Conservatives Pretend To Be Outraged Over Vaccine Mandates They In Fact Support

Conservative Member of Parliament Michael Cooper posted on Twitter quotes from the latest economic updates. He feigned outrage that the Trudeau Government is preparing to finance vaccine passports for the next 3 years (at least). He attaches portions of the document which lay out the truth of the upcoming policies.

On its own, this tweet would be pretty informative. However, Cooper disingenuously leaves out the fact that his party openly supports those same policies. The following is from September, when the election campaign was still going on.

Cooper speaks out both sides of his mouth: condemning a Liberal policy that the Conservatives would have introduced had they won the last election. Semantics aside, O’Toole would do exactly the same thing, and implement exactly the same policies. He’s being deceptive by implying otherwise.

Cooper may try to get around this by suggesting Conservatives only supported a very limited and temporary passport system. However, he’d have to be pretty dense to believe that was going to be the plan. There’s far too much money invested for this to be short term.

The clips in this came from 24:45 and 35:00 in the published video on CPAC. Erin O’Toole fully supports vaccine passports, and will work with the Provinces on it. He only complains that Trudeau is too divisive about it. This is from September 4, 2021.

O’Toole makes it clear he’s fine with the Provinces implementing their “movement licenses”. Not only does he not oppose it, he proposes to partner with them.

Later in the video, O’Toole doesn’t really seem put off at the idea that the unvaccinated should not be entitled to the same rights. He shrugs the question off as being divisive. However, he doesn’t offer any condemnation for the idea that people should have their rights restricted. Nor does he dismiss the nonsensical suggestion that vaccines don’t work unless everyone takes one. All in all, these comments reflect that the CPC has issues with the language used, but not the overall substance.

In watching the entire press conference, O’Toole takes the stance that it’s only a matter of convincing that stops the rest of Canadians from taking these shots. He suggests that Ottawa needs to do a better job of selling the products.

Why spend so much time attacking the right? It’s because plenty of people are duped into believing that they offer a meaningful difference to the totalitarian measures Trudeau and friends implement. In reality, they act to neutralize real alternatives.

The CPC is also just one political party that is being financed via the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. In other words, they receive the same benefits that they criticize Trudeau for handing out the way he has. It should be clear by now that all of this is just a charade. There is no one in Ottawa fighting for Canadians.

It’s become a pattern for politicians (of all stripes) to pander on human rights abuses internationally, while supporting them locally. It’s amazing that this can be done with a straight face, but then again, these people are just actors.

While we’re on the subject of not having any meaningful political options, let’s take a look at some other “alternatives”: Maverick and PPC.

However, the Maverick Party will not be forced to become involved in the on-going emotional debate over restrictions imposed by the Premiers of different provinces versus infringement of citizens’ rights or freedoms.

Maverick is a federal party. Many Canadians in the various provinces across Canada have taken it upon themselves to speak out against the imposed restrictions (as is their freedom to do so). Canadians from coast to coast have the right to speak out, rally and protest if they so choose. However, governments also have the responsibility of protecting their citizens and must weigh that responsibility carefully.

The restrictions and/or lockdowns decreed and enforced are done provincially. Province-by-province. As previously stated, Maverick is a federal party.

It would be highly hypocritical for the Maverick Party to criticize the federal government for encroaching into provincial jurisdiction with their carbon tax (amongst many other issues) and then turnaround and impose ourselves in provincial jurisdiction over healthcare restrictions or the lockdowns

This was published by Maverick prior to the 2021 election. It seems their links have wonky URLs. In any event, they appear to take the position that Provinces imposing medical martial law is fine, and that it’s not the job of the Federal Government to intervene. In other words, it’s okay for Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, or Brian Pallister to oppress their people, but Trudeau and O’Toole better back off.

The Libertarian Party is beyond parody at this point. While claiming to support freedom, their solution to medical tyranny seems to be “let the free market decide”. You really have to believe that they’re trying to throw it on purpose.

This came from about the 30:00 minute mark and is quite telling. Pushing experimental injections on people is apparently okay, just as long as it’s done with consent. There’s also the unasked question about whether they would intervene in tyranny imposed at the Provincial level. Maverick says they won’t, and PPC doesn’t address it. Beyond that, do you want someone leading your movement who would vaxx their own father?

