BC Centre For Disease Control Foundation Is Registered Charity, With Pharma Funding

According to the Canada Revenue Agency, the BCCDC Foundation — British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Foundation — is actually a registered charity. It’s located at 1500-1090 West Georgia Street in vancouver, while the BCCDC (the body) is at 655 W 12th Ave, Vancouver.

The BCCDC Foundation appears to be the fundraising branch of the agency, though it appears to have the same goals.

It turns out that a lot of these “public health” agencies are registered charities, accepting private money. However, more on that later.

Looking at their annual reports, some of the same names keep coming up in terms of partners and donors. Several are pharmaceutical companies.

As disturbing as it sounds, the BCCDC Foundation routinely lists pharmaceutical companies as being major partners and donors in its annual reports. Check out the most recent ones available below.

The BCCDC Foundation is hardly alone in being a registered charity, and accepting donations from private interests. In fact, a check with Canada Revenue Agency reveals that this is normal.

BC Provincial Health Services Authority
Alberta Health Services

Pardon the earlier oversight, but these “public” groups are in fact registered charities, as are countless others of their counterparts. More on that later.

Unfortunately, the publicly available information with the CRA doesn’t list the dollar amounts of contributors. However, it does give insight as to where the money is spent, including giving to “qualified donee”.

2015 to 2016 Donations From BCCDC Foundation
Qualified donee # 1
Name of organization: University of British Columbia
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 108161779RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 111,663.00

Qualified donee # 2
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 863530135RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 1,084,366.00

2016 to 2017 Donations From BCCDC Foundation
Qualified donee # 1
Name of organization: University of British Columbia
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 108161779RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 141,967.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities?

Qualified donee # 2
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 863530135RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 706,762.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

Qualified donee # 3
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 851838730RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 41,972.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities?

2017 to 2018 Donations From BCCDC Foundation
Qualified donee # 1
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 108161779RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 135,274.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

Qualified donee # 2
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 863530135RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 426,016.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

Qualified donee # 3
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 851838730RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 15,300.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

2018 to 2019 Donations From BCCDC Foundation
Qualified donee # 1
Name of organization: University of British Columbia
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 108161779RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 58,714.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

Qualified donee # 2
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 863530135RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 290,267.00
Was any part of the gift intended for political activities? No

2019 to 2020 Donations From BCCDC Foundation
Qualified donee # 1
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 863530135RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 588,553.00

Qualified donee # 2
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 882078124RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 8,341.00

Qualified donee # 3
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 108161779RR0001
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 89,225.00

Qualified donee # 4
Associated charity: No
Business number/Registration number: 118818830RR0002
Province/Territory: BC
Amounts of non-cash gifts:
Total amount of gifts: CAN$ 74,626.00

It’s interesting to see that UBC (University of British Columbia) and the BCPHSA (BC Provincial Health Services Authority are the main recipients of money raised by the BCCDC Foundation. The BCPHSA is also a registered charity, and it receives more money from this charity.

The implication is also that UBC, the BCPHSA and the BCCDC are indirectly receiving donations from pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. That wouldn’t impact the medical guidance it offers, would it?

As an aside, the BCCDC Foundation is also quite heavily into the social justice and anti-racism narrative. Course, that just means that white mean are oppressing everyone else. This institution also supports the whole SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) movement. This is quite the irony, and most minorities are absolutely put off by deviancies these groups push.

The BCCDC Foundation also misrepresents the status of these vaccines in Canada. They were never approved, but given interim authorization, under the guise of being an emergency. These are not the same thing. It’s interesting (though not surprising) that they are funding vaccine research by people from the same institutions they help finance.

And if that isn’t weird or creepy enough, testing and vaccinating cats may soon be on the horizon. Perhaps once the human trials are complete we can start on animals.

The Foundation also works with Genome BC, and one of their major projects is mapping out how vaccine effects can be measured according to genetic makeup. On some level intriguing, but it’s also pretty creepy.

This moment is brought to you by big pharma.

However, it’s a little unclear. Is the BCCDC FINANCING UBC and the BCPHSA, or are they receiving donations from them? Or is money going back and forth?

All of this raises an interesting question. BC Provincial Health Officer, Bonnie Henry, used to run the BCCDC. It’s now getting pharma bucks from companies like Pfizer, who have a financial stake in promoting this pandemic narrative. Is this a conflict of interest for her?

Jennifer Gardy (a Director), used to be an official for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, but that isn’t really relevant, is it?

Then again, she had no problem with putting an exemption into her orders to accommodate a Keremeos winery that she co-owned.

