American College Health Foundation Is Funded By Big Pharma And Insurance

The American College Health Foundation (ACHF), is promoting the “pandemic” narrative, and even trying to coordinate the mass vaccination of students. Why would it do that? Turns out, the ACHF is involved with different organizations who don’t have the public’s interests at heart.

A look at some of their donors is an instant red flag. Several health companies, which stand to profit, are listed. True, this list is from 2018, but it gives a look into it. And sitting as a top tier donor: Pfizer.

With this in mind, it should not be at all surprising that the ACHF promotes the mass vaccination of college students.

Mass Vaccination Clinic Guidance and Resources
The ACHA COVID-19 task force has gathered resources to assist members in planning for mass vaccination clinics. While currently the focus is on planning the administration of COVID-19 vaccine to large numbers of students and other members of the campus community, these resources and principles may be applied to the administration of any vaccine in a large-scale event. Guidance for supply, delivery, storage, and administration of the anticipated COVID-19 vaccine will come from the federal government and state, territorial, tribal, and local health departments and therefore will not be addressed in any specific way in this document.

In the current situation, it is critical that colleges and universities reach out to the appropriate public health authority so as to be included in the planning and distribution of the vaccine for students and other campus community members. College and university health services will then provide direction to and coordination with their campus partners in setting up systems to manage the details of the immunization plan.

Although specific guidance will be forthcoming from governmental agencies, college health professionals have an important role in encouraging high uptake of vaccines in the campus community.

COVID-19 vaccine mass vaccination events will require additional planning including:

The ACHF is fully behind the agenda of mass vaccinating young adults, but omits any mention of the relevant details:

  1. These vaccines are still undergoing testing
  2. These vaccines have “Emergency Use Authorization” and are not approved
  3. Manufacturers are exempt from liability

The ACHF prominently posts a link to the CDC or Center for Disease Control in the U.S. This page gives “Covid communications” advice, including how to talk to people about getting vaccinated. See below.

For some context, the CDC doesn’t completely function as a Government body, but receives private funding. Its fundraising arm, the CDC Foundation is “an independent nonprofit and the sole entity created by Congress to mobilize philanthropic and private-sector resources to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s critical health protection work”. It’s listed as 501(c)(3) charity. Top partner organizations and corporations are drug companies. A charitable interpretation would be to call it a public-private partnership.

Established by Congress more than two decades ago, the CDC Foundation is an independent, 501(c)(3) public charity.

One of the ACHF’s partners is Pharmedrix, a company that packages drugs and medicine. It’s also “licensed as a drug manufacturer with the State of California and registered as a drug manufacturer/repackager with both the Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Administration”. Pharmedrix is listed as a “Diamond Level” donors to the ACHF.

Another partner of the ACHF is Pyramed Health. The specific “pandemic” services it offers include: (a) Case Management System; (b) Contact Tracing; (c) Zoom Integration; and (d) Custom Lab Interfaces. The current situation seems to have kept them very busy.

Also on the list is Aetna Health, an insurance broker, who also provides referrals to a variety of other health services.

Gallagher Koster, is another insurance company, and another top donor to the ACHF. Unsurprisingly, its target customers are college students.

This is hardly an exhaustive listing, the pattern is unmistakable: there is a lot of money tied up in poisoning people, without fully disclosing the risks. The American education industry seems to be no different.

(8) ACHF Top Donor Honour Roll 2018
(10) ACHF Partners For Wellness 2017

Guest Post: Blaise Vanne And Vaccines Everywhere (Part 4)

Part 4 in an on-going series on the greatest scam this side of the Crab Nebula
““A woman has an absolute right to her own body” and “My body, my choice”
– Planned Parenthood… except that this absolute only applies for abortions, not for the
Covid shot

Before we delve into the Covid shot, let me set the stage with some observations and comments on other trojan horse “gifts” from your technocratic elites, and what is outside the scope of this paper:
It is strange, is it not, mes amies, that people who would never think of buying the very first edition of a new car or unnecessarily volunteer for a first time-ever brain surgery, are lining up for the faux vax that has not successfully passed animal trials, and is unapproved for the prevention of Covid except as an emergency authorization – in sum, you legally an un-named participant in a Stage 4 FDA Vaccine Trial. Were you aware of that when you signed up? Or did they just look for gullible people who were manipulated by fear? For now, let’s leave aside that, fast coming down the road, there is now a push to create straight DNA vaccines, to literally change your DNA (courtesy of the same technocrats that brought you Microsoft’s “Blue Screen of Death.”). To wit, here is a sentence from an NIAID press release that mentions one of several research approaches: “NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…” Technocracy News summarizes: “Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.” Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Not just a ‘visit.’ Permanent residence. And once a person’s DNA is changed, he will live with that change—and all the ripple effects in his genetic makeup—for the rest of his life.” And these vaccines are not designed to prevent infection, or its spread – only to stop the majority from getting a more serious case. Which, of course, sufficient Vit D over 40 ng/mL (and under 100), zinc and quercetin will do… only a LOT cheaper

Paired with tis is self-appointed Einstein heir apparent Tom Knight, professor at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab, said in 2007 that “The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It’s time for a rewrite.” Might this recall that “Best and the Brightest” cadre that got us into Vietnam? Looks like we have a new replacement crew for them! Knight’s synthetic biology company Ginkgo Bioworks is using its synthetic biology tech to develop COVID vaccines. Apparently Tom knows more than God, you can be assured. And of course the vile Bill Gates funded synthetic biologists believe that they can “do better” than nature with “self-assembling nanoparticles” that will be injected into your body: “With all due respect to nature, synthetic biologists believe they can do better. Using computers, they are designing new, self-assembling protein nanoparticles studded with viral proteins, called antigens: these porcupine-like particles would be the guts of a vaccine.”
To which I have one word. Or make that picture:

Yep, even God Himself (herself? zirself?) couldn’t sink her!