Even reading the PPC platform, they don’t really oppose the measures that the Provinces are implementing. There’s just some vague promise about helping with court challenges against it. They also ignore the fact that PHAC is part of the WHO, and that International Health Regulations are legally binding on Member States.

Notice that none of these “opposition” figures call out the deception, manipulation, and premeditated nature of this so-called crisis. They’ll never address the pharma influence, the corruption of the media, the co-opting of the legal profession, or the junk science justifying it.

To anyone who still thinks that there is a way to vote yourself out of this mess, give your head a shake.

(7) COVID Policy – People’s Party of Canada
(11) 2021 Platform – Libertarian Party of Canada

Trudeau Using Taxpayer Money To Subsidize “Opposition” Parties, Liberals Too

Ever wonder why Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel-Garner, and the other so-called “Conservatives” never really push back on Trudeau? Isn’t it strange that the “Official Opposition” does next to nothing in the way of being an opposition? There may be another reason for this. Specifically, it may be that the CPC has been a recipient of CEWS, the wage subsidy. The Conservative Fund is essentially the fundraising/financial arm of the Conservative Party of Canada.

This isn’t just on the right. The New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada also gets the same financing from the Liberal Government it claims to hate.

And who exactly is the the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada? Well, if you go on the Liberal Party of Canada website, at the bottom they explain that they are the registered agent for the LPC. This is another registered corporation.

Copyright 2021 Liberal Party of Canada. All Rights Reserved. Authorized by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, registered agent for the Liberal Party of Canada

In other words, the group that runs the financial operations of the Liberal Party are financially benefitting from policies like the CEWS Program, which Trudeau enacted. Talk about a conflict of interest.

The United Conservative Association, as is obvious, is the group that runs the UCP in Alberta. This is headed by Jason Kenney, a globalist ex-Bilderberger, and current Premier of Alberta. Interestingly, the Alberta Liberals are also on the dole.

Out in B.C., the Green Party (which used to be in a coalition with John Horgan’s B.C. Liberals) has also been getting CEWS.

This is pretty screwy, isn’t it? As politicians are forcing people to shut down their businesses, they enact policies which profit their own parties. Of course, this is in addition to rules which allow donors to write off the bulk of their contributions with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Also worth a review is the previous article. It outlined how several Bar Associations, and hundreds of law firms in Canada were getting bailed out by Trudeau. Just a thought, but perhaps they don’t want this to end anytime soon.

Just to reiterate, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is just one program that these organizations would be eligible to collect from.

Where’s the independent media on this? Turn out many of them, such as True North, are getting the subsidies as well. So does the National Citizens Coalition, which employs Spencer Fernando. Naturally, mainstream outlets like Postmedia, Bell, Rogers, and Torstar are pocketing these funds, and others. Perhaps this is why no one will come clean with the public on how widespread it is.

Moral of the story: if you’re not following the money, you’re flying blind as to what’s really going on.

(2) (see new link)

(L) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Partners, Funding


What Senator Denise Batters Will Never Address…..

Senator Denise Batters of Saskatchewan is calling for a leadership review of Erin O’Toole. While this may seem fine on the surface, the details are troubling. It’s not so much what’s in the proposal, but rather, what’s omitted from it.

Batters gives a great performance in this short video. And performance is what it comes across as. She gives some decent points of why O’Toole should go, but never completely throws him under the bus. It seems pretty strange, unless all of this was being done just for show.

The Conservative Inc. media swallowed it completely.

