Reiner Fuellmich Concludes Bogus Hearings, Starts “Crimes Against Humanity” Tour

Pretty strange that a lawyer who claims to be taking Governments to court isn’t at all concerned whether this “virus” has ever been isolated and proven to exist. Then again, considering he’s not actually going to trial over this. (12:45 in this video)

There is a reason [we] the group of international lawyers, who are conducting this grand jury investigation, did this outside the existing system: because the system is completely and totally corrupt.
But its true effort is to show the people what’s going on, and then empower them by showing that they can’t trust the system. Empowering them, for them to understand that they have to get up and do something. Force their own judiciaries (if they’re still functioning) to do their job.
— Reiner Fuellmich

There never was any lawsuit.

In other words, Fuellmich didn’t actually take his “case” to court. This wasn’t the “Nuremberg 2.0” that it had long been hailed as. These people took large sums of donor money for a case they had no intention to try. His so-called grand jury investigation has no legal standing, no power, and the outcome will mean absolutely nothing.

And why should Reiner be “inspiring others to take action”? After all, he solicited donations for a long time, under the pretense that HE would be doing something on behalf of others. This comes across as a complete fraud.

Now, after ripping off donors for nearly 2 years, Fuellmich and his cronies are going on a speaking tour across the United States. If you want to attend, tickets fall in the $100 to $300 range.

Don’t forget to donate, suckers!

Rather than pursuing an international case, as Fuellmich had been promising the entire time, he used the platform — and donations — to raise his own stature. He never brought any case, and it looks like he never intended to do so. Now, he’s ready to make even more money, duping those same people into hearing him speak live.

Beyond that, Fuellmich comes across as intellectually lazy and dishonest for propping up the bogus narrative that there is a virus to deal with. Since these “hearings” have no effect, at least have some truth as to the germ theory hoax.

Of course, Fuellmich is hardly the first lawyer to pretend to be taking the Government to court. He certainly won’t be the last either. One always has to wonder when some superstar lawyer spends all his time giving media appearance, but has no actual progress to report.

Just another subversion agent and grifter.


Following The Bailout Money (Video Compilation)

Ever wonder why so many groups working the “levers of power” all seem to ideologically aligned with the same martial law measures? Think it’s strange that there is so little criticism or skepticism among prominent people and organizations? There is a simple explanation: FOLLOW THE MONEY!


(A.1) Hotel, Restaurant Groups Getting Wage/Rental Subsidies
(A.2) Liberals, Conservatives, NDP All Getting Bailout Money
(A.3) Lawyers, Bar Associations Receiving CEWS Money
(A.4) Conflicting Out? Lawyers Getting More Than Just CEWS
(A.5) Churches Are Charities, Getting CEWS, Subsidies & Promoting Vaccines
(A.6) Trucking Alliance Grants Raising many Eyebrows
(A.7) Chambers Of Commerce Subsidized By Canadians, Want Open Borders
(A.8) Banks, Credit Unions, Media Outlets All Getting CEWS

(B.1) Unifor, Media, In Bed With Gov’t, $595M
(B.2) Government Subsidizes Media To Ensure Positive Coverage
(B.3) Postmedia Subsidies/Connections, Lack Of Real Journalism
(B.4) Latest “Pandemic Bucks” Grants In 2021, Lorrie Goldstein
(B.5) Nordstar; Torstar; Metroland Media; Subsidies & Monopoly
(B.6) Aberdeen Publishing Takes Handouts, Ignores Real Issues
(B.7) More Periodicals Taking Grants, Parroting Gov’t Narrative
(B.8) Tri-City News, LMP Pulls Bonnie Henry Article; Pandemic Bucks
(B.9) Black Press Group; Media Outlet Doxing Of Convoy Donors
(B.10) Subsidized Fact-Check Outlets Run By Political Operatives
(B.11) Digital Citizen Contribution Program: Funds To Combat “Misinformation”
(B.12) Counter Intelligence “Disinformation Prevention” Groups Are Charities
(B.13) CIVIX, More Grants To Combat “Disinformation” In 2021, Domestic, Foreign
(B.14) PHAC Supporting #ScienceUpFirst Counter Intel Effort
(B.15) Rockefeller Spends $13.5 To Combat Misinformation
(B.16) Media, Banks, CU, Getting CDA Emergency Wage Subsidies (CEWS)
(B.17) John Tory’s Sister Board Member At Bell; CEWS; Subsidies

(C.1) Media, Facebook, Google, Tech Collusion To Create “Trust” Networks
(C.2) CommonTrust, Commons Project, WEF, Rockefeller, Health Passes
(C.3) C2PA; Project Origin; Content Authenticity Initiative; CBC-BBC-Microsoft
(C.4) Public Media Alliance, Global Task Force, Brussels Declaration
(C.5) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Govt/NGO Funded Counter-Intelligence
(C.6) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Open Source Intelligence Gathering


Recent Gene Therapy Research Funded With Canadian Tax Dollars

Going back down the conspiracy rabbit hole, let’s take a look at the concept of “gene therapy”. Ottawa is quite open about the fact that this kind of research has been going on for years.

