Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently became infamous for ordering a restaurant owner to shut down. This of course is while places like Walmart, Costco and Amazon remain open. And Ford is hardly the only one to do this. But why is this the trend? Perhaps influence peddling is the reason.
The above video specifically refers to Adam Skelly, who was arrested when he ignored Ford’s dictates to close down.
1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”
The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.
2. SNC Corruption Behind The Scenes
For more on the SNC Lavalin corruption, check out this series. A lot of details go on behind closed doors that were never reported in the media. Turns out that it’s a small world.
3. Lobbying Registry Web Sites (Public)
https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/ (Federal)
http://lobbyist.oico.on.ca/ (Ontario)
4. Walmart/SNC Lobbyist Bruce Hartley
Bruce Hartley worked in the Prime Minister’s Office, under Jean Chretien (Liberal), from 1993 to 2003. He spent a decade in the Government, according to the Public Office disclosure.
5. Walmart/SNC Lobbyist William Pristanski
William (Bill) Pristanski worked in the Government of Brian Mulroney (Conservative), from 1984 until 1991. He also worked for the Office of the Official Opposition when the Liberals were in office.
After he departed from public office, Pristanski has been a Principle at Prospectus Associates and Government Relations Consultant. In short, he’s been a professional lobbyist for nearly 30 years.
6. Walmart Lobbying Ottawa In 2020
Subject Matter Details
Policies or Program
-Advisories by Public Health Agency (Consumer Products Division) and the development of policies and programs as it relates to the safety of toys and food imported from foreign countries.
-Increase awareness of Walmart’s commitment to ethical sourcing, and more specifically global supply chains that empower the people who work in them, and the families that are supported by them.
-Monitor development of legislation to regulate the payments industry in Canada including C-236, An Act to amend the Payment Card Networks Act
-Monitor implementation of Payment Card Networks Act with regard to debit and credit cards.
Policy and programs related to the Environmental objectives of Wal-Mart. In particular, bringing to the attention of government officials the most environmentally-friendly food distribution centre in North America that has just been built in Balzac Alberta
-The Finance Canada federal budget process as it relates to policies of Sales Tax Harmonization with the provinces.
While most of these “lockdown” measures have been implemented Provincially, it’s worth pointing out that the Federal Government has also been lobbied by Walmart. Moreover, it’s Bruce Hartley, and William Pristanski, the same lobbyists who advocated on behalf of SNC Lavalin. And they have ties to the Liberal and Conservative Parties of Canada.
7. Walmart Lobbying Ontario Government
Walmart lobbied the Ontario Government several times in 2020. Here are quotes from their Provincial registration.
Subject Matter
What is the subject-matter of your lobbying activity?
Agriculture, Conservation, Consumer services, COVID-19/Pandemic response, Economic development and trade, Education, Energy, Environment, Food safety, Health, Industry, Infrastructure, International trade, Labour, Liquor control and alcohol, Northern development, Research and innovation, Science and technology, Small business, Taxation and finance, Tourism, Training and skills development, Transportation, Womens’ issues,
Other: Budget, Privacy
Describe your lobbying goal(s) in detail. What are you attempting to influence or accomplish as a result of your communications with Ontario public office holders?
Profiling Walmart to policy makers and decision makers in government. Our objective is to make public policy makers aware of many initiatives taken by Walmart that matches the government’s objectives. By profiling such programs, government will better understand how to adjust regulatory environments and how the private sector can help. Walmart drives responsible sourcing and purchases a variety of Canadian products and services. Walmart recently announced its Charter on Plastics, a milestone commitment to reduce plastic waste across its operations. In addition, Walmart’s objective is also to engage with the government on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as it pertains to supply chain management, health & safety requirements, economic stimulus and opportunities to help.
Why is Doug Ford ordering small businesses to close, while simultaneously allowing places like Walmart to operate with very few restrictions? There could be a very simple reason, beyond just incompetence.
8. Ford Staffers Now Walmart Lobbyists
Both Melissa Lantsman and David Tarrant were staffers for Doug Ford before becoming Walmart lobbyists. It’s worth noting that they have ties to other political parties. iPolitics did an interesting article on the conflicts on interest that were obvious.
Jharna Bajaj was a political staff volunteer in the Ontario Legislature before moving onto the private sector.
The William Pristanski is, of course, the same lobbyist who lobbied Federally for Walmart, and who lobbied on behalf of SNC Lavalin, to get them their deferred prosecution agreement (DPA).
9. Amazon Lobbying Ottawa In 2020
Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution, Policies or Program
–Work with government to promote and support Canada’s digital economy, including ensuring the availability of a high-skilled tech workforce.
Policies or Program
–Seeking government contract with multiple government departments and institutions with regards to Amazon Cloud based solutions and related support services.
-Seeking to influence policy direction related to cloud based services.
Amazon lobbied Ottawa this year, partly to obtain government contracts, partly to get laws passed to push the digital economy. Nicole Foster also worked in the Government of Jean Chretien.
10. Amazon Lobbying Ontario In 2020
Amazon has also been busy lobbying the Ontario Government. If no one can open out for “safety” reasons, then it leaves a huge void to fill. Side note: Crestview Strategy is the firm that was founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, Trudeau’s Chief of Staff. Crestview also lobbied Ottawa on behalf of GAVI, funded by the Gates Foundation.
11. Lobbyists Control All Parties
While this example referred to Ontario and Doug Ford, it’s likely that the same corruption and influence peddling is elsewhere.
Even though William Pristanski worked for the Mulroney (Conservative) Government, and Bruce Hartley the Chretien (Liberal) Government, they now work together as lobbyists.
Doug Ford has been lobbied recently by political insiders from Walmart, including his own former staffers. This is most likely why he applies a double standard when it comes to letting big box stores stay open, but smaller ones have to shut down. It has to do with corruption, not safety.