B.C. Premier John Horgan claims that he acts in the best interests of the residents of the Province. Supposedly, eliminating freedom and medical autonomy are all done in the name of the public good. But is that really the case? Are Horgan and his associates truly bumbling fools, or is there something more nefarious at play?
Due to reader request, this sequel is going up.
This series continues on who’s pulling the strings of influential politicians. Previously, Elizabeth May, Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel, Steven Guilbeault (Part 1 and Part 2), Doug Ford (many times), Rankin & Strang, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Brian Pallister and Blaine Higgs were covered.
In case anyone thinks that Bonnie Henry is really the brains behind the “pandemic effort”, she’s not. She’s just another actor, reading a script that’s provided. Without someone to tell her what to say, she starts babbling idiotically, such as repeatedly admitting there’s no science behind anything she does. She did find the time to publish a book though.
An honest and transparent media would call Horgan, Henry, Dix and Farnworth out for their obvious lies and deceptions. However, with enough subsidies, that doesn’t happen.
Here are the open lobbyist registrations that are flagged by searching vaccines. A lot of the names should be familiar. If they’re not familiar, then you have a lot of catching up to do.
1. Jean-Marc Prevost, Counsel Public Affairs

This has been addressed in an earlier piece. Prevost was the “Director of Strategic Communications” for Bonnie Henry immediately before becoming a lobbyist for Counsel Public Affairs. This firm has been lobbying all across Canada on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, the company that makes AstraZeneca.
Prevost has also been a handler for the Alberta and Manitoba Governments before moving over to BC. now lobbies on behalf of Innovative Medicines Canada, which represents pretty much the entire pharmaceutical industry.
2. Brad Lavigne, Counsel Public Affairs

Before becoming a drug lobbyist, Brad Lavigne was very involved with the Federal NDP. He even worked in the Office of Jack Layton, when he was Leader of the Official Opposition. He got very close to having some real power, but now channels it behind the scenes. Lavigne has also been a CBC commentator since 2004, though it’s doubtful he’s ever been asked hard questions about his lobbying.
3. Kiersten Combs, AstraZeneca

Considering that Bonnie’s ex-Communications Director now lobbies on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, it stands to reason that AstraZeneca would benefit. After all, this is the company that actually manufactures the product.
4. Matt Williamson, Global Public Affairs

Matt Williamson has worked with both the Governments of Manitoba and Alberta before becoming a lobbyist in B.C. It’s interesting, his career path seems pretty similar to Jean-Marc Prevost. He’s also working for Innovative Medicines Canada, which means pretty much everyone.
5. Geraldine Vance, B.C. Pharmacy Association

Early in her career, Geraldine Vance was “Communications Counsel” for the Government of B.C. Now, she lobbies on behalf of the B.C. Pharmacy Association, which is funded by drug companies. But that’s probably irrelevant. Just because a group is funded by big pharma, that doesn’t mean there’s any conflict of interest.
6. Marwan Akar, Merck Canada

Interesting side note: Marwan Akar got his MBA from Imperial College London. This is where the infamous Neil Ferguson conducts his doomsday modeling.
7. Cole Pinnow, Pfizer Canada

Pfizer really doesn’t need an introduction, does it? Heck, they donate to, and sponsor, nearly everything under the sun.
Anyhow, this isn’t everyone on the list. However, they are some of the more notable names who’ve been pulling Horgan’s strings lately.
One also has to wonder if this lobbying factored into Horgan’s decision to terminate anyone in the B.C. Civil Service who refuses to take the experimental shots.
Never mind that having “interim authorization” is not the same thing as being approved. These sickos in Government want to get everyone, even the children.

Of course, B.C. did still permit indoor wine tasting earlier this year, despite ordering a shut down of other businesses. The fact that Bonnie Henry co-owned a winery in Keremeos probably factored into that decision. Actually, Bonnie being on the sauce would explain a lot of what she says and does.
After all, she’s done a 180 since her testimony in a 2015 Ontario Labour Arbitration case over the Sault Area Hospital’s vaccinate-or-mask policy.
So who’s pulling Horgan’s strings? It probably isn’t Adrian Dix, the Health Minister. His background in history and political science doesn’t qualify him to do anything. So who could it be?
(1) https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/oic/oic_cur/0627_2021
(2) https://www.lobbyistsregistrar.bc.ca/
(3) https://www.lobbyistsregistrar.bc.ca/app/secure/orl/lrs/do/advSrch?V_SEARCH.command=refineCategory&V_TOKEN=1234567890&V_SEARCH.scopeCategory=solr.facetName.registrationStatus%3D1
(4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=57&v=xzyoWyqBM8k&feature=youtu.be
(5) http://innovativemedicines.ca/about/member-companies/
(6) https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-marc-prevost-04830598/
(7) http://innovativemedicines.ca/about/member-companies/
(8) https://www.linkedin.com/in/brad-lavigne-a0927a39/
(9) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiersten-combs-a728b0/
(10) https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-williamson-3168b417b/
(11) https://www.linkedin.com/in/geraldine-vance-apr-fcprs-12125aa/
(12) https://www.linkedin.com/in/marwan-akar-595a3632/
(13) https://www.linkedin.com/in/cole-pinnow-88612311/
(14) https://globalnews.ca/news/7732090/indoor-wine-tastings-bc-covid-restrictions/
(15) https://www.keremeosreview.com/news/similkameen-winery-co-owned-by-dr-bonnie-henry/
(16) https://canucklaw.ca/b-c-contemplating-vaccine-passports-as-bonnie-henry-glosses-over-old-statements/
(17) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-elizabeth-mays-strings/
(18) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-erin-otooles-strings/
(19) https://canucklaw.ca/why-is-rempel-silent-on-harmful-effects-of-interim-authorized-vaccines/
(20) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-1-eco-movement/
(21) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-2-anti-free-speech-privacy/
(22) https://canucklaw.ca/ford-still-lobbied-by-political-operatives-on-behalf-of-vaccine-companies/
(23) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-10d-nova-scotia-pharma-lobbying-moh-robert-strang-an-anti-democratic-tyrant/
(24) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-jason-kenneys-strings/
(25) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-scott-moes-strings/
(26) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-brian-pallisters-strings/
(27) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-blaine-higgs-strings/
- B.C. Pharmacy Association
- Capital Hill Group
- Counsel Public Affairs (Georgakopoulos)
- Counsel Public Affairs (Prevost, Lavigne)
- Counsel Public Affairs (Ruddy)
- Counsel Public Affairs (Ruddy)
- Counsel Public Affairs (Federal)
- Crestview Strategy
- Crestview Strategy (Blais)
- Crestview Strategy (Arsenault)
- Crestview Strategy (The Gang)
- Crestview Strategy (GlaxoSmithKline & Medicago)
- Ensight Canada (Shoppers Drug Mart)
- Enterprise Canada/Sussex Strategy (Lantsman et al.)
- Harbourview Public Affairs (Batherson)
- Loyalist Public Affairs (Mader, Froggatt)
- Magnet Strategy Group (Danielle Peters)
- McKercher LLP (VIDO-InterVac, Douglas Richardson)
- Rubicon Strategy (Letersky)
- Rubicon Strategy, Teneycke
- Wellington Advocacy (Curran et. al)
- Various Nova Scotia Lobbying (Iain Rankin, Strang)
- Various Ontario Lobbying, Bill 160 (Disclosing Payoffs)
- Various Ontario Lobbying Keeping Province Closed
- Ford STILL being lobbied, Summer 2021, Various