Gene therapy is using “genes as medicine”. It is an experimental approach to treating genetic disease where the faulty gene is fixed, replaced or supplemented with a healthy gene so that it can function normally. Most genetic diseases cannot be treated, but gene therapy research gives some hope to patients and their families as a possible cure. However, this technology does not come without risks and many clinical trials to evaluate its effectiveness need to be done before gene therapy can be put to regular medical use.

To get a new gene into a cell’s genome, it must be carried in a molecule called a vector. The most common vectors currently being used are viruses, which naturally invade cells and insert their genetic material into that cell’s genome. To use a virus as a vector, the virus’ own genes are removed and replaced with the new gene destined for the cell. When the virus attacks the cell, it will insert the genetic material it carries. A successful transfer will result in the target cell now carrying the new gene that will correct the problem caused by the faulty gene.

Viruses that can be used as vectors include retroviruses like HIV, adenoviruses (one of which causes the common cold), adeno-associated viruses and herpes simplex viruses. There are also many non-viral vectors being tested for gene therapy uses. These include artificial lipid spheres called liposomes, DNA attached to a molecule that will bind to a receptor on the target cell, artificial chromosomes and naked DNA that is not attached to another molecule at all and can be directly inserted into the cell.

The actual transfer of the new gene into the target cell can happen in two ways: ex vivo and in vivo. The ex vivo approach involves transferring the new gene into cells that have been removed from the patient and grown in the laboratory. Once the transfer is complete, the cells are returned to the patient, where they will continue to grow and produce the new gene product. The in vivo approach delivers the vector directly to the patient, where transfer of the new gene will occur in the target cells within the body.

Isn’t this lovely? According to the Canadian Government, “gene therapy” is a way of making genetic changes to a person’s code, in order to cure certain ailments. In essence, it’s modifying the person to make them healthier. Of course, this is how it’s supposed to work in theory.

There is the disclaimer that this is EXPERIMENTAL. In order to obtain informed consent, this must be made clear to all patients.

Gene therapy is now so widely accepted that there are harmonization standards being set up for labelling and distribution of these products.

According to the CIHR, mRNA technology has been used for many years. This really is a sort of gene therapy, but they claim that it wasn’t rushed in any way. Of course, they don’t mention the part of the manufacturers being indemnified against lawsuits from potential victims.

By the way, your tax dollars are being used to advance this industry.

With all the talk about these mRNA “vaccines” unleashed on the public, it’s important to note that gene therapy isn’t a brand new concept. In fact, the Canadian Government has been subsidizing such research for years. The bulk of these grants appear to have been issued by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), or the National Research Council (NRC).

Yes, there were a few duplications in that list, but even so, it’s shocking.

