CV #32(B): BCPHO Bonnie Henry Admits No Science Behind Anything She Does

According to the BC Provincial Health Officer, the current tests can give up to 30% false negatives for people who are actually infected. Don’t worry, things are about to get a lot worse.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. Henry Admits “No Science” In 50-Person Limit

On May 25, 2020, BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry said that “50 cars” was included in the guidelines for limiting groups of people who can get together. At 1:05 she states that there is no real science behind these Provincial dictates. This was addressed in Part 37, but worth a review.

Also, it would be nice to get an explantion about the exemptions. The 50-person limit applies to movie theatres, but not grocery stores. It applies to religious gatherings, but not schools.

3. 2015 Testimony: Limited Evidence For Masks

134. Dr. Henry agreed with this observation by Dr. Skowronski and Dr. Patrick who are her colleagues at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control:
I do agree, as we’ve discussed earlier, influenza is mostly transmitted in the community and we don’t have data on the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare workers and individual transmission events…in healthcare settings.
135. Dr. Henry agreed that no VOM policy would influence influenza in the community. Dr. McGeer denied that she had used or recommended the use of community burden in the assessment of development of such a policy.

So there is no data on any differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated health care workers. Yet these people are still arguing for VOM (vaccine or mask).

177. Dr. McGeer and Dr. Henry presented the position of the OHA and the Hospital based upon their understanding of the relevant literature. Neither of them asserted that they had particular expertise with respect to masks or had conducted studies testing masks.

So, no actual expertise of research. Bonnie Henry just read what was available. And this is the Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia.

219. Dr. Henry answered the ‘why not mask everyone’ question this way:
It is [influenza vaccination] by far, not perfect and it needs to be improved, but it reduces our risk from a hundred percent where we have no protection to somewhat lower. And there’s nothing that I’ve found that shows there’s an incremental benefit of adding a mask to that reduced risk…..there’s no data that shows me that if we do our best to reduce that incremental risk, the risk of influenza, that adding a mask to that will provide any benefit. But if we don’t have any protection then there might be some benefit when we know our risk is greater.
When we look at individual strains circulating and what’s happening, I think we need it to be consistent with the fact that there was nothing that gave us support that providing a mask to everybody all the time was going to give us any additional benefit over putting in place the other measures that we have for the policy. It’s a tough one. You know, it varies by season.[320]
It is a challenging issue and we’ve wrestled with it. I’m not a huge fan of the masking piece. I think it was felt to be a reasonable alternative where there was a need to do—to feel that we were doing the best we can to try and reduce risk.
I tried to be quite clear in my report that the evidence to support masking is not as great and it is certainly not as good a measure

Bonnie Henry admits no strong evidence to support maskings.

4. Henry Admits No Evidence Masks Work

Bonnie Henry admitted on January 30, 2020, that there’s no evidence to support the idea of putting masks on healthy people. See 0:22 in the video for the masks topic.

Note: as of yesterday, masks are now required on BC Transit, due largely to Bonnie Henry’s “new advice”. She is a complete fraud.

5. Bonnie Henry’s New Advice On Masks

Fast forward to July 24, and now Bonnie Henry now says that masks are beneficial to both healthy and sick people. Start at 1:00 in the video.

She says it’s about “courtesy and respect”.
Who knows what the next version will be?

Note: the man in the video is BC Health Minister Adrian Dix. Dix has no medical background whatsoever, (as he went to school for history and political science). Still, he is in this position of power.

6. Bonnie Henry Admits 30% False Negative Rate

Bonnie Henry admitted on April 13 that there is at least a 30% false negative rate in these tests. Apparently, you can be negative one moment, and then positive almost immediately afterwards.

B.C.’s provincial health officer says that mass testing continues to be an ineffective strategy to slow transmission of COVID-19 because it has a false negative rate as high as 30 per cent in people who are infected but don’t show symptoms.

At her daily briefing on Monday, Dr. Bonnie Henry said testing is not as sensitive as health officials expected it to be earlier in the crisis.

“The testing, unfortunately, doesn’t tell us the whole story. People can be negative one minute and positive within an hour.