There also doesn’t seem to be any issue, with her former handler, Jean-Marc Prevost, accepting a job with Counsel Public Affairs to lobby on behalf of Emergent Biosciences. This is the manufacturer of AstraZeneca.

Now, this is too long to address in a single post, but many of the Provincial or Municipal “Health Authorities” are actually registered charities. See here, for some of them.

Why structure all of these as charities? One obvious answer is to make it more likely for others to donate. After all, a charitable contribution typically results in a tax rebate of around 50%. That means taxpayers are subsidizing these donations. So when companies like Pfizer, Merck and GSK are donating to the BCCDC Foundation, it means the public is partially paying for it.

(1) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch
(2) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNm=bccdc&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=861277309RR0001&dsrdPg=1
(3) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNm=provincial+health&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=863530135RR0001&dsrdPg=1
(4) https://bccdcfoundation.org/
(5) https://bccdcfoundation.org/a-new-partnership-to-fund-priority-research-on-covid-19-vaccination-in-bc/
(6) https://bccdcfoundation.org/all-resources/decoding-public-health/
(7) https://bccdcfoundation.org/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-and-expression-conversion-efforts-sogiece-dialogue-event-and-research/
(8) https://bccdcfoundation.org/cats-needed-for-covid-19-and-cats-study/
(9) BCCDCF Annual Report 2013-14 Final Report
(10) BCCDCF Annual Report 2014-15 Final Report
(11) BCCDCF Annual Report 2015-16 Final Report
(12) BCCDCF Annual Report 2016-17 Final Report
(13) BCCDCF Annual Report 2017-18 Final Report
(14) BCCDCF Annual Report 2018-19 Final Report
(15) https://twitter.com/BCCDCFoundation
(16) https://twitter.com/GenomeBC
(17) https://twitter.com/msfhr/status/1395417138723049472

Twenty Twenty-One Is Now Available


Twenty Twenty-One is now posted on Amazon, as a Kindle product. It covers a lot of the backstory of the “pandemic” which isn’t being covered by any mainstream outlet. The option of paperback is being looked into.

Yes, it would be nice to give it away, however, research and reporting are very time consuming. Thank you to everyone who has helped support the site, and helped keep this going.

If you have friends or family who would be interested in this kind of information, please share it with them.

The content on Canuck Law is still available for all.

A shoutout to Fred, Andy, and the folks at Civilian Intelligence Network.

CV #44(B): BBC’s “Disinformation Specialist Reporter”, Marianna Spring, Is Funded By Gates Money

Marianna Spring works for the BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation, and claims to be a “specialist reporter covering disinformation and social media”. However, after a look through what she covers (and omits), the only logical conclusion is that she is deliberately spreading lies.

As a bit of a side note: Spring doesn’t allow people to comment on her tweets unless she follows them, or has tagged them. For a journalist trying to reach the people, she certainly doesn’t seem to want to hear from them.

According to her profile, she was a full time reporter with BBC, until in March 2020, she was tapped to head up the misinformation coverage in the network. She claims to report and track conspiracy theories and false reporting.

However, there is an interesting omission. Spring doesn’t like to address the people who are funding her employer, the BBC. Specifically, she doesn’t address the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. While it’s far from the only donor, it is a major one, and a regular one at that.

Funding in recent years for the BBC is all freely available online. To their credit, the BBC is quite organized when it comes to their records.
BBC Financial Statement 2006 to 2007
BBC Financial Statement 2007 to 2008
BBC Financial Statement 2008 to 2009
BBC Financial Statement 2009 to 2010
BBC Financial Statement 2010 to 2011
BBC Financial Statement 2011 to 2012
BBC Financial Statement 2012 to 2013
BBC Financial Statement 2013 to 2014
BBC Financial Statement 2014 to 2015
BBC Financial Statement 2015 to 2016
BBC Financial Statement 2016 to 2017
BBC Financial Statement 2017 to 2018
BBC Financial Statement 2018 to 2019
BBC Financial Statement 2019 to 2020

2016-2017 35 2,800,000
2017-2018 12 2,150,000
2018-2019 14 2,003,000
2019-2020 17 1,569,000

Notwithstanding donations to her own employer, Spring has shown no interest in covering any of the financial connections between the Gates Foundation, big pharma, and the education industry. Just a thought: when covering conspiracy theories, it may be wise to see if there is any truth to them.


Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

EIN: 56-2618866

EIN: 91-1663695

However, Spring will never get into any of this, nor will she report of the financial interests that drive this “pandemic”. The grants to the World Health Organization, GAVI, the Pirbright Institute, John Hopkins, and many more are instantly available. It’s hard to classify someone as a “journalist” when they are so blind to one side of a story.

