OMERS And The Questionable Contracts With LifeLabs

June 23, 2021, LifeLabs received a $66.3 million contract from the Public Health Agency of Canada. It was originally for $28.8 million, but the terms were amended. The company had certainly negotiated other arrangements before, but this was big. The purpose of this one was testing kits for the “virus” that’s terrorizing the world. The Minister of Public Services and Procurement would oversee the issuing of such agreements.

It’s not just the vaccine contracts that are worth a lot of money. Testing kits may in fact be worth even more, given for frequently they are used. As such, it’s important to do a little due diligence on who’s being awarded these deals.

OMERS, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, and some of its organizations have been in the spotlight before, but this most recent time needs to be discussed. It has to do with certain contracts that Ottawa had awarded. Unsurprisingly, Global News hasn’t addressed this.

The federal government has awarded three companies with contracts worth up to $631 million in total for COVID-19 border testing and other screening services.
Public Services and Procurement Canada says Switch Health, LifeLabs and Dynacare are carrying out testing of international travelers entering Canada at airports and land border crossings.

Last week, the Federal Government announced some $631 million to be spent for virus testing kits. Notwithstanding that the pandemic is a hoax, and the tests useless, something else is noteworthy.

Anita Anand used to be the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. In short, it was her job to oversee large purchases made by the Canadian Government. Naturally, this requires a great deal of transparency and integrity. However, things may not be so simple.

Specifically, her husband, John Knowlton, helps run OMERS. As the name implies, it manages the pension plans for many Provincial workers. Unsurprisingly, it owns stocks and bonds in other companies.

Conflicts of interest — or even the apparent conflict — must always be avoided. And this one looks far too cozy to simply be an oversight. In fairness, it could be legitimate, but does raise real questions.

Knowlton’s position is awkward, to say the least. While he’s now a Director at OMERS, he held similar roles in LifeLabs and Teranet. OMERS has interests in both of them. His company will directly profit from extra contracts awarded for testing equipment. Blacklock’s reported on this issue earlier, and it was denied that there was any insider dealing involved.

Something else happened Provincially a few months back that requires our attention. It involved engaging in some influence peddling of Doug Ford by a longtime ONPC operative.

On August 5, 2021, Jim Burnett of the Pathway Group lobbied the Ontario Government on behalf of OMERS, his client. What was the nature of the lobbying? According to the Ontario Registry:

Ongoing discussions in connection with investment in LifeLabs, Teranet, and other related OMERS investments relating to diagnostic lab sector reforms and proposals for alternative service delivery models for statutory registries and associated particular government services as they arise.

In short, this meeting was about getting the Ontario Government to pump money into certain companies and by extension, OMERS. However, Burnett has quite the connected past.

  • Deputy Campaign Manager (2020, O’Toole CPC run)
  • Targeted Seat Manager (ONPC, Ford 2018)
  • Deputy Campaign Manager for Christine Elliott (ONPC run)
  • Campaign Chair for Kevin O’Leary (2016 CPC run)
  • Campaign Organizer for Patrick Brown (2015 ONPC run)
  • Working for Tim Hudak (ONPC 2000 to 2001)
  • Working for Ernie Hardeman (ONPC 2000)

In all honesty, this looks shady as hell. Burnett used his considerable political ties in order to advance the business interests of his new client. The fact that he was a handler for Erin O’Toole may be the reason that the CPC doesn’t seem to object to such procurement deals.

While Anita Anand seems to influence the purchasing Federally, there’s some activity going on in Ontario as well. Glad to know that everything is done above board. This happens elsewhere as well.

For what it’s worth, LifeLabs has been lobbying in B.C. as well, seeking more contracts. The company openly admits that OMERS may be impacted by the outcome there. The lobbyist, Michael Gardiner, is a former Provincial Director of the BCNDP. In case anyone is unaware, the NDP is currently in power in this Province.

In February 2021, Teranet paid the Saskatchewan Government a visit, to talk about purchasing a land registration system. This was done by Kory Teneycke, who currently acts as a handler for Doug Ford.

Whenever political connections are intertwined in purchases like these, it’s always beneficial to start asking questions. Now, this last subject is off topic, but needs a mention:

It’s never a good sign to be featured by the World Economic Forum. OMERS also plays along with the climate change scam. It claims that such considerations will be factored into all future decisions.