Agudelo, Daniel S May 1, 2017 $150,000.00
BC Cancer, Provincial Health Services Authority Jul. 13, 2020 $110,220.00
Carleton University (Academia) Mar. 16, 2020 $158,400.00
Caruso, Manuel P Apr. 1, 2014 $318,420.00
Centre for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy Apr. 1, 2021 $1,000,000.00
Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine Jul. 1, 2021 $544,500.00
Council of Canadian Academies Jan. 7, 2020 $1,147,956.00
Dellaire, Graham P Apr. 1, 2018 $1,063,350.00
Dos Santos, Claudia C Oct. 1, 2013 $739,239.00
Entos Pharmaceuticals Inc. (For-profit) Oct. 1, 2018 $128,600.00
Foldvari, Marianna Apr. 1, 2013 $509,660.00
Gatignol, Anne Apr. 1, 2014 $159,550.00
Gatignol, Anne Jul. 1, 2016 $955,625.00
Grol, Matthew Jul. 1, 2014 $150,000.00
Hampson, David R Jul. 1, 2016 $469,404.00
Incisive Genetics Inc. (For-profit) Jun. 1, 2020 $142,000.00
Incisive Genetics Inc. (For-profit) May 1, 2021 $252,000.00
Kyoto University Apr. 1, 2021 $750,000.00
Matsubara, Joanne A Apr. 1, 2017 $975,375.00
Nash, Leslie A May 1, 2016 $105,000.00
Meunier, Michel Apr. 1, 2018 $374,183.00
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Mar. 29, 2021 $198,000.00
Pancella Inc. Jan. 1, 2020 $400,000.00
Ramzy, Adam Sep. 1, 2015 $150,000.00
Roberge, Michel Nov. 1, 2017 $305,439.00
Schemitsch, Emil H Oct. 1, 2011 $293,267.00
Simpson, Elizabeth M Oct. 1, 2018 $906,526.00
Singh, Sheila K Oct. 1, 2013 $554,057.00
Tandon, Anurag Jul. 1, 2016 $978,560.00
Thibault, Patricia A Sep. 1, 2016 $150,000.00
Turcotte, Sandra Jul. 1, 2012 $205,000.00
Turcotte, Sandra Oct. 1, 2014 $495,930.00
Uludag, Hasan Apr. 1, 2012 $513,029.00
United Kingsom Research and Innovation Jun. 18, 2021 $508,388.00
Université Laval (Academia) Mar. 20, 2020 $200,000.00
Université Laval (Academia) Dec. 22, 2020 $195,000.00
University of Alberta May 10, 2017 $250,000.00
University of British Columbia (Academia) May 10, 2017 $355,000.00
University of British Columbia (Academia) Jan. 13, 2020 $1,127,311.00
University of Calgary May 10, 2017 $170,000.00
University of Ottawa (Academia) Mar. 30, 2020 $299,880.00
University of Ottawa (Academia) Apr. 15, 2020 $269,170.00
University of Ottawa (Academia) Jan. 1, 2021 $221,364.00
University of Toronto (Academia) Jan. 1, 2019 $1,942,475.00
University of Waterloo (Academia) May 10, 2017 $150,000.00
Wang, Jian Oct. 1, 2014 $250,468.00

One worth noting went to the University of Ottawa in March 2020. This was listed as “Artificial intelligence protein design for drugs and gene therapies”. Of course, there’s not too much available here, but a bit disturbing to have this go on. How would it be tested exactly?

Another grant was aimed at gene therapy to accelerate the healing process for fractures in the body. Sounds like something one would see in a cartoon.

Yet another was listed as a grant for: “Kill-switch” enabled, immune-silent, non-cytopathic, and persistent paramyxovirus vector for respiratory gene therapy”.

While all of these sound harmless enough, messing around with genetics is serious business. The long term effects of this may not be known for several years.

Now, this may be cynical. However, Bill S-201, the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, can now be looked at in an entirely new light. Perhaps the goal was never about protecting people in their normal state of being, but to protect the altered versions of themselves. Just as hormones and major surgeries are protected (for trannies), now genetic modification of people would be as well.

(2) Gene Therapy –
(4) Consultation_ Release of Draft (Step 2) ICH Guidance_ S12_ Nonclinical Biodistribution Considerations for Gene Therapy Products –
(6) ICH_S12_Step2_DraftGuideline_2021_0603

(Now Available) Borderless Canada: Replacement Migration & Fifth Columnists Operating Within

With all the content given out, occasionally, an ad needs to be run. And this is another book. The 4th one, Borderless Canada, is now available both in paperback and as an e-book. This helps support the costs of running the website, and ensures the information reaches a wider audience.

Borderless Canada: The many hidden costs of the mass migration policies, including economic, social, and cultural. This couldn’t have happened without many subversive interests pushing it. Many know that politicians act as puppets, but not how deep it goes.

Most people aren’t remotely aware of what’s happening on the subjects of borders and immigration. Nor do they grasp the full extent of subversion agents and NGOs working towards these goals. Partly, this is intentional, as politicians and media figures aren’t interested in a fully informed public. You think those subsidies are just a form of charity?

This cannot be explained as simple incompetence or cluelessness. The replacement of the West has long been a deliberate aim.

Also, this isn’t a partisan issue. The bulk of the “right wing” in Canadian politics supports this destruction, as do many of their voters. They just insist it be done legally, and with economic benefits.

Of course, earlier publications are still available.

Twenty Twenty-One: A condensed form of this research into the fake pandemic in Canada. Hard details and stats provided throughout, refuting virtually all major Government claims. Spoiler, there isn’t a “pandemic” at all.

