Meet David Fisman: OST; ETFO; Gaslighting; When A Side Hustle Goes Horribly Wrong

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health, or DLSPH, is effectively a branch of the World Health Organization. While masquerading as scientists, this UofT cabal provides political cover for Doug Ford. There are conflicts of interest everywhere.

This focuses on David Fisman. It’s not because he has anything particularly interesting or insightful to say. Instead, it’s because his side grift with ETFO accidentally exposed a huge issue.

With vaccines slowly being rolled out, we must ensure that we do everything we can to protect those who are most vulnerable, especially as we can see the end of these challenging times in the months ahead.

Noted Hammond, “The provincial government’s failure to listen to the advice of medical professionals has resulted in the current crisis we are facing. So now, we are asking Public Health Units to use their authority to reconsider the decision to resume in-person learning for all elementary students on January 11, particularly in communities where the rate of community transmission is high, and to implement asymptomatic surveillance testing in schools to ensure that we can better understand the role that schools are playing in the spread of the virus and base future decisions on sound data.”

“There’s a 10 per cent daily increase in ICU occupancy in Ontario right now. This is not the right time to restart in-person learning,” said Dr. David Fisman, Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Toronto. “We have to assume that there is a lot of asymptomatic COVID-19 in schools. It is irresponsible to send children and educators back to schools without knowing for sure that it is safe to do so.”

ETFO continues to demand that the provincial government provide much-needed supports to families, especially during periods when schools are closed to in-person attendance. “We also continue our advocacy to ensure that the government acknowledge and address the disproportionate impact the pandemic has had on marginalized communities, in particular racialized and low-income families,” said Hammond.

A safe return cannot be ensured unless urgent and immediate actions are taken to implement a safety plan that reduces class sizes, improves ventilation, and introduces broad in-school asymptomatic testing when in-person attendance resumes.

Fisman acted as a sort of “hired gun” on behalf of ETFO to demand that physical classrooms remain shut down. People rightly saw that this could be a serious conflict, given his other job with the Ontario Science Table.

It certainly is a problem, but for different reasons.

Even the Toronto Sun (which typically is a Ford mouthpiece) ran a story of Fisman having a side gig with the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. They rightly questioned his impartiality.

Now, Fisman has claimed that there is no conflict of interest serving 2 masters: ETFO, and the Ontario Science Table. He’s actually telling the truth here, which is a much bigger problem.

ETFO and OST “pretend” that they don’t have preset agendas, and that they are open to new ideas. In reality, they are both pro-lockdown, pro-reset, pro-restrictions. However, they don’t make this obvious to the public. In case there are doubts, consider ETFO’s ties to the WEF, World Economic Forum, and what’s in the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan.

While it was nice to see the Fisman/ETFO angle covered, the media predictably chose not to look any further.

Mark Wiseman used to be the head of investments with the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. He also used to run the CPPIB, or Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. He now runs Blackrock, which owns SNC Lavalin, and is a Chinese Communist Party asset.

Bill Chinery is on the OTPP corporate board. He used to be the CEO of Blackrock. Another connection not reported.

Jo Taylor is currently the head of the OTPP, and is another WEF associate. He wrote an article in March 2021 for WEF, promoting the “net-zero” initiative.

The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan holds a lot of assets which stand to appreciate in value from the status quo. One example is the $83 million of stock in 3M Co. (which makes face masks). OTPP’s portfolio includes Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna & Pfizer. It also has assets in Amazon, Apple, Costco, Home Depot, Rogers, Shaw, Twitter, Visa and Zoom. All are companies that profit from these measures.

Fisman is the hired gun who gives legitimacy to keeping schools closed. If he hadn’t participated in this side grift, he wouldn’t have accidently exposed how OST and ETFO are ideologically aligned.

Ironically, teachers who demand it “for their safety”, are just useful idiots.

Having been exposed as a hustler, Fisman now turns to gaslighting and vilifying his opponents. He sees nothing wrong with smearing them as bigots, or trying to tie it to actual hate. His Twitter feed is full of it.

