Bluink Ltd: Developing Digital Identity & Vaccine Certification

Bluink is a company that’s working on systems of digital identification and verification of identify. The rationale is that this will ultimately be more secure than having physical documents. This could have potential uses both in the private and public sector. Of course, things get a bit more disturbing when you realize their latest project: a nationwide vaccine passport system. The Federal Lobbying Registry states that they’re in talks with Ottawa over the 2 subjects.

(a) Development of alignment between provincial vaccine certifications and federal standards
(b) Development of digital identification and verification standards.

According to their website, Bluink is able to run their system with driver’s licenses and service cards in all Provinces and Territories. They are also able to do Canadian, Chinese, French and U.S. passports.

Now, Bluink is also working on “aligning provincial certifications and federal standards”. In short, this means compiling a national vaccine passport system. In fairness, being in talks doesn’t mean the papers are signed, but this would be just the company to do it.

Think about it: a company that is already able to do digital ID for all Provincial and Territorial ID (and passports) is also quite likely to build a national vaccine certification system. The obvious question is that what stops this company — or any user — from simply combining the systems? How hard would it be to attach your vaccine status to a driver’s license, health card, or passport? Even if this isn’t the company to do it, Ottawa could always bring in someone else to take that last step.

If you have the full name and birthdate of every health card and vaccine record, how much work would it be to merge them into a single record?

This is also another case of “funding your own demise”, as we will get into. Taxpayers are on the hook for this creeping erosion of privacy.

No, surprise. Bluink is listed with the C.R.A. as having received the CEWS, or the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. And if they are getting that, then the rental subsidies are likely thrown in too. Really, at this point, what company “hasn’t” been getting them?. Real capitalism seems non-existent, as everything is nationalized. And it keeps going.

According to the Lobbying Registry, it received nearly $2 million in the year 2020 from: (a) Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA); (b) Canada Post Corporation (CPC): and (c) Shared Services Canada (SSC). More is expected to get more money in 2021 and beyond. Some information about the lobbyists is given later on.

The choice of granting institutions is interesting. The CBSA won’t stop people illegally entering the country, but at least we’ll be able to given them a digital ID. That’s great.

May 2, 2012 National Research Council $50,000
Apr. 15, 2013 National Research Council $40,000
Apr. 15, 2013 National Research Council $500,000
Oct. 30, 2013 National Research Council $30,000
Jun. 25, 2015 National Research Council $87,500
Sep. 29, 2015 National Research Council $47,500
Mar. 4, 2016 National Research Council $25,500
Sep. 6, 2016 National Research Council $205,750
Sep. 6, 2016 National Research Council $148,750
Jul. 1, 2018 National Research Council $50,000
Oct. 21, 2018 National Research Council $50,000
Jan. 1, 2019 National Research Council $48,200
Jun. 1, 2019 National Research Council $150,000
Apr. 1, 2020 National Research Council $152,460

According to the NSERC listings, Bluink was involved in a 2013 project for a Algorithmic approach to dynamic scheduling, which netted a $22,500 grant. Another one was in 2016, worth $25,000 for child Login Research using FIDO public key authentication.

So, this has actually been in the works for about a decade. The average person probably had no idea that this was going on. Now, who was pushing for vaccine certification at the Federal level?

One lobbyist for Bluink was Lindsay Stevens. Several years back, she was a “Government Affairs Intern” with Johnson & Johnson (who makes vaccines in Canada). The next year she became a legislative assist at Queen’s Park. Interesting career trajectory. Another is Adam Yahn, who has ties to both the Ontario Conservatives, and to the Federal Party. Katlyn Harrison worked briefly as a Parliamentary Assistant before going into lobbying. All are employed by the firm Summa Strategies.

Summa is Chaired by Tim Powers, long time Conservative Party of Canada operative and talking head on the Canadian news.

It has been derided as an insane conspiracy theory that this “pandemic” is being used to bring about societal change, including digital ID. On the other hand, that appear to be exactly where this is heading. And Bluink will be in a position to deliver a combined system soon, if it can’t already.

