CV #17(B): Ever Wonder Why Small Businesses Are Closed, While Large Chains Remain Open?

Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently became infamous for ordering a restaurant owner to shut down. This of course is while places like Walmart, Costco and Amazon remain open. And Ford is hardly the only one to do this. But why is this the trend? Perhaps influence peddling is the reason.

The above video specifically refers to Adam Skelly, who was arrested when he ignored Ford’s dictates to close down.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. SNC Corruption Behind The Scenes

For more on the SNC Lavalin corruption, check out this series. A lot of details go on behind closed doors that were never reported in the media. Turns out that it’s a small world.

3. Lobbying Registry Web Sites (Public) (Federal) (Ontario)

4. Walmart/SNC Lobbyist Bruce Hartley

Bruce Hartley worked in the Prime Minister’s Office, under Jean Chretien (Liberal), from 1993 to 2003. He spent a decade in the Government, according to the Public Office disclosure.

5. Walmart/SNC Lobbyist William Pristanski

William (Bill) Pristanski worked in the Government of Brian Mulroney (Conservative), from 1984 until 1991. He also worked for the Office of the Official Opposition when the Liberals were in office.

After he departed from public office, Pristanski has been a Principle at Prospectus Associates and Government Relations Consultant. In short, he’s been a professional lobbyist for nearly 30 years.

6. Walmart Lobbying Ottawa In 2020

Subject Matter Details
Policies or Program
-Advisories by Public Health Agency (Consumer Products Division) and the development of policies and programs as it relates to the safety of toys and food imported from foreign countries.
-Increase awareness of Walmart’s commitment to ethical sourcing, and more specifically global supply chains that empower the people who work in them, and the families that are supported by them.
-Monitor development of legislation to regulate the payments industry in Canada including C-236, An Act to amend the Payment Card Networks Act
-Monitor implementation of Payment Card Networks Act with regard to debit and credit cards.
Policy and programs related to the Environmental objectives of Wal-Mart. In particular, bringing to the attention of government officials the most environmentally-friendly food distribution centre in North America that has just been built in Balzac Alberta
-The Finance Canada federal budget process as it relates to policies of Sales Tax Harmonization with the provinces.

While most of these “lockdown” measures have been implemented Provincially, it’s worth pointing out that the Federal Government has also been lobbied by Walmart. Moreover, it’s Bruce Hartley, and William Pristanski, the same lobbyists who advocated on behalf of SNC Lavalin. And they have ties to the Liberal and Conservative Parties of Canada.

7. Walmart Lobbying Ontario Government

Walmart lobbied the Ontario Government several times in 2020. Here are quotes from their Provincial registration.

Subject Matter
What is the subject-matter of your lobbying activity?
Agriculture, Conservation, Consumer services, COVID-19/Pandemic response, Economic development and trade, Education, Energy, Environment, Food safety, Health, Industry, Infrastructure, International trade, Labour, Liquor control and alcohol, Northern development, Research and innovation, Science and technology, Small business, Taxation and finance, Tourism, Training and skills development, Transportation, Womens’ issues,
Other: Budget, Privacy

Describe your lobbying goal(s) in detail. What are you attempting to influence or accomplish as a result of your communications with Ontario public office holders?
Profiling Walmart to policy makers and decision makers in government. Our objective is to make public policy makers aware of many initiatives taken by Walmart that matches the government’s objectives. By profiling such programs, government will better understand how to adjust regulatory environments and how the private sector can help. Walmart drives responsible sourcing and purchases a variety of Canadian products and services. Walmart recently announced its Charter on Plastics, a milestone commitment to reduce plastic waste across its operations. In addition, Walmart’s objective is also to engage with the government on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as it pertains to supply chain management, health & safety requirements, economic stimulus and opportunities to help.

Why is Doug Ford ordering small businesses to close, while simultaneously allowing places like Walmart to operate with very few restrictions? There could be a very simple reason, beyond just incompetence.