Fisman’s latest tactic is smearing people who oppose these draconian measures as bigots, and he is hardly the first. The fact that people of all ethnicities are welcome to protest or march seems irrelevant. While there are grifters in the movement (Action4Canada, Hugs Over Masks, The Line, Chris (Saccoccia) Sky, Vaccine Choice Canada….) this is a disingenuous attempt to slime real opposition.

Reading through some of this, it doesn’t appear Fisman actually believes what he’s saying. Instead, it comes across as an intellectually dishonest way to deflect legitimate criticisms and concerns.

And a question to ponder: would Fisman have resorted to these tactics if his side business with ETFO hadn’t been published at all?

Fisman has received some sort of compensation for plenty of consulting, including with Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Seems he’s serving everyone except Ontario.

And he’s hardly the only problem.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of Kumar Murty of OST is an investor of a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money. Isaac Bogoch is in the UofT club, is part of Ontario’s “Operation Warp Speed”, and pretends to be neutral. Kashif Pirzada has numerous side businesses.

(3) ETFO January 6 Don’t Bring Back Classes
(5) ETFO Wants Classroom Shutdown David Fisman
(17) Declaration-of-Interest_Science-Table_David-Fisman

DLSPH/UofT Officially Becomes Branch Of WHO, Supports Communism, Anti-White Agenda

Recently, the University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Centre for Global Health (what a name) officially joined the World Health Organization.

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has designated the Centre for Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Promotion.
PAHO/WHO collaborating centres are institutions such as research institutes, parts of universities or academies, which are designated by the Director-General to carry out activities in support of the Organization’s programmes. Currently there are over 800 WHO collaborating centres (including 183 in the PAHO region) in over 80 Member States working with WHO on areas such as nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, nutrition, mental health, chronic diseases and health technologies.

This will likely come as a surprise to many, especially those who didn’t know that UofT DLSPH even had a Centre for Global Health. However, it turns out it does. It was announced on March 5, 2020 by Adelsteinn Brown.

Turns out this had been in the works for a while, but the timing is interesting. It’s almost as if a global health crisis was the perfect launch point for it.

Brown, who heads DLSPH, soon became the head of the Ontario Science Table. The OST is completely dominated by academics from the UofT, many of whom have conflicting interests. As for the purposes of the Centre itself:

  • Equity
  • Attention to power and privilege
  • Partnerships guided by mutual benefits, respect and reciprocal learning
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Meaningful engagement with communities
  • Sustainability
  • Effectiveness

For those thinking that everyone will treated equally in this globalist health order, consider the principles. This UofT/DLSPH Centre for Global Health considers equity important, which is equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. This is Marxism. As for “paying attention to power and privilege”, this is code for hatred against whites, particularly white men.

Equity means the abolishment of private property rights, and of personal wealth, except for the chosen elite. The reasoning goes: isn’t it oppressive to own something when someone else has less?

This idea has been circulated under many different names. The World Economic Forum touts the idea of “replacing shareholder capitalism with stakeholder capitalism”. The idea is much the same.

As for paying attention to power and privilege, who exactly will be blamed for everything when whites are gone? Will the idea be abandoned, or will some other group be on the receiving end?

This partnership may also explain why the Ontario Science Table sees no issue working with CADTH, or Cochrane Canada, 2 more working groups for WHO. There’s also no issue partnering with SPOR Evidence Alliance, which is partially funded by WHO.

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health isn’t just in bed with WHO, it’s part of the WHO. And all of those “Medical Officers” in Ontario with ties to UofT are just the enforcement branch of WHO.

The Centre on Health Promotion is also big on promoting the climate change agenda. If you have family in oil & gas, or you like being able to drive, perhaps consider other options.

It’s worth asking: how come none of this is being reported? Does Ford and his “Conservative” Government not know — or not care — what’s going on? Is the mainstream media completely oblivious to all of it?

Now, it could be argued that DLSPH isn’t really part of the WHO. After all, the Centre for Global Health is just part of it. While true, does anyone expect the UofT to say or do anything that blatantly contradicts it? Will there ever be real policy disagreements?