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time. We believe that as institutional investors, we have an important role to play as the world transitions to a lower carbon economy. We are focused on growing sustainably, by developing partnerships across our portfolio and finding new investment opportunities that support the transition

OMERS has endorsed the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as it believes it is a helpful standard to deliver the information investors need to assess climate risk. We believe that engaging with our portfolio companies where climate change presents material risks, and striving to improve overall reporting and transparency, will enhance our understanding of the financial risks posed by climate change on our portfolio.

Like with other pension funds and investment companies, there appears to be a deliberate effort to embrace the green agenda laid out by Governments and their handlers. This happens even when it’s not necessarily what’s best for the plan holders.

Things are rarely as simple as they appear.

(5) John Knowlton LinkedIn Profile
(9) Knowlton OMERS Infrastructure – Investments
(12) Knowlton OMERS _ World Economic Forum
(18) Jim Burnett LinkedIn Profile
(20) Michael Gardiner LinkedIn Profile

Trudeau Using Taxpayer Money To Subsidize “Opposition” Parties, Liberals Too

Ever wonder why Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel-Garner, and the other so-called “Conservatives” never really push back on Trudeau? Isn’t it strange that the “Official Opposition” does next to nothing in the way of being an opposition? There may be another reason for this. Specifically, it may be that the CPC has been a recipient of CEWS, the wage subsidy. The Conservative Fund is essentially the fundraising/financial arm of the Conservative Party of Canada.

This isn’t just on the right. The New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada also gets the same financing from the Liberal Government it claims to hate.

And who exactly is the the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada? Well, if you go on the Liberal Party of Canada website, at the bottom they explain that they are the registered agent for the LPC. This is another registered corporation.

Copyright 2021 Liberal Party of Canada. All Rights Reserved. Authorized by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, registered agent for the Liberal Party of Canada

In other words, the group that runs the financial operations of the Liberal Party are financially benefitting from policies like the CEWS Program, which Trudeau enacted. Talk about a conflict of interest.

The United Conservative Association, as is obvious, is the group that runs the UCP in Alberta. This is headed by Jason Kenney, a globalist ex-Bilderberger, and current Premier of Alberta. Interestingly, the Alberta Liberals are also on the dole.

Out in B.C., the Green Party (which used to be in a coalition with John Horgan’s B.C. Liberals) has also been getting CEWS.

This is pretty screwy, isn’t it? As politicians are forcing people to shut down their businesses, they enact policies which profit their own parties. Of course, this is in addition to rules which allow donors to write off the bulk of their contributions with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Also worth a review is the previous article. It outlined how several Bar Associations, and hundreds of law firms in Canada were getting bailed out by Trudeau. Just a thought, but perhaps they don’t want this to end anytime soon.

Just to reiterate, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is just one program that these organizations would be eligible to collect from.

Where’s the independent media on this? Turn out many of them, such as True North, are getting the subsidies as well. So does the National Citizens Coalition, which employs Spencer Fernando. Naturally, mainstream outlets like Postmedia, Bell, Rogers, and Torstar are pocketing these funds, and others. Perhaps this is why no one will come clean with the public on how widespread it is.

Moral of the story: if you’re not following the money, you’re flying blind as to what’s really going on.

(2) (see new link)

(L) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Partners, Funding


Nova Scotia FOI Shows Province Has No Evidence “Asymptomatic Spreading” Even Exists

Freedom of information requests (or access to information) can often unearth a treasure trove of data. Alternatively, it can force the body in question to admit that it doesn’t have records that are being sought. After 2 years of this “pandemic” nonsense, one would think that a huge body of evidence had piled up.

Our friend in Nova Scotia is back at it again, digging up dirt and information about the tyranny of Robert Strang. Here are some of the latest finds. Previously, there was the hospitalization scam debunked, the lack of data for masks in schools, the screwy definition of “cases”, and Nova Scotia reduced (yes, reduced) ICU capacity.

Now, let’s see what a doozy the latest round of FOIs bring:

On November 22, 2021 Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act).
We understand your application to be for a copy of the following:
Any record, proof, document, report that an asymptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia.
We have conducted a thorough search of our records, but we were not able to find any records responsive to your request. We are now closing your file.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

So, Nova Scotia has had a mask mandate for well over a year, in order to stop healthy people from “spreading a virus”. However, the Government admits it has no evidence to support any of this.

For some wider context: despite all the fear-porn, there is no hospitalization wave in Nova Scotia. In fact, the Province has reduced ICU capacity in recent years. Although there’s no evidence this virus exists, let alone can spread in healthy people, they impose masks on children. And all of this came after forcing businesses to shut down (many for good), and all in some abstract sense of public health. Let’s not forget the attempts to ban public gatherings.

