Ottawa, Privy Council Lobbied By Facebook, Crestview Strategy, O’Toole

Facebook meeting with the Canadian Government over legislation which is set to influence digital media. Facebook claims that many of these meetings are solicited by the Government itself.

1. Important Developments On Free Speech

There is already a lot of information on the free speech series on the site. Free speech, while an important topic, doesn’t stand on its own, and is typically intertwined with other categories. For background information for this, please visit: Digital Cooperation; the IGF, or Internet Governance Forum; ex-Liberal Candidate Richard Lee; the Digital Charter; big tech collusion in coronavirus; and Dominic LeBlanc’s proposal.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Crestview Strategy’s mainpage.

CLICK HERE, for Facebook lobbyist, Erin O’Toole of HB firm.

CLICK HERE, for Kevin Chan’s LinkedIn page.
CLICK HERE, for Kevin Chan, Privy Council Office Holder.

CLICK HERE, for Zakery Blais LinkedIn page.

3. Context For This Article

The lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, is being covered once again. This time, it is because of Crestview’s lobbying efforts on behalf of Facebook. It’s time to show some of the secrets the public may not know about this.

It was addressed in Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 48 how Crestview Strategy was lobbying the Federal Government on behalf of GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance. However, Crestview has its fingers in many more pies than just the drug industry.

4. CPC Head Erin O’Toole Ex-Facebook Lobbyist

Less than a year after serving as a lobbyist for Facebook, O’Toole announced he was going to enter Federal politics.

5. Kevin Chan: Privy Council, OLO, Facebook

In the lobbying records, it is mandatory to disclose all senior officers who hold (or have held), public office. The registry lists Kevin Chan, who held several positions with the Privy Council. Interestingly, none of that appears on Chan’s LinkedIn profile.

Also, from 2009 until 2011, Chan worked for the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. At that time, it was Liberal Leader, Michael Ignatieff. Ignatieff is now a Vice-President at George Soros’ Open Society.

It’s worth pointing out the the Leader of the Official Opposition is now Erin O’Toole, who was also lobbyist for Facebook, when he worked for Heenan Blaikie.

6. Conflict Of Interest With Privy Council

As can be seen in the last section, Kevin Chan worked for the Privy Council’s Office for several years, before joining Facebook. He is now one of their senior officers.

Dominic LeBlanc is currently the President of the Privy Council. He has publicly suggested passing laws to combat “misinformation online”. In order to do this, LeBlanc would have to get social media outlets like Facebook onboard with that agenda.

It seems that Facebook Canada (using their in-house Council), has been lobbying the Canadian Government — and specifically the Privy Council — a lot in the last few years. But don’t worry, that won’t lead to a crack down on free speech or anything like that.

7. Zakery Blais Worked For AG David Lametti

His experience spans both the public and private sectors. He previously worked as a Legislative Assistant to a Canadian Member of Parliament, providing strategic political and communications advice. Prior to joining Crestview Strategy, Zakery also worked in various capacities in public affairs, including as an analyst focused on the energy and natural resources sectors.

Blais worked for a sitting MP, according to his Crestview Strategy profile, but does not identify the person. However, on his LinkedIn page, it is listed as David Lametti. Lametti was a Parliamentary Secretary at that time, but is now the sitting Attorney General of Canada.

On August 1st, Blais renewed his Crestview lobbying registration for the Gates financed GAVI. See here.

8. Jason Clark: Crestview, GAVI, Facebook

Jason holds a Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Western University, and a Master of Arts degree in International Studies and Diplomacy with a Specialization in Global Energy & Climate Change Policy from SOAS, University of London in London, United Kingdom. Jason serves on the Board of the Ottawa Bicycle Club and volunteered for several Ottawa-area Liberal Party of Canada candidates during the 2015 election campaign.

Crestview’s Jason Clark has been a lobbyist for both Facebook and GAVI. He also worked as an election volunteer for the Liberal Candidates in Ottawa for the 2015 election.

9. Chad Rogers: Crestview, GAVI, Facebook

Chad Rogers is a strategist, entrepreneur and founding partner at Crestview Strategy, a public affairs agency.
Chad helps leaders, companies and industry associations make their case and get things approved. He has been a public opinion researcher, senior advisor to a Premier, and has served as an advisor to political party and government leaders across the globe.

Rogers was a founding partner of Crestview Strategy (as was Rob Silver, who is Katie Telford’s husband). He has also been registered as a lobbyist for both Facebook and GAVI. Interesting, however, he won’t list the Premier, but a search on LinkedIn identifies it as the 1999-2003 Government — who was led by John Hamm.

10. Crestview Strategy & Facebook Lobbyists

Although they haven’t all filed formal communications reports, it seems that Facebook always has at least 1 or 2 lobbyists on staff, ready to go

11. Everyone Should Have A License

A proposal earlier this year to make all media outlets in Canada have a license. The Government backtracked a bit when there was a public backlash.

Of course, it must be asked: where did this idea come from? Was it some bureaucrat with the CRTC? Was it Facebook and Google? Was it some other group who wants to shut down free speech?

12. Big Tech Collusion On “Pandemic”

This was addressed in another article, but it seems that social media companies are fully on board with promoting the vaccine agenda, and stamping out “misinformation” of their platforms.

13. This Doesn’t Look Like Arms Length

There is little real separation here. Lobbyists are paid to influence politicians on a variety of issues, including media, free speech, taxation, and vaccines. As such, the interests of the public are given little, if any, real consideration.

One last point: this isn’t just a Liberal problem. Crestview Strategy, and similar groups, have ties to many political parties, including the Conservative Party of Canada.

Action Canada: Local Branch Of International Planned Parenthood

The International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region, has a Canadian Branch. It’s called Action Canada, and follows much the same ideology.

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

While abortion is trumpeted as a “human right” in Western societies, the obvious questions have to be asked: Why is it a human right? Who are these groups benefiting financially? Will the organs be trafficked afterwards? What will happen to the demographics of countries that are involved in this? Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly enough journalists asking the hard questions.

