Dalhousie Experimenting On 6 Month Old Infants; Lisa Barrett; More “Vaccine Hesitancy” Grants

Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists have been proven right again. In this specific example, Dalhousie University will be doing drug trials on infants and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. That’s right, INFANTS and TODDLERS. Sadly, there are still many parents who would knowingly sign their children up to be experimented on.

[A few quotes from the notice]

What is the purpose of the KidCOVE Study?

The purpose of the KidCOVE Study is to test a vaccine that may protect children from getting sick if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2 (also called coronavirus), which causes COVID-19.

What is the KidCOVE Study?

The KidCOVE Study is a clinical trial that is testing a study vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19. Researchers will measure your child’s immune response to the vaccine by collecting blood samples. These samples will be tested for natural proteins that are called antibodies. Checking your child’s antibody level helps researchers know how well the study vaccine is working. The study doctor and study team will monitor your child’s health throughout the study.

To be eligible, your child must:

  • Be between six months old and less than six years old and in good health
  • Not have a positive COVID-19 test within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
  • Be free from exposure to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
  • Not have received an investigational vaccine or treatment for COVID-19
  • Be willing and able to comply with all study requirements

What will my child have to do?

  • Your child will have two injection visits, which will be 28 days apart. If your child is enrolled in the first part of the study, you will know that they are receiving the study vaccine. If your child is enrolled in the second part of the study, they will be chosen at random to receive either the study vaccine or the placebo.
  • There is a 75% chance your child will receive the study vaccine and a 25% chance they will receive the placebo. Your family will not know which option your child has been assigned if enrolled in the second part of the study.
  • You and your child will be asked to return to the study site three to four more times, depending on their enrollment assignment. These visits will occur 15 days, one month, six months, and 12 months after the second injection.
  • Your child will have two telemedicine visits – about one week after each injection. During these calls, the study team will check how your child is feeling. After that, the study team will call you once a month during the months your child does not have a study site visit.
  • You will be asked to complete electronic diary (eDiary) entries for the duration of the study to report any COVID-19 symptoms your child experiences.
  • Your child will be closely monitored by the study team if any symptoms of COVID-19 are reported at any time throughout their participation.

To be eligible, the children must be under the age of 6 years old. This is alarming on many different levels. Over 13,000 children are expected to be enrolled in this.

This study appears to be a collaboration between Dalhousie University and the Canadian Center for Vaccinology. It gets even creepier, as the Center for Vaccinology already prepared their list of “talking points” (their label) for children who are understandably worried. And what do you know? It’s Moderna who’s behind the study.

The CCfV collaborates with 3 partner organizations:
(a) CAIRE (Canadian Association for Immunization Research and Evaluation)
(b) CIRN (Canadian Immunization Research Network)
(c) IMPACT (Immunization Monitoring Program, ACTive)

CIRN has actually been covered by Canuck Law before. The organization has extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry. CAIRE is currently studying the effects of vaccines on pregnant women, and has ties to the usual suspects. IMPACT is run by the Canadian Paediatric Society, and tries to push vaccines on children.

Does these people really have your interests, and the interests of your children at heart? Or is this simply a lucrative business opportunity?

One of the members of the CCfV is Lisa Barrett, who is a “Clinician Investigator” at Dalhousie. She has quite the interesting background, and is more than just a doctor.

It turns out that Barrett is another media darling, making the rounds on the Canadian news. She’s just one more “expert” pushing the mass vaccination agenda, and is often on outlets like CTV News.

According to both her LinkedIn and Dalhousie profiles, Barrett spent time at the NIAID, or National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This is the organization headed by Anthony Fauci. She also completed a residency at the University of Toronto, which is where the Ontario Science Table is based.

Dalhousie received a $50,000 grant from NSERC (or rather, taxpayers) over the Summer of 2021. This was to promote the pro-vaccine agenda. It was one of just many handed out to Canadian universities. See the links at the bottom for much more on these subsidies.

For another batch of taxpayer grants used to “fight vaccine hesitancy“, consider the list below. A lot of money is being used to promote and push these shots. Now, if there was were a raging pandemic, would all of this be necessary?

African Arts & Culture Community Contributor Society Black communities in British Columbia $450,000
Alberta International Medical Graduates Association Newcomers to Canada $500,000
Alliance for Healthier Communities Vulnerable populations across Ontario,
Community health providers and workers
BGC Canada Youth, Parents and guardians $500,000
British Columbia Association of Community Health Centres (BCACHC) Vulnerable populations across British Columbia, Community health providers and workers $323,871
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) Public health and immunization stakeholders, General public $2,732,965
British Columbia Fraser Health Authority Hard-to-reach families, Indigenous populations, Newcomers to Canada, Low-income families $709,175
Canada Safety Council Teachers, Students in primary, junior, and intermediate grades, Parents and guardians $220,000
Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC) Vulnerable populations across Canada, Community health providers and workers $598,915
Dr. Peter Centre Marginalized populations living with HIV and other health issues $537,301
The Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) General public $1,749,578
Canadian Public Health Association Vaccinators, Health care providers $1,847,303
Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) Primary care patient populations less likely to have received the vaccine based on factors like reason for vaccine hesitancy, age, language, education level, rurality, gender, and ethnicity. $450,000
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council Health care providers, Indigenous Peoples $500,000
Institute national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) Parents and guardians, Youth, Teachers/educators $723,804
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc. Urban Indigenous populations in Winnipeg, Manitoba $470,000
Mainline, a program of the Mi’Kmaw Native Friendship Centre People who use drugs and urban Indigenous Peoples in Halifax, Nova Scotia $123,000
Manitoba Association of Community Health (MACH) Vulnerable populations across Manitoba, Community health providers and workers $350,625
Nova Scotia Association of Community Health Centres (NSACHC) Vulnerable populations across Nova Scotia, Community health providers and workers $292,800
Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness People of African Descent in Nova Scotia $430,000
Public Health Association of British Columbia Youth $1,139,916
Refugee 613 Newcomers to Canada and racialized populations $500,000
Regina Treaty / Status Indian Services Inc. (RT/SIS) Indigenous Peoples in Regina and surrounding communities, Saskatchewan $100,000
Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ) Indigenous Peoples in La Tuque, Trois-Rivières, and Joliette, Québec $475,000
Saskatchewan Health Authority Community health workers, Parents and guardians, High-risk populations $650,642
University Health Network Personal support workers $325,000
University of British Columbia Public health, Primary and community care leaders, Local organizations, Indigenous and/or cultural leaders, Municipal leadership, and other Policy makers $419,000
University of Toronto Vaccinators, General public $499,792
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre Underhoused and homeless individuals in New Westminster and Vancouver, British Columbia $460,000
Women’s College Hospital Non-physician health care practitioners and other essential workers in long-term care facilities and homecare settings $500,000
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre Racialized women, Ethno cultural and faith-based organizations $450,000
Yukon Health and Social Services Yukon residents $599,999

