware that our programs are used to drive down wages, and to send money abroad (where it will go much further), and she STILL supports it. Seems that the focus is on growing OTHER economies.

Wages work in a supply-and-demand fashion. A low supply of workers will push up the demand, which are salaries. However, when there is a surplus of that supply of workers, it pushes down the demand, as people will work for less.

Of course, it’s much cheaper to feed a family in Guatemala than it is in Canada, even with the fees associated with sending remittances. Such people can afford to work for less. It creates a race to the bottom where most people lose in the end.

Happy International Day for Family Remittances everyone! Go be an Economic First Responder, and send some money abroad.

(12) href=”

Oversight For Human Pathogens and Toxins Act, Quarantine Act Removed, Slipped Into Budget Bill

There are few things more nefarious than when politicians pass laws to strip your rights away, or undermine democracy. It’s even worse when this isn’t openly debated, but instead slipped into a larger Bill, and it goes almost unnoticed.

This was done in the Spring of 2019, and pushed through right before an election. Have to wonder why.

In the interest of fairness, Diverge Media broke this story yesterday. A great piece of research, showing that a major regulatory check had been scrapped without any public discussion.

Looking at the timing, it’s hard to plausibly believe that the politicians weren’t aware that something was going to happen. And if they didn’t know, why not speak up now?

The NDP did make a passing objection, but it seemed to be more in the context of having an omnibus Bill pushed. She listed: “Seventh, subdivision K of division 9 of part 4 repeals provisions of the Quarantine Act. Eighth, subdivision L of division 9 of part 4 repeals provisions of the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act.” There were no specific details given as to why these were bad.

This was the public “discussion” on May 6, 2019.
A 90 second speech.

Mr. Chair, I’ll speak to subdivision K, as well as subdivision L, given their similarities.
The proposed legislative amendment to the Quarantine Act and to the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act would streamline the regulatory process under both acts by repealing the requirement for the Minister of Health to table proposed regulations before both Houses of Parliament prior to making new or updated regulations. This will allow the minister to proceed through the standard Governor in Council process, including prepublication and public consultation in the Canada Gazette. New or updated regulations under both of these acts would continue to comply with the cabinet directive on regulations.
The proposed amendments would put the Public Health Agency of Canada on level footing with other Canadian regulators and we will be more responsive to stakeholder needs for nimble, agile regulations that are kept up to date by facilitating the removal of outdated or ineffective regulations that may not be adequately protecting the public health and safety or may hinder innovation and economic growth.
Our ability to have up-to-date regulations will be a benefit for the Canadian public, for the travel and transportation sectors, and for the biotech and medical resource sectors.

On May 6, 2019, Cindy Evans told a Parliamentary Committee that a provision of Bill C-97 would remove the requirement for legislative checks and balances before issuing orders under the Quarantine Act. Keep in mind, this was a BUDGET Bill, and this was buried in an obscure section.

Proposed regulations to be laid before Parliament
66.1 (1) Before a regulation is made under section 66, the Minister shall lay the proposed regulation before each House of Parliament.
Marginal note: Report by committee
(2) A proposed regulation that is laid before Parliament shall be referred to the appropriate committee of each House, as determined by the rules of that House, and the committee may review the proposed regulation and report its findings to that House.
Marginal note: Standing Committee on Health
(2.1) The committee of the House of Commons referred to in subsection (2) shall be the Standing Committee on Health or, in the event that there is not a Standing Committee on Health, the appropriate committee of the House.
Marginal note: Making of regulations
(3) A regulation may not be made before the earliest of
(a) 30 sitting days after the proposed regulation is laid before Parliament,
(b) 160 calendar days after the proposed regulation is laid before Parliament, and
(c) the day after each appropriate committee has reported its findings with respect to the proposed regulation.
Marginal note: Explanation
(4) The Minister shall take into account any report of the committee of either House. If a regulation does not incorporate a recommendation of the committee of either House, the Minister shall lay before that House a statement of the reasons for not incorporating it.
Marginal note: Alteration
(5) A proposed regulation that has been laid before Parliament need not again be so laid prior to the making of the regulation, whether it has been altered or not.

66.2 (1) A regulation may be made without being laid before either House of Parliament if the Minister is of the opinion that
(a) the changes made by the regulation to an existing regulation are so immaterial or insubstantial that section 66.1 should not apply in the circumstances; or
(b) the regulation must be made immediately in order to protect the health or safety of any person.
Marginal note: Notice of opinion
(2) If a regulation is made without being laid before Parliament, the Minister shall lay before each House of Parliament a statement of the Minister’s reasons.

Although the “exceptions” clause did provide some wiggle room, forcing Cabinet Ministers to bring proposed changes through the legislative process is actually a good check. It ensures that at least there is open discussion. However, given how quickly these changes passed in Parliament, their effectiveness is questionable.

Proposed regulations to be laid before both Houses of Parliament
62.1 (1) The Governor in Council may not make a regulation under section 62 unless the Minister has first caused the proposed regulation to be laid before both Houses of Parliament.
Marginal note: Report by committee
(2) A proposed regulation that is laid before a House of Parliament is deemed to be automatically referred to the appropriate committee of that House, as determined by the rules of that House, and the committee may conduct inquiries or public hearings with respect to the proposed regulation and report its findings to that House.
Marginal note: Making of regulations
(3) The Governor in Council may make a regulation under section 62 only if
(a) neither House has concurred in any report from its committee respecting the proposed regulation before the end of 30 sitting days or 160 calendar days, whichever is earlier, after the day on which the proposed regulation was laid before that House, in which case the regulation may be made only in the form laid; or
(b) both Houses have concurred in reports from their committees approving the proposed regulation or a version of it amended to the same effect, in which case the regulation may be made only in the form concurred in.
Marginal note: Meaning of “sitting day”
(4) For the purpose of this section, “sitting day” means a day on which the House in question sits.

62.2 (1) A regulation may be made without being laid before each House of Parliament if the Minister is of the opinion that
(a) the changes made by the regulation to an existing regulation are so immaterial or insubstantial that section 62.1 should not apply in the circumstances; or
(b) the regulation must be made immediately in order to protect the health or safeguard the safety of the public.
Marginal note: Explanation
(2) If a regulation is made without being laid before each House of Parliament, the Minister shall cause to be laid before each House a statement of the reasons why it was not.

The Quarantine Act also had legitimate safety mechanism stripped out, buried as a seeming afterthought in an omnibus budget Bill.

The “Budget Bill” did pass along Party lines. At the time, the Liberals held a majority, so they needed no support in ramming this through. While the NDP and Conservatives voted against it, these provisions were very unlikely to have contributed, since their was no real debate. Even now, they don’t speak up.

With hindsight, things are much clearer.

(10) May 6 2019 Quarantine Act Amendment