Technocracy News has a lengthy write up on this topic in depth here.

Of course, the current mRNA “vaccine” is NOT a vaccine – which comes from the Latin vaccinus, the word for cows, illustrating the first vaccine from Edward Jenner ~1800 used a small amount of cowpox virus to inoculate others. But wait! In line with the Orwellian rule of co-opting of language first and foremost, Merriam-Webster came out and changed the definition of ‘vaccine’ so Covid ‘vaccines’ can be defined as such. As someone with a graduate degree in linguistics, I am outraged at this…. Depending, of course, on how Webster defines “outrage” (or for that matter, male or female, truth, 2+2+4, or perhaps more germane – the word propaganda).

First of all, it is not the virus itself that causes the symptoms, but rather the reaction to the virus – here a hyper-inflammatory response by the body. Note that the Salk Institute reported in research published April 30, 2021 in Circulation Research that “shows conclusively” the virus is a vascular disease). The hyper-inflammatory aspect is significant, as this is what is behind the hospitalizations and deaths – and also provides a vector by which we can treat the virus… on our own, if the medical authorities won’t let us have medications that actually work, like Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. And of course, these vaccines do not actually prevent one from getting infected or transmitting the virus, only that the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization permitted their use with the understanding that this would make infections less severe. LifeSite News adds to this, quoting the Pfizer site itself: “Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are not FDA approved but have been released under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). These are novel vaccines that use messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), which is a molecular portion of the virus’ total genetic information. The clinical trials had followed recipients for 2 months after 2 doses. Long-term side effects are unknown. Neither mRNA nor the lipid nanoparticles have been tested in humans. Vaccines commonly use a weakened or killed virus or part of the virus toxin to inject. This triggers the person’s immune system to make antibodies that would recognize and neutralize an infecting virus. A mRNA vaccine works differently because laboratory-made genetic material coding for a part of the virus (spike protein) is injected. It first relies on the recipient’s cells to read this genetic code and make more of the foreign protein molecule for the spike protein. Then it relies on the immune system to make antibodies to this part of the virus. These antibodies are presumed to inactivate the foreign virus and not attack the person’s own cells.” (Note: DNA is that double helix you have seen pictures of in high school, whereas RNA is only one strand. Genetic info in RNA is read by ribosomes, which results in the creation of proteins needed by the cell – the link has a detailed explanation). But key point is that, per biochemist Dianne Irving, Ph.D., “…while it may be correct to say that the foreign mRNA does not change the DNA structure inside the nucleus, or the DNA structure of the mitochondrial DNA, it does change the functioning of the mitochondrial-bound ribosomes and thus the functioning of the mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is part of the human genome. Therefore, foreign messenger-RNA causes a change in function of mitochondrial-bound ribosomes, and thus in mitochondrial DNA function. This change in function of the mitochondrial DNA is to produce a foreign protein that it would never make naturally. This change in function of the mitochondrial ribosomes can affect all cells…” And while Dr Fauci tells us the mRNA shot will not impact our DNA, the NIH openly says it does in the article A novel mRNA modification may impact gene expression.

While you may think the vaccine will prevent the spread of the virus, experts have repeatedly told us that is unknown, and we will still need all the lockdown activities as before. Y’know… as if they think we are stupid enough to forget the whole gambit was just to “bend the curve” – which we all dutifully did. Pfizer did tests on monkeys and found that vaccinated animals still got Covid although the duration of infection was shorter. The Pfizer site tells us: “The clinical vaccine trials did not test for Sars-CoV-2 in all participants so it cannot answer the question of whether the vaccine actually reduces infection or transmission of the virus. The trials only tested for presence of the virus if the test subject became symptomatic. 170 of the total 41,135 (0.41%) subjects given two doses of the vaccine or placebo became symptomatic. Of these 170 subjects, 162 were in the unvaccinated group and 8 were in the vaccinated group. From these small numbers of symptomatic test subjects the 90-95% efficacy claims were calculated. The truth is, first the fake news told us Pfizer and Moderna COVID injections did not prevent infections; then they unsure if it prevented transmission. Then in April 2021 we were told that variants can still infect vaccinated people…. except that a few weeks later the story changed again: “A new study shows the Pfizer vaccine does prevent transmission. And of course, as of late April 2021, with 86 million vaccinated, Covid cases are the same as in February two months earlier! Dr. Harvey Risch professor of epidemiology at Yale University, explicitly said in April 2021 that the vaccine companies “provided no information” on their shot stopping the spread of the infection; so if we look at where the vax has been extensively used, Israel, it stops the spread by 50 -60%. This helps herd immunity, but “is not an overnight shutting off of the spread.” This also doesn’t address an individual’s risk – where around 60% of the new Covid cases, per Risch himself, being treated are those who have already had the shot! Epoch Times – which is the new “newspaper of record” in my books, similarly told us end of April 2021 that “At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination; 132 Dead.” So, that Stasi-like “vaccine passport” means what again, exactly??

The need for the vaccine should be predicated on the risk of death one would think. If so, America’s Frontline Doctors White Paper on Experimental Vaccines for Covid-19, using CDC’s own data, reported The Infection Fatality Ratio is 0.003% for Americans under age 19 (in which case, hopefully they can create a vaccine to protect against kids getting hit by meteorites too) to as high as 5.4% for those 70 years of age and above, an 1800x risk difference based upon age! Here are the fatality rates per CDC stats: 0-19 years: 0.00003; 20-49 years: 0.0002; 50-69 years: 0.005; 70+ years: 0.054.