8. Ford Staffers Now Walmart Lobbyists

Both Melissa Lantsman and David Tarrant were staffers for Doug Ford before becoming Walmart lobbyists. It’s worth noting that they have ties to other political parties. iPolitics did an interesting article on the conflicts on interest that were obvious.

Jharna Bajaj was a political staff volunteer in the Ontario Legislature before moving onto the private sector.

The William Pristanski is, of course, the same lobbyist who lobbied Federally for Walmart, and who lobbied on behalf of SNC Lavalin, to get them their deferred prosecution agreement (DPA).

9. Amazon Lobbying Ottawa In 2020

Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program
Work with government to promote and support Canada’s digital economy, including ensuring the availability of a high-skilled tech workforce.
Policies or Program
Seeking government contract with multiple government departments and institutions with regards to Amazon Cloud based solutions and related support services.
-Seeking to influence policy direction related to cloud based services.

Amazon lobbied Ottawa this year, partly to obtain government contracts, partly to get laws passed to push the digital economy. Nicole Foster also worked in the Government of Jean Chretien.

10. Amazon Lobbying Ontario In 2020

Amazon has also been busy lobbying the Ontario Government. If no one can open out for “safety” reasons, then it leaves a huge void to fill. Side note: Crestview Strategy is the firm that was founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, Trudeau’s Chief of Staff. Crestview also lobbied Ottawa on behalf of GAVI, funded by the Gates Foundation.

11. Lobbyists Control All Parties

While this example referred to Ontario and Doug Ford, it’s likely that the same corruption and influence peddling is elsewhere.

Even though William Pristanski worked for the Mulroney (Conservative) Government, and Bruce Hartley the Chretien (Liberal) Government, they now work together as lobbyists.

Doug Ford has been lobbied recently by political insiders from Walmart, including his own former staffers. This is most likely why he applies a double standard when it comes to letting big box stores stay open, but smaller ones have to shut down. It has to do with corruption, not safety.

CV #59(B): Corona Scanner Reports 35 Million People Have Already Recovered Globally

The site: has reported that over 35 million people worldwide have already recovered from the coronavirus. Remember, this is the “pandemic” that is sweeping the globe.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy is thoroughly compromised, as shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Disclaimer On Site’s Validity

This is a good time to add in a disclaimer. There’s no information about who runs the site, or where its information is coming from, so some skepticism is warranted. However, a valid point must be noted: of this is such a deadly virus — with no cure or vaccine — then how are people recovering en masse?

3. This Is Just A Fraction Of People Infected

These videos are from June 8 and 9, 2020. Both videos, here, and here, are of Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit. First, she claims that asymptomatic transfer of this virus is extremely rare. Obvious question, where are the numbers coming from if asymptomatic transfer is so rare? This statement would indicate that the lockdown and shutdown measures are unnecessary, and should be immediately ended. That is the logical conclusion. Then she claims that an estimated 6% to 41% of the global population may be infected but not have symptoms. Supposedly they think it’s around 16%, but refused to disclose how that estimate was arrived at. So nearly half the population could be infected already.

Again, that is back in June. So the 35 million people who have officially “recovered” is likely just a drop in the bucket.

4. Hard Questions Need To Be Asked

People need to realize what is really going on, and to start questioning the narratives that are thrown in our faces. It isn’t difficult to pick up on the lies, contradictions. and errors in logic.

[1] Public officials repeat the mantra that the PCR tests are accurate
[2] Public officials downplay the overwhelming recovery rate
[3] Only friendly or compliant media gets to ask questions
[4] Little reporting on the lack of science behind the measures
[5] Public officials avoid mentioning the big agenda
[6] Vaccines are pushed, but who’s financing this?

CV #28(C): Manitoba’s “Conservative” Premier, Brian Pallister, Considering Curfew

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister: will this become Canada’s version of Dan Andrews?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Pallister Proposes “Temporary” Curfew

Why is it always the conservatives (at least in Canada), who turn out to be the biggest tyrants? Is it ideological, or are they being bribed or threatened?

