CANImmunize: Working With Big Pharma On National Vaccination Certification, Medical Research

In Nova Scotia, as well as other areas, you can use CANImmunize to book your vaccine appointment. Do you think you need to? Well, perhaps reading through this information of their partners will be enlightening.

This company openly admits that your health data may be sold or used for research purposes. Now, identifying details will likely be removed, but it’s still pretty underhanded. Not only is it receiving Government (or taxpayer) funding, but your data is likely worth money. In other words, the public financing its own invasion of privacy. More on that later.

CANImmunize is also part of the Vaccine Safety Network, which was established by the World Health Organization. It’s a mixture of various Government agencies and pro-vaccine NGOs pushing the big pharma agenda. You will find an awful lot of overlapping names here.

CANImmunize describes itself as “Ottawa-based technology company specializing in immunization software. It developed the CANImmunize app, a pan-Canadian digital immunization tracking system that helps Canadians keep track of their vaccinations with a mobile app and web portal”. In short, it’s laying the ground work for a vaccine passport, despite how harmless this sounds. Interestingly, this was set up in 2012, long before this so-called “pandemic”.

Incidently, PHAC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, isn’t a Canadian entity. It was created by an Order In Council in 2004 to serve various World Health Organization functions.

For a walk down memory lane, the Vaccine Credential Initiative has been hard at work trying to get a global vaccine passport. The Government of Ontario is a partner organization. There’s reason to fear that this is going to be the new ID required to move around.

It’s also recognized by the European Centre for Prevention and Disease Control, their equivalent of the CDC. That’s just lovely. Now who else is responsible for advancing, funding, and promoting CANImmuize?

1. Pfizer A Major Sponsor/Endorser Of CANImmunize

Pfizer is a prominent sponsor and endorses of CANImmunize. This is a significant conflict of interest, considering that it’s likely the biggest financial benefactor of the mass vaccination agenda. That said, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

2. Sanofi Pasteur Also Interested In This Venture

It’s worth mentioning that Sanofi also provides indirect funding to CANImmunize, by financing and supporting their other partners. Perhaps this is a way to make it more difficult to see just how much money is coming in.

3. I-Boost-Immunity Endorser Of CANImmunize

IBoostImmunity has ties to UNICEF and the BC Public Health Association. It’s sponsored by: London Drugs, Sanofi Pasteur, and Merck. London Drugs is a large chain in the West, and has immunization clinics in virtually every location.

4. Kids Boost Immunity Funded By Big Pharma

Kids Boost Immunity is partnered with UNESCO and the U.N. It also is sponsored by companies by GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer and Sanofi Pasteur. Are we seeing the common thread here?

5. Immunize Canada Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies

Immunize Canada is financed by the usual suspects. And taking a quick through its “member organization”, many of them also receive money from those same groups.

6. Vaccines411 Anonymous Referral Service For Vaccination

Who We Are is an online vaccination clinic locator which also includes reliable immunization resources for Canadians to easily find the vaccination resources they need. The website was officially launched in May 2011. This free online service was created in order to facilitate the process of vaccination for the many Canadians who do not know where to turn to for this kind of information.

Vaccines411® is managed by a dedicated team of professionals, which includes writers, researchers, translators, and developers. The content and resources provided on Vaccines411 is selected and reviewed by our team based on clarity, objectivity, and the credibility of its sources (i.e. government sourcing, medical reviews etc). However, please note that we are not healthcare professionals and that the information provided on is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her healthcare professionals.

This is supposed to an online referral service, for people looking to get their shots. Although the names seem to be kept hidden, it’s not difficult to imagine where the money comes from.

7. Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists: Pregnant Women

This was covered in an earlier article. The Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists is supposed to be concerned with promoting the health and well being of women and children. Instead, its Pfizer money has likely contributed to the absurd recommendations with pregnant women.

8. Canada Immunization Research Network

CIRN, the Canadian Immunization Research Network, is another group that has been previously covered on this site. Like the others, it supports CANImmunize too. This organization takes money from the public, and is supposed to be neutrally investigating and researching how safe and effective vaccines are. However, given the cash they also get from drug companies makes that suspicious.

9. Federation of Medical Women Of Canada, Funded By Pharma

The Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) is funded by by drug companies. That’s pretty twisted, considering that pushing harmful medications on women will lead to far fewer of them alive.

