TSCE #1: The Series, And Other Accounts To Follow

(Cathy Fox, blog)

(Critical Thinkers Club, https://twitter.com/CRITHINKCLUB)

(Paula Loves Children, @paulacblades001)

(Resist Child Sec Trafficking, @LadyLibertyinEx)

(Titus Frost, 1984. YouTuber)

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

(1) TSCE Series Intro, Other Accounts
(2) Suing For Right To Enter U.S. Illegally
(3) UN Hypocrisy On Sexual Abuse
(4) Fake Refugees Gaming The System
(5.1) Various Topics In TSCE
(5.2) Private Members’ Bills On Variety Of Subjects
(6) Islamic Sexual Violence, Women/Children
(7.1) UNHCR Party To S3CA, Consults Required
(7.2) UN Blurs Line: Smuggling/Irregular
(7.3) More Research Into Human Smuggling
(7.4) Illegal Immigration Often Smugg/Trafficking
(7.5) Open Borders In General, Facilitate Trafficking & Smuggling
(8.1) The Groups Opening Canada’s Borders
(8.2) Amnesty International’s Zionist Roots
(8.3) CDN Council For Refugees’ Lobbying Efforts
(8.4) Bridges Not Borders, Plattsburg Cares, Solidarity Across Borders
(8.5) David Berger: CCR, Jewish Ref Act Network
(8.6) Lawfare Over The Years In Canadian Courts
(9.1) Bill C-75: Lower Sent. For Child Sex Crimes
(9.2) Does CDA Gov’t Support Child Trafficking?
(9.3) Hague Convention On Abducted Children Undermined Locally
(9.4) California State Senator, Scott Wiener’s Legislative Weapons
(9.5) Possible Decriminalization For Failing To Disclose HIV
(9.6) Using M-47 For LBGTQ Pandering, Deflect On Child Exploitation
(10.1) Politicians Deliberately Keep Border Open
(10.2) Sanctuary Cities Circumvent Border Security
(10.3) Sanctuary Cities (Toronto) Help Conceal Smuggling/Trafficking
(10.4) Soros Financing Smuggling; Open Borders
(10.5) DNA Testing To Spot Fake Families
(11.1) Pushing Trans Agenda On Young Children
(11.2) WHO/UNESCO Promoting Sex-Ed In Young Children
(12.1) Media Coverup Aided Epstein Child Trafficking
(12.2) Global News Pretends Pedo Networks Aren’t A Real Thing
(13.1) Planned Parenthood Chop-Shop Loses Funding
(13.2) Action Canada, Pushing For More Baby Parts
(13.3) Legal Education And Action Fund: Pro-Death Agenda
(14) China Harvesting Organs Of Political Prisoners
(15) Blaise Vanne: White Enslavement Ignored By Antifa/BLM

2. Why Follow These Accounts?

Because this is an incredibly important topic to address, awkward or uncomfortable as it is. Despite efforts to keep this buried, wide spread abuse, exploitation and trafficking of children is still rampant today. It is the dirty secret that a lot of people wish would just go away. And far from being nobodies doing it, these crimes are committed by very powerful people in society.

Any real journalists in Canada, the United States, (or elsewhere) should be interested and concerned with this. Anyone can cover Justin Trudeau and the stupid things he says. Real research and journalism involves getting into the topics that few (or no one else) will.

3. Invitation To Readers Of This Site

If you know of other media outlets (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc…) that are devoted to this topic, and post good content, please let me know. They will be added as references.

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