How Conservative Inc. Media Provides Cover For Hoax Being Perpetrated

This is Brian Lilley, who works for the Toronto Sun. Rather than do any in depth reporting on the fraud and hoax that this “pandemic” is, Lilley prefers to run interference for Doug Ford. Instead of holding the Ontario Government to account, his response is: “well, the other guys would have been worse”.

Lilley wants people to look at a symptom (how this is managed), and not the disease (creeping Communist takeover). He’s far from alone.

1. Strategic Uselessness Of Con Inc. Media

Liberal position: More lockdowns, more restrictions, more freedoms taken away. Don’t be selfish and act in individual interest.

Conservative position: Maybe these measures are a bit harsh, but people shouldn’t go around flaunting the rules. They should follow the directions of Public Health.

The effect this has is one of limiting of Overton Window so that public discourse is extremely narrow. An honest discussion of what’s going on is not encouraged by either side. And Conservative Inc. media plays their part in freezing and neutralizing any real opposition.

Very few argue that these measures — which are effectively martial law — are completely wrong, or that the “pandemic” is a manufactured crisis. What they do is criticize details of how it’s implemented.

This is intentional, of course. The goal is not holding Governments accountable for the things they do, but the “illusion” of holding them accountable. This is something completely different.

2. Con Inc. 2-Faced On Media Subsidies

Lorrie Goldstein, in that one tweet, sums up what is wrong with “conservative” outlets in Canada. He feigns outrage at Trudeau for using taxpayer money to prop up unprofitable media. In the next breath, he shrugs it off as necessary to save jobs.

Perhaps their tepid opposition is one of pragmatism: in order to keep the subsidies rolling in, it’s best not to rock the boat too much. The odd shot at Trudeau is allowed, but no serious threats to the status quo are premitted.

Of course, an honourable mention goes to the “charity” of True North Centre for Public Policy. This is what Candice Malcolm, (Jason Kenney’s ex-Staffer), took over and claims to have founded. It was originally the Independent Immigration Aid Association. Even while Malcolm rails against media subsidies, she profits from repurposing an actual charity for tax benefits.

3. More Examples Of Controlled Media

People should follow the rules and obey Public Health guidelines. But at least Hillier is open about his position. Really?

What second wave?

Or take this piece by Spencer Fernando. He calls for Rod Phillips to be fired for taking a trip abroad in December, but Ford apparently gets a pass, despite covering it up. Such hypocrisy. Then again, what can one expect from the National Citizen’s Coalition?

There’s also this juvenile clip from Andrew Lawton. He proposes removing any restriction that a politician gets caught breaking. While amusing, he avoids any real coverage on the deception at the heart of the scam.

These examples are just a tiny bit of what is available online.

In recent days, 2 noticeable themes have emerged:
[1] Criticizing politicians for leaving the country
[2] Borders remain open during “pandemic”

A focus lately is how countless politicians have been caught breaking the rules they insist on for other people.

Interestingly, many in the media don’t take this as an opportunity to reevaluate how dangerous the whole situation is (or isn’t). Instead, the anger is directed at the people not being subjected to the same erosions of their freedoms. Nice trick.

Similarly with the flights coming in. Media in Canada are finally talking about the absurdity of keeping the borders open in a “pandemic”, and not asking why borders should be open at all. The focus becomes on asking if it is safe to allow travellers in.

These tactics are great are directing anger towards people breaking the rules, rather than getting the public to question why those rules exist in the first place. Conservative outlets don’t seem to have much of an issue with stripping our rights away in general. They just argue over the minor details of how to do it. It’s a way to narrow the focus on debate, and limit real discussion.

4. Goal Is To Limit Public Discussion

There isn’t any real opposition in the MSM to Governments imposing martial law, no matter where on the political spectrum they are. Instead,

Putting the spotlight on people like Rod Phillips, breaking his own rules, is a deliberate move. It is done to focus anger on those who are not following along. This is an appeal to emotion, deflecting from having a logical discussion.

A very common tactic is played out here: get people focused on a symptom (hypocritical politicians), and not on the disease (erosion of basic rights). Too many in Canada will spend their time covering the symptoms exclusively.

Keep in mind that Con Inc. media has very low regard for the growing resistance to these power grabs. These people are not allies, and cannot be trusted. Legitimate voices are ignored, or dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

5. Questions That Need To Be Asked

Here some difficult questions that must always be in the public eye. Before accepting the official narrative at face value, they have to be answered. Unfortunately, we aren’t getting this from the media giants.