The “experts” giving guidance on this so-called pandemic claim to be neutral and independent. However, that’s just not the case so often. Here are some examples which include, but are not limited to the UofT DLSPH.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of Kumar Murty of OST runs a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money. Isaac Bogoch is in the UofT club, is part of Ontario’s “Operation Warp Speed”, and pretends to be neutral. Kashif Pirzada has numerous side businesses.

(6) DLSPH PartnershipGuidelines 2018 For Distribution

Why Is Rempel Silent On Harmful Effects Of “Interim Authorized” Vaccines?

Rempel is tied the World Economic Forum, as are many “Conservatives”. Don’t worry, it won’t impact how she does her job. She’ll stand up for Canadians on making sure these “vaccines” are safe.

At least these are safe, right? At least these “vaccines” have gone through all the steps to become approved by Health Canada, correct? These aren’t allowed onto the market by some emergency authorization?

So, Michelle Rempel-Garner is a sell out to big pharma. But at least the Conservative Party of Canada is taking seriously the vast array of civil rights abuses going on in Canada.

Remember: voting works.
Vote next election.

WHO Paper On MANDATORY Vaccination April 13, 2021 (Original)
WHO Paper On MANDATORY Vaccination April 13, 2021 (Copy)
Section 30.1 Canada Food & Drug Act
September 2020 Interim Order From Patty Hajdu

Vaccines Supported For Pregnant Women, Despite No Testing
Vaccines Given “Interim Authorization”, Not Approval. Very Different
Call Centers Wrongly Telling People “Vaccines” Are Approved
Ontario Adds, Then Removes Protections Against “No Jab, No Job”
WHO April 13 Paper: Discussion On Mandatory “Experimental Vaxx”

(Amended) Colin Furness And Sapphire Health

Update To Article
Recently, Sapphire Health listed Furness as an advisor. That page has since been changed, removing him. The before and after versions are available.

Since the original publication, Furness’ name has been removed from the Advisors list. He claims he was listed in error, and never a paid advisor, but merely an old friend of the owner.

I am an infection control epidemiologist with an industry focus on behaviour and infection risk. I am also the U of T Faculty of Information’s first teaching stream assistant professor.

My teaching is in the area of knowledge management, specifically the design of information systems to support effective information sharing and use. My research is focused on defining and measuring outcomes associated with work-integrated learning in a graduate professional training environment.

Furness was a consultant for nearly 15 years. This coincided with his time as a Sessional Lecturer and as a scientist. According to his biography, he has only been teaching in recent years.

University of Toronto Professor Colin Furness is another “expert” that is constantly on the news, spouting out his fear-porn predictions. He appears on television often, saying that civil rights should be watered down in the name of public safety. He’s also with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, just like many Medical Health Officers in Ontario.

Even more telling are the topics that’s aren’t discussed.

The Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe openly admitted there can be a 50% false positive rates in PCR tests. Toronto Public Health and Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott admitted that deaths “with Covid” are conflated with deaths “from Covid”. Also, the death waves that been predicted never materialized, so that has been replaced with “case counts”. These are just a few problems the “experts” will not address.

Out in B.C., Bonnie Henry openly admits there is no science behind limiting group sizes. She has also flip flopped on the importance of masks, and backtracked on the reliability of PCR tests. In fact, the BCCDC admitted in April 2020 that PCR tests can’t actually determine infection. Again, no pushback or addressing these points by TV experts.

The experts also won’t discuss that these vaccines have interim authorization (not approval), testing goes on until 2023, and the manufacturers are indemnified. In spite of this, they all push hard for everyone to get it. Nor will the extensive lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry be mentioned.

What’s lacking in these TV interviews is differing opinions, or at least some hard questions about how these conclusions came to be. A specific follow-up would be to ask what is the scientific basis for the proposals being made. One would think that the media would want to ask someone else just for the appearance of viewpoint diversity, but apparently not. As for Sapphire itself:

We are medical professionals with frontline experience treating acutely ill and injured intensive care unit patients. Many patients have complex, absent, or inaccessible medical histories when data is needed most. Without this precision information, safe and rapid care decisions are difficult and patients are at risk of error and poor outcomes.
We believe in the power of data and know first-hand the positive impact that access to detailed personal health records makes in our patients’ lives. Our unique digital solutions facilitate connected care and precision medicine.
Sapphire Digital Health Solutions Inc. is a privately held business based in Waterloo, Canada comprised of a team of medical experts with a passion for leveraging technology to improve patient health.