10. Meningitis Foundation Canada, Funded By Pfizer

Now, this group, Meningitis Foundation Canada, probably has many donors. However, Pfizer has presumably contributed enough that it merits displaying it prominently across that main page. But don’t worry, that won’t impact whether or not certain therapeutics are recommended, or how often.

Enough about the donors and sponsors. The available information about the technology itself and the company is pretty chilling.

Kumanan Wilson, the CANImmunize Chief Executive Officer, say in his biography:

An internal medicine physician, scientist and expert in digital health, Dr. Wilson is an internationally, widely published expert in public health and immunization and the founder of the CANImmunize project. Currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization Dr. Wilson’s vision is to use technology to solve public health problems

In other words, his project is at least partially funded by WHO and the Gates Foundation. It’s not like they have an agenda or anything.

If all of this isn’t creepy enough, CANImmunize provides plenty of promotional material promotion their App, and vaccines in general. Some of this seems clearly targeted to children.

As for its privacy policies:

CANImmunize will use your information to send you communications about vaccinations and other healthy behaviours, including information from integration partners such as local health authorities, updates about outbreaks near you if you choose to use location services, and periodic updates about CANImmunize Inc and its platforms. You will be offered the ability to opt out or unsubscribe from these communications. If you have consented to sharing your information with one or more integration partners, CANImmunize will share it with them.

CANImmunize may transfer your personal information, excluding health information (except in cases where you send us unsolicited health information – which we delete – outside of the platform such as through support channels), to domestic or international third parties including, for example, IT services, for processing that furthers the purposes for which you consented to provide the personal information. These transferees will be required to maintain privacy and data security standards similar to our own. This sort of transfer is considered a use not a disclosure under Federal privacy legislation. For more information, see here:

By creating an account and storing your immunization information in the app, you are also consenting to allow CANImmunize to use it in de-identified and/or aggregate form for research purposes in the health sector. De-identified information is information about you, but it has been stripped of identifiers such as your name or date of birth and cannot be associated with you as an identifiable individual. Aggregate information is data combined from several measurements; when data is aggregated, groups of observations are replaced with summary statistics such that the data cannot be linked back to an identifiable individual. This will happen only where the research has been approved by, and is protected by, the policies of a Research Ethics Board.

CANImmunize will also use aggregate information to inform its understanding of trends in vaccination, opportunities to improve immunization rates or to generate other insights and may share this aggregate information with third parties.

Before CANImmunize uses or discloses your personal information for any other purpose, we will always ask for your consent.

Whether you want it or not, your medical information is available to be sold to 3rd parties for the purposes of research. Sure, your name and contact details may be purged, but you are part of future data compilation. It seems that this may be one of the biggest data harvests in history in Canada.

Again, by taking part and using the app, you are presumed to have consented. Now, if this limited assurance isn’t enough for you, try out the terms of service:

Use of CANImmunize is governed by these Terms of Use. We may amend or modify these Terms of Use at any time, without notice. The current version of these Terms of Use will be available each time you access the website. By using CANImmunize, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and are responsible for reviewing these Terms of Use as well as the CANImmunize Privacy Policy. You also agree that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using CANImmunize and are prohibited from attempting to violate the security of the website. You should not use CANImmunize if you do not agree to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, understand what they mean, or do not consent for your data to be used.

In other words, CANImmunize can change their terms at any time, without notice. On the other hand, the people using this app are expected to read and understand what’s going on. Feels great, doesn’t it?

(4) Vaccine Safety Net _ Vaccine Safety Net
(8) Partners _ CANImmunize
(10) Sponsors _ I Boost Immunity
(12) Our Partners _ Kids Boost Immunity
(14) Member Organizations _ immunizecanada
(18) Sponsors & Partners _
(20) Our Supporters
(22) Promotion _ CANImmunize
(25) Privacy Policy _ CANImmunize

Who’s Pulling John Horgan’s Strings?

B.C. Premier John Horgan claims that he acts in the best interests of the residents of the Province. Supposedly, eliminating freedom and medical autonomy are all done in the name of the public good. But is that really the case? Are Horgan and his associates truly bumbling fools, or is there something more nefarious at play?

Due to reader request, this sequel is going up.

This series continues on who’s pulling the strings of influential politicians. Previously, Elizabeth May, Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel, Steven Guilbeault (Part 1 and Part 2), Doug Ford (many times), Rankin & Strang, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Brian Pallister and Blaine Higgs were covered.