  • Has this virus ever been isolated?
  • What’s the real fatality rate?
  • How many people have it, and have recovered?
  • Why use PCR tests, when its creator says this isn’t their purpose?
  • What’s the error rate of PCR tests?
  • What’s the error rate of antibody tests?
  • Why bother with rapid-tests if the test itself is flawed?
  • Do masks actually work?
  • How are group sizes (or bubbles) determined?
  • Where did the 2m distancing requirement come from?
  • Why are hospitals really being emptied out?
  • Why are other causes of death being downplayed?
  • Why are deaths mis-labelled to drive up the CV count?
  • How do you determine “non-essential” businesses?
  • Why are Governments so eager to shut businesses down?
  • Is this all just an excuse to implement social changes?
  • Was the “Great Reset” laid out in advance?
  • Why are laws written to give health officers dictator powers?
  • Are we legally obligated to follow WHO’s IHR?
  • Did the WHO actually write the 2005 Quarantine Act?
  • How many politicians actually oppose what is going on?
  • Have politicians been bribed or threatened into compliance?
  • Was all of this planned out?

6. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; and the International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

This is what a small site can come up with, given enough time and hard work. Yet the mainstream media Canada in can’t provide proof that this “pandemic” is entirely manufactured?

CV #46(B): So-Called “Journalist” Mark Slapinski Wants Person He Doesn’t Agree With Jailed

Canada has reached a new low. A self-identified “independent journalist” named Mark Slapinski has called for someone to be imprisoned for having different views. But don’t worry, it’s only in the name of safety.

1. Not A Personal Defense Of Saccoccia

To add in a disclaimer: this article is not about personally defending Chris Saccoccia (a.k.a. Chris Sky). He is obnoxious, looks goofy, and overall, is difficult to take seriously. And he may very well be attempting to co-opt real resistance. Nonetheless, he does have his free speech rights. These rights are especially important in light of blatant lies, gaslighting, and lawfare that we experience.

2. Mark Slapinski Started Actual Petition

Chris Sky has become infamous for leading the anti-mask movement in Toronto, as well as spreading inaccurate and anti-scientific information about COVID19 on Social Media.

Chris Sky was recently seen breaking into Adamson BBQ as an act of “united non-compliance” with a group of followers. This escalation in tactics from Mr. Sky is a danger to public health, and needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Chris Sky has been charged by police before, but it appears those charges have not deterred him from spreading disinformation and putting people’s lives in danger.

If Sky continues this behaviour, COVID rates will likely continue to rise, and extend the length of the lockdown. His anti-vaccine rhetoric will likely delay a lifting of COVID restrictions, due to him contributing to “vaccine hesitancy”.

The best way to send a message to anti-maskers is to put their leader in jail.
Sign the petition. Let’s put Chris Sky behind bars!
Started by Toronto Today

Now, who is Mark Slapinski?
Here is some information he provides on his LinkedIn page.

At first, it’s difficult to believe this is real. Mark Slapinski is a journalist, or at least he “identifies” as one. However, he openly calls for someone with a different opinion to be locked up. Aside from the obvious cognitive dissonance, Slapinski seems oblivious to the idea that it is exactly that mentality that could one day see HIM shut down and jailed.

It’s unclear whether Slapinski is a plant being used by the government to promote censorship, or if he is just a useful idiot. Either way, this needs to be called out.

In the petition, Slapinski drops his real goal. He wants to silence the “anti-maskers” by putting Chris Saccoccia/Sky in jail. This is a deliberate attempt to shut down views he disagrees with. Never mind that Sky doesn’t speak for the people as a whole — most find him distasteful.

Interesting that Slapinsky uses the phrase “vaccine hesitancy”. Outside of Government and NGO circles, it’s rarely heard. It refers to people’s reluctance (for whatever reason), to be vaccinated. And Slapinski makes it clear he wants people to get it.

Never mind that this “pandemic” is grossly overblown, and is being used to implement a larger social agenda. Slapinski is either completely ignorant of all of this (and has done no research), or is willfully complicit in deceiving the public.

Slapinski would do a far greater public service if he spent his time researching and fact checking the claims and predictions the Government makes. The official story falls apart under any real scrutiny.