Has this sort of money EVER been spent on trying to push experimental concoctions on the public? Has there ever been drive kind of a drive to use infants as guinea pigs?

Much of the content for this article came from 2 people who read this site often. Thanks very much for spreading the word on these important issues.

(1) https://www.dal.ca/news/today/2021/11/08/participants_needed_for_covid_19_vaccine_study_in_children.html
(2) Participants needed for COVID‑19 vaccine study in children – Dal News – Dalhousie University
(3) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/study/kidcove-study/
(4) KidCOVE COVID-19 Study – Canadian Center For Vaccinology –
(5) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/20ck_Moderna_KidCOVE_Study-Talking-Points_v3_080421.pdf
(6) Moderna_KidCOVE_Study-Talking-Points
(7) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/about-ccfv/members/
(8) CCfV Members and Researchers _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(9) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/about-ccfv/collaborative-networks/
(10) Collaborative Networks for Research _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(11) https://canucklaw.ca/canadian-immunization-research-network-is-funded-by-big-pharma/
(12) https://www.caire.ca/working-groups
(13) https://cps.ca/en/clinical/immunization-and-vaccines
(14) Immunization and Vaccines _ Canadian Paediatric Society
(15) https://medicine.dal.ca/departments/department-sites/medicine/divisions/infectious-diseases/our-people/faculty/lisa-barrett.html
(16) Lisa Barrett – Division of Infectious Diseases – Dalhousie University
(17) https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/infectious-disease-expert-dr-lisa-barrett-answers-viewer-questions-about-covid-19-part-6-1.4965469
(18) Infectious disease expert Dr. Lisa Barrett answers viewer questions CTV News
(19) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6-vn8hDmuc
(20) https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-barrett-36348126/
(21) Lisa Barrett _ LinkedIn
(22) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization-vaccine-priorities/immunization-partnership-fund.html?fbclid=IwAR1MML8w6SVitOSMqY0mEZJC58R-JZ-7sKbjCW32iZOGwJyuaLysbXnqTIs#a3

(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge
(I) CIHR Using Public Money To Push Vaccines On Society
(J) Heidi Larson, VCP, LSHTM All Getting Funding From Big Pharma
(K) NSERC Grants To Push Vaccines On More People

The Final Boss: Realizing That You Are The Best Source Of Information And Scrutiny

“We shouldn’t ask who are the people we should be listening to. Instead, we should be wondering how to verify or refute the things we see and hear.”

Anyone who has ever played video games knows that Bowser is the final boss in the world of Super Mario. This article will get into a more abstract type of boss.

A question that comes up surprisingly often on this site is who should readers be following. That’s understandable, given the vast amount and range of information that’s available. Most people don’t want to have to sift through mountains of rubbish to find gold.

That being said, the correct answer is this: people shouldn’t be relying on or following anyone. Those serious about seeing the world as it really is should be scrutinizing everything they encounter. Real truthers should be doing background checks on what information they come across.

Perhaps all of this is idealistic. However, the point of media shouldn’t be indoctrinating or telling people what to think. It should be empowering, and encourage readers, viewers and listeners to seek more. Does this involve work? Yes, but the alternative is never truly being awake.

Several pieces have been posted here to help the more curious types get started with their own research. They will be included at the bottom.

Additionally, there can be valid reasons someone may hold back on some details. It doesn’t have to be nefarious. They may not be sure of certain points. It may be a controversial topic, where doxing, harassment, and deplatforming are real concerns. Being right doesn’t matter much when livelihood is threatened. Yes, there are many gatekeepers, but that isn’t everyone.

This take may be controversial, but here it goes. Reputation and name recognition have little to no correlation to how accurate and in depth a piece may be. Simply knowing who authored it means nothing if the content is misleading. Moreover, reporting that is truthful (but intentionally superficial) is also unhelpful, since the full truth isn’t told.

The best sources of reporting will include all material used. Evidence that supports the publication will be either embedded into articles or video, or the resources will be instantly available. Anyone making serious claims should be eager to demonstrate their validity. Anyone can throw around allegations. It’s far, far more helpful to see what their basis is.

Things get a bit complicated when a piece of media makes important statements about a company, organization or person, but no source material is provided. The question becomes: do we accept this as a fact, or do a little digging to see how truthful and accurate the content is?

