Sex-Selective Abortion And The Mental Gymnastics Of “Conservative Inc.”

Modern conservative politicians make it clear that they will take money and votes from social conservatives, but will never advance their interests in any real way. Abortion is a major issue, but not the only one. They act as a form of controlled opposition.

1. Other Articles For Abortion/Infanticide

While abortion is trumpeted as a “human right” in Western societies, questions have to be asked: Why is it a human right? Who are these groups benefiting financially, and why are so they so fiercely against free speech? Do these groups also support the open borders industry, or organ trafficking? Not nearly enough people are making these connections.

2. Mental Gymnastics In Abortion Policy

CPC Policy Declaration 2018

The CPC explicitly states in their policy declaration to support no legislation to regulate abortion. However, MPs support Private Member’s Bill C-233, to ban the practice of sex-selective abortion (which would target female babies). But that contradiction is not the only problem.

Today’s “conservatives” have no issue with killing babies itself. However, they are adamantly opposed to letting them be killed simply for being female. The obvious answer is that Conservative politicians don’t actually care about the lives of the unborn, but just virtue signal to show how feminist they are.

Side note: it seems the CPC’s stance on euthanasia is to do nothing. They won’t expand access for assisted suicide, but they won’t do anything to restrict or roll it back either.

3. Conservatives: Only Fund Local Genocide

From the Canadian Press. Trudeau announces that Canada should be fund abortions globally. Conservatives object to the “globally” part, not the “abortion” part of it.

A slim majority of Conservative convention delegates voted Saturday against a resolution backed by anti-abortion campaigners while at the same time affirming the party’s opposition to using Canadian foreign aid to fund abortion services abroad — a mixed bag result for social conservatives.

Other controversial resolutions, including a push to limit citizenship rights for those born in this country to non-Canadian parents and an endorsement of moving Canada’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, received overwhelming support.

The abortion resolution, No. 65, would have struck from the party’s policy book a pledge that a Conservative government would not support any legislation to regulate abortion, something added under former prime minister Stephen Harper to reassure some Canadians that the Conservative Party did not have a “hidden agenda” to legislate an abortion ban.

More gaps in logic. Many conservatives don’t have a problem with using taxpayer money to kill CANADIAN children, but they oppose using public funds to exterminate FOREIGN children. So it’s not about principles, but simply how tax dollars are used.

The article refers to the August 2018 CPC Policy Convention. Of course, it wouldn’t be a conservative gathering without some pandering to Israel. In this case, the moving of an embassy.

4. Summer Jobs Grant Attestation

Ineligible projects and job activities:
Projects consisting of activities that take place outside of Canada;
Activities that contribute to the provision of a personal service to the employer;
Partisan political activities;
Fundraising activities to cover salary costs for the youth participant; or
Projects or job activities that:
restrict access to programs, services, or employment, or otherwise discriminate, contrary to applicable laws, on the basis of prohibited grounds, including sex, genetic characteristics, religion, race, national or ethnic origin, colour, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression;
advocate intolerance, discrimination and/or prejudice; or
actively work to undermine or restrict a woman’s access to sexual and reproductive health services.

Please note the following definitions:
As per section 2.1 of the Canada Summer Jobs Articles of Agreement, “project” means the hiring, administration of, job activities, and organization’s activities as described in the Application Agreement.
To “advocate” means to promote, foster, or actively support intolerance, discrimination, and/or prejudice.
To “undermine or restrict” means to weaken or limit a woman’s ability to access sexual and reproductive health services. The Government of Canada defines sexual and reproductive health services as including comprehensive sexuality education, family planning, prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence, safe and legal abortion, and post-abortion care.

Conservatives claimed to oppose the move to make the attestation mandatory for groups where their social beliefs conflicted with official government policy. To be clear though, this was framed as a free speech issue, not because the beliefs they held may be valid. See this piece for more information on the topic.

5. “Social Conservative” Leslyn Lewis

This weekend, Ontario-based political activist Tanya Granic Allen distributed an email making the case that social conservatives should not support me in the upcoming CPC Leadership election because of my past involvement with the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF).

They knew I held strong pro-life beliefs, and I hoped to be a balancing influence on the Board. After a few months of earnestly trying to make a difference, it was clear that it wasn’t the best fit all around, and we wished each other well, and I chose to conclude my term early with the Board.

I have chosen to be upfront with my pro-life views, and the fact that I will personally advocate for a law that fights the misogynistic practice of sex-selective abortion.

In the recent CPC leadership race, Leslyn Lewis promoted herself as a social conservative. She (sort of) defended her previous membership with Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). Problem is, LEAF is far more extreme than she is letting on, so the membership makes no sense. One would have to wonder why she became a director without doing any research on the firm — or why they would pick her.

Interestingly, Lewis condemns the practice of sex-selective abortion as “misogynistic” for targeting girls, but she doesn’t condemn the practice of abortion overall.

A much more likely explanation is that Lewis ideologically agrees with the pro-death LEAF, but simply reinvented herself for perceived political gain.

Lewis also claims to oppose funding foreign abortions, but stays quiet on the topic of financing domestic ones.

6. What Conservative Inc. Really Stands For

To sum up, these are the official party positions of mainstream “conservatives” in Canada. Try to wrap your heads around them.

[1] We have no issue with the principle of abortion, and will pass no legislation against it, as long as children aren’t killed specifically for their gender.

[2] We don’t have a problem with paying to abort Canadian children, but we believe that killing children abroad is a waste of taxpayer money.

[3] We don’t agree with the principles that many religious groups stand for. We oppose the summer grants attestation requirement purely on free speech grounds.

[4] Yes, abortion leads to an overall lower birth rate, but we can just continue to import a replacement population to fill in the gaps.

CV #64: RCMP, Trudeau, Cuck As Sikhs Demand Accommodation Over Masks

March 26: This is a picture of the respirator that the RCMP announces officer may arrive wearing. They ask that people not be afraid.