“The false negative rate can be as high as 30 per cent early on in infection.”

Assuming Bonnie Henry is even telling the truth, these tests don’t actually work properly. Being positive but testing negative is not a sign that it’s accurate.

7. Bonnie Henry Admits High False Positive Rate

Henry said B.C.’s approach to testing is evolving based on epidemiology, testing capacity and methodology and a growing understanding of the virus.

She said routine testing of people -including those in schools, prior to surgery or other procedures, or as a condition of employment or for travel – is not recommended.

“It is important to understand that testing can result in false positive and false negatives, particularly in asymptomatic people and in people who are very early on in the illness or who may be incubating the disease,” Henry said in the letter.

She said serological tests for the virus causing COVID19 is recommended only to focus on informing the public health response and for clinical research investigations.

“If large numbers of false positive tests were to occur through routine testing of asymptomatic people, this could create a significant burden for the public health system and would provide little value in protecting your business and could impede our ability to protect the health of all British Columbians,” Henry said.

There would be large numbers of false positives? Wait a minute. Isn’t this test supposed to be highly accurate and reliable? How then would false positives overwhelm the medical system?

8. Barbara Yaffe Admits 50% False Positives

This was addressed in Part 43. Barbara Yaffe, Ontario’s Deputy Medical Health Officer, admits that there can be a 50% false positive error in PCR testing. She then bizarrely goes on to defend how important testing is. When asked about it, Premier Doug Ford talks in circles rather than give a straight answer.

For some context:
(a) BC admits there is a 30% false negative rate
(b) ON admits there is a 50% false positive rate

These tests are absolutely worthless.

9. BC CDC Has No Idea The Error Rate

5. What is the clinical sensitivity of the NAT test?
A statistic commonly quoted is that there is a 30% chance of a false negative result for a NAT test in a patient with COVID-19 infection (i.e., a 70% sensitivity). These and other similar estimates are based on a small number studies that compared the correlation between CT scan findings suggestive of COVID-19 infection to NAT on upper respiratory tract specimens. In these studies, 20-30% of people with a positive CT scan result had negative NAT results – and as discussed above a number of factors can contribute to false negative results. CT scan is not a gold standard for diagnosis of COVID-19 infection, and CT scan cannot differentiate amongst the many microbiological causes of pneumonia.
Ultimately, for COVID-19 testing, there is currently no gold standard, and the overall clinical sensitivity and specificity of NAT in patients with COVID-19 infection is unknown (i.e., how well NAT results correlate with clinical infection, “true positivity” or “true negativity” rate).

10. Australia: PCR Tests Not Designed For This

Can reinfection occur?
There have been reports of apparent re-infection in a small number of cases. However, most of these describe patients having tested positive within 7-14 days after apparent recovery. Immunological studies indicate that patients recovering from COVID-19 mount a strong antibody response. It is likely that positive tests soon after recovery represent persisting excretion of viral RNA, and it should be noted that PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” virus and noninfective RNA. Australian guidelines currently require patients who have had COVID-19 to test negative on two tests 24 hours apart before being released from isolation.

According to the Australian Health Department, positive tests are likely due to viral excretion. And the PCR tests cannot distinguish between that and live viruses. In spite of that, Australia has some of the most draconian measures on the planet.

If the Australian Government published this months ago, then why are these tests still being used? This is clearly not their intended purpose. Why doesn’t the BC Government know about this?

11. No Basis For Pandemic Declaration

Of course one has to ask WHY a vaccine is so critical, given how many people have already recovered. However, the obedient puppets in the media never seem to get to such details.

12. Henry Pushes Vaxx, Rejects Antibody Testing

Bonnie Henry dismisses the idea of widespread sampling for antibody testing. Instead, she once again pushes the idea that a vaccine is needed. See the comment at the end.

12. Henry Admits Antibody Testing Doesn’t Work”/

And in this recent gem, BCPHO Bonnie Henry admits that there are lots of errors in antibody testing. This actually produces BOTH false positives and false negatives.