3. Soros Funded Change.Org Petitions

It seems Slapinski has filed several petitions with And while he calls for Black Lives Matter people to be freed, he wants to lock up people who aren’t violent. Pick a lane. Also, it’s oddly amusing the never ending attempts to gaslight whites by using the “Nazi” logo.

At least these are theoretically possible, unlike the current petition to have someone jailed. Someone needs to tell him that’s not how the law works. Police respond to complaints filed, not petitions.

4. Censorship, Social Media Collusion Here Now

See 2:30 in the Tam/Trudeau video. Tam openly admits that there is social media collusion to: (a) take down media that contradicts the narrative; (b) direct people to “trusted” sites; (c) demonetize accounts that don’t play along; and (d) manipulate search algorithms to make them harder to find. The Canadian media doesn’t call this out.

Social media outlets already collude with governments to promote the pro-vaccine narrative, and it’s no accident so many outlets in Canada are subsidized. Governments also have floated the idea of “misinformation” laws to criminally penalize people who contradict the official stories.

At best, Slapinski seems to be aware of none of this, and is blindly parroting back Government talking points. At worst, he is actively trying to censor, shut down (and jail) critics.

Again, none of this is to defend Saccoccia/Sky himself — who does more harm than good to the resistance — but to defend the principle of free speech.

5. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

CV #56: CTV News Selectively Edits Out Admission That 98% Of Deaths In Long Term Care

At about 3:40 in the video, there is a very obvious edit where a stunning admission was made. A few days ago, it was reported that 10,781 out of 10,947 “Covid deaths” had actually occurred in long term care homes and residences.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the vile agenda called the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy compromised, shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Clip From Original, Unedited Broadcast

This portion was taken from the original video on November 15. It seems that that admitting the true death rate caused a lot of backlash

3. 98% LTC Death Rate Admission Edited Out

At about the 3:40 mark, there is an edit, an not even a very smooth one. This detail cannot be allowed to stand. CTV realized that telling the public that 10,781 out of 10,947 deaths were in these residences was destructive to the narrative.

The dishonesty of these people is endless it seems.

CV #42(C): Michelle Rempel Upset That Liberals, Not Conservatives, Will Get To Implement The Great Reset

Justin Trudeau has let it slip out that Liberals intend to implement the “Great Reset“. In short, this means using the fake pandemic as an excuse to accelerate Agenda 2030, the so-called “Sustainable Development Agenda”.

That isn’t going over so well in conservative circles. And why? Because it was Stephen Harper who signed Agenda 2030 on September 25, 2015. It was Harper who domestically implemented Agenda 21 in 2008 (which Brian Mulroney signed). In short, Conservatives had paved the way for the reset, and now Trudeau was stealing their thunder.

What’s a girl to do?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy is thoroughly compromised, as shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Conservatives Support The “Great Reset”

The Liberals want to “build back better.” Conservatives will “build back stronger.”
We are facing the greatest economic crisis of our lifetime.
Canada’s Conservatives led by Erin O’Toole will bring back certainty and stability.
The Liberal agenda is to launch a risky experiment with Canada’s economy.
Justin Trudeau says, “We are all in this together.” But, under the Liberals, Canada is more divided than ever before.
With the Liberals, it’s the haves over the have-nots.
It’s Bay Street over Main Street.
It’s those with a salary, benefits, and a pension over those without.
It’s those with Liberal connections over the outsiders who have to play by the rules.
Instead, Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives will fight for you and your family, and the countless Canadians left behind by the Trudeau Liberal government.
Sign below if you want to build back stronger!

The Conservative Party of Canada completely supports the “Great Reset”. In fact, they coined the term: “build back stronger” as a way to show how cool and edgy they are.

To be clear, Michelle Rempel-Garner and the CPC aren’t upset that the Great Reset is taking place. They just pretend to be because Trudeau and the Liberals will get credit for it.

3. Conservatives Support Increased Lockdowns

OTTAWA — Conservative leadership candidate Erin O’Toole called Monday for the country to be placed on “war footing” to combat the spread of COVID-19, the latest escalation of rhetoric in the race now thrown into flux by the rapidly evolving crisis.

O’Toole said the federal government should invoke the Emergencies Act so the federal government can prohibit travel, enforce self-isolation and control assemblies, while also mobilizing the military to back up the health system.

“Now is the time to put our government and our economy on a war footing, with leadership from the top,” he said in an email to supporters.