Inside The Ontario Science Table: The sequel focuses on the “independent experts” calling for Ford to keep the Province locked down, and pushing and pandemic narrative. The ties to the University of Toronto and big pharma run very deep.

The Green Bankers Cartel: There’s a lot more than meets the eye to the climate change movement. Far from the image of being grassroots, the financial sector sees it as opportunity. Useful idiots support it anyway, without realizing that they advocate for policies that ensure their own enslavement. We are told “The debate is over” as a means of stifling legitimate concerns and inquiries.

All of these are available online either as ebooks, or paperback.

Nova Scotia FOI: $19.1 Million Spent On “Vaccines”, Questions About PCR Testing Companies

More freedom-of-information requests has taken place in Nova Scotia. It would be nice to know how much is being spend on tests, vaccines, and to see some of the contracts. Anyhow, we have at least some information to share on those topics.

Our friend in Nova Scotia is back at it again, digging up dirt and information about the tyranny of Robert Strang. Here are some of the latest finds. Previously, there was the hospitalization scam debunked, the lack of data for masks in schools, the screwy definition of “cases”, Nova Scotia reduced (yes, reduced) ICU capacity, there’s no evidence “asymptomatic spreading” even exists, and they refused to provide the CANImmunize/Clinic Flow contract.

Let’s take a look at how your money is being spent:

[Amended January 26, 2022:]
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 vaccines. Not including any staff salaries.
(December 20, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 PCR tests. Not including any staff salaries. (January 1, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
(Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 1/19/2022)

The Government claims to have spent $19.1 million on vaccines for pharmacies, and this doesn’t include any salaries. They also answer that the only testing that goes on it paid for by the patients seeking them. They included a list of pharmacies, along with the amounts each has received.

What else do we have here?

Another FOI request involved getting copies of the testing contracts that the Province has with 3rd party providers. This has been put on hold as it’s claimed that it may release confidential business information of those 3rd parties. The company(ies) must respond in 14 days to either consent to the release, or to provide written reasons for refusing.

While Nova Scotia may be hesitant to turn over the contracts, we can guess who might be doing the testing. They may not be too proud of this.

One such company is BGI Genomics, a Chinese company, based in Hong Kong. It received interim authorization from Health Canada on May 4, 2020. This raises all kinds of questions.

Their product has also been allowed into Japan, Singapore, Australia, and the United States. Considering the potential for mass data mining with people’s DNA, it’s certainly worthwhile to know who’s actually in charge of this.

At the time of writing this, there are about 100 versions of testing authorized by Health Canada, many of them foreign owned. Many more applications are under review. Now, any of them who are either infiltrated — or owned — by a Government could use this as a DNA dragnet.

And if you haven’t seen Christine Massey’s work with Fluoride Free Peel’s, go do that. There are some 200 or so FOIs showing that no one, anywhere in the world, has ever isolated this “virus”. It’s never been proven to exist. There’s no point having a discussion on what treatments are beneficial, until the existence of this is demonstrated.

[Author’s note: there have been issues with subscribers not getting notifications recently. If someone could confirm they received the article, it would be appreciated. It’s editor(at) This portion will be deleted soon.]

(1) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Vaccine Payments
(2) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Testing Contracts


Kulvinder Gill’s Frivolous And Vexatious Claim Dismissed As A SLAPP

“[17] I also conclude that these claims are precisely ones that are of the kind that s. 137.1 is designed to discourage and screen out. ”

“[58] For greater clarity, I view all of the expressions or statements complained of by the Plaintiffs to have been made on matters of public interest. The test required by s. 137.1 has been applied to each in order to determine the appropriate result. In each case, I should be taken to have accepted and adopted fully the submissions advanced on behalf of each of the Defendants.” – Justice Stewart

A $12.75 million defamation lawsuit filed in December 2020 has been ended. The Ontario Superior Court ruled that it fully met the criteria for being classified as a SLAPP, and was dismissed. Kulvinder Gill and Ashvinder Lamba demanded millions in damages from online words. They literally tried to bankrupt people they disagreed with on platforms like Twitter.

Perhaps bragging about it in the national papers wasn’t the best idea.

The substance of this came from online postings related to restricting people’s freedoms, and what pharmaceuticals were best during a “pandemic”. (It’s fake, but that’s a discussion for another time).