Pretty strange, after the tyrant Iain Rankin was voted out, Nova Scotians were expecting liberty. Instead, they got Tim Houston, who does pretty much the same thing. It’s almost as if they’re all in it together.

UPDATE TO ARTICLE: It appears that Nova Scotia doesn’t have its own records on this subject. It seems that it simply relies on PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) and WHO to tell it what to do. Interesting. For some background on PHAC’s real roots, check this out.

Also, if you haven’t looked at Fluoride Free Peel, Christine Massey and her group have done a stunning amount of work proving that this “virus” has never actually been isolated. What is shown on television is just a computer simulation of what people claim they believe it looks like.

It’s nice to see truthers hard at work, but we need more of them.

(1) 2021-185 No Responsive records, Asymptomatic Spreading

CANImmunize: Working With Big Pharma On National Vaccination Certification, Medical Research

In Nova Scotia, as well as other areas, you can use CANImmunize to book your vaccine appointment. Do you think you need to? Well, perhaps reading through this information of their partners will be enlightening.

This company openly admits that your health data may be sold or used for research purposes. Now, identifying details will likely be removed, but it’s still pretty underhanded. Not only is it receiving Government (or taxpayer) funding, but your data is likely worth money. In other words, the public financing its own invasion of privacy. More on that later.

CANImmunize is also part of the Vaccine Safety Network, which was established by the World Health Organization. It’s a mixture of various Government agencies and pro-vaccine NGOs pushing the big pharma agenda. You will find an awful lot of overlapping names here.

CANImmunize describes itself as “Ottawa-based technology company specializing in immunization software. It developed the CANImmunize app, a pan-Canadian digital immunization tracking system that helps Canadians keep track of their vaccinations with a mobile app and web portal”. In short, it’s laying the ground work for a vaccine passport, despite how harmless this sounds. Interestingly, this was set up in 2012, long before this so-called “pandemic”.

Incidently, PHAC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, isn’t a Canadian entity. It was created by an Order In Council in 2004 to serve various World Health Organization functions.

For a walk down memory lane, the Vaccine Credential Initiative has been hard at work trying to get a global vaccine passport. The Government of Ontario is a partner organization. There’s reason to fear that this is going to be the new ID required to move around.

It’s also recognized by the European Centre for Prevention and Disease Control, their equivalent of the CDC. That’s just lovely. Now who else is responsible for advancing, funding, and promoting CANImmuize?

1. Pfizer A Major Sponsor/Endorser Of CANImmunize

Pfizer is a prominent sponsor and endorses of CANImmunize. This is a significant conflict of interest, considering that it’s likely the biggest financial benefactor of the mass vaccination agenda. That said, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

2. Sanofi Pasteur Also Interested In This Venture

It’s worth mentioning that Sanofi also provides indirect funding to CANImmunize, by financing and supporting their other partners. Perhaps this is a way to make it more difficult to see just how much money is coming in.

3. I-Boost-Immunity Endorser Of CANImmunize

IBoostImmunity has ties to UNICEF and the BC Public Health Association. It’s sponsored by: London Drugs, Sanofi Pasteur, and Merck. London Drugs is a large chain in the West, and has immunization clinics in virtually every location.

4. Kids Boost Immunity Funded By Big Pharma

Kids Boost Immunity is partnered with UNESCO and the U.N. It also is sponsored by companies by GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer and Sanofi Pasteur. Are we seeing the common thread here?

5. Immunize Canada Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies

Immunize Canada is financed by the usual suspects. And taking a quick through its “member organization”, many of them also receive money from those same groups.

6. Vaccines411 Anonymous Referral Service For Vaccination

Who We Are is an online vaccination clinic locator which also includes reliable immunization resources for Canadians to easily find the vaccination resources they need. The website was officially launched in May 2011. This free online service was created in order to facilitate the process of vaccination for the many Canadians who do not know where to turn to for this kind of information.

Vaccines411® is managed by a dedicated team of professionals, which includes writers, researchers, translators, and developers. The content and resources provided on Vaccines411 is selected and reviewed by our team based on clarity, objectivity, and the credibility of its sources (i.e. government sourcing, medical reviews etc). However, please note that we are not healthcare professionals and that the information provided on is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her healthcare professionals.

This is supposed to an online referral service, for people looking to get their shots. Although the names seem to be kept hidden, it’s not difficult to imagine where the money comes from.

7. Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists: Pregnant Women

This was covered in an earlier article. The Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists is supposed to be concerned with promoting the health and well being of women and children. Instead, its Pfizer money has likely contributed to the absurd recommendations with pregnant women.