13. CDC And Accuracy Of Antibody Testing

Antibody testing is NOT recommended for:
The routine diagnosis of acute or recent COVID-19 infections. As antibodies can take 14 days or more to be reliably detected, and by 14 days after symptom onset most patients with COVID-19 infection are no longer considered infectious, serology provides limited information to guide immediate clinical or public health action. NAT remains the test of choice for diagnosis of acute COVID-19 infection. Furthermore as time passes and the SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to circulate, a positive antibody result may be due to a prior infection and not necessarily reflect the cause of an individual’s current symptoms.

Determining an individual’s immune status or past exposure. Antibody testing to document immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is NOT recommended as it has not yet been established whether the presence of antibodies provides protection from re-infection. It is also apparent that not everyone with past COVID-19 infection mounts a measurable antibody response that can be detected by laboratory testing, or for how long the antibodies persist. Therefore, antibody results cannot be used as proof of immunity for subsequent decision-making (e.g., decisions related to the use of personal protective equipment, adherence to physical distancing or other public health or workplace recommendations). Antibody testing is also not recommended to verify past exposure as a condition to employment or travel, in schools, prior to surgery or other medical procedures.

SO what’s the point of antibody testing if it can’t:
[1] Determine infection
[2] Determine immunity
[3] Be used to make medical decisions

14. “Essential Businesses” Is Arbitrary List

In March, all “non-essential” businesses were ordered to close down by the BC Government. But how do they determine what is essential or not? How did they figure this was needed? Well, no real details were ever provided.

15. Bonnie Henry Openly Promotes Degeneracy

This is from Part 54. While she apparently doesn’t have a clue as to what is going on, the Provincial Health Officer still encourages all sorts of degenerate behaviour, as does the BC Center for Disease Control.

If these people weren’t actually in charge of the Province, this would be downright comical. As it is, it’s downright infuriating.

16. Who Are Bonnie Henry & Barbara Yaffe?

According to her LinkedIn profile, Barbara Yaffe graduated medical school in 1978, and was in various post-graduate programs until 1984. There is nothing listed until 1998, where she became a public health official in Toronto. She is registered with the CPSO, but there is no actual medical practice listed. So, why the almost 15 year gap?

Bonnie Henry appears to have graduated from medical school in 1990, and then spent another 11 years in school after that. She then went directly into being a Deputy Medical Officer with Toronto Public Health in 2001. So Henry and Yaffe were colleagues. There are 2 years of experience listed (2005 to 2007), but the overwhelming majority of her time seems to be in various political roles.

And was mentioned in Part 13, there is no record of Theresa Tam ever practicing medicine.

These are the people in charge of making public medical decisions.

CV #54: The BC Government Recommends Stay Home, Do Drugs & Hook Up

You might think this is a satire piece, but no, that is BC Premier John Horgan. He is endorsing Seth Rogen’s call to just stay home, watch movies, and smoke weed. Some interesting comments in the thread.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. Bonnie Henry’s “Good Times” Website

Hooking up?
Do it safely.

Take a pass if your partner has any COVID-19 symptoms. Use protection like condoms or dental dams to reduce transmission risks for COVID-19 and STIs.

This site recently went up, which is “Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Good Times Guide”. (See archive). It appears to be real, unless this is some very elaborate trolling. Now, this may just be poor wording, but “hooking up” implies sex with strangers, or people you don’t know well. Not exactly the sort of advice the BC Provincial Health Officer should be giving.

In fairness, Bonnie Henry “does” say not to share things that have been in your mouth. However, it’s unclear if that refers to body parts as well.

3. BC CDC And Advice On Narcotic Use

Again, this is a page that appears to be satire or trolling. However, it does in fact come from the BC Center for Disease Control, and it does give advice on “safe injecting”. (Archive here).

Interestingly, the BC CDC doesn’t seem to be offering guidance on “stopping” people from doing narcotics. Perhaps that is too much to ask.

4. BC CDC: Masks A “Personal Choice”

Masks are a personal choice, and may not even be effective, according to the BC CDC. However, that does not apply to all situations.

5. BC CDC Recommends Perversion/Degeneracy

Once more, this is not satire, but is guidance published by the BC Center for Disease Control. The advice is downright bizarre and nonsensical. This was addressed in Part 34, but worth mentioning again.