Yes, we’re stepping up enforcement.
Yes, we need to be proactive.
Yes, we need to be preventative in our decision making.
And so, I also want Manitobans perspective on an initiative that’s been taken in other jurisdictions around the world. It’s actually been taken in Manitoba as well, and we are giving serious consideration to it.
As with all of our plans, we make them available to Manitobans before they’re implemented, and I want to do the same with this one.
We’re giving serious consideration to implementing a curfew, a curfew that would be designed to restrict travel between key hours, when gathering sizes tend to be dangerously in excess of the rules, (late night hours, obviously).
These late night situations in Winnipeg have expanded out Covid cases very significantly, According to Dr. Roussin, this is an action we should seriously consider, and I am seriously considering it now. I want Manitobans to tell us what they think of the idea of a limited period curfew (we hope very short time period is involved here). But, this potential measure will have to be acted upon. If Manitobans can support and encourage it. If they disagree, I want to hear from them.

It all seems so harmless and well intentioned, doesn’t it? Pallister actually comes across as a sincere person, but anyone who pays attention knows where this is heading.

3. This Is Only The Beginning

There is little doubt that Brian Pallister will “claim” there is widespread support for curfews, even if the overwhelming majority oppose it. Alternatively, he may claim that it’s the call of Public Health, and he has no say in the matter.

Calling it “temporary” or “limited” are just soft sells to deceive people into what is really going to happen. Look at Australia as a model.

CCS #7(B): NGOs Support Carbon Taxes In Court Cases, Have Other Interests

Originally featured as “The Resistance”, this group of politicians only pretends to oppose the fleecing of taxpayers. They endorse the climate change hoax 100%, and only argue against the Carbon tax on narrow technical grounds. Now this is finally at the Supreme Court of Canada.

But it’s not just politicians and their parties involved. A number of private groups are attempting to change the course, for their own selfish and ideological reasons.

1. Debunking The Climate Change Scam

The entire climate change industry, (and yes, it is an industry) is a hoax perpetrated by the people in power. See the other articles on the scam, the propaganda machine in action, and some of the court documents in Canada. Carbon taxes are just a small part of the picture, and conservatives are intentionally sabotaging their court cases.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Saskatchewan Court of Appeal ruling.
CLICK HERE, for Saskatchewan Courts, info for users.
CLICK HERE, for Ontario Court of Appeal ruling.
CLICK HERE, for ONCA challenge documents, pleadings.
CLICK HERE, for Alberta Court of Appeal ruling.
CLICK HERE, for ABCA challenge documents, pleadings.
CLICK HERE, for Supreme Court of Canada constitutional challenge.

CLICK HERE, for the David Suzuki Foundation.
CLICK HERE, for Int’l Emissions Trading Ass’n.
CLICK HER, for IETA’s governance and leadership.
CLICK HERE, for Int’l Carbon Reduction Offset Alliance.
CLICK HERE, for ICROA’s partners and members.
CLICK HERE, for Smart Prosperity Institute.

(also see the last section for many more links to parties attempting to intervene in the Carbon tax challenges. Note: that list is not exhaustive.)

3. NGOs To Profit From Climate Scam

  • Amnesty International
  • Canadian Labour Congress
  • Climate Justice Saskatoon
  • David Suzuki Foundation
  • Intergenerational Climate Coalition
  • International Emissions Trading Association
  • Smart Prosperity Institute

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation opposes the Carbon tax, but stays pretty neutral on the issue of climate change itself. It’s worth a mention for 2 reasons: (a) CTF is part of the Koch-funded Atlas Network; and (b) CTF was once headed by Jason Kenney, now Alberta Premier. Now, let’s take a look at a few groups.

