CV #17: ConquerCovid19, The IDRF, And Other “Covid” Groups Springing Up

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for NOW Toronto article on Ford.
CLICK HERE, for CTV article on ConquerCovid group.
CLICK HERE, for website.
CLICK HERE, for ConquerCovid’s merchandise sales page.
CLICK HERE, for ConquerCovid staff page.
CLICK HERE, for ID&RF mainpage.

CLICK HERE, for Ruby Alvi’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Yusuf Ahmed’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Khadija Cajee’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Fatima Dada’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Chris Houston’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Nadia Malik’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Kashif Pirzada’s LinkedIn page.

3. Context For This Article

This article has two parts. The first is a look into the group, ConquerCovid19. This group has been supplying medical equipment (in particular PPE) over the last while to help fight this “coronavirus crisis” that we are repeatedly told exists. They have also been supplying politicians with their motivational T-shirts to wear for public announcements. Doug Ford is perhaps the most notable example.

CC19 has partnered with a charity called the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF), an Islamic charity formed in 1988, that has some interesting financials.

The second part concerns the sudden rise of other CV groups. When there is an (alleged) pandemic, is your first reaction to form a corporation in order to make money off of it? Well, at least 5 new Federal Non-Profits came to be formed in Canada in the last 2 months. They are so new in fact that it doesn’t look like they even have businesses or websites up yet.

  • Covid Care Collective
  • Covid Solutions Inc.
  • Covid-19 Legal Resource Center
  • Mr. Surprise Covid-19 Foundation
  • Outremont Covid-19 Help Foundation

There may very well be more, but these are the ones listed with Corporations Canada in recent postings. Very little is available on these companies. One has to ask though: are they hoping that this situation continues indefinitely? Are they hoping to cash in on the situation?

Note: there is one more listing under “covid” in the Corporations Canada website, but it appears to be an unrelated, now defunct company.

4. Group

TORONTO — A Greater Toronto Area based volunteer group called “Conquer COVID-19” is helping fill a void on urgently needed medical supplies at hospital and clinics.

Dr. Kashif Prizada, an emergency room doctor in Toronto and member of Conquer COVID-19, told CTV News Toronto Sunday that he’s seeing more coronavirus patients every day. He said that more of the patients are on ventilators and medical staff need more equipment.

For example, Prizada said that instead of changing a mask after each patient, staff are asked to use about two a day.

Conquer COVID-19 said it’s already coordinating the supply of ventilators, masks, gloves and baby monitors, which may conserve the need for personal protective equipment like gowns.

“We want to make sure the patients are being seen and taken care of appropriately so baby monitors would allow physicians and nurses to communicate with patients in isolation while maintaining their own health,” said Yusuf Ahmed, a second-year medical student at the University of Toronto and working with Conquer COVID-19.

According to this group, it is not producing or manufacturing any medical equipment of personal protective equipment. Instead, it is trying to coordinate donations from people who do make it, and who have some in stock.

On the website the group announces it is selling merchandise and giving the profits to health care workers. Given how new the group is, however, it doesn’t seem like any sort of auditing or inspection has been done, and the group is not a registered charity. We will have to see what come out of this.

About Us
Conquer COVID-19 is comprised of physicians, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and other volunteers who are working together to ensure frontline workers responsible for the health and wellbeing of Canadians have access to masks, gloves, and other supplies that are essential in treating patients and minimizing the spread of the virus.

It seems that this group’s primary goal is getting PPE to healthcare workers. Seems harmless enough, but is it a concern that Huawei is one of the organizations supporting it?

5. ConquerCorona Partners With IDRF

According to its news release, the ConquerCovid group has partnered with the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF). A look at its recent tax filings (available free at Revenue Canada) indicates that the charity consistently makes more than it spends. This is even after salaries and expenses are factored in.

Period Ends Revenue Total Expenses Difference
2015 $4,756,469 $4,566,518 $189,951
2016 $5,142,039 $4,371,319 $770,720
2017 $4,815,600 $4,207,947 $607,653
2018 $5,442,063 $5,232,886 $209,177
2019 $7,979,701 $5,370,929 $2,608,772
TOTALS $28,135,872 $23,749,599 4,386,273

Direct links: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

This Islamic charity that ConquerCovid19 has partnered with has come out ahead to the tune of nearly $4.4 million over the last 5 years, according to filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. They are partnering with a group that only formed 3 weeks earlier, whose members (several of them) follow Bill Gates.

But sure, nothing to see here, right Doug Ford?

6. About The Group’s Members

The group ConquerCovid19 claims to be made up of volunteers. On the surface this looks fine, but questions get raised when you take a closer look at these volunteers.

Dr. Ruby Alvi is one of the leaders of the ConquerCovid group. And according to her LinkedIn page, she also is a follower of Bill Gates.

Yusuf Ahmed is also one of the leaders of the ConquerCovid group. And he follows the open borders group, Amnesty International. AI is funded by the Russian Zionist Benenson family.

Khadija Cajee is following Richard Branson, Welcome South Africa, and the Canadian Council of Africa. She also co-founded the group “No Fly List Kids”, which is devoted to getting names removed from the No Fly List.

Fatema Dada works for the Ontario Attorney General’s Office. She follows Lawyers Without Borders, Amnesty International, and several Muslim groups online.

Chris Houston, according to his LinkedIn page, is following the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society (George Soros’ organization), USAID, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and several other global groups.

Nadia Malik has spent almost a decade at Bombardier. That is interesting, given how frequently the company gets taxpayer funded handouts. She is also following: Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Justin Trudeau, McKinsey, the World Economic Forum, and some others.

Kashif Pirzada is following Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General. Also, he is a coroner, which makes the Covid charity and interesting choice to get involved with.

And here are a few more members of ConquerCovid, who are also following Bill Gates. Many, although not all are following his LinkedIn page.

Beyond the ConquerCovid group, it’s worth noting that several other “corporations” have been started up in the last while, all supposedly dealing with the virus. Although they have filings with Corporations Canada, they don’t seem to have done much yet.

These could be totally legit companies, but they could also be shell corporations. There isn’t enough information available to tell yet.

7. Covid Care Collective

This “new” company seems to be hot off the presses. In fact, it was incorporated today, May 11, 2020. Doesn’t appear to have a website running.

8. Covid Solutions Inc.

The articles of incorporation and list of directors were only finished on April 30, 2020, less than 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t appear that this company even has a website running.

9. Covid-19 Legal Resource Center

10. Mr. Surprise Covid-19 Foundation

This corporation only came into existence April 20, 2020.

11. Outremont Covid-19 Help Foundation

This “corporation” was founded on March 14, 2020, less than 2 months ago.

12. CV Bringing Out Business Opportunities

The coronavirus “pandemic” seems to be an opportunity for new business ventures, which is ironic considering how businesses have been shut down. ConquerCovid19 was formed just a month ago, and aims to be a middleman, getting supplies to health care workers. Ontario Premier Doug Ford is already shilling for their merchandise.

The sudden partnership between ConquerCovid19 and the IDRF is interesting. CC19 was only formed a matter of weeks ago, and IDRF is an extremely profitable Islamic charity.