Sapphire offers a service for digitize health records. Now, the idea of digital records is nothing new, but this company claims it to be the secure cloud-based platform, it’s simple to access, and easy to use – anytime, anywhere. Designed by Sapphire Digital’s skilled team of physicians and artificial intelligence experts, LifeSTAT™ is the most detailed and comprehensive record of your health information, and a critical tool for safe, fast, and effective care decisions by your care providers “in secure cloud-based platform, designed by Sapphire Digital’s team of physicians and artificial intelligence experts, LifeSTAT™ is the most detailed and comprehensive record of your health information, and a critical tool for safe, fast, and effective care decisions by your care providers.”

With continuous lockdowns, lack of access to physical medical care, and the AI revolution, companies like Sapphire are in a position to profit from this. However, the best way to guarantee continued growth and demand is to ensure that there isn’t a proper reopening of society any time soon.

Again, Furness has been removed on the listings as an Advisor for Sapphire. The benefits companies like this get from the lockdowns must be just a coincidence.


Meet Kashif Pirzada: Shilling For More Lockdown Measures, While He Has Interests On The Side

Kashif Pirzada is frequently on the media circuit, telling people to be afraid. He openly calls for more restrictions, forced masks, forced testing and more. He openly admits that necessary preventative care is being put off, but he supports doing it anyway.

Kashif Pirzada is yet another “expert” making the rounds on the media circuit. He promotes vaccines, pharmaceuticals, masks, lockdowns, travel restrictions and other measures of medical tyranny. He’s an Associate Professor at McMcaster University, and a graduate of the University of Toronto, and former Lecturer and Governor there. Pirzada has many interesting connections that need looking into.

Let’s start off with his school, McMaster University, which is located in Hamilton. What can we find out there?

1. Pirzada A Professor At McMaster University

Link to search IRS charity tax records:

Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

McMaster University has been receiving large donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years. According to the Foundation’s own records, the school got some $21 million from 2015 to 2019. This isn’t to say for sure that the people are compromised, but that is a lot from just one group.

McMaster publicly claims to have isolated the virus that causes Covid-19. That that sounds impressive, it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. The organization, Fluoride Free Peel, served McMaster with a freedom of information request to access those records. Apparently, they don’t actually exist.

2. Pirzada Part Of NGO: Masks4Canada

Pirzada is part of the group Masks4Canada, which openly calls for mandatory masks on people. All in the name of “science” of course. Several prominent names are also there, including professional speaker Abdu Sharkawy.

We are a grassroots volunteer group of physicians, media, data scientists, marketing specialists, technologists, lawyers, engineers, students, teachers, parents, and advocates. We provide expertise and time in advocating for our cause, and our initiative is based on scientific research.

Our mission is to inform and educate all levels of the Canadian government and the public about the critical role of masks and/or face coverings in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. Mandatory masking in high-risk settings, in addition to physical distancing and hand hygiene, will help save lives and the economy.

We do not sell masks or medical supplies. We do not endorse or partner with any for-profit companies or organizations, nor will we receive or ever receive any funding from a foundation, corporation, union, registered third party association, or political group.

It’s not bad enough that this group wants force masks on everyone, including children. They openly call for full blown tyranny. Consider this April 12, 2021 letter:

We need national standards, either as a condition of receiving federal money or, if necessary, imposed under an order or regulation under the various existing federal acts referenced above. In particular, we need national standards governing:

1. Metrics-driven restrictions. We need national standards that use critical metrics such as reproduction rate
(R), test positivity, and healthcare capacity to trigger the imposition or lifting of restrictions on the opening
of businesses, schools, and other publicly accessible spaces. These metrics should be made public and

2. Consistent travel restrictions. International, interprovincial, and interregional travel should be permitted only between areas where there are similarly low levels of COVID-19 cases and these restrictions need to be consistently enforced so as to avoid constant re-introduction of new cases. Quarantine protocols for essential travel between provinces should be standardized

3. Consistent responses to exposures.
a. Isolation: We need national standards for the duration of self-isolation for patients who had an exposure or are diagnosed with COVID-19. These standards may need to change in response to variants.
b. Sick Days: We also need nationally mandated paid sick days for essential workers to support time off for vaccination or testing as well as self-isolation as needed, as these groups are driving infections in the third wave.