Attaching vaccine status to something like a driver’s license will make it an actual movement license (credit to RoadToSerfdom), and not just a moniker. Haven’t taken your shots — and boosters — just yet? You won’t be allowed to leave your zone. Considering that Transport Canada is also involved, this isn’t hyperbole.

When Provinces decide that there will no longer be physical service cards, or when Ottawa phases out passports, what will be used to fill the void? S.I.N. card (the white plastic ones) stopped getting produced years ago. This is just an expansion of that idea.

Worth a reminder: The Vaccine Credential Initiative includes the Ontario Ministry of Health. It’s quite possible that this is where it will be launched first.

Bluink themselves explain how their technology works. Tying a medical record to it wouldn’t be a stretch.

(8) Lindsay Stevens LinkedIn Profile
(10) Adam Yahn LinkedIn Profile
(12) Kate Harrison LinkedIn Profile

Conservatives Pretend To Be Outraged Over Vaccine Mandates They In Fact Support

Conservative Member of Parliament Michael Cooper posted on Twitter quotes from the latest economic updates. He feigned outrage that the Trudeau Government is preparing to finance vaccine passports for the next 3 years (at least). He attaches portions of the document which lay out the truth of the upcoming policies.

On its own, this tweet would be pretty informative. However, Cooper disingenuously leaves out the fact that his party openly supports those same policies. The following is from September, when the election campaign was still going on.

Cooper speaks out both sides of his mouth: condemning a Liberal policy that the Conservatives would have introduced had they won the last election. Semantics aside, O’Toole would do exactly the same thing, and implement exactly the same policies. He’s being deceptive by implying otherwise.

Cooper may try to get around this by suggesting Conservatives only supported a very limited and temporary passport system. However, he’d have to be pretty dense to believe that was going to be the plan. There’s far too much money invested for this to be short term.

The clips in this came from 24:45 and 35:00 in the published video on CPAC. Erin O’Toole fully supports vaccine passports, and will work with the Provinces on it. He only complains that Trudeau is too divisive about it. This is from September 4, 2021.

O’Toole makes it clear he’s fine with the Provinces implementing their “movement licenses”. Not only does he not oppose it, he proposes to partner with them.

Later in the video, O’Toole doesn’t really seem put off at the idea that the unvaccinated should not be entitled to the same rights. He shrugs the question off as being divisive. However, he doesn’t offer any condemnation for the idea that people should have their rights restricted. Nor does he dismiss the nonsensical suggestion that vaccines don’t work unless everyone takes one. All in all, these comments reflect that the CPC has issues with the language used, but not the overall substance.

In watching the entire press conference, O’Toole takes the stance that it’s only a matter of convincing that stops the rest of Canadians from taking these shots. He suggests that Ottawa needs to do a better job of selling the products.

Why spend so much time attacking the right? It’s because plenty of people are duped into believing that they offer a meaningful difference to the totalitarian measures Trudeau and friends implement. In reality, they act to neutralize real alternatives.

The CPC is also just one political party that is being financed via the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. In other words, they receive the same benefits that they criticize Trudeau for handing out the way he has. It should be clear by now that all of this is just a charade. There is no one in Ottawa fighting for Canadians.

It’s become a pattern for politicians (of all stripes) to pander on human rights abuses internationally, while supporting them locally. It’s amazing that this can be done with a straight face, but then again, these people are just actors.

While we’re on the subject of not having any meaningful political options, let’s take a look at some other “alternatives”: Maverick and PPC.

However, the Maverick Party will not be forced to become involved in the on-going emotional debate over restrictions imposed by the Premiers of different provinces versus infringement of citizens’ rights or freedoms.

Maverick is a federal party. Many Canadians in the various provinces across Canada have taken it upon themselves to speak out against the imposed restrictions (as is their freedom to do so). Canadians from coast to coast have the right to speak out, rally and protest if they so choose. However, governments also have the responsibility of protecting their citizens and must weigh that responsibility carefully.

The restrictions and/or lockdowns decreed and enforced are done provincially. Province-by-province. As previously stated, Maverick is a federal party.