When O’Toole was running to be the leader of the CPC, he openly advocated for even more draconian measures that what Trudeau had done. So much for conservatives valuing freedom.

4. CPC Still Calls For Less Freedom

That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on the emergency situation facing Canadians in light of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that this study evaluate, review and examine any issues relevant to this situation, such as, but not limited to:

(a) rapid and at-home testing approvals and procurement process and schedule, and protocol for distribution;
(b) vaccine development and approvals process, procurement schedules, and protocol for distribution;
(c) federal public health guidelines and the data being used to inform them for greater clarity on efficacy;
(d) current long-term care facility COVID-19 protocols as they pertain solely to federal jurisdiction;
(o) the government’s contact tracing protocol, including options considered, technology, timelines and resources;
(p) the government’s consideration of and decision not to invoke the federal Emergencies Act;

Yes, Michelle Rempel-Garner is demanding to know why (among other things), the Emergencies Act hasn’t been invoked. She also supports contact tracing, and rapid test kits (even though the tests don’t work). These are clearly the actions of someone who supports the Great Reset deep down. No mention that when the long term care deaths are excluded, the death rate drops to almost nothing.

At no point do Conservatives complain that these measures are excessive, or question the highly dubious “science” behind it. The only objections are in how it’s carried out.

5. Rempel A Well Known WEF Globalist

Canadian Member of Parliament. Has served in Cabinet as a Minister of State in the government of Stephen Harper. Has also managed the sponsored research portfolio for one of Canada’s top research intensive universities. Has over a decade of experience in managing and commercializing intellectual property, and in management consulting. Named one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women, Women’s Executive Network. Twice named as Parliamentarian of the Year – Rising Star, Maclean’s Magazine.

Can this woman really be trusted, given the glowing review the World Economic Forum has given to her? Keep in mind, WEF is one of the major pushers of the reset.

6. Agenda 2030 Signed In September 2015

In September 2015, Canada and all other 192 United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the UN General Assembly. This initiative is a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

The 2030 Agenda presents Canada, and the world, with a historic opportunity to positively shape how societies of tomorrow grow and develop sustainably and inclusively to the shared benefit of all.

Canada signed onto Agenda 2030 on September 25, 2015. This was less than a month before Stephen Harper was voted out of office.

7. Pierre Poilievre’s Bogus Petition

Lovely petition, but again, the Conservatives were in power when Agenda 2030 was launched. The “Great Reset” is just Agenda 2030. And why is he still flying a foreign flag in his office?

8. Conservative Inc. Media Obscures Truth

Founded in 1967 with the express goal to stand up for Canadian taxpayers and to champion small-C conservative values, The National Citizens Coalition is made up of a dedicated group of individuals working together to ensure the continued success of Canada’s largest non-partisan organization.

Keep the term non-partisan in mind. While claiming to be independent and non-partisan, the NCC leaves out that Stephen Harper (yes, the former Prime Minister), used to head the organization.

Fernando acts as cheerleader for Rempel-Garner, in opposing the “Reset”. However, he fails to mention that the former head of National Citizens Coalition, his organization, signed Agenda 2030 in the first place. That agreement helped drive the Reset in motion. He also omits Rempel-Garner’s award from the World Economic Forum.

An epic conflict of interest that isn’t disclosed.

9. Would Harper Have Pushed The Great Reset?

This is impossible to know for sure. However, looking at his past actions, it’s clear that he had no real concern for Canada’s sovereignty or well being. Here are some examples:

(a) He domestically implemented Agenda 21
(b) He fought COMER to keep the banking cartel intact
(c) He added over $100 billion to the national debt
(d) He signed FIPA without allowing full debate
(e) He set “emissions targets” regarding the climate change scam
(f) He signed Agenda 2030
(g) He left the loophole in the Safe 3rd Country Agreement, allowing illegal aliens to enter from the U.S.

Would Harper and the Conservatives be implementing the “Great Reset” if they were still in power today? Just an opinion, but yes they would. Michelle Rempel-Garner is just angry she doesn’t get credit.

Bill C-10; Censorship; Theresa Tam Openly Admits Social Media Collusion

What a goldmine this short video clip is. Theresa “the Apple” Tam openly admits that there is collusion on social media, (see 3:55), such as: (a) automatically forwarding searches to specific sites; (b) demonetizing certain accounts; and (c) algorithm manipulation to prevent certain information from being seen.