September 24: This is BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry, explicitly stating that respirators don’t seal properly when there is facial hair on the user. So why is the RCMP letting officers who won’t conform to safety standards remain on the force?

So…. is this a serious health crisis, or not?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Worth mentioning: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations (IHR), that the WHO imposes are legally binding on all members.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for BC Transit press release on masks.

CLICK HERE, for RCMP directive to be clean shaven.
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for RCMP answering calls with respirators.
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for RCMP enforcing Quarantine Act.
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for RCMP August 10 memo on masks.
WayBack Machine Acrhive

CLICK HERE, for angry Sikhs demanding accomodations.
CLICK HERE, for Trudeau bending the knee again.

In other pandering news: Sikhs don’t have to wear helmets while riding motorcycles in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. Perhaps the laws of gravity don’t apply to religious pieces of cloth.

3. BC Transits Masks For “Rider Comfort”

We recognize the advice from health professionals, including Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been to wear face coverings when physical distancing is not possible including on transit vehicles. Customers have indicated making the use of face coverings mandatory will create a more comfortable environment.

While face coverings will be mandatory, the policy will be implemented as an educational step without enforcement. The educational position is aligned with TransLink and other transit agencies in Canada.

We will work hard to ensure customers are aware of our new policy over the coming weeks, and work together to make transit a comfortable environment for staff and customers.

This was covered a while back. BC Transit decided to make it mandatory (well, sort of mandatory), to wear masks to ensure rider comfort. It was based on feedback from riders — specifically — Karens, who felt it was their job to tell others how to live. Same theme with the RCMP.

4. RCMP Clean Shaven Directive, March 19

N95 mask and facial hair
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global issue, and the RCMP is a vital safety service for Canadians. In the interest of your health and safety, we are suspending the facial hair provisions of our Uniform and Dress Manual. All front-line regular members must report to work clean-shaven (or with moustaches of appropriate length) unless subject to a specific approved exemption. This is to ensure that the N95 respiratory mask is able to properly protect you in the event that it is needed on short notice.
If you require an exemption on religious or health grounds, you must speak with your manager.
As outlined in our Occupational Health Advisory on COVID-19, you must ensure your respirator is sealed correctly. Any break in that seal can put you at risk, and one of the most common causes of a breached seal is facial hair.

On March 19, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki issued a directive that all officers were to remain clean shaven, given that masks don’t seal properly if there is bulky facial hair. This makes a great deal of sense, as beards render them useless.

5. RCMP: Don’t Be Afraid Of This, March 26

Protective equipment
Depending on the situation that our police officers are attending, they may wear protective equipment including a mask and goggles, similar to what is shown below.

We know that this may appear alarming, but please understand that this measure is taken in order to ensure our officers safety. For those who witness our police officers responding to calls for service wearing this protective equipment, all our officers are doing is limiting any potential exposure they may have to COVID-19. It does not mean the call for service was related to COVID-19 or that anyone has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

In order to keep the City of Burnaby safe, we need to keep our frontline officers healthy, says Corporal Mike Kalanj. This is simply an extra precaution we’re taking in order to provide the citizens of Burnaby the best police service possible.”

In March 2020, the RCMP announced that it may be responding to certain calls while wearing respirators. This was to be for the safety of the officers involved. What, no tiny piece of cloth as a show of solidarity?

6. RCMP Enforcing Quarantine Act, April 9

While everyone’s efforts can make a difference in this critical period, still more is needed. Where sound information and common sense fail, law enforcement must step in to protect those around them. In addition to its ongoing operations, the RCMP assists in enforcing mandatory isolation orders under the Federal Quarantine Act in communities where it is the police of jurisdiction.

The RCMP admits that a part of its job is enforcing isolation orders under the Quarantine Act. But what the RCMP is really enforcing are the IHR (International Health Regulations) from the World Health Organization.

7. RCMP Wearing Masks “As A Courtesy”, Aug 10

The RCMP is following public health advice by providing front-line employees with non-medical masks. Front-line police officers can use these masks while on duty in situations where personal protective equipment (PPE) is not required but where physical distancing may be difficult or unpredictable.

RCMP Commanding Officers will determine their requirements based on the direction of their local health authority and will distribute masks accordingly.

Wearing non-medical masks as a courtesy to your fellow community members is becoming more common. In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, the RCMP is taking these additional steps so that public can feel comfortable in engaging with police officers in their community.

Some people may be uncomfortable with a police officer approaching them with a mask on and we want to make sure that the people in the communities we serve know they can ask to see police identification, if it is safe to do so.

These measures aren’t about making the public more safe. Instead, it is about making people “feel” safe and comfortable. It’s about the appearance of doing something.

8. Masks Are Just For Show: Dhillon

Retired officer wants resolution
Retired RCMP Insp. Baltej Singh Dhillon, who served nearly 30 years and became the first RCMP officer to wear a turban, said he disagrees with the force’s “blanket policy” because it discriminates against one group of police officers.

He said calls to police are often assessed for risk so officers who wouldn’t be able to meet the standard for a fitted respiratory masks could go to a different call and still serve on the front line.

“Clearly, the PPE is for that time where a police officer feels that he or she is in a higher-risk situation where they may be exposed to COVID-19,” said Dhillon. “Because I think you can generally see that RCMP officers are currently working in our communities, not wearing masks the moment they leave the detachment.”

In an interesting bit of disclosure, a retired RCMP Inspector admits the masks are entirely for show. He claims that officers routinely take the mask off as soon as they leave the detachment.

9. Trudeau Cucks: Diversity Tops Safety

In what should surprise no one, Trudeau, or at least his clone, has declared that it’s a human rights violation to make ethnic groups comply with safety regulations.

However, considering this “pandemic” is a hoax to begin with, it may be an instance of two wrongs making a right.