In a 51 page ruling, Justice Elizabeth Stewart said that it was exactly the sort of case which anti-SLAPP laws were designed for. The sheer number of Defendants, 23, and the amount of money sought was staggering. Despite this, the Plaintiffs never produced any real evidence of damages to justify the millions they demanded.

To be blunt, this case appears to be frivolous and vexatious.

Considering how this came about, and all of the racism accusations leveled in the Statement of Claim, Gill and Lamba are very lucky they weren’t countersued for defamation. The Defendants would have had a much stronger case. Nonetheless, this lawsuit never stood a chance, if it even made it to trial.

A Quick Introduction To Civil Procedure

There are several sections of the Rules of Civil Procedure for Ontario which permit cases to be ended early. Truly meritless Claims and Applications clog up the system, and deserve to be removed.

  • Rule 2.1.01(6) this allows the Registrar to stay or dismiss a proceeding if the proceeding appears on its face to be frivolous or vexatious or otherwise an abuse of the process of the court
  • Rule 20: this covers Summary Judgement Applications. Either side can file for one, if it appears that either there is no case, or no valid defense. Appropriate when there are no major issues to resolve
  • Rule 21.01: in order to expedite a case, permits: (a) for the determination, before trial, of a question of law raised by a pleading in an action where the determination of the question may dispose of all or part of the action, substantially shorten the trial or result in a substantial saving of costs; or (b) to strike out a pleading on the ground that it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defense
  • Rule 24: if Plaintiffs are unnecessarily delaying the proceedings, and this can happen in different stages, the Court has the discretion to dismiss it
  • Rule 25.11: an option to strike the pleadings — which does not amount to trying the case — if a pleading is frivolous, scandalous, vexatious, or otherwise an abuse of process

Rule 2.1.01(6) is meant for a Registrar, or low-level official. This is restricted to the very obvious cases. The others involve higher standards, and are meant for Justices, Judges or Associate Judges.

In the case of defamation lawsuits, Section 137.1 of the Courts of Justice Act provides another remedy. If a Plaintiff is using the Courts as a weapon to silence discourse on an important public issue, this can be stopped by filing an anti-SLAPP Motion.

SLAPP Means Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation

This isn’t unique to Ontario. There are other Provinces and U.S. States which have very similar laws on the books, and the principles are much the same.

Prevention of Proceedings that Limit Freedom of Expression on Matters of Public Interest (Gag Proceedings)
Dismissal of proceeding that limits debate
137.1 (1) The purposes of this section and sections 137.2 to 137.5 are,
(a) to encourage individuals to express themselves on matters of public interest;
(b) to promote broad participation in debates on matters of public interest;
(c) to discourage the use of litigation as a means of unduly limiting expression on matters of public interest; and
(d) to reduce the risk that participation by the public in debates on matters of public interest will be hampered by fear of legal action.

Once a SLAPP Motion is brought forward, it freezes everything else. Nothing can happen until this is resolved, which includes possible appeals to the higher Court(s).

It’s important to note that anti-SLAPP applies to speech that’s of a public interest matter. It doesn’t apply to disputes over private issues. Once the Defendant(s) satisfy the Court that the speech is of a public matter, the burden then shifts to the Plaintiff(s). To prevent dismissal, Judge or Justice must be convinced there are grounds to believe that:

  1. the proceeding has substantial merit, and
  2. the moving party has no valid defence in the proceeding; and
  3. the harm likely to be or have been suffered by the responding party as a result of the moving party’s expression is sufficiently serious that the public interest in permitting the proceeding to continue outweighs the public interest in protecting that expression.

If the Plaintiff cannot meet all 3 parts of this test, then the case qualifies as a SLAPP. Here, the Court found that they didn’t meet even a single prong of the test. As such, the Court had no choice but to dismiss the case. And as the Justice stated, the laws were designed for cases like this.

The Ontario Libel & Slander Act has built in provisions which allow for the protection of certain categories of speech. These include fair comment and qualified privilege, which were heavily referenced in the Decision.

22 In an action for libel or slander for words containing two or more distinct charges against the plaintiff, a defence of justification shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every charge is not proved if the words not proved to be true do not materially injure the plaintiff’s reputation having regard to the truth of the remaining charges

Fair comment
23 In an action for libel or slander for words consisting partly of allegations of fact and partly of expression of opinion, a defence of fair comment shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every allegation of fact is not proved if the expression of opinion is fair comment having regard to such of the facts alleged or referred to in the words complained of as are proved.