Tam also parrots the UNESCO narrative regarding misinformation. At 6:00, Tam asks people to create videos and testimonials promote the Covid narrative. At 7:00, Tam uses “Vaccine Confidence“, which is actually a global psychological effort to get people vaccinated.

And while Trudeau denies internment camps are being built, Brampton Mayor, a “conserative” Patrick Brown thanks people for receiving the funding to build an internment camp.

1. Free Speech Is Under Constant Threat

Check here for the series free speech. It’s a crucial topic, and is typically intertwined with other categories. Topic include: Digital Cooperation; the IGF, or Internet Governance Forum; ex-Liberal Candidate Richard Lee; the Digital Charter; Dominic LeBlanc’s proposal. There is also collusion, done by UNESCO, more UNESCO, Facebook, Google, and Twitter lobbying.

2. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy is thoroughly compromised, as shown: here, here, here, and here.

3. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Trudeau/Tam casually admitting to censorship.
CLICK HERE, for Tam looking for ways to vaccinate more people.
CLICK HERE, for great censorship piece by INFORRM.ORG.
CLICK HERE, for social media firms “catching misinformation”.
CLICK HERE, for Dominic LeBlanc considering “misinformation” law.
CLICK HERE, for Bill C-10 introduced in Parliament.
CLICK HERE, for, Bill C-10 entry.

CLICK HERE, for Google censorship “keeping the public safe”.
CLICK HERE, for Google meeting Canadian Gov’t.
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for information on Twitter platform censorship.
CLICK HERE, for Twitter lobbying Canadian Government.

CLICK HERE, for Facebook promoting censorship.
CLICK HERE, for Facebook influence/lobbying Gov’t.
WayBack Machine Archive

4. Tam: Duties For Social Media Companies

Tam and Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Howard Njoo warned against misinformation about vaccine safety online and explained why social media giants have a role to play in sharing trusted material.

“This is the first pandemic in the age of the Internet and social media. This is an area of significant work because we have an overload of information through which many Canadians can’t sort out what is credible and what is not,” she said.

“I look towards different partners, government departments coming together to look at how we better address some of the myths and misinformation that is in that space. I think fundamentally it’s a massive challenge.”

The Statistics Canada report also shows that nearly 58 per cent of respondents said that they were very likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine, a majority being 65 and older.

Theresa Tam openly says that social media has a role to play in advancing the vaccination agenda, and in countering information that contradicts the official narrative. Also, take a look into the issue of “vaccine hesitancy“, or vaccine confidence.

5. YouTube/Google Openly Censor Critics Online

Canuck Law was given a strike and had a video removed for contradicting the official narrative on YouTube. The video was based on Part 29 in the series: lies of public health officials. As such, it has become clear that real discussion on the platform will never be permitted.

If you’re posting content
Don’t post content on YouTube if it includes any of the following:
Treatment Misinformation: Discourages someone from seeking medical treatment by encouraging the use of cures or remedies to treat COVID-19.
-Claims that COVID-19 doesn’t exist or that people do not die from it
-Content that encourages the use of home remedies in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital
-Content that encourages the use of prayer or rituals in place of medical treatment
-Content that claims that a vaccine for coronavirus is available or that there’s a guaranteed cure
-Claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or WHO
-Content that claims that any currently-available medicine prevents you from getting the coronavirus
-Other content that discourages people from consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice
-Prevention Misinformation: Content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO.
Diagnostic Misinformation: Content that promotes diagnostic methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO.
Transmission Misinformation: Content that promotes transmission information that contradicts local health authorities or WHO.
-Content that claims that COVID-19 is not caused by a viral infection
-Content that claims COVID-19 is not contagious
-Content that claims that COVID-19 cannot spread in certain climates or geographies
-Content that claims that any group or individual has immunity to the virus or cannot transmit the virus
-Content that disputes the efficacy of local health authorities’ or WHO’s guidance on physical distancing or self-isolation measures to reduce transmission of COVID-19

Educational, documentary, scientific or artistic content
We may allow content that violates the misinformation policies noted on this page if that content includes context that gives equal or greater weight to countervailing views from local health authorities or to medical or scientific consensus. We may also make exceptions if the purpose of the content is to condemn or dispute misinformation that violates our policies. This context must appear in the images or audio of the video itself. Providing it in the title or description is insufficient.

