CV #17: ConquerCovid19, The IDRF, And Other “Covid” Groups Springing Up

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for NOW Toronto article on Ford.
CLICK HERE, for CTV article on ConquerCovid group.
CLICK HERE, for website.
CLICK HERE, for ConquerCovid’s merchandise sales page.
CLICK HERE, for ConquerCovid staff page.
CLICK HERE, for ID&RF mainpage.

CLICK HERE, for Ruby Alvi’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Yusuf Ahmed’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Khadija Cajee’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Fatima Dada’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Chris Houston’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Nadia Malik’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Kashif Pirzada’s LinkedIn page.

3. Context For This Article

This article has two parts. The first is a look into the group, ConquerCovid19. This group has been supplying medical equipment (in particular PPE) over the last while to help fight this “coronavirus crisis” that we are repeatedly told exists. They have also been supplying politicians with their motivational T-shirts to wear for public announcements. Doug Ford is perhaps the most notable example.

CC19 has partnered with a charity called the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF), an Islamic charity formed in 1988, that has some interesting financials.

The second part concerns the sudden rise of other CV groups. When there is an (alleged) pandemic, is your first reaction to form a corporation in order to make money off of it? Well, at least 5 new Federal Non-Profits came to be formed in Canada in the last 2 months. They are so new in fact that it doesn’t look like they even have businesses or websites up yet.

  • Covid Care Collective
  • Covid Solutions Inc.
  • Covid-19 Legal Resource Center
  • Mr. Surprise Covid-19 Foundation
  • Outremont Covid-19 Help Foundation

There may very well be more, but these are the ones listed with Corporations Canada in recent postings. Very little is available on these companies. One has to ask though: are they hoping that this situation continues indefinitely? Are they hoping to cash in on the situation?

Note: there is one more listing under “covid” in the Corporations Canada website, but it appears to be an unrelated, now defunct company.

4. Group

TORONTO — A Greater Toronto Area based volunteer group called “Conquer COVID-19” is helping fill a void on urgently needed medical supplies at hospital and clinics.

Dr. Kashif Prizada, an emergency room doctor in Toronto and member of Conquer COVID-19, told CTV News Toronto Sunday that he’s seeing more coronavirus patients every day. He said that more of the patients are on ventilators and medical staff need more equipment.

For example, Prizada said that instead of changing a mask after each patient, staff are asked to use about two a day.

Conquer COVID-19 said it’s already coordinating the supply of ventilators, masks, gloves and baby monitors, which may conserve the need for personal protective equipment like gowns.

“We want to make sure the patients are being seen and taken care of appropriately so baby monitors would allow physicians and nurses to communicate with patients in isolation while maintaining their own health,” said Yusuf Ahmed, a second-year medical student at the University of Toronto and working with Conquer COVID-19.

According to this group, it is not producing or manufacturing any medical equipment of personal protective equipment. Instead, it is trying to coordinate donations from people who do make it, and who have some in stock.

On the website the group announces it is selling merchandise and giving the profits to health care workers. Given how new the group is, however, it doesn’t seem like any sort of auditing or inspection has been done, and the group is not a registered charity. We will have to see what come out of this.

About Us
Conquer COVID-19 is comprised of physicians, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and other volunteers who are working together to ensure frontline workers responsible for the health and wellbeing of Canadians have access to masks, gloves, and other supplies that are essential in treating patients and minimizing the spread of the virus.

It seems that this group’s primary goal is getting PPE to healthcare workers. Seems harmless enough, but is it a concern that Huawei is one of the organizations supporting it?

5. ConquerCorona Partners With IDRF

According to its news release, the ConquerCovid group has partnered with the International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF). A look at its recent tax filings (available free at Revenue Canada) indicates that the charity consistently makes more than it spends. This is even after salaries and expenses are factored in.

Period Ends Revenue Total Expenses Difference
2015 $4,756,469 $4,566,518 $189,951
2016 $5,142,039 $4,371,319 $770,720
2017 $4,815,600 $4,207,947 $607,653
2018 $5,442,063 $5,232,886 $209,177
2019 $7,979,701 $5,370,929 $2,608,772
TOTALS $28,135,872 $23,749,599 4,386,273

Direct links: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

This Islamic charity that ConquerCovid19 has partnered with has come out ahead to the tune of nearly $4.4 million over the last 5 years, according to filings with the Canada Revenue Agency. They are partnering with a group that only formed 3 weeks earlier, whose members (several of them) follow Bill Gates.

But sure, nothing to see here, right Doug Ford?

6. About The Group’s Members

The group ConquerCovid19 claims to be made up of volunteers. On the surface this looks fine, but questions get raised when you take a closer look at these volunteers.

Dr. Ruby Alvi is one of the leaders of the ConquerCovid group. And according to her LinkedIn page, she also is a follower of Bill Gates.

Yusuf Ahmed is also one of the leaders of the ConquerCovid group. And he follows the open borders group, Amnesty International. AI is funded by the Russian Zionist Benenson family.

Khadija Cajee is following Richard Branson, Welcome South Africa, and the Canadian Council of Africa. She also co-founded the group “No Fly List Kids”, which is devoted to getting names removed from the No Fly List.

Fatema Dada works for the Ontario Attorney General’s Office. She follows Lawyers Without Borders, Amnesty International, and several Muslim groups online.

Chris Houston, according to his LinkedIn page, is following the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Society (George Soros’ organization), USAID, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and several other global groups.

Nadia Malik has spent almost a decade at Bombardier. That is interesting, given how frequently the company gets taxpayer funded handouts. She is also following: Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Justin Trudeau, McKinsey, the World Economic Forum, and some others.

Kashif Pirzada is following Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General. Also, he is a coroner, which makes the Covid charity and interesting choice to get involved with.

And here are a few more members of ConquerCovid, who are also following Bill Gates. Many, although not all are following his LinkedIn page.

Beyond the ConquerCovid group, it’s worth noting that several other “corporations” have been started up in the last while, all supposedly dealing with the virus. Although they have filings with Corporations Canada, they don’t seem to have done much yet.

These could be totally legit companies, but they could also be shell corporations. There isn’t enough information available to tell yet.

7. Covid Care Collective

This “new” company seems to be hot off the presses. In fact, it was incorporated today, May 11, 2020. Doesn’t appear to have a website running.

8. Covid Solutions Inc.

The articles of incorporation and list of directors were only finished on April 30, 2020, less than 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t appear that this company even has a website running.

9. Covid-19 Legal Resource Center

10. Mr. Surprise Covid-19 Foundation

This corporation only came into existence April 20, 2020.

11. Outremont Covid-19 Help Foundation

This “corporation” was founded on March 14, 2020, less than 2 months ago.

12. CV Bringing Out Business Opportunities

The coronavirus “pandemic” seems to be an opportunity for new business ventures, which is ironic considering how businesses have been shut down. ConquerCovid19 was formed just a month ago, and aims to be a middleman, getting supplies to health care workers. Ontario Premier Doug Ford is already shilling for their merchandise.

The sudden partnership between ConquerCovid19 and the IDRF is interesting. CC19 was only formed a matter of weeks ago, and IDRF is an extremely profitable Islamic charity.

As for these other five corporations, what happens with them? Their articles of incorporation were pretty sparse in details, so it’s unclear what they are actually formed to do. Of course, these are just the ones registered Federally that a search of “COVID” turned up. There may be more.

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