Risks of the Covid jab? Guillain-Barre, which has up to 7% fatality rate, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, a “rare inflammatory condition that affects the brain and spinal cord,” transverse myelitis, a neurological disorder that inflames the spinal cord, Kawasaki disease, mostly in kids under 5, and other listed outcomes are anaphylaxis, stroke, seizures, heart attacks and death. See here for full list.

The issues are so severe that as of March 19, 2021, 19 countries plus Thailand had halted the used of AstrZeneca’s vaccine, either in full or part, due to blood clots, while doctors in Oslo University confirmed three blood clots caused by the vaccine (in April Children’s Defense Fund reported that the Pfizer and Moderna shots could also cause blood clots as well. Just dandy). Professor Pål Andre Holme, chief physician at Oslo University Hospital, said “Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response.” See March 18, 2012 article in Science Norway for details, but in sum, they think a lot of this is predicated on “a powerful immune response” to the vaccine. In Germany, March 19, 2021, German Spektrum researchers reported they think clots may be due to an immune response where platelets are activated, stating the vaccine “…activates platelets and thus triggers thrombosis. This preliminary conclusion is being made by a working group made up of Andreas Greinacher from the University Hospital Greifswald.” Perhaps this is why, for example, n CA. and OH. around half of front line medical staff are refusing the vaccine. Incredibly, reports that fully 15% of trained, professional US healthcare workers refuse to take the vaccine. Another report tells us 66% of healthcare workers in L.A. are going to delay or skip the vaccine…maybe they aren’t wowed by the rushed science either. I am not a doctor, not did I play one in our high school theatre, but apparently a lot of trained medical staff share the same concerns. As a brief sample of a few related stories, see here via CBS, here at Forbes, or here per fake news LA Times. Just the U.S? Mais non. For example, after taking the vaccine, one report I read (and since lost the source) reported: “The university hospital of Brest in Brittany, Western France saw up to 25 percent of its vaccine recipients call out of work due to severe symptoms like headaches, muscle aches, and high fever. Another report notes that the Hygiene and Safety Committee at the hospital in Périgueux, France reported serious adverse effects occurring in up to 70 percent of their recently-vaccinated healthcare worker.”

There is also the issue of low platelets as elucidated by freelance medical writer and neurobiology postgrad Shin Jie Yong in a March 19, 2021, Medium article, Dr. Goh Kiang Hua, a consultant general surgeon and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, hypothesized the lipid-coated nanoparticles, which transport the mRNA, may be carrying that mRNA into the megakaryocytes in your bone marrow. Megakaryocytes are cells that produce platelets. According to this hypothesis, once the mRNA enters your bone marrow, the megakaryocytes would then begin to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which would tag them for destruction by cytotoxic T-cells. Platelets then become deficient, causing thrombocytopenia,” Yong writes, adding, “Of course, he emphasized that these are just speculations.” Great. Question is do you want to “speculate” with your life or health?

Another question: Famed reporter Jon Rappoport, who, like other well-known reporters such as
Sharyl Attkisson has “left the reservation,” also questions here whether the COVID vaccination actually “forces cells of the body to produce not one, but hundreds of DIFFERENT proteins. Some of these proteins launch severe and fatal allergic reactions. Other foreign proteins stimulate the body to produce a powerful and continuing immune response that goes on too long; the person becomes severely ill or dies. Still other proteins, which are inherently needed by the body, are now viewed as evil intruders which must be neutralized.” Just “kinda” important to think about before getting the shot, n’est pas?

The anecdotal list of deaths can never be conclusive of course, and the numbers and stories will change daily, but as of as of April 21, 2021, here is a simple point in time snapshot of deaths in a few news articles from the shot:

VAERS: Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot

Darlene Blackwell: 61-year-old South Carolina woman has brain aneurysm, dead 10 days after Johnson & Johnson shot

Rachel McKinney: 35-year-old British healthcare worker develops multiple sclerosis, dead three months after experimental Pfizer mRNA shots

India: actor and comedian Vivek dead 48 hours after Covaxin “inactivated virus” shot

European and U.S. databases show nearly 10,000 total deaths from experimental COVID-19 shots

18-Year-Old Undergoes 3 Brain Surgeries From Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine also has a great list that is updated regularly. Well, sorta. As of May, 2021, the US government has scrubbed the statistics on vaccine related deaths. Could this be the reason that as of May, 2021 almost HALF of CDC’s employees at CDC’s Infectious Disease branch had NOT taken the jab? Don’t worry, THAT won’t be in your fake news outlet any time soon…or ever, for that matter.
Natural Blaze tells us here that “Based on injury compensation data, the flu vaccine is dubbed as the most dangerous vaccine. In a world where science is king, those who claim to be in charge seem to ignore their own data:
• Published data in the 2011 Journal of Autoimmunity and the 2012 J Trace Elem Med Biol. shows aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, including the flu vaccine, can induce autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome, (ASIA), which include encephalitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, subcutaneous pseudolymphoma, and siliconosis.
• Adjuvants in the flu vaccine have been associated with an increase in antibodies leading to antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes Syndrome. The alum-antigen in many vaccines is identical to phospholipids, which form the cell membrane in every cell, it can attack any part of the body – the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system – but is becoming known for causing heart attacks and fetal death (Journal Lupus. June 2012).
• Children who get flu vaccine are at three times the risk for hospitalization for flu! (American Thoracic Society).
• The 2010 Cochrane Database Systems Review – a systems review of primary research in human health care and health policy – found “no evidence that flu vaccines affect complications, such as pneumonia, hospitalization transmission of flu between people or death.” Further, claims that the flu vaccine cuts elderly deaths in half were negated: “Due to poor quality data of the available evidence any conclusions regarding the effects of influenza vaccines for people aged 65 years or older cannot be drawn.”
• In the aftermath of the 2009/2010 swine flu scare, a 2010 study in the British Medical Journal showed that children in England and throughout the world given the Pandemrix flu vaccine had a 1,400 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy compared to those not vaccinated.
• A 2011 study in the Journal Vaccine, showed inflammatory adverse events, such as preeclampsia and preterm birth, among pregnant women taking the trivalent influenza vaccine.
• A 2011 study in the Journal of Internal Medicine revealed flu shots result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.
• According to a 2012 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in Clin Infect Dis. March 15, 2012, (the first of its kind) conducted in healthy children 6 to 15 years of age, getting a flu shot was found to increase the risk of other respiratory viral infections over four-fold.
• According to a 2005 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “There are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the U.S. elderly population by as much as half.”
• In response to mandatory flu vaccines for medical staff, a group of medical professionals published an open 2013 letter in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, questioning whether such mandates are medically warranted and ethically correct. They cited that the flu vaccine: 1) is a “statistical gamble” in targeting actual circulating viruses; 2) shows seventy percent of people are already immune at the time of vaccination, according to FDA studies; and 3) shows no evidence that it affects complications of pneumonia or transmission from person to person, as advertised. No answer ever followed.