2. Action Canada’s Corporate Documents


3. Action Canada’s CRA Tax Filings

2015 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $189,977.00 (21.77%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $120,446.00 (13.80%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $562,169.00 (64.43%)
Total revenue: $872,592.00

Charitable programs $568,499.00 (72.58%)
Management and administration $128,937.00 (16.46%)
Fundraising $49,434.00 (6.31%)
Political activities $24,530.00 (3.13%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $11,828.00 (1.51%)
Total expenses: $783,228.00

Total compensation for all positions $301,704.00

2016 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $311,894.00 (20.60%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $69,908.00 (4.62%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $1,132,199.00 (74.78%)
Total revenue: $1,514,001.00

Charitable programs $1,219,877.00 (81.52%)
Management and administration $172,744.00 (11.54%)
Fundraising $49,372.00 (3.30%)
Political activities $54,330.00 (3.63%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,496,323.00

Total compensation for all positions $770,177.00

2017 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $302,923.00 (20.87%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $21,634.00 (1.49%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $1,127,020.00 (77.64%)
Total revenue: $1,451,577.00

Charitable programs $1,094,878.00 (78.20%)
Management and administration $160,827.00 (11.49%)
Fundraising $74,444.00 (5.32%)
Political activities $70,018.00 (5.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,400,167.00

Total compensation for all positions $850,391.00

2018 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $349,408.00 (17.31%)
Non-receipted donations $56,832.00 (2.82%)
Gifts from other registered charities $29,021.00 (1.44%)
Government funding $343,948.00 (17.04%)
All other revenue $1,239,514.00 (61.40%)
Total revenue: $2,018,723.00

Charitable programs $1,621,402.00 (84.10%)
Management and administration $163,382.00 (8.47%)
Fundraising $73,444.00 (3.81%)
Political activities $69,611.00 (3.61%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,927,839.00

Total compensation for all positions $947,188.00

2019 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $282,509.00 (8.00%)
Non-receipted donations $13,749.00 (0.39%)
Gifts from other registered charities $32,210.00 (0.91%)
Government funding $980,419.00 (27.77%)
All other revenue $2,221,381.00 (62.92%)
Total revenue: $3,530,268.00

Charitable programs $3,180,207.00 (90.02%)
Management and administration $210,532.00 (5.96%)
Fundraising $55,866.00 (1.58%)
Political activities $86,109.00 (2.44%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,532,714.00

Total compensation for all positions $1,995,997.00
Full-time employees (17)
Part-time employees (3)

Interesting. It took in some $3.5 million from various sources, and paid $2 million for its 20 employees, or about $100,000 each. As should be obvious, its revenues are steadily going up.

4. Action Canada’s Federal Lobbying

Something that stands out: it isn’t just the Canadian Government (Canadian taxpayers really), who are funding this group. The taxpayers of Denmark and the Netherlands are as well.

The sexual health education is presumably the pedo education system that UNESCO is promoting. And the abortion push is self explanatory.

5. Push For Decriminalization Of Prostitution

Negative consequences of criminalizing sex work
-Fear around legal consequences or harassment if sex workers carry condoms and lubricant, which can be used as evidence of sex work.
-Reduced ability to negotiate safer sex with clients.
-A negative impact on relationships with service providers (such as those providing condoms and harm reduction supplies) for fear of being identified as sex workers, which could lead to police entrapment.

The legislation known as the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act is especially alarming for immigrants. Canada’s sex work laws do not explicitly address migrant sex workers but the objective to “ensure consistency between prostitution offences and the existing human trafficking offences” means that human trafficking is being confused with prostitution. Because migrant sex workers are often identified as “trafficked victims” and because their work is often referred to as “sexual exploitation,” laws and policies that criminalize sex work and migration specifically target sex workers who are racialized and people of colour. This puts already vulnerable populations at higher risk of criminalization and violence.

The criminalization of the purchase of sexual services means sex workers will not seek police protection and support services when they need them, thereby decreasing their ability to report violence to police and take care of their health. It also prevents sex workers from using simple safety strategies like working in pairs, working in familiar areas, or having the time to consult “bad date lists” to help protect themselves against violent or abusive clients.

The mental gymnastics here are stunning. First, it is a pretty big conflict of interest that a group that promotes abortion (and sale of body parts), is also lobbying for prostitution. Seems like one business feeds into another.

Second, how many “immigrants of colour” are coming to Canada and ending up in prostitution?

Third, while explicitly denying that sex work is exploitive, this group details the ways in which it is very exploitive to the victims.

6. Helping Promote Abortion Globally

It shouldn’t surprise anyone, but Action Canada, like the rest of Planned Parenthood, promotes abortion worldwide. Not sure why Jagmeet Singh follows them though.

Also, it seems that restricting abortion in any way is tied to white supremacist ideology. However, it’s unclear how this logic would apply in majority non-white countries.

Apparently, a feminist foreign policy is one that pays to have the children killed in foreign countries. Now, considering that many cultures don’t value women, this would likely lead to a lot of sex selective abortions. How exactly is funding the selective targeting of female babies a “feminist” ideology?

7. Action Canada Supports BLM Movement

No surprise that Action Canada supports the Black Lives Matter groups, despite how violent they often are.

However, black lives DON’T seem to matter when they are being aborted. In fact, in the United States, blacks make up a very disproportionate amount of aborted babies.