  • Masks are a choice, except for sex
  • Have “few” partners, (yes, plural)
  • Masturbation, instead of a partner
  • Pornography, or virtual sex
  • Sex toys
  • Glory holes, (sex through a wall)
  • Positions that aren’t face-to-face
  • Prostitution, (sex workers)
  • Access to abortion

Keep in mind, while access to religious services, or normal aspects of society are still limited, THIS is what the BC Government chooses to emphasize.

Several times the BC CDC refers to “multiple” partners. This implies that it is fully on board with the hookup lifestyle. And “consider keeping contact information”? That would imply that you are having sex with strangers, or are involved in prostitution (either as a hooker or a customer).

6. Bonnie Henry: No Underlying Science

This is BC Provincial Health Officer. At 1:00 in the video, she admits there is no science behind limiting the group sizes to 50 people. Seems there isn’t any science behind anything that she does.

CV #52: Ontario Public Health Recommends Wearing Masks, While Admitting They Don’t Work

Supposedly, the masks are not to stop people from getting infected, but from spreading it. However, the recommendations are that EVERYONE wear it, and almost any form of mask will do. They claim masks are useless for preventing someone from catching this virus, but are essential in ensuring it’s not spread. Sure….

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. PHO Admits No Evidence For Healthy People

Wear a mask if:
• You have symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., fever, cough, difficulty breathing,
sore throat, runny nose or sneezing) and are around other people.
You are caring for someone who has COVID-19.
• Unless you have symptoms of COVID-19, there is no clear evidence that wearing a mask will protect you from the virus, however wearing a mask may help protect others around you if you are sick.

Wear a mask if you are caring from someone with covid-19? But wait, I thought these masks weren’t effective at preventing someone from catching it, only spreading it.

3. Canada Public Health Recommends Masks

Canada Public Health recommends the use of non-medical masks. This is despite Ontario Public Health saying elsewhere that there is no evidence they actually work.

4. Ontario Admits Overwhelming Recovery

Ontario Public Health admits that over 90% of the people infected have already recovered. So why exactly the huge push for a vaccine? And who can forget Toronto Public Health, and Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott lying about how deaths are calculated.

5. Ontario Recommends Masks On Transit Anyway

Ontario recommends masks on all people in all stages on transit, despite Ontario Public Health clearly admitting that they don’t work.

Defenders claim these policies were never meant to prevent people from catching it, but to stop sick people from spreading it. Okay, but why would masks be useless in the first situation, but effective in the second? It’s still the same recirculated air.

It’s actually a pretty good technique for controlling people. Claim that it’s not SELF protection, but for the benefit of OTHERS. Easier to mandate or guilt trip into compliance.

6. WHO Admits Masks Don’t Work

This was addressed in Part 37. The World Health Organization openly admitted on April 6 and June 5 that masks don’t work, but recommends them anyway. It’s also unclear where this 2 metres actually comes from, given WHO only references 1 metre.

7. PCR Tests Get 50% False Positive Rate

In Part 43, it was discussed how Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe admitted that these PCR tests can give up to a 50% false positive, but it was important to test anyway. When called out on it, Ontario Premier Doug Ford danced around the issue.

CV #45: Ottawa Lies, WHO “Doesn’t” Recommend 2m Distancing

WHO says 1 metre.
So where does the 2 metre guidelines come from?

Here, we are continuing to expose the lies. First, a recap of several examples of the “science” being distorted, then let’s jump into the lie that WHO recommends people be separated by 2 metres.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For more on the hoax, check out this series. Understand the lies, corruption, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and money changing hands. This rabbit hole is much deeper than what people realize.

2. No Science Behind Computer Modelling

Why would anyone listen to Imperial College London or Neil Ferguson after their lengthy track record of completely wrong predictions? Remember, models aren’t proof of anything, just predictions. When you realize that the Gates Foundation has been funding them for years, things start to make sense.

3. No Science Predicting Asymptomatic Transfer

The World Health Organization can’t give any sort of clear answer on the rate of asymptomatic people spreading. They also have no clue how many people are infected globally. Again, this is all based on computer modelling. Saying (in June) that 6% to 41% of the population is infected but asymptomatic is pretty useless. But it does raise the serious question how deadly this virus is.