In case anyone thinks that Bonnie Henry is really the brains behind the “pandemic effort”, she’s not. She’s just another actor, reading a script that’s provided. Without someone to tell her what to say, she starts babbling idiotically, such as repeatedly admitting there’s no science behind anything she does. She did find the time to publish a book though.

An honest and transparent media would call Horgan, Henry, Dix and Farnworth out for their obvious lies and deceptions. However, with enough subsidies, that doesn’t happen.

Here are the open lobbyist registrations that are flagged by searching vaccines. A lot of the names should be familiar. If they’re not familiar, then you have a lot of catching up to do.

1. Jean-Marc Prevost, Counsel Public Affairs

This has been addressed in an earlier piece. Prevost was the “Director of Strategic Communications” for Bonnie Henry immediately before becoming a lobbyist for Counsel Public Affairs. This firm has been lobbying all across Canada on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, the company that makes AstraZeneca.

Prevost has also been a handler for the Alberta and Manitoba Governments before moving over to BC. now lobbies on behalf of Innovative Medicines Canada, which represents pretty much the entire pharmaceutical industry.

2. Brad Lavigne, Counsel Public Affairs

Before becoming a drug lobbyist, Brad Lavigne was very involved with the Federal NDP. He even worked in the Office of Jack Layton, when he was Leader of the Official Opposition. He got very close to having some real power, but now channels it behind the scenes. Lavigne has also been a CBC commentator since 2004, though it’s doubtful he’s ever been asked hard questions about his lobbying.

3. Kiersten Combs, AstraZeneca

Considering that Bonnie’s ex-Communications Director now lobbies on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, it stands to reason that AstraZeneca would benefit. After all, this is the company that actually manufactures the product.

4. Matt Williamson, Global Public Affairs

Matt Williamson has worked with both the Governments of Manitoba and Alberta before becoming a lobbyist in B.C. It’s interesting, his career path seems pretty similar to Jean-Marc Prevost. He’s also working for Innovative Medicines Canada, which means pretty much everyone.

5. Geraldine Vance, B.C. Pharmacy Association

Early in her career, Geraldine Vance was “Communications Counsel” for the Government of B.C. Now, she lobbies on behalf of the B.C. Pharmacy Association, which is funded by drug companies. But that’s probably irrelevant. Just because a group is funded by big pharma, that doesn’t mean there’s any conflict of interest.

6. Marwan Akar, Merck Canada

Interesting side note: Marwan Akar got his MBA from Imperial College London. This is where the infamous Neil Ferguson conducts his doomsday modeling.

7. Cole Pinnow, Pfizer Canada

Pfizer really doesn’t need an introduction, does it? Heck, they donate to, and sponsor, nearly everything under the sun.

Anyhow, this isn’t everyone on the list. However, they are some of the more notable names who’ve been pulling Horgan’s strings lately.

One also has to wonder if this lobbying factored into Horgan’s decision to terminate anyone in the B.C. Civil Service who refuses to take the experimental shots.

Never mind that having “interim authorization” is not the same thing as being approved. These sickos in Government want to get everyone, even the children.

Of course, B.C. did still permit indoor wine tasting earlier this year, despite ordering a shut down of other businesses. The fact that Bonnie Henry co-owned a winery in Keremeos probably factored into that decision. Actually, Bonnie being on the sauce would explain a lot of what she says and does.

After all, she’s done a 180 since her testimony in a 2015 Ontario Labour Arbitration case over the Sault Area Hospital’s vaccinate-or-mask policy.

So who’s pulling Horgan’s strings? It probably isn’t Adrian Dix, the Health Minister. His background in history and political science doesn’t qualify him to do anything. So who could it be?


Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin: Hero Of Nova Scotia, Or Another Fake Populist?

Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin, the Cumberland North MLA, supported an interprovincial blockade in June 2021. She ultimately became something of a folk hero in her riding.

CTV News posted a short clip of Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin’s blockade support, and her ultimate removal from the Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia. Smith McCrossin seems to portray herself as a hero of the people. But is she really what she appears to be?

On the surface, she appears to say the right things. However, upon looking deeper, she could just be a means of “managing” the opposition to medical tyranny out in the Atlantic. In fact, there are signs that her blockade was a publicly stunt, and not some deeply held belief.