8. Bill C-75 Facilitates Organ Trafficking

  • Section 58: Fraudulent use of citizenship
  • Section 159: Age of consent for anal sex
  • Section 172(1): Corrupting children
  • Section 173(1): Indecent acts
  • Section 180(1): Common nuisance
  • Section 182: Indecent interference or indignity to body
  • Section 210: Keeping common bawdy house
  • Section 211: Transporting to bawdy house
  • Section 242: Not getting help for childbirth
  • Section 243: Concealing the death of a child
  • Section 279.02(1): Material benefit – trafficking
  • Section 279.03(1): Withholding/destroying docs — trafficking
  • Section 279(2): Forcible confinement
  • Section 280(1): Abduction of child under age 16
  • Section 281: Abduction of child under age 14
  • Section 291(1): Bigamy
  • Section 293: Polygamy
  • Section 293.1: Forced marriage
  • Section 293.2: Child marriage
  • Section 295: Solemnizing marriage contrary to law
  • Section 435: Arson, for fraudulent purposes
  • Section 467.11(1): Participating in organized crime

It was mentioned in Part 17 and Part 18, how Bill C-75 watered down the criminal penalties for sex crimes against children. It would effectively reduce the punishments for organ trafficking and letting babies die. Just look at that list.

9. Action Canada: Cancel March For Life

In May 2020, this article was published on Rabble. True, this may just be a personal opinion, but as they Executive Director of Action Canada for Sexual and Health Rights, Sandeep Prasad’s words do carry some serious weight.

10. Parliamentarians For Population/Development

The Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights and development issues. Formed in 1997, CAPPD is open to all sitting Senators and Members of Parliament.

CAPPD coordinates efforts with several parliamentary associations throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe to encourage governments to keep their commitments to reproductive health and women’s rights, as agreed by 179 countries at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt.

Raise parliamentarians’ awareness of population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights and development issues through participation in study tours, international conferences, expert seminars and public events;

Advocate for the full implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA) and the Beijing Platform for Action;

Consult with government agencies, civil society, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other international agencies and parliamentarians from other countries to assess Canada’s support for relevant international development goals;

Promote cooperation among other parliamentary networks working in the areas of population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights, and development.

This isn’t some lunatic fringe group. There are sitting Members of Parliament (across party lines) who are openly on board with this agenda. At the same time they are supposed to be working for the interests of their constituents, these members are openly acting as lobbyists for the abortion and globohomo agendas.

Planned Parenthood effectively has a trojan horse operating within the legislature.

11. UN Population Replacement Division

This was addressed here, here, and here. While promoting the right to easy abortion (and reduce birth rates), the United Nations also pushes for replacement migration to “bring up the numbers”. This seems illogical, until one realizes what the real goal is.


[1] Decrease the birth rate (abortion, globohomo)
[2] Increase replacement migration

12. Planned Parenthood Is Organ Trafficking

The Center for Medical Progress recently published this video, and it contains many admissions from Planned Parenthood officials.

In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) Monday, Planned Parenthood officials give sworn testimony describing how abortionists alter abortion procedures in order to produce more intact human fetuses and, therefore, more usable fetal tissues and organs that can be sold for profit.

In 2015, the CMP and journalist and activist David Daleiden released a series of videos featuring undercover conversations with Planned Parenthood officials and medical directors. Planned Parenthood and their media allies decried the undercover videos as “edited” and claimed their late-term abortion practices were in complete compliance with the law. As attorney general of California, current vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, prosecuted Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes.

Now, newly unsealed videos of deposition testimonies show these same Planned Parenthood employees confirming under oath what they previously admitted to Daleiden about abortion and fetal tissue harvesting. In the latest video, Planned Parenthood officials testify about their use of paperwork loopholes to feign compliance with federal partial-birth abortion law, as well as how they alter their abortion techniques to obtain intact organs.

There will have to be follow up on this. That said, Planned Parenthood has now admitted to using abortion as a way to generate body parts to sell on the open market. This is not about reproductive care, or making life better for women. It’s about generating a fresh supply of human parts to sell.

The information provided (so far) relates to Planned Parenthood in general. We will have to see how deep Action Canada is in this — if at all.

CV #4(B): Zakery Blais, (AG Lametti’s Former Assistant) Renews Registration As GAVI/Crestview Lobbyist

Crestview Strategy lobbyist (and former assistant to the now Attorney General David Lametti), Zakery Blais, renewed his official registration as a lobbyist on behalf of the Gates funded GAVI. Effective August 1st. To clarify, Lametti was only a Parliamentary Secretary when Blais worked for him, but that hardly excuses the behaviour.

1. Zakery Blais Worked For David Lametti

Zakery Blais is a Consultant with Crestview Strategy. With a focus on Canada-U.S. relations and international development, Zakery services clients globally.

His experience spans both the public and private sectors. He previously worked as a Legislative Assistant to a Canadian Member of Parliament, providing strategic political and communications advice. Prior to joining Crestview Strategy, Zakery also worked in various capacities in public affairs, including as an analyst focused on the energy and natural resources sectors.

Zakery holds an Honours BSocSc in Political Science from the University of Ottawa, and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Queen’s University

Although the Member of Parliament is not identified in Blais’ Crestview profile, looking at his LinkedIn, we can tell it is David Lametti. Lametti was a Parliamentary Secretary at the time, but is now the sitting Attorney General of Canada.

Bit of a side note: Blais’ profile also has him spending almost a year working for the Liberal Research Bureau.

2. Lack Of Transparency In Public Office Holding

Blais claims to have never been a public office holder. While true in a technical sense, it is very misleading. Blais WORKED FOR Lametti, who was a public officer holder, and now sits as the Attorney General of Canada. But you wouldn’t get that information from looking at the Lobbying Commissioner’s website.

Crestview lobbies on behalf of GAVI, trying to get government grants to vaccinate the planet. So far, Ottawa has shelled out some $800 million. And it needs to be emphasized, there is no arms-length relationship here at all.

Most readers will know this, but for those who don’t: GAVI is the Global Vaccine Alliance, which is heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

3. Crestview’s M-132 Conflict Of Interest

M-132 was introduced in November 2017 by Liberal MP Raj Saini. It was covered here and here. One might wonder why GAVI is interested in lobbying on a motion to finance drugs and drug research for Canada and the entire world.

4. CS Co-Founded By Katie Telford’s Husband

Liberal strategist and former pundit Rob Silver said Monday he has left the government relations firm he helped create, citing his wife’s position as Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff.