8. Canada Immunization Research Network

CIRN, the Canadian Immunization Research Network, is another group that has been previously covered on this site. Like the others, it supports CANImmunize too. This organization takes money from the public, and is supposed to be neutrally investigating and researching how safe and effective vaccines are. However, given the cash they also get from drug companies makes that suspicious.

9. Federation of Medical Women Of Canada, Funded By Pharma

The Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) is funded by by drug companies. That’s pretty twisted, considering that pushing harmful medications on women will lead to far fewer of them alive.

10. Meningitis Foundation Canada, Funded By Pfizer

Now, this group, Meningitis Foundation Canada, probably has many donors. However, Pfizer has presumably contributed enough that it merits displaying it prominently across that main page. But don’t worry, that won’t impact whether or not certain therapeutics are recommended, or how often.

Enough about the donors and sponsors. The available information about the technology itself and the company is pretty chilling.

Kumanan Wilson, the CANImmunize Chief Executive Officer, say in his biography:

An internal medicine physician, scientist and expert in digital health, Dr. Wilson is an internationally, widely published expert in public health and immunization and the founder of the CANImmunize project. Currently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization Dr. Wilson’s vision is to use technology to solve public health problems

In other words, his project is at least partially funded by WHO and the Gates Foundation. It’s not like they have an agenda or anything.

If all of this isn’t creepy enough, CANImmunize provides plenty of promotional material promotion their App, and vaccines in general. Some of this seems clearly targeted to children.

As for its privacy policies:

CANImmunize will use your information to send you communications about vaccinations and other healthy behaviours, including information from integration partners such as local health authorities, updates about outbreaks near you if you choose to use location services, and periodic updates about CANImmunize Inc and its platforms. You will be offered the ability to opt out or unsubscribe from these communications. If you have consented to sharing your information with one or more integration partners, CANImmunize will share it with them.

CANImmunize may transfer your personal information, excluding health information (except in cases where you send us unsolicited health information – which we delete – outside of the platform such as through support channels), to domestic or international third parties including, for example, IT services, for processing that furthers the purposes for which you consented to provide the personal information. These transferees will be required to maintain privacy and data security standards similar to our own. This sort of transfer is considered a use not a disclosure under Federal privacy legislation. For more information, see here:

By creating an account and storing your immunization information in the app, you are also consenting to allow CANImmunize to use it in de-identified and/or aggregate form for research purposes in the health sector. De-identified information is information about you, but it has been stripped of identifiers such as your name or date of birth and cannot be associated with you as an identifiable individual. Aggregate information is data combined from several measurements; when data is aggregated, groups of observations are replaced with summary statistics such that the data cannot be linked back to an identifiable individual. This will happen only where the research has been approved by, and is protected by, the policies of a Research Ethics Board.

CANImmunize will also use aggregate information to inform its understanding of trends in vaccination, opportunities to improve immunization rates or to generate other insights and may share this aggregate information with third parties.

Before CANImmunize uses or discloses your personal information for any other purpose, we will always ask for your consent.

Whether you want it or not, your medical information is available to be sold to 3rd parties for the purposes of research. Sure, your name and contact details may be purged, but you are part of future data compilation. It seems that this may be one of the biggest data harvests in history in Canada.

Again, by taking part and using the app, you are presumed to have consented. Now, if this limited assurance isn’t enough for you, try out the terms of service:

Use of CANImmunize is governed by these Terms of Use. We may amend or modify these Terms of Use at any time, without notice. The current version of these Terms of Use will be available each time you access the website. By using CANImmunize, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and are responsible for reviewing these Terms of Use as well as the CANImmunize Privacy Policy. You also agree that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using CANImmunize and are prohibited from attempting to violate the security of the website. You should not use CANImmunize if you do not agree to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, understand what they mean, or do not consent for your data to be used.

In other words, CANImmunize can change their terms at any time, without notice. On the other hand, the people using this app are expected to read and understand what’s going on. Feels great, doesn’t it?

(4) Vaccine Safety Net _ Vaccine Safety Net
(8) Partners _ CANImmunize
(10) Sponsors _ I Boost Immunity
(12) Our Partners _ Kids Boost Immunity
(14) Member Organizations _ immunizecanada
(18) Sponsors & Partners _
(20) Our Supporters
(22) Promotion _ CANImmunize
(25) Privacy Policy _ CANImmunize

Who’s Pulling John Horgan’s Strings?