A cynic may wonder if her blockade stunt was a calculated effort to secure reelection. After all, there was no guarantee she would have won.

For example, she opposed blockades only the year before, when done under the guise of Indigenous rights. Now, she’s okay with doing it as a way to protest “pandemic measures”.

Nothing wrong with wishing someone a happy birthday. After all, Robert Batherson was Smith-McCrossin’s Campaign Manager when she ran to be the Leader of the NSPC Party. She ended up losing to Tim Houston, who recently became Premier after defeating Iain Ranking.

From April 2008 until March 2009, Batherson was registered in Nova Scotia as a lobbyist for Pfizer Canada. Some will argue this is ancient and irrelevant, and they can hold that view. As a reminder, Pfizer also has ties to Erin O’Toole and Doug Ford. Batherson has also been a lobbyist for McCain Foods Limited, Sobey’s Pharmacy Group and Pharmasave Atlantic.

Batherson is currently the President of the Conservative Party of Canada, and also heads his own lobbying firm: Harbourview Public Affairs. The CPC National Council Secretary is Amber Ruddy, who’s a drug lobbyist, and also pushed for easier access for big pharma to your medical data. In fact, the CPC Caucus in general is anti-freedom. Anyone truly committed to liberty and bodily autonomy should stay the heck away from these people.

Smith-McCrossin received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Dalhousie University. Her husband is a doctor in Nova Scotia who got his M.D. at Dalhousie. Is there a concern over his license if he speaks up? However, she’s strangely silent on her Alma Mater’s decision to begin experimenting on children as young as 6 months old. This is disturbing on many levels, but yet this “rebel” apparently has nothing to say on this issue.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons for the Province has made it clear that they don’t want doctors handing out exemptions to the vaccine orders. Never mind that it’s still experimental, with indemnified manufacturers and no long term testing. Smith-McCrossin never speaks out about this.

Side note: but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently offered Dalhousie research grants for “smart farming solutions“. One was for $250,000, and the other for $1.5 million. Also, the “Global Grand Challenges” appear to still be open.

Here, Smith-McCrossin shows her true colours. She doesn’t have any ideological issue with pushing the mass vaccination agenda. She just views coercion as an ineffective way of getting things done. It’s a minor disagreement over methods, not the results. Scrolling though her Twitter feed, she’s very much pro-vaxx, and there’s a total lack of criticism of the public health dictatorship in the Province, and in Canada overall.

This tacit support of tyranny doesn’t appear to be a partisan issue. She was silent when Iain Ranking (Liberal) was doing it, and she’s still silent when Tim Houston does the same thing. This blockade stunt in the Spring appears to be a one-off, and not what she actually believes in.

Oddly, there are more comments from her about increasing women’s representation in politics than on the oppression that Nova Scotians face under the twin evils of Rankin and Houston. Not once does she unequivocally condemn what these monsters are doing. She’s basically just another Rempel.

Ultimately, people must come to their own conclusions. However, this “independent” doesn’t seem to be the freedom fighter that the public has been led to believe.


Naheed Dosani, Mandatory Vaccines, PEACH, End Of Life, Care For The Homeless

The above tweets are quite chilling. Here, we have someone who is angry that Doug Ford announced that proof of vaccination will end in January. The rationale is that if unless people are pressured to get it, they will just “wait it out”. This attitude is sick and twisted, yet people like this are allowed to care for vulnerable patients.

This isn’t a one-off from someone showing poor judgement. Nor is it some troll being a twit online just for kicks. This man is treated as a medical expert by the establishment.

If a person repeatedly posted comments about pedophilia, would you let them near your children? Of course not. Then why is someone who frequently writes in favour of forced medical procedures allowed such a power as a doctor?

Another day, another look at a doctor on the media circuit. This time, it’s McMaster University Professor, Naheed Dosani. Any time an “expert” is all over the news, pushing vaccines and public health measures, it’s worthwhile to do a bit of digging. Dosani is quite obviously on board with the “pandemic” agenda. Dosani’s Twitter feed is full of social justice issues, mocking the “anti-vaxxers” and retweeting people being called racists.

There is a lot of these comments in Dosani’s feed, and it’s downright creepy how readily he wants to impose his will on others. He seems to have no real respect for bodily autonomy.

