On July 6th, 2020 the case was filed in Toronto (CV-20-00643451-0000). However, there has been no movement or announcements. There are no appearances scheduled with the court. This was confirmed in a phone call with the Toronto Court.
September 30th, 2020, a notice of intent to defend, (not an actual defense), filed on behalf of Windsor-Essex County, and Wajid Ahmed, their Chief Medical Officer.
-Nothing for Government of Canada
-Nothing for Justin Trudeau
-Nothing for Theresa Tam
-Nothing for Patty Hajdu
-Nothing for Marc Garneau
-Nothing for Government of Ontario
-Nothing for Doug Ford
-Nothing for Christine Elliott
-Nothing for Toronto
-Nothing for John Tory
-Nothing for the CBC
-Nothing for any other defendant
Since there is no movement, and won’t be for the foreseeable future, it would be in the public interest to know what’s being done with their donations.
This is actually the second case. There was a much, much smaller one originating in late 2019, regarding vaccines in schools. (CV-19-00629810-0000)
October 24, 2019 – Statement of Claim was filed.
January 3, 2020 – Statement of Defense was filed.
March 10, 2020 – Reply was filed.
Nothing else has happened in that case either.
Both appear to be in limbo.
what do you mean “donations”?
these donations…https://action4canada.com/legal-action-commencing-against-the-bc-government-in-response-to-the-extreme-covid-measures/
Do you think a non profit just creates money out of thin air?
hard to believe anything will be done if it involves any kind of action against the cabal… the banks run the show now via their minions in political desks… good luck trying to fight them with paper. the only answer i can think of is a civilian army at this point similar to something like yugoslavia or other.