Just Send The Asteroid Already….

A recent trip to the local college resulted in coming across this. It’s infuriating that people are paying money — as are taxpayers — to fund institutions like this. By the way, these are registered charities, meaning that the public is further getting ripped off.

Following The Bailout Money (Video Compilation)

Ever wonder why so many groups working the “levers of power” all seem to ideologically aligned with the same martial law measures? Think it’s strange that there is so little criticism or skepticism among prominent people and organizations? There is a simple explanation: FOLLOW THE MONEY!

(1) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
(2) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request_locale=en
(3) https://search.open.canada.ca/en/gc/
(4) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/advSrch

(A.1) Hotel, Restaurant Groups Getting Wage/Rental Subsidies
(A.2) Liberals, Conservatives, NDP All Getting Bailout Money
(A.3) Lawyers, Bar Associations Receiving CEWS Money
(A.4) Conflicting Out? Lawyers Getting More Than Just CEWS
(A.5) Churches Are Charities, Getting CEWS, Subsidies & Promoting Vaccines
(A.6) Trucking Alliance Grants Raising many Eyebrows
(A.7) Chambers Of Commerce Subsidized By Canadians, Want Open Borders
(A.8) Banks, Credit Unions, Media Outlets All Getting CEWS

(B.1) Unifor, Media, In Bed With Gov’t, $595M
(B.2) Government Subsidizes Media To Ensure Positive Coverage
(B.3) Postmedia Subsidies/Connections, Lack Of Real Journalism
(B.4) Latest “Pandemic Bucks” Grants In 2021, Lorrie Goldstein
(B.5) Nordstar; Torstar; Metroland Media; Subsidies & Monopoly
(B.6) Aberdeen Publishing Takes Handouts, Ignores Real Issues
(B.7) More Periodicals Taking Grants, Parroting Gov’t Narrative
(B.8) Tri-City News, LMP Pulls Bonnie Henry Article; Pandemic Bucks
(B.9) Black Press Group; Media Outlet Doxing Of Convoy Donors
(B.10) Subsidized Fact-Check Outlets Run By Political Operatives
(B.11) Digital Citizen Contribution Program: Funds To Combat “Misinformation”
(B.12) Counter Intelligence “Disinformation Prevention” Groups Are Charities
(B.13) CIVIX, More Grants To Combat “Disinformation” In 2021, Domestic, Foreign
(B.14) PHAC Supporting #ScienceUpFirst Counter Intel Effort
(B.15) Rockefeller Spends $13.5 To Combat Misinformation
(B.16) Media, Banks, CU, Getting CDA Emergency Wage Subsidies (CEWS)
(B.17) John Tory’s Sister Board Member At Bell; CEWS; Subsidies

(C.1) Media, Facebook, Google, Tech Collusion To Create “Trust” Networks
(C.2) CommonTrust, Commons Project, WEF, Rockefeller, Health Passes
(C.3) C2PA; Project Origin; Content Authenticity Initiative; CBC-BBC-Microsoft
(C.4) Public Media Alliance, Global Task Force, Brussels Declaration
(C.5) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Govt/NGO Funded Counter-Intelligence
(C.6) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Open Source Intelligence Gathering

(a) https://canucklaw.ca
(b) https://gab.com/canucklaw1
(c) https://twitter.com/Babylon_Beaver
(d) https://odysee.com/@CanuckLaw:8
(e) https://bitchute.com/channel/canuck_law
(f) https://rumble.com/user/CanuckLaw
(g) https://www.youtube.com/c/CanuckLawVids

(Now Available) Borderless Canada: Replacement Migration & Fifth Columnists Operating Within

With all the content given out, occasionally, an ad needs to be run. And this is another book. The 4th one, Borderless Canada, is now available both in paperback and as an e-book. This helps support the costs of running the website, and ensures the information reaches a wider audience.

Borderless Canada: The many hidden costs of the mass migration policies, including economic, social, and cultural. This couldn’t have happened without many subversive interests pushing it. Many know that politicians act as puppets, but not how deep it goes.

Most people aren’t remotely aware of what’s happening on the subjects of borders and immigration. Nor do they grasp the full extent of subversion agents and NGOs working towards these goals. Partly, this is intentional, as politicians and media figures aren’t interested in a fully informed public. You think those subsidies are just a form of charity?

This cannot be explained as simple incompetence or cluelessness. The replacement of the West has long been a deliberate aim.

Also, this isn’t a partisan issue. The bulk of the “right wing” in Canadian politics supports this destruction, as do many of their voters. They just insist it be done legally, and with economic benefits.

Of course, earlier publications are still available.

Twenty Twenty-One: A condensed form of this research into the fake pandemic in Canada. Hard details and stats provided throughout, refuting virtually all major Government claims. Spoiler, there isn’t a “pandemic” at all.