“Effective Dec. 31, 2015 I am no longer a shareholder or employee of Crestview Strategy,” Silver said in an email Monday afternoon.

Silver was a partner in the Toronto- and Ottawa-based public affairs agency that, among other things, lobbies the federal government on behalf of clients.

Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, Trudeau’s Chief-of-Staff, helped start up Crestview Strategy, the lobbying firm that GAVI hired to push the vaccine agenda.

5. Rob Silver’s New Conflict Of Interest

OTTAWA – The Trudeau government is paying up to $84 million to a company that employs Chief of Staff Katie Telford’s husband as a senior executive to administer its COVID-19 emergency commercial rent assistance program for small businesses.

Due to the ties between Telford and her husband, Robert Silver, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) assures that their chief of staff has recused herself from any decisions that may involve MCAP, Silver’s employer.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Silver became Senior Vice-President, Strategy, Policy, Risk at MCAP in January 2020. MCAP bills itself as one of Canada’s largest private mortgage companies, with over 300,000 customers and $105 billion in assets under management.

According to LinkedIn, this is Silver’s first job in the private sector since leaving Crestview — the government relations firm he helped create — following the October 2015 elections. At the time, he cited his wife’s job as new chief of staff to the prime minister as the reason for his departure.

Silver may have left Crestview Strategy, but it appears his old ways haven’t changed. Yet another conflict of interest that should never have happened.

This was addressed in Part 5, but Crestview Strategy has many political connections, and they extend across party lines. In some sense, it really doesn’t matter who is actually in power. Crestview has connections. And Zakery Blais is still at it.

CV #47: Media Manipulation, Free Speech And The “Pandemic” Hoax

Remember when this was only supposed to be 2 weeks? Remember when it was just about “flattening the curve”? Well, prepare to have the next 2 to 3 years of your life set on hold. That is, until the goal posts move again.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For other articles in the coronavirus series, check here. There is an awful lot that you are not being told my the mainstream media, including the lies, lobbying, money changing hands, and one world agenda. Nothing is what it appears to be. Also, check out related topics, such as the media, and free speech.

2. Context For This Piece

The media in Canada (and elsewhere) report on this fake pandemic almost non-stop. However, there are many important topics and details that aren’t reported, or are just done so in a very superficial way. Some independent outlets do, but they are few are far between. Outlets that receive subsidies are unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them.

By mainstream, of course this refers to outlets like CBC, CTV and Global News. However, the Post Media empire (which comprises dozens of newspapers), and the Koch/Atlas “independents” are little, if any, better.

In order to understand what is really going on, we need to talk about the important things that aren’t being addressed.

3. Collusion Of Social Media Outlets

It’s not some conspiracy theory that social media outlets like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube were colluding to limit information that contradicts the public narrative. Furthermore, they limit access to anti-vaccine information on their platforms. In fact, they are quite open about doing it. They rationalize it for the public as acts of safety and protection. UNESCO does it as well.

Don’t like being fed B.S.? Well, be quiet and tolerate it. Otherwise, they may accuse you of spreading misinformation, and access to these platforms may be removed.

4. Canadian Media Pushing Fear-Porn

BC 2,898 3,392 85% 190 3
AB 8,506 9,975 85% 176 21
SK 838 1,072 78% 16 13
MB 319 375 86% 7 1
ON 33,963 38,210 89% 2,755 35
QC ? 58,080 ? 5,662 14
NB 165 170 97% 2 0
NS 1,003 1,067 94% 63 0
NFLD 259 264 98% 3 0
PEI 34 36 94% 0 0

The above chart was a snapshot of July 23, 2020. The Province’s own data shows that the overwhelming majority of people who got sick have already recovered. So why the need to force a vaccine?

And here are the numbers the Federal Government has posted as of last night. Again, the vast majority have already recovered, yet the government and media work together to keep people in a state of panic.

5. Canadian Media Pushing Culture Shift

The Canadian media is becoming more and more overt in pushing the agenda. No longer is this purely about safety. Instead, there are intense efforts to create a culture shift, to have things like masks become viewed as normal in society. Again, this is not about safety, but about changing behaviour. Try as they will, this will never become normal.

There is an interesting parallel about making the hijab a part of society. It started with societal pressure, and eventually became law in some places. Yet it is still promoted as a “choice”.

And why do our leaders want everyone to wear masks? Because if people are willing to follow orders and do this, then they will probably line up en masse for their vaccines.

While the NPC is an overused meme (not sure the creator here), there is a valid point: if masks work, then how come EVERYONE has to wear one? Similarly, if vaccines work, how come people won’t be safe unless EVERYONE is taking one?

While opposing voices do have the right to speak out (at least for now), articles and videos like this are becoming more common. Legitimate concerns are being met with gaslighting.

6. Media Deflecting With Floyd Psy-Op

When people started asking hard questions about this coronavirus pandemic, it became necessary to shift the focus. Conveniently, there was an allegedly racially motivated murder in Minnesota (see here and here). On to the next story.

This also had the effect of making it seem like people had “moved on” from the topic of wearing masks everywhere. That was no longer a topic that needed discussion. Instead, it was all about racial injustice and systemic racism. Since that psy-op has died down, it’s back to the virus “pandemic”.

However, having everyone walking around with masks is not normal. Pretending otherwise doesn’t make it reality.

7. Vaccine Hesitancy Research Ramping Up

The media in Canada doesn’t seem interested in pointing out just how many programs there are in Canada to overcome “vaccine hesitancy”. These are not programs to MAKE vaccines safer. Instead, these programs are to CONVINCE you that they already are. One of the most prominent is the VCP, or the Vaccine Confidence Project.

8. Laws Cracking Down On Free Speech

Back in April, Dominic LeBlanc, President of the Privy Council, suggested passing laws to ban “misinformation” related to this so-called pandemic. Although it was just a proposal, the mainstream media in Canada seemed fairly unconcerned with this veiled threat to free speech. Perhaps they didn’t want to see their subsidies cut off.