4. No Science Behind Limiting Group Sizes

BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry repeatedly admits there is no science behind limiting public gatherings to 50 people, but does it anyway. On May 25, 2020, she said that “50 cars” was included in the guidelines for limiting groups of people who can get together.

5. No Science Masking Healthy People

WHO-2019-nCov-IPC_Masks-2020.4-eng (1)

Worth a reminder: the World Health Organization said in April 2020 that there was no evidence to support masks for healthy people, but that health care providers need access anyway. In June 2020, WHO said there was still no evidence, but recommended them anyway. See this post, or an admission from BBC that this is political, at 4:20 in the video.

6. Covid Test Gets 50% False Positives

People really think that testing is going to solve the entire problem, and it isn’t. It’s one component of a response. If you test someone today, you only know if they’re infected today. And in fact, of you’re testing in a population that doesn’t have very much covid, you’ll get false positives, almost half the time. That is, the person doesn’t actually have covid. They have something else. They may have nothing. So, it will just complicate the picture. On the other hand, if we have evidence of a case, even a suspect case in school, all the contacts, be it a child or a teacher, would be tested.

This is Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer Of Health, Barbara Yaffe. She says that tests can have up to a 50% false positive rate. The test is garbage, as the article explains. See this clip, and this full video (at 36:20).

7. People Recovering Without Any Vaccine

BC 2,898 3,392 85% 190 3
AB 8,506 9,975 85% 176 21
SK 838 1,072 78% 16 13
MB 319 375 86% 7 1
ON 33,963 38,210 89% 2,755 35
QC ? 58,080 ? 5,662 14
NB 165 170 97% 2 0
NS 1,003 1,067 94% 63 0
NFLD 259 264 98% 3 0
PEI 34 36 94% 0 0

The table represents the compiled data as of July 23, 2020. Each Province (except Quebec, who wasn’t listed) says that their infected people are overwhelmingly recovering on their own.

8. Lobbying, Not Science, In Vaccine Drive

This has been covered in Part 4, Part 5, Part 21, and elsewhere in the series. The pharmaceutical industry is heavily invested in making sure that a vaccine is “necessary” regardless of whether or not it’s needed for public health. An awful lot of money tied up in this.

9. Politics, Not Science Inflating Death Toll

This list has been added to several times. It is a compilation of lies and inconsistencies when public officials distort the truth in order to make the “pandemic” seem much worse than it really is.

10. Global Reset Is Agenda, Not Science

Globalist players have been planning to use this “pandemic” as an opportunity to seek broader changes. See this review, or this video.

Now that we’ve set the stage for the lies and dishonesty being perpetrated, let’s get to the specific topic of that 2 metre separation between people.

11. What WHO Says On People Distancing

To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:
-Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
-Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
-Avoid touching your face.
-Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
-Stay home if you feel unwell.
-Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
-Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people.

So not only does it say 1 metre (not 2), but it says to stay away from them coughing of sneezing. This is still up on WHO’s site. Not only that, it doesn’t list masks as a recommendation for prevention.

12. WHO Guidelines From May 10

Also see the original here.

Physical distancing
• Introduce measures to keep a distance of at least 1 metre between people and avoid direct physical contact with other persons (i.e. hugging, touching, shaking hands), strict control over external access, queue management (marking on the floor, barriers)
• Reduce density of people in the building (no more than 1 person per every 10 square metres), ivphysical spacing at least 1 metre apart for work stations and common spaces, such as entrances/exits, lifts, pantries/canteens, stairs, wherecongregation or queuing of employees or visitors/clients might occur.
• Minimize the need for physical meetings, e.g. by using teleconferencing facilities
• Avoid crowding by staggering working hours to reduce congregation of employees at common spaces such as entrances
or exits
• Implement or enhance shift or split-team arrangements, or teleworking
Defer or suspend workplace events that involve close and prolonged contact among participants, including social gatherings.

I don’t see any reference to 2 metres anywhere in the document.

13. WHO On “Safe” Ritualistic Slaughter

Also see the original here.