As for these other five corporations, what happens with them? Their articles of incorporation were pretty sparse in details, so it’s unclear what they are actually formed to do. Of course, these are just the ones registered Federally that a search of “COVID” turned up. There may be more.

CV #16: Koch/Atlas Ties On Both Sides Of Alberta Bill 10 Court Challenge

In the 1990s, Jason Kenney was the head of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation. He has lobbied the Federal Government in that capacity.

The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms belongs to the same organization that the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation does.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Media Bias, Lies, Omissions And Corruption


3. Important Links


(6) Alberta.Bill.10.Emergency.Powers
(7) Alberta.Bill.10.JCCF.Legal.Challenge.April.30

4. Context For This Piece

Having a healthy opposition, or group fighting the government is generally a great thing. Having an organization challenge bad laws or decisions in court benefits society as a whole. In this case, the bad law is Alberta’s Bill 10, rushed through Parliament. No serious person would deny that there are positives to challenging it. This is especially true given the hyped nature of CV.

Bill 10, in short, is a gross overreach and overreaction in response to this coronavirus “planned-emic”. It steps on many freedoms Albertans are used to having.

In a larger sense, it seems that many Western leaders are using this as an opportunity to crack down on civil liberties, under the guise of security. See Section #4 for a few quotes.

The JCCF is right, that such a Bill passed, especially with little real debate is a problem. For that, they deserve credit.

That said, when the power BEING challenged, and the party DOING the challenging are owned by the same organization, the public needs to know about it. One can legitimately ask if the entire event is staged, or at a minimum, if there is some conflict of interest.

Such is the case here. The commonality is the Koch funded Atlas Network. Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is the former President of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, which is an Atlas Group. Many of his former colleagues are also part of Atlas. The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms is also part of Atlas Network, and in fact, its founder also worked for the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, though after Kenney stepped down.

A major problem is that none of these groups publicly admit belonging to the same institution: Atlas. There are 12 such think tanks in Canada, yet not one of their websites discloses their common bonds. This lack of transparency shows the whole Bill 10 proceedings in a whole new light.

5. Atlas Network’s Canadian Partners

  • Alberta Institute
  • Canadian Constitution Foundation
  • Canadian Taxpayers Federation
  • Canadians For Democracy And Transparency
  • Fraser Institute
  • Frontier Center For Public Policy
  • Institute For Liberal Studies
  • Justice Center For Constitutional Freedoms
  • MacDonald-Laurier Institute For Public Policy
  • Manning Center
  • Montreal Economic Institute
  • World Taxpayers Federation

There are 12 so-called “think tanks” in Canada which are part of Atlas Network. There were 13, but only 12 now. In the United States, about 140 operate. These groups push for globalist principles and are heavily funded by the Koch Brothers.

However, the individual websites don’t mention that these groups are have the same parent company, or even that they are linked in general. Interesting.

6. Challenge To Alberta’s Bill 10

DISCLAIMER: this article isn’t to defend Alberta ramming through Bill 10, nor is it an attack on the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms. Instead, it is to point out that both Jason Kenney and the JCCF have ties to the same organization.

Bill 10 was pushed through the Alberta Legislateure with minimal debate. This is especially bad considering how far reaching it is. The action brought by the JCCF is an attempt to get at least portions of that bill thrown out.

CALGARY: The Justice Centre is challenging the Alberta government and Minister of Health Tyler Shandro over using sweeping new powers under the Public Health Act via Bill 10 to provide police across the province with confidential patient medical information.

Bill 10 was rushed through the Legislative Assembly of Alberta in under 48 hours and passed on April 2, 2010 with only 21 out of 87 elected MLAs present and voting on the final reading. It provides sweeping, extraordinary, and nearly unlimited powers to any government minister at the stroke of a pen. Prior to Bill 10, the Public Health Act already gave extraordinary powers to Cabinet, the Minister of Health, and the Chief Medical Officer in the event of a public health emergency. These existing powers include taking a citizen’s real or personal property without consent, authorizing entry into a person’s residence without a warrant, requiring mass immunization of the public, and imposing mass public testing. Under these existing provisions, a minister could suspend – for up to 60 days – the operation of any existing law.

The Justice Centre warned last month that adding to these existing draconian powers, Bill 10 would allow a single Minister to unilaterally make new laws and create new offences for the populace without consultation with the Legislative Assembly. In response to concerns, the government initially claimed the changes were “minor” and “technical” in nature.

The allegations made here are certainly serious, but that is not the focus of the article. It is who controls both sides.

7. JCCF Part Of Atlas Network

John Carpay – President
John Carpay was born in the Netherlands, and grew up in British Columbia. He earned his B.A. in Political Science at Laval University in Quebec City, and his LL.B. from the University of Calgary. Fluent in English, French, and Dutch, John served the Canadian Taxpayers Federation as Alberta Director from 2001 to 2005, advocating for lower taxes, less waste, and accountable government. Called to the Bar in 1999, he has been an advocate for freedom and the rule of law in constitutional cases across Canada. As the founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, John has devoted his legal career to defending constitutional freedoms through litigation and education. He considers it a privilege to advocate for courageous and principled clients who take great risks – and make tremendous personal sacrifices – by resisting the unjust demands of intolerant government authorities. In 2010, John received the Pyramid Award for Ideas and Public Policy in recognition of his work in constitutional advocacy, and his success in building up and managing a non-profit organization to defend citizens’ freedoms. He serves on the Board of Advisors of iJustice, an initiative of the Centre for Civil Society, India.

The President of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms also spent 4 years with the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation (2001 to 2005). Of course the CTF is also an Atlas group.

Not only was John Carpay a member of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation (again, Jason Kenney’s old organization), but he was actually a registered lobbyist employed by the CTF. Kenney and Carpay both acted in lobbyist roles at some point for the CTF. Nice disclosure.


The JCCF never mentions that it has a parent company (Atlas Network). Nor does it disclose that Atlas is the same parent company of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, which Jason Kenney used to head.

Does this make Bill 10 okay, or the challenge bad? No it doesn’t. However, for the purpose of openness, some real transparency would have been nice.

8. Jason Kenney’s Ties to Atlas

Even after Kenney became a Member of Parliament, his old organization, the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation, continued to lobby the Federal Government afterwards. Above are some of the meetings that took place.

“I only decided to do this in the past couple of weeks. I have a lot of things I’d like to finish in Ottawa. I’d also like to be in the House to say farewell to colleagues,” he said.
But it’s not soon enough for some.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation, which Kenney led in the 1990s, says its position on Kenney is the same as it is for all politicians who are seeking office at another level — they should take an unpaid leave of absence.
Aaron Wudrick of the Canadian Taxpayer Federation says Jason Kenney should take unpaid leave while he seeks the Alberta PC leadership. (CBC)
“Politicians are elected, and paid, to do a job. If they are not doing that job, they shouldn’t be getting paid for it,” said Aaron Wudrick, a director with the federation.

Fast forward to 2016, the CTF is criticizing their former boss for continuing to hold a Federal seat, while campaigning to become Premier of Alberta.

They do have a valid point though. If Kenney is getting a salary as a Federal MP, he should be working in that capacity, not actively campaigning for a new job.