It would be highly hypocritical for the Maverick Party to criticize the federal government for encroaching into provincial jurisdiction with their carbon tax (amongst many other issues) and then turnaround and impose ourselves in provincial jurisdiction over healthcare restrictions or the lockdowns

This was published by Maverick prior to the 2021 election. It seems their links have wonky URLs. In any event, they appear to take the position that Provinces imposing medical martial law is fine, and that it’s not the job of the Federal Government to intervene. In other words, it’s okay for Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, or Brian Pallister to oppress their people, but Trudeau and O’Toole better back off.

The Libertarian Party is beyond parody at this point. While claiming to support freedom, their solution to medical tyranny seems to be “let the free market decide”. You really have to believe that they’re trying to throw it on purpose.

This came from about the 30:00 minute mark and is quite telling. Pushing experimental injections on people is apparently okay, just as long as it’s done with consent. There’s also the unasked question about whether they would intervene in tyranny imposed at the Provincial level. Maverick says they won’t, and PPC doesn’t address it. Beyond that, do you want someone leading your movement who would vaxx their own father?

Even reading the PPC platform, they don’t really oppose the measures that the Provinces are implementing. There’s just some vague promise about helping with court challenges against it. They also ignore the fact that PHAC is part of the WHO, and that International Health Regulations are legally binding on Member States.

Notice that none of these “opposition” figures call out the deception, manipulation, and premeditated nature of this so-called crisis. They’ll never address the pharma influence, the corruption of the media, the co-opting of the legal profession, or the junk science justifying it.

To anyone who still thinks that there is a way to vote yourself out of this mess, give your head a shake.

(7) COVID Policy – People’s Party of Canada
(11) 2021 Platform – Libertarian Party of Canada

OMERS And The Questionable Contracts With LifeLabs

June 23, 2021, LifeLabs received a $66.3 million contract from the Public Health Agency of Canada. It was originally for $28.8 million, but the terms were amended. The company had certainly negotiated other arrangements before, but this was big. The purpose of this one was testing kits for the “virus” that’s terrorizing the world. The Minister of Public Services and Procurement would oversee the issuing of such agreements.

It’s not just the vaccine contracts that are worth a lot of money. Testing kits may in fact be worth even more, given for frequently they are used. As such, it’s important to do a little due diligence on who’s being awarded these deals.

OMERS, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, and some of its organizations have been in the spotlight before, but this most recent time needs to be discussed. It has to do with certain contracts that Ottawa had awarded. Unsurprisingly, Global News hasn’t addressed this.

The federal government has awarded three companies with contracts worth up to $631 million in total for COVID-19 border testing and other screening services.
Public Services and Procurement Canada says Switch Health, LifeLabs and Dynacare are carrying out testing of international travelers entering Canada at airports and land border crossings.

Last week, the Federal Government announced some $631 million to be spent for virus testing kits. Notwithstanding that the pandemic is a hoax, and the tests useless, something else is noteworthy.

Anita Anand used to be the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. In short, it was her job to oversee large purchases made by the Canadian Government. Naturally, this requires a great deal of transparency and integrity. However, things may not be so simple.

Specifically, her husband, John Knowlton, helps run OMERS. As the name implies, it manages the pension plans for many Provincial workers. Unsurprisingly, it owns stocks and bonds in other companies.

Conflicts of interest — or even the apparent conflict — must always be avoided. And this one looks far too cozy to simply be an oversight. In fairness, it could be legitimate, but does raise real questions.

Knowlton’s position is awkward, to say the least. While he’s now a Director at OMERS, he held similar roles in LifeLabs and Teranet. OMERS has interests in both of them. His company will directly profit from extra contracts awarded for testing equipment. Blacklock’s reported on this issue earlier, and it was denied that there was any insider dealing involved.

Something else happened Provincially a few months back that requires our attention. It involved engaging in some influence peddling of Doug Ford by a longtime ONPC operative.