Overarching considerations
Advice on physical distancing
• Practice physical distancing by strictly maintaining a distance of at least 1 metre between people at all times.
• If physical distancing cannot be achieved, wearing a fabric mask is recommended. It is critical to follow best practices on how to wear, remove and dispose of masks, and performing hand hygiene after removal.7
• Use culturally and religiously sanctioned greetings that avoid physical contact, such as waving, nodding, or placing the hand over the heart.
• Prohibit large numbers of people gathering in public places associated with Eid activities, such as markets, shops and mosques. If allowed, a mechanism should be in place to regulate such activities and avoid gathering of people.
• Restrict social gatherings, both public and private, and encourage the use of technology for meeting and greeting people to mitigate transmission.
• Consider closing of entertainment venues, particularly indoor venues, during Eid to avoid the mass gathering of people.

Again, where is this 2 metres that Canadian officials are always going on about? It doesn’t appear anywhere in the document.

Animal-Human Interface and Sacrificial Slaughter
The source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not yet been identified. Understanding which animal species are most susceptible to the virus is important in discovering potential animal reservoirs to mitigate transmission and future outbreaks. According to common safe practices when handling meat, countries should take strict measures around the selling and slaughtering of animals and the distribution of meat while ensuring that national food safety and hygiene regulations are enforced.

Understand that halal slaughter involves inflicting deliberate cruelty, and causing intentional suffering. The World Health Organization doesn’t actually say stop, just follow some rules.

Meanwhile, church goers who aren’t maiming or disfiguring animals are limited to gathering in groups of 50, at least in BC. This is from July 25, 2020.

14. WHO Guidelines From May 20

the importance of source control such as providing medical masks if available to travellers with respiratory symptoms, performing frequent hand hygiene and maintaining at least 1 meter physical distance from others before, during and after the interview process


On May 20, 2020 guidelines, WHO said that 1 metre difference between people was sufficient, (see original). Again, where is 2 metres coming from?

15. Gov’t Distorts WHO Recommendations

There are many more “technical guidance publications” that the World Health Organization has freely available. One thing they have in common: they never mention 2 metres (at least the ones seen so far). So what is the real reason for implementing this? To make surveillance easier?

CV #43: Ontario Associate Chief Medical Officer Of Health, Barbara Yaffe, Admits Test Is Completely Bogus

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For more on the coronavirus hoax, take a dive into the rest of the series. Information that you will never hear about from the mainstream media.

2. Text Of The Quote

People really think that testing is going to solve the entire problem, and it isn’t. It’s one component of a response. If you test someone today, you only know if they’re infected today. And in fact, of you’re testing in a population that doesn’t have very much covid, you’ll get false positives, almost half the time. That is, the person doesn’t actually have covid. They have something else. They may have nothing. So, it will just complicate the picture. On the other hand, if we have evidence of a case, even a suspect case in school, all the contacts, be it a child or a teacher, would be tested.

3. Short Clip Of Confession

Admittedly, the audio isn’t great. It was taken from the clip recently posted on Twitter. Check the full press conference below for the entire video.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford was asked days later about this. He attempted to talk in circles to avoid giving a direct answer. He pretends to not get what is being asked.

4. Full Press Conference

Check around 36:20 for the relevant part in the video

5. These Tests Don’t Even Work

These tests don’t work. Getting false positives half the time (or anywhere close to that), is an indication that the tests are completely flawed. Remember, a “positive” test will lead to you being isolated for at least 14 days. This is malpractice at best.

6. Ontario Lying About CV Deaths

Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott admits that the they have been screwing around with the numbers. The Government has been intentionally conflating those who died from, and those who die “with” this virus. Great way to make this seem worse than it is.