Beyond Kenney being the former President of the CTF, and using that to launch into politics, many of his co-workers (Provincially and Federally) also have various connections to Atlas.

9. Kenney’s Colleagues Have Atlas Ties

Let’s look at some specific examples of people that Jason Kenney has been associating with in his professional life. Here are some of the more prominent names.

  • Fellow ex-MP Maxime Bernier was Executive Vice-President of the Montreal Economic Institute. It is headed by Helene Desmarais, Paul Desmarais Jr’s wife.
  • Ex-Alberta MLA Derek Fildebrandt was a member of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation. He was involved in a scandal for subletting a taxpayer funded apartment.
  • Kenney’s ex-staffer Candice Malcolm was part of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation and the Fraser Institute.
  • Fellow ex-MP Joe Oliver is a member of the Manning Institute.
  • Fellow ex-MP Preston Manning is the head of the Manning Institute. In fact it is named after him.
  • Kenney’s ex-staffer Kasra Nejatian, is a Director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation. He is also a Director at True North Canada, though it’s not publicly disclosed.
  • Ex-Alberta MLA (and former Wildrose Leader), Danielle Smith, worked for the Fraser Institute for a short time in the 1990s.
  • Fellow ex-MP Chuck Strahl is a member of the Manning Institute. He was also part of the Trudeau Foundation.

This is of course by no means an exhaustive list. However, it’s worth pointing out that many prominent conservatives — many with ties to Jason Kenney — are all connected in some way to the same organization. It seems that Atlas is a stepping stone for people to get into politics. If you check the history of many of these people, they had some Koch/Atlas connection immediately prior to getting into politics. Or it helped get them further in politics.

Much of that information is detailed here, but it’s worth emphasizing just how controlled and consolidated “conservative” politics in Canada really is. All of these think tanks work for the same group.

10. Kenney’s Ex-Staffers Run Fake Charity


Malcolm seems to not be aware that her new “charity” is required to file annual returns. This will be a strange way to find out (if she ever reads it).

This was covered previously, but worth another mention because of how underhanded it is. Here are the main points to note.

  • Malcolm was previously a Staffer for Jason Kenney when he was Immigration Minister. So was her husband Kasra Nejatian. If you are going to establish a media outlet on immigration, it seems absurd to leave that connection out. It gives status.
  • Malcolm made her husband a director of the company without disclosing it publicly. In fact, you have to research the company to find that out.
  • As listed above, both Malcolm and Nejatian have ties to various Atlas groups.
  • While claiming to do “timely research into immigration issues”, a lot of what comes out is “Conservative Inc.” talking points on the subject.
  • Most importantly, Malcolm misleads and deceives about the real origins of this “charity”. While presenting herself as the founder, she omits that she simply took over and existing charity called the Independent Immigration Aid Association. Malcolm used an existing charity for the tax breaks since she likely wouldn’t qualify on her own. Saying she founded the “non-profit” branch, True North Initiative is technically true, but leaves readers with a distorted view. It is the charity part which makes her eligible for the tax breaks.

Worth mentioning: Press Progress also did a great piece on it.

One more point to add. Lindsay Shepherd works at True North Canada. Her boss is Candice Malcolm, an ex-Kenney staffer who was (is?) part of the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation. The CTF is the same group that Jason Kenney once ran. Shepherd is also a fellow with the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, the group suing the Alberta Government, which is now headed by Kenney. Nothing inherently wrong, though it’s strange how these people just flow between groups. Conservative Inc. must be one big happy family.

11. Honourable Mention: Spencer Fernando

Although the National Citizen’s Coalition is not an Atlas Group, it was once headed by Stephen Harper. It is disappointing to see Spencer Fernando, who claims to be independent, spouting CPC talking points on his website and elsewhere.

12. Same Group Influences Both Sides

Again, this is not in any way to justify ramming Bill 10 through the Alberta Legislature. Nor is it a claim that such legislation should not be contested. It hits out against Canadians’ fundamental freedoms, and clearly wasn’t very well thought through. Using the fake pandemic to take away people’s freedoms and civil rights is just plain wrong. This is a horrible bill.

Instead, it is to point out that both sides in this, (Jason Kenney and the JCCF), have connections to the same globalist organization: Atlas Network. And Atlas gets much of its funding from Koch. Yet the mainstream media does not mention it, let alone provide any details.

None of these 12 Atlas groups mention that they are affiliated with each other, let alone that they have the same parent company. For groups that demand transparency in government, it is rather hypocritical. That alone should be cause for concern.

A cynic might wonder if this legislation was pushed through specifically so that the JCCF could launch a challenge. But we will never know for sure.

Refusing Forced Medications Or Vaccines

Bill Gates and Justin Trudeau seem to agree that normal life will not proceed until there is mass vaccination done. Of course, it raises the question: will this become mandatory?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Previous Solutions Offered

A response that frequently comes up is for people to ask what to do about it. Instead of just constantly pointing out what is wrong, some constructive suggestions should be offered. This section contains a list of proposals that, if implemented, would benefit society. While the details may be difficult to implement, at least they are a starting point.

3. Disclaimer In This Article

Consider the following information to be just that — information. There is no guarantee offered that this will actually work in a person’s circumstances. They are simply options being given, so make your own decision. Yes, just presenting choices.

This scenario is still (for now) hypothetical, but let’s address it. Many people are understandably upset at the prospect (however remote) that forced vaccinations may one day come to Canada. Here are some ideas to fight back.

Granted, some of the ideas will involve deceit and trickery. However, the priority should be looking after your own health, and the health of family members. Honesty is of not the priority here.

As a last resort, consider to what degree you are willing to inflict on another person in order to protect your body from foreign chemicals. This must be a personal decision.

4. Conservative Weakness: Double Edged

Most Provinces in Canada have Conservative governments, and conservatives in general are weaklings. In practice, they function as a sort of “controlled opposition”. This can be a positive or a negative, depending on context. Let’s go through what this means.

The downside to conservative weakness is that they are unable or unwilling to actually stand up for anything. If Ottawa were to impose measures, they would likely give very tepid opposition.

However, there is a benefit to conservatives being spineless: you may be able to run roughshod over them. They are often to timid to fight back, so take advantage of it. Additionally, calling them a bigot may cause them to capitulate faster.

Is this stereotyping? Absolutely it is, but it’s very often true, so don’t disregard it.

5. Argue Over Jurisdiction

Section 91 and 92 of the Constitution outline what is Federal jurisdiction, and what is Provincial jurisdiction. If the Federal Government were to ever order mass vaccinations take place, argue that this encroaches on Section 92(7) of the Constitution, which is health care. Health care is a Provincial matter, and Ottawa cannot intrude.

Of course, if a Province were to insist that everyone were to be vaccinated, challenge it under Section 91(27), which is criminal law. Criminal law can only be made by the Federal Government. If a Province were to make laws that could result in people being detained, then it is an end run around imposing criminal penalties.

Yes, this is deliberately making contradictory arguments, and that is the point. Any forced vaccination scheme needs to be ground to a halt by whatever means are available.