It also should be obvious that not all material is equal is value. While well cited articles, videos and podcasts are helpful, nothing beats primary sources. Are friends talking about an important Supreme Court ruling? Ask to see the text of the decision. Concerned about a new bill being introduced? Search the actual legislation, instead of relying on someone’s opinion. Heard horror stories concerning some new treaty? Go read it. Seeing rumours about what happened at a public event? See what footage is available from someone there.

We are in an age where almost anything can be accessed by an online search. Nonsense statements and assertions can be debunked in seconds. Too few take full advantage of this.

If the light goes on for even one person, then this is worth it.

For a wider perspective, here are a few videos that explain it well:

(1) Rocking Mr. E has a channel called Rocking Philosophy. He released a video in May 2018 on globalist approved opposition, and 3 rules to spot it. There are valid questions to ask when certain voices are promoted, even when they offer little in groundbreaking content. One doesn’t have to agree with his politics to see him poking holes in establishment narratives. It’s a video that’s well worth watching.

(2) Actual Justice Warrior has an interesting take from October 2019. He addressed claims that the mainstream media is dying. He further points out that it’s a bad business model to be celebrating their demise, even if it were true. Real journalism can be quite expensive to engage in. By contrast, commentary channels are a dime a dozen, but still are completely dependent on others doing the underlying work. Investigative journalism — which involves long hours digging through records — can be relatively cheap, but is extremely time consuming.

(1) https://www.youtube.com/c/RockingMrE-RockingPhilosophy
(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q08p5kDVn98
(3) https://www.youtube.com/c/ActualJusticeWarrior/videos
(4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6GQadCvo58
(5) https://canucklaw.ca/how-to-do-your-own-research-investigative-journalism/
(6) https://canucklaw.ca/getting-started-with-your-own-freedom-of-information-access-to-information-requests/
(7) https://canucklaw.ca/getting-started-with-canlii-other-court-records-searches/
(8) https://canucklaw.ca/getting-started-with-searching-government-lobbying-registries/
(9) https://canucklaw.ca/getting-started-with-researching-registered-canadian-charities/

Christine Massey On: FOI Requests; Virus Isolation; Fluoride’s Harmful Effects

The following is from an interview that was supposed to be published in a European health magazine. There were some translation issues which ultimately prevented its release. Permission has been granted for this printing. In any event, go check out the work by Fluoride Free Peel.

A bit odd how most of the heroes who claim to be fighting this medical tyranny rarely (if ever) mention the fact that this “virus” has never been isolated. This is all based on lies.

(1) Massey Interview Isolation Purification
(2) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/no-fluoride-pregnancy-studies-suggest-safety-re-iq-or-adhd/
(3) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/20130705121108426.pdf
(4) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Health-Canada-FOI-Response-Letter-June2014.pdf
(5) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/3424-2/
(6) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/freedom-of-information-reveals-public-health-agency-of-canada-has-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-performed-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/
(7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg5qnmqjWsM&feature=emb_logo
(8) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/template-for-foi-requests/

Before we get into the “SARS-COV-2” discussion, would you like to describe the Freedom of Information responses you have collected in regards to fluoride exposure during pregnancy, and what prompted you to begin that project?

A few years ago I submitted a series of 9 freedom of information requests to find out if public health institutions that promote water fluoridation had any primary studies to show that fluoride exposure is safe during pregnancy with respect to IQ and ADHD symptoms in their offspring. Dentists and public health officials in Canada and the U.S. are always telling us that water fluoridation is “safe and effective for everyone” and they call it a “great public health achievement”. But it turned out that they had no studies whatsoever.

I had focused on those particular outcomes because I was aware, thanks to the efforts of the wider community, that a large body of evidence had accumulated suggesting that fluoride is neurotoxic at high enough doses, and some high quality government-funded studies had recently showed that common fluoride exposure levels during pregnancy are associated with lower IQs and increased ADHD symptoms in offspring.

Many people aren’t aware, but there is currently a lawsuit underway against the U.S. EPA over their failure to regulate drinking water fluoride levels in a manner protective of neurological health. And this is only one of many concerns.

It had also come to light that the chemical typically used to fluoridate water here is actually an industrial hazardous waste acid that is contaminated, for example with arsenic and lead, and had never been subjected to long-term toxicology studies. We also knew that, after many decades of the practice, fluoridated water had still never been tested for effectiveness in humans via double-blind randomized controlled experiments. Health Canada’s 2014 FOI response to Ms. Joanne David confirmed those facts.

It is easy to prove using grade-school math that so-called “optimally fluoridated” water delivers contra-indicated doses of fluoride to children every single day (see slides 6 and 10 here). In every 350 ml glass of water a child receives the same amount of fluoride that all of the dental and public health authorities insist should be spit out, not swallowed, when brushing their teeth with the recommended amount of fluoridated toothpaste. Most dentists are completely unaware of this simple truth.

Despite the simplicity of this truth, even Medical Officers of Health sometimes try to dispute it, because they get paid massive salaries to push the government’s health agendas. I presented the simple math multiple times to the municipal council where I used to live. But only 1 sensible Councillor cared, the rest didn’t and they continued with the practice. It was like talking to a brick wall. And I wasn’t the only one trying to reason with them and showing them evidence of harm, many other people were doing the same thing.

What is your academic background?

I have a master’s degree in biostatistics from Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. I used to work as a statistician with cancer researchers.

Some might claim that because you are not an expert on fluoride toxicity, or a virologist, your input is of no value on either topic. How would you respond to that?

No one needs a special background to grasp the grade-school math mentioned above, or the lack of randomized controlled studies to prove the alleged effectiveness of fluoridated water, or the lack of toxicology studies on the chemical, or to notice the blatant double-standard that is applied by the public health community and dentists.