Inside The Ontario Science Table: The sequel focuses on the “independent experts” calling for Ford to keep the Province locked down, and pushing and pandemic narrative. The ties to the University of Toronto and big pharma run very deep.

The Green Bankers Cartel: There’s a lot more than meets the eye to the climate change movement. Far from the image of being grassroots, the financial sector sees it as opportunity. Useful idiots support it anyway, without realizing that they advocate for policies that ensure their own enslavement. We are told “The debate is over” as a means of stifling legitimate concerns and inquiries.

All of these are available online either as ebooks, or paperback.

Nova Scotia FOI: $19.1 Million Spent On “Vaccines”, Questions About PCR Testing Companies

More freedom-of-information requests has taken place in Nova Scotia. It would be nice to know how much is being spend on tests, vaccines, and to see some of the contracts. Anyhow, we have at least some information to share on those topics.

Our friend in Nova Scotia is back at it again, digging up dirt and information about the tyranny of Robert Strang. Here are some of the latest finds. Previously, there was the hospitalization scam debunked, the lack of data for masks in schools, the screwy definition of “cases”, Nova Scotia reduced (yes, reduced) ICU capacity, there’s no evidence “asymptomatic spreading” even exists, and they refused to provide the CANImmunize/Clinic Flow contract.

Let’s take a look at how your money is being spent:

[Amended January 26, 2022:]
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 vaccines. Not including any staff salaries.
(December 20, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 PCR tests. Not including any staff salaries. (January 1, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
(Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 1/19/2022)

The Government claims to have spent $19.1 million on vaccines for pharmacies, and this doesn’t include any salaries. They also answer that the only testing that goes on it paid for by the patients seeking them. They included a list of pharmacies, along with the amounts each has received.

What else do we have here?

Another FOI request involved getting copies of the testing contracts that the Province has with 3rd party providers. This has been put on hold as it’s claimed that it may release confidential business information of those 3rd parties. The company(ies) must respond in 14 days to either consent to the release, or to provide written reasons for refusing.

While Nova Scotia may be hesitant to turn over the contracts, we can guess who might be doing the testing. They may not be too proud of this.

One such company is BGI Genomics, a Chinese company, based in Hong Kong. It received interim authorization from Health Canada on May 4, 2020. This raises all kinds of questions.

Their product has also been allowed into Japan, Singapore, Australia, and the United States. Considering the potential for mass data mining with people’s DNA, it’s certainly worthwhile to know who’s actually in charge of this.

At the time of writing this, there are about 100 versions of testing authorized by Health Canada, many of them foreign owned. Many more applications are under review. Now, any of them who are either infiltrated — or owned — by a Government could use this as a DNA dragnet.

And if you haven’t seen Christine Massey’s work with Fluoride Free Peel’s, go do that. There are some 200 or so FOIs showing that no one, anywhere in the world, has ever isolated this “virus”. It’s never been proven to exist. There’s no point having a discussion on what treatments are beneficial, until the existence of this is demonstrated.

[Author’s note: there have been issues with subscribers not getting notifications recently. If someone could confirm they received the article, it would be appreciated. It’s editor(at) canucklaw.ca. This portion will be deleted soon.]

(1) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Vaccine Payments
(2) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Testing Contracts
(3) https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/bgi-receives-health-canada-authorization-to-supply-sars-cov-2-rt-pcr-test-in-canadian-market/
(4) https://bgi.com/us/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/07/FAQ-BGI-RT-PCR-Kit.pdf
(6) https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/covid19-industry/medical-devices/authorized/list.html
(7) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/

(A) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-no-real-increase-in-deaths-due-to-pandemic/
(B) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-shows-province-has-no-evidence-asymptomatic-spreading-even-exists/
(C) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-more-deaths-as-vaccination-numbers-climb/
(D) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-response-tacitly-admits-there-is-no-wave-of-hospitalizations/
(E) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-result-province-refuses-to-turn-over-data-studies-justifying-masks-in-schools/
(F) https://canucklaw.ca/more-foi-requests-from-nova-scotia-trying-to-get-answers-on-this-pandemic/
(G) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-request-shows-province-reduced-icu-capacity-in-recent-years/
(H) https://canucklaw.ca/nova-scotia-foi-province-refuses-to-turn-over-contract/

Psychological Industry In Canada Too Cozy With Big Pharma

When psychological and psychiatric association groups are getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), it stands to reason that they won’t push too hard against the pharma narrative. While the examples here aren’t exhaustive, they do raise some questions about how close these groups really are. Hundreds more results come when a more generic search for psychologist or psychiatrist is entered.

For some clarity….
(A) Psychologist: has a PhD, is licensed, and able to provide mental health services
(B) Psychiatrist: a medical doctor, different license, and allowed to prescribe medications

This continues the list of institutions getting funded to shill the “pandemic” narrative. These include: restaurants and hotels, political parties, law firms, more law firms, churches, trucking associations, and Chambers of Commerce, to name a few.