Conservative activists and members across Canada are supporting this petition because Erin O’Toole has reversed his own positions from his leadership campaign, betrayed Conservative principles, lost seats in the election, and cannot win the next election.
O’Toole Betrayed Conservative Principles
O’Toole won the leadership race claiming to be a “true blue” Conservative, but ran an election campaign nearly indistinguishable from Trudeau’s Liberals. Conservatives and Canadians can’t afford more of the same.
Before and after the election, O’Toole repeatedly told Conservatives that they needed to have “the courage to change.” What he expects us to change into, he has yet to say.
As Leader, O’Toole has watered down and even entirely reversed policy positions without the input of party or caucus members. On the carbon tax, on firearms, on conscience rights – he has contradicted positions within the same week, the same day, and even within the same sentence!
The Election Was Lost
Winning without principles is pointless. O’Toole’s strategy and approach failed. Conservatives lost seats and votes.
Erin O’Toole lost this election by every measure. Our party lost half a million votes, won fewer seats, and received a lower popular vote than in 2019. We lost ethnically diverse MPs, female MPs, and MPs in the GTA, Alberta, and in Vancouver’s suburbs. In the GTA alone, O’Toole lost 80,000 votes compared to 2019. O’Toole’s inability to communicate or connect with female voters created an even wider gender gap.
O’Toole Can’t Win the Next Election
Since the election, O’Toole has not learned any lessons from this devastating loss. It’s business as usual. His strategy failed and he refuses to change it. He is surrounded by the same old team with the same old ideas. His polling numbers keep dropping. His flip-flops and weakness mean that he can never regain the trust from the Canadian people that he lost in the election. Because he refuses to learn from his mistakes, he can’t win.
Because Erin O’Toole turned his back on conservative principles, lost the election, and cannot win the next one, Conservatives must take action now!

All of this speech sounds lovely, but stop and think about it for a moment. What specifics does Batters actually complain about? She lists 3: (a) Carbon tax; (b) firearms; and (c) conscience rights. But are those really the most pressing issues facing the country?

And seriously? We’re going with the gender gap?

Canada has imposed medical martial law for the better part of 2 years, and Batters is completely silent on that. Moreover, the useful idiots in the comments are whining about relatively minor things instead of the collapse of freedom in this country. Some address the bigger picture, but most don’t.

Keep in mind, O’Toole ran as an anti-freedom candidate to take over the CPC. He doesn’t oppose anything Trudeau does, although he whines about the details of implementation. Whether he’s been bought, threatened, or is just a pandering twit, O’Toole is an enemy of every Canadian who values basic rights in this country.

What’s even more sickening is the double standard and hypocrisy. Canadian “Conservatives” like to virtue signal about how righteous they are in condemning human rights abuses ABROAD. That being said, they are silent on human rights abuses DOMESTICALLY. If Batters wanted a good excuse to get rid of O’Toole, this seems perfect. However, not a peep from her on that subject.

Conservatives claim to support freedom. In realty, they impose mandates for vaccine passports, masks, order businesses closed, and strip away religious liberties. This happens Federally too, although the bulk of the orders are Provincial. O’Toole, as CPC leader, had no issue with any of this. Batters appears uninterested in the fact that her party and leader have no issue with any of this.

Her Twitter account is filled with content on hockey and football, but nothing about the fake pandemic being used to erase the rights we take for granted.

Batters cites the Carbon taxes, but never states that the entire green industry is a giant wealth transfer scheme. The Paris Agreement lays that out in detail, especially in Article 9. She also mentions guns (presumably the May 2020 Order In Council), but never says the obvious: that a disarmed population is much easier to control, or eliminate.

There’s also radio silence on the FIPA with China, which involved selling Canadian sovereignty to a foreign power. Then again, the CPC still seems to support this treason.

She also never points out the elephant in the room: O’Toole worked at Heenan Blaikie right before getting into politics. This was the same law firm Trudeau Sr. and Chretien were partners at. Birds of a feather….

While at Heenan Blaikie, O’Toole also lobbied on behalf of Facebook. His support of free speech has always comes across as forced and insincere. Again, nothing from Batters.

If the CPC was actually concerned about winning elections, then perhaps Batters might want to address O’Toole’s open borders policies. Incidently, Harper and Mulroney supported the same thing. By flooding the country with left-leaning voters, it ensures that “Conservatives” will never be able to win more and more ridings. In the West, Canadians routinely vote for cons (literally) who enact policies to dilute their voting power.

Batters ignores — and it seems intentional — the real reason O’Toole lost: it’s because he supports the same tyranny and creeping Communism that the Liberals and NDP do. He doesn’t offer any real opposition to the most pressing issues facing Canadians.

Additionally, Batters won’t discuss the obvious suspicion that O’Toole threw the race on purpose. There is no way someone could be that bad, unless it was deliberate.

What do we get here? More drama from actors playing a part. Batters’ job seems to be to pretend that there is a segment of her party that wants real change — all while avoiding more urgent topics. The role of this party is to gatekeep, and prevent real alternatives from gaining ground.