If you show them a study that suggests ineffectiveness or harm to humans, they will dismiss it because it’s not a controlled experiment and they will go through it with a fine-tooth comb to point out weaknesses. What they won’t tell you is that they have zero controlled human experiments to prove effectiveness or safety, and that they rely solely on observational studies of equal or lesser quality when insisting the practice is safe and effective.

While they claim it would be unethical to carry out a controlled experiment on humans who give voluntary, informed consent to investigate potential harm, they insist it’s a “great public health achievement” to force an uncontrolled experiment without voluntary or informed consent onto entire communities.

Anyone can see the contradiction, and it applies to other health practices as well – for example not testing a drug on pregnant, consenting volunteers, but then marketing and administering that same drug to pregnant women, insisting that It’s safe and effective.

With regards to the isolation/purification of the theoretical “COVID-19 virus”, it’s as simple as recognizing the difference between mixing things together and separating things apart, and realizing that no one on the planet has a purified sample of the alleged virus. It’s not rocket science – anyone willing to invest a little time can understand it.

We have every right to question and dispute the so-called experts, and it’s important that we do, especially when it comes to things that directly impact our lives. Experts often don’t agree among themselves and have been wrong on many things throughout history. And some so-called experts (i.e. public health officials) are in fact not expert on a given public health topic. So it’s very dangerous for people to think that they should not investigate and should not feel free to question anything that does not make sense to them, and to demand answers if need be.

Right now our world is being turned upside down over claims that are quite easy to disprove. The truth is that no one has a purified sample of the alleged virus, and thus there are zero validated tests and zero “confirmed cases”.

How did you become aware of the “virus” isolation/purification issue?

Nothing about the “COVID-19” story made sense from the beginning, starting with the blind acceptance by media and governments that a deadly new virus was responsible for respiratory disease in heavily polluted Wuhan.

Also the numbers didn’t make sense here in Ontario when they put us into lockdown for the first time. And I simply could not take seriously the notion that the same governments in Canada and the U.S. that unlawfully mass medicate and experiment on the public with fluoride were suddenly taking extraordinary steps to protect us. They kept saying that they were doing it “out of an abundance of caution”. But they had demonstrated zero caution or credibility when it came to fluoridation, so it was completely contradictory to their usual behaviour.

Then I heard that they were using PCR tests to diagnose people, and I recalled hearing about those same tests from the great investigative journalist Jon Rappoport over the years. He had reported that they were highly problematic for diagnosing other alleged viral diseases.

So I started looking for more detailed information about the PCR tests, and in doing so came across the brilliant work of Canada’s David Crowe, and later the equally brilliant Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Dr. Stefan Lanka, and eventually others as well. They were all pointing out flaws in the story of the alleged virus itself. So I studied their work, and started looking at the “isolation” studies for myself, which confirmed what these gentlemen were describing.

And what gave you the idea of requesting freedom of information responses from governments and institutions?

I had found the FOIs a very simple and effective tool for exposing the absence of safety studies at institutions that promote fluoridated water during pregnancy, and realized FOIs could be useful again to investigate whether the alleged virus had in fact been isolated/purified.

Please describe your initial steps, the wording of your requests, and the first response or 2 that you received.

My first request was submitted on May 14, 2020 to Health Canada. (Some people have claimed that Health Canada is not an appropriate institution to have submitted this request to, but I disagree because Health Canada is the Canadian institution that has approved all of the “COVID-19” test kits, clinical trials, injections and other drugs and devices.)

I was very careful with the wording because I wanted to weed out the fraudulent “isolation” studies where nothing is actually isolated/purified, but not make it so restrictive that it also weeded out any potential legitimate studies.

The request was for: “all records describing the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material”.

I stressed that I meant “isolation” in the “every-day sense of the word: the act of separating a thing(s) from everything else” and that I was “not requesting records where “isolation of SARS-COV-2” refers instead to the culturing of something, or the performance of an amplification test (i.e. a PCR test), or the sequencing of something”.

And I clarified that my request was to include any such record that had been downloaded to a computer, or printed in hard copy, etc. In other words, any record authored by anyone, anywhere, that was held by Health Canada. And I requested citations for any such record that might already be available to the public elsewhere, since publicly available records are not covered by the FOI legislation.

On June 11th, 2020 an Access to Information analyst advised me that Health Canada would not typically evaluate the type of information I had requested and that “Information on virus isolation would be best obtained from the Public Health Agency of Canada or the National Research Council.”

On June 23rd, 2020 the same analyst advised that Health Canada’s role is only to review evidence provided by sponsors in order to make regulatory decisions to approve products and authorize clinical trials, and that I might wish to contact the sponsors of clinical trials and/or companies in order to get the information I was seeking.

Health Canada’s final response came on June 24, 2020 and it stated: “Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we were unable to locate any records responsive to your request.” So I posted the response on my website, shared it on social media and sent it to my municipal Council.

On July 14, 2020, the National Research Council of Canada provided their stating that “a thorough search of NRC’s records has now been completed, and we regret to inform you that no records responsive to your request were identified”.

On December 7, 2020, the Public Health Agency of Canada (which includes Canada’s only “biosafety level 4” laboratory, the National Microbiology Laboratory) responded and provided me with 1 study and several emails that they claimed were responsive, but none of the records described isolation/purification of the alleged virus from a patient sample or from anything else.

In a revised response to that same request, the Public Health Agency of Canada admitted that they had no responsive records and stated that the gold standard used to determine the presence of intact virus in patient samples is visible cytopathic effects on cells in a cell culture.