Of course, does the vaccine even work? (And if not, the vaccine “passports” are bogus, let alone the fact that the CDC has told us we will still shed the virus after getting the vaccine, and thus require masks – that don’t really work anyway). Here is one report from April, 2021: “In a public statement released on March 30, 2021, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) acknowledged that 102 “breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 had occurred so far in the Pacific Northwest state — since February 2021 alone. It’s certainly a small amount compared to the 1 million Washingtonians who have already received their two doses. However, of these 100+ people — who all tested positive for COVID-19 at least two weeks after their final dose of the COVID injection — eight required hospitalization, and two died.” Similarly in MI., 246 fully vaccinated resident in one setting were diagnosed, with three dying; and at the same time, MI, which has one of the highest vaccination rate in April 2021 led the nation in new per capita Covid cases. Truth is, other shots, including the flu shot, are less effective in people older than 65, as noted by a 2014 review from Nature Immunology; NaturalHealth365 reports “Of course, neither Pfizer nor Moderna are willing to claim that their injections are 100% effective. Pfizer executives claim their shots are 91.3% effective against symptomatic COVID-19 and 95.3% effective against severe COVID-19. Pfizer does not claim that their injections prevent transmission, reduce the spread of the disease, or even prevent someone from getting infected. They are only claiming that getting a shot will reduce the risk that a person will get symptoms if they end up contracting the virus — a virus that causes only mild or even no symptoms in 8 out of 10 people who come across it…Many other organizations and news outlets will claim that the COVID-19 injection will help reduce the transmission of the virus, even though government officials and Pharma execs readily acknowledge that there’s not enough evidence yet to fully support this contention.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits to this lack of data on their website using the euphemistic phrase “we are still learning” (aka: they don’t know). Interestingly, the CDC claims on the same webpage that the jab is effective at “keeping you from getting COVID-19” and later revises this as “keeping you from getting sick.” To critics and medic freedom proponents, this isn’t just a matter of semantics. Yes, COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, but the two are often used interchangeably, contributing to the confusion. And not getting COVID-19 vs. not getting symptoms of COVID-19 are two completely different outcomes, at least in terms of “slowing the spread.” So tell me again, exactly, what vaccine passports are good for? But to add fuel to the fire above, Dr. Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale, reported end of April, 2021 that 60% of New Covid Patients Have Been Vaccinated. And as exhibit A, the fully vaccinated NY Yankees baseball team in mid-May 2021 saw “their starting lineup crippled (shortstop Gleyber Torres was kept out of Wednesday’s starting lineup during a game against Tampa Bay) and a number of coaches and staff sidelined due to a sudden flareup of COVID-19”; while on the other side of the planet, in just a single occurrence, India reported 37 previously fully vaccinated doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital came down with Covid, which even the co-opted lie-rag NYTimes had to report. (don’t worry though… I think it is part of a broader scam to push the “variant” scare to get the game going). Per research at Texas Tech Univ., looking again at the virus at this time, they “ found that cultured human airway cells exposed to both low and high concentrations of purified spike protein showed differences in gene expression that remained even after the cells recovered from the exposure. The top genes included ones related to inflammatory response.” As you deal with this issue for your family and yourself, always keep in mind that you need to address hyperinflammatory issues.

And if the other concern is that the “vaccine” – which is not, per dictionary definition, a vaccine, but rather gene therapy – impacts one’s immune system at a genetic level. Re. the mRNA Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTechA jabs, if they were vaccines, they would, by definition, inject a weakened form of pathogen to prompt an immune response; instead, in a mRNA shot, one permanently (i.e., once administered, there is no “off” button) self-manufactures antibody proteins. Or as the UK’s Daily Mail says, “The Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines use mRNA wrapped in lipid nanoparticles to introduce mRNA coding for a the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into a person’s own cells to make that protein and thereby stimulate the immune system to react against it .”

Jim Rickards, who has advised the CIA in financial war gaming among other exploits, explains it thusly: “These treatments use experimental genetic modification to inject you with mRNA, which is a partial strand of genetic code. That mRNA then enters your cells and orders the cells to construct a spike protein similar to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID). This spike protein then precipitates antibodies that can reduce your reaction to SARS-CoV-2 if you get it. But the “vaccine” does not prevent you from getting COVID, and it does not prevent you from spreading it to others. The spike protein remains with you indefinitely. In effect, you have modified your own genetic make-up to fight COVID without actually gaining immunity and without reducing transmissibility. But these vaccines do not prevent you from being infected or spreading it to others. Studies have not gone on long enough to evaluate long-term side effects. These drugs are not FDA approved; they are being distributed under an emergency waiver to avoid the normal approval process. It’s almost like we’re being used as guinea pigs… It is likely that most people receiving the drugs are unaware of these important differences between the new drugs and traditional vaccines, which raises questions about whether their “consent” is fully informed… As far as vaccines go, mRNA genetic therapy is a brave new world — one that is not well understood.”