4. Masking. Masking needs to be mandatory in public indoor spaces, including all schools and workplaces, regardless of distancing. This mask mandate should be supported by clear and consistent mask quality requirements (e.g. ASTM certification) and the distribution of N95 or equivalent masks to the Canadian population.

5. Testing. We need to expand and normalize the use of mass rapid testing as a screening tool in schools, workplaces, and health care facilities, and make rapid testing widely available to the general public. Such uses should be consistent across Canada.

6. Aerosol mitigation. ASHRAE and PHAC recognize that COVID-19 is primarily an airborne disease. We need national rules about minimum requirements for HVAC systems, air filtration, and indoor air purity, particularly for congregate settings such as LTCs, large workplaces, and our schools using guidelines such as those provided by the Harvard-Chan School of Public Health.

7. Vaccination. National standards are needed to support equitable and effective distribution. Now that elderly and Indigenous populations are largely vaccinated, it should be a national priority to vaccinate essential workers in congregate settings (e.g. school staff, workers in large workplaces), and postal codes with higher proportions of frontline workers.

8. Data. A national database with immunization information and strong privacy protections will be critical to support an effective and efficient rollout to the entire population, including those who do not have legal documentation or move between provinces or territories. Similarly, there needs to be a consistent approach to data collection across provinces, including uniform information classification and data gathering requirements to facilitate cross-jurisdictional data comparison and analysis. This will be of particular importance in following up and tracking outcomes with vaccine recipients.

How did this group go from simply calling for masks, to micromanaging every aspect of people’s lives? They openly call for travel restrictions, but don’t seem to have a problem with people in the country illegally.

3. Pirzada Founds Critical Drugs Coalition

Pirzada helped found the group Critical Drug Coalition. (Interesting that the acronym is CDC). This is supposedly a volunteer group that calls for more access to pharmaceuticals, and for more funding.

This group wants various Governments to: (a) ensure more transparency and clearer communication around essential drug supply. The website run by the Federal Government needs to be made more usable for front-line pharmacists managing drug shortages; (b) encourage domestic manufacturing capacity especially of vaccines and other critical care drugs; and (c) commit to an Critical Medications List which the government commits to ensure are always in stock through the National Emergency Stockpile.

While this may sound fine on the surface, all of the members have ties to the medical and/or pharmaceutical industries. Calling them “volunteers” is misleading, as they would stand to financially benefit from increased amounts of money from Ottawa and the Provinces.

4. Pirzada Owns EasyFit Online Exercise

Pirzada has another side business, EasyFit. It’s an online fitness business which will allow doctors to make prescriptions and monitor activity without physically visiting the office.

FOR USERS: a platform that allows them to access a virtual trainer marketplace, monitor their exercise and diet plans, compete with their friends during live group video workouts, high-quality free fitness content, and to receive personalized exercise programs prescribed by their doctors.
FOR DOCTORS: a platform that allows them to prescribe and monitor evidence-based exercises to their patients using our intelligent exercise prescription algorithm, without resorting to opioids and other dangerous therapies.
FOR COACHES: a platform that allows them to manage online clients and build their brand using industry-leading program builders, live video training capability, in-app messaging, auto billing and more tools to scale their business as virtual trainers.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with such an application. After all, the vast majority of people would benefit from extra exercise. However, it’s quite the coincidence that this business would grow as a result of the same lockdowns and restrictions that Pirzada supports.

5. Pirzada And Conquer Covid

Part of this was addressed in an earlier piece, but Pirzada hadn’t been focused on. Although the website is now deleted, he was (is?) part of Conquer Covid NGO. This is a group selling merchandise. The sales of the merchandise were to be used to purchase PPE for health care workers. Of course, none of this would ever be skimmed or disappear.