To all the people cheering about this petition, give your heads a shake. This is an act, and you’re buying it, hook, line and sinker.


Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists Funded By Pfizer, Recommends Vaccines & Boosters

Many would think that the Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Canada is an independent organization, and that it has the best interests of women and families at heart. That may not be the case, as shown by some of their recommendations.

It’s fitting that on their home page, they have a computer simulation of the coronavirus. Quite appropriate, since it’s never been isolated, or even shown to exist. Now, what does this group have to say about vaccinating pregnant women?

In Canada, NACI has preferentially advised that “a complete vaccine series with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to individuals in the authorized age group who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Informed consent should include discussion about emerging evidence on the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in these populations. (Strong NACI Recommendation). Contraindications to vaccination are few and a complete description is available within the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidance document.

Given that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe COVID-related morbidity and mortality, they represent a population that should be prioritized for vaccination in situations where vaccine supply is limited. Specifically, the WHO has recommended that pregnant women be prioritized in stage II, representing a situation where the supply is only sufficient to immunize 11-20% of a population. Importantly, the WHO recommendation is upheld in all epidemiologic situations including community transmission, sporadic cases as well as no cases.

Individuals who are discovered to be pregnant during their vaccine series or shortly afterward should not be counselled to terminate pregnancy based on having received the vaccine. If conception is presumed to predate the first dose, it is recommended to follow the same procedures for active surveillance (as available) as would be activated if the pregnancy was known at the time of vaccination. A registry to track pregnancy outcomes for individuals receiving any vaccine doses during pregnancy is being planned for Canada. Pregnant individuals can get more information here:

Pregnant women mount immune responses comparable to the non-pregnant population and vaccine efficacy of the COVID vaccines among cohorts of pregnant women are comparable to non-pregnant women. There is no data to suggest that pregnant women who meet criteria for a booster dose should be treated differently than the non-pregnant population. While timing and criteria for booster doses may vary by jurisdiction, pregnant women should receive a booster dose when recommended.

A registry to track the effects of vaccines on pregnant women is being planned? That’s certainly good to know. These recommendations to take experimental concoctions are pretty shocking, or at least they should be.

Now, why is this group so pro-vaccine, even when the long term effects are unknown? One strong possibility is that they are funded by Pfizer, Merck and Bayer. Shocker, that the major donors to this organization would profit considerably from more people getting the shot. It seems that SOGC is quite appreciative of their partners.

SOGC also provides a set of talking points for health care workers to give to uncertain patients. It’s no surprise that a group funded by drug companies recommends to these “professionals” that everything is safe and effective.

Back in April 2020, SOGC repeated from WHO that abortion is a human right, and that it must not be denied. Pretty screwy to be starting a global pandemic, and the first thought is to wipe out the next generation. The World Health Organization seems to have a sick fascination with what they consider to be human rights.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with continuing education, especially in professions like health care. After all, information does change. That being said, it’s disturbing when the CME — or continuing medical education — is funded by drug companies, at least in Ontario.

As Searchlight Pharma, which is a sponsor of the CME program, they are a company with holdings in many related products for women. Duchesnay also sells many of the same things. It’s fair to assume that this “continuing education” will be little more than a trade show, where doctors get told about what products to push.

As for MD Financial Management, that arose after the CMA’s — Canadian Medical Association’s — push to get doctors saving and investing. It’s no surprise that the pharma industry is a good one to invest in.

To anyone thinking that you are getting (at least somewhat) independent and impartial advice, keep this in mind. The pharmaceutical industry has vested interests in making sure you’re talking to experts with an agenda.

Finally, it’s worth a mention that this group is getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, run by the Canada Revenue Agency. This means that taxpayers are forced to help subsidize a group that’s pushing vaccines on pregnant women. Of course, this is in addition to the funding it gets from drug companies.

Certainly makes one proud to pay taxes, knowing that these are the places that they end up going to. In essence, we are topping up a drug marketing company that wants to kill our children. Anyone who still has faith in politicians or government at this point is completely delusional.