Here are some examples of content that’s not allowed on YouTube:
Denial that COVID-19 exists
-Claims that people have not died from COVID-19
-Claims that there’s a guaranteed vaccine for COVID-19
-Claims that a specific treatment or medicine is a guaranteed cure for COVID-19
-Claims that certain people have immunity to COVID-19 due to their race or nationality
-Encouraging taking home remedies instead of getting medical treatment when sick
-Discouraging people from consulting a medical professional if they’re sick
-Content that claims that holding your breath can be used as a diagnostic test for COVID-19
-Videos alleging that if you avoid Asian food, you won’t get the coronavirus
-Videos alleging that setting off fireworks can clean the air of the virus
-Claims that COVID-19 is caused by radiation from 5G networks
-Videos alleging that the COVID-19 test is the cause of the virus
-Claims that countries with hot climates will not experience the spread of the virus
-Videos alleging that social distancing and self-isolation are not effective in reducing the spread of the virus
-Claims that the COVID-19 vaccine will kill people who receive it

These are the rules that YouTube (which is actually owned by Google), now have in place. The actual truth or research of the videos are irrelevant. The deciding factor is whether or not it contradicts the official narrative.

Google, the parent company of YouTube, has been meeting with Federal officials for a variety of issues, including media manipulation regarding the “pandemic”.

6. Twitter Censorship, Meeting With Gov’t

In serving the public conversation, our goal is to make it easy to find credible information on Twitter and to limit the spread of potentially harmful and misleading content. Starting today, we’re introducing new labels and warning messages that will provide additional context and information on some Tweets containing disputed or misleading information related to COVID-19.

In March, we broadened our policy guidance to address content that goes directly against guidance on COVID-19 from authoritative sources of global and local public health information. Moving forward, we may use these labels and warning messages to provide additional explanations or clarifications in situations where the risks of harm associated with a Tweet are less severe but where people may still be confused or misled by the content. This will make it easier to find facts and make informed decisions about what people see on Twitter.

New labels and warnings
During active conversations about disputed issues, it can be helpful to see additional context from trusted sources. Earlier this year, we introduced a new label for Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media. Similar labels will now appear on Tweets containing potentially harmful, misleading information related to COVID-19. This will also apply to Tweets sent before today.

Twitter has updated their policies a few times this year, but it falls along the same idea as YouTube: information that openly contradicts the official position and recommendation of the World Health Organization and its proxies is at risk of being censored.

People like Theresa Tam and Justin Trudeau aren’t alarmed at the blatant censorship going on in the online sphere. On the contrary, they fully support it, as it undermines attempts to disprove their claims.

Subject Matter Details
Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Bill C-10, An Act to Amend the Broadcasting Act and make related and consequential amendments to other acts
-Broadcasting and Telecommunications Review with regard to proposals to regulate online content.
-Income Tax Act, with regard to digital tax proposals.
-Intellectual property proposals and legislation with regard to copyright and online content.
-National Data Strategy consultations with regard to innovation, trust and privacy.
-Privacy legislation or proposals such the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) with regard to data collection, safety, and use.

Policies or Program
-Internet advertising policy, specifically the adoption of digital media and advertising by government.
-Working with government agencies to help them understand how social media companies create their own rules and policies.
-Working with government agencies to help them understand how to use social media during elections.

Twitter has also been meeting with the Federal Government on issues such as Bill C-10, and regulating online content. This screams of efforts to crack down on free speech and censor unpleasant truth.

7. Facebook Censorship/Collusion Over Covid

Ever since COVID-19 was declared a global public health emergency in January, we’ve been working to connect people to accurate information from health experts and keep harmful misinformation about COVID-19 from spreading on our apps.

We’ve now directed over 2 billion people to resources from the WHO and other health authorities through our COVID-19 Information Center and pop-ups on Facebook and Instagram with over 350 million people clicking through to learn more.

But connecting people to credible information is only half the challenge. Stopping the spread of misinformation and harmful content about COVID-19 on our apps is also critically important. That’s why we work with over 60 fact-checking organizations that review and rate content in more than 50 languages around the world. In the past month, we’ve continued to grow our program to add more partners and languages. Since the beginning of March, we’ve added eight new partners and expanded our coverage to more than a dozen new countries. For example, we added MyGoPen in Taiwan, the AFP and dpa in the Netherlands, Reuters in the UK, and others.