4. David Suzuki Foundation

Revenue (August 31, 2018)
Receipted donations $5,820,601.00 (49.84%)
Non-receipted donations $784,563.00 (6.72%)
Gifts from other registered charities $2,727,009.00 (23.35%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $2,347,296.00 (20.10%)
Total revenue: $11,679,469.00

Expenses (August 31, 2018)
Charitable programs $7,378,892.00 (70.41%)
Management and administration $638,154.00 (6.09%)
Fundraising $1,779,300.00 (16.98%)
Political activities $583,341.00 (5.57%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $96,578.00 (0.92%)
Other $4,234.00 (0.04%)
Total expenses: $10,480,499.00

Revenue (August 31, 2019)
Receipted donations $6,847,386.00 (53.92%)
Non-receipted donations $1,132,648.00 (8.92%)
Gifts from other registered charities $3,242,143.00 (25.53%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $1,476,568.00 (11.63%)
Total revenue: $12,698,745.00

Expenses (August 31, 2019)
Charitable programs $8,738,812.00 (75.28%)
Management and administration $808,096.00 (6.96%)
Fundraising $1,964,567.00 (16.92%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $93,302.00 (0.80%)
Other $4,234.00 (0.04%)
Total expenses: $11,609,011.00

According to the Canada Revenue Agency, the Suzuki Foundation took in $12.7 million in the period ending in August 2019, and $11.7 million the previous year. There is clearly good money, so where is it going?

Suzuki Foundation 2019 Annual Report
Suzuki Foundation 2019 Audited Financials

How does pricing carbon pollution build more sustainable communities?
Putting a price on carbon pollution through a carbon tax or cap-and-trade system helps speed the transition to cleaner, better energy solutions. We have low-carbon alternatives to our largest emissions sources that are improving by the day.

Working toward a fair and effective national price on carbon pollution
For more than a decade, the Foundation has been a leading voice in calling for a carbon price in Canada. Through research, policy work and public engagement, we built support for this foundational climate change policy.

The Foundation offered the B.C. government support to introduce North America’s first carbon tax in 2008. Our policy experts met with leaders at all levels of government and across industries to advocate for a national approach to carbon pricing.

The Foundation is an intervener in court cases in Saskatchewan and Ontario to support the federal government’s right to implement fair and effective climate policies that include carbon pricing.

In both cases, the courts of appeal agreed with us that the federal government has the power to take national action to tackle climate change. With Parliament and cities across the country declaring climate emergencies, including carbon pricing in the solutions toolkit is essential to meeting Paris Agreement climate commitments and avoiding the worst impacts of climate breakdown.

Can we assume that they either bribed or leaned on the B.C. Government to get that Carbon tax imposed? The Suzuki Foundation doesn’t come right out and say it (though it’s implied), that making certain comforts unaffordable by various carbon pricing schemes will lead to this great transition. It’s stated that causing a drastic change in the Western lifestyle is the only way to do this.

The Foundation is also involved with Youth Climate Lawsuit. This has young adults trying weaponize the Courts by forcing Governments to adopt their environmental demands. The claim is that ignoring climate change violates Section 7 of the Canadian Charter, which is security of the person.

And of course, the Suzuki Foundation has attached itself to the various Carbon tax challenges. It’s fair to assume that Suzuki’s donors are paying him to advance (by whatever means), policies that will lead to more money coming in. In a sense, it’s like paying a lobbyist.

Suzuki’s recent donors include: Power Corporation, the Bronfman Foundation, Tides Canada, Smart Prosperity Institute, several anonymous donors, and many more.

5. International Emissions Trading Association

IETA Economic Potential Article 6 Paris Accord
IETA Partnership For Market Readiness

IETA is the International Emissions Trading Association. It is an organization that tries to monetize the climate change agenda, by convincing countries to pay out money for “polluting”. A quote from their market readiness report:

Understand what emissions trading is:
emissions trading is a market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing an economic incentive to achieve CO2 emissions reductions. To succeed in managing such a cap-and-trade system, your company will need strategic, technical and financial skills.

Find the appropriate department to coordinate the organisation: emissions trading is linked to climate change strategy. Climate strategy often lies between the sustainable development and finance functions. Emissions trading is about financial management, but it also implies a deep understanding of regulation, CO2 management strategy and a good technical knowledge of industrial installations which fall under the cap. Whichever the appropriate department is, the most important thing is to have a project manager. Start a working group: the working group should be able as a first step to define whether or not emissions trading could be managed internally or outsourced. A cost/benefit analysis should be carried out to evaluate the choice between delegating trading to a specialised broker or to carrying it out internally. Such an approach gives the opportunity to create a “CO2 network” within the company.