(2) SOGC_Statement_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_Pregnancy
(5) Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists COVID-19 Champions
(7) SOGC Talking Points For Health Care Workers
(9) Induced Abortion – Pandemic Guidance WHO
(12) SOGCA Continuing Medical Education Funded By Pharma
(14) Portfolio – Searchlight Pharma

(A) Canadian Pharmaceutical Sciences Foundation Funded By Big Pharma
(B) Canadian Pharmacists Association: Subsidies While They Lobby Against You
(C) CDN Immunization Research Network Funded By Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi
(D) B.C. Pharmacy Association Funded By Drug Companies
(E) U.S. Council On Patient Safety: Women’s Health
(F) Emergent BioSolutions Lobbying All Federal Parties
(G) British Fertility Society Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies
(H) American College Health Foundation Is Funded By Big Pharma-and-insurance/
(I) Myocarditis Foundation Gets Donations From Big Pharma

Institute For Strategic Dialogue (ISD): Government Sponsored Group Combatting “Misinformation”

Ever get the impression that Governments are colluding with social media and NGOs in a program of counter-intelligence? Ever think that there may be a coordinated effort to keep the general public oblivious to what’s really going on in the world? Turns out, there may be something to that.

Credit where it’s due: Stormhaven Media previously addressed the ISD, and some of its nefarious connections. Go check that out for more context.

The Canadian Government briefly mentions the work done by ISD in their group: Rapid Response Mechanism Canada (RRM Canada). This was related to foreign interference during and leading up to the 2019 European Union Parliamentary Elections. ISD is specifically listed in footnote #3.

On that page, there was also concern that anti-abortion sentiments were rising as a result of the language used. In short, calling things what they were amounted to resistance to the pro-death agenga. Also, Ottawa seemed to realize that people were getting wise to globalism and to the prospects of a Muslim takeover. Having a narrative shift makes it harder to sell Government policies.

A program run by Public Service Canada involved implementing the agenda of preventing violent extremism into Canadian schools. Parents, did you know about this?

Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
This project builds on a long-standing international program, first launched in 2015 through support from Public Safety Canada, designed to give young people the resources to challenge violent extremism in all its forms. Extreme Dialogue is a free resource designed to be delivered by teachers, youth practitioners, external facilitators (including social services and police), or young people themselves, by using films and supporting curriculum materials to learn about the true stories of those affected by violent extremism.
This new investment will support bringing the program to approximately 2,000 students between the ages of 14-20 in eight different francophone high schools and CEGEP/colleges in Quebec, and will deliver new and adapted education material and workshops for students, delivered by teachers and practitioners. Teachers and practitioners will be equipped through training delivered by the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV).
Ultimately, this project aims to build resilience to radicalization leading to violence in youth by providing them with the knowledge, skills and values needed not only to openly discuss, but to also challenge extremism in schools and other settings within their community.

Did parents know that the Federal Government was implementing into their schools the same kind of training that is given to those “peaceful groups” to ensure they don’t commit mass murder? Maybe not letting such people into Canada in the first place would have been a better idea. Perhaps this is done to subconsciously shift the public opinion that this sort of thing should be considered normal. But then, objecting to the forced integration of vastly different groups is probably racist, or something.

Canada also has a Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security, or CCRS, It’s chaired by Amarnath Amarasingam, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue

In 2013, Public Safety Canada gave ISD $24,372.98 in a sole-sourced contract to “counter violent extremism”. However, the details of this contract were extremely sparse, so we are left to guess about what it actually involved.

Last year, Canadian taxpayers forked over nearly $400,000 to this “independent” group. Seems like an unproductive use of money. But then, it’s hardly the only time we’ve financed our own brainwashing. See the links at the bottom for worse examples of this.

It’s a registered tax-exempt organization in the United States, so more information about its finances is available from the Internal Revenue Service.

Of course, it’s hardly just the Canadian Government (or rather, taxpayers) who are financing this organization. Looking through their website, it’s easy to find the full list of donors and partners. And wow, what a list of organizations this is.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue US (ISD US) is a non-political, not-for-profit corporation registered in the District of Columbia with 501(c)(3) status. It was formed with Articles of Incorporation on 19 August 2009. Whilst the two entities are legally separate, a majority of Board members sit on both boards so that decisions can be taken collectively. You can search for ISD US using tax identification number 27-1282489.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue gGmbH (ISD Germany) is registered with the companies’ registrar in Berlin, registration AG Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 207 328B. It was formed on 19 February 2019 with a Deed and Articles of Association and began operations in 2020. The Managing Directors are Huberta von Voss and Sarah Kennedy.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue France (ISD France) is a legal entity under the status of Association de loi 1901, a status granted to not-for-profit organisations across a range of sectors.