Even disregarding Gates, the bulk of the BBC funding comes from the British Government, who supports these martial law measures 100%. Surely Spring and her people know who butters their bread.

“We offer partners a number of benefits which include:

  • Exclusive invites to networking events, receptions and dinners hosted by BBC correspondents
  • Getting behind-the-scenes at the BBC with private tours of New Broadcasting House
  • Exclusive recognition on our website and marketing materials
  • Case studies of how your donation has impacted our work, for you to use in both internal and external communications
  • Exclusive opportunities to see and help deliver our work in action, in country.”

The BBC offers partnerships with other organization, and currently, they include Facebook and Twitter. As far as cracking down on “misinformation”, they seem to be ideologically aligned.

The BBC covered the Atlantic Storm pandemic scenario in 2005. Footage is still available of it online. Has Spring not found it strange that all of these preparation cases have been going on for decades?

Facebook has also confirmed that it will be removing content and people that discourages vaccination, REGARDLESS of whether or not it’s true. This is about pushing an agenda, not a search for objective truth. Does Spring not see how precarious her position is if the only way to succeed is to shut down opposing views? After all, she “identifies” as a journalist.

This kind of censorship has a chilling effect, regardless of the subject being discussed.

Volunteers fight back
It was the pandemic’s wave of anti-vaccine content that prompted Dave and Richard to embark on their plan.
“I was out of work,” Dave says. “So I wanted to do something constructive.”
Although the duo have only met in real life once, they now run multiple “honeypot” Facebook groups that have thousands of members from all over the world.
Inside the groups, people who believe in vaccine and Covid-19 conspiracy theories are allowed by the moderators to post false and misleading articles.
Richard admits he’s conflicted about the deception.
“It was horrible having to lie to begin with,” he says.
After members initially joined the group, he says, the pair would observe what they shared, sometimes for weeks.
“And then it’d stop,” Richard says, “and we’d start questioning their narrative.”
Dave and Richard debunk myths and challenge people in comments under posts and via private message.

Ever get the impression that certain groups and people were honeypots (or feds), deliberately trying to mislead a conversation and steer others away from asking important questions? Turns out, it’s for real. The BBC published an article on doing exactly that.

Rather than condemn such underhanded tactics, Spring tweeted it out approvingly, saying that it was necessary to stop people from falling for conspiracy theories. Does a “misinformation specialist” see nothing wrong with deceiving and misleading the public? Spring is either a fraud, or is engaging in olympic level mental gymnastics.

The screenshot is from last year, but there is a valid point. The U.K. defines “Covid deaths” as:

Number of deaths of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 and died within 28 days of the first positive test. Data from the four nations are not directly comparable as methodologies and inclusion criteria vary. Data for the period ending 5 days before the date when the website was last updated with data for the selected area, highlighted in grey, is incomplete.

The death count is for people who’ve had a positive test (real or false positive), and then died within 28 days, irrespective of the cause. This kind of definition opens the door to abuse. If Spring really had been researching conspiracy theories and misinformation, she would have heard that claim repeatedly. Did she ignore it, or check, and simply report lies anyway?

The World Health Organization defines it in the following way:

A death due to COVID-19 is defined for surveillance purposes as a death resulting from a clinically compatible illness, in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID disease (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death.

While there is a lot of garbage posted online (that part is true), isn’t it the job of a professional journalist to wade through, and sort out fact from fiction?

Listening to Spring talk, it does appear that she has much of an interest in fact checking anything that she calls a conspiracy theorist. She seems to take the Government narrative at face value.

In her own words, this is about “putting a human face” on trying to counter information the Government doesn’t like. This comes across as crass emotional manipulation.

Take a good look. This is the face of deception in the modern age.

(1) https://twitter.com/mariannaspring
(2) https://twitter.com/mariannaspring/status/1396858528900567041
(3) https://twitter.com/mariannaspring/status/1396859428226441225
(4) https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianna-spring-279439b6/
(5) https://archive.is/aL3iN
(6) https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
(7) https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/about/annual-reports
(8) https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/about/funding
(9) https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/support-us/current-partnerships
(10) https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-57051691
(11) https://inews.co.uk/news/technology/social-media-boycott-football-sport-bbc-marianna-spring-dealing-with-trolls-978728
(12) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct2dmc
(13) https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/
(14) https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2005_atlantic_storm/atlantic-storm-BBC
(15) https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths
(16) https://www.who.int/classifications/icd/Guidelines_Cause_of_Death_COVID-19.pdf?ua=1
(17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVNlI0ewkBk

Maxime Bernier Encourages His Own Father To Get Vaxxed, “Party” Is A Honeypot

(Around the 30 minute mark)

Is this the “true opposition” party that some people love to talk about? Bernier claims he opposes lockdowns but still supports vaccinating people with God knows what. He even recommends it for his own father. He still (publicly) buys into the narrative, but only objects to the loss of civil rights.