6. Canadian Charter Of Rights

Some other options may be found in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Here are some sections of it that may be useful to look

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
Marginal note:
Rights and freedoms in Canada
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

In any Charter challenge, if it is found that there is a Charter breach, it comes back to Section 1. This section asks if the breach can be reasonably justified. Now, let’s explore a few grounds to refuse.

Fundamental Freedoms
Marginal note:
Fundamental freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

Early in his time as Ontario Premier, Doug Ford gave an exemption to Sikhs who want to ride motorcycles without helmets. British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba have such exemptions as well. This is idiotic, as gravity won’t care that your inadequately protected head is covered by a religious piece.

If health and safety regulations take a backseat to pandering to religious groups, then take advantage of it.

Life, liberty and security of person
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

If abortion and euthanasia can be protected under the guise of “security of the person”, then certainly preventing unknown chemicals form being put into your body can as well. in fact, the same arguments that the SJW types make can be applied here.

Search or seizure
8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

While the prohibition against search and seizure typically applies to people suspected of, or accused of committing crimes, there is another way to look at it. If a person is forced to produce proof of vaccination, or have their freedoms restricted, you could argue that it does an end run around Section 8.

Treatment or punishment
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

This is pretty obvious.

Several options exist within the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to stop, or at least slow down any vaccination agenda. This would, at a minimum, violate:

  • Your right to religious freedom (if your faith doesn’t allow it)
  • Your right to be secure in your person (pretty self explanatory)
  • Your right against unreasonable search (such as med history)
  • Your right to not receive cruel, inhumane punishment

Would these be successful? Who knows? At a minimum they would delay any such measure for months, if not years.

Broadly speaking, here are three paths to follow:

One is to straight up sue the Government (and potentially any people involved). This is commenced by filing a Statement of Claim.

Two is to file a formal request for exemption with whatever health officials are involved. If that is denied, file and Application for Judicial Review.

Three is to proceed with a complaint with your Human Rights Tribunal. Interesting note: human rights are a Provincial matter, so this may void any Federal order.

The details for each are outside the scope of this article. However, consult your Provincial Human Rights Code, or Rules of Civil Procedure (or Courts of Justice Act), for more specific information.

7. Claim To Be On Other Medications

Are you on anti-depressants? Hormone regulators? Oxycontin for back problems? Antibiotics for a previous infection? Guess what, you are now. Don’t be ashamed about being dependent on the pharmaceutical industry.

While this is perhaps the easiest to pull off, it also requires some research to be believable. Do some online research about the ailment(s) you have, including common medications. Most sources will also list side effects of various drugs (and they are plentiful). Remember to ask probing questions about the cross reactions of various medications.

Also, if you can get ahold of the vaccine ingredients — or the list for a similar vaccine — you should do so. Search online to see what these ingredients will react with, and what medications will be fatal to mix with. There’s no need to ACTUALLY be taking these meds. Instead just CLAIM to be taking them.

Murder isn’t murder if it’s self defence. In that same line of reasoning, lying isn’t wrong if it prevents unwarranted harm from coming to you.

8. Fake Being Trans If Needed

This is a subgroup of the last solution.
And yes, this is a serious proposal.

Ever since Bill C-16 passed, which modified both the Criminal Code and the Human Rights Codes, “gender identity and expression” have been considered protected grounds. While this poorly defined expression has caused problems, there is a solution here.

If a person of authority ever insists that you need to be vaccinated, immediately ask how the vaccine will react with the hormones you are taking. This should cause most people to back off. But if the person doesn’t, then demand answers. If need be, threaten to lodge a human rights complaint against them.

Since Bill C-16 protects people who aren’t even transgender, it is okay to use it to throw your weight around. File formal complaints if need be. Sure, the other person(s) will have an enormous amount of aggravation heaped on them, but your well being comes first.

If this vaccine risks you being forced to stop taking hormones, then clearly that is transphobic. If the other person probes for details, there is always the option of bullying them into silence.

9. Weaponize Human Rights Codes

Really, this should be an absolute last resort, although there are people who would choose to do it first. The choice is your to make.

This option involves fully weaponizing the human rights codes (and any other such acts your area may have). It involves making completely bogus complaints of discrimination based on the most harmless or innocuous things, such as a joke taken out of context. Yes, this is going full-SJW. Accuse the person of racism, sexism, or whatever may tangentially apply.

Normally, I would not even suggest such a method, since it will almost certainly lead to people getting either suspended or fired from their positions.

A note of caution: be mindful of other witnesses, or recording devices. This method doesn’t work if the entire event is caught on video.

10. Your Well Being Comes First

While a forced vaccination seems extremely farfetched, there is at least the possibility of it happening. So people need to air out some solutions. Here they are, in order of most to least preferred.

(a) Ideally, these forced vaccines will never come to be a reality. If legislators attempt to enact it, publicly expose and spread the information. Make them back peddle in the face of public scrutiny. Feel free to launch petitions or to prevent this from going ahead.

I would also add doxing to this category. If it stops this from going ahead, then the humiliation of a health care worker, or police officer, or public official, serves a greater good.

(b) Going further: consider taking legal action on the matter. There are several provisions of the law which a suit can be filed under. A few are Sections 2, 7, 8 or 12 of the Canadian Charter. Depending on who orders the mass vaccination, challenge the authority under Section 91 and 92 of the Constitution.

(c) If need be, then use weasel techniques to get out of it. Ask probing questions to determine what is actually in the vaccine, and how it might mix with your current medications. Note: you don’t have to be on anything, but for this — then claim to be.

(d) File formal complaints against specific people involved, regardless of how minor their role. CAUTION: please understand, that there is a lot of hesitancy in offering some of these ideas. Acting maliciously against someone “following orders” can seriously mess up their lives. Find other options if possible.

(e) The option exists for moving to another jurisdiction to avoid the order. However, that is not desirable, as people should be able to stand their ground.

These are just some ideas to consider. The idea is still hypothetical — for now — but may not be at a later point. And it would be a good idea to consider them well in advance of any such order being proposed. In this case, honesty is not a concern; the health of yourself and family members is.

CV #30(D): About That $176M Grant That AbCellera Received From Ottawa….

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for AbCellera’s website main page.
CLICK HERE, for the May 3, 2020 announcement.
CLICK HERE, for AbCellera’s list of partner companies.
CLICK HERE, for Navdeep Bains’ tweet announcing grant.
CLICK HERE, for AbCellera’s Twitter account.

CLICK HERE, for AbCellera and the Federal Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Merck & the Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for GAVI (Gates funded), & Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Novartis Pharmceuticals lobbying the Feds.
CLICK HERE, for Pfizer and lobbying Federal Government.
CLICK HERE, for GlaxoSmithKline lobbying Ottawa.
CLICK HERE, for Sanofi Pasteur lobbying the Federal Government.

CLICK HERE, for Gates Foundation donates to AbCellera.
CLICK HERE, for March 12 Nasdaq announcement for AbCellera.

3. AbCellera’s May 3rd Announcement

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (May 3, 2020) – AbCellera announced today it has received a commitment of up to $175.6 million in support from the Government of Canada under Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s (ISED) Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to expand efforts related to the discovery of antibodies for use in drugs to treat COVID-19, and to build technology and manufacturing infrastructure for antibody therapies against future pandemic threats.