Even Moderna’s own website states “Typical vaccines for viruses are made from a weakened or inactive virus, but mRNA-1273 is not made from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is made from messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), a genetic code that tells cells how to make protein, which help the body’s immune system make antibodies to fight the virus.” Wired Magazine agreed, stating in a Nov. 18, 2020 article “The active ingredient inside their shot is mRNA — mobile strings of genetic code that contain the blueprints for proteins. Cells use mRNA to get those specs out of hard DNA storage and into their protein-making factories. The mRNA inside Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine directs any cells it reaches to run a coronavirus spike-building program.” You can review what Pfizer itself says on its own website here.

We are just getting started on the Covid gene therapy/non-vaccine scam. Stay tuned for more.

Vaccine Credential Initiative: Passports; Digital Health Passes; Ontario; Ford

Don’t worry, global vaccine passports are just a crazy conspiracy theory. That’s what they tell us. In reality, hundreds of organizations are partnering to get digital health passes and vaccine records going.

Microsoft is a familiar name.
Why is that?

The presence of Microsoft as a partner in VCI should surprise no one. After all, this organization helped started up ID2020 in 2016, along with GAVI and the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Commons Project (TCP) is also listed as promoting Vaccine Credential Initiative. TCP is also prominently featured by the World Economic Forum, and gets funding from Rockefeller.

From VCI’s YouTube channel, they describe themselves and their work in the following way:

VCI is working to enable individuals vaccinated for COVID-19 to access their vaccination records in a secure, verifiable and privacy-preserving way. The Coalition is developing a standard model for organizations administering COVID-19 vaccines to make credentials available in an accessible, interoperable, digital format. empower consumers to conveniently access, store, and share digital COVID-19 vaccination records.

The webinars are publicly available, and the next one is scheduled for June 16. Should be quite enlightening.

April speakers include: Gainwell, Common Trust Network, World Economic Forum, Mayo Clinic. Smart Health Pass details being shared.

Louisiana has apparently already had “digital driver’s licenses” for a few years now. Also, instead of using the term “vaccine passport”, we should call them “vaccine verification” in order to make it less obvious. Smart health cards are coming. Only “approved” issuers list will be coming.

The VCI™ Charter
VCI™ is a voluntary coalition of public and private organizations committed to empowering individuals with access to verifiable clinical information, including a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.
The scope of VCI™ is to harmonize the standards and support development of implementation guides needed to issue, share, and validate vaccination records bound to an individual identity.
Individuals can then use those verifiable credentials for medical purposes and to demonstrate their vaccination status to safely return to work, school and travel.
A SMART Health Card stores healthcare information and other vital medical data. SMART Health Cards provide a platform to:
-Improve privacy and security of patient information
-Make medical records portable
-Reduce healthcare fraud

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  • iCrypto, Inc.
  • Ideando Inc
  • IdRamp
  • iHealth Paragon dba Healthy Mee
  • Imprivata
  • Ink Aviation
  • Intelligent Medical Objects
  • International Business Machines
  • Internet of People – IoP Srl
  • IOTA Foundation
  • IPRD Solutions
  • IriTech, Inc.
  • Iron Bridge
  • iShare Medical
  • Keyed Systems
  • Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • MaineHealth
  • Manceps
  • MaxMD
  • Mayo Clinic
  • mdCAREclik
  • Megical
  • mHealthCoach
  • Microsoft
  • My Work Badge
  • myElth
  • MyMeds
  • MyVaxPass
  • NeurSciences LLC
  • NeXplain
  • NextGen Healthcare
  • Northeast Georgia Health
  • Northwest Solutions LLC
  • NowSecure
  • OneRecord
  • OneSpan, Inc.
  • Onyx Technology, LLC
  • Optum
  • Orbita, Inc.
  • Othena
  • OwlTing
  • Pagemark Technology, Inc.
  • Panoramic Health Innovations, Inc.
  • Papirys Inc.
  • Partners
  • PathCheck Foundation
  • Patient Centric Solutions, Inc
  • PatientLink
  • Pharmapod Ltd.
  • Physician 360
  • Plan8
  • Point-of-Care Partners
  • PopcornApps
  • Portum
  • Primary Health
  • Proof Market
  • Prove
  • Province of Ontario – Ministry of Health
  • Proxy Inc
  • Quikr, Inc
  • RMM CADD Service,llc
  • Rx.Health
  • Safe Haus Group
  • SAFE Identity
  • SafeWorld™️
  • Saggio Consulting, LLC
  • Sama
  • SBTS Group LLC
  • Scicom (MSC) Bhd
  • ShareMy.Health
  • Shoptaki
  • Shufti Pro
  • SITA
  • Skyflow
  • Sorsix
  • STChealth
  • Strategio Consultant
  • Tamarin Health
  • Taylor Corporation
  • TECH5 SA
  • Technical Writers of India (TWIN)
  • The Commons Project Foundation
  • The Gekko Group
  • The George Washington University
  • The Sequoia Project
  • Threedot
  • TPT Med Tech
  • TranSendX
  • Transmute
  • Truepill
  • Twilio
  • UC San Diego Health
  • UCHealth
  • Unhackable
  • Unisys
  • Universal Healthcare Group
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
  • University of California Davis Health
  • University of Chicago Medicine
  • V-Health Passport
  • V12 Health LLC
  • VaccineCheck
  • Valid Entry
  • VaxAtlas, Inc.
  • VAXCheck
  • VAXSYS Technologies, Inc.
  • Veri Doc Global Pty Ltd
  • Verif-y
  • Virus Geeks Inc.
  • vlinder
  • VSA-Health, Inc.
  • WebShield Inc.
  • WellUp
  • Wymsical INC
  • Xperterra
  • Yoti
  • Zamna Technologies Ltd.
  • Zebra Technologies Corporation
  • Zocdoc

The Province of Ontario, specifically the Ministry of Health, is also listed as a partner. Strange, there wasn’t any public announcement of this. This may have something to do with the recent announcement that Ontario would be launching a digital ID. (Archive)

Something to note here: the webpage explicitly states that vaccination records are an application for this digital ID. On the “businesses” portion, it states that this can be used to verify customer identity.

