(1.1) Thoughts On Canada-China Trade Deal (2019)
(1.2) Despite Human Right Abuses, Canada Still Does Business With China (2021)
(1.3) Vaccine Passports, Subsidies, Pushed By China-Phile At TRBoT (2021)
(2.1) NAFTA, Lawsuits, Trilateral, Conflict Of Interest (2019)
(2.2) Hidden Costs That NAFTA’s Backers Ignore (2019)
(3.1) Bill C-79 And Negotiating The Trans-Pacific Partnership (2019)
(3.2) Why Trump Left Trans-Pacific Partnership (2019)
(4.1) CANZUK Erases Borders & Sovereignty (2019)
(4.2) CANZUK, Other Recent Trade Deals (2019)
(4.3) Many Desire To Expand CANZUK Zone (2020)
(4.4) CANZUK Going Ahead, Despite “Global Pandemic” (2020)
(5) Professional Outsourcing, Wage Depression (2019)
(6) EPI Research On Social Costs Of Trade (2019)
(7.1) Agenda 21: Liberalized Trade Essential TO UNSDA Plan (2019)
(7.2) Agenda 2030: Liberalized Trade Still Essential To UNSDA Plan (2019)
(7.3) USMCA: mass migration, globalization, social justice (2020)
(8) Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) (2020)
(9) Leslyn Lewis Supports Paris Accord, Subsidies, Loosening IP (2020)
(10) Automation, Artificial Intelligence Likely To Gut Job Market (2021)
(11.1) Canadian Truckers Alliance — Unvaxxed Workers Are Replaceable (2022)
(11.2) Chambers Of Commerce Support Open Borders, Replacement Workers (2022)
(Ex) Economic Imm: Remittances & Brain Drain (2019)