Further, the Agency said that in the case of SARS-COV-2 “isolation” kidney cells extracted from an African green monkey (“Vero cells”) “combined with minimal essential medium (MEM) were used because they are essential to support viral replication and cell growth”, and that “PCR further confirms that intact virus is present”. But of course culturing has nothing to do with isolating/purifying anything, and PCR tests do not even attempt detect alleged viruses or even alleged genomes.

What did you make of these responses?

It was clear that the top health institutions in Canada had no evidence that the alleged virus had ever been isolated/purified, and thus no proof that “it” even exists. I realized that this was important evidence that could help to open people’s eyes and possibly be used in court, so yes, I kept submitting requests to more and more institutions in Canada, including at the provincial and municipal levels.

As of today (November 1, 2021), your website lists responses from 127 institutions in over 25 countries. How did you amass such an enormous collection from around the world?

Eventually a gentleman from New Zealand contacted me and asked if I would mind him using the same wording in requests in his country. Of course I welcomed this, and this gentleman ended up submitting and receiving responses to many requests in New Zealand, Australia, the U.S. So I posted his responses on my website as well, to help publicize them and make it easier for people to find all of the isolation/purification FOI responses. (He went on to do many other initiatives on this issue as well, including a 59 second video that explains the irrational, unscientific version of “isolation” used in virology.)

Gradually more and more people got in touch with me, sending in the FOI responses they had received, and in some cases court documents, and all of them were added to the collection. I’m aware of responses from additional institutions that I don’t have copies of yet, as well.

To this day, no institution has provided or cited even 1 record of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” (or any other alleged virus, that I’m aware of) having been isolated/purified from even 1 patient sample on the planet.

There is an FOI Request Template on my website where I encourage people to submit requests to the institutions where they live.

What are the implications of the fact that no one has any record of the alleged virus having been purified from patient samples?

Politicians who have engaged in fear-mongering, terrorized, manipulated and coerced the public, misused public resources, sabotaged businesses and economies, passed fraud-based “laws” and regulations, gave so-called “emergency” powers to lying public health officials, and issued threats, “mandates”, and all manner of financial and psychological abuse are all responsible for their actions.

Purification is just 1 essential (but not sufficient) step in proving the existence of an alleged virus. And it needs to have been carried out on many patient samples, not just 1 or a few. And the steps of purifying and following up with the other necessary steps with the purified sample (characterization, sequencing and controlled experiments) should have been carried out by multiple research teams in order to replicate and verify the results. Instead, to this day, no one on the planet has performed even the purification step, from even 1 patient sample.

So it is 100% clear that these politicians all failed to demand proof that the alleged virus even exists, let alone proof of a pandemic. And on top of that they failed to respect God-given rights and freedoms and to uphold higher laws, and they have caused vast amounts of needless suffering and misery. They have participated in a global fraud and crimes against humanity, and they are responsible along with all the other complicit parties (virologists, public health officials, etc).

Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, institutions around the world still insist that the alleged “SARS-CoV-2” has been isolated. What do you say to that?

The FOI collection includes responses from numerous intuitions that had claimed to have “isolated the virus”, for example:

  • University of Toronto (Canada)
  • McMaster University (Canada)
  • Mount Sinai Hospital (Canada)
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Canada)
  • Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization – International Vaccine Centre (Canada)
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • University of Otago (New Zealand)
  • Peter Doherty Institute (Australia)
  • Indian Council of Medical Research
  • National Institute of Infectious Diseases “Lazzaro Spallanzani” (Italy)

The Methods sections of the so-called “virus isolation” studies, and FOI responses from many institutions, make it clear that “SARS-COV-2 isolation” to a virologist means “culturing” a patient sample in monkey kidney cells (aka “Vero” cells), fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, reducing the nutrition to the cells, and then irrationally and unscientifically blaming the alleged “virus” for whatever harm (“cytopathic effects”) they observe in the monkey cells. It’s all wild speculation and outlandish assumptions.

They usually don’t bother with any sort of controls, and in the studies where they do refer to “control” cells, they fail to describe exactly what they did to those cells.

A colleague of mine had an email conversation with a Chinese virologist involved in one of these papers, and this virologist admitted that they gave the experimental cells double the amount of toxic drugs that they gave their so-called “controls”. This was only 1 of the many problems with their paper.

And, we know there could not have been full control in any of the allegedly “controlled” experiments because full control would require everything to be the same in both the experimental and control groups except for the 1 factor that is being investigated – in this case the alleged virus. Since no one has a purified sample of the alleged virus, no experiment could have been fully controlled.

What myself and many other people have come to realize during the last 1.5 years is that virology is simply not a science. The faulty “virus isolation” methods applied during this virus-less “pandemic” are not even unique to “COVID-19”, they are typical.

Others, such as Germany’s Dr. Stefan Lanka, had already known of these problems for years or even decades. Now it is time for the entire world to come to this knowledge, so that we are never duped or coerced again into another faux “vaccine” or any other sort of “virus” manipulation.

Some Thoughts On Why Flair Airlines Supports The Mandatory Vaccination Policy

It seems a bit counter-intuitive that a discount airline would be so enthusiastic about the policy of mandatory vaccines for travelers. Flair Airlines is one such company. Then again, looking a bit deeper, there may be other reasons for doing this.

Specifically, it appears the Flair Airlines LTD. has been getting CEWS, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. Of course, they are likely getting other subsidies as well.

After all, this company went from serious financial hurt, to being able to expand its operations across Canada. Such a sudden shift requires a lot of money.

A quick look through the Federal Lobbying Registry shows that Flair has been quite busy getting the attention of public office holders. The middlemen they send are also worthy of a closer look.