Assess possible optimisation among installations: if entities are spread geographically, a centralised option could be considered. For example, in the European emissions market it is often the case that installations of one company are spread across a number of member states. Local exchanges with local brokers co-exist with European CO2 exchange platforms and may be able to offer more targeted solutions.

Understand that none of this actually helps the environment. It is simply a way to get wealthy under a misleading banner of cutting pollution. This is an expansive wealth transfer scheme.

IETA received legal non-profit status from the government of Switzerland in June 2000, and received United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change non-governmental organisation accreditation in October 2000.

It should trouble Canadians that this “non-profit” with financial motivations to keep the Carbon tax should be filing for intervenor status in four court cases (Saskatchewan, Ontario, Alberta, & the Supreme Court). Theie interests are different than ours.

6. Smart Prosperity Institute

The Smart Prosperity Institute has a number of government and private sector donors, and perhaps most notably includes the Tides Foundation. SPI writes extensively about transitioning Canada to a low carbon economy, and is promoting the green bonds industry, and have partnered with HSBC and the Climate Bonds Initiative. They also push the “sustainable finance” narrative, and are enthusiastic supporters of the UN.

Smart Prosperity Institute’s annual “Green Bonds – State of the Market in Canada” reports provide unique insight on the role of green bonds in funding environment and climate-related projects in Canada. The annual report is a special supplement to the Bonds and Climate Change: The State of the Market global report and is prepared collaboratively with Climate Bonds Initiative. Commissioned by HSBC, the report marks specific highlights from the current year, emerging trends, and identifies specific opportunities for market development of green bonds in Canada.

Keeping the Carbon taxes intact is very much in their interest, as it is tied to many of the initiatives that SPI advances. Another NGO that Canadians should be weary of meddling in local affairs.

7. Amnesty International

Amnesty International was founded by Peter Benenson, grandson of Russian banker, Grigori Benenson. The organization has been used to bring large numbers of people from the 3rd World to the West. The group appears to have no direct financial motive, but rather an ideological one. It argues that forced Carbon taxes amount to a human rights issue for the planet. Is this not foreign interference though? AI is based out of Britain.

8. Constitutional Challenges: SK, ON, AB, SCC

(A.1) SK COA Ruling On Carbon Tax
(A.2) Saskatchewan Court Of Appeal Reference Question
(A.3) SKCA Attorney General Of Canada
(A.4) SKCA Attorney General Of Ontario
(A.5) SKCA Attorney General Of New Brunswick
(A.6) SKCA Attorney General Of British Columbia
(A.7) SKCA Canadian Taxpayers Association
(A.8) SKCA David Suzuki Foundation
(A.9) SKCA International Emissions Trading Association
(A.10) SKCA United Conservative Association
(B.1) ONCA Ruling On Carbon Tax
(B.2) ONCA Reference Documents
(B.3) ONCA Attorney General Of Ontario
(B.4) ONCA Attorney General Of Canada
(B.5) ONCA Attorney General Of Saskatchewan
(B.6) ONCA Attorney General Of New Brunswick
(B.7) ONCA David Suzuki Foundation
(B.8) ONCA Intergenerational Climate Coalition
(B.9) ONCA International Emissions Trading Association
(B.10) ONCA Attorney General Of Ontario Reply
(B.11) ONCA Attorney General Of Canada Reply
(C.1) ABCA Ruling On Carbon Tax
(C.2) Alberta Court Of Appeal Reference Question
(C.3) ABCA Attorney General Of Alberta
(C.4) ABCA Attorney General Of Canada
(C.5) ABCA Attorney General Of Ontario
(C.6) ABCA Attorney General Of Saskatchewan
(C.7) ABCA Attorney General Of New Brunswick
(C.8) ABCA Attorney General Of British Columbia
(C.9) ABCA International Emissions Trading Association
(C.10) ABCA Attorney General Of Alberta Reply
(C.11) ABCA Attorney General Of Canada Reply
(C.12) Jason Kenney Repeals Carbon Tax
(C.13) Kenney Supports New Carbon Tax
(C.14) Kenney To Hike New Carbon Tax
(D.2) Supreme Court Of Canada To Hear Challenge
(D.3) SCC Attorney General Of Ontario
(D.4) SCC Attorney General Of Canada
(D.5) SCC Attorney General Of Saskatchewan
(D.6) SCC Attorney General Of Alberta
(D.7) SCC Attorney General Of New Brunswick
(D.8) SCC Attorney General Of Manitoba
(D.9) SCC Attorney General Of British Columbia
(D.10) SCC Amnesty International
(D.11) SCC Canadian Labour Congress
(D.12) SCC David Suzuki Foundation
(D.13) SCC Intergenerational Climate Committee
(D.14) SCC International Emissions Trading Association
(D.15) SCC Smart Prosperity Institute
(D.16) SCC Attorney General Of Ontario Reply
(D.17) SCC Attorney General Of Canada Reply