On August 5, 2021, Jim Burnett of the Pathway Group lobbied the Ontario Government on behalf of OMERS, his client. What was the nature of the lobbying? According to the Ontario Registry:

Ongoing discussions in connection with investment in LifeLabs, Teranet, and other related OMERS investments relating to diagnostic lab sector reforms and proposals for alternative service delivery models for statutory registries and associated particular government services as they arise.

In short, this meeting was about getting the Ontario Government to pump money into certain companies and by extension, OMERS. However, Burnett has quite the connected past.

  • Deputy Campaign Manager (2020, O’Toole CPC run)
  • Targeted Seat Manager (ONPC, Ford 2018)
  • Deputy Campaign Manager for Christine Elliott (ONPC run)
  • Campaign Chair for Kevin O’Leary (2016 CPC run)
  • Campaign Organizer for Patrick Brown (2015 ONPC run)
  • Working for Tim Hudak (ONPC 2000 to 2001)
  • Working for Ernie Hardeman (ONPC 2000)

In all honesty, this looks shady as hell. Burnett used his considerable political ties in order to advance the business interests of his new client. The fact that he was a handler for Erin O’Toole may be the reason that the CPC doesn’t seem to object to such procurement deals.

While Anita Anand seems to influence the purchasing Federally, there’s some activity going on in Ontario as well. Glad to know that everything is done above board. This happens elsewhere as well.

For what it’s worth, LifeLabs has been lobbying in B.C. as well, seeking more contracts. The company openly admits that OMERS may be impacted by the outcome there. The lobbyist, Michael Gardiner, is a former Provincial Director of the BCNDP. In case anyone is unaware, the NDP is currently in power in this Province.

In February 2021, Teranet paid the Saskatchewan Government a visit, to talk about purchasing a land registration system. This was done by Kory Teneycke, who currently acts as a handler for Doug Ford.

Whenever political connections are intertwined in purchases like these, it’s always beneficial to start asking questions. Now, this last subject is off topic, but needs a mention:

It’s never a good sign to be featured by the World Economic Forum. OMERS also plays along with the climate change scam. It claims that such considerations will be factored into all future decisions.

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our time. We believe that as institutional investors, we have an important role to play as the world transitions to a lower carbon economy. We are focused on growing sustainably, by developing partnerships across our portfolio and finding new investment opportunities that support the transition

OMERS has endorsed the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as it believes it is a helpful standard to deliver the information investors need to assess climate risk. We believe that engaging with our portfolio companies where climate change presents material risks, and striving to improve overall reporting and transparency, will enhance our understanding of the financial risks posed by climate change on our portfolio.

Like with other pension funds and investment companies, there appears to be a deliberate effort to embrace the green agenda laid out by Governments and their handlers. This happens even when it’s not necessarily what’s best for the plan holders.

Things are rarely as simple as they appear.

(5) John Knowlton LinkedIn Profile
(9) Knowlton OMERS Infrastructure – Investments
(12) Knowlton OMERS _ World Economic Forum
(18) Jim Burnett LinkedIn Profile
(20) Michael Gardiner LinkedIn Profile

Trudeau Using Taxpayer Money To Subsidize “Opposition” Parties, Liberals Too

Ever wonder why Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel-Garner, and the other so-called “Conservatives” never really push back on Trudeau? Isn’t it strange that the “Official Opposition” does next to nothing in the way of being an opposition? There may be another reason for this. Specifically, it may be that the CPC has been a recipient of CEWS, the wage subsidy. The Conservative Fund is essentially the fundraising/financial arm of the Conservative Party of Canada.

This isn’t just on the right. The New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada also gets the same financing from the Liberal Government it claims to hate.

And who exactly is the the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada? Well, if you go on the Liberal Party of Canada website, at the bottom they explain that they are the registered agent for the LPC. This is another registered corporation.

Copyright 2021 Liberal Party of Canada. All Rights Reserved. Authorized by the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, registered agent for the Liberal Party of Canada

In other words, the group that runs the financial operations of the Liberal Party are financially benefitting from policies like the CEWS Program, which Trudeau enacted. Talk about a conflict of interest.

