DLSPH/UofT Officially Becomes Branch Of WHO, Supports Communism, Anti-White Agenda

Recently, the University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Centre for Global Health (what a name) officially joined the World Health Organization.

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has designated the Centre for Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Promotion.
PAHO/WHO collaborating centres are institutions such as research institutes, parts of universities or academies, which are designated by the Director-General to carry out activities in support of the Organization’s programmes. Currently there are over 800 WHO collaborating centres (including 183 in the PAHO region) in over 80 Member States working with WHO on areas such as nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, nutrition, mental health, chronic diseases and health technologies.

This will likely come as a surprise to many, especially those who didn’t know that UofT DLSPH even had a Centre for Global Health. However, it turns out it does. It was announced on March 5, 2020 by Adelsteinn Brown.

Turns out this had been in the works for a while, but the timing is interesting. It’s almost as if a global health crisis was the perfect launch point for it.

Brown, who heads DLSPH, soon became the head of the Ontario Science Table. The OST is completely dominated by academics from the UofT, many of whom have conflicting interests. As for the purposes of the Centre itself:

  • Equity
  • Attention to power and privilege
  • Partnerships guided by mutual benefits, respect and reciprocal learning
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Meaningful engagement with communities
  • Sustainability
  • Effectiveness

For those thinking that everyone will treated equally in this globalist health order, consider the principles. This UofT/DLSPH Centre for Global Health considers equity important, which is equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. This is Marxism. As for “paying attention to power and privilege”, this is code for hatred against whites, particularly white men.

Equity means the abolishment of private property rights, and of personal wealth, except for the chosen elite. The reasoning goes: isn’t it oppressive to own something when someone else has less?

This idea has been circulated under many different names. The World Economic Forum touts the idea of “replacing shareholder capitalism with stakeholder capitalism”. The idea is much the same.

As for paying attention to power and privilege, who exactly will be blamed for everything when whites are gone? Will the idea be abandoned, or will some other group be on the receiving end?

This partnership may also explain why the Ontario Science Table sees no issue working with CADTH, or Cochrane Canada, 2 more working groups for WHO. There’s also no issue partnering with SPOR Evidence Alliance, which is partially funded by WHO.

The Dalla Lana School of Public Health isn’t just in bed with WHO, it’s part of the WHO. And all of those “Medical Officers” in Ontario with ties to UofT are just the enforcement branch of WHO.

The Centre on Health Promotion is also big on promoting the climate change agenda. If you have family in oil & gas, or you like being able to drive, perhaps consider other options.

It’s worth asking: how come none of this is being reported? Does Ford and his “Conservative” Government not know — or not care — what’s going on? Is the mainstream media completely oblivious to all of it?

Now, it could be argued that DLSPH isn’t really part of the WHO. After all, the Centre for Global Health is just part of it. While true, does anyone expect the UofT to say or do anything that blatantly contradicts it? Will there ever be real policy disagreements?

The “experts” giving guidance on this so-called pandemic claim to be neutral and independent. However, that’s just not the case so often. Here are some examples which include, but are not limited to the UofT DLSPH.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of askthedoctor.com. Kumar Murty of OST runs a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money. Isaac Bogoch is in the UofT club, is part of Ontario’s “Operation Warp Speed”, and pretends to be neutral. Kashif Pirzada has numerous side businesses.

(1) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/who-collaborating-centre-on-health-promotion/
(2) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/institutes/centre-for-global-health/
(3) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/2020/03/05/dlsph-open-dlsph-launches-a-new-centre-for-global-health/
(4) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/2020/02/28/dlsph-welcomes-global-health-powerhouse-nisia-trindade-lima-to-launch-new-centre-for-global-health/
(5) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/DLSPHPartnershipGuidelines2018_fordistribution.pdf
(6) DLSPH PartnershipGuidelines 2018 For Distribution

(Amended) Colin Furness And Sapphire Health

Update To Article
Recently, Sapphire Health listed Furness as an advisor. That page has since been changed, removing him. The before and after versions are available.

Since the original publication, Furness’ name has been removed from the Advisors list. He claims he was listed in error, and never a paid advisor, but merely an old friend of the owner.

I am an infection control epidemiologist with an industry focus on behaviour and infection risk. I am also the U of T Faculty of Information’s first teaching stream assistant professor.

My teaching is in the area of knowledge management, specifically the design of information systems to support effective information sharing and use. My research is focused on defining and measuring outcomes associated with work-integrated learning in a graduate professional training environment.