Facebook is quite open about the fact that they are trying to alter the narrative and prop up official versions of events. They also have no qualms about censoring so-called “misinformation”.

Facebook has also been meeting with the Federal Government, on a variety of issues. It would be nice to actually have the minutes of these meetings, not just a vague description.

8. CBC Promotes Limiting Free Speech

Social media platforms have taken unprecedented steps to fight misinformation online because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but some critics say they could still do more.

Facebook, Twitter and Google/YouTube have ramped up their efforts to police content that contains incorrect or harmful information, taking down the worst offenders, attaching warnings to content that has been fact-checked and linking to official sources, such as the Public Health Agency of Canada.

That includes posts such as a viral video by an American doctor on disciplinary probation in which he claims 5G technology causes coronavirus (it does not) or a false post implying the Canadian Armed Forces were in Toronto, but which turned out to be a photo of a tank taken during a festival in 2016.

On Thursday, Facebook said it has attached warnings to 40 million posts about COVID-19, and that 95 per cent of the time, users did not click through to see the content. Twitter says it has taken down over 2,000 tweets related to COVID-19 and “challenged” 2.8 million accounts, which can mean limiting who sees certain tweets, requiring a tweet to be removed or placing a warning on tweets that violate rules but are in the public interest to leave up.

This should alarm people. Twitter, Google and Facebook have all decided what shall constitute the truth, and are intentionally limiting access to information that doesn’t fit the narrative. Let’s not forget that the Liberals are considering laws to ban what they call “misinformation”.

9. Trudeau/Erin O’Toole Both Compromised

Trudeau: His Chief-Of-Staff, Katie Telford, is married to Rob Silver, co-founder of Crestview Strategy. Crestview has long lobbied for GAVI (which is Gates funded). Andrew Scheer was also lobbied by GAVI.

O’Toole: His Chief-Of-Staff, Walied, Soliman, is a director for Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (which is also Gates funded).

Also: Erin O’Toole, who is currently the head of the Conservative Party of Canada, was previously a lobbyist for Facebook, when he worked for Heenan Blakie. Blakie is the now defunct law firm which Jean Chretien and Pierre Trudeau both worked at.

10. Bill C-10: Online Censorship, Licensing

In early February, Steven Guilbeault, the Heritage Minister announced that the Government wanted mandate that all media outlets to have a license. He (sort of) backtracked after a public backlash. While this may have just been viewed as a tax grab at the time, it takes on a whole new look in light of the censorship attitude in this “pandemic”.

It’s official: Bill C-10 has now been introduced in the House of Commons. It’s been marketed as an effort to force media giants to spend money on Canadian content. Let’s take a look.

This enactment amends the Broadcasting Act to, among other things,
(a) add online undertakings — undertakings for the transmission or retransmission of programs over the Internet — as a distinct class of broadcasting undertakings;
(b) update the broadcasting policy for Canada set out in section 3 of that Act by, among other things, providing that the Canadian broadcasting system should serve the needs and interests of all Canadians — including Canadians from racialized communities and Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds — and should provide opportunities for Indigenous persons, programming that reflects Indigenous cultures and that is in Indigenous languages, and programming that is accessible without barriers to persons with disabilities;
(c) specify that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission”) must regulate and supervise the Canadian broadcasting system in a manner that
(i) takes into account the different characteristics of Indigenous language broadcasting and the different conditions under which broadcasting undertakings that provide Indigenous language programming operate,
(ii) is fair and equitable as between broadcasting undertakings providing similar services,
(iii) facilitates the provision of programs that are accessible without barriers to persons with disabilities, and
(iv) takes into account the variety of broadcasting undertakings to which that Act applies and avoids imposing obligations on a class of broadcasting undertakings if doing so will not contribute in a material manner to the implementation of the broadcasting policy;
(d) amend the procedure relating to the issuance by the Governor in Council of policy directions to the Commission;
(e) replace the Commission’s power to impose conditions on a licence with a power to make orders imposing conditions on the carrying on of broadcasting undertakings;
(f) provide the Commission with the power to require that persons carrying on broadcasting undertakings make expenditures to support the Canadian broadcasting system;
(g) authorize the Commission to provide information to the Minister responsible for that Act, the Chief Statistician of Canada and the Commissioner of Competition, and set out in that Act a process by which a person who submits certain types of information to the Commission may designate the information as confidential;
(h) amend the procedure by which the Governor in Council may, under section 28 of that Act, set aside a decision of the Commission to issue, amend or renew a licence or refer such a decision back to the Commission for reconsideration and hearing;
(i) specify that a person shall not carry on a broadcasting undertaking, other than an online undertaking, unless they do so in accordance with a licence or they are exempt from the requirement to hold a licence;
(j) harmonize the punishments for offences under Part II of that Act and clarify that a due diligence defence applies to the existing offences set out in that Act; and
(k) allow for the imposition of administrative monetary penalties for violations of certain provisions of that Act or of the Accessible Canada Act.
The enactment also makes related and consequential amendments to other Acts.