9. Gates Financing Imperial College London

Oct 2010 $3,044,244 HIV Computer Modelling***
Oct 2012 $3,589,972 Malaria Computer Models***
June 2013 $1,397,325 Merger, Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $772,341 Polio Computer Modelling***
Nov 2013 $582,541 TB Computer Modelling***
Nov 2016 $100,000 Malaria Tracing Modelling***
Nov 2016 $5,625,310 Vaxx Computer Modelling***
Sept 2018 $505,207 HIV/Reprod Modelling***
Nov 2018 $326,707 TB Computer Modelling***

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributed some $16 million to Imperial College London, according to their own postings. However, that is a drop in the bucket compared to other donations they have made.

One has to ask “why” the Gates Foundation would continue to fund Neil Ferguson’s computer modelling, after his proven track record for screwing up. Keep in mind, computer models are predictions, not proof. A cynic might think that Gates uses Ferguson to specifically make doomsday predictions. Intentionally or not, however, the mainstream media doesn’t make the financial connection between the parties.

Questioning the computer modelling isn’t a wonky conspiracy — it’s necessary for a functioning society.

10. Conflicts Of Interest Not Reported

It should raise serious concerns that the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada works for the World Health Organization, though that was eventually addressed. Likewise, it’s alarming that the sitting Deputy Prime Minister and former Bank of Canada President are both Trustees for the World Economic Forum.

GAVI hired Crestview Strategy, a lobbying firm to push the vaccine agenda. One of their lobbyists was Zakery Blais, former assistant to the current Attorney General, David Lametti. And Crestview was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, Trudeau’s Chief of Staff.

As for the Gates Foundation itself,
Link to search IRS charity tax records:

Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

On the topic of conflict-of-interest, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been a very large donor to (among others):
(a) GAVI
(b) World Health Organization
(c) Center for Disease Control
(d) John Hopkins University
(e) Imperial College London
(f) United Nations
(g) ID2020
(h) Immunization 2030

How can the average person have access to free speech and adequate representation when political leaders hide behind friendly media, and only take pre-approved questions?

11. Lies Of Public Officials Not Reported

(a) There’s no science behind limiting groups to 50 people
(b) Covid tests result in almost 50% false positives
(c) Politicians not giving direct answers on contradictions
(d) Death toll is artificially being inflated
(e) Toronto Public Health lying about its numbers
(f) WHO says no evidence to support masking healthy people
(g) WHO doesn’t say keep 2 metre distance
(h) Bill Gates owns virus patents and supports depopulation

There are many more of course. However, these restrictions that Canadian politicians are imposing on the people don’t have any medical or scientific basis. What’s more: they are fully aware of this, but do it anyway. Yet the media silence is deafening.

12. Openly Globalist Agenda Not Reported

There is a much bigger picture than what is being presented to us.

  • United Nations Population Division
  • World Health Organization
  • GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations
  • Immunization 2030
  • ID2020
  • World Economic Forum

13. Immunity Passports, Contact Tracing

Remember when it was dismissed as tin-foil hat ravings that an “immunity passport” would be coming? The World Economic Forum now openly suggests one. Likewise, contact tracing is now something publicly talked about. What was mocked previously is now considered serious policy discussion.

14. Rampant Lobbying Not Being Reported

The mainstream media pays zero attention to the lobbying that the pharmaceutical industry is involved with. See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Why the heavy push for a vaccine? It’s because the pharma lobby wants one, as it will be worth many billions of dollars.

15. Questionable Legislation Not Reported

The legislation mention here and here is Motion M-132, introduced by Raj Saini. Its stated goals were to finance drug research and drug manufacturing for Canada AND ABROAD. While this may have seemed harmless enough in 2017, this fake pandemic puts things in a whole different light.

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

Given that the Sherman killings happened a month after this was introduced, one might reasonably wonder if there was any connection.

16. The Vaccine Bonds Industry

Canada recently contributed to the vaccine bonds industry, giving $125 million to IFFIm, the International Finance Facility for Immunization. While this fact was mentioned by the media, they chose to go no deeper into the scheme.

The Canadian media also never asked the obvious question: why not give the money directly to GAVI, instead of letting other parties skim off the top of it?

17. Promoting Degeneracy As Coping Mechanism

While the B.C. Government restricts normal, healthy activities, it promotes all sorts of immoral and disgusting behaviour. This includes: access to abortion, pornography, masturbation, glory holes, and prostitution. It’s as if the people running the province are intentionally trying to break down any sense of decency and social cohesion.

18. Pre-Planning This Pandemic

  • Dark Winter (2001)
  • Dead Zone (2003 Movie)
  • Atlantic Storm (2005)
  • Rockefeller/Lockstep Narrative (2010)
  • Theresa Tam, Outbreak (2010)
  • Clade X (2018)
  • Event 201 (2019)

How many dress rehearsals need to be done in order to see that this current situation was planned out as well? Despite the evidence, and the ease to find it, there seems to be no interest in mainstream Canadian media. Also, who exactly is Theresa Tam anyway? There is almost no information available.

19. Citizen Journalists Are Needed Here

None of the information above was difficult to find. There were no secret codes, or access needed to get at any of it. All that was required was an internet connection, and some patience.

It’s incredibly disappointing to see that mainstream media, and even the alternative media show no interest in searching out the truth. But it’s not surprising. All that’s left is for citizen journalists to take the lead, and expose what is going on.

There is still much more to cover. However, this article is a fair representation of the research that has been published thus far.