Furness was a consultant for nearly 15 years. This coincided with his time as a Sessional Lecturer and as a scientist. According to his biography, he has only been teaching in recent years.

University of Toronto Professor Colin Furness is another “expert” that is constantly on the news, spouting out his fear-porn predictions. He appears on television often, saying that civil rights should be watered down in the name of public safety. He’s also with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, just like many Medical Health Officers in Ontario.

Even more telling are the topics that’s aren’t discussed.

The Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe openly admitted there can be a 50% false positive rates in PCR tests. Toronto Public Health and Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott admitted that deaths “with Covid” are conflated with deaths “from Covid”. Also, the death waves that been predicted never materialized, so that has been replaced with “case counts”. These are just a few problems the “experts” will not address.

Out in B.C., Bonnie Henry openly admits there is no science behind limiting group sizes. She has also flip flopped on the importance of masks, and backtracked on the reliability of PCR tests. In fact, the BCCDC admitted in April 2020 that PCR tests can’t actually determine infection. Again, no pushback or addressing these points by TV experts.

The experts also won’t discuss that these vaccines have interim authorization (not approval), testing goes on until 2023, and the manufacturers are indemnified. In spite of this, they all push hard for everyone to get it. Nor will the extensive lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry be mentioned.

What’s lacking in these TV interviews is differing opinions, or at least some hard questions about how these conclusions came to be. A specific follow-up would be to ask what is the scientific basis for the proposals being made. One would think that the media would want to ask someone else just for the appearance of viewpoint diversity, but apparently not. As for Sapphire itself:

We are medical professionals with frontline experience treating acutely ill and injured intensive care unit patients. Many patients have complex, absent, or inaccessible medical histories when data is needed most. Without this precision information, safe and rapid care decisions are difficult and patients are at risk of error and poor outcomes.
We believe in the power of data and know first-hand the positive impact that access to detailed personal health records makes in our patients’ lives. Our unique digital solutions facilitate connected care and precision medicine.
Sapphire Digital Health Solutions Inc. is a privately held business based in Waterloo, Canada comprised of a team of medical experts with a passion for leveraging technology to improve patient health.

Sapphire offers a service for digitize health records. Now, the idea of digital records is nothing new, but this company claims it to be the secure cloud-based platform, it’s simple to access, and easy to use – anytime, anywhere. Designed by Sapphire Digital’s skilled team of physicians and artificial intelligence experts, LifeSTAT™ is the most detailed and comprehensive record of your health information, and a critical tool for safe, fast, and effective care decisions by your care providers “in secure cloud-based platform, designed by Sapphire Digital’s team of physicians and artificial intelligence experts, LifeSTAT™ is the most detailed and comprehensive record of your health information, and a critical tool for safe, fast, and effective care decisions by your care providers.”

With continuous lockdowns, lack of access to physical medical care, and the AI revolution, companies like Sapphire are in a position to profit from this. However, the best way to guarantee continued growth and demand is to ensure that there isn’t a proper reopening of society any time soon.

Again, Furness has been removed on the listings as an Advisor for Sapphire. The benefits companies like this get from the lockdowns must be just a coincidence.

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r42HYDlfwOQ
(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38MqQPBWBRw
(3) https://ihpme.utoronto.ca/faculty/colin-d-furness/
(4) https://twitter.com/TOPublicHealth/status/1275888390060285967
(5) https://www.sapphirehealth.ca/
(6) https://www.sapphirehealth.ca/about/
(7) https://archive.is/YU4pP
(8) https://www.sapphirehealth.ca/faq/
(9) https://www.sapphirehealth.ca/features/
(10) https://www.linkedin.com/in/colin-furness-a52736/

Meet Ryan Imgrund: HS Science Teacher Whose Predictions Drive Donations For Other Interests

Ryan Imgrund is a high school science teacher, and has also been a “consultant” calling for more restrictions in Ontario. However, things aren’t quite what they seem to be. Like so many “experts” in the media, no real due diligence is done before bringing them on.

I am a biostatistician and corporate consultant working with a several Fortune 500 companies, Ontario public health units, and a private Ontario lab. My specialty is discovering, analyzing and interpreting scientific, mathematical, economic and retail trends.

This man has been a consultant since March 2020. Interesting time to start such a business, especially as he’s supposed to be a full time educator. Unfortunately, this is far from an isolated case.

Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of askthedoctor.com. Kumar Murty of OST is the Chief Technology Officer of a tech company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004.

Even with that in mind, Imgrund is strange for a number of reasons. Let’s go through some of them.