B.C. Premier John Horgan claims that he acts in the best interests of the residents of the Province. Supposedly, eliminating freedom and medical autonomy are all done in the name of the public good. But is that really the case? Are Horgan and his associates truly bumbling fools, or is there something more nefarious at play?

Due to reader request, this sequel is going up.

This series continues on who’s pulling the strings of influential politicians. Previously, Elizabeth May, Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel, Steven Guilbeault (Part 1 and Part 2), Doug Ford (many times), Rankin & Strang, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Brian Pallister and Blaine Higgs were covered.

In case anyone thinks that Bonnie Henry is really the brains behind the “pandemic effort”, she’s not. She’s just another actor, reading a script that’s provided. Without someone to tell her what to say, she starts babbling idiotically, such as repeatedly admitting there’s no science behind anything she does. She did find the time to publish a book though.

An honest and transparent media would call Horgan, Henry, Dix and Farnworth out for their obvious lies and deceptions. However, with enough subsidies, that doesn’t happen.

Here are the open lobbyist registrations that are flagged by searching vaccines. A lot of the names should be familiar. If they’re not familiar, then you have a lot of catching up to do.

1. Jean-Marc Prevost, Counsel Public Affairs

This has been addressed in an earlier piece. Prevost was the “Director of Strategic Communications” for Bonnie Henry immediately before becoming a lobbyist for Counsel Public Affairs. This firm has been lobbying all across Canada on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, the company that makes AstraZeneca.

Prevost has also been a handler for the Alberta and Manitoba Governments before moving over to BC. now lobbies on behalf of Innovative Medicines Canada, which represents pretty much the entire pharmaceutical industry.

2. Brad Lavigne, Counsel Public Affairs

Before becoming a drug lobbyist, Brad Lavigne was very involved with the Federal NDP. He even worked in the Office of Jack Layton, when he was Leader of the Official Opposition. He got very close to having some real power, but now channels it behind the scenes. Lavigne has also been a CBC commentator since 2004, though it’s doubtful he’s ever been asked hard questions about his lobbying.

3. Kiersten Combs, AstraZeneca

Considering that Bonnie’s ex-Communications Director now lobbies on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, it stands to reason that AstraZeneca would benefit. After all, this is the company that actually manufactures the product.

4. Matt Williamson, Global Public Affairs

Matt Williamson has worked with both the Governments of Manitoba and Alberta before becoming a lobbyist in B.C. It’s interesting, his career path seems pretty similar to Jean-Marc Prevost. He’s also working for Innovative Medicines Canada, which means pretty much everyone.

5. Geraldine Vance, B.C. Pharmacy Association

Early in her career, Geraldine Vance was “Communications Counsel” for the Government of B.C. Now, she lobbies on behalf of the B.C. Pharmacy Association, which is funded by drug companies. But that’s probably irrelevant. Just because a group is funded by big pharma, that doesn’t mean there’s any conflict of interest.

6. Marwan Akar, Merck Canada

Interesting side note: Marwan Akar got his MBA from Imperial College London. This is where the infamous Neil Ferguson conducts his doomsday modeling.

7. Cole Pinnow, Pfizer Canada

Pfizer really doesn’t need an introduction, does it? Heck, they donate to, and sponsor, nearly everything under the sun.

Anyhow, this isn’t everyone on the list. However, they are some of the more notable names who’ve been pulling Horgan’s strings lately.

One also has to wonder if this lobbying factored into Horgan’s decision to terminate anyone in the B.C. Civil Service who refuses to take the experimental shots.

Never mind that having “interim authorization” is not the same thing as being approved. These sickos in Government want to get everyone, even the children.

Of course, B.C. did still permit indoor wine tasting earlier this year, despite ordering a shut down of other businesses. The fact that Bonnie Henry co-owned a winery in Keremeos probably factored into that decision. Actually, Bonnie being on the sauce would explain a lot of what she says and does.

After all, she’s done a 180 since her testimony in a 2015 Ontario Labour Arbitration case over the Sault Area Hospital’s vaccinate-or-mask policy.

So who’s pulling Horgan’s strings? It probably isn’t Adrian Dix, the Health Minister. His background in history and political science doesn’t qualify him to do anything. So who could it be?


Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists Funded By Pfizer, Recommends Vaccines & Boosters

Many would think that the Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Canada is an independent organization, and that it has the best interests of women and families at heart. That may not be the case, as shown by some of their recommendations.