In addition to the support from the Government of Canada, AbCellera is receiving support from the City of Vancouver. “The City of Vancouver is fully committed to ensuring AbCellera has the infrastructure needed as they accelerate finding a treatment for COVID-19,” said Mayor Kennedy Stewart, City of Vancouver. “We couldn’t be more proud to be on the front lines of this global effort thanks to the innovation and leadership of AbCellera.”

AbCellera is a privately held Canadian biotech with a drug discovery platform that searches and analyzes natural immune systems to find antibodies that can be used to prevent and treat disease. AbCellera’s technology, which combines high-throughput microfluidics, big data, machine learning, bioinformatics and genomics, identifies new first-in-class drugs and reduces the time it takes to bring treatments to clinic. AbCellera’s partners include leading biotechnology companies, global health organizations and six of the top 10 biopharmaceutical companies. AbCellera was founded in 2012, and completed a Series A financing round in 2018, which was led by DCVC Bio. For more information, visit

AbCellera announces a $175.6 million contribution from the Federal Government to finance research to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. This was also shared across social media platforms such as Twitter.

By itself, it seems harmless enough. However, there is much more behind this transfer. Let’s get into it.

4. AbCellera’s Various Partners

  • Ablynx (a Sanofi company)
  • Autolus
  • Denali Therapeutics
  • Eli Lilly and Company
  • Gilead Sciences
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Global Health Foundation (Gates Foundation)
  • Kodiak Sciences
  • Lyell
  • Merck (MSD)
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Sanofi Pasteur
  • Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.

AbCellera Biologics partners with many pharma companies. They also work with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is obviously pushing the vaccine agenda.

5. Lobbying CDN Federal Government

As of March 2020, AbCellera is registered with the Lobbying Commissioner’s Office. There are no communication reports — yet — but AbCellera is set up and ready to go and start lobbying. Also worth noting is that AbCellera received $289,116.00 from Western Economic Diversification Canada last year, and expects to receive more this year.

Merck has been lobbying the Federal Government since 2001, on a variety of pharmaceutical related issues. There are 103 listed communications reports. And they are a major partner for AbCellera Biologics.

This has been addressed in earlier parts of the series, but the Gates funded GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) has been lobbying the Federal Government since 2018. There are 20 communications reports on file.

Novartis has been lobbying the Federal Government since 2007, and is one of AbCellera’s partners. There are 13 communications reports filed with the registry.

Since 2007, Pfizer, one of AbCellera’s partners, has 143 communications reports filed with the Lobbying Commissioner’s Office. It has operated under a few different corporate titles though.

There are 187 communications reports on file with the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner. Also noteworthy is that GlaxoSmithKline lobbies Provincially as well.

Sanofi is yet another one of AbCellera’s partners that has long been lobbying the Federal Government. Could have contributed to why AbCellera was able to get that $175.6 million contract from Ottawa.

Is it clear now? AbCellera Biologics was able to secure this contract because several of his partners have been lobbying Ottawa (not to mention Provincial Governments as well) for pharmaceutical related issues. Getting this bid seems pretty straight forward.

There are other partners who are involved in the lobbying, but this is already getting redundant, so we will move on to other topics.

6. Gates Gave AbCellera $645,000

In November 2016, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave AbCellera $645,000 to help develop antibodies to treat the tuberculosis infection. So when AbCellera is getting the current grant from the Canadian Government, is it really the Gates Foundation that is getting the money?

7. AbCellera Boosting The Nasdaq?

March 12 (Reuters) – Eli Lilly Co LLY.N and privately-held AbCellera Biologics Inc on Thursday announced they would co-develop antibody products for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19, a flu-like disease caused by the fast-spreading coronavirus.

With the collaboration, Lilly joins other drugmakers like Gilead Sciences Inc GILD.O and Biogen Inc BIIB.O in an attempt to develop a treatment for the disease which has caused more than 4,700 deaths globally.

“Our goal with AbCellera is to be testing potential new therapies in patients within the next four months,” Lilly’s Chief Scientific Officer Daniel Skovronsky said.

On March 12, announced that AbCellera and its partners would be working together to co-develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. The topic for another article, but it would be nice to dive in and see exactly who AbCellera Biologic’s donors are.

8. Heavy Lobbying Behind $175.6M Grant

The main take away from this is what many of AbCellera’s partners have been regularly and consistently lobbying the Federal Government. That Ottawa would hand out this kind of money is not surprising in the least.

To all readers: Know who is pushing the vaxx agenda. Know who is involved in influence peddling and cronyism. Our leaders are pushing for vaccines because they are puppets. Hopefully, some more details have become clear in this article.

CV #13(B): More On Who Theresa Tam Really Is

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Important Links


3. Constructing A Timeline

Unfortunately, there is very little information available on her. No date of birth, or place of birth beyond “growing up in Hong Kong”. Even at the schools she claims to have completed, there is no searchable information. One would think they would happy to boast about the accomplishments of their alumnus.

The following credential dates are from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, but it doesn’t look like Tam has actually practiced medicine at all. There are publications with her name on it, but the rest of her past is a mystery.

1965 – Tam is born in HK (source: Wikipedia)
1989 – U of Nottingham medical degree (CPSO profile)
1996 – U of Alberta pediatric residency completed (CPSO profile)
1997 – UBC fellowship in infectious diseases (CPSO profile)
1999 – Independent Practice Certificate issues (CPSO profile)

In her CPSO profile, Tam claims not to have used any other names, which would contradict speculation that she once went by the name “Tan Yongshi”.

4. Tam’s CPSO Profile Page

The information here can be found at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, (CPSO), the board which licenses doctors. The profile lists “EDUCATION” as coming from the University of Nottingham (in the UK) in 1989. Yes, it was followed up with the College of Physicians and Surgeons that it referred to a medical degree. However, no undergraduate degree is listed.

It also lists finishing a University of Alberta pediatric residency in June 1996. Severn years? That seems to be a particularly long time to finish, so what was she doing in the meantime?

The fellowship in the University of British Columbia in pediatric infectious diseases was finished in September 1997.

What’s interesting though is that in researching these schools: Nottingham, UAlberta and UBC, there is no mention of Theresa Tam at all. Once would think that a graduate who is not “Canada’s top doctor” would warrant special attention and adoration. But there isn’t any mention of her at all.

It also states:

First certificate of registration issued: Independent Practice Certificate

However, Tam was getting into government around that time. It doesn’t look like she ever practiced — ANYWHERE. Yet she has become “Canada’s Top Doctor”. She graduated medical school in 1989 and never got a license to practice until a decade later?

5. No Practice Information In Profile

Dr. Theresa Tam was named Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer on June 26, 2017. She is a physician with expertise in immunization, infectious disease, emergency preparedness and global health security.

Dr. Tam obtained her medical degree from the University of Nottingham in the U.K. She completed her paediatric residency at the University of Alberta and her fellowship in paediatric infectious diseases at the University of British Columbia. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and has over 55 peer-reviewed journal publications in public health. She is also a graduate of the Canadian Field Epidemiology Program.