So combine the 2 ideas: customers can verify their vaccination status digitally, and businesses can use these IDs to verify who their customers are. This isn’t a stretch to see that this invites so-called vaccine passports as a condition to enter certain places, or work at some of them.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if this partnership had been publicly disclosed? There doesn’t seem to be any media or government announcement of it.

Although not listed, Walmart is also apparently a supporter of this project. Coincidently, Walmart heavily lobbied Ford into letting the company remain open, while small businesses were forced to close.

Ford and the Ontario parties are also too close to pharma lobbyists, as shown here, here, here, here, and here. Not that the Federal Conservatives, or others are any better.

Ford defers endlessly to the Ontario Science Table, abdicating his responsibility to govern. Quite the rabbit hole. However, the OST is riddled with conflicts of interest, both ideologically, and financially. It’s possible he’s completely unaware of all of this. But it seems more likely that he doesn’t care.

“For The People” was just an empty slogan.

The Commons Project is featured prominently on the World Economic Forum’s site. Both TCP and WEF receive substantial funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. In October 2020, Paul Meyer, the CEO, wrote an article about how to restore trust in air travel.

As an aside, ETFO is also tied to World Economic Forum. Both teacher and health care worker pensions are tied to advancing the GREAT RESET. They own the right stocks.

TCP and WEF also are partnered to run the Common Trust Network to push for vaccine certificates everywhere. Of course, instead of being preplanned and calculated, they spin it as “empowering individuals”. Mastercard also supports this, and is a partner at ID2020. IBM, Oracle and Salesforce are involved (and also part of VCI). These are just a few of the connections.

Don’t you get it? When they say “we’re all this together”, they really mean they have all been colluding.


CV #44(B): BBC’s “Disinformation Specialist Reporter”, Marianna Spring, Is Funded By Gates Money

Marianna Spring works for the BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, and claims to be a “specialist reporter covering disinformation and social media”. However, after a look through what she covers (and omits), the only logical conclusion is that she is deliberately spreading lies.

As a bit of a side note: Spring doesn’t allow people to comment on her tweets unless she follows them, or has tagged them. For a journalist trying to reach the people, she certainly doesn’t seem to want to hear from them.

According to her profile, she was a full time reporter with BBC, until in March 2020, she was tapped to head up the misinformation coverage in the network. She claims to report and track conspiracy theories and false reporting.

However, there is an interesting omission. Spring doesn’t like to address the people who are funding her employer, the BBC. Specifically, she doesn’t address the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. While it’s far from the only donor, it is a major one, and a regular one at that.

Funding in recent years for the BBC is all freely available online. To their credit, the BBC is quite organized when it comes to their records.
BBC Financial Statement 2006 to 2007
BBC Financial Statement 2007 to 2008
BBC Financial Statement 2008 to 2009
BBC Financial Statement 2009 to 2010
BBC Financial Statement 2010 to 2011
BBC Financial Statement 2011 to 2012
BBC Financial Statement 2012 to 2013
BBC Financial Statement 2013 to 2014
BBC Financial Statement 2014 to 2015
BBC Financial Statement 2015 to 2016
BBC Financial Statement 2016 to 2017
BBC Financial Statement 2017 to 2018
BBC Financial Statement 2018 to 2019
BBC Financial Statement 2019 to 2020

2016-2017 35 2,800,000
2017-2018 12 2,150,000
2018-2019 14 2,003,000
2019-2020 17 1,569,000

Notwithstanding donations to her own employer, Spring has shown no interest in covering any of the financial connections between the Gates Foundation, big pharma, and the education industry. Just a thought: when covering conspiracy theories, it may be wise to see if there is any truth to them.

Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

However, Spring will never get into any of this, nor will she report of the financial interests that drive this “pandemic”. The grants to the World Health Organization, GAVI, the Pirbright Institute, John Hopkins, and many more are instantly available. It’s hard to classify someone as a “journalist” when they are so blind to one side of a story.

Even disregarding Gates, the bulk of the BBC funding comes from the British Government, who supports these martial law measures 100%. Surely Spring and her people know who butters their bread.

“We offer partners a number of benefits which include:

  • Exclusive invites to networking events, receptions and dinners hosted by BBC correspondents
  • Getting behind-the-scenes at the BBC with private tours of New Broadcasting House
  • Exclusive recognition on our website and marketing materials
  • Case studies of how your donation has impacted our work, for you to use in both internal and external communications
  • Exclusive opportunities to see and help deliver our work in action, in country.”

The BBC offers partnerships with other organization, and currently, they include Facebook and Twitter. As far as cracking down on “misinformation”, they seem to be ideologically aligned.

The BBC covered the Atlantic Storm pandemic scenario in 2005. Footage is still available of it online. Has Spring not found it strange that all of these preparation cases have been going on for decades?

Facebook has also confirmed that it will be removing content and people that discourages vaccination, REGARDLESS of whether or not it’s true. This is about pushing an agenda, not a search for objective truth. Does Spring not see how precarious her position is if the only way to succeed is to shut down opposing views? After all, she “identifies” as a journalist.