The Canadian Psychiatric Association also has some interesting business relationships, according to the information on its website:

[The CPA] is one of five founding members of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) Established in 1998, CAMIMH is now the largest coalition of consumers and families, health care and social service providers, professional associations, and community and research organizations. It advocates with one voice urging health and social policy makers to put mental health on their agendas to create a national action plan for mental illness and mental health.

This all sounds fine and good until one actually looks up the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health. Scrolling to the bottom of their “partners” page, we see Innovative Medicines Canada is one of the major sponsors. This organization acts as a lobbyist for most of the big pharma companies in this country.

And who does Innovative Medicines represent? Here are the names, provided from their own website. All of the big names are there, and they’re busy lobbying in the Provinces and at the Federal level.

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that the Canadian Psychiatric Association has direct ties to the largest pharma trade group in the nation. How exactly would they get their products to the market without a willing supply of doctors (or dealers) willing to prescribe them? Heck, if the pharmacy groups are in the pocket of drug companies, it’s logical that many psychiatrists would be as well.

Something else to note: these groups which are supposed to protect the psychological and mental health of patients are adamantly pro-trans. This creates a real conflict of interest.

The Canadian Psychiatric Association affirms the following:
1. The CPA opposes all public and private discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and supports the repeal of discriminatory laws and policies.

2. The CPA supports the passage of laws and policies protecting the rights, legal benefits and privileges of all people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

3. The CPA supports the provision of high-quality mental and medical health care treatment for all people and, therefore, expects all psychiatrists to provide appropriate, nondiscriminatory treatment to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

4. The CPA supports efforts to provide fair and safe environments for people who identify as transgender or who are gender variant or gender nonconforming in institutional settings, such as supportive living environments, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, treatment facilities, shelters and prisons. The CPA also supports access to appropriate treatment in institutional settings for people of all gender identities and expressions, including gender transition therapies.

5. The CPA supports efforts to provide safe and secure educational environments at all levels of education, as well as foster care environments and juvenile justice programs, that promote an understanding and acceptance of all youth, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

6. The CPA recognizes the efficacy, benefit and medical necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated people and calls upon Provincial Health Insurance Plans to cover these medically necessary treatments.

7. The CPA supports educating psychiatric residents and psychiatrists about how to explore patients’
perceptions of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression using LGBTQ-inclusive questions and gender-neutral language. The CPA also supports educating all psychiatric residents and psychiatrists about the potential for mental health care disparities in LGBTQ communities and about some of the specific issues that can apply when working with people who identify as LGBTQ (for example, homophobia and transphobia, family rejection and the coming out process).

8. The CPA opposes the use of reparative or conversion therapy, given that such therapy is based on the assumption that LGBTQ identities indicate a mental disorder and (or) the assumption that the person could and should change their sexual orientation and (or) their gender identity and gender expression.

9. The CPA encourages physician practices, medical schools, hospitals and clinics to broaden any nondiscrimination policies or statements to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

10. The CPA encourages the use of respectful and appropriate language with all LGBTQ patients and specifically encourages using the patient’s preferred name and pronouns with transgender patients.

11. The CPA encourages the creation of a welcoming and affirming environment for LGBTQ people by creating an office space and (or) hospital unit that affirms people’s identity (for example, using gender-neutral language on forms and providing gender-inclusive washrooms when possible).

It’s pretty scary to see that the Canadian Psychiatric Association is on board with the globohomo agenda like this. Why might they be? One reason is that people who transition are looking at a lifetime of hormones. This means customers for life. Sure, this sounds cynical, but there doesn’t seem to be any consideration that perhaps these people need help, not mutilation. And if you want your private parts cut off, they support having taxpayers foot the bill.

Even worse, the C.P.A. supports putting biological men in women’s prisons. This endangers all women, especially as they are unable to escape. They are — after all — prisoners.

According to recent lobbying records, the Ontario Psychological Association has been pushing for changes to the law, and it’s pretty scary

To expand the scope of practice for psychologists to prescribe psychotropic drugs and to empower psychologists in Ontario with the ability to write mental health forms

This isn’t to defend psychiatrists, or doctors in general. Yes, they do function — in many ways — as a legitimate form of drug dealer. However, the OPA wants changes so that people without any medical training would be able to prescribe psychotropic drugs. An earlier version of this lobbying included requests to allow psychologists perform assessments for diagnosis and treatment plans.

This is probably a good time to mention that in December 2017 the Wynne Government passed Bill 160, but didn’t implement it. Neither did Ford. This would have forced the disclosure of payoffs to doctors from pharmaceutical companies.

Currently, the B.C. Psychological Association is pushing the Province to include their profession in MSP, which means coverage by taxpayers.

The Alberta Psychologists Association is working on legislation to allow psychologists (who haven’t gone to medical school) to make diagnoses. They also oppose any sort of conversion therapy ban, which again, will likely result in more people transitioning genders. Of course, this will lead to dependency on hormones.

There’s also the Psychology Foundation of Canada. In the annual reports, it goes through various sponsors. In an unsurprising twist, one of them is Pfizer. Other donors include major banks. This is also a registered charity, meaning it’s eligible for tax breaks that many others are not.

There’s definitely more to cover, but this is a start. It’s noteworthy how professional and business interests seem to align with the same policies.

The silence from such groups is deafening when it comes to mental harms inflicted over the last 2 years. The rare mention that does come seems forced. One would think that they’d have been all over it….

(1) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/cews/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch
(2) https://www.cpa-apc.org
(3) https://www.cpa-apc.org/about-cpa/collaborations-partnerships/
(4) https://www.camimh.ca/
(5) https://lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/
(6) https://www.lobbyistsregistrar.bc.ca/app/secure/orl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=523&regId=56561438
(7) Psychologists Association Of Alberta
(8) https://psychologistsassociation.ab.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021-July-Conversion-Therapy-Fact-Sheet.pdf
(9) https://www.psychologyfoundation.org/
(10) PFC_AnnualReport_2018_FINAL_LowRez

Newsflash: CPC Motion Doesn’t Actually Call For Ending Any Measures On February 28

Vladimir Lenin is famously quoted as saying that the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. While there have been many who fit the description in the last 2 years, Interim CPC Leader Candice Bergen has become the latest iteration of it.

Despite pretending to stand with the truckers protesting against the medical martial law measures, Bergen tells them to “go home”. This comes despite this so-called opposition party essentially doing nothing for the last 2 years. It’s an attempt to neutralize real resistance.

Over the last few weeks, the trucking “convoys” in Canada have made international news. That said, Bergen wants to shut it down and gives vague words about fighting for them.

And right now, no one in Canada embodies controlled opposition like Candice Bergen, or the “Conservative” Party of Canada. They object over nitpicky details of Trudeau’s tyranny, but not over ideology. And there’s been deafening silence over the lockdowns imposed by Provinces. Interestingly, there’s often feigned outrage over human rights abuses abroad, but never locally.

To make this clear: Candice Bergen and the CPC don’t actually call for the ending of all Federal martial law measures by February 28. Instead, it’s just a motion to generate some plan — any plan — by February 28. It could be a plan that lasts for 10 or 20 years, but as long as it’s submitted by February 28, it would comply with the demands of this motion.

Moreover, even if a “plan” were submitted by February 28, there is no guarantee whatsoever that it would be meaningful, or not subject to changes.

This comes from the playbook of “Operation Trust“, a 1920s plan to protect the Bolsheviks. The idea was to placate Russians into doing nothing to take back their country, but convincing them that a military operation was already underway. The same principle was used for Q-Anon.

Bergen never addresses fundamental problems like Health Canada or PHAC had been implemented for population control measures. She never addresses that Bill C-12, the 2005 Quarantine Act, was written by WHO, or that the International Health Regulations are legally binding. She discusses nothing of substance, which sums up what her party is.

It really shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. After all, Bergen was the Deputy Leader of the CPC when Erin O’Toole was in charge. Presumably, she didn’t find his actions that abhorrent.

Also, a quick look at some of the organizations Bergen has been in touch with suggest she might have been influenced by other groups. These includes big pharma, who don’t have the best interests of Canadians at heart.

Unfortunately, the hoopla over tossing out Erin O’Toole seems to be for nothing. Bergen was Deputy Leader at that time, and even now, doesn’t really oppose anything. Both O’Toole and Bergen are globalist shills. However, he was far more overt about it, and she may get a pass as a result.

While this article may come across as being negative and a buzzkill, it’s important for Canadians to know what’s actually being proposed. Words matter, and these are meaningless.

Trusting her in any way is a serious mistake.

(1) https://twitter.com/CandiceBergenMP/status/1492608106295177219
(2) https://twitter.com/BlakeRichardsMP/status/1492922192937500673
(3) https://twitter.com/CPAC_TV/status/1493372451639726093
(4) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=516500
(5) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=520273
(6) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=510769
(7) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=510795
(8) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=507207
(9) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/cmmLgPblcVw?comlogId=487699
(10) https://canucklaw.ca/health-canada-initially-created-for-population-control-measures/
(11) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62g-public-health-agency-of-canada-created-as-branch-of-who-bill
(12) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62c-the-2005-quarantine-act-bill-c-12-was-actually-written-by-who/
(13) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62-who-legally-binding-international-health-regulations-ihr/