The United Conservative Association, as is obvious, is the group that runs the UCP in Alberta. This is headed by Jason Kenney, a globalist ex-Bilderberger, and current Premier of Alberta. Interestingly, the Alberta Liberals are also on the dole.

Out in B.C., the Green Party (which used to be in a coalition with John Horgan’s B.C. Liberals) has also been getting CEWS.

This is pretty screwy, isn’t it? As politicians are forcing people to shut down their businesses, they enact policies which profit their own parties. Of course, this is in addition to rules which allow donors to write off the bulk of their contributions with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Also worth a review is the previous article. It outlined how several Bar Associations, and hundreds of law firms in Canada were getting bailed out by Trudeau. Just a thought, but perhaps they don’t want this to end anytime soon.

Just to reiterate, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is just one program that these organizations would be eligible to collect from.

Where’s the independent media on this? Turn out many of them, such as True North, are getting the subsidies as well. So does the National Citizens Coalition, which employs Spencer Fernando. Naturally, mainstream outlets like Postmedia, Bell, Rogers, and Torstar are pocketing these funds, and others. Perhaps this is why no one will come clean with the public on how widespread it is.

Moral of the story: if you’re not following the money, you’re flying blind as to what’s really going on.

(2) (see new link)

(L) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Partners, Funding


Law Firms & Bar Associations Receiving Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

Don’t you find it strange that there are no lawyers posing any serious challenge to the tyranny of Trudeau, Ford, Legault, Kenney, Horgan and the others? Ever wonder why people who (theoretically) are best placed to challenge this are sitting on the sidelines? Perhaps, this may explain some of them.

Note: several duplicate and irrelevant entries were omitted.