Imgrund’s LinkedIn profile states that he has an undergraduate degree in science, and a bachelor’s degree in education. This essentially qualifies him to be a science teacher, which is how he makes his primary living. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn’t show that he has any sort of expertise. (see archive here).

It’s unclear why PHAC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, would hire him in 2000, especially since he was at university, starting his junior year at that time. Presumably, he would have been preoccupied with a heavy course load.

Even if there was a typo in the start date, it’s unclear what special skills he would have brought. A superstar student would have gone higher with his career, not be teaching high school science. His profile indicates he was hired as a teacher immediately out of university.

But there is someone else here that is worth attention. Look again at those dates.

Imgrund claims to have been with the Public Health Agency of Canada back in 2000. Problem is, it didn’t exist until 2004. It was created that year due to the instigation of the World Health Organization, to be an outpost for global health measures. It was covered in detail in this earlier piece.

Perhaps he should have talked with Robert Steiner, who claims to have advised Paul Martin on its creation, before putting it on his resume.

It takes a legend (or a moron) to be working at an institution a full 4 years before it was founded. Did none of Imgrund’s other clients check him out ahead of time?

Imgrund admits that modelling is heavily based on assumptions and predictions. However, he leaves out how grossly inaccurate it has been so far. Should algorithms and formulas determine how society is run? Imgrund’s skills are what exactly?

Imgrund was also involved with the Sick Kids Hospital recommendations report, on how to “safely” reopen Ontario schools for the Fall of 2020.

One of Sick Kids Hospital’s major donors is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but that’s no reason for concern. Nor is the pattern of this, or Walied Soliman being a Director, and Chief of Staff to Erin O’Toole.

Supposedly, after Southlake Regional Health Centre saw some of his modelling, they asked him to be a consultant for them. That being said, Southlake is always asking for money from the public, so Imgrund’s work is likely to generate many more donors.

Quite simply, crisis predictions are good for business. After all, no one wants to be seen as refusing much needed funding to a hospital in the middle of a “pandemic”. It would be nice if his other clients were listed, but searching them is proving tricky.

Imgrund himself seems to love his new celebrity status. He’s frequently on the media circuit drumming up fear and paranoia about Ontarians just going about their lives.

Additionally, is Imgrund getting paid or compensated in any way for his numerous media appearances? Keep in mind, he has only been a “corporate consultant” since March 2020, so it’s not like he has a long history of doing this.

He never addresses serious questions like the virus not being isolated, PCR tests being unsuitable, the high recovery rate, or the health problems from long term mask use. Nor will he cover the documented proof of premeditation in all this. Either he is oblivious, or chooses to ignore it.

While his Twitter feed is filled with “pandemic” postings, he also never mentions potential testing and safety issues with vaccines. He seems very partial and selective about what needs covered.

And it raises the possibility of a serious conflict of interest. Working in the education system, he is supposed to put the needs of students first. However, as a “consultant” and “expert”, he and his clients financially and professionally can profit from having longer and more severe restrictions. There’s no money to be made in a crisis if that crisis goes away.

Does this man work in the best interests of the public?

(1) https://twitter.com/imgrund
(2) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-imgrund-aa944b85/
(3) https://archive.ph/OkkFr
(4) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/corporate/mandate/about-agency/history.html
(5) https://www.raptorsrepublic.com/2020/10/06/the-interview-ryan-imgrund-biostatistician-imgrund/
(6) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/statistician-worried-back-to-school-plan-risky-1.5671012
(7) https://www.sickkids.ca/siteassets/about/about-sickkids/sickkids-annual-report-2019-2020.pdf
(8) Sick Kids Hospital Major Donors
(9) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-29-the-financial-ties-between-sick-kids-hospital-and-the-gates-foundation/
(10) https://www.newmarkettoday.ca/coronavirus-covid-19-local-news/how-a-newmarket-biostatistician-is-using-rt-to-track-the-impact-of-reopening-2515509 for them.
(11) https://southlake.ca/foundation/about/your-investment-in-southlake/

Meet Dr. Abdu Sharkawy: Paid, Professional Commentator For Vaccines And Lockdowns

Abdu Sharkawy frequently appears on CTV News as an “infectious diseases expert”. Strange thing however, it’s not disclosed that he’s actually a professional speaker, who makes money on the circuit. He is part of the NSB, or National Speakers Bureau. This is an agency that connects speakers with organizations searching for someone on a particular topic. It’s a sort of referral agency.

