This was a topic addressed long ago. However, it seems the latest batch of grants has now been handed out. Be prepared to be sick. Perhaps the most twisted is from Food Allergy Canada: trying to persuade people who already have serious health risks.
Actua | Empowering youth and teachers through vaccine safety content | $50,000 |
African Communities of Manitoba Inc. | ACOMI WE BELONG COMMUNITY VACCINE ADVOCATES PROJECT | $50,000 |
Agence Science-Presse | Un journaliste en résidence (titre de travail) | $50,000 |
ASTC Science World Society | Science World Vaccine Series | $50,000 |
Athabasca University | Accelerating Vaccine Confidence through Youth Co-created Animated Educational Media | $50,000 |
CanAge | Pan-Canadian Seniors’ Virtual Vaccine Summit | $50,000 |
Canadian Glycomics Network | Supporting national vaccine literacy and education through K-12 classroom tools and interactive digital campaigns | $50,000 |
Carleton University | Leveraging Immersive Technologies to Improve Vaccine Confidence Among Parents and Caregivers in Canada | $50,000 |
Chuntoh Education Society | Vaccine Outreach During COVID-19 | $50,000 |
The Conversation Canada | Research-based journalism by vaccine experts | $45,750 |
Dalhousie University | ILA/PLANS Vaccine Promotion and Knowledge Activity | $50,000 |
Discovery Centre | Why Immunize: Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Mi’kmaw Communities | $50,000 |
Food Allergy Canada | Encouraging vaccine confidence in Canadians at risk of anaphylaxis | $50,000 |
Laurentian University | Addressing vaccine hesitancy in northern Ontario workplaces using a mobile research lab | $50,000 |
Lung Health Foundation | Increasing Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccination among Young Canadians | $50,000 |
McGill University | Encouraging Vaccine Confidence Among Black Young Adults in Quebec | $49,994 |
Mount Royal University | Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in School-aged Children Across Western Canada | $49,700 |
McMaster University | Encouraging vaccine confidence among pregnant and breastfeeding Canadians | $50,000 |
McMaster University | Immune Nations: The Vaccine Project | $45,500 |
Memorial Univ. of Nfld | Curious? We Are! Vaccine Confidence Campaign | $35,000 |
Musée Armand-Frappier | Vaccination: tous concernés, tous concertés! | $50,000 |
OCAD University | Expanding Printables: Inclusive vaccine tools for refugee and community health | $42,470 |
Public Health Association of BC | Kids Boost Immunity | $50,000 |
Public Health Association of BC | COVID-19 South Asian Vaccine Confidence Initiative | $50,000 |
Science North | Promoting Vaccine Confidence across Northern Ontario | $50,000 |
Sheridan College | Equipping Citizens to Promote Vaccine Confidence in Canada | $50,000 |
SickKids | Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence: Educating the Educators | $50,000 |
SickKids | Stop COVID in Kids – School based vaccine education outreach to build trust and empower families | $49,680 |
St. Boniface Hospital Research Youth BIOlab | Vaccine Confidence in Youth | $49,300 |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre | A Nudge for COVID Vaccine Confidence | $50,000 |
Syrian Canadian Foundation | Arabic-Speaker Vaccination Promotion Program | $48,269 |
The Pas Committee for Women in Crisis (Aurora House – Share the Care) | Overcoming vaccine hesitancy | $38,420 |
University of Alberta | WISEST: Building Confidence in Vaccines in Girls and Young Women in Canada | $46,585 |
University of British Columbia | Promoting Vaccine Confidence in Canada through TikTok | $50,000 |
University of Calgary | Vaccine Hesitancy Playbook: A Pragmatic Communication Tool for Primary Care | $50,000 |
University of Calgary | Cybermentor Community Arts: Putting the Arts in STEM | $50,000 |
University of Moncton | Parlons vaccination : Initiatives visant à sensibiliser la jeunesse francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick envers la vaccination | $6,750 |
University of New Brunswick | Vaccines: The myth, the knowledge gap, and the truth | $49,473 |
University of Ottawa | Vaccine Confidence Workshops & Events for Youth, Teachers and Families | $11,000 |
University of Saskatchewan | Covid-19 Basics/Diagnosis/Treatment | $48,300 |
University of Toronto | Training peers in motivational interviewing to increase vaccine confidence among healthcare | $49,418 |
University of Waterloo | Reaching Rural: Building vaccine confidence in rural Southwestern Ontario | $49,742 |
University of Waterloo | Multimedia, Micro-learning products to promote Vaccine Confidence in target populations | $49,770 |
University of Windsor | Students Igniting Vaccine Confidence Program in Windsor-Essex | $49,742 |
University of Windsor | Medicine (on) Wheels Benefitting Indigenous-Led Education (MOWBILE) Vaccination Confidence Programme | $50,000 |
University of Windsor | Improving the Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine among the African Population Living in Windsor-Essex County | $49,491 |
University of Windsor | Increasing education and vaccine literacy among adults in southwestern Ontario | $50,000 |
Visions of Science Network for Learning | Vaccine Confidence in Canada: Focus on racialized and low-income communities | $50,000 |
Isn’t this a great use of taxpayer dollars?
(1) https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/FundingDecisions-DecisionsFinancement/2021/Vaccine_eng.asp
(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge
(I) CIHR Using Public Money To Push Vaccines On Society
(J) Heidi Larson, VCP, LSHTM All Getting Funding From Big Pharma
So are these grants being received by these organizations to conduct their study or campaign? And is the government giving out these grants?
In other words, who is give a grant and who is receiving it?
I have not seen previous posts on this so am not clear on the recipients and direction of the money flow.
NSERC, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, is indeed funded by taxpayer money. So yes, it’s funded by the public. It’s involved in handing out money, and acts as a sort of middleman. It has given to people/groups who apply to be vaxx salesmen/shills, and is far from the only institution involved in these type of thing.
what??? this is $$$ given BY the canadian gov (our money) TO these sell-outs/companies!! You cant grasp that from this post?? Wowsers..we are in trouble!!
Why so condescending? There is NOTHING in this post that states that…. it can only be assumed, or you have to already know this, as per the opening line “This was a topic addressed long ago.”, with no other reference or link.
As I pointed out, I have not been exposed to “previous posts”, as I am fairly new to this site.
So I asked for clarification. Is that a problem for you? Sheesh!