The Centre for Effective Practice, or CEP, is another “partner” of the Ontario Science Table. The OST apparently does the thinking for Doug Ford and Christine Elliott.
Unsurprisingly, CEP was established as part of the University of Toronto in 2004. They list their services as: research & evaluation, clinical tools and digitization, education programs, and engagement & communication.
CEP also provides a set of key talking points that doctors and other health care providers are to parrot concerning these “vaccines” now available in Canada. The goal isn’t to address legitimate concerns, but rather, to appear to be addressing them.
COVID-19 vaccine authorization
Health Canada has authorized a number of COVID-19 vaccines for use in Canada after a thorough and rigorous review of the evidence to ensure the vaccines meet the standards of safety, quality and efficacy for authorization in Canada. Health Canada will continue to monitor the safety of the vaccines after they are available.
Key messages
–Lead by example. Get the COVID-19 vaccine yourself as soon as it is offered to you to protect yourself, your patients, and your community.
–Advise patients to receive the vaccine. Communication by trusted health professionals about the importance of vaccines is the most effective way to counter vaccine hesitancy. Tell your patients you will get or have already received the vaccine.
-Be an educator. Be prepared to answer patient questions and address concerns about the vaccine.
Vaccine summary
–Efficacy against severe disease and hospitalization
-All of the approved vaccines have a high efficacy rate against severe disease. In the clinical trials, efficacy against severe disease was shown to be:
Pfizer: 75-100% (after dose 2)
Moderna: 100% (14 days after dose 2)
AstraZeneca: 100% (after dose 2)
Janssen: 85.4% (28 days after dose)
First, whether by accident, or by design, CEP is blurring the line between “approved” vaccines, and ones given “interim authorization”. To clarify, these are not approved. Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act allows the Health Minister to sign an Interim Order, allowing them on the market anyway.
(a) Approved: Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population
(b) Interim Authorization: deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Commonly referred to as an emergency use authorization.
Have a look at the Interim Order, particularly Section 5. Getting authorization isn’t exactly a difficult burden to meet.
Second, an astute person will notice the sleight-of-hand here. These so-called vaccines were “authorized” by Health Canada, however “approved” ones will be rigorously tested. This is an indirect way of saying that these weren’t actually subjected to such testing.
Third, these aren’t really vaccines. Gene replacement therapy would be a more accurate description of the mRNA substances that Pfizer and Moderna produced.
Fourth, it doesn’t say that these gene-replacement “vaccines” will prevent a virus. Instead, it touts efficacy against severe disease and hospitalization. In other words, symptom management.
Fifth, it is explicitly stated that people will rely on your opinion in order to make the decision. While it’s also stated to answer questions, this passage is full of misrepresentations.
Instead of taking word of someone on the internet, it’s probably best to read the product inserts for yourself. Above are the documents provided by Health Canada. Notice, that nowhere do they say “approved” in the documentation.
However, CEP doesn’t provide the actual Health Canada documents. They do other an AstraZeneca summary and a comparison paper, but not the original source materials
Now, why why CEP, the Centre for Effective Practice, be such a blatant shill in the name of big pharma? When you look at their donors and collaborators, things start to make a lot of sense.

Some of CEP’s financial contributors, associates are worth a closer look:
- Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario
- eHealth Centre of Excellence
- Healthcare Excellence Canada
- OntarioMD
Could it be that CEP, and its partners and donors support continued lockdowns and restrictions in Ontario, (and elsewhere), at least partially because it’s good for business? Let’s take a look into some of these groups.

We Are The Advocate, Network And Resource For Team-Based Primary Care In Ontario
The Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO) works to support the implementation and growth of primary care teams by promoting best practices, sharing lessons learned, and advocating on behalf of all primary care teams. Evidence and experience show that team-based comprehensive primary care is delivering better health and better value to patients.
AFHTO is a not-for-profit association representing Ontario’s primary health care teams, which include Family Health Teams (FHTs), Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs) and others who provide interprofessional comprehensive primary care.
Working towards a common vision
Our members share the compelling vision that one day, all Ontarians will have timely access to high-quality and comprehensive primary care; care that is:
Informed by the social determinants of health – the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age
Delivered by the right mix of health professionals, working in collaborative teams in partnership with patients, caregivers and the community
Anchored in an integrated and equitable health system, promoting good health and seamless care for all patients
Sustainable – efficiently delivered and appropriately resourced to achieve expected outcomes
AFHTO works with and on behalf of members to:
Provide leadership to promote expansion of high-quality, comprehensive, well-integrated interprofessional primary care for the benefit of all Ontarians, and
Be their advocate, champion, network and resource to support them in improving and delivering optimal interprofessional care
The Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario is essentially a lobbying group, for the unmbrella of health care workers. That’s what this word salad means. AFTHO also is quite partisan in their efforts, and are pushing for the virtual care model of health, a large part of their online content covers that.
AFHTO is also demanding Ford impose a stay-at-home order. This is a conflict of interest since they are also promoting the “solution”: more access to online health services.
The eHealth Centre of Excellence is another online medical service that offers e-prescribing, referrals, and consults with specialists. As continued lockdowns make physical movement more tricky, this enterprise will surely grow. Also, as the physical and mental health of people wears down, it will artificially generate more business.

Healthcare Excellence Canada acts as a cross between a health care consultant, and an continuing education provided. They also donate to CEP, and their business model is expected to grow. Also, if you wish to take their Executive Training Program, it’s only $2,500 to enroll. What a deal!

OntarioMD offers a variety of services, such as digital health services, which can be bundled together. There’s also eConsulting, which aims to connect patients to specialists quicker. There’s also a Health Medical Upgrade, which is a way of digitizing, storing, and moving records. As physical appearances in health care settings are replaced, the demand for this will grow.
It’s worth pointing out that OntarioMD is not the only party to benefit from this arrangement. Additionally, it means increased business for its vendors, who will also see the rewards. Some of these names should be familiar.
To circle back to the start of the article: what is the real reason that the Centre for Effective Practice, (an Ontario Science Table partner), is so on board with restrictions to liberty? Or, are these connections just coincidental, and completely unrelated?
Don’t worry, CEP has their “talking points” for people who may be concerned about getting experimental shots of who knows what.
CEP AstraZeneca Information Propaganda
CEP Vaccine Comparison Sheet Propaganda
(1) https://cep.health/
(2) https://cep.health/toolkit/covid-19-resource-centre/
(3) https://tools.cep.health/tool/covid-19-vaccines/
(4) https://tools.cep.health/tool/covid-19-vaccine-staging-environment/
(5) https://tools.cep.health/tool/virtual-management-of-chronic-conditions-during-covid-19/
(6) https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/our-partners/
(7) https://twitter.com/Roman_Baber/status/1386788379669508103
(8) Ontario Science Table 01 Behaviour Control Techniques April 22 2021
(9) Ontario Science Table 02 Vaccine Confidence March 5 2021
(10) Ontario Science Table 03 Learning From Israel Feb 1 2021
(11) Ontario Science Table 04 Putting In Harsher Restrictions Oct 15 2021
(12) https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-27/page-8.html#h-234517
(13) Patty Hajdu’s September 16 Interim Order
(14) CEP AstraZeneca Information Propaganda
(15) CEP Vaccine Comparison Sheet Propaganda
(16) https://www.afhto.ca/
(17) https://www.afhto.ca/afhtos-role-supporting-team-based-care/about-afhto
(18) https://www.afhto.ca/news-events/news/ontario-needs-stay-home-order
(19) AFHTO Shift To Virtual Health Care
(20) https://ehealthce.ca/Our-Team.htm
(21) https://healthcareexcellence.ca/
(22) Health Care Excellence Executive Training Class
(23) https://www.ontariomd.ca/
(24) https://www.ontariomd.ca/about-us/our-organization/our-partners
(a) Michael Warner Financially Benefits From Prolonged Lockdowns
(b) Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe?
(c) OST, Monopoly From The University Of Toronto Connected
(d) OST, University Of Toronto, Look At Their Members And Partners
(e) OST’s Robert Steiner Claims To Be Behind PHAC Canada Creation
(f) OST’s Kwame McKenzie Headed 2017 UBI Pilot Project
(g) OST UofT Prelude Actually Set Out In May 2019
(h) OST’s Murty Has Tech Firm That Benefits From Lockdowns
(i) Como Foundation Gives Trillium Health Partners $5M
(j) Current PHO Officials Also Sitting On Ontario Science Table
(k) Canadian Agency For Drugs & Technologies In Health; pCPA
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