This kind of censorship has a chilling effect, regardless of the subject being discussed.

Volunteers fight back
It was the pandemic’s wave of anti-vaccine content that prompted Dave and Richard to embark on their plan.
“I was out of work,” Dave says. “So I wanted to do something constructive.”
Although the duo have only met in real life once, they now run multiple “honeypot” Facebook groups that have thousands of members from all over the world.
Inside the groups, people who believe in vaccine and Covid-19 conspiracy theories are allowed by the moderators to post false and misleading articles.
Richard admits he’s conflicted about the deception.
“It was horrible having to lie to begin with,” he says.
After members initially joined the group, he says, the pair would observe what they shared, sometimes for weeks.
“And then it’d stop,” Richard says, “and we’d start questioning their narrative.”
Dave and Richard debunk myths and challenge people in comments under posts and via private message.

Ever get the impression that certain groups and people were honeypots (or feds), deliberately trying to mislead a conversation and steer others away from asking important questions? Turns out, it’s for real. The BBC published an article on doing exactly that.

Rather than condemn such underhanded tactics, Spring tweeted it out approvingly, saying that it was necessary to stop people from falling for conspiracy theories. Does a “misinformation specialist” see nothing wrong with deceiving and misleading the public? Spring is either a fraud, or is engaging in olympic level mental gymnastics.

The screenshot is from last year, but there is a valid point. The U.K. defines “Covid deaths” as:

Number of deaths of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test. Data from the four nations are not directly comparable as methodologies and inclusion criteria vary. Data for the period ending 5 days before the date when the website was last updated with data for the selected area, highlighted in grey, is incomplete.

The death count is for people who’ve had a positive test (real or false positive), and then died within 28 days, irrespective of the cause. This kind of definition opens the door to abuse. If Spring really had been researching conspiracy theories and misinformation, she would have heard that claim repeatedly. Did she ignore it, or check, and simply report lies anyway?

The World Health Organization defines it in the following way:

A death due to COVID-19 is defined for surveillance purposes as a death resulting from a clinically compatible illness, in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID disease (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death.

While there is a lot of garbage posted online (that part is true), isn’t it the job of a professional journalist to wade through, and sort out fact from fiction?

Listening to Spring talk, it does appear that she has much of an interest in fact checking anything that she calls a conspiracy theorist. She seems to take the Government narrative at face value.

In her own words, this is about “putting a human face” on trying to counter information the Government doesn’t like. This comes across as crass emotional manipulation.

Take a good look. This is the face of deception in the modern age.


TSCE #9(I): “Mr. Girl”, Pedo Defending Cuties Film Gets YouTube Channel Restored

Free speech and open discourse are generally extremely beneficial to society. However, the selective censoring of that on platforms like YouTube raise some serious questions. Here, YouTube and Twitter don’t seem to have an issue with disturbing content.

1. “Mr. Girl”, Max Karson, Defends Cuties

The first video is Max Karson (a.k.a. “Mr. Girl”) appearing on the Kill Stream with Ethan Ralph. Ralph frequently hosts discussion on topics like pornography, so this isn’t just a one-off. Karson then made his “Cuties” video the next day. While scrubbed from YouTube, it’s still on his site. Several people made great reviews of it, including Adonis Paul and Brittany Venti.

2. Most Likely Sincere, Not Trolling

The suggestion had been made several times that Karson was trolling, that this whole thing was an act either for attention, or to generate views. While that is possible, the tone and overall content comes across as someone who is serious about this content. While satire and comedy (even raunchy stuff) should be protected as free speech, this doesn’t look like that at all.

3. Karson’s YouTube Channel Gets Restored

Even though the Cuties video was taken from the YouTube channel, it is still available — in full — on the website, There’s also a disgusting “apology” video posted. Additionally, Karson is still able to receive donations via Square Space and Patreon.

There wouldn’t be as much of an issue if there were uniform standards, either for or against free speech absolutism. However, there seem to be double standards, depending on the subject.

Again, if this was some strange version of satire or parody, what exactly is the punch line? How does this result in humour or comedy?

YouTube has no problems with removing content that contradicts the Covid-19 narrative. Guess we have to draw the line somewhere. Canuck Law is just one of many accounts who have been threatened with the loss of their channel over that.

Worth pointing out: Twitter is currently being sued for (allegedly) not removing illegal material involving minors on its website. That is still ongoing in Court.

4. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

Serious issues like smuggling or trafficking are routinely avoided in public discourse. Also important are the links between open borders and human smuggling; between ideology and exploitation; between tolerance and exploitation; between abortion and organ trafficking; or between censorship and complicity. Mainstream media will also never get into the organizations who are pushing these agendas, nor the complicit politicians. These topics don’t exist in isolation, and are interconnected.

CV #66(C): Trudeau Lies, Covid “Vaccines” Being Injected Were Never Approved By Health Canada

Justin Trudeau, Theresa Tam, Patty Hajdu and others are misrepresenting when they claim that these vaccines have been approved for use. Aside from not really being vaccines, we need to distinguish between 2 things:

(a) Emergency use authorization — deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act.
(b) Approved — Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population.

The substances being injected have been authorized for use, because of an Interim Order.

1. Canada Food & Drug Act, Section 30.1

Interim orders
30.1 (1) The Minister may make an interim order that contains any provision that may be contained in a regulation made under this Act if the Minister believes that immediate action is required to deal with a significant risk, direct or indirect, to health, safety or the environment.
Marginal note: Cessation of effect
(2) An interim order has effect from the time that it is made but ceases to have effect on the earliest of
(a) 14 days after it is made, unless it is approved by the Governor in Council,
(b) the day on which it is repealed,
(c) the day on which a regulation made under this Act, that has the same effect as the interim order, comes into force, and
(d) one year after the interim order is made or any shorter period that may be specified in the interim order.

Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Here is the Interim Order signed September 16, 2020 by Health Minister Patty Hajdu. This is quite different from having drugs or medical devices being approved through the formal channels. Now, what does that document actually say?

2. September 16 Order From Patty Hajdu

Application for authorization
3 (1) Subject to section 4, an application for an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug must be in a form established by the Minister and contain sufficient information and material to enable the Minister to determine whether to issue the authorization, including
(a) the applicant’s name and contact information and, in the case of a foreign applicant, the name and contact information of their representative in Canada;
(b) a description of the drug and a statement of its proper name or its common name if there is no proper name;
(c) a statement of the brand name of the drug or the identifying name or code proposed for the drug;
(d) a list of the ingredients of the drug, stated quantitatively;
(e) the specifications for each of the drug’s ingredients;
(f) a description of the facilities and equipment to be used in the manufacture, preparation and packaging of the drug;
(g) details of the method of manufacture and the controls to be used in the manufacture, preparation and packaging of the drug;
(h) details of the tests to be applied to control the potency, purity, stability and safety of the drug;
(i) the names and qualifications of all the investigators to whom the drug has been sold;
(j) a draft of every label to be used in connection with the drug, including any package insert and any document that is provided on request and that sets out supplementary information on the use of the drug;
(k) a statement of all the representations to be made for the promotion of the drug respecting
(i) the recommended route of administration of the drug,
(ii) the proposed dosage of the drug,
(iii) the drug’s indications, and
(iv) the contra-indications and side effects of the drug;
(l) a description of the dosage form that is proposed for the sale of the drug;
(m) evidence that all test batches of the drug used in any studies conducted in connection with the application were manufactured and controlled in a manner that is representative of market production;
(n) in the case of a drug intended for administration to food-producing animals, the withdrawal period of the drug; and
(o) the known information in relation to the quality, safety and effectiveness of the drug.

This may be nitpicking, but notice that the Order doesn’t say that the drug has to be safe. It only states that the “unknown information” has to be provided.

It also doesn’t specify that the testing has to be completed, or anywhere close to done. In fact, these authorizations can be issued with next to no testing being done.

Yes, a considerable amount of information needs to be provided. But it doesn’t mean that safety — the biggest issue — has to be conclusively established. The standard is much lower.

4 Content
4(2) The application must be in a form established by the Minister and contain the following information and material:
(a) the information and material described in paragraphs 3‍(1)‍(a) to (d), (f), (j) to (l) and, if applicable, (n);
(b) an attestation, signed and dated by an individual who has authority to bind the applicant in Canada, certifying that the applicant has access to the information referred to in paragraph 3‍(1)‍(o) that was submitted to the relevant foreign regulatory authority in order for the foreign drug to be authorized to be sold;
(c) information that demonstrates that the drug is identical to, and is manufactured, prepared and packaged in the same manner as, the foreign drug;
(d) information that demonstrates that the sale of the foreign drug is authorized by the foreign regulatory authority referred to in paragraph (b); and
(e) any labels that are approved by the foreign regulatory authority referred to in paragraph (b) for use in connection with the foreign drug.

5 The Minister must issue an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug if the following requirements are met:
-the applicant has submitted an application to the Minister that meets the requirements set out in subsection 3‍(1) or 4‍(2);
-the applicant has provided the Minister with all information or material, including samples, requested under subsection 13‍(1) in the time, form and manner specified under subsection 13‍(2); and
-the Minister has sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the benefits associated with the drug outweigh the risks, having regard to the uncertainties relating to the benefits and risks and the necessity of addressing the urgent public health need related to COVID-19.

If the above criteria are met, then the authorization MUST be approved, according to Section 5 of the Order.

To be clear, getting an authorization under this Interim Order isn’t the same thing as having a drug of vaccine getting approved. This authorization is a sort of temporary emergency measure. These are not the same thing, and should not be conflated in any way.

Prohibition – significant difference
6 (1) It is prohibited to sell a COVID-19 drug to which an authorization relates if any of the matters referred to in subsection 3‍(1) or subsection 4‍(2) — other than in paragraph 3‍(1)‍(i) or 4‍(2)‍(e), as the case may be — are significantly different from the information or material contained in the application, unless the Minister amends the authorization.

(2) The Minister must amend the authorization if the following requirements are met:
(a) the holder of the authorization has submitted an application to the Minister to amend it;
(b) the holder has provided the Minister with all information or material, including samples, requested under subsection 13‍(1) in the time, form and manner specified under subsection 13‍(2); and
(c) the Minister has sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the benefits associated with the drug outweigh the risks, having regard to the uncertainties relating to the benefits and risks and the necessity of addressing the urgent public health need related to COVID-19.

Notice that the September 16, 2020 Order keeps referring to this as an “authorization” for drugs. It never says the term “approval”. Why is this? It’s because a temporary authorization and an approval are 2 entirely different animals.

True, both lead to “vaccines” getting put into people’s arms. But they are not the same in terms of standards, testing, length of study, and review.

3. Authorized Despite Testing Deficiencies

Want to know the shortcomings in these “thoroughly tested” vaccines? This page contains information directly from the product information. Why aren’t our so-called opposition parties addressing any of this?

Think that suing the manufacturer will be an option if these “vaccines” harm you? Think again. They are exempt from liability. While an injury compensation program was announced back in December, there have been no details or updates since.

4. Same Deception Problem With Fauci

In this recent interview, Anthony Fauci gets called out by Eugenio Derbez for repeatedly distorting the truth. Fauci tries to conflate vaccines being “approved by the FDA”, and an “Emergency Use Authorization”. They are not the same thing. See here for the full conversation.