Dr. Tam has held several senior leadership positions at the Public Health Agency of Canada, including as the Deputy Chief Public Health Officer and the Assistant Deputy Minister for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. During her 20 years in public health, she provided technical expertise and leadership on new initiatives to improve communicable disease surveillance, enhance immunization programs, strengthen health emergency management and laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. She has played a leadership role in Canada’s response to public health emergencies including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza H1N1 and Ebola.

Dr. Tam has served as an international expert on a number of World Health Organization committees and has participated in multiple international missions related to SARS, pandemic influenza and polio eradication.

Again, it doesn’t appear from this that Theresa Tam has ever actually practiced medicine. Her first authorization for independent practice was issued in 1999, and she has been in various Government roles for 20 years now.

To get even stranger, it appears that the profile provided here is a cut and paste equivalent of the World Health Organization profile for Tam.

6. Identical Photo/Profile With WHO

Dr. Theresa Tam was named Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer on June 26, 2017. She is a physician with expertise in immunization, infectious disease, emergency preparedness and global health security.

Dr. Tam obtained her medical degree from the University of Nottingham in the U.K. She completed her paediatric residency at the University of Alberta and her fellowship in paediatric infectious diseases at the University of British Columbia. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and has over 55 peer-reviewed journal publications in public health. She is also a graduate of the Canadian Field Epidemiology Program.

Dr. Tam has held several senior leadership positions at the Public Health Agency of Canada, including as the Deputy Chief Public Health Officer and the Assistant Deputy Minister for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. During her 20 years in public health, she provided technical expertise and leadership on new initiatives to improve communicable disease surveillance, enhance immunization programs, strengthen health emergency management and laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. She has played a leadership role in Canada’s response to public health emergencies including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza H1N1 and Ebola.

Dr. Tam has served as an international expert on a number of World Health Organization committees and has participated in multiple international missions related to SARS, pandemic influenza and polio eradication.

Sound familiar? It is a cut-and-paste equivalent of what is listed in the Canadian profile. Lazy writing, or is she just serving 2 masters?

7. WHO Committee Tam Serves On

PURPOSE 1. The purpose of the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee (the Committee”), for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (“the Programme”), established by the Director-General, is to provide oversight and monitoring of the development and performance of the Programme, guide the Programme’s activities, and report its findings through the Executive Board to the Health Assembly. The Committee will advise the Director-General on issues within its mandate. Reports of the Committee will be shared with the Secretary General of the United Nations and with the United Nations’ InterAgency Standing Committee.


Tam is in the obvious conflict of interest in both being:
(a) Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer;
(b) serving on this WHO Committee

So does she serve Canada, or the World Health Organization?

Dr Geeta Rao Gupta has over 20 years of experience in international development programming, advocacy and research with UNICEF.

Prior to her appointment as Deputy Executive Director (Programmes), Dr Rao Gupta served as a senior fellow at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation from 2010 to 2011. She acted as the senior adviser to the Global Development Programme on the strategic direction and management of a cross-cutting range of issues and projects.

One of the WHO Committee Members that Tam works with was previously a senior fellow at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Would be interesting to ask her take on mass vaccinations. Now, let’s see who else is on the Committee.

Prior to his appointment, Mr Konyndyk worked for Mercy Corps, a global relief and development organization, as its Director of Policy and Advocacy. From 2008 to 2013, he led high-level strategic outreach to governments, donors, the UN, and other partners with a focus on resilience and humanitarian responses to Sudan, Syria, and the Horn of Africa. From 2003 to 2008, he served as the American Refugee Committee’s Country Director in South Sudan, Uganda, and Guinea, designing and leading humanitarian responses in conflict and post-conflict settings. Mr Konyndyk earlier served as a Refugee Officer with the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration where he managed the Bureau’s portfolio for the Balkans. In addition, he led non-governmental organization relief programmes in Kosovo and Albania following the Kosovo refugee crisis.

For those not familiar, Mercy Corps is an NGO who aims to flood the West with migrants and refugees from Africa and the Middle East.

8. Pharma Funding World Health Org., 2017


Note: this is by no means an exhaustive list. However, it should provide some insight as to who is funding the World Health Organization, and give a hint as to what the agenda is.

From Schedule 2:

Institution Amount of Money
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $324,654,317
World Bank $145,568,331
GAVI Alliance $133,365,051
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) $18,251,940
Vital Strategies $10,647,550
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) $7,365,666
Hoffmann-La Roche and Co $6,628,090
Gilead Sciences Inc. $3,124,450
Merck Sharp and Dohme Chibret $1,652,226
Bayer AG $1,158,060
Rockefeller Foundation $748,945
Merck $510,000
Novartis $500,000
International Organization for Migration (IOM) $332,290
Kitasato Daiichi Sankyo Vaccine Co., Ltd(PVS) $220,155
Path Vaccine Solutions(PVS) $294,582
Fluart Innovative Vaccines Ltd. $73,645
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of PH $88,069
Path Vaccine Solutions (PVS) $73,385
Open Society Institute Budapest Foundation $55,000
Int’l Fed. of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Ass’n $50,000

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the biggest individual donor (excluding nations). Geeta Rao Gupta is a former Senior Fellow at the Gates Foundation. She is also one of the people on the World Health Org. Committee that Theresa Tam works on.

While Tam is “supposed” to be representing the interests of Canadians, her other employer, the World Health Organization, receives large funding from:

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • World Bank
  • GAVI Alliance (Gates funded
  • The Pharma lobby

Side note: The UN Development Program is helping to fund the International Vaccine Institution (which partners with VIDO-InterVac at the University of Saskatchewan). Gates and GAVI help fund that too.

Can it be any surprise that Tam sees mass vaccination as the solution to this so-called “pandemic” in Canada? After all, it’s what her employers want to see happen. And this is hardly the only time this has happened. Certainly individual countries do make significant contributions to the WHO, but the pharma lobbying can’t be ignored.

9. Pharma Funding World Health Org., 2018

Also worth a look is the 2018 statement of contributions.

From Schedule 2:

Institution Amount of Money
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation $228,970,196
GAVI Alliance $158,545,964
World Bank $20,556,661
UNITAID $19,688,301
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, Malaria $14,769,596
Hoffmann-La Roche and Co., Ltd $6,624,600
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) $6,504,848
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) $5,482,827
Medimmune $2,086,169
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation $2,045,388
Merck & Co., Inc $1,184,398
Novartis $500,000
Kitasato Daiichi Sankyo Vaccine Co., Ltd $294,427
Islamic Development Bank $200,000
World Hepatitis Alliance $200,000
SK Bioscience $122,678
Fluart Innovative Vaccines Ltd. $73,607
Int’l Fed. of Anthroposophic Medical Ass’s $50,000
Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH $19,702

Again, this is nowhere near everyone who contributes to the World Health Organization. However, these are some of the parties who fund it. And Theresa Tam sits on this committee, at the same time she claims to be acting in the best interests of Canadians.

10. Tam A WHO Veteran

How international health emergencies are handled holds lessons for Canadian public health on a range of fronts, from infectious diseases to opioid misuse. That’s the view of Dr. Theresa Tam, who became Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer on an interim basis when Dr. Gregory Taylor retired in December 2016. A competition now underway will determine who will eventually fill the spot, but neither the Privy Council Office, which appoints the position, nor the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has provided a timeline.