The NSB will connect people with a speaker on a variety of different subjects. These include: current events, education, finance, health, leadership, media, motivational speaking, and much more. This group claims not to charge a fee, which implies that it will be getting a piece of whatever contract is signed with the speaker in question.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with making money, these types of arrangements show that a person is interested in doing this for the long haul. This isn’t just a one time event, or a special occasion. Sharkawy, like the others, see this as just a way of doing business.

It can also create serious conflicts of interest, depending on who the audience is, and in what context. It’s even worse when these payments are not disclosed, as seems to be the case here.

Having a handler arrange for people to appear in the media as an “expert” brings back memories of Tom Quiggin and One Godless Woman.

Sharkawy is hardly the only person who moonlights with a conflicting job. Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of askthedoctor.com. Kumar Murty of OST runs a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks.

Speaker Biography
Dr. Abdu Sharkawy is a world-renowned internal medicine and infectious diseases specialist who is based in Toronto, Canada.
From the outset of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Dr. Sharkawy was one of the key authorities speaking on and educating the public about the Covid-19 pandemic on a global stage.
Dr. Sharkawy has provided extensive knowledge about the Covid-19 pandemic to many audiences on a global stage. He has spoken about the pandemic on well-known media platforms, such as Dr. Phil, ABC News, Al-Jazeera and BBC News, and he is the leading source of COVID-19 information for the biggest news network in Canada, CTV News. Millions of Canadians rely upon Dr. Sharkawy’s medical expertise, as a part of their daily routines.
Working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, in one of the largest hospital networks in Canada, has undoubtedly allowed Dr. Sharkawy to have a unique perspective on the pandemic. Dr. Sharkawy has spoken on several key areas of the pandemic, including but not limited to, the vaccines, the trajectory of the virus, and the best/worst case scenarios for the future.

That is from Sharkawy’s professional profile with NSB. He has spoken not just in Canada, but internationally on this subject. Millions of Canadians rely on his medical expertise.

All of that said, it doesn’t appear that his arrangement his NSB (or any other agency), or his fees, have ever been publicly discussed. He is referred to as a doctor, and an infectious diseases expert, but not as a paid actor. This is pretty important information to leave out.

Yes, he does appear quite regularly on CTV, spreading fear-porn each time. However, this arrangement as a professional speaker is not disclosed. Here are a few examples of what he has been saying.

If they were going to use him at all, CTV should have disclosed Sharkawy’s side job as a professional speaker. It should be done at least once each appearance. Being working for CTV, he does have other clients.

On March 19, 2021, Sharkawy spoke with the B.C. Pharmacists Association on the subject of vaccine rollouts. May 6, 2021, he talked about these mysterious variants that were overwhelming Canada.

  • Abbott
  • Amgen
  • AstraZeneca
  • Janssen (owned by Johnson & Johnson)
  • London Drugs
  • Merck
  • Pfizer
  • PriceSmart Food Pharmacies
  • Sandoz (part of Novartis)
  • Save On Foods Pharmacy
  • Urban Fare Pharmacy
  • Westland Insurance

It gets even worse, as the B.C. Pharmacists Association has is funded by big pharma. However, this isn’t surprising. If you view companies like Pfizer and Merck as the manufacturers or wholesalers, pharmacies are just the retail end of it.

Sharkawy promotes vaccines for one of his clients that is funded by big pharma. Is there anything wrong with this?

Shawkawy has also been promoting the group ThisIsOurShot. It’s been targeting minority populations for vaccination, while downplaying the actual risk. The group is also selling T-shirts, which is going to help Kids Help Phone. This is morbid, considering that child mental health has deteriorated in large part due to the lockdowns that Sharkawy supports.

Go on his Twitter account. He spends a lot of time posting and retweeting about vaccination and more restrictions.

Sharkawy is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, which has endless connections to the Ontario Science Table, promoting lockdowns in that Province. The OST also has numerous conflicts of interest, which has been outlined on this site.

With all of the side work that Sharkawy does, when does he find the time to actually practice as a doctor? This isn’t even sarcasm.

Now, a few points must be addressed about CTV itself.

This is a summary of CTV News policies and is not meant to be comprehensive. CTV News is committed to producing journalism that is accurate, fair and complete. Our journalists act with honesty, transparency, and independence, including from conflicts of interest.

CTV claims that it has a strong ethics code, which specifically includes conflicts of interest. Fine, but what about the experts they bring on? This wasn’t difficult to find. Was no due diligence done before giving Abdu Sharkawy the microphone? Or have they known about these other interests, but just kept silent? Was he recruited using the NSB group?

CTV is also part of the Trust Project, which sounds Orwellian.