  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
  • ARENA @ Johns Hopkins University
  • Cardiff University
  • Centre for the Analysis of Social Media (CASM)
  • Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
  • Deakin University
  • Demos
  • Fair Fight Action
  • Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)
  • German Marshall Fund Alliance for Securing Democracy
  • Global Center on Cooperative Security
  • Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)
  • Global Disinformation Index
  • Hans-Bredow Institute
  • Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
  • Institut Montaigne
  • Institute for Economics and Peace
  • McCain Institute
  • MIT Media Cloud
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Sussex University Computer Science Department
  • United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UNCTED)
  • Victoria University
  • West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute


  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • British Council
  • Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
  • Europäisches Forum Alpbach
  • Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung
  • Gen Next Foundation
  • Hirondelle Foundation
  • International Republican Institute (IRI)
  • Mercator Stiftung Germany
  • Mercator Stiftung Switzerland
  • National Democratic Institute
  • Omidyar Group
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • United States Institute for Peace

Governments & Multilateral Organisations

  • Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and trade (DFAT)
  • Australian Department for Home Affairs
  • Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)
  • Council of Europe
  • Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration
  • Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victoria, Australia
  • Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Dutch Ministry of the Interior
  • European Commission
  • Finnish Interior Ministry
  • German Federal Agency for Civic Engagement
  • German Federal Foreign Office (Auswaertiges-Amt)
  • German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)
  • Global Affairs Canada
  • Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
  • Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands
  • New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
  • Norwegian Ministry of Children & Families (MCF)
  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security
  • Public Safety Canada
  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
  • Swedish Ministry of Integration
  • Swedish Ministry of Justice
  • Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
  • UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
  • UK Home Office
  • UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • US Department for Homeland Security (DHS)
  • US State Department

Private Sector

  • Audible
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Jigsaw
  • Microsoft
  • YouTube

Now, just because the Institute for Strategic Dialogue is financed by numerous Western Governments, social media companies, think tanks, and NGOs like the Open Society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, there’s no reason to be concerned. It’s not like there is any ideology that prevents truth and objective analysis from being published.

It’s hardly surprising that the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Open Society are claiming that racism and hate are on the rise. When NGOs are pushing open borders policies, it tends to provoke considerable backlash.

ISD lists conditions it imposes for any donations that are offered. While they sound fine on the surface, it needs to be said that it will only take money from groups who are on board with its ideology.

(1) The funder demonstrates respect for and adherence to universal human rights, freedom of speech, democracy and the rule of law, and does not support or condone extremism or terrorism
(2) The funder does not conduct activities or implement policies that promote violence, hatred or prejudice on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, age or disability, and does not seek to deflect criticism from their involvement in any of the above by funding ISD
(3) The funding will help to challenge extremism, polarisation and disinformation and will support ISD in its pursuit of its charitable objectives
(4) The funder does not attempt to influence ISD’s objectives, policies or decisions, and the funding does not pose a risk to ISD’s independence, either explicitly or implicitly
(5) The funding does not pose a risk of harm to ISD’s reputation, staff, partners or beneficiaries

If one questions of the replacement agenda is real (getting rid of whites in the West), the climate change narrative, the pandemic fear-porn, or censorship in general, ISD will not take money. Rather than foster any true debate or research, it seems that all this group wants is an echo chamber.

Never forget, the Canadian Government has openly talked about passing laws to combat what they call “pandemic misinformation”. While that may be a hard sell, this may be the next best thing, from their perspective.

Now, let’s see the ISD findings in action. Let’s see some fairly mainstream coverage which references the work ISD does. Surely, it will be fully transparent in all of this.

Irish far-right groups have been exploiting online loopholes and using encrypted and largely unmoderated social media sites and messaging apps to mobilise and spread messages of hate throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
That’s according to research carried out by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue (ISD), an independent global organisation dedicated to powering solutions to extremism, hate, and disinformation.
The study showed that the number of channels and messages created and sent by Irish users of the encrypted messaging app Telegram has increased rapidly, with just 800 messages sent in 2019 compared with over 60,000 this past January.