CV #41: Are The Sherman Killings Tied To Canada Financing Global Pharma Research? (Theory)

One of several articles (this from suggesting that the killings of Barry and Honey Sherman were related to an ethics investigation of Trudeau.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

It is now August, and the coronavirus hoax is more than 6 months old. To fully understand what is going on, one needs to see the events that are happening behind the scenes. The media in Canada (and elsewhere), will never give you the complete picture.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for the Elections Canada mainpage.
CLICK HERE, for Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Rob Silver leaving Crestview Strategy.
CLICK HERE, for CapforCanada article on Sherman killings.
CLICK HERE, for 2019 Toronto Star followup.
CLICK HERE, for Democracy Watch’s main page.
CLICK HERE, for Apotex aiding Clinton Foundation missions.
CLICK HERE, for records, donations to foreign charities.
CLICK HERE, for Bloomberg on Apotex donating HCQ doses.

3. Context For This Article

This may be going a bit too far down the rabbit hole, but let’s address it anyway. While it is widely believed that the Shermans were killed because of an ethics investigation into illegal lobbying, there are other factors to consider.

First: the motive seems iffy, as there are no real consequences to being found guilty of violating these rules. Trudeau has proven that again and again.

Second: what if there were bigger financial issues at stake?

  • Mar 2016 – Members of Trudeau’s family take trip with Aga Khan
  • Dec 2016 – Trudeau takes infamous Christmas trip with Aga Khan
  • Nov 2017 – Raj Saini introduces M-132 in the House
  • Dec 2017 – Barry & Honey Sherman are murdered
  • Dec 2017 – Trudeau found guilty of ethics breach
  • Mar 2018 – GAVI lobbies Canadian Government, continues
  • Sep 2018 – Committee hearings on M-132 start up
  • Mar 2019 – House of Commons formally adopts M-132 findings
  • Jun 2020 – Saini/Gladue lobbied by GAVI
  • Mar 2020 – Apotex begins lobbying Federal Government again
  • Apr 2020 – WHO releases list of vaxx research underway

As a disclaimer: this is only a THEORY. The site doesn’t have any hard evidence that these killings are connected. There is just: odd factors, curious timing, and a potential financial motive. Take all of this with a grain of salt.

4. Donations & Lobbying By Shermans

The Shermans have engaged in a small number of donations at the Federal level, according to Elections Canada. Nothing overtly suspicious from this alone. But let’s look into the lobbying that has been going on.

77 communications reports have been filed with the lobbying registry. Interestingly, the bulk of them were PRIOR to the scandal that broke for the Shermans (allegedly) illegally lobbying then-Candidate Trudeau. However, on March 17 and 20, 2020, there were 3 more meetings, on the topic of producing generic pharmaceuticals.

Certainly it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. One can only imagine how it proceeded.

5. M-132 Introduced, Killings A Month Later

For a speech on passing M-132.
The text is below

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

This could be the mother of all coincidences, but a month after M-132 was introduced, (see here, and see here, for background information), Barry Sherman of Apotex, and his wife Honey, were murdered.

Apotex was the major Canadian producer of hydroxychloroquine, which is touted as a cure for the coronavirus. With it being used, there would be little need for massive vaccine research.

6. GAVI Lobbying Very Profitable

From March 2018 until June 2019, GAVI received $200 million from Global Affairs Canada. From June 2019 to June 2020, GAVI received another $100 million.

This may be a coincidence as well, but after M-132 was formally adopted in March 2019, GAVI continued with their lobbying. They met with Raj Saini (who introduced M-132), and Marilyn Gladue (Vice-Chair of the M-132 Committee), in June 2019.

Also worth a reminder: GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, who is Justin Trudeau’s Chief of Staff.

7. Murder Staged As Murder/Suicide

Barry and Honey’s lifeless bodies were discovered by realtors and clients who were touring the house on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. The couple was last seen alive on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 13. Initially thought by police to be a murder-suicide, their deaths were later determined to be a “targeted” double homicide, according to Det. Sgt. Susan Gomes, who was then the lead detective on the case.

Their bodies were found in what Gomes told news conference was a “semi-seated position.” Belts around their necks were attached to a low railing at one end of their basement swimming pool, holding them upright. Brian Greenspan, one of the lawyers working for the Sherman family, has said publicly that the Shermans were found seated side by side, and that one of Barry’s legs was “crossed over the other.” People who saw the bodies in the pool room that Friday have confirmed this to the Star. One of those people said the bodies were not seated in a 90-degree position but tipped back slightly, with the belts around their necks holding them from falling backward into the pool.