Regarding some of these tweets, Dosani employs a common tactic: he’s gaslighting people by claiming if they “wait for the mandates to end, it undermines efforts to force injections”. While true, it undermines the validity that these are even necessary.

We obviously can’t have people shopping around for a less harmful “vaccine”. Things like blood clots, leaking capilaries, Bell’s Palsy, or heart inflammation aren’t that serious anyway.

Dosani received a Meritorious Service Cross from the Governor General for his work with (PEACH), Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless (PEACH). Apparently this was a model to be replicated in other cities around the world.

On its own, Dosani’s work with homeless and vulnerable people seems quite noble and admirable. However, given his obsession with pushing these experimental concoctions, it’s fair to ask whether he will be pushing them on those groups he claims to want to help? Will these lead to pressuring people into accepting them? Given his animosity towards people trying to exercise free will, one has to wonder how he behaves with his own patients.

This person has also called for UBI, or a universal basic income, to be implemented. He says that in the long run it’s much cheaper for everyone. Kwame McKenzie of the Ontario Science Table, previously was the research chair for the 2017 Ontario pilot project. Strange, if this is just a coincidence.

Dosani received his MD at McMaster University in Hamilton, and he’s listed as an Assistant Clinical Professor there. This university has received substantial amounts of money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years.

Kashif Pirzada is another pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine personality who’s frequently on the news. He’s also a Faculty Member at McMaster, and more information about the school is available. A quick tidbit: McMaster’s endowment fund is managed by Blackrock.

In July 2021, Dosani co-authored an opinion piece in the Toronto Star, calling for the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers. In the article, they comment that workers can use paid sick days to take time off work to recover from the side effects.

Of course, this should not detract in any way from the often repeated talking points that these vaccines are safe and effective. Remember, the correct vaccine for you is the one you’re offered first.

Many health workers may not be aware that they can use paid sick days (called the Ontario COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit) to take time off to recover from vaccine side effects. Unfortunately, only three days are available. This means that if a health worker had already taken time off to go get a COVID test, or to look after a family member with COVID-19, they would have no sick days left.

The piece was cloaked in a plea for compassion for marginalized people, and had the same usual social justice talking points. What was noteworthy was that one of the co-authors was Sabina Vohra-Miller. She and her husband, Craig Miller, started the Vohra-Miller Foundation. More background information on them is available here.

The Institute for Pandemics, which opened in August 2020 at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, is working to strengthen co-ordination, communication and collaboration between science and government—an approach rooted in evidence-based policies that will support quicker responses to future pandemics.
The Vohra Miller Foundation’s investment to launch the Institute for Pandemics was just the start of its extraordinary new partnership with the University. In February 2021, the couple once again made history—for the University of Toronto and for public health in Canada—with a $5-million commitment to help create First Exposure, an innovative new research network and information hub for maternal, reproductive and child health also housed at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

The Vohra-Miller Foundation was a major financier of the “Institute for Pandemics“, run by the Ontario Science Table, at the Dalla Lana School for Public Health, at the University of Toronto. Dosani himself received training at UofT. His profile still lists him as a lecturer there. Certainly an interesting connection that they know each other.

He was part of a group of researchers that received nearly $1 million from the CIHR on behalf of the University of Victoria to study homelessness, life limiting illness, and vulnerable populations.

Dosani appeared before the Canadian Senate on Bill C-7, to expand MAiD, or medical assistance in dying. He spoke out how many people who consider this only do so since they face many other problems in their lives. It was quite the compelling piece to watch. Of course, will he view that certain medications are needed to maintain a certain quality of life?

Journey Home Hospice, an end-of-life centre for people who are homeless, opened up in 2018, due largely to Dosani’s efforts. PEACH was also founded in 2014 by Dosani.

Bit of a side note: until recently, Dosani was a physician at the William Osler Health system. This place previously challenged the VOM or “vaccinate-or-mask” policies. This is basically the opposite of what Dosani supports. Of course, this was in the days when the Ontario Nurses’ Association actually stood up for its members.

Dosani’s work with homeless people is something (by itself) to commend. However, given his attitude towards mandatory injections, and his connections, where exactly is this heading? Considering that he supports coercing people into taking experimental drugs, does he really have humanity’s best interests at heart?