Tam has served on three World Health Organization (WHO) emergency committees: Ebola, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and poliovirus. Emergency committees are convened under the International Health Regulations (IHR) to decide whether disease outbreaks constitute “public health emergencies of international concern” and what measures should be taken to deal with them. Canada has had members on all six of the emergency committees established since the IHR came into force in 2007.

Tam served on several WHO Committees in the 2000’s, and was already “considered a veteran” when appointed to the current role. A Google Scholar search will come up with publications in her name, but they are in the last 20 years or so.

Still it doesn’t help determine what she was doing prior to 2000. Very little information available for the early years.

11. Who Is Theresa Tam Really?

It’s difficult to say. Beyond some very limited information available online, there is next to nothing on her past and early years. Her profile states “growing up in Hong Kong”, and “born in 1965”, yet provides no details.

The schools Tam graduated from don’t have any searchable information on her, which is extremely odd, given her high profile. She graduated medical school in 1989 but doesn’t appear to have obtained a license until 1999. Tam then spent the next 20 years in various Government public health roles, and it seems not to have practiced medicine at all.

Tam did co-author a 2006 report (see CV #12) recommending that vaccination be available to the entire population, and that surveillance apparatus be in place. In fact, she co-authored many research papers in the 2000s. She also participated in the 2010 film “Outbreak” and talked about putting tracking bracelets on, and forced quarantine. Tam spend years in various World Health Organization roles, which is a serious conflict of interest.

While acting as Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, she sits a World Health Organization Committee. She is part of that Committee along with an ex-Gates Foundation operative. The WHO gets a substantial amount of funding from:

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • World Bank
  • GAVI Alliance (Gates funded
  • The Pharma lobby

In fact, if you read through the previous articles in the series, you will see that a lot of the parties funding WHO (GAVI, GlaxoSmithKline, etc…) are the same ones lobbying the Provinces and Federal Government in Canada. In some sense it “isn’t” a conflict of interest, as Tam’s employers are funded by same special interest groups.

Is Theresa Tam even a Canadian citizen? When did she arrive? There’s no specific information available to the public. She’s like a ghost.

CV #12: Pandemic Report From 2006 Recommends Surveillance And Total Vaccinations

As of late January, 2020, Theresa Tam saw very little risk to Canadians, and that human to human transmission was not a threat

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Important Links

(4) Translated Article

3. Is Theresa Tam Really Tan Yongshi?

Also check out this link, from an article that identifies Tam as “Tan Yongshi”. Credit is due to Christina Forbes for catching this is the first place.

As the chief health officer, what are the negligent duties that Ms. Tan Yongshi should step down from? In general, there are five aspects. First of all: she should be vigilant about the lack of the new crown epidemic. Wuhan was closed on January 23, and the first patient appeared in Canada on January 25. On January 30, WHO declared the new coronary pneumonia as a public health emergency, and the United States announced the closure of China the next day. At that time, the Chinese community understood the seriousness of the virus and appealed to the government to be vigilant, but Tan was indifferent to it and repeatedly emphasized that Canada’s risk was very low, thus missing the best time for prevention and control. After the closure of the United States, because Canada did not take measures, many travelers detoured to Canada to the United States. During their stay in Canada, they planted hidden dangers for the spread of the virus.

Second: Due to the contempt of Tan Yongshi and the government, the Canadian border epidemic prevention and isolation measures are useless. Among the countries in the world, Canada is the only country that has no airport temperature measurement since the outbreak. In the early stage of the epidemic, all entrants were only verbally asked whether they came from the epidemic area, and there was no requirement for isolation. Nevertheless, most Chinese are consciously isolated for 14 days. In the middle of the outbreak, although the government made a 14-day quarantine request, there was no compulsory follow-up measure. Now that the epidemic has almost peaked, the government has proposed coercive measures, but there is no guarantee of law enforcement, because the RCMP responsible for law enforcement has not issued a ticket. If it is said that Trudeau did this based on Ms. Tan ’s opinion, then Tan did not warn against the strengthening of airport detection and isolation, which is her negligence.

There appear to be translation issues, as it switches names several times. Nonetheless, it does refer to Theresa Tam as Tan Yongshi.

It would be nice to nail this down for certain. Should any reader come across this and have more information, please share. Personally, it would be nice to have more material than: (1) a Wikipedia page; and (2) an article from Google Translate.

To play some devil’s advocate, even if this is the case, it may be attempt to simply adopt a more English sounding name. Many people have done it before.

4. Critique Of 2006 Epidemic Plan

A 2006 report co-written by Dr. Theresa Tam – now the face of Canada’s COVID-19 response – predicted our current situation, and the steps needed to get out of it, with eerie accuracy. But the actual response has been very different

A pandemic sweeps across Canada in one or two months. It is spread not only by the sick, but by people who show no symptoms. There are shortages of medical supplies and the health system struggles to keep up. The peak won’t come for months, and it will be accompanied by a surge in deaths. Soon after, the country will brace for a second wave.

All of this is now true for the COVID-19 crisis, but the aforementioned scenario – a warning – comes from a 2006 federal report on pandemic preparedness. Fourteen years later, its words are eerily accurate.

Despite the prescience of such warnings, Canada and many other governments around the world significantly underestimated the severity of the coronavirus.

As recently as late January, federal officials, including Dr. Tam, said the threat of a major outbreak in Canada was very low, that measures such as travel restrictions weren’t needed, and that the risk of the virus being spread by people without symptoms was highly unlikely.

The article goes on to criticize the Federal Government’s lack of preparedness in many different ways, and in great detail. To their credit, the Globe & Mail is pretty thorough in many ways.

But what they missed in their critique is the propaganda elements within the 2006 report. They may be subtle, but they are there.

5. Contents Of 2006 Report

For vaccine program planning purposes, it is important to be prepared to immunize 100% of the population; however, the actual proportion of the population that will voluntarily seek vaccination will depend on public perception of the risk and the severity of the disease. Therefore, the demand, which will manifest as clinic attendance, will likely vary among jurisdictions and within each jurisdiction as the pandemic evolves. Previous experience with outbreak-related immunization clinics indicates that it would be prudent to prepare for an initial demand of 75% of the target population. It is recommended that planning activities also focus on delivering a two dose program to ensure that the public health response is ready to deal with this possibility.
If you go to section 2.2 (page 60 in the 550 page pdf file), it does point out an interesting fact: that the amount of people who will voluntarily take a vaccination depends on the public perception of risk.

Therefore: one can reasonably conclude from this, if the goal is mass vaccination of the public, it is necessary to get them afraid, and keep them afraid.

The Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan for the Health Sector (the Plan) consists of an introduction and a background section, followed by the preparedness, response and recovery sections, which are consistent with the general principals of emergency response. Each section aims to assist and facilitate appropriate planning for the health sector at all levels of government for the next influenza pandemic. The Plan and the annexed guidelines, checklists and other documents were developed to assist all jurisdictions with the main components of health sector planning, including surveillance, vaccine programs, use of antivirals, health services, public health measures and communications. The most effective public health intervention to mitigate the impact of a pandemic is through immunization with an effective vaccine against the novel virus, and, to a lesser extent, through the use of antiviral drugs. In addition, comprehensive planning requires that appropriate surveillance capacity is in place, and that the health sector, emergency services and communities as a whole are informed and equipped to deal with a pandemic.