  • 0914819 B.C. LTD. ( Magellan Real Estate Lawyers)
  • Aasara Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • AGB Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Alam Law Firm, Professional Corporation
  • Alberta Lawyers’ Assistance Society (The Assist Program)
  • Alpert Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Andre J. Boudon Professional Corporation
  • Antoine Mailloux Avocat Inc.
  • Armoured Suits Professional Corporation
  • Aulis Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Avocats Cragmore Inc.
  • Avocats sans frontières Québec / Lawyers without borders Quebec
  • Ayoub A. Ali Professional Corporation
  • Bakshi Law Firm Firm Professional Corporation
  • Barapp Law
  • Barteaux Labour And Employment Lawyers Inc.
  • Benoit Roussy, Avocat Inc.
  • Blacklock Law Firm, Professional Corporation
  • Blouin Avocat S.A. Blouin Lawyer Corp
  • Borders Law Firm, Professional Corporation
  • Brooks Professional Corporation
  • Brown Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Brunet Avocats Inc. / Brunet Lawyers Inc.
  • Bryshun Mace Law Corporation
  • BSS Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Burrows Professional Corporation
  • Buzaker Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Cabinet d’avocats NOVAlex Inc. / NOVAlex Law Firm Inc.
  • Canadian Defence Lawyers Association
  • Capelle Kane Immigration Lawyers Professional Corp.
  • Charney Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Charthouse Law Corporation
  • Chinneck Law Professional Corporation
  • Cizan Suliman Professional Corporation
  • Corporate Immigration Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Costa Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Counter Tax Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Cubicle Fugitive Inc.
  • D3B Avocats Inc.
  • D’Alessio Romero Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • David M. Piccolo Professional Corporation
  • Derstine Penman Professional Corporation
  • Di Stasio Avocats Inc.
  • Dietrich Professional Corporation
  • Disability Lawyers of Ontario
  • Douglas J. Lord Professional Corporation
  • DPJP Professional Corporation
  • Drayton Law Firm Law Corporation
  • Dube Latreille Avocats Inc.
  • Duford, Dion Avocats Inc.
  • Duncan F. Smith Law Corporation
  • Elkouby avocats inc. Elkouby lawyers Inc.
  • Étude légale N. Touma inc./ N. Touma law firm Inc.
  • Farley Avocats Inc.
  • Fife Cameron Trial Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Foundation Law Corporation
  • Frank MacDonald Lawyer Inc.
  • Fresh Life Canada, Immigration Lawyers Inc.
  • Friedman Law Professional Corporation
  • Gary R. Armworthy, Lawyer Incorporated
  • Girones Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • GKS Law Corporation
  • Gladysz Camet Avocats Fiscalistes Inc.
  • Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Gobran Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Goldfinger Injury Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Gosselin Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Grandmaitre Virgo Evans Professional Corporation
  • Grinhaus Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Gupta Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Guzun And Associates, Lawyers Inc.
  • H. Zhang Professional Corporation
  • Haber & Associates Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Hadayt Nazami Professional Corporation
  • Hagel Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Harris Law, Personal Injury Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Holmberg Watson Professional Corporation
  • Home & Castle law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Hum Law Firm, A Professional Corporation
  • Iacobelli Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Jae Park Law Professional Corporation
  • James Bennett Law Firm PLC Inc.
  • Jane Poproski Professional Corporation
  • Jay G. Meunier Professional Corporation
  • JFB Avocats Criminalistes Inc.
  • John A De Bakker Professional Corporation
  • John M. Richter Law Corporation
  • Jonathon Kahane-Rapport Professional Corporation
  • Joseph T. Santoro Professional Corporation
  • JP Mann Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Justin James Walsh Law Professional Corporation
  • Kapoor Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Kelly D. Jordan Professional Corporation
  • Kelly + Kelly Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Kennedy Schofield Lutz Lawyers Inc.
  • Kenneth Peacocke Professional Corporation
  • Kinder Law Professional Corporation
  • KMH Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • KPA Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • KRB Avocats Inc. / KRB Lawyers Inc.
  • Kruse Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Lak Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • LaLande Law Professional Corporation
  • Lamoureux, Avocat & Fiscaliste Inc.
  • Lang Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Larson Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Lauze, Avocate Inc.
  • Law Firm Of Shikha Sharda, Professional Corporation
  • Inc.
  • Liang Tax Law Corporation
  • Lisa C. Gilvesy Professional Corporation
  • Lomax Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Longo Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • M. Chuchla Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Mack Professional Corporation
  • Mauro Palumbo Law Corporation
  • Mayes Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Melville, Krotz Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Millars Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Minkin & Associates Professional Corporation
  • Mirian Law Firm, Professional Corporation
  • Monkhouse Law Professional Corporation
  • MPH Avocats Inc.
  • Mulligan Defence Lawyers Law Corporation
  • N3 INC.
  • Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers
  • Nanda & Associate Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Natalie L. Hebert Law Corporation
  • Nimegeeers, Schuck, Wormsbecker & Bobbitt
  • NLCI Your Real Estate Lawyer Professional Corporation
  • NSWB Law Firm P.S. Inc.
  • Oldham Law Firm, A Professional Corporation
  • Ontario Trial Lawyers Association
  • Pace Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Pappas Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Peter Yi Law Corporation
  • Petitt Schwarz Professional Corporation
  • Philip J. Gerler Professional Corporation
  • Pilkington Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Pranzitelli Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • R C Di Bella Law Corporation
  • R. Farhat, Professional Corporation
  • R.W.J. Professional Corporation
  • R.Z. Skibinski Professional Corporation
  • Rajdeep Singh Deol Law Corporation
  • Rar Litigation Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • Renaud Lebuis Avocat d’Affaires Inc. Renaud Lebuis Business Lawyer Inc.
  • RH Law Professional Corporation
  • Roadlawyers Inc.
  • Rocco Galati Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Roger J. Baker Professional Corporation
  • Ronald S. Williams Lawyer Professional Corporation
  • Rui Zhen Feng Law Corporation
  • Salina Chagpar Professional Corporation
  • Seif Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Shaikh Law Professional Corporation
  • Sultan Lawyers Professional Corporation
  • The Kahler Personal Injury Law Firm, Professional Corporation
  • Top Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Verraich Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Wennie Lee Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • WN Law Firm Inc.
  • Y.L. Law Professional Corporation
  • Y. Liu Law Firm
  • Yixi Legal Firm Corporation
  • YuSheng Immigration Law Firm
  • Zafar Law Firm Professional Corporation
  • Zayouna Law Firm, Professional Corporation

Note: if you search under the heading “LEGAL”, another 300 names come up. These are not exclusively law firms, but include other companies who are involved in the industry. Looking up “BARRISTER” results in 68 more matches in the CEWS database.