(6) Toronto doctor says universal basic income actually costs society less
(8) Yes, vaccines should be mandatory for health-care workers.
(11) Chancellors’ Circle of Benefactors
(13) Sabina Vohra-Miller _ LinkedIn
(15) Naheed Dosani _ LinkedIn

Dalhousie Experimenting On 6 Month Old Infants; Lisa Barrett; More “Vaccine Hesitancy” Grants

Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists have been proven right again. In this specific example, Dalhousie University will be doing drug trials on infants and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. That’s right, INFANTS and TODDLERS. Sadly, there are still many parents who would knowingly sign their children up to be experimented on.

[A few quotes from the notice]

What is the purpose of the KidCOVE Study?

The purpose of the KidCOVE Study is to test a vaccine that may protect children from getting sick if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2 (also called coronavirus), which causes COVID-19.

What is the KidCOVE Study?

The KidCOVE Study is a clinical trial that is testing a study vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19. Researchers will measure your child’s immune response to the vaccine by collecting blood samples. These samples will be tested for natural proteins that are called antibodies. Checking your child’s antibody level helps researchers know how well the study vaccine is working. The study doctor and study team will monitor your child’s health throughout the study.

To be eligible, your child must:

  • Be between six months old and less than six years old and in good health
  • Not have a positive COVID-19 test within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
  • Be free from exposure to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
  • Not have received an investigational vaccine or treatment for COVID-19
  • Be willing and able to comply with all study requirements

What will my child have to do?

  • Your child will have two injection visits, which will be 28 days apart. If your child is enrolled in the first part of the study, you will know that they are receiving the study vaccine. If your child is enrolled in the second part of the study, they will be chosen at random to receive either the study vaccine or the placebo.
  • There is a 75% chance your child will receive the study vaccine and a 25% chance they will receive the placebo. Your family will not know which option your child has been assigned if enrolled in the second part of the study.
  • You and your child will be asked to return to the study site three to four more times, depending on their enrollment assignment. These visits will occur 15 days, one month, six months, and 12 months after the second injection.
  • Your child will have two telemedicine visits – about one week after each injection. During these calls, the study team will check how your child is feeling. After that, the study team will call you once a month during the months your child does not have a study site visit.
  • You will be asked to complete electronic diary (eDiary) entries for the duration of the study to report any COVID-19 symptoms your child experiences.
  • Your child will be closely monitored by the study team if any symptoms of COVID-19 are reported at any time throughout their participation.

To be eligible, the children must be under the age of 6 years old. This is alarming on many different levels. Over 13,000 children are expected to be enrolled in this.

This study appears to be a collaboration between Dalhousie University and the Canadian Center for Vaccinology. It gets even creepier, as the Center for Vaccinology already prepared their list of “talking points” (their label) for children who are understandably worried. And what do you know? It’s Moderna who’s behind the study.

The CCfV collaborates with 3 partner organizations:
(a) CAIRE (Canadian Association for Immunization Research and Evaluation)
(b) CIRN (Canadian Immunization Research Network)
(c) IMPACT (Immunization Monitoring Program, ACTive)

CIRN has actually been covered by Canuck Law before. The organization has extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry. CAIRE is currently studying the effects of vaccines on pregnant women, and has ties to the usual suspects. IMPACT is run by the Canadian Paediatric Society, and tries to push vaccines on children.

Does these people really have your interests, and the interests of your children at heart? Or is this simply a lucrative business opportunity?

One of the members of the CCfV is Lisa Barrett, who is a “Clinician Investigator” at Dalhousie. She has quite the interesting background, and is more than just a doctor.

It turns out that Barrett is another media darling, making the rounds on the Canadian news. She’s just one more “expert” pushing the mass vaccination agenda, and is often on outlets like CTV News.

According to both her LinkedIn and Dalhousie profiles, Barrett spent time at the NIAID, or National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This is the organization headed by Anthony Fauci. She also completed a residency at the University of Toronto, which is where the Ontario Science Table is based.

Dalhousie received a $50,000 grant from NSERC (or rather, taxpayers) over the Summer of 2021. This was to promote the pro-vaccine agenda. It was one of just many handed out to Canadian universities. See the links at the bottom for much more on these subsidies.

For another batch of taxpayer grants used to “fight vaccine hesitancy“, consider the list below. A lot of money is being used to promote and push these shots. Now, if there was were a raging pandemic, would all of this be necessary?