One common thread throughout these challenges is that all parties agree climate change is a threat to humanity. This includes parties challenging the Carbon taxes.

CV #28: The B.C. Election Just An Illusion Of Choice, All Parties Compromised

BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry wields great power in the Province. All parties are content to abdicate their duty to govern. Despite there being a Provincial election, none of them seem to have any interest in changing this. BC is run by an unelected bureaucrat. There’s no science in limiting group size to 50 people (see 1:00 in video), but she does it anyway.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Ethical Concerns Over Recordings? Nope

Would it have been proper to let the people know ahead of time that this was being recorded, and would be posted later? Probably, but the public is best served by knowing the truth. And the truth is that the major parties play along with the “pandemic” scare, and don’t differ on these human rights violations. It is just the illusion of choice.

3. Peter Milobar: BC Liberals (Incumbent)

MILOBAR: BC Liberals

BCPHO Bonnie Henry was actually appointed when the BC Liberals were still in power. There is no intention to replace her, or even override her orders. Milobar says that the rules allow her to make orders, but who was it who wrote the rules in the first place?

4. Sadie Hunter: BC NDP (Challenger)


Apparently, all parties agreed to let BC Public Health make all the decisions. However, this is an abdication of their duty to govern. Hunter says that the measures will remain in place until there is a vaccine.
NDP 2020 Platform

5. Thomas Martin: BC Greens (Challenger)


Again, all of the parties are on board with letting Public Health (Bonnie) run the affairs of the province. The only real difference seemed to be on some of the spending details.

6. BC Conservative Party

At the time of publication, the BC Conservatives haven’t responded to numerous attempts to talk about what their policies were regarding these “pandemic” measures. However, their platform doesn’t mention it, so it’s unlikely to be a serious concern. Also, consider what Premiers like Ford, Kenney and LeGault are currently doing. CPC Leader Erin O’Toole previously criticized Trudeau for not being authoritarian enough.

7. BC’s Dictator-In-Chief: Bonnie Henry

This is too long to address in even a single article, but Bonnie Henry lets it leak out over time that there is no real science behind anything that she does. See the link for some of the more obvious problems. This is who really runs the Province of BC.

To those saying “get out and go vote”, I would have to ask: why?

IBC #7: Debt For Nature Swaps, Usury & Exploitation Masked As Compassion

Some background information on how this process works (in theory at least). See here and here. Does it matter that many countries are unable to repay their loans? To the creditors, not really, as there is always another way.

These “swaps” involve selling a country’s debt (at a discount) to a 3rd party, but one who has its own agenda.

1. More On The International Banking Cartel

For more on the banking cartel, check this page. The Canadian Government, like so many others, has sold out the independence and sovereignty of its monetary system to foreign interests. BIS, like its central banks, exceed their agenda and try to influence other social agendas. See who is really controlling things, and the common lies that politicians and media figures tell. And check out the climate change hoax as well, as the 2 now seem intertwined.

New Development Financing, a bait-and-switch.

