Grifters: Covid Hoax

Unfortunately, most “truth” media isn’t willing to touch this issue.

In order to properly call out this fraud, we must deal with both:
[1] Martial law measures brought in under false pretenses
[2] Grifting and subversion rampant within the “freedom movement”

Many are willing to address [1], but not [2]

Of course, there’s that little issue of viruses never being proven to exist, but that’s a topic for another time. There are much more obvious problems going on.

(1.1) A Most Sincere “Apology” To Rocco Galati (2020)
(1.2) A Beginner’s Guide To Spotting Scam Lawsuits In Canada (2023)

(2.1) Vaccine Choice Canada: No Movement After 4 Months (2020)
(2.2) Vaccine Choice Canada: No Movement After 6 Months (2021)
(2.3) Vaccine Choice Canada, Action4Canada Panhandling Again (2021)
(2.4) Vaccine Choice Canada Lawsuit Fatally Defective, Going Nowhere (2021)
(2.5) Vaccine Choice Canada: Nothing After 2 Years (2022)
(2.6) Vaccine Choice Canada: Admissions Claim Brought For Other Purposes (2022)
(2.7) Will Vaccine Choice Canada’s July 6, 2020 Suit Be Targeted Next? (2022)
(2.8) Vaccine Choice Canada Makes First Court Appearance After 2 1/2 Years (2023)
(2.9) Vaccine Choice Canada And The Notice Of Motion To Strike (2023)
(2.10) Vaccine Choice Canada: Case To Be Tossed As “Bad Beyond Argument”? (2023)
(2.11) Vaccine Choice Canada Motion To Strike Postponed Until May 2025 (2024)
(2.12) Vaccine Choice Canada To Discontinue Case: End Of A Grifter Era? (2024)

(3.1) Action4Canada Claim Fatally Defective, Will Go Nowhere (2021)
(3.2) February Delay Prevents Action4Canada Case From Being Struck (2022)
(3.3) Action4Canada Case Delayed Indefinitely (2022)
(3.4) Action4canada Finally Has Hearing Over Application To Strike (2022)
(3.5) Action4Canada Case Struck, Though Not Dismissed Entirely (2022)
(3.6) Action4Canada Files Baseless Appeal Against Struck NOCC (2022)
(3.7) Action4Canada Roasted By B.C. Law Society Over NOCC Pleadings (2023)
(3.8) Action4Canada: Why Not Just Rewrite The Original Claim? (2023)
(3.9) Action4Canada Appeal Listed As “Inactive” Since No Hearing Booked (2023)
(3.10) Action4Canada Accuses Respondents Of Misconduct With Intentional Delays (2023)
(3.11) Action4Canada Appeal: Court Not Sure Why They’ve Appealed Ross’ Decision (2024)
(3.12) Action4Canada Appeal Thrown Out By BCCA, Unsure Point Of Appealing (2024)
(3.13) Action4Canada Begging For Money For New Secret Lawsuits (2024)
(3.14) Action4Canada Case Stays In 2024 Edition Of LSBC PLTC (2024)
(3.15) Action4Canada: 4 Years Later, Still No Legitimate Claim Filed (2024)

(3.0.1) A4C Docs Profits And Losses 2021-2022
(3.0.2) A4C Docs Balance Sheet 2021-2022
(3.0.3) A4C-Docs-General-Ledger-2021-2022
(3.0.4) A4C Appointment to assess bill of costs for Kwok and Translink
(3.0.5) A4C Order striking pleadings For NOCC

(4.1) Kulvinder Gill’s $12.75 Million Suit Dismissed As A SLAPP (2022)
(4.2) Kulvinder Gill/Ashvinder Lamba Hit With $1.1 Million Cost Award (2022)
(4.3) Gill/Lamba Cost Award; Another Appeal Vowed Over $1.1 Million Ruling (2022)
(4.4) Kulvinder Gill Accused Of Appealing SLAPP Decision As “Leverage” (2023)
(4.5) Gill/Lamba Appeal Over Dismissal In $12.75 Million Case Thrown Out (2024)
(4.6) Kulvinder Gill E-Begging To Cover $300,000 In Costs She Owes (2024)
(4.7) Elon Musk Offers To Pay Gill’s Outstanding Legal Bills (2024)

(5.1) Kulvinder Gill’s Suit Against University Of Ottawa (2022)
(5.2) University Of Ottawa Files Anti-SLAPP Motion Against Gill (2023)

(6.1) Lamba Sues Former Lawyer For Incompetence, Negligence, Malpractice (2024)
(6.2) Gill Files Notice Of Action, Preparing To Sue For Negligence (2024)
(6.3) A Look At Gill’s $2 Million Professional Malpractice Claim (2024)

(7) Academy Of Divine Knowledge, New Age Being Pushed (2022)