It’s fitting that on their home page, they have a computer simulation of the coronavirus. Quite appropriate, since it’s never been isolated, or even shown to exist. Now, what does this group have to say about vaccinating pregnant women?

In Canada, NACI has preferentially advised that “a complete vaccine series with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to individuals in the authorized age group who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Informed consent should include discussion about emerging evidence on the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in these populations. (Strong NACI Recommendation). Contraindications to vaccination are few and a complete description is available within the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidance document.

Given that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe COVID-related morbidity and mortality, they represent a population that should be prioritized for vaccination in situations where vaccine supply is limited. Specifically, the WHO has recommended that pregnant women be prioritized in stage II, representing a situation where the supply is only sufficient to immunize 11-20% of a population. Importantly, the WHO recommendation is upheld in all epidemiologic situations including community transmission, sporadic cases as well as no cases.

Individuals who are discovered to be pregnant during their vaccine series or shortly afterward should not be counselled to terminate pregnancy based on having received the vaccine. If conception is presumed to predate the first dose, it is recommended to follow the same procedures for active surveillance (as available) as would be activated if the pregnancy was known at the time of vaccination. A registry to track pregnancy outcomes for individuals receiving any vaccine doses during pregnancy is being planned for Canada. Pregnant individuals can get more information here:

Pregnant women mount immune responses comparable to the non-pregnant population and vaccine efficacy of the COVID vaccines among cohorts of pregnant women are comparable to non-pregnant women. There is no data to suggest that pregnant women who meet criteria for a booster dose should be treated differently than the non-pregnant population. While timing and criteria for booster doses may vary by jurisdiction, pregnant women should receive a booster dose when recommended.

A registry to track the effects of vaccines on pregnant women is being planned? That’s certainly good to know. These recommendations to take experimental concoctions are pretty shocking, or at least they should be.

Now, why is this group so pro-vaccine, even when the long term effects are unknown? One strong possibility is that they are funded by Pfizer, Merck and Bayer. Shocker, that the major donors to this organization would profit considerably from more people getting the shot. It seems that SOGC is quite appreciative of their partners.

SOGC also provides a set of talking points for health care workers to give to uncertain patients. It’s no surprise that a group funded by drug companies recommends to these “professionals” that everything is safe and effective.

Back in April 2020, SOGC repeated from WHO that abortion is a human right, and that it must not be denied. Pretty screwy to be starting a global pandemic, and the first thought is to wipe out the next generation. The World Health Organization seems to have a sick fascination with what they consider to be human rights.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with continuing education, especially in professions like health care. After all, information does change. That being said, it’s disturbing when the CME — or continuing medical education — is funded by drug companies, at least in Ontario.

As Searchlight Pharma, which is a sponsor of the CME program, they are a company with holdings in many related products for women. Duchesnay also sells many of the same things. It’s fair to assume that this “continuing education” will be little more than a trade show, where doctors get told about what products to push.

As for MD Financial Management, that arose after the CMA’s — Canadian Medical Association’s — push to get doctors saving and investing. It’s no surprise that the pharma industry is a good one to invest in.

To anyone thinking that you are getting (at least somewhat) independent and impartial advice, keep this in mind. The pharmaceutical industry has vested interests in making sure you’re talking to experts with an agenda.

Finally, it’s worth a mention that this group is getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, run by the Canada Revenue Agency. This means that taxpayers are forced to help subsidize a group that’s pushing vaccines on pregnant women. Of course, this is in addition to the funding it gets from drug companies.

Certainly makes one proud to pay taxes, knowing that these are the places that they end up going to. In essence, we are topping up a drug marketing company that wants to kill our children. Anyone who still has faith in politicians or government at this point is completely delusional.

(2) SOGC_Statement_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_Pregnancy
(5) Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists COVID-19 Champions
(7) SOGC Talking Points For Health Care Workers
(9) Induced Abortion – Pandemic Guidance WHO
(12) SOGCA Continuing Medical Education Funded By Pharma
(14) Portfolio – Searchlight Pharma

(A) Canadian Pharmaceutical Sciences Foundation Funded By Big Pharma
(B) Canadian Pharmacists Association: Subsidies While They Lobby Against You
(C) CDN Immunization Research Network Funded By Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi
(D) B.C. Pharmacy Association Funded By Drug Companies
(E) U.S. Council On Patient Safety: Women’s Health
(F) Emergent BioSolutions Lobbying All Federal Parties
(G) British Fertility Society Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies
(H) American College Health Foundation Is Funded By Big Pharma-and-insurance/
(I) Myocarditis Foundation Gets Donations From Big Pharma