African Arts & Culture Community Contributor Society Black communities in British Columbia $450,000
Alberta International Medical Graduates Association Newcomers to Canada $500,000
Alliance for Healthier Communities Vulnerable populations across Ontario,
Community health providers and workers
BGC Canada Youth, Parents and guardians $500,000
British Columbia Association of Community Health Centres (BCACHC) Vulnerable populations across British Columbia, Community health providers and workers $323,871
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Public health and immunization stakeholders, General public $2,732,965
British Columbia Fraser Health Authority Hard-to-reach families, Indigenous populations, Newcomers to Canada, Low-income families $709,175
Canada Safety Council Teachers, Students in primary, junior, and intermediate grades, Parents and guardians $220,000
Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC) Vulnerable populations across Canada, Community health providers and workers $598,915
Dr. Peter Centre Marginalized populations living with HIV and other health issues $537,301
The Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) General public $1,749,578
Canadian Public Health Association Vaccinators, Health care providers $1,847,303
Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) Primary care patient populations less likely to have received the vaccine based on factors like reason for vaccine hesitancy, age, language, education level, rurality, gender, and ethnicity. $450,000
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council Health care providers, Indigenous Peoples $500,000
Institute national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) Parents and guardians, Youth, Teachers/educators $723,804
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc. Urban Indigenous populations in Winnipeg, Manitoba $470,000
Mainline, a program of the Mi’Kmaw Native Friendship Centre People who use drugs and urban Indigenous Peoples in Halifax, Nova Scotia $123,000
Manitoba Association of Community Health (MACH) Vulnerable populations across Manitoba, Community health providers and workers $350,625
Nova Scotia Association of Community Health Centres (NSACHC) Vulnerable populations across Nova Scotia, Community health providers and workers $292,800
Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness People of African Descent in Nova Scotia $430,000
Public Health Association of British Columbia Youth $1,139,916
Refugee 613 Newcomers to Canada and racialized populations $500,000
Regina Treaty / Status Indian Services Inc. (RT/SIS) Indigenous Peoples in Regina and surrounding communities, Saskatchewan $100,000
Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ) Indigenous Peoples in La Tuque, Trois-Rivières, and Joliette, Québec $475,000
Saskatchewan Health Authority Community health workers, Parents and guardians, High-risk populations $650,642
University Health Network Personal support workers $325,000
University of British Columbia Public health, Primary and community care leaders, Local organizations, Indigenous and/or cultural leaders, Municipal leadership, and other Policy makers $419,000
University of Toronto Vaccinators, General public $499,792
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre Underhoused and homeless individuals in New Westminster and Vancouver, British Columbia $460,000
Women’s College Hospital Non-physician health care practitioners and other essential workers in long-term care facilities and homecare settings $500,000
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre Racialized women, Ethno cultural and faith-based organizations $450,000
Yukon Health and Social Services Yukon residents $599,999

Has this sort of money EVER been spent on trying to push experimental concoctions on the public? Has there ever been drive kind of a drive to use infants as guinea pigs?

Much of the content for this article came from 2 people who read this site often. Thanks very much for spreading the word on these important issues.

(2) Participants needed for COVID‑19 vaccine study in children – Dal News – Dalhousie University
(4) KidCOVE COVID-19 Study – Canadian Center For Vaccinology –
(6) Moderna_KidCOVE_Study-Talking-Points
(8) CCfV Members and Researchers _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(10) Collaborative Networks for Research _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(14) Immunization and Vaccines _ Canadian Paediatric Society
(16) Lisa Barrett – Division of Infectious Diseases – Dalhousie University
(18) Infectious disease expert Dr. Lisa Barrett answers viewer questions CTV News
(21) Lisa Barrett _ LinkedIn

(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge
(I) CIHR Using Public Money To Push Vaccines On Society
(J) Heidi Larson, VCP, LSHTM All Getting Funding From Big Pharma
(K) NSERC Grants To Push Vaccines On More People

More Grants To Convince Children, Preggers To Take Experimental Shot

This was a topic addressed long ago. However, it seems the latest batch of grants has now been handed out. Be prepared to be sick. Perhaps the most twisted is from Food Allergy Canada: trying to persuade people who already have serious health risks.