(8.1) Next Iteration Of Bogus Lawsuits By “Resistance” (2021)
(8.2) Police On Guard Case Dormant After 15 Months (2022)
(8.3) Children’s Health Defense As A Fundraising Arm? (2022)
(8.4) Police On Guard/CHDC Cases Dormant After 21 Months (2023)
(8.5) Police On Guard/CHDC Cases Filed In Wrong Court, Many Defects (2023)

(9.1) Awake Canada Spreading Misinformation On Bogus Lawsuits (2023)
(9.2) Chris Sky Subverts & Undermines Real Resistance (2021)
(9.3) A Guide For Spotting Controlled Opposition To Lockdowns (2021)
(9.4) Bernier Calls For Own Father To Get Vaxxed, “Party” A Honeypot (2021)
(9.5) Alberta Activist Collective: Selling Merch At Pro-Lockdown Rally (2021)
(9.6) Why I Believe Galati Is Controlled Opposition (2021)

(10.1) Federal Case Written So Poorly It Has No Prospect Of Success (2022)
(10.2) Federal Case Faces Motion To Strike On Procedural Grounds (2022)
(10.3) Federal Case Finally Hears Motion To Strike Pleadings (2023)
(10.4) Federal Case Struck As “Embarrassing” And “Bad Beyond Argument” (2023)
(10.5) Federal Case Appealed, Judge Accused Of Bias In Ruling (2023)
(10.6) Federal Case Appeal: Money Pit For Dead End Venture (2023)
(10.7) Federal Appeal To Be Heard November 8th, Will Go Nowhere (2023)
(10.8) Federal Injection Pass Case: How A Competent Lawyer Should Have Written It (2023)
(10.9) FCA Decision: “Bad Beyond Argument Upheld; Travel Claims Allowed For All (2024)

(11.1) New Case For Federal Workers Over Vaccine Injuries (2023)
(11.2) Website Shut Down After Expose Article In November (2024)

(12.1) Ontario EMS Case Recycled From Already Thrown Out Suits (2023)
(12.2) Take Action Canada: Case Sitting Idle Many Months Later (2023)
(12.3) Take Action Canada Case Conference Delayed Indefinitely (2024)
(12.4) Take Action Canada Case To Be Discontinued After Blackmail Refused (2024)
(A) Take Action Canada Retainer Essential First Responders Rocco Galati Legal Retainer
(B) Take Action Canada 911 and First Responders Financial Assistance Fund Application
(C) Take Action Canada — Legal Update And Smear

(13.1) Canadian Frontline Nurses Has Defamation Case Dismissed As SLAPP (2022)
(13.2) Canadian Frontline Nurses Hit With $315,000 In Costs Over SLAPP (2023)

(14.1) Byram Bridle’s Lawsuit Against Guelph Will Go Nowhere (2022)
(14.2) Statement Of Defence Filed In Major Byram Bridle Lawsuit (2023)
(14.3) Second Anti-SLAPP Motion Filed In Byram Bridle/UofGuelph Case (2024)
(14.4) Byram Bridle Discontinues Defamation Case Against David Fisman (2024)

(15) M.E.P. Christine Anderson: Speaking Tour In Canada, Merchandise Line (2023)

(16) Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes Against Humanity” Speaking Tour (2022)

(17) Patrick King “Wins” His Anti-Lockdown Case By Losing (2021)

(18) Defamation Lawsuit Against CSASPP/Donor Dismissed As A SLAPP (2024)

(19) How Much Money Have The “Freedom Lawsuits” Brought In Altogether? (2024)

(20) ONCA Throws Out Kilian Application, Brought “Prematurely” (2024)

(21) Privacy Is Your Right Shuts Down Website After Bad Press? (2024)

(22) Canada Post Case Thrown Out Over Jurisdiction, Pleading Issues (2024)

(23) CSSEM Petitions Thrown Out, Don’t Really Challenge Anything (2024)

(24) Ontario Health Care Workers Face Motion For Summary Judgement (2024)

(24) LSO Lawsuit (First One) Struck For Incoherent Pleading (2024)
(a) Law Society Of Ontario Statement Of Claim
(b) Law Society Of Ontario Intent To Defend
(c) Law Society Of Ontario Amended Statement Of Claim
(d) Law Society Of Ontario Requisition For Amended Claim
(e) Law Society Of Ontario Motion Record, To Strike
(f) Law Society Of Ontario Moving Party Factum To Strike
(g) Law Society Of Ontario Plaintiff Responding Factum

(a) Law Society Of Ontario Second Statement Of Claim

(25) Vaccine Choice Canada Lawsuit Dormant After 3 1/2 Years (2023)
(a) VCC – October 2019 Statement Of Claim
(b) VCC – October 2019 Statement Of Defence
(c) VCC – October 2019 Press Release

(26) Nadon Reference Case: What Really Happened (2024)