CV #41: Are The Sherman Killings Tied To Canada Financing Global Pharma Research? (Theory)

One of several articles (this from suggesting that the killings of Barry and Honey Sherman were related to an ethics investigation of Trudeau.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

It is now August, and the coronavirus hoax is more than 6 months old. To fully understand what is going on, one needs to see the events that are happening behind the scenes. The media in Canada (and elsewhere), will never give you the complete picture.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for the Elections Canada mainpage.
CLICK HERE, for Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Rob Silver leaving Crestview Strategy.
CLICK HERE, for CapforCanada article on Sherman killings.
CLICK HERE, for 2019 Toronto Star followup.
CLICK HERE, for Democracy Watch’s main page.
CLICK HERE, for Apotex aiding Clinton Foundation missions.
CLICK HERE, for records, donations to foreign charities.
CLICK HERE, for Bloomberg on Apotex donating HCQ doses.

3. Context For This Article

This may be going a bit too far down the rabbit hole, but let’s address it anyway. While it is widely believed that the Shermans were killed because of an ethics investigation into illegal lobbying, there are other factors to consider.

First: the motive seems iffy, as there are no real consequences to being found guilty of violating these rules. Trudeau has proven that again and again.

Second: what if there were bigger financial issues at stake?

  • Mar 2016 – Members of Trudeau’s family take trip with Aga Khan
  • Dec 2016 – Trudeau takes infamous Christmas trip with Aga Khan
  • Nov 2017 – Raj Saini introduces M-132 in the House
  • Dec 2017 – Barry & Honey Sherman are murdered
  • Dec 2017 – Trudeau found guilty of ethics breach
  • Mar 2018 – GAVI lobbies Canadian Government, continues
  • Sep 2018 – Committee hearings on M-132 start up
  • Mar 2019 – House of Commons formally adopts M-132 findings
  • Jun 2020 – Saini/Gladue lobbied by GAVI
  • Mar 2020 – Apotex begins lobbying Federal Government again
  • Apr 2020 – WHO releases list of vaxx research underway

As a disclaimer: this is only a THEORY. The site doesn’t have any hard evidence that these killings are connected. There is just: odd factors, curious timing, and a potential financial motive. Take all of this with a grain of salt.

4. Donations & Lobbying By Shermans

The Shermans have engaged in a small number of donations at the Federal level, according to Elections Canada. Nothing overtly suspicious from this alone. But let’s look into the lobbying that has been going on.

77 communications reports have been filed with the lobbying registry. Interestingly, the bulk of them were PRIOR to the scandal that broke for the Shermans (allegedly) illegally lobbying then-Candidate Trudeau. However, on March 17 and 20, 2020, there were 3 more meetings, on the topic of producing generic pharmaceuticals.

Certainly it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. One can only imagine how it proceeded.

5. M-132 Introduced, Killings A Month Later

For a speech on passing M-132.
The text is below

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

This could be the mother of all coincidences, but a month after M-132 was introduced, (see here, and see here, for background information), Barry Sherman of Apotex, and his wife Honey, were murdered.

Apotex was the major Canadian producer of hydroxychloroquine, which is touted as a cure for the coronavirus. With it being used, there would be little need for massive vaccine research.

6. GAVI Lobbying Very Profitable

From March 2018 until June 2019, GAVI received $200 million from Global Affairs Canada. From June 2019 to June 2020, GAVI received another $100 million.

This may be a coincidence as well, but after M-132 was formally adopted in March 2019, GAVI continued with their lobbying. They met with Raj Saini (who introduced M-132), and Marilyn Gladue (Vice-Chair of the M-132 Committee), in June 2019.

Also worth a reminder: GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, who is Justin Trudeau’s Chief of Staff.

7. Murder Staged As Murder/Suicide

Barry and Honey’s lifeless bodies were discovered by realtors and clients who were touring the house on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. The couple was last seen alive on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 13. Initially thought by police to be a murder-suicide, their deaths were later determined to be a “targeted” double homicide, according to Det. Sgt. Susan Gomes, who was then the lead detective on the case.

Their bodies were found in what Gomes told news conference was a “semi-seated position.” Belts around their necks were attached to a low railing at one end of their basement swimming pool, holding them upright. Brian Greenspan, one of the lawyers working for the Sherman family, has said publicly that the Shermans were found seated side by side, and that one of Barry’s legs was “crossed over the other.” People who saw the bodies in the pool room that Friday have confirmed this to the Star. One of those people said the bodies were not seated in a 90-degree position but tipped back slightly, with the belts around their necks holding them from falling backward into the pool.

While the police originally thought this to be a murder-suicide, they quickly changed their findings to that of a double homicide. This was just staged in order to throw investigators off the trail.

It seems that many people correctly suspected that the Sherman killings were staged, but didn’t figure out why. Of course, the coronavirus “pandemic” wouldn’t hit until 2020.

8. Apotex Documents Purged From Corp Canada

Typically, when searching Corporations Canada, one can instantly get major corporate documents, such as by-laws, directors, and articles of incorporation. However, Apotex Holdings & Apotex Pharmaceutical Holdings seem to have been removed from the site.

But, when these documents were issued a few months ago, this was the confirmation email.

Note: at one time these, the documents were available for download (and were). However, it seems the link and content has been disabled.

9. Democracy Watch In Federal Court

The Supreme Court of Canada will announce on Thursday whether it will hear an appeal from an ethics watchdog challenging the Trudeau government’s appointment of new ethics and lobbying commissioners.

Democracy Watch’s application for judicial review of cabinet’s appointment of Mario Dion as ethics and conflict of interest commissioner and Nancy Belanger as lobbying commissioner was dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal earlier this year.

In that ruling, the presiding judges said they weren’t convinced by Democracy Watch’s arguments that the actions of the governor-in-council, or cabinet, in making the appointments were “unreasonable.”

The Supreme Court on Monday said it would it issue its judgment in Democracy Watch’s application for leave to appeal on July 30. The court usually releases judgments on leave to appeal applications on Thursday.

The Group called Democracy Watch has been trying for years to get a proper investigation into Trudeau and the Shermans, going as far as Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. However, On July 30, the SCC declined to hear the case.

10. Apotex Offers Drug For Free

Apotex Inc. is donating about 240,000 doses of a drug normally used to treat malaria for a study aimed at preventing COVID-19 infection in front-line medical staff, the company said Friday.