2. Important Links

UN New Development Finance Paper

UNDP Explaining Debt-For-Nature Swaps

CLICK HERE, for World Economic Forum, debt swap support.

World Bank Working Paper, March 1990

CLICK HERE, for World Wildlife Fund Climate fund page.

3. Debt Used As A Weapon Against Nations

This cannot be emphasized enough. Countries take foreign loans in times when they are desperate, and often are unable to meet the terms to pay them back. This is a form of predatory lending. What may end up happening is that those debts are sold to people and organizations who have their own agenda.

And where do these loans originate in the first place? Many are (debt financed) by countries like Canada, the U.S., and in Europe. Western nations — who use private parties to borrow money from — borrow money which is then handed over as loans to the 3rd World. Those loans are distributed to countries who can’t pay them back. They are then forced into options like debt-for-nature.

4. World Economic Forum & Climate Swaps

Debt swaps can be one solution to tackle both challenges at once. Traditionally, these instruments represent an exchange of the existing debt contract with a new one, where the previous contract is normally “written down”, or discounted. Usually, this action is associated with specific conditions for investments, agreed both by the creditor and the debtor. In the past, such instruments have also been used to achieve climate-related objectives.

The idea of a “debt-for-climate” swap was first conceived during the 1980s by the then Deputy Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund, Thomas Lovejoy, in the wake of the Latin American debt crisis. The idea was simple: an NGO would act as a donor, purchasing debt from commercial banks at its face value on the secondary market, hence providing a level of relief on the debt’s value. The title of the debt would then be transferred to the debtor country in exchange for a specific commitment to environmental or conservation goals, performed through a national environmental fund.

In 2018, the Seychelles government worked with The Nature Conservancy, Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to develop a debt-for-nature swap for $27 million of official debt, to set up vast areas of protected marine parks for climate resilience, fishery management, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism.

This came out just the other day. The World Economic Forum, which pushed for a declaration of a pandemic also goes on about how this can be used to advance the green agenda. But don’t worry, it’s not preplanned or anything.

5. UNDP Explains Risks And Consequences

-DNS have only resulted in relatively small amounts of debt relief, limiting their impact in reducing developing countries’ debt burden;
Transaction costs might be high compared to other financing instruments; negotiations can be time-consuming, spanning several years and might result in limited debt reduction or discount rates. The length of the design and negotiation phase of a DNS can span one to three years, mostly depending on the willingness of the parties and the complexity of the deal.

-Lengthy negotiations. Disagreement between the creditor and debtor country on conservation goals or other details of the agreement can increase the costs of the operation.
Currency exchange risks, the impact of which (and the response strategy) is dependent on the financial structure of the DNS. The currency risk can be mitigated, for example, by making payments in local currency at the spot rate on the day payments are due. In the latter case the risk is lower for the entity managing the DNS cash flow.
Inflation risks, the value of future payments in local currencies might be highly by inflation. Mitigation strategies to inflation risks are similar to the ones for currency exchange risks.
-The DNS might prevent the possibility of negotiating a more comprehensive and favourable debt treatment (debt relief and restructuring).
-The debtor-country might not be able or willing to respect its commitments. Fiscal and liquidity crises can undermine the capacity of the debtor-government to meet its obligations.
-Management risks related to the capacity of the fund selected to administer grants from the DNS proceeds, including mismanagement, corruption and failures in the identification of good projects to be financed.
-While rarely reported, it is possible that the projects financed might create discontent in local communities (e.g. removal of access to resources by local communities).
-ODA substitution (no additionality). While a DNS is an option for increasing ODA, it might just substitute for other committed flows.
-The debtor-country may lose sovereignty in deciding about the spending of public resources. Grants may be disbursed according to donors’ preferences, which in turn might or might not better mirror local conservation needs. In most DNS the debtor-government decides in agreement with the creditor(s) about the modalities of funds’ disbursements, both participating in the boards of the trust fund responsible for grant-making.
-Debt swaps may be tied to the purchase of goods or services for the creditor(s).

There are an awful lot of drawbacks to getting involved with this sort of loan. Specifically, countries cede their sovereignty, are forced into conditions they don’t like, and it may not even result in much of a debt reduction.