While the police originally thought this to be a murder-suicide, they quickly changed their findings to that of a double homicide. This was just staged in order to throw investigators off the trail.

It seems that many people correctly suspected that the Sherman killings were staged, but didn’t figure out why. Of course, the coronavirus “pandemic” wouldn’t hit until 2020.

8. Apotex Documents Purged From Corp Canada

Typically, when searching Corporations Canada, one can instantly get major corporate documents, such as by-laws, directors, and articles of incorporation. However, Apotex Holdings & Apotex Pharmaceutical Holdings seem to have been removed from the site.

But, when these documents were issued a few months ago, this was the confirmation email.

Note: at one time these, the documents were available for download (and were). However, it seems the link and content has been disabled.

9. Democracy Watch In Federal Court

The Supreme Court of Canada will announce on Thursday whether it will hear an appeal from an ethics watchdog challenging the Trudeau government’s appointment of new ethics and lobbying commissioners.

Democracy Watch’s application for judicial review of cabinet’s appointment of Mario Dion as ethics and conflict of interest commissioner and Nancy Belanger as lobbying commissioner was dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal earlier this year.

In that ruling, the presiding judges said they weren’t convinced by Democracy Watch’s arguments that the actions of the governor-in-council, or cabinet, in making the appointments were “unreasonable.”

The Supreme Court on Monday said it would it issue its judgment in Democracy Watch’s application for leave to appeal on July 30. The court usually releases judgments on leave to appeal applications on Thursday.

The Group called Democracy Watch has been trying for years to get a proper investigation into Trudeau and the Shermans, going as far as Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. However, On July 30, the SCC declined to hear the case.

10. Apotex Offers Drug For Free

Apotex Inc. is donating about 240,000 doses of a drug normally used to treat malaria for a study aimed at preventing COVID-19 infection in front-line medical staff, the company said Friday.

The drug, commonly known as hydroxychloroquine, will be used in a clinical trial conducted by Toronto’s University Health Network. It will be given to front-line health care workers in a randomized, controlled trial that includes a placebo to determine whether it would be an effective treatment in preventing further spread of the novel coronavirus which had infected nearly 900 Canadians as of Friday afternoon, Apotex said in a statement.

Apotex was back in the news recently with announcements to donate large samples of hydroxychloroquine for research in determining its effects on CV-19. Keep in mind, this is a drug that has been out for a long time, so there is little money to be made from mass producing it.

11. Efforts To Stop Hydroxychloroquine

This is too long to go into here, but just search “BAN HYDROYXCHLOROQUINE”, and an almost endless amount of articles will come up regarding efforts to prevent this drug from being used.

12. Ties To Clinton Foundation

Of course, the “Clinton Body Count” is beyond a meme at this point. But it should be pointed out that Apotex donated to the Clinton Foundation missions in Haiti, Rwanda and Puerto Rico. And people connected to them have a nasty habit of committing suicide.

Worth noting: according to CRA records, the Clinton Foundation (along with the Aga Khan Foundation), have received gifts from the Canadian Government. It has happened under both the Harper and Trudeau Governments.

13. Why Were The Shermans Really Killed?

Considering how little information has been publicly released on the case, it’s impossible to know for sure.

However, this is a very strange set of coincidences, if that’s what it really is.

  • Pandemic “simulations” are run for years: Dark Water (2001); Atlantic Storm (2005); Clade X (2018); and Event 201 (2019)
  • M-132 is announced in November 2017, to fund global pharma research, and it comes just a month before the killings.
  • The M-132 committee gets lobbied by the pharma industry, including GAVI itself.
  • GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was founded by Rob Silver, Katie Telford’s husband.
  • Shermans worked with Clinton Foundation
  • Then this “pandemic” hits, with all the signs of premeditation.
  • Now efforts are underway to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug Apotex can mass produce and share.

True, it has been widely speculated that this was done to stop an ethics investigation into Justin Trudeau. However, that seems unlikely, given these laws have no teeth.

This article may be viewed as a wild conspiracy theory. But it is an attempt to explain a set of seemingly nonsensical events.