Part (b) would require providers to pander to all groups under the sun, although not aiming content at Europeans would probably be considered okay.

Does (i) specify that online content (such as videos and websites) would be excluded from any media licensing requirement?

Although the Government (now) says specifically that news outlets would be exempt from being required to get a license, one has to wonder if this will actually be the case. It’s also unclear if access to social media will be limited to only the approved parties. After all, they seem pretty pro censorship. As with many things, the devil is in the details.

Bill C-10 deserves a stand-alone piece, which will be coming soon. This hardly does it justice.

11. “Misinformation-Fighting” Efforts Online

A few of the sites popping up to stop people from asking the questions that need to be asked.

12. Will IHR Make Censorship Mandatory?

Risk communication and community engagement
-Continue risk communications and community engagement activities through the WHO Information Network for Epidemics (EPI-WIN) and other platforms to counter rumours and misinformation.
-Continue to regularly communicate clear messages, guidance, and advice about the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, how to reduce transmission, and save lives.
-Work with partners and countries to articulate potential long-term consequences of COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the need for strengthened cross-sectoral preparedness, transparency and global coordination.

The International Health Regulations that the WHO puts out are legally binding. Considering that WHO supports efforts to “combat misinformation”, one has to wonder if laws to censor certain views will be imposed.

CV #51: Government Supports Hand Sanitizing, But Pulls Many Products For Being Toxic

The World Health Organization tells people to use an alcohol based sanitizer for cleaning their hands. However, that may not be the best advice here, given what is actually in these products.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes, obscuring the “Great Reset“. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. The media is paid off, and our democracy is thoroughly compromised, as shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Canada Pulls Dozens Of Hand Sanitizers

Health Canada is recalling more than 50 hand sanitizers that contain ingredients “not acceptable for use” that may pose health risks.

The organization says hand sanitizers with “unacceptable types” of ethanol or denaturants have not been approved for use in sanitizers in Canada, and their safety and efficacy have not been established.

Denaturants are ingredients added to ethanol to make it unfit for human consumption to avoid unintentional ingestion of hand sanitizers particularly by children.

Health Canada said possible reactions to the ingredients include skin irritation, eye irritation, upper respiratory system irritation and headaches.

Health Canada has an evolving list on its website of 51 hand sanitizers that are currently being recalled and says Canadians should consult the list regularly. The organization says to stop using products listed, and to consult a health-care professional “if you have used these products and have health concerns.”

From May 1 through June 30, 15 cases of methanol poisoning were reported in Arizona and New Mexico, associated with swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Four patients died, and three were discharged with visual impairment.

Health Canada says frequent use of hand sanitizer containing methanol may cause dermatitis, eye irritation, upper respiratory system irritation and headaches.

Keep in mind, this is only what is known about these alcohol based sanitizers, or at least what the government is willing to share about it. There are almost certainly more long term effects that aren’t public.

3. Health Canada Pulls Dozens Of Sanitizers

In fact, the Government of Canada literally has dozens of hand sanitizers that have been recalled in recent months. Yes, in the urgency to get more sanitizer available, safety standards apparently took a back seat.

What sorts of problems make the list?

  • Contains unacceptable ingredient, ethyl acetate
  • Missing risk statements; product not authorized to contain technical-grade ethanol
  • Not authorized for sale in Canada; Missing risk statements; product not authorized to contain technical-grade ethanol
  • Incorrect NPN; product not authorized to contain technical-grade ethanol; missing risk statements

Now, considering how many businesses push hand sanitizers to enter (along with masks), one has to ask how up to date they are with this list. Also, how long have they had these available for retail?

It’s also worth asking if this half-baked approach will also be used when it comes to choosing a coronavirus vaccine, (for the virus with the 99% recovery rate).

But whatever, it’s for your safety.