Actua Empowering youth and teachers through vaccine safety content $50,000
Agence Science-Presse Un journaliste en résidence (titre de travail) $50,000
ASTC Science World Society Science World Vaccine Series $50,000
Athabasca University Accelerating Vaccine Confidence through Youth Co-created Animated Educational Media $50,000
CanAge Pan-Canadian Seniors’ Virtual Vaccine Summit $50,000
Canadian Glycomics Network Supporting national vaccine literacy and education through K-12 classroom tools and interactive digital campaigns $50,000
Carleton University Leveraging Immersive Technologies to Improve Vaccine Confidence Among Parents and Caregivers in Canada $50,000
Chuntoh Education Society Vaccine Outreach During COVID-19 $50,000
The Conversation Canada Research-based journalism by vaccine experts $45,750
Dalhousie University ILA/PLANS Vaccine Promotion and Knowledge Activity $50,000
Discovery Centre Why Immunize: Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Mi’kmaw Communities $50,000
Food Allergy Canada Encouraging vaccine confidence in Canadians at risk of anaphylaxis $50,000
Laurentian University Addressing vaccine hesitancy in northern Ontario workplaces using a mobile research lab $50,000
Lung Health Foundation Increasing Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccination among Young Canadians $50,000
McGill University Encouraging Vaccine Confidence Among Black Young Adults in Quebec $49,994
Mount Royal University Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in School-aged Children Across Western Canada $49,700
McMaster University Encouraging vaccine confidence among pregnant and breastfeeding Canadians $50,000
McMaster University Immune Nations: The Vaccine Project $45,500
Memorial Univ. of Nfld Curious? We Are! Vaccine Confidence Campaign $35,000
Musée Armand-Frappier Vaccination: tous concernés, tous concertés! $50,000
OCAD University Expanding Printables: Inclusive vaccine tools for refugee and community health $42,470
Public Health Association of BC Kids Boost Immunity $50,000
Public Health Association of BC COVID-19 South Asian Vaccine Confidence Initiative $50,000
Science North Promoting Vaccine Confidence across Northern Ontario $50,000
Sheridan College Equipping Citizens to Promote Vaccine Confidence in Canada $50,000
SickKids Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence: Educating the Educators $50,000
SickKids Stop COVID in Kids – School based vaccine education outreach to build trust and empower families $49,680
St. Boniface Hospital Research Youth BIOlab Vaccine Confidence in Youth $49,300
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre A Nudge for COVID Vaccine Confidence $50,000
Syrian Canadian Foundation Arabic-Speaker Vaccination Promotion Program $48,269
The Pas Committee for Women in Crisis (Aurora House – Share the Care) Overcoming vaccine hesitancy $38,420
University of Alberta WISEST: Building Confidence in Vaccines in Girls and Young Women in Canada $46,585
University of British Columbia Promoting Vaccine Confidence in Canada through TikTok $50,000
University of Calgary Vaccine Hesitancy Playbook: A Pragmatic Communication Tool for Primary Care $50,000
University of Calgary Cybermentor Community Arts: Putting the Arts in STEM $50,000
University of Moncton Parlons vaccination : Initiatives visant à sensibiliser la jeunesse francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick envers la vaccination $6,750
University of New Brunswick Vaccines: The myth, the knowledge gap, and the truth $49,473
University of Ottawa Vaccine Confidence Workshops & Events for Youth, Teachers and Families $11,000
University of Saskatchewan Covid-19 Basics/Diagnosis/Treatment $48,300
University of Toronto Training peers in motivational interviewing to increase vaccine confidence among healthcare $49,418
University of Waterloo Reaching Rural: Building vaccine confidence in rural Southwestern Ontario $49,742
University of Waterloo Multimedia, Micro-learning products to promote Vaccine Confidence in target populations $49,770
University of Windsor Students Igniting Vaccine Confidence Program in Windsor-Essex $49,742
University of Windsor Medicine (on) Wheels Benefitting Indigenous-Led Education (MOWBILE) Vaccination Confidence Programme $50,000
University of Windsor Improving the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine among the African Population Living in Windsor-Essex County $49,491
University of Windsor Increasing education and vaccine literacy among adults in southwestern Ontario $50,000
Visions of Science Network for Learning Vaccine Confidence in Canada: Focus on racialized and low-income communities $50,000

Isn’t this a great use of taxpayer dollars?


(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge
(I) CIHR Using Public Money To Push Vaccines On Society
(J) Heidi Larson, VCP, LSHTM All Getting Funding From Big Pharma