Fair comment
24 Where the defendant published defamatory matter that is an opinion expressed by another person, a defence of fair comment by the defendant shall not fail for the reason only that the defendant or the person who expressed the opinion, or both, did not hold the opinion, if a person could honestly hold the opinion.

Communications on Public Interest Matters
Application of qualified privilege
25 Any qualified privilege that applies in respect of an oral or written communication on a matter of public interest between two or more persons who have a direct interest in the matter applies regardless of whether the communication is witnessed or reported on by media representatives or other persons.

It’s important to know that there are safeguards written into the Act. These are just some of them. A free society can’t function properly if speech is weaponized like this.

Could This Dismissal Be Appealed?

In theory, yes. Rule 61.04 allows 30 days to file a Notice of Appeal. However, given how badly the case went, Gill and Lamba would have to be pretty dense to even try. It’s a high burden.

Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002, sets out the standard for review of a decision. Broadly speaking, Appeals are heard because of an alleged error of fact or law.
(i) The standard of review for findings of fact is such that they cannot be reversed unless the trial judge has made a “palpable and overriding error”. A palpable error is one that is plainly seen.
(ii) By contrast, a possible error of law is treated “de novo”, and looked at as if hadn’t been ruled on before. It might be viewed as a lower standard.

The reasoning behind “giving deference” to the factual findings is that the Judge is there, and more able to assess what’s going on. Also, there has to be some presumption of competence.

The Justice stated that there was no evidence of damages, the tweets were about public interest matters, and not defamatory. These are findings of fact, and unless something obvious is missed, not easy to challenge. In short, a hypothetical appeal would go absolutely nowhere.

What About Costs For The Defendants?

In the ruling, the Justice gave the Defendants 30 days to make submissions for costs. And here’s where things get more interesting.

There are 19 lawyers listed for the Defendants in the REASONS FOR DECISION. While it’s unclear how much the total fees are, it’s likely a lot. This case involved depositions, and a SLAPP Motion. Both of these are expensive and time consuming. Estimating an average $30,000 each — which may be at the low end — this case would have cost them over half a million to defend.

It’s quite possible that the Plaintiffs could each be on the hook for well over $100,000. Although most allegations didn’t involve Ashvinder Lamba, she clearly participated in the suit.

The final ruling made it clear that there was no evidence of damages, and that the issues addressed were public matters. Despite the tone in some of the messages, they were protected speech. The suit was frivolous and vexatious, so a stiff award can be expected.

What Exactly Started All Of This?

In the case of Gill and Lamba, this case arose largely over Twitter spats. The Plaintiffs (primarily Gill), got into arguments with people on Twitter, which later ended with her blocking them. I guess there’s a little Rempel in all of us.

These other people — who they later sued — were promoting vaccines and martial law measures, for a non-existent virus. Gill, to her credit, opposed these restrictions, but promoted alternative medicines, again for a non-existent virus. However, this was Twitter nonsense, and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Instead of ignoring people if there was such a disagreement, Gill, Lamba, and their representative were documenting and archiving social media posts. To a casual observer, it appears as these may have been planned as a way of generating evidence. In the end, Gill and Lamba sued 23 doctors, media personalities, and media outlets, over relatively harmless comments.

One has to wonder if this was just an overreaction, or a calculated way to silence differing views. Most people supporting freedom want more speech available, not less.

Even on the miniscule chance that this lawsuit had been successful, what was the goal? Suing private parties doesn’t result in changes to public policy. There’s no way that any money (besides a nominal amount) would ever have been awarded. If anything, it makes lockdown objectors appear unprincipled, despite claiming to support freedom.

After the costs are paid, this won’t really be the end. Expect this decision to be a standard for dismissing meritless defamation claims. We now have a precedent of lockdown opponents trying — and failing — to silence and bankrupt their critics. Gill and Lamba will become very well known by lawyers, but for all the wrong reasons.

This isn’t to defend people like Abdu Sharkawy, and the quackery promoted. This site has exposed many of the hacks, and media payoffs. Nonetheless, this lawsuit did an enormous disservice to real resistance in Canada. The Plaintiffs can honestly say that they fought, and won, a baseless lawsuit.

If there is something positive in all of this, it’s that the Ontario Superior Court did throw out an abusive case because of the chilling effect it would have on public discourse. Read both the Statement of Claim, and Decision for more context. As absurd as these “health measures” are, throwing the suit out really was the right decision.

(1) Gill & Lamba v. Maciver decision CV-20-652918-0000 – 24 Feb 2022
(2) Gill & Lamba Defamation Lawsuit