The drug, commonly known as hydroxychloroquine, will be used in a clinical trial conducted by Toronto’s University Health Network. It will be given to front-line health care workers in a randomized, controlled trial that includes a placebo to determine whether it would be an effective treatment in preventing further spread of the novel coronavirus which had infected nearly 900 Canadians as of Friday afternoon, Apotex said in a statement.

Apotex was back in the news recently with announcements to donate large samples of hydroxychloroquine for research in determining its effects on CV-19. Keep in mind, this is a drug that has been out for a long time, so there is little money to be made from mass producing it.

11. Efforts To Stop Hydroxychloroquine

This is too long to go into here, but just search “BAN HYDROYXCHLOROQUINE”, and an almost endless amount of articles will come up regarding efforts to prevent this drug from being used.

12. Ties To Clinton Foundation

Of course, the “Clinton Body Count” is beyond a meme at this point. But it should be pointed out that Apotex donated to the Clinton Foundation missions in Haiti, Rwanda and Puerto Rico. And people connected to them have a nasty habit of committing suicide.

Worth noting: according to CRA records, the Clinton Foundation (along with the Aga Khan Foundation), have received gifts from the Canadian Government. It has happened under both the Harper and Trudeau Governments.

13. Why Were The Shermans Really Killed?

Considering how little information has been publicly released on the case, it’s impossible to know for sure.

However, this is a very strange set of coincidences, if that’s what it really is.

  • Pandemic “simulations” are run for years: Dark Water (2001); Atlantic Storm (2005); Clade X (2018); and Event 201 (2019)
  • M-132 is announced in November 2017, to fund global pharma research, and it comes just a month before the killings.
  • The M-132 committee gets lobbied by the pharma industry, including GAVI itself.
  • GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was founded by Rob Silver, Katie Telford’s husband.
  • Shermans worked with Clinton Foundation
  • Then this “pandemic” hits, with all the signs of premeditation.
  • Now efforts are underway to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug Apotex can mass produce and share.

True, it has been widely speculated that this was done to stop an ethics investigation into Justin Trudeau. However, that seems unlikely, given these laws have no teeth.

This article may be viewed as a wild conspiracy theory. But it is an attempt to explain a set of seemingly nonsensical events.

CV #30: Plant Based Vaccine Being Developed By GSK & Medicago, And More

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

This series continues into the lies, distortions and manipulations of the coronavirus industry. In order to understand why it’s happening, it’s necessary to show the lobbying, influence peddling and money trail that is going on. This is a multi billion dollar industry, and a lot of people have a vested interest in prolonging it.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for the Federal Lobbying Registry.

3. Piece On Big PMI Tobacco/Vaccine

An interesting article by Civilian Intelligence Network on big tobacco and its role in the development of a CV vaccine. Very detailed, go take a look. Philip Morris is involved in many surprising things.

4. Plant-Based Vaccine In The Works

(Reuters) – The world’s largest vaccine-maker GSK has put its vaccine booster technology to work in a potential new COVID-19 shot, to be developed with a Canadian biopharmaceutical company backed by tobacco company Philip Morris.

Rather than developing its own vaccine in the global race to combat the pandemic, GSK has instead focused on contributing its adjuvant technology to at least seven other global companies, including Sanofi and China’s Clover.

There are no approved vaccines for the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus, but 19 vaccines are being trialed in humans globally and some treatments, such as Gilead’s remdesivir, have been approved in certain regions.

GSK said on Tuesday the companies aimed to make their vaccine available in the first half of next year and produce about 100 million doses by the end of 2021. An early-stage human trial of three different dosage levels is expected to begin in mid-July.

Medicago, headquartered in Quebec City, Canada, is privately owned. PMI has a 33% stake, and Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma holds the remainder.

This seems to be for real, a plant-based vaccine to the alleged CV pandemic. However, there are a lot of things to consider, especially who is behind this vaccine. It’s also worth looking at the lobbying and influence peddling that goes on.

In its press release, GSK outlined the agreement and pointed out that Medicago is 2/3 owned by Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (MTPC), and 1/3 by Philip Morris International (PMI). Apparently Philip Morris — yes the cigarette company — is reconsidering its ownership stake in Medicago.

So GlaxoSmithKline and Medicago are going to develop a plant-based vaccine. Let’s take a look into them.

5. Gates Foundation A Regular Donor To GSK

Year Amount Purpose
Nov 2011 $16,956,274 HIV research
Nov 2012 $2,098,761 HIV research
Nov 2013 $2,347,273 TB/Malaria
Oct 2014 $1,281,469 Ebola vaccine
Nov 2014 $6,000,000 Adjuvanted vaccines
Nov 2014 $14,060,000 RTS,S, Malaria
Nov 2014 $1,199,441 Malaria/TB/HIV
Jan 2015 $1,291,432 Malaria/TB
Dec 2015 $10,799,189 Shigella vaccine
Oct 2016 $1,511,994 Malaria testing
Apr 2017 $687,790 Pathogen research
Aug 2017 $1,801,900 TB drugs
Nov 2017 $320,265 Malaria control
Nov 2018 $4,992,331 Shigella serotypes

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has donated millions to GSK, (GlaxoSmithKline), in recent years. Gates seems to be 100% behind the vaxx agenda.

The Gates Foundation Trust, which is a separate entity from the Foundation, holds millions in stocks and bonds of various pharmaceutical companies. Part 21 of this series laid out some of the vast financial ties Bill Gates has to the pharmaceutical industry.

It should also be noted that the Gates Foundation has heavily financed Imperial College London, and Neil Ferguson’s bogus computer models. It also owns virus patents, and is heavily involved in ID2020.

6. Gates/GSK Partnered In AbCellera Grant

This a bit of a side track, but worth mentioning briefly. It was covered in Part 14 of the series that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GlaxoSmithKline, were 2 of the partners in the May 2020 grant of $175.6 from the Canadian taxpayers to the company AbCellera.