The National Speakers Bureau did respond to an inquiry on Sharkawy. His fee for a virtual event would be $12,000. An in person event would presumably cost much more. Now, who would pay this kind of money, unless they had a financial interest in what he had to say?

(1) https://www.nsb.com/
(2) https://www.nsb.com/speakers/abdu-sharkawy/#/!
(3) https://www.nsb.com/topics/
(4) https://archive.is/CCpOf
(5) Abdu Sharkawy On How Schools Should Become
(6) Abdu Sharkawy Pushing Vaccines On Canadians
(7) Abdu Sharkawy On The Terrifying “Second Wave”
(8) https://www.bcpharmacy.ca/conference/agenda-speakers
(9) https://archive.is/o1l6q
(10) https://www.bcpharmacy.ca/conference/sponsors
(11) https://www.bcpharmacy.ca/news/bcpha-2021-conference-highlights-dr-abdu-sharkawy
(12) https://archive.is/o27zw
(13) https://twitter.com/SharkawyMD/status/
(14) https://twitter.com/SharkawyMD/status/1391100381766189065
(15) https://facdir.deptmedicine.utoronto.ca/Detail.aspx?id=1640&fromone=1
(16) https://canucklaw.ca/health-care-reviews/
(17) https://www.ctvnews.ca/editorial-standards-and-policies
(18) https://thetrustproject.org/

CV #24(D): Heidi Larson; LSHTM; VCP; Vaxxing Pregnant Women; Financed By Big Pharma

Heidi Larson is a bit of a superstar for the pharmaceutical industry, and its allies. It’s well known that GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation, and big pharama. GAVI has also been lobbying the Canadian Parliament for years, and getting hundreds of millions of dollars in grants.

A bit of background information here. The VCP, Vaccine Confidence Program, is part of the LSHTM, or London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Both receive extensive funding from pharmaceutical companies, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and Governments.

Who else is worth noting?

  • Board member, Carlos Alban (AbbVie)
  • Board member, Bill Anderson (Roche)
  • Board Member, Gabriel Baertschi (Grünenthal)
  • Board member, Anders Blanck (LIF)
  • Board Member, Olivier Charmeil (Sanofi)
  • Board Member, Alberto Chiesi (Chiesi)
  • Board member, Frank Clyburn (MSD)
  • Board Member, Eric Cornut (Menarini)
  • Board member, Richard Daniell (Teva Pharmaceutical Europe)
  • Board member, Johanna Friedl-Naderer (Biogen)
  • Board Member, Murdo Gordon (Amgen)
  • Board member, Peter Guenter (Merck)
  • Board member, Angela Hwang (Pfizer)
  • Board member, Enrica Giorgetti (Farmindustria)
  • Board member, Dirk Kosche (Astellas)
  • Board member, Jean-Luc Lowinski (Pierre Fabre)
  • Board member, Catherine Mazzacco (LEO Pharma)
  • Board member, Johanna Mercier (Gilead)
  • Board member, Luke Miels (GSK)
  • Board member, Gianfranco Nazzi (Almirall)
  • Board member, Oliver O’Connor (IPHA)
  • Board Member, Stefan Oelrich (Bayer)
  • Board member, Giles Platford (Takeda)
  • Board member, Antonio Portela (Bial)
  • Board member, Iskra Reic (AstraZeneca)
  • Board Member, Susanne Schaffert (Novartis)
  • Board member, Stefan Schulze (VIFOR PHARMA)
  • Board Member, Kris Sterkens (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Board member, Han Steutel (vfa)
  • Board member, Alfonso Zulueta (Eli Lilly)

One of the major donors of the Vaccine Confidence Project is the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA). It’s Board is made of up members representing major big pharma companies.

Another donor of VCP is the Innovative Medicine Institute. Salah-Dine Chibout is on the Governing Board of IMI, and also is the Global Head of Discovery and Investigational Safety at Novartis. Additionally, Paul Stoffels is the Chief Scientific Officer at Johnson & Johnson, Worldwide Chairman of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.

The VCP also works closely with the World Health Organization, and is supportive of its mass vaccination agenda. The role with WHO is simply to market the programs to make them more effective.

The Gates Foundation has financial connections to WHO, GAVI, the CDC, and countless pharmaceutical companies. It is also connected to agencies that are involved in computer modelling, such as:
(a) Imperial College London, Neil Ferguson
(b) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
(c) Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium

While all of this is nefarious and creepy, where does Heidi Larson fit into this? What role does she play in the system?

Larson works for both VCP and LSHTM. Her job is mostly one of research and consulting into “increasing vaccine confidence”. In layman’s terms, she is looking into ways to convince segments of the population to get vaccines at higher rates. This doesn’t involve research into CREATING safer and more effective products. Instead, it’s done to CONVINCE people that they already are. Her financial connections to companies like GSK and Merck likely influence her work.

Larson and her cronies apparently see nothing wrong with targeting pregnant women, who are the focus of the following article. Yes, damn the consequences, let’s vaxx the preggers. This, and the following information should horrify and enrage normal people.

5. Conclusion
This literature review has shown that both pregnant women and HCW cite safety concerns as a main barrier to obtaining/providing influenza and pertussis vaccines during pregnancy. However responses differed depending on geographical area: inlow-income countries for example, pregnant women were more likely to cite access issues as a barrier to vaccination. There are alsowide gaps in knowledge regarding the attitudes of HCW to vaccination in pregnancy, which is significant considering the impact they have on a woman’s decision to vaccinate.
From the supply side, regulatory agencies still do not have a licensing pathway for many vaccines for pregnant women, manufacturers remain concerned about liability and providers perceive that pregnant women are unwilling to accept vaccines [95].
As the MDG era comes to an end, the development agenda beyond 2015 is widening to include other important health issues such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, neither still-births nor neonatal deaths are mentioned in post-2015 documents [96] risking that the current momentum for new-born health may be lost.
Barriers to vaccination in pregnancy are complex and can differ from barriers and concerns affecting uptake of routine childhood vaccinations. Maternal vaccination is administered at a time when the patient is cautious about various behaviours, including taking medications and vaccinations, and feels responsible for not just her own life but of that foetus. Depending on the cultural context, different norms are also established around the time of pregnancy. Barriers also vary depending on context and target population.
Taking these points into account, ‘quick-fix’ interventions which aim to increase vaccination uptake, such as health communication messages and training physicians in communication strategies [97], without understanding addressing the root cause of vaccine hesitancy in specific contexts, are likely to have little effect on patients’ decisions to vaccinate or on the provider’s own confidence in communicating with parents about vaccines.
It is important to understand how cultural and gender dynamics in different settings can influence a woman’s decision to vaccinate. This can be done through in-depth local ethnographies, taking the views of all community members and influencers into account, complemented by in-depth individual interviews and focus groups. Research could also examine some of the complex socio-political reasons for under-vaccination in certain communities must to inform vaccination policies and delivery strategies. With more understanding of the perspectives of pregnant women, their providers and communities, maternal vaccine strategies will be more likely to reach and protect pregnant women and their newborns from preventable disease.

Rather than reading the entire paper, that’s the conclusion. First, it’s pointed out that vaccine manufacturers are concerned about liability. So they are fully aware of the damage and exposure their products can bring. Second, it’s acknowledged that women feel responsibility for not just themselves, but the baby as well. This can be manipulated and it ties into the third point, that specific messaging needs to be used on this group. Fourth, specific training to “sell” the vaccines will likely be needed. Fifth, it is higher vaccination rates, not overall safety, that is the focus.

The reference list is extensive.
Check out the actual paper.

That is interesting. Not only is Larson working for the LSHTM and Vaccine Confidence Program, but she has also been employed by pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.

Vaccine confidence concerns the belief that vaccination – and by extension the providers and range of private sector and political entities behind it – serves the best health interests of the public and its constituents. The Oxford English Dictionary defines confidence as “the mental attitude of trusting in or relying on a person or thing”. In light of that, we are not examining the well-studied domain of supply and access barriers to vaccination, but rather what is typically called the “demand” side of immunisation. However, our focus on confidence takes the “demand” rubric a step further than the more traditional notion of building demand through increasing knowledge and awareness of vaccines and immunisation to understanding what else drives confidence in vaccines, and the willingness to accept a vaccine, when supply, access and information are available. In other words, understanding vaccine confidence means understanding the more difficult belief-based, emotional, ideological and contextual factors whose influences often live outside an immunisation or even health programme but affect both confidence in and acceptance of vaccines.

The Vaccine Confidence Program believes that vaccines are good for humanity. It’s a part of the LSHTM, which is one of the biggest modelers of CV-19, predicting death waves. It also receives funding from drug companies who have a product to sell. What we have is a situation where the manufacturers, sales agents, and marketers work together under some humanitarianism guise.

October 2020, Larson co-chaired a panel on combatting pandemic misinformation. It was hosted by LSHTM and Center for Strategic and International Studies.

December 2020, Larson tweeted out — but did not condemn or question — a JAMA Network article discussing mandatory vaccinations.

January 2021, LSHTM tweeted (and Larson retweeted) a Telegraph article on combatting misinformation

January 2021, Larson was at the Pulitzer Center for a talk on combatting misinformation around CV vaccination. A look at their donors reveals the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Facebook, Omidyar Network, Planned Parenthood, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

March 2021, Larson wrote a piece for the New York Times, in support of AstraZeneca. The basic premise was that the AZ vaccine was safe, and that only public perception and confidence were keeping it from being distributed. She also called for “training vaccinators” in such a way to boost the image among others. In short, train people to better sell the product.

Now, this may be a coincidence, but some of the same companies that are paying for Larson’s work “increasing vaccine confidence” are also lobbying Ottawa to buy their products.

Side note with GlaxoSmithKline: Larson has disclosed being a consultant for the company. Now, in 2009, Canada gave Interim Authorization (not approval), to 2 vaccines for H1N1, Arepanrix and Monovalent Vaccine. Lawsuits were filed because the injections harmed a lot of people, but:

[19] The federal Minister of Health authorized the sale of the Arepanrix vaccine pursuant to an interim order dated October 13, 2009. Human trials of the vaccine were still underway. The Minister of Health is empowered to make interim orders if immediate action is required because of a danger to health, safety or the environment. In issuing the interim order, Health Canada deemed the risk profile of Arepanrix to be favourable for an interim order. The authorization was based on the risk caused by the current pandemic threat and its danger to human health. As part of the interim order process, Health Canada agreed to indemnify GSK for any claims brought against it in relation to the administration of the Arepanrix vaccine.

That’s one way to have high confidence in your product: make any sale contingent on getting legal immunity in advance. It’s fair to assume this latest batch came with the same conditions.

Larson’s career appears to have taken off in 2000, then she went to work for UNICEF. No surprise, but she was pushing mass vaccination even then. The bulk of her career appears to be acting as a mouthpiece for big pharma.

Canada announced the launch of a vaccine injury compensation program in December 2020, but so far, so follow-ups have been mentioned.

An interesting side note with Larson’s Twitter profile: she claims that she “did this reluctantly”. That is a strange comment. Does she not believe in what she pushes on the global population?

Anyhow, if nothing else is taken away from here, remember this: the “vaccine confidence” movement is funded by big pharma. They want to convince you that their products are safe. Just ignore the testing issues, and the indemnification agreements.

(1) https://www.vaccineconfidence.org/
(2) https://www.vaccineconfidence.org/team
(3) https://www.vaccineconfidence.org/partners-funders
(4) https://archive.is/Ah9Pw
(5) https://www.efpia.eu/
(6) https://www.efpia.eu/about-us/who-we-are/
(7) https://www.imi.europa.eu/about-imi/governance/governing-board
(8) https://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/initiative/communication/network/vaccineconfidenceproject/en/
(9) Vaccination During Pregnancy Propaganda Research
(10) Vaccine Acceptance During Pregnancy Research
(11) https://www.vaccineconfidence.org/vcp-mission
(12) https://twitter.com/ProfHeidiLarson
(13) https://www.linkedin.com/in/heidi-larson-07b535119/
(14) https://www.csis.org/analysis/call-action-csis-lshtm-high-level-panel-vaccine-confidence-and-misinformation
(15) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2774712?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=content-shareicons&utm_content=article_engagement&utm_medium=social&utm_term=122920#.X-uxuv4Z2-I.twitter
(16) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/climate-and-people/meet-scientists-tackling-vaccine-misinformation-tiktok/
(17) https://pulitzercenter.org/event/covid-19-vaccines-combating-misinformation
(18) https://pulitzercenter.org/about/donors
(19) https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/22/opinion/astrazeneca-vaccine-trust.html
(20) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca
(21) https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/drug-products/legislation-guidelines/interim-orders.html
(22) https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2019/2019onsc7066/2019onsc7066.html
(23) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidi_Larson
(24) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-pan-canadian-vaccine-injury-support-program.html

(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Canada Vaccine Innovation Community Challenge

Andrew Lawton Of True North Sells Out, Gives Softball Interview To Jason Kenney

On May 8, 2021, Andrew Lawton of True North did an interview with Alberta Premier Jason Kenney. To put it mildly, this was a softball. Lawton went out of his way to avoid difficult questions, and help Kenney along. Rather than holding the Premier to account, Lawton acted as a form of controlled opposition. Commenters on Twitter were quite angry. He gave more legitimacy to the tyrannical measures imposed in the Province.

True North got its “charity” status under very dubious terms. Rather than founding one (as Candice Malcolm leads people to believe), she took over an existing one. See the CRA or search corporations in Canada for more information. True North used to be called the Independent Immigration Aid Association, founded in 1994.

Prior to “founding” True North, Malcolm and her husband, Kasra Nejatian, were staffers for Jason Kenney. They worked in his office while he was Multiculturalism Minister in Stephen Harper’s Government. This detail is never disclosed publicly.

Kenney used to run the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a Koch/Atlas think tank. Malcolm worked for them as well. Nejatian is still part of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, another Koch/Atlas group. He’s also a Director at True North, but not openly listed. None of this is disclosed either.

It’s beyond hypocritical for True North to rail against media outlets being bribed by Trudeau, while it gets tax breaks from pretending to be a charity. The most likely reason for taking over one, as opposed to starting one, is that there would be far less scrutiny.

Lawton himself was a 2018 candidate for the Ontario Provincial election for Doug Ford. To his credit, that is openly mentioned.

And “staffer” is the impression that interview gives off. Lawton tries his best to make Kenney look good, or at least better. What questions could have been asked?

  • Why do the goalposts keep shifting on these measures?
  • Has this virus eve been isolated? See Fluoride Free Peel.
  • Why at PCR tests used, when they can’t determine infection?
  • WHO defines Covid deaths as “clinically compatible illness in a probable or confirmed case”. How is this medically or scientifically based?
  • What agreements were made to simultaneously shut down economies?
  • What really happened March 2020 at World Economic Forum?
  • Why are daily press conference questions screened in advance?
  • Are these public gathering bans about safety, or just making it harder for opposition to gather and talk openly?
  • Why are churches closed, but mosques can remain open?
  • How can you justify jailing people for attending church?
  • What gives Kenney the right to indefinitely suspend basic rights?
  • Who runs Alberta? You or Deena Hinshaw and her people?
  • Why is computer modelling treated as if it were science?
  • What is the scientific basis for determining “non-essential businesses”?
  • How are you “pro-business” if you keep shutting them down?
  • What is the actual science behind banning indoor gatherings?
  • What is the actual science behind social distancing?
  • What research was done into looking at potential harms from masks?
  • At what rates are people being harmed from “vaccines”?
  • Is the lack of testing on pregnant women/nursing mothers a concern?
  • Is the lack of testing on pregnant children a concern?
  • If these are safe, why are manufacturers indemnified?
  • Are these “vaccines” approved, or given interim authorization?
  • Why ignore the fact that testing continues for years to come?
  • What recourse will people have if harmed by “vaccines”?
  • Why is Deena Hinshaw, an unelected bureaucrat, running the Province?
  • Why is AHS, an autonomous corporation, allowed to dictate freedoms?
  • Why is the Alberta Public Health Act based on the 2005 Quarantine Act?
  • Why was the Quarantine Act passed to accommodate the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations? WHO-IHR?
  • Do these public health orders override AB Bill of Rights?
  • Doesn’t it do an end run around due process to deny Provincial services to people with unpaid tickets, even if they intend to oppose them in Court?
  • What really happened when you attended Bilderberg?
  • Finally: Who the hell do you think you are?

There are more of course, but this just a sample of some of the hard questions Andrew Lawton could have asked. Instead, he allows Kenney to spread his nonsense unchallanged.

It is possible that Lawton his oblivious to all of the above, and did no research at all. However, a more likely explanation is that agreeing to softball questions was a condition of the interview. While having access to politicians is quite understandable, this does the public a huge disservice.

Last November, Jason Kenney did an interview with Danielle Smith, former head of the Alberta Wildrose Party. Kenney admitted doing reading that indicated 90% of positives could be in error, and he shrugged it off.

Both Deena Hinshaw (Alberta), and Bonnie Henry (British Columbia), has introduced the standard of “assuming” that positive test results are variants. This has no scientific basis at all.

It’s difficult to see who the audience was here. Many of the commenters in the video call out Lawton for his softball approach. No new information was learned, as Jason Kenney just repeated his same lines as before. Although Lawton (may) not have wanted this, Kenney’s handlers certainly would have advised him on which topics are off limits. Overall, it was very disappointing.

Never again should Lawton criticize the CBC for giving Trudeau a pass. He did exactly the same thing here to Kenney.


If you want some real research, check out this HEALTH series, or this COVID series. This is the kind of information that should be shared openly, but isn’t.

Jason Kenney is a fake conservative.
Andrew Lawton is a fake journalist.
True North is a fake charity.