1. Saad Baig, StrategyCorp Inc

Saad Baig is a Director in StrategyCorp’s Public Affairs group and brings six years of experience advising senior cabinet ministers in the Government of Ontario.
Most recently, Saad was Senior Policy Advisor to the Minister of Finance where he was a pivotal part of the team that tabled Ontario’s first balanced budget in ten years. He served as the lead advisor to the Minister on matters relating to tax policy, economic policy and municipal finance. Saad led the development of the 2016 Fall Economic Statement and 2017 Ontario Budget in key areas including transportation, infrastructure, economic development and international trade.
Prior to joining the Ministry of Finance, Saad spent over three years as the lead advisor for infrastructure policy to several ministers where he participated in key negotiations on federal-provincial infrastructure matters, designed municipal funding programs, developed infrastructure planning legislation and coordinated policy and issues for two crown agencies.
Saad has been involved in numerous political campaigns at the municipal, provincial and federal levels including the 2014 central campaign for the Ontario Liberal Party.

This lobbyist for the discount airline spent 6 years in the Ontario Government, in a variety of roles, working for Kathleen Wynne and Dalton McGuinty.

2. Garry Keller, StrategyCorp Inc

Garry has served in several key leadership roles in Canadian politics, including as Chief of Staff to Canada’s Foreign Minister, John Baird; Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Opposition Rona Ambrose, and chief Parliamentary advisor to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He also served as a Chief of Staff to the Government House Leader and the Chief Government Whip, Director of Communications to the Minister of the Environment and Director of Parliamentary Affairs to the President of the Treasury Board. He also served as Acting Chief of Staff to the United Conservative Party Caucus in Alberta in 2017.
As the Chief of Staff to the Foreign Minister, Garry was required to deliver strategic, communication and political advice on both international and domestic matters. He has experience in dealing with regulatory and legal matters, national security matters, trade negotiations, as well as the promotion of Canadian interests and Canadian values on the world stage. He is also an experienced practitioner of the Access to Information Act.
Garry regularly provides commentary on domestic and international politics for CTV News Channel, TVO’s The Agenda and a variety of talk radio shows across Canada. His commentary has also appeared in the National Post and the Globe and Mail, and he has appeared on a number of panels for associations and other organizations on Canadian politics.

Keller spent many years as a Conservative Party of Canada operative, and handler for various politicians. He also moved on to Alberta politics.

3. Sébastien Labrecque, StrategyCorp Inc

Before pivoting to government relations, Sébastien worked in the federal government, which led him to develop a thorough understanding of the inner workings of policy and research development in the public service. Thanks to his experience at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Sébastien possesses an extensive knowledge of the policy and stakeholder ecosystems in the areas of housing finance and the digital economy.

Labrecque spent over a year and a half working for the Federal Government before he switched over and became a lobbyist.

4. Kristina Martin, Loyalist Public Affairs

Kristina is a seasoned strategic communications and government relations expert with over a decade of experience working in politics, government relations and the non-profit sector. Based in Ottawa, she knows the inner workings of Parliament Hill and is recognized as a connector and go-to advisor for corporate and nonprofit leaders to advance complex policy agendas.
Before joining Loyalist Kristina worked as Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Canada’s largest science and technology outreach organization, Actua. Prior to that she worked at a national government relations and strategic communication firm.
Kristina has also served as a communications and political advisor to federal elected officials.

Kristina Martin spent many years with the Federal Liberals when they were in opposition. Now that they are back in power, she’s in a position to wield some real influence.

5. Conal Slobodin, StrategyCorp Inc

Slobodin has since left StrategyCorp and gone to Walmart. However, he has held roles in the Federal Government, and is a former consultant for the Yukon Liberal Party. Small world.

6. Andrew Steele, StrategyCorp Inc

As a Vice President at StrategyCorp, Andrew emphasizes client service, creative solutions and professionalism. He provides counsel on management consulting projects, communications challenges and government relations files at the federal, provincial and municipal level.
Previously, Andrew served as Senior Advisor to the Premier of Ontario, as well as Chief of Staff in several Ministries. He has held senior campaign roles for the Liberal Party of Canada and the Ontario Liberal Party.
Andrew was the founding CEO of the Pecaut Centre, a non-profit management consulting firm housed at the Boston Consulting Group. More recently, Andrew was essential to implementing the strategic transformation of public broadcaster TVO into the province’s partner for digital learning inside the classroom.
A director of the board of the Michael Garron Hospital, Andrew graduated with distinction from the MBA program at Ivey. He writes regularly on public policy as an opinion columnist for the Globe and Mail and others.

Steele, by his own admission, has held senior campaign roles for both the Ontario Liberals, and the Federal Liberals. The connection to Michael Garron Hospital is an interesting one. That’s where Michael Warner, the pro-lockdown doctor, Michael Warner works. Melissa Lantsman, MP-elect for Thornhill, is also a Director.

As for Kenzie McKeegan, Dan Mader and Chris Froggatt, check out this piece on their recent work as Pfizer lobbyists. Have to wonder what all of these political hacks arranged in order for Flair to get onboard with these passports.

There doesn’t seem to be an obvious mention of a bailout, but it’s the most likely thing to search for. And they are definitely getting CEWS from the taxpayers.