10. Masks Are About Submission, Not Safety

Not sure who actually created these, but the NPC comics here illustrate a valid point. If masks work, why should people care if others refuse to wear one? It’s almost as if there was another agenda at play.

Guest Post: Question Regarding Recent Antifa/BLM Riots In The US, By Blaise Vanne

(One of the many, MANY examples of Black Lives Matter harassing innocent bystanders. This was aired by Sky New Australia — of a DC restaurant — and shown August 25)

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

Serious issues like smuggling or trafficking are routinely avoided in public discourse. Also important are the links: between open borders and human smuggling; between ideology and exploitation; between tolerance and exploitation; between abortion and organ trafficking; and between censorship and complicity. Mainstream media will also never get into the organizations who are pushing these agendas, nor the complicit politicians. These topics don’t exist in isolation, and are interconnected.

Even when slavery is brought up, it is solely in the context of Whites oppressing and enslaving others. The rest of slavery’s history is never discussed This would destroy the narrative that Whites owe everyone else reparations, and shatter the idea that Whites should forever feel guilt over distant ancestors.

2. Contribution By Blaise Vanne

Since whites are disproportionately incarcerated more than Asians, do Asians, many of who have been here since the 1800s, then owe whites reparations? Should Democrats, who have caused the black underclass in their leftist cities, be the ones who pay? Can we count the $15 to 22 trillion already spent in the War on Poverty towards this figure (and where we now have MORE poverty than when we started) towards reparations? Will the Learjet leftists in Hollyweird be forced to open up their zillion room mansions to house inner city blacks (think far left Tom Hanks’ 14,500 sq. foot mega mansion in Pacific Hts, bought for $36mm in 2020), or will their self-serving pandering be more than enough? Will Nancy Pelosi’s highly protected (by men with GUNS) mega- mansion in Pacific Hts, San Francisco take in squatters? Will you ask multimillionaire Bernie Sanders to open up one of his three houses, such as the $600k one with 500’ of Lake Champlain lakefront? Reparations up to $14 trillion were suggested to Bret Baier by black zillionaire BET president Bob Johnson, but given that black Harvard prof Henry Louis Gates says 388,000 Africans landed on N. American shores, total, while in contrast Dr. Robert Davis of Ohio State says up to 1.25 million Europeans were taken as slaves by Muslims to their lands during roughly same period (3 times as many!), with their corsairs even reaching as far as Iceland, does that mean Muslims owe white Europeans $42 trillion (3x as much)? Can someone tell me where to sign up? Just asking. I could sure use the “free” dough.

Also, will white descendants of indentured servants get some reparations, or should descendants of blacks who owned other blacks as slaves owe reparations, such as Anthony Johnson (c. 1600 – 1670), a black Angolan who was one of the earlier slave owners legally recognized by the Colony of Virginia courts. Do we owe Russia money (the word “Slav” as in “Slavic language” derives from the same root as our word for slave (from late 13c., “a person who is the chattel or property of another,” from Old French esclave (13c.), in turn derived from Medieval Latin Sclavus “slave” – so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.), or perhaps the Irish, for by the 1630’s, Ireland was the primary source of slaves in the English slave trade. In fact, a 1637 a census showed that 69% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves. Even Scientific American has questioned why the Irish surnames have such a strong presence in places such as Montserrat, Jamaica, St. Kitts, etc. Once Iceland gets paid for its citizens taken as slaves to Muslim North Africa and Turkey, does Iceland then owe Ireland money, in that perhaps half the population genetically speaking was Irish slaves, taken by Vikings? Oh yes, I forgot: Muslims also took many English as slaves, with perhaps 3 – 5,000 in Algiers alone. And of course, the Romans had almost everyone has slaves, many from Germanic tribes, so they must owe everyone?

Finally, if we are looking at systemic discrimination, any word from your founders in Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, re. their roots in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which is a descendant of the Maoist inspired New Communist Movement. The reason I ask is The Black Book of Communism, published by Harvard Univ. Press, says that various flavours of communism and leftism murdered around 100 million people last century. Since Antifa seems to be concerned about “oppression,” they just may want to look at that.

Oh yes, I almost forgot! Could Antifa also advise why your allies in the US are now destroying statues of leading anti-slavery statues, including defacing Lincoln himself, as well as Matthias Baldwin, who fiercely fought against slavery 30 years before the Civil War (in which MILLIONS died to end slavery), John Greeleaf, a prominent Quaker pacifist/anti-abolitionist? Anyhow, I thought “Hate had no home here” – or do your friends in your Tripartite Pact have special exemptions?

Antifa… Looking forward to your answers. Or not.

California State Senator Scott Wiener, And His Weaponized Legislation

This site doesn’t often cover U.S. politics and legislation, but this one is worth making an exception for. Scott Wiener is a California State Senator in the 11th District.

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

There is a lot already covered in the TSCE series. Many of the laws politicians pass absolutely ensure this obscenity will continue. This piece will focus on the various legislation advanced by California State Senator, Scott Wiener, who has been very active. Also, for more general background information, take a look at Open Borders movement, and the NGOs who are supporting it.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Scott Wiener’s Wikipedia page.

CLICK HERE, for SB-132: trans-inmate rights.

CLICK HERE, for SB-145: sex offender designation.

CLICK HERE, for SB-201: intersex surgery ban (children)

CLICK HERE, for SB-233: decriminalizing sex work.

CLICK HERE, for SB-239: reduce penalties for spreading HIV.

CLICK HERE, for SB-888: cash/vouchers to prevent drug use.

CLICK HERE, for SB-932: LGBTQ reporting requirements.

3. Gaslighting Critics As Intolerant Bigots

Wiener has lashed out at critics to his various legislation, calling them homophobes and anti-Semites. Wiener is gay and Jewish, according to his background information, but that is not where the bulk of the hate comes from. His Bills “do” give a legitimate cause for concern, and this appears to be a way of deflecting from that.

4. SB-132: Male Inmates In Female Prisons

SB 132, as amended, Wiener. Corrections.
Existing law establishes the state prisons under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Existing law authorizes a person sentenced to imprisonment in the state prison or a county jail
for a felony to be, during the period of confinement, deprived of those rights, and only those rights, as is reasonably related to legitimate penological interests.

This bill would, commencing January 1, 2021, would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to, during initial intake and classification, and in a private setting, ask each individual entering into the custody of the department to specify the individual’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth, and, if the individual’s gender identity is different from their sex assigned at birth, whether the individual identifies as transgender, nonbinary, or intersex, and their gender pronoun and honorific. The bill would prohibit the department from disciplining a person for refusing to answer or not disclosing complete information in response to these questions. The bill would authorize a person under the jurisdiction of the department to update this information. The bill would prohibit staff and contractors staff, contractors, and volunteers of the department from failing to consistently use the gender pronoun and honorific an individual has specified in verbal and written communications with or regarding that individual that involve the use of a pronoun or honorific.

SB-132 would allow putting prison inmates in whichever prison they want, according to what they claim to be. Disturbingly, this would presumably cover male rapists and sex offenders being allowed into prisons with women. And yes, it also requires prison staff to use preferred pronouns.

5. SB-145: Sex Offender Registry, Gay Pedos

SB 145, Wiener. Sex offenders: registration.
Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, requires a person convicted of one of certain crimes, as specified, to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California, as specified. A willful failure to register, as required by the act, is a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the underlying offense. This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.

Scott Wiener claims there is a loophole, which mandates registry as a sex offender for certain acts, ones that straight couples would presumably not engage in. This Bill would remove the requirement for a Judge to designate the person as a sex offender if there is less than a 10 year age gap. In short, lower the age of the victim this would apply to. Instead of an exemption if the person is 18 years old, 15 to 17 year olds would now be included.

While Wiener may have a valid point, a far better option would be to RAISE the minimum age of the victim overall, not lower it.

Regular readers on this site will likely remember Part 17, and Part 18 of the series. This included lowering the age of consent for anal, and reducing the penalties for sex crimes against children in Canada.

Spoiler: it’s not homophobic to oppose letting adults have sex with children. It’s called being a decent person with some morals.

6. SB-201: Surgeries For Intersexed Children

SB 201, as amended, Wiener. Medical procedures: treatment or intervention: sex characteristics of a minor.
Under existing law, the Medical Practice Act, it is unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to fail to comply with prescribed informed consent requirements relating to various medical procedures, including sterilization procedures, the removal of sperm or ova from a patient under specified circumstances, and the treatment of breast cancer. Any violation of the law relating to enforcement of the Medical Practice Act is a misdemeanor, as specified.

a person born with variations in their physical sex characteristics who is under 6 years of age unless the treatment or intervention is medically necessary. The bill, on or before December 1, 2021, would require the Medical Board of California, in consultation with specified persons and entities, to adopt regulations to determine which treatments and interventions on the sex characteristics of a person born with variations in their physical sex characteristics who is under 6 years of age are medically necessary, as specified. Any violation of these provisions would be subject to disciplinary action by the board, but not criminal prosecution.

SB-201 would make it much harder, if not impossible, for parents of intersex children to get them surgeries so as to better conform with 1 of the 2 genders. Interestingly, Wiener supports the rights of trans-children to do what they want to their bodies. However, parents apparently can’t be trusted to act in their best interests.

7. SB-233: Decriminalizing Sex Work (Hooking)

SB 233, Wiener. Immunity from arrest.
Existing law criminalizes various aspects of sex work, including soliciting anyone to engage in, or engaging in, lewd or dissolute conduct in a public place, loitering in a public place with the intent to commit prostitution, or maintaining a public nuisance. Existing law, the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act (CUCSA), also criminalizes various offenses relating to the possession, transportation, and sale of specified controlled substances.

This bill would prohibit the arrest of a person for a misdemeanor violation of the CUCSA or specified sex work crimes, if that person is reporting that they are a victim of, or a witness to, specified crimes. The bill would also state that possession of condoms in any amount does not provide a basis for probable cause for arrest for specified sex work crimes.

This Bill would decriminalize many minor aspects of sex work, and give immunity to prostitutes for more serious matters if they are reporting crimes to the police.

8. SB-239: No Longer A Felony To Spread HIV

(1) Existing law makes it a felony punishable by imprisonment for 3, 5,or 8 years in the state prison to expose another person to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by engaging in unprotected sexual activity when the infected person knows at the time of the unprotected sex that he or she is infected with HIV, has not disclosed his or her HIV-positive status, and acts with the specific intent to infect the other person with HIV. Existing law makes it a felony punishable by imprisonment for 2, 4, or 6 years for any person to donate blood, tissue, or, under specified circumstances, semen or breast milk, if the person knows that he or she has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or that he or she has tested reactive to HIV. Existing law provides that a person who is afflicted with a contagious, infectious, or communicable disease who willfully exposes himself or herself to another person, or any person who willfully exposes another person afflicted with the disease to someone else, is guilty of a misdemeanor

This bill would repeal those provisions. The bill would instead make the intentional transmission of an infectious or communicable disease, as defined, a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 6 months if certain circumstances apply, including that the defendant knows he or she or a 3rd party is afflicted with the disease, that the defendant acts with the specific intent to transmit or cause an afflicted 3rd party to transmit the disease to another person, that the defendant or the afflicted 3rd party engages in conduct that poses a substantial risk of transmission, as defined, that the defendant or the afflicted 3rd party transmits the disease to the other person, and if the exposure occurs through interaction with the defendant and not a 3rd party, that the person exposed to the disease during voluntary interaction with the defendant did not know that the defendant was afflicted with the disease. The bill would also make it a misdemeanor to attempt to intentionally transmit an infectious and communicable disease, as specified, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 90 days. This bill would make willful exposure to an infectious or communicable disease, as defined, a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 6 months, and would prohibit a health officer, or a health officer’s designee, from issuing a maximum of 2 instructions to a defendant that would result in a violation of this provision. The bill would impose various requirements upon the court in order to prevent the public disclosure of the identifying characteristics, as defined, of the complaining witness and the defendant. By creating new crimes, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

In the notes provided, it shows that this bill would reduce the penalties from knowingly infecting someone with HIV from a 3, 5, or 8 year sentence (and a felony conviction), to a 6 month maximum (tried as a misdemeanor). It also prevents the publication of that offender. This effectively protects such predators, by ensuring that there aren’t real penalties. Check out the full text of the bill.

9. SB-888: Cash Or Vouchers For Meth Users

SB 888, as amended, Wiener. Birth certificates. Substance use disorder services: contingency management services.
Existing law provides for the Medi-Cal program, which is administered by the State Department of Health Care Services, and under which qualified low-income individuals receive health care services, including substance use disorder services that are delivered through the Drug Medi-Cal Treatment Program and the Drug Medi-Cal organized delivery system. The Medi-Cal program is, in part, governed and funded by federal Medicaid program provisions.

This bill would, to the extent funds are made available in the annual Budget Act, expand substance use disorder services to include contingency management services, subject to utilization controls. The bill would require the department to issue guidance and training to providers on their use of contingency management services for Medi-Cal beneficiaries who access substance use disorder services under any Medi-Cal delivery system, including the Drug Medi-Cal Treatment Program and the Drug Medi-Cal organized delivery system. The bill would provide that contingency management services are not a rebate, refund, commission preference, patronage dividend, discount, or any other gratuitous consideration. The bill would authorize the department to implement these provisions by various means, including provider bulletin, without taking regulatory action, and would condition the implementation of these provisions to the extent permitted by federal law, the availability of federal financial participation, and the department securing federal approval.

There was originally provisions to issue new birth certificates indicating whatever gender the person wanted, but that seems to have been removed. As the Bill stands, it would build into the budget, sums of money to help meth users, in the hopes they will get clean.

10. SB-932: Collecting LGBTQ Data Everywhere

SB 932, Wiener. Communicable diseases: data collection.
(1) Existing law requires the State Department of Public Health to establish a list of reportable communicable and
noncommunicable diseases and conditions and to specify the requirements for a health officer, as defined, to report each listed disease and condition. Existing law requires a health officer to report the listed diseases and conditions and to take other specified measures to prevent the spread of disease. A violation of these requirements imposed on a health officer is a crime. This bill would require any electronic tool used by a health officer, as defined, for the purpose of reporting cases of communicable diseases to the department, as specified, to include the capacity to collect and report data relating to sexual orientation and gender identity, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. The bill would also require a health care provider, as defined, that knows of or is in attendance on a case or suspected case of specified communicable diseases to report to the health officer for the jurisdiction in which the patient resides the patient’s sexual orientation and gender identity, if known. Because a violation of these requirements by a health care provider or a health officer would be a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated-local program.

(2) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that with regard to certain mandates no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. With regard to any other mandates, this bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs so mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.

(3) This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately
as an urgency statute

It’s not entirely clear why there would be this need to ask and record everyone’s gender, and who they sleep with. Perhaps it’s to play the victim, and get extra funding at some point.

11. California Has Bigger Problems

There are other Bills that Wiener has been involved with, of course. However, the above sample should demonstrate his priorities as a California State Senator.

Surely, California has far more important issues to deal with than the topics that Scott Wiener has drafted legislation for. The State is bankrupt, and flooded with illegal aliens, a crashed economy, and the social services are near collapse, but he doesn’t seem to care.

It’s not hard to see Wiener’s legislation is deliberate efforts to uproot social norms and to create chaos. There seems to be little to no concern for the long term consequences.

Wiener may not be a pedophile himself, but he certainly seems sympathetic to those who are.

12. Remember The Trudeau Liberals

The content of Scott Wiener’s Bills is shockingly similar to some of the efforts of the Trudeau Government. See here, here, and here.

Never forget, these are some of the crimes which Bill C-75 amended. They are now eligible to be tried summarily (misdemeanor), as opposed to it being mandatory to proceed by indictment (felony).

  • Section 58: Fraudulent use of citizenship
  • Section 159: Age of consent for anal sex
  • Section 172(1): Corrupting children
  • Section 173(1): Indecent acts
  • Section 180(1): Common nuisance
  • Section 182: Indecent interference or indignity to body
  • Section 210: Keeping common bawdy house
  • Section 211: Transporting to bawdy house
  • Section 242: Not getting help for childbirth
  • Section 243: Concealing the death of a child
  • Section 279.02(1): Material benefit – trafficking
  • Section 279.03(1): Withholding/destroying docs — trafficking
  • Section 279(2): Forcible confinement
  • Section 280(1): Abduction of child under age 16
  • Section 281: Abduction of child under age 14
  • Section 291(1): Bigamy
  • Section 293: Polygamy
  • Section 293.1: Forced marriage
  • Section 293.2: Child marriage
  • Section 295: Solemnizing marriage contrary to law
  • Section 435: Arson, for fraudulent purposes
  • Section 467.11(1): Participating in organized crime

Action Canada: Local Branch Of International Planned Parenthood

The International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region, has a Canadian Branch. It’s called Action Canada, and follows much the same ideology.

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

While abortion is trumpeted as a “human right” in Western societies, the obvious questions have to be asked: Why is it a human right? Who are these groups benefiting financially? Will the organs be trafficked afterwards? What will happen to the demographics of countries that are involved in this? Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly enough journalists asking the hard questions.

2. Action Canada’s Corporate Documents


3. Action Canada’s CRA Tax Filings

2015 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $189,977.00 (21.77%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $120,446.00 (13.80%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $562,169.00 (64.43%)
Total revenue: $872,592.00

Charitable programs $568,499.00 (72.58%)
Management and administration $128,937.00 (16.46%)
Fundraising $49,434.00 (6.31%)
Political activities $24,530.00 (3.13%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $11,828.00 (1.51%)
Total expenses: $783,228.00

Total compensation for all positions $301,704.00

2016 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $311,894.00 (20.60%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $69,908.00 (4.62%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $1,132,199.00 (74.78%)
Total revenue: $1,514,001.00

Charitable programs $1,219,877.00 (81.52%)
Management and administration $172,744.00 (11.54%)
Fundraising $49,372.00 (3.30%)
Political activities $54,330.00 (3.63%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,496,323.00

Total compensation for all positions $770,177.00

2017 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $302,923.00 (20.87%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $21,634.00 (1.49%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $1,127,020.00 (77.64%)
Total revenue: $1,451,577.00

Charitable programs $1,094,878.00 (78.20%)
Management and administration $160,827.00 (11.49%)
Fundraising $74,444.00 (5.32%)
Political activities $70,018.00 (5.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,400,167.00

Total compensation for all positions $850,391.00

2018 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $349,408.00 (17.31%)
Non-receipted donations $56,832.00 (2.82%)
Gifts from other registered charities $29,021.00 (1.44%)
Government funding $343,948.00 (17.04%)
All other revenue $1,239,514.00 (61.40%)
Total revenue: $2,018,723.00

Charitable programs $1,621,402.00 (84.10%)
Management and administration $163,382.00 (8.47%)
Fundraising $73,444.00 (3.81%)
Political activities $69,611.00 (3.61%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,927,839.00

Total compensation for all positions $947,188.00

2019 Tax Filings
Receipted donations $282,509.00 (8.00%)
Non-receipted donations $13,749.00 (0.39%)
Gifts from other registered charities $32,210.00 (0.91%)
Government funding $980,419.00 (27.77%)
All other revenue $2,221,381.00 (62.92%)
Total revenue: $3,530,268.00

Charitable programs $3,180,207.00 (90.02%)
Management and administration $210,532.00 (5.96%)
Fundraising $55,866.00 (1.58%)
Political activities $86,109.00 (2.44%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,532,714.00

Total compensation for all positions $1,995,997.00
Full-time employees (17)
Part-time employees (3)

Interesting. It took in some $3.5 million from various sources, and paid $2 million for its 20 employees, or about $100,000 each. As should be obvious, its revenues are steadily going up.

4. Action Canada’s Federal Lobbying

Something that stands out: it isn’t just the Canadian Government (Canadian taxpayers really), who are funding this group. The taxpayers of Denmark and the Netherlands are as well.

The sexual health education is presumably the pedo education system that UNESCO is promoting. And the abortion push is self explanatory.

5. Push For Decriminalization Of Prostitution

Negative consequences of criminalizing sex work
-Fear around legal consequences or harassment if sex workers carry condoms and lubricant, which can be used as evidence of sex work.
-Reduced ability to negotiate safer sex with clients.
-A negative impact on relationships with service providers (such as those providing condoms and harm reduction supplies) for fear of being identified as sex workers, which could lead to police entrapment.

The legislation known as the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act is especially alarming for immigrants. Canada’s sex work laws do not explicitly address migrant sex workers but the objective to “ensure consistency between prostitution offences and the existing human trafficking offences” means that human trafficking is being confused with prostitution. Because migrant sex workers are often identified as “trafficked victims” and because their work is often referred to as “sexual exploitation,” laws and policies that criminalize sex work and migration specifically target sex workers who are racialized and people of colour. This puts already vulnerable populations at higher risk of criminalization and violence.

The criminalization of the purchase of sexual services means sex workers will not seek police protection and support services when they need them, thereby decreasing their ability to report violence to police and take care of their health. It also prevents sex workers from using simple safety strategies like working in pairs, working in familiar areas, or having the time to consult “bad date lists” to help protect themselves against violent or abusive clients.

The mental gymnastics here are stunning. First, it is a pretty big conflict of interest that a group that promotes abortion (and sale of body parts), is also lobbying for prostitution. Seems like one business feeds into another.

Second, how many “immigrants of colour” are coming to Canada and ending up in prostitution?

Third, while explicitly denying that sex work is exploitive, this group details the ways in which it is very exploitive to the victims.

6. Helping Promote Abortion Globally

It shouldn’t surprise anyone, but Action Canada, like the rest of Planned Parenthood, promotes abortion worldwide. Not sure why Jagmeet Singh follows them though.

Also, it seems that restricting abortion in any way is tied to white supremacist ideology. However, it’s unclear how this logic would apply in majority non-white countries.

Apparently, a feminist foreign policy is one that pays to have the children killed in foreign countries. Now, considering that many cultures don’t value women, this would likely lead to a lot of sex selective abortions. How exactly is funding the selective targeting of female babies a “feminist” ideology?

7. Action Canada Supports BLM Movement

No surprise that Action Canada supports the Black Lives Matter groups, despite how violent they often are.

However, black lives DON’T seem to matter when they are being aborted. In fact, in the United States, blacks make up a very disproportionate amount of aborted babies.