6. World Bank 1990 Working Paper On Swaps

The first debt-for-nature agreement (Bolivia) was the only one in which land was set aside, and development restrictions adopted, as a result of the agreement. This deal was extremely controversial at first, as many Bolivians thought that the country had relinquished sovereignty to the international environmental group. There is, however, no transfer of land ownership, and development decisions are not based on agreements between the local environmental groups, the government, and the regional population. The Bolivian government has been slow in dispersing the local currency funds, and controversies have arisen over the development use of the buffer areas.

Finally, prior to the debt-for-nature concept, environmental groups had little or no direct contact with either commercial banks or debt countries’ finance ministers. Debt-for-nature swaps, however, have entailed intense negotiations between all three groups, leading to a network of relationships that may prove valuable to international environmental groups beyond simply debt-for-nature agreements.

Much of the interest in using official debt for debt-for-development swaps first began as a result of the 1988 Toronto Economic Summit, in which the G-7 countries established guidelines that allowed Paris Club Creditors to forgive debt to the poorest of the Sub-Saharan countries. One of three options given to Paris Club creditors was to forgive up to one-third of the debt of the developing country (with the other two being extended maturities and lower interest rates). France has generally chosen the first option, while the United States (until July 1989) has been reluctant to forgive debt.

World Bank Working Paper, March 1990

This scheme has been going back many decades. The basic principle is that countries are loaned money they cannot realistically afford to pay back. Loans are then forgiven — or reduced — but with strings attached. One such arrangement is the debt-for nature swaps.

Although the land isn’t officially ceded, for all practical purposes it is.

7. Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, Seychelles

In 2017, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation helped finance a debt-for-nature swap with the Republic of Seychelles to set aside some 400,000 square kilometers of water for conservation.

8. World Wildlife Fund Conservation Finance

Debt-for-Nature Swaps
WWF has worked with the U.S., French, German, Dutch, and other creditor countries to structure foreign debt-for-nature swaps, including the first one in Ecuador in 1987. Since 2001, WWF has helped design several debt-for-nature swap agreements under the Tropical Forest Conservation Act (and previously under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative). Both mechanisms were formed to relieve the debt burden of developing countries owed to the U.S. government, while generating funds in local currency to support tropical forest conservation activities. Capital raised through debt-for-nature swaps can be applied through trust funds or foundations specifically set up to channel funding to local biodiversity conservation.

Carbon Finance
WWF believes that carbon finance, if used appropriately, will play a critical role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to biodiversity conservation, and promoting a range of local economic and social values. WWF is developing pilot carbon projects in Peru, Brazil, Central Africa, Indonesia and Nepal to capitalize on the rapidly growing potential for carbon finance. We contribute to these efforts by securing private and public financing for carbon projects and providing technical support to implement carbon finance mechanisms.

The World Wildlife Fund is quite involved in financing the nature-for-debt swaps. Should make Canadians wonder what is the real reason Trudeau and Butts present themselves as eco-warriors.

9. Gerald Butts, Megan Leslie Head(s) of WWF

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Gerald Butts was once the President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund Canada. This conflict of interest isn’t limited to the Liberals though.

Megan Leslie used to be the Deputy NDP Leader, and was Deputy Opposition Leader for a time. Now, this Trudeau Foundation Director is also the head of the World Wildlife Fund.

It’s also worth a mention that Elizabeth May, the former Green Party Leader is also with the Trudeau Foundation. She was, at a time, Head of Sierra Club Canada. At least 3 of the major Federal parties are compromised, and in bed with the eco-lobby.

10. Mockingbird Foundation Of Canada

To see a little deeper just how many tentacles the Trudeau Foundation has, see these connections between the House of Commons, the Senate, the Courts and the media. Truly disgusting.

11. Usury Disguised As Humanitarianism

Despite what is said publicly, there is nothing compassionate about what is happening. Countries are taking loans they can’t pay back, and are forced to cede sovereignty in order to “service the debt”. Not at all what we are led to believe.