(1) https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/airline-transportation-mandatory-vaccination-1.6206844?fbclid=IwAR38cd6IDeB-_TKKGxfRWnyNe9dg2VUons6nOc0Yp8_xKtll5xvazN9L8kM
(2) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
(3) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/advSrch?V_SEARCH.command=refineCategory&V_TOKEN=1234567890&V_SEARCH.scopeCategory=solr.facetName.registrationStatus%3D1
(4) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/advSrch?V_SEARCH.command=navigate&time=1633983200675
(5) https://www.linkedin.com/in/saadbaig/
(6) https://strategycorp.com/people/baig-saad/
(7) https://archive.is/sgF3b
(8) https://www.linkedin.com/in/garry-keller-73130b79/
(9) https://strategycorp.com/people/keller-garry/
(10) https://archive.is/aFUE1
(11) https://www.linkedin.com/in/s%C3%A9bastien-labrecque-4497915b/
(12) https://strategycorp.com/people/labrecque-sebastien/
(13) https://archive.is/usIo6
(14) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristina-martin-3b1b6741/
(15) https://loyalistpublicaffairs.ca/kristina-martin/
(16) https://archive.is/IFW5a
(17) https://www.linkedin.com/in/conal-slobodin/
(18) https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewmsteele/?originalSubdomain=ca
(19) https://strategycorp.com/people/steele-andrew/
(20) https://canucklaw.ca/melissa-lantsmans-real-record-as-a-lobbyist-after-installing-doug-ford/

Who’s Pulling Blaine Higgs’ Strings?

Moving along, we get to New Brunswick, which is run by Blaine Higgs, who identifies as being a conservative. He has been in Office since November 2018, or about 3 years. So, he’s had some time to settle in.

Effective September 22, 2021, the Province had a vaccine passport in place. For a lack of a better term, these are “movement licenses” which allow people to maintain some semblance of freedom. (Credit to RoadtoSerfdom Twitter Account).

Let’s take a look at who Higgs has been talking to recently. Granted, some of the postings happened before he took power. Still, the same people keep coming around, trying to influence policy.

This series continues on who’s pulling the strings of influential politicians. Previously, Elizabeth May, Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel, Steven Guilbeault (Part 1 and Part 2), Doug Ford (many times), Rankin & Strang, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe and Brian Pallister were covered.

What a lot of pharma lobbying there has been in the last few years. And all this for a very small province. But don’t worry, because that certainly won’t impact how Higgs runs the affairs for New Brunswick.

1. Canadian Biosimilars Forum (Pfizer, Merck), Ross Wallace

Ross Wallace is part of Santis Health, which lobbied on behalf of Canadian Biosimilars Forum. The CSF is a coalition of pharma companies, much like Innovative Medicines Canada. Interestingly, Wallace worked for AstraZeneca for over 5 years prior to joining this group.

2. Innovative Medicines Canada, Pamela Fralick

Pamela Fralick and Innovative Medicines Canada were addressed in more detail earlier. IMC actually works as a collective to push for the joint interests of the pharmaceutical industry. See Item #4 for more information on them both

3. Innovative Medicines Canada, Cheryl Stewart-Walsh

Cheryl Stewart-Walsh is the Regional Director (Atlantic Canada) for Innovative Medicines Canada. Interestingly, she helped install Mike Savage as Mayor of Halifax, then worked in his office.

4. Merck Canada, Octavio Rego

Octavio Rego appears to have been in the pharma industry for the bulk of his working life. He spent 8 years at Sanofi, then another 13 at Merck.

5. Purdue Pharma, Rémy Bouchard

Rémy Bouchard now works for Purdue, but has had a lengthy career in other companies. These include: Teva, AstraZeneca, and GlaxoSmithKline.

Side note: Higgs was part of the “coalition” of controlled opposition conservatives who pretended to oppose the Federal Carbon tax. Hard to challenge something when you enthusiastically support the overall agenda.

Anyhow, have a look around, and see what’s really happening. Want to know why all these politicians are so adamantly pro-vaxx? It’s not that complicated. Of course, this doesn’t take into account what may be happening off the books.

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qkTJMXYgok
(2) https://www.pxw1.snb.ca/snb9000/product.aspx?ProductID=A001PLOBBYSearch
(3) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-wallace-b6aa5948/
(4) https://www.canadianbiosimilarsforum.ca/
(5) https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheryl-stewart-walsh-785b3119/
(6) https://www.linkedin.com/in/r%C3%A9my-bouchard-6974a23/
(7) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-elizabeth-mays-strings/
(8) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-erin-otooles-strings/
(9) https://canucklaw.ca/why-is-rempel-silent-on-harmful-effects-of-interim-authorized-vaccines/
(10) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-1-eco-movement/
(11) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-2-anti-free-speech-privacy/
(12) https://canucklaw.ca/ford-still-lobbied-by-political-operatives-on-behalf-of-vaccine-companies/
(13) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-10d-nova-scotia-pharma-lobbying-moh-robert-strang-an-anti-democratic-tyrant/
(14) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-jason-kenneys-strings/
(15) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-scott-moes-strings/
(16) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-brian-pallisters-strings/

Who’s Pulling Brian Pallister’s Strings?

Former Manitoba Premier, Brian Pallister, really knows how to be an asshole. Recently, he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. Pardon the missing link to the original video, but this was from June 2021.

Welcome to our continuing series on who’s pulling the strings of influential politicians. Previously, Elizabeth May, Erin O’Toole, Michelle Rempel, Steven Guilbeault (Part 1 and Part 2), Doug Ford (many times), Rankin & Strang, Jason Kenney and Scott Moe were covered.

Before anyone says anything, yes, Pallister has left office. That being said, he’s done a lot of damage while he was still Premier. It’s long past time to call him out for it.