This is from the PREFACE (page 21 in 550 page pdf file). It states that the best solution is a vaccine against the novel virus, and that antivirals are a lesser option. Okay, so every time there is a “novel” virus, we need to break out the vaccine testing?

The preface also states that an appropriate surveillance capacity is needed. Perhaps it could be forcing people to wear bracelets, as Theresa Tam/Tan Yongshi suggests.

The components of the 2004 edition of the Plan included surveillance, vaccine programs, antivirals, health services, emergency services, public health measures and communications. In this edition of the Plan, the emergency services component has been removed; it is now addressed as part of the preparedness for overall emergency management and coordination.

Federal, provincial, territorial and local planners are encouraged to consider the psychosocial implications of pandemic influenza when developing their plans for preparedness and response activities. It is anticipated that a component focusing on psychosocial issues will be added to future versions of the Plan.

Section 2.0 (page 54 of the 550 page pdf) openly states that surveillance and vaccine programs are to be prominent portions of this plan. It seems nothing has changed.

Jurisdictions need to be prepared to rapidly implement or modify enhanced surveillance activities. For the purpose of informing public health risk assessment and response activities, a coordinated and rapid epidemiological investigation that includes the collection, collation and analysis of detailed epidemiological, laboratory and clinical data is required. Further, rapid sharing of data and efficient communication at all levels of government are critical for facilitating a coordinated response.

At the federal level, regular environmental scanning for the detection of potentially significant ILI is conducted using official information sources for influenza surveillance (e.g. World Health Organization [WHO] and government influenza surveillance programs from other countries) and unconfirmed reports from early warning systems (e.g. ProMed and other media scanning software, such as the Global Public Health Intelligence Network).

On an ongoing basis, the newly created national expert Working Group for Vaccine Preventable and Respiratory Infections Surveillance (VPRIS-N) will be assessing surveillance systems and making recommendations for enhancements and improvements for the Interpandemic, Pandemic Alert and Pandemic Periods. Recommendations from this group are being refined on an ongoing basis; current recommendations are included in Annex N, Pandemic Influenza Surveillance Guidelines.

The report in this focuses on the need for new surveillance methods (page 56 of 550 page pdf). While avoiding specifics, it acknowledges that expanding it would be greatly beneficial.

Because surveillance data will drive the pandemic response, it is important that physicians and other health care workers are educated and updated on an ongoing basis about the importance of ILI surveillance as well as their roles in the system. Surveillance systems must be established in advance of a pandemic because there will be little time to augment capacity at the time of a pandemic. At the time of a pandemic, surveillance and laboratory-testing capacity will be reduced (e.g. due to staff absenteeism and potential supply shortages) compared with pre-pandemic periods; only streamlined, resource-efficient systems will continue to function. Special study protocols if required (e.g. to determine epidemiology or to investigate reported adverse events following immunization) at the time of a pandemic must be developed and pretested during the pre-pandemic period, recognizing that refinements may be necessary at the time of a pandemic.

However, on the next page, the report suggests that surveillance systems must be established well in advance, as it may not be possible later. Again, avoiding specifics about what that surveillance would be about?

Vaccination of susceptible individuals is the primary means to prevent disease and death from influenza during an epidemic or pandemic. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) produces annual recommendations on the use of influenza vaccine in persons who are most at risk for influenza or those who could spread influenza to persons at greatest risk. These interpandemic recommendations are published annually in the Canada Communicable Disease Report. In the event of a pandemic, PIC, which includes representation from NACI, will provide recommendations to F/P/T immunization programs on the development, production and use of the pandemic vaccine, and priority groups for immunization. Efforts should be made to encourage all jurisdictions to adopt the national recommendations on priority groups at the time of a pandemic in order to facilitate equitable access and consistent messaging.

That’s from page 57. “Consistent messaging”??? Does that mean that government officials should keep their talking points consistent in order to prevent the public from picking out contradictions?

From page 59 of the report. In case you were wondering “recombinant vaccines” are ones that are made up of combined genetic material. Think of it as a Franken-vaxx.

Vaccines, when available, will be the primary public health intervention during a pandemic. However at the start of the pandemic, vaccines may not be available as soon as required and two doses of vaccine may be necessary to achieve an adequate immune response. Antivirals (anti-influenza drugs) are effective for both treatment and prophylaxis of annual influenza. These drugs were not available during past pandemics, but are expected to be effective against pandemic strains of the influenza virus. Antivirals will likely be the only virus-specific intervention during the initial pandemic response. Protection afforded by antivirals is virtually immediate and does not interfere with the response to inactivated influenza vaccines.

From page 61. Vaccines are to be the primary defence against an outbreak.

During a pandemic, antiviral strategies should use all the types of effective anti-influenza drugs that are available to Canadians, and should be adaptable to changing disease epidemiology and vaccine availability. If the novel virus is found to be susceptible to amantadine, which is not currently part of the National Antiviral Stockpile, it is recommended that amantadine be used for prophylaxis (not treatment) only. Oseltamivir could be used for both treatment of cases and prophylaxis. The efficacy of oseltamivir and amantadine are approximately equal for the treatment of cases infected with sensitive strains; however, amantadine is recommended exclusively for prophylaxis to minimize the development of amantadine resistance (which would render the drug ineffective) during the pandemic. The timing of the use of antivirals during a pandemic should be guided by local surveillance data.

From page 63. We think antivirals are okay, but only as long as they don’t interfere with vaccines at some point in the future.

This 550 page report is too long to go through in a single article. However, it’s morbid how much: (a) surveillance; and (b) vaccines are woven into the entire report. It reads as if the entire research was to set up a police state and drug everyone.

The Globe & Mail article referenced in the last section complained that the Federal Government was grossly unprepared considering this 2006 report. While true in some sense, the G&M authors apparently didn’t bother to actually read this report before publishing their article.

6. Vaxx/Surveillance Planned From 2004?

How long exactly has this been going on for? How long has this plan been in the works for? It can’t just be a series of random and unrelated events. Has it been going on for much longer that 16 years?

  • In 2004, this research begins.
  • In 2006, it is released. It recommends heavy surveillance, and vaccinations for everyone.
  • In 2010, Theresa Tam/Tan Yongshi participated in the film “Outbreak Of An Epidemic”, which depicted a fictional simulation of the Federal Government responding to a pandemic.
  • In 2017, Raj Saini (who is pharma lobbied), introduced M-132, to fund drug research and get drugs out to Canadians, and to the world at large.
  • In October 2019. Event 201 took place. This was the Gates-involved simulation which would see tens of millions of people die in a computer model of an outbreak.

Again, credit to Civilian Intelligence Network for digging up the 2010 film. The whole thing reads like a giant dress rehearsal for the actual shut down.

An interesting observation in the report: voluntary vaccinations will happen in much larger numbers if people feel the threat is real and imminent. That may explain all the dire warnings coming from the government.

As for Theresa Tam, is that her real name? To be fair, even if true, it could be to adopt a more “Anglo” sounding name. Still, it would be nice to know.