Of course, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is just one program. There’s also the rental subsidy, which countless businesses applied for. Given how these programs keep getting different names, it can be difficult to track exactly who’s getting what.

While this certainly doesn’t include every firm, it’s still a lot of them.

Considering that the industry never shut down, it’s unclear what money was lost. Sure, there was a delay in 2020, but everything seems to run virtually now. In fact, since law can be done online, it probably led to a significant decline in expenses.

Wild idea, but perhaps not everyone wants to see the gravy train end.

There have also been claims (though it’s hard to grasp the magnitude) of lawyers and law firms being retained by the Government as ghost representatives. This would be done for the sole purpose of taking them out of the game. If such a person or company takes money in this manner, they’d be prohibited from taking on cases against Trudeau or his ilk. This would apply even if the lawyers never do anything to earn that original amount.

It’s been covered ad nauseum about how the media is being subsidized to dupe and mislead Canadians into going along with the psychological warfare. Maybe that’s not the only industry that can be bought off. And on the subject:

The Canadian Bar Association, as well as its counterparts in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec have all been receiving the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. Of course, it’s quite likely they’ve received funds under different programs as well.

There’s no real urgency within the legal community to end these martial law dictates. Strange, since few lawyers will pass up on the opportunity to grandstand. But perhaps there are other factors. No accusations are being made, just some curious observations.

Do you get it now, stupid lemmings? They’re all in it together, or, at least that’s how it looks on the surface.


(L) Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Partners, Funding


Nova Scotia FOI Shows Province Has No Evidence “Asymptomatic Spreading” Even Exists

Freedom of information requests (or access to information) can often unearth a treasure trove of data. Alternatively, it can force the body in question to admit that it doesn’t have records that are being sought. After 2 years of this “pandemic” nonsense, one would think that a huge body of evidence had piled up.

Our friend in Nova Scotia is back at it again, digging up dirt and information about the tyranny of Robert Strang. Here are some of the latest finds. Previously, there was the hospitalization scam debunked, the lack of data for masks in schools, the screwy definition of “cases”, and Nova Scotia reduced (yes, reduced) ICU capacity.

Now, let’s see what a doozy the latest round of FOIs bring:

On November 22, 2021 Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act).
We understand your application to be for a copy of the following:
Any record, proof, document, report that an asymptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia.
We have conducted a thorough search of our records, but we were not able to find any records responsive to your request. We are now closing your file.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

So, Nova Scotia has had a mask mandate for well over a year, in order to stop healthy people from “spreading a virus”. However, the Government admits it has no evidence to support any of this.

For some wider context: despite all the fear-porn, there is no hospitalization wave in Nova Scotia. In fact, the Province has reduced ICU capacity in recent years. Although there’s no evidence this virus exists, let alone can spread in healthy people, they impose masks on children. And all of this came after forcing businesses to shut down (many for good), and all in some abstract sense of public health. Let’s not forget the attempts to ban public gatherings.

Pretty strange, after the tyrant Iain Rankin was voted out, Nova Scotians were expecting liberty. Instead, they got Tim Houston, who does pretty much the same thing. It’s almost as if they’re all in it together.

UPDATE TO ARTICLE: It appears that Nova Scotia doesn’t have its own records on this subject. It seems that it simply relies on PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) and WHO to tell it what to do. Interesting. For some background on PHAC’s real roots, check this out.

Also, if you haven’t looked at Fluoride Free Peel, Christine Massey and her group have done a stunning amount of work proving that this “virus” has never actually been isolated. What is shown on television is just a computer simulation of what people claim they believe it looks like.

It’s nice to see truthers hard at work, but we need more of them.

(1) 2021-185 No Responsive records, Asymptomatic Spreading