Company Lobbyist Active Since
Abbvie Corporation Nathan Clark October 04, 2021
Alliance For Safe Online Pharmacies Joanna Carey September 13, 2021
Alliance For Safe Online Pharmacies Dani Peters June 25, 2021
AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Kiersten Combs September 01, 2021
Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Andrea Sambati September 15, 2021
Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association Dean Crawford October 01, 2021
Emergent BioSolutions Rob Gilmour August 26, 2021
Emergent BioSolutions Amber Ruddy August 30, 2021
GlaxoSmithKline Faris El-Refaie September 13, 2021
Hoffman-La Roche Ronnie Miller September 24, 2021
Innovative Medicines Canada Pamela Fralick September 13, 2021
Janssen Canada Inc. Lauren Stone January 15, 2021
Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association Of Canada Stephanie Dunlop December 18, 2020
Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association Of Canada Sandra Hanna August 19, 2021
Organon Canada Inc. Michael Casia July 06, 2021
Pharmacists Manitoba Jeremy Sawatzky January 07, 2021
Sanofi Pasteur Erin Iverson September 08, 2021

As with the last article, this only covers active registrations. Now, the presence of these drug lobbyists wouldn’t have any impact on Pallister’s hardline pro-vaccine stance, would it? Brian hasn’t been compromised, has he? Let’s take a look at who some of these people are.

1. Alliance For Safe Online Pharmacies, Dani Peters

Dani Peters, or rather, Danielle Peters, runs a firm called Magnet Strategy Group. She also helped secure a $173 million Federal grant to Medicago. Partly this was for a vaccine, partly it was for the production of a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

As for ASOP, the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies, their agenda is pretty straightforward. They want it to be easier for people to purchase drugs online.

2. Emergent BioSolutions, Rob Gilmour

How very interesting. Rob Gilmour works for Counsel Public Affairs, which also employs Amber Ruddy. He’s spent over 16 years as a political consultant in Ontario. Additionally, he has been the Deputy Executive Director of the PC Caucus while Doug Ford was Premier. What a small world it is.

Emergent BioSolutions is the company that actually manufactures AstraZeneca’s products. Not too many people know that. So Kiersten Combs would have the same goal as the lobbyists for Emergent.

3. Emergent BioSolutions, Amber Ruddy

It has been brought up before how Amber Ruddy is actually the Secretary of the National Council of the Conservative Party of Canada. She does this while remaining a pharma lobbyist. She also works to undermine medical privacy in Canada. Apparently, few people have a problem with all of this.

Ruddy also used to be a lobbyist for GlaxoSmithKline, but doesn’t appear to have a current registration.

4. Innovative Medicines Canada, Pamela Fralick

Pretty strange that the President of Innovative Medicines Canada would also be running: (a) the Canadian Cancer Society; (b) the Canadian Healthcare Association; and (c) the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. It especially makes sense when looking at how many organizations are part of this group.

5. Neighbourhood Pharmacy Ass’n of Canada, Stephanie Dunlop

Stephanie Dunlop worked for the Conservative Party of Canada in 2014/2015. Then she tried to get Erin O’Toole installed as CPC leader in 2017. After that, she worked to make Doug Ford the Premier of Ontario. Now, she lobbies for big pharma. This is a pattern we see over and over again.

6. Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association Of Canada, Sandra Hanna

Sandra Hanna has been with Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada for close to 4 years, according to her LinkedIn profile. Curiously, she has a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of Toronto. The Association has quite the interesting list of partners and members.

The Association was very interested in the recent Federal election, to put it mildly. They even released their own “toolkit” for how to influence the role of pharmacy.

7. Pharmacists Manitoba, Jeremy Sawatzky

Before becoming a lobbyist, Jeremy Sawatzky had a career in news and sports broadcasting. Turns out, he also worked in the Manitoba Government, which probably proved useful.

As before, this isn’t everyone who is involved in such activities. That being said, it should shed some light on just who the people are pulling the strings.

Additionally, Manitoba Health doesn’t appear to be a registered charity. Other Provinces are. However, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority certainly is one. What should shock no one is that its top 10 employees are paid over $350,000 per year.

Let’s not forget about Pallister hiring G4S last year, a surveillance and intelligence firm, that also was involved with detentions and prisons. He also openly mused about imposing curfews late last year. Remember, this is all about keeping people safe from a virus.

Have to wonder why the mainstream press in Canada never bothers to report any of this. It’s not like the information was difficult to find.

(1) https://registry.lobbyistregistrar.mb.ca/
(2) https://buysaferx.pharmacy/canada/
(3) https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilmourrob/
(4) https://twitter.com/aruddy
(5) https://canucklaw.ca/lobbyist-for-glaxosmithkline-astrazeneca-maker-sits-on-conservative-partys-national-council/
(6) https://canucklaw.ca/bill-c-11-cpc-national-secretary-lobbied-for-big-pharma-to-get-easier-access-to-your-medical-data/
(7) https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-fralick-6798baa/
(8) http://innovativemedicines.ca/about/member-companies/
(9) https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephdunlop/
(10) https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-hanna-63b87326/
(11) https://neighbourhoodpharmacies.ca/our-partners
(12) https://neighbourhoodpharmacies.ca/our-members-pharmacy-operator-partners
(13) Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association Of Canada Election Platform Toolkit
(14) https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-sawatzky-a37b40102/
(15) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNmFltr=winnipeg+health&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=107472532RR0001&dsrdPg=1
(16) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-elizabeth-mays-strings/
(17) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-erin-otooles-strings/
(18) https://canucklaw.ca/why-is-rempel-silent-on-harmful-effects-of-interim-authorized-vaccines/
(19) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-1-eco-movement/
(20) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-steven-guilbeaults-strings-part-2-anti-free-speech-privacy/
(21) https://canucklaw.ca/ford-still-lobbied-by-political-operatives-on-behalf-of-vaccine-companies/
(22) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-10d-nova-scotia-pharma-lobbying-moh-robert-strang-an-anti-democratic-tyrant/
(23) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-jason-kenneys-strings/
(24) https://canucklaw.ca/whos-pulling-scott-moes-strings/