Many Other Periodicals Receiving The “Pandemic Bucks” In Order To Push The Narrative

The Voice of Pelham is one of many dozens of media outlets which receives taxpayer subsidies as “Covid relief”. A reasonable person may wonder to what degree that impacts the content they cover.

1. The Media Is Not Loyal To The Public

Truth is essential in society, but the situation in Canada is worse than people imagine. In Canada (and elsewhere), the mainstream media, periodicals, and fact-checkers are subsidized, though they deny it. Post Media controls most outlets in Canada, and many “independents” have ties to Koch/Atlas. Real investigative journalism is needed, and some pointers are provided.

2. Canadian Media Is Heavily Subsidized

This rabbit hole goes much deeper than Aberdeen Publishing, or Postmedia. Nearly all media in Canada, whether it is mainstream, alternvative, or just an infrequent publisher, is receiving financial support. And this doesn’t even factor into the ad space that is bought up. Can it be any wonder that they aren’t too critical of the official narratives?

3. Records Of More Periodical Subsidies

The 40-Mile County Commentator Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $112,834
The 40-Mile County Commentator Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $28,209
Alaska Highway News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $73,353
Assiniboia Times Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $21,898
The Battlefords Regional News-Optimist Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $68,449
Bridge River Liollet News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $19,190
Bridge River Liollet News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $5,000
Burnaby Now Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $196,439
Carlyle Observor Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $16,934
Dawson Creek Mirror Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $58,958
Delta Optimist Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $183,342
East Central Recorder Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $18,145
Estevan Mercury Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $50,362
Maple Creek & Southwest Advance Times Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $30,438
Maple Creek & Southwest Advance Times Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $7,610
Maple Creek News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $29,897
Maple Creek News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $7,474
Midweek Peak Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $41,999
New Westminister Record Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $196,204
North Shore News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $355,882
Orinha Media Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $43,440
Pique Newsmagazine Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $272,821
Post City Magazines Inc. Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $504,262
Powell River Peak Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $48,670
Powell River Peak Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $12,168
Prairie Post East Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $63,302
Prairie Post East Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $21,430
Richmond News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $204,988
The Shaunavon Standard Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $18,625
The Shaunavon Standard Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $5,000
Squamish Chief Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $89,205
The Sunny South News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $75,565
The Sunny South News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $18,891
The Taber Times Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $33,262
The Taber Times Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $8,316
Thompson Citizen Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $41,167
Tri-City News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $246,952
Unity-Wilkie Press Herald Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $30,048
Unity-Wilkie Press Herald Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $7,512
Vancouver Courier Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $317,825
The Vauxhall Advance Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $8,261
The Vauxhall Advance Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $5,000
Virden Empire-Advance Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $36,821
Virden Empire-Advance Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $9,205
The Voice Of Pelham Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $18,962
Western Investor Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $31,001
Westlock News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $56,174
Westlock News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $14,044
Westwind Weekly News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $4,532
Westwind Weekly News Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $5,000
Weyburn Review Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $36,741
Weyburn Review Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $9,185
Weyburn This Week Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $28,686
Yorkton This Week Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $56,174
Yorkton This Week Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $14,044

Note: There are organizations that received funding during this time that WEREN’T specifically labelled as Covid funding. That said, if they had any “understanding” when receiving any grants, it would apply to all of them.

This isn’t all of the organizations getting money. However, search HERE to see if your local paper is getting money as well.

There are also relatively few owners controlling most of the above outlets, such as:

  • Alta Newspaper Group Limited Partnership
  • LMP Publication Limited Partnership
  • Prairie Newspaper Group Limited
  • Whistler Publishing Limited Partnership

4. Local Journalism Initiative

Association De La Press Francophone Jun. 10, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $600,000
Canadian Association Of Community TV Users And Stations May 7, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $1,200,000
Canadian News Media Association May 1, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $14,400,000
Community Radio Fund Of Canada Inc. Apr. 29, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $2,000,000
National Ethnic Press And Media Council Of Canada Jun. 4, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $1,200,000
Quebec Community Newspapers Association Jun. 28, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2021 $600,000

Even before this “pandemic” hit, Ottawa was handing out subsidies. These grants are for the Local Journalism Initiative. Not sure why we need to fund the National Ethnic Press and Media Council. Isn’t that the opposite of local?

5. Canadians Get Raw Deal Here

What does all this mean? It means that the vast majority of media in Canada, even so-called “independents” are being financially propped up by Ottawa. Or rather, it means that they are supported by taxes and debt that the public is incurring.

It must be noted, that in addition to direct grants, Governments further use public money to purchase ads, to reinforce these claims. The result is a near monopoly in the media. Considering the many unanswered questions, this seems particularly dangerous.

Does any of this help Canadians? Does having a press unable or unwilling to address difficult questions benefit society in any way? Certainly not. For real journalism, check out this page.

4 Replies to “Many Other Periodicals Receiving The “Pandemic Bucks” In Order To Push The Narrative”

  1. Guys, you have excellent investigations, but the writing is often difficult to understand and nobody has the time to wade through it’s funky format, etc. The above piece would be an excellent article if written up by a journalist. Is there budget to do that? It would leverage the content and probably double your readership. Reach out to me if I can help in any way k.

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