The organization was promoted by Doug Ford, in one of his usual cringeworthy press conferences. But he has to at least look the part.

Conquer Covid seems to have dropped off the public radar. Party this is because the commercialization and mass production of PPE has taken off. Partly it’s because goodwill seems to have disappeared.

It’s unclear exactly how much Pirzada directly profits from these enterprises. However, it appears obvious that he enjoys the limelight, and being an “expert” that people turn to. Like so many other times, a nobody is vaulted into public prominence.

6. Other Bits Of Information

Pirzada also follows Bill Gates online, according to his LinkedIn page. That makes sense, considering how much he’s donated to McMaster University in recent years.

Pirzada is also part of Ontario’s Consent and Capacity Board. His job was reviewing cases of people involuntarily detained in the mental health system. Previously, he was a coroner with the Ministry of Corrections (prisons). What an interesting backround.

He’s also been a lecturer and former Governor at the University of Toronto. This isn’t just some doctor sharing his expertise. He is very, very well connected.

7. Pirzada On Council For CPS Ontario

Pirzada is also on the Council for the College of Physicians and Surgeons for Ontario, which licenses doctors in the Province. Recently, the CPSO threatened to pull the licenses of any doctors engaging in “misinformation”. After a lot of backlash, they claimed it wasn’t meant to stifle debate.

8. Pirzada Just Tip Of The Iceberg

And no, this corruption isn’t limited to one person, or one institution. The entire system, including the Ontario Science Table, is rotten to the core.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of Kumar Murty of OST runs a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money. Isaac Bogoch is in the UofT club, is part of Ontario’s “Operation Warp Speed”, and pretends to be neutral.

(11) Masks4Canada National-Standard-Letter-Apr-12-2021
(18) (down?)
(20) (down?)

Meet Issac Bogoch: Another UofT “Expert” Pushing Experimental Vaccines On The Public

Issac Bogoch is a Professor at the University of Toronto. This just like countless of “officials” prolonging these medical martial law measures. Like many establishment mouthpieces, he never publicly questions the erasure of people’s rights. Nor does he raise any issues such as flawed testing methods, overwhelming recovery rate, or the long term costs of shutting down society.

Bogoch is an obedient — and presumably well paid — mouthpiece promoting the narrative that mass vaccination is necessary. He doesn’t question the fact that they are not approved, but given interim authorization, and he downplays the fact that testing is still ongoing.

This CTV interview is a good example. Pro-vaccination host Evan Solomon hosts professional speaker Abdu Sharkawy, and vaccine pusher Issac Bogoch. This is a common problem with the mainstream media in Canada. Any voices promoted are those which are completely on board with the agenda.

Then again, the family life leads to all kinds of questions. What kind of father has their children build such a snow figure, then uses it as a pinned tweet?

Now, even as Bogoch’s colleagues at the University of Toronto are pretending to manage the “Ontario Science Table”, he’s busy being part of the Ontario Vaccination Task Force. It stands to reason that there won’t be any opinions coming from the OST that will contradict the narrative that these experimental, unapproved “vaccines” are necessary.

It’s chilling and frustrating that nearly all of the “permitted” public speakers on such an important are limited to such a small area. Prevents real diversity of opinion from being heard.

Bogoch’s Twitter feed is full of pro-vaccination content. His pinned tweet is a CV snowman that his family made, which is creepy. It’s unclear whether he is getting paid for all this tweeting, or if he lacks other interests worth posting.

While this man seems to revel in the shutdown of most group activities, he acts as a consultant to “safety” bring professional hockey back to Canada. But no cognitive dissonace here.

Bogoch is another who seems to never sleep. In addition to being a doctor, he’s a university professor, and is on this vaccine task force. He also spends an unhealthy amount of time on Twitter, and giving media appearances. Does he have any sort of real life?

There was also this grant in early 2020.

And no, it’s far from just one person. Scientists and “experts” across Ontario, and Canada as a whole, are compromised.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of Kumar Murty of OST is an investor of a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money.