7. Crestview Lobbyists Hired By GSK

At one time GlaxoSmithKline has 2 registered lobbyists from Crestview Strategy: Chad Rogers and Kate Moseley-Williams. However, there are no filed communications reports. A bit strange to recruit but not use them. However, looking at the other GSK records, there are over 200 reports filed from other people going back to 1996.

Why care about Crestview Strategy? Because they are the same firm that GAVI (funded by Gates), was using to lobby the Trudeau Government over the last few years.

However, Kate Moseley-William did lobby the Ontario Government in 2019 on behalf of GSK. And bit of information: on June 29, 2020, 8 lobbyists from GSK met with ON officials.

8. GSK’s Heavy Lobbying In U.S.

According to Open Secrets, GlaxoSmithKline spends a few million every year lobbying in the U.S., and has anywhere from 10 to 60 lobbyists on the payroll. But that probably has no influence on its ability to get FDA approval on its products.

9. Medicago ON VLP/Plant Technology

In very broad strokes, Medicago would be using plants to generate VLP (virus-like particles) which replicate CV and can be given to people to develop immunity. Replicating a previous technique for CV is essentially the partnership that GSK and Medicago would be involved in.

10. Crestview’s Jason Clark Now With Medicago

An interesting fact: Crestview Strategy lobbyist Jason Clark, previously lobbied both the Prime Minister’s Office, and the Office of the Official Opposition. Addressed in Part 4, this was done on behalf of GAVI, whom he proudly represented. Now, Clark is registered as a lobbyist with Medicago.

11. Ex-Crestview Lobbyist Jennifer Babcock

Jennifer Babcock has been a registered lobbyist both for GAVI, and for Medicago. Incidently, she has also been a lobbyist for Merck, and for the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies.

In fact many lobbyists for the firm Crestview Strategy have had Medicago as a client. Another firm, Magnet Strategy Group, has also worked with Medicago. As the information should make clear, the goal of the lobbying is getting funding from the various Governments.

12. Medicago Co-Owner PMI, Heated Cigs

On Tuesday, the FDA authorized Philip Morris’s IQOS, an electrically heated tobacco unit, to be marketed as an MRTP (modified risk tobacco product). IQOS is the first and only electronic nicotine product to get authorization from the FDA to be marketed as an MRTP. The company claims that the product is fundamentally different from other tobacco products and also a better choice for smokers.

The FDA stated that IQOS heats tobacco and doesn’t burn it. The process significantly reduces the production of harmful chemicals. Smokers will be less exposed to harmful chemicals by switching completely to IQOS. The FDA concluded that IQOS could benefit tobacco users and non-tobacco smokers based on the current evidence.

Philip Morris International (which owns 1/3 of Medicago) just received FDA approval to sell electronically heated tobacco, which they market as a healthier choice for smokers. Rather than get people off cigarettes, a new model is pitched.

There seems to be some cognitive dissonance here. This group helping to develop a vaccine to save lives is also developing a new form of smoking to help kill people. But business is business I guess.

Interestingly, Philip Morris has suggested selling its 1/3 share of Medicago.

13. WHO Statement On Vaccine Collaboration

We are scientists, physicians, funders and manufacturers who have come together as part of an international collaboration, coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO), to help speed the availability of a vaccine against COVID-19. While a vaccine for general use takes time to develop, a vaccine may ultimately be instrumental in controlling this worldwide pandemic. In the interim, we applaud the implementation of community intervention measures that reduce spread of the virus and protect people, including vulnerable populations, and pledge to use the time gained by the widespread adoption of such measures to develop a vaccine as rapidly as possible. We will continue efforts to strengthen the unprecedented worldwide collaboration, cooperation and sharing of data already underway. We believe these efforts will help reduce inefficiencies and duplication of effort, and we will work tenaciously to increase the likelihood that one or more safe and effective vaccines will soon be made available to all.

To anyone who thinks that this is only a passing phase, it’s not. There are many players who are vested in seeing some sort of vaccine(s) come out, regardless of whether it’s needed.

14. WHO Considering Many Vaccines


For some context, it must be noted that there are many companies working to develop a vaccine using different approaches. This was from the World Health Organization in April. There aren’t any plant based vaccines listed, but perhaps the revised list will change that.

Non-Replicating Viral Vector
Adenovirus Type 5 Vector
CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute of Biotechnology

DNA DNA plasmid vaccine
Electroporation device
Inovio Pharmaceuticals

LNPencapsulated mRNA

DNA with electroporation
Karolinska Institute / Cobra Biologics (OPENCORONA Project)

DNA plasmid vaccine
Osaka University/ AnGes/ Takara Bio

Takis/Applied DNA Sciences/Evvivax

Plasmid DNA, Needle-Free Delivery
Immunomic Therapeutics, Inc./EpiVax, Inc./PharmaJet, Inc.

On second thought, considering what the World Health Organization is allowing to go forward, maybe a plant based virus isn’t as bad as some other options.

15. Saini’s M-132 Ensures Canada’s Participation

It was outlined in Part 7 and Part 9 of the series how Motion M-132 was introduced in the fall of 2017. Hearings were held with lobbyists in 2018, and the findings were formally adopted in March 2019. This motion ensures Canada will be continuously funding vaccine research for Canada and the world. What convenient timing to clear legislative hurdles.

Of course the murders of Barry and Honey Sherman in late 2017 were convenient as well. We wouldn’t want any possible virus cure being readily available. Where’s the profit in that?

16. Nothing Stops This (Vaccine) Train

It’s obvious that there are many, MANY players pushing the vaccine agenda. There’s surely billions of dollars at stake for whoever comes up with a vaccine first.

Sure, people like Bill Gates are eugenicists obsessed with world depopulation. Sure, WHO modelling, predictions, and case counts are repeatedly wrong. And sure, some Western politicians like their newfound sense of absolute power. But the business interests cannot be overlooked.

This plant-based vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg.