March 26: This is a picture of the respirator that the RCMP announces officer may arrive wearing. They ask that people not be afraid.
September 24: This is BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry, explicitly stating that respirators don’t seal properly when there is facial hair on the user. So why is the RCMP letting officers who won’t conform to safety standards remain on the force?
So…. is this a serious health crisis, or not?
1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”
The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Worth mentioning: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations (IHR), that the WHO imposes are legally binding on all members.
2. Important Links
CLICK HERE, for BC Transit press release on masks.
CLICK HERE, for RCMP directive to be clean shaven.
WayBack Machine Archive
CLICK HERE, for RCMP answering calls with respirators.
WayBack Machine Archive
CLICK HERE, for RCMP enforcing Quarantine Act.
WayBack Machine Archive
CLICK HERE, for RCMP August 10 memo on masks.
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CLICK HERE, for angry Sikhs demanding accomodations.
CLICK HERE, for Trudeau bending the knee again.
In other pandering news: Sikhs don’t have to wear helmets while riding motorcycles in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. Perhaps the laws of gravity don’t apply to religious pieces of cloth.
3. BC Transits Masks For “Rider Comfort”
We recognize the advice from health professionals, including Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been to wear face coverings when physical distancing is not possible including on transit vehicles. Customers have indicated making the use of face coverings mandatory will create a more comfortable environment.
While face coverings will be mandatory, the policy will be implemented as an educational step without enforcement. The educational position is aligned with TransLink and other transit agencies in Canada.
We will work hard to ensure customers are aware of our new policy over the coming weeks, and work together to make transit a comfortable environment for staff and customers.
This was covered a while back. BC Transit decided to make it mandatory (well, sort of mandatory), to wear masks to ensure rider comfort. It was based on feedback from riders — specifically — Karens, who felt it was their job to tell others how to live. Same theme with the RCMP.
4. RCMP Clean Shaven Directive, March 19
N95 mask and facial hair
The COVID-19 pandemic is a global issue, and the RCMP is a vital safety service for Canadians. In the interest of your health and safety, we are suspending the facial hair provisions of our Uniform and Dress Manual. All front-line regular members must report to work clean-shaven (or with moustaches of appropriate length) unless subject to a specific approved exemption. This is to ensure that the N95 respiratory mask is able to properly protect you in the event that it is needed on short notice.
If you require an exemption on religious or health grounds, you must speak with your manager.
As outlined in our Occupational Health Advisory on COVID-19, you must ensure your respirator is sealed correctly. Any break in that seal can put you at risk, and one of the most common causes of a breached seal is facial hair.
On March 19, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki issued a directive that all officers were to remain clean shaven, given that masks don’t seal properly if there is bulky facial hair. This makes a great deal of sense, as beards render them useless.
5. RCMP: Don’t Be Afraid Of This, March 26

Protective equipment
Depending on the situation that our police officers are attending, they may wear protective equipment including a mask and goggles, similar to what is shown below.
We know that this may appear alarming, but please understand that this measure is taken in order to ensure our officers safety. For those who witness our police officers responding to calls for service wearing this protective equipment, all our officers are doing is limiting any potential exposure they may have to COVID-19. It does not mean the call for service was related to COVID-19 or that anyone has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
In order to keep the City of Burnaby safe, we need to keep our frontline officers healthy, says Corporal Mike Kalanj. This is simply an extra precaution we’re taking in order to provide the citizens of Burnaby the best police service possible.”
In March 2020, the RCMP announced that it may be responding to certain calls while wearing respirators. This was to be for the safety of the officers involved. What, no tiny piece of cloth as a show of solidarity?
6. RCMP Enforcing Quarantine Act, April 9
While everyone’s efforts can make a difference in this critical period, still more is needed. Where sound information and common sense fail, law enforcement must step in to protect those around them. In addition to its ongoing operations, the RCMP assists in enforcing mandatory isolation orders under the Federal Quarantine Act in communities where it is the police of jurisdiction.
The RCMP admits that a part of its job is enforcing isolation orders under the Quarantine Act. But what the RCMP is really enforcing are the IHR (International Health Regulations) from the World Health Organization.
7. RCMP Wearing Masks “As A Courtesy”, Aug 10
The RCMP is following public health advice by providing front-line employees with non-medical masks. Front-line police officers can use these masks while on duty in situations where personal protective equipment (PPE) is not required but where physical distancing may be difficult or unpredictable.
RCMP Commanding Officers will determine their requirements based on the direction of their local health authority and will distribute masks accordingly.
Wearing non-medical masks as a courtesy to your fellow community members is becoming more common. In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, the RCMP is taking these additional steps so that public can feel comfortable in engaging with police officers in their community.
Some people may be uncomfortable with a police officer approaching them with a mask on and we want to make sure that the people in the communities we serve know they can ask to see police identification, if it is safe to do so.
These measures aren’t about making the public more safe. Instead, it is about making people “feel” safe and comfortable. It’s about the appearance of doing something.
8. Masks Are Just For Show: Dhillon
Retired officer wants resolution
Retired RCMP Insp. Baltej Singh Dhillon, who served nearly 30 years and became the first RCMP officer to wear a turban, said he disagrees with the force’s “blanket policy” because it discriminates against one group of police officers.
He said calls to police are often assessed for risk so officers who wouldn’t be able to meet the standard for a fitted respiratory masks could go to a different call and still serve on the front line.
“Clearly, the PPE is for that time where a police officer feels that he or she is in a higher-risk situation where they may be exposed to COVID-19,” said Dhillon. “Because I think you can generally see that RCMP officers are currently working in our communities, not wearing masks the moment they leave the detachment.”
In an interesting bit of disclosure, a retired RCMP Inspector admits the masks are entirely for show. He claims that officers routinely take the mask off as soon as they leave the detachment.
9. Trudeau Cucks: Diversity Tops Safety
In what should surprise no one, Trudeau, or at least his clone, has declared that it’s a human rights violation to make ethnic groups comply with safety regulations.
However, considering this “pandemic” is a hoax to begin with, it may be an instance of two wrongs making a right.
10. Masks Are About Submission, Not Safety

Not sure who actually created these, but the NPC comics here illustrate a valid point. If masks work, why should people care if others refuse to wear one? It’s almost as if there was another agenda at play.