As just one example of propaganda, the Irish Examiner refers to the ISD as an “independent” organization. Any due diligence would have found out who really funds this group. Pretty hard to be independent when Governments and interested parties are paying the bills.

It’s entirely possible this omission was due to sloppy writing. However, it appears far more likely that this author simply chose to ignore the truth about the ISD, in an attempt to mislead and deceive readers. Looking at his LinkedIn profile suggests willful omissions, as he has a Masters in journalism. He probably should have stuck with being an English teacher.

Don’t worry, the Government is isn’t involved in gaslighting, brainwashing, or otherwise dumbing down the population in order for them to be more compliant. Politicians don’t really get their hands dirty like this. They just pay other people to do it.

(3) Open data analysis – European Parliamentary Elections_ Comprehensive Report
(6) Members of the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security
(7) ISD Funding Project Descriptions
(9) ISD Disclosure of Contracts Over $10,000
(14) Partnerships and Funders – Institute For Strategic Dialogue
(17) Irish far right groups flocking to encrypted and unmoderated social media sites
(19) Steven Heaney _ LinkedIn



B.C. Health Care (Consent) And Care Facility (Admissions) Act Of 1996

With the looming vaccine passports in B.C. (and elsewhere), a good piece of legislation to know is the B.C. Health Care (Consent) And Care Facility (Admissions) Act Of 1996. It doesn’t really require much commentary, as the quoted passages are pretty self explanatory.

Part 2 — Consent to Health Care
Consent rights
4 Every adult who is capable of giving or refusing consent to health care has
(a) the right to give consent or to refuse consent on any grounds, including moral or religious grounds, even if the refusal will result in death,
(b) the right to select a particular form of available health care on any grounds, including moral or religious grounds,
(c) the right to revoke consent,
(d) the right to expect that a decision to give, refuse or revoke consent will be respected, and
(e) the right to be involved to the greatest degree possible in all case planning and decision making.

General rule — consent needed
5 (1) A health care provider must not provide any health care to an adult without the adult’s consent except under sections 11 to 15.
(2) A health care provider must not seek a decision about whether to give or refuse substitute consent to health care under section 11, 14 or 15 unless he or she has made every reasonable effort to obtain a decision from the adult.

Elements of consent
6 An adult consents to health care if
(a) the consent relates to the proposed health care,
(b) the consent is given voluntarily,
(c) the consent is not obtained by fraud or misrepresentation,
(d) the adult is capable of making a decision about whether to give or refuse consent to the proposed health care,
(e) the health care provider gives the adult the information a reasonable person would require to understand the proposed health care and to make a decision, including information about
(i) the condition for which the health care is proposed,
(ii) the nature of the proposed health care,
(iii) the risks and benefits of the proposed health care that a reasonable person would expect to be told about, and
(iv) alternative courses of health care, and
(f) the adult has an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about the proposed health care.

How incapability is determined
7 When deciding whether an adult is incapable of giving, refusing or revoking consent to health care, a health care provider must base the decision on whether or not the adult demonstrates that he or she understands
(a) the information given by the health care provider under section 6 (e), and
(b) that the information applies to the situation of the adult for whom the health care is proposed.

No emergency health care contrary to wishes
12.1 A health care provider must not provide health care under section 12 if the health care provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the person, while capable and after attaining 19 years of age, expressed an instruction or wish applicable to the circumstances to refuse consent to the health care.

However, depending on how malicious the higher ups may be, there are sections that could be twisted and perverted to force certain types of health care. That being said, the whole issue of consent seems pretty clear cut.

Threatening someone’s livelihood, finances, or general freedoms in order to obtain consent amounts to coercion. And that is exactly what forced “vaccines” and tests do. And yes, this has been brought up many times, but these aren’t even approved by Health Canada. They have interim authorization. Considering the emergency declaration was cancelled in Ontario and B.C., this should actually be illegal.

Also check out the Ontario Health Care Consent Act of 1996. So-called medical professionals aren’t allowed to do anything to you if you don’t give voluntary and informed consent.