8. Bill C-75 Facilitates Organ Trafficking

  • Section 58: Fraudulent use of citizenship
  • Section 159: Age of consent for anal sex
  • Section 172(1): Corrupting children
  • Section 173(1): Indecent acts
  • Section 180(1): Common nuisance
  • Section 182: Indecent interference or indignity to body
  • Section 210: Keeping common bawdy house
  • Section 211: Transporting to bawdy house
  • Section 242: Not getting help for childbirth
  • Section 243: Concealing the death of a child
  • Section 279.02(1): Material benefit – trafficking
  • Section 279.03(1): Withholding/destroying docs — trafficking
  • Section 279(2): Forcible confinement
  • Section 280(1): Abduction of child under age 16
  • Section 281: Abduction of child under age 14
  • Section 291(1): Bigamy
  • Section 293: Polygamy
  • Section 293.1: Forced marriage
  • Section 293.2: Child marriage
  • Section 295: Solemnizing marriage contrary to law
  • Section 435: Arson, for fraudulent purposes
  • Section 467.11(1): Participating in organized crime

It was mentioned in Part 17 and Part 18, how Bill C-75 watered down the criminal penalties for sex crimes against children. It would effectively reduce the punishments for organ trafficking and letting babies die. Just look at that list.

9. Action Canada: Cancel March For Life

In May 2020, this article was published on Rabble. True, this may just be a personal opinion, but as they Executive Director of Action Canada for Sexual and Health Rights, Sandeep Prasad’s words do carry some serious weight.

10. Parliamentarians For Population/Development

The Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD) provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights and development issues. Formed in 1997, CAPPD is open to all sitting Senators and Members of Parliament.

CAPPD coordinates efforts with several parliamentary associations throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe to encourage governments to keep their commitments to reproductive health and women’s rights, as agreed by 179 countries at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt.

Raise parliamentarians’ awareness of population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights and development issues through participation in study tours, international conferences, expert seminars and public events;

Advocate for the full implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (ICPD PoA) and the Beijing Platform for Action;

Consult with government agencies, civil society, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other international agencies and parliamentarians from other countries to assess Canada’s support for relevant international development goals;

Promote cooperation among other parliamentary networks working in the areas of population, sexual and reproductive health, human rights, and development.

This isn’t some lunatic fringe group. There are sitting Members of Parliament (across party lines) who are openly on board with this agenda. At the same time they are supposed to be working for the interests of their constituents, these members are openly acting as lobbyists for the abortion and globohomo agendas.

Planned Parenthood effectively has a trojan horse operating within the legislature.

11. UN Population Replacement Division

This was addressed here, here, and here. While promoting the right to easy abortion (and reduce birth rates), the United Nations also pushes for replacement migration to “bring up the numbers”. This seems illogical, until one realizes what the real goal is.


[1] Decrease the birth rate (abortion, globohomo)
[2] Increase replacement migration

12. Planned Parenthood Is Organ Trafficking

The Center for Medical Progress recently published this video, and it contains many admissions from Planned Parenthood officials.

In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) Monday, Planned Parenthood officials give sworn testimony describing how abortionists alter abortion procedures in order to produce more intact human fetuses and, therefore, more usable fetal tissues and organs that can be sold for profit.

In 2015, the CMP and journalist and activist David Daleiden released a series of videos featuring undercover conversations with Planned Parenthood officials and medical directors. Planned Parenthood and their media allies decried the undercover videos as “edited” and claimed their late-term abortion practices were in complete compliance with the law. As attorney general of California, current vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, prosecuted Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes.

Now, newly unsealed videos of deposition testimonies show these same Planned Parenthood employees confirming under oath what they previously admitted to Daleiden about abortion and fetal tissue harvesting. In the latest video, Planned Parenthood officials testify about their use of paperwork loopholes to feign compliance with federal partial-birth abortion law, as well as how they alter their abortion techniques to obtain intact organs.

There will have to be follow up on this. That said, Planned Parenthood has now admitted to using abortion as a way to generate body parts to sell on the open market. This is not about reproductive care, or making life better for women. It’s about generating a fresh supply of human parts to sell.

The information provided (so far) relates to Planned Parenthood in general. We will have to see how deep Action Canada is in this — if at all.

Child Exploitation, And Other Private Members’ Bills

Private Member’s Bill C-219, introduced by John Nater, would have raised the criminal penalties for child sexual exploitation, and sexual exploitation of a child with a disability. This is one of several interesting bills pending before Parliament.

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

Serious issues like smuggling or trafficking are routinely avoided in public discourse. Also important are the links between open borders and human smuggling; between ideology and exploitation; between tolerance and exploitation; between abortion and organ trafficking; or between censorship and complicity. Mainstream media will also never get into the organizations who are pushing these agendas, nor the complicit politicians. These topics don’t exist in isolation, and are interconnected.

2. Mandatory Minimums For Child Exploitation

Criminal Code
1 Paragraph 153(1.‍1)‍(b) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year.
2 Paragraphs 153.‍1(1)‍(a) and (b) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year.
3 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 286.‍1:
Aggravating circumstance — person with a disability
286.‍11 When a court imposes a sentence for an offence referred to in subsection 286.‍1(1) or (2), it shall consider as an aggravating circumstance the fact that the victim of the offence is a person with a mental or physical disability.

This bill, if passed, would have amended the criminal code, and made sexual exploitation an offence with a mandatory 1 year minimum jail sentence, even if it was tried summarily. Furthermore, it would have added a 1 year minimum to exploitation (summarily or by indictment), if the victim had a disability.

While 1 year is still very lenient, it would at least be a step in the right direction. Bills from Private Members often go nowhere, but this should be an issue everyone can agree on.

Interestingly, this bill was brought up in the last Parliament — Bill C-424 — but never got past first reading. Again, it should be something that everyone can agree is beneficial to society.

3. Property Rights From Expropriation

Expropriation Act
1 Section 10 of the Expropriation Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (11):
(11.‍1) Subsection (11) does not apply if the interest or right to which the notice of intention relates is intended to be expropriated by the Crown for the purpose of restoring historical natural habitats or addressing, directly or indirectly, climate variability, regardless of whether or not that purpose is referred to in the notice or described in the notice as the primary purpose of the intended expropriation.
2 Section 19 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the interest or right to which the notice of confirmation relates is intended to be expropriated by the Crown for the purpose of restoring historical natural habitats or addressing, directly or indirectly, climate variability, regardless of whether or not that purpose is referred to in the notice of intention or described in the notice of intention as the primary purpose of the intended expropriation.

Bill C-222 was introduced by Cheryl Gallant, and would prevent the Canadian Government from forcibly taking your land in order to turn it into a heritage site, or in some convoluted effort to fight climate change. It would amend the Expropriation Act to prevent exactly that.

Gallant was also the only MP to vote against the Liberal Motion to formally adopt the Paris Accord. She voted no, while “conservative” either voted for it, or abstained.

4. Quebec Multiculturalism Exemption

Bloc Quebecois MP Luc Theriault introduced Bill C-226, to exempt Quebec from the Multiculturalism Act. Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to protect your own heritage and culture. However, Quebec is rather hypocritical in simultaneously pushing theirs on other people.

5. Addressing Environmental Racism

Bill C-230 is to address environmental racism.
I have no words for this Bill by Lenore Zann.

6. Social Justice In Pension Plan

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act
1 Section 35 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act is renumbered as subsection 35(1) and is amended by adding the following:
(2) The investment policies, standards and procedures, taking into account environmental, social and governance factors, shall provide that no investment may be made or held in an entity if there are reasons to believe that the entity has performed acts or carried out work contrary to ethical business practices, including
(a) the commission of human, labour or environmental rights violations;
(b) the production of arms, ammunition, implements or munitions of war prohibited under international law; and
(c) the ordering, controlling or otherwise directing of acts of corruption under any of sections 119 to 121 of the Criminal Code or sections 3 or 4 of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.

Bill C-231, from Alistair MacGregor, would have cut off CPPIB (the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board), from investing in areas where any of the above are breached. This is a good idea in principle, even if the details are sparse.

7. Ban On Sex-Selective Abortion


Bill C-233, from Cathay Wagantall, would make it illegal to abort children because of sex. In short, this means targeting female babies. However, it isn’t clear how this would work. Article 70 in the policy declaration says there will be no attempt to pass any abortion legislation, and Article 73 says that foreign aid shouldn’t be given to provide for abortion.

So killing children is okay, as long as it’s done in Canada, and the gender of the baby is not a factor. Makes sense to me.

8. Lowered Voting Age, Conversion Therapy

There are currently two bills: C-240, and S-219, which would lower the voting age to 16. Aside from being a bad idea, this seems a little redundant. There is also S-202, to ban conversion therapy. So, we want 16 year olds to be able to vote, and decide what gender they want to be.

9. National School Food Program

If you want the school to become more of a parent, there is Bill C-201 by Don Davies to do exactly that. It was previously Bill C-446. Now, let’s look at some non-Canadian content.

10. California Lowering Penalties For Anal

San Francisco – Today, Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill 145 to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry. Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, “sexual intercourse” (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not require the offender to go onto the sex offender registry; rather, the judge decides based on the facts of the case whether sex offender registration is warranted or unwarranted. By contrast, for other forms of intercourse — specifically, oral and anal intercourse — sex offender registration is mandated under all situations, with no judicial discretion.

This distinction in the law — which is irrational, at best — disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration, since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse. For example, if an 18 year old straight man has vaginal intercourse with his 17 year old girlfriend, he is guilty of a crime, but he is not automatically required to register as a sex offender; instead, the judge will decide based on the facts of the case whether registration is warranted. By contrast, if an 18 year old gay man has sex with his 17 year old boyfriend, the judge *must* place him on the sex offender registry, no matter what the circumstances.

Until recently, that sex offender registration was for life, even though the sex was consensual. Under 2017 legislation authored by Senator Wiener, registration. Is for a minimum of 10 years, still a harsh repercussion for consensual sex.

SB 145 does not change whether or not particular behavior is a crime and does not change the potential sentence for having sex with an underage person. Rather, the bill simply gives judges the ability to evaluate whether or not to require registration as a sex offender. To be clear, this judicial discretion for sex offender registration is *already* the law for vaginal intercourse between a 15-17 year old and someone up to 10 years older. SB 145 simply extends that discretion to other forms of intercourse. A judge will still be able to place someone on the registry if the behavior at issue was predatory or otherwise egregious. This change will treat straight and LGBT young people equally, end the discrimination against LGBT people, and ensure that California stops stigmatizing LGBT sexual relationships.

California State Senator Scott Wiener, in 2019 introduced Senate Bill SB 145, to stop men who have sex with 15, 16, and 17 year old boys from automatically becoming registered sex offenders. Here is the text of the bill.

The Bill has predictably received plenty of backlash. Criticism of it, however, has been dismissed as homophobia and anti-Semitism. Of course, a better alternative might be to RAISE the age of consent to 18 all around. That would do more to protect children.

If this seems familiar, it should. In 2016, Trudeau introduced Bill C-32, to lower the age of consent for anal sex. Eventually, it was slipped into Bill C-75, which not only reduced the penalties for many child sex crimes, but for terrorism offences as well.

11. New Zealand Loosens Abortion Laws

While New Zealand claimed to be in the middle of a pandemic, Parliament figured now is a good time to have easier access to abortion, even up to the moment of birth. Some really conflicting views on life. See Bill 310-1. Also, their “internet harm” bill seems like a threat to free speech.

Of course, that is not all that New Zealand has been up to lately. There is also taking people to quarantine camps, and denying them leave if they don’t consent to being tested. Yet, the PM thinks that critics are “conspiracy theorists”.

12. Know What Is Really Going On

Yes, this article was a bit scattered, but meant to bring awareness to some of the issues going on behind the scenes. The mainstream media (in most countries) will not cover important issues in any meaningful way. As such, people need to spend the time researching for themselves.

Bill introduced privately can actually be more interesting than what Governments typically put forward. Though they often don’t pass, they are still worth looking at.