Bernier will also never address the bigger picture. Even if one rejects the depopulation agenda, this “pandemic” is undeniably well planned and coordinated, with much of it being laid out in advance. He won’t get into any of the collusion, the groups making money, the banks, or the lobbying and corruption within domestic politics. Criticism is deliberately done at a superficial level.

This is how a honeypot works. Get someone who appears to be saying the right things — but who won’t tell the complete truth — and pour energy and money into it. Draw out and identify actual patriots, and ensure they will never have any kind of power. Sadly, Canadians are pumping money into them, without asking any hard questions. There’s at least a few of them going around.

People’s Party of Canada
Formed September 2018
-Led by ex-Harper crony
-No leadership race
-No policy votes
-No constitution
-No governing documents
-No national council
-Platform recycled from 2017 “LibCon” race
-EDAs being shut down for not filing financials

Maverick Party (formerly WExit)
Formed after 2019 election
-Led by ex-Harper crony
-No leadership race
-No policy votes
-No constitution
-No governing documents
-Platform in the works (though very recently there was nothing)

When WExit was renamed Maverick, there was a shifting of the goalposts. Instead of outright demanding Western independence, the goal became promoting Western interests within Canada. Perhaps “WExit” was just a temporary name in order to draw donations.

Interestingly, Maverick makes it clear they have no interest in getting involved in Provinces shutting down civil rights, even though the ability to do this was based on the FEDERAL declaration of there being an emergency. Much like the CPC, they mainly criticize the implementation of Trudeau’s tyranny.
Maverick Covid Statement

It’s also worth pointing out that both Hill and Bernier voted to screw over the West on equalization back when Harper was in Office. Jason Kenney did as well.

New Blue Ontario
Formed October 2020
-No leadership race
-No policy votes
-No constitution
-No governing documents
-No platform
-No Provincial Council or some equivalent

Go to their website. It’s completely empty of meaningful content.

The Republican Party of Canada also comes across as a fake party. There is a website, with a few broad strokes of what policies would be nice, but no structure or governance.

There are other ways to control the opposition. Consider the Q-Anon “Trust The Plan” movement, designed to convince Americans that there was an operation to remove the Deep State. It’s kind of like the 1920’s “Operation Trust” to keep the Bolsheviks in power in the Soviet Union.

If chosen correctly, the right kind of person can wreck a movement by driving away normies. An obvious one is Chris (Sky) Saccoccia. While he says a lot of truthful things, the way he goes about them seems calculated to make skeptics look deranged and paranoid. Of course, the “alternative” media elevates and signal boosts him endlessly.

Additionally, those dead-end lawsuits in Toronto can be viewed the same way: an attempt to convince Canadians that something was already under way, and drastic action is not required.

Protests have been largely infiltrated by grifters like Hugs Over Masks, who use it as a business opportunity. Also, marching for an hour and then going back to lockdown doesn’t accomplish anything. Makes them an easy target for the police though.

Notable grifters include the Conservative Party of Canada, and the CCFR, Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights. Nothing says freedom quite like starting your own line of muzzles. The CCFR is particularly repulsive, claiming to want freedom for gun owners, while profiting off of (forced) mask mandates.

The CPC also has a pharma lobbyist at the head of their National Council. Much like Maverick and PPC, they object mainly to how Trudeau handles things, not the overall agenda.

Is this jaded? Maybe, but we have to face reality.

Lobbyist For GlaxoSmithKline & AstraZeneca Maker Sits On Conservative Party’s National Council

Just who is this Amber Ruddy? She just recently ascended to her position in a major political party, but what’s her backstory?

Amber Ruddy is a Conservative volunteer who has spent her career fighting for small-c conservative ideas and values. She has knocked on thousands of doors, served on electoral district associations, and helped get Conservatives elected.
Amber has worked for a federal Conservative cabinet minister, a provincial politician, and in non-partisan advocacy positions at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation.
She currently works as Associate VP Western Canada with Counsel Public Affairs and has a decade of experience in business advocacy at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels.

Amber holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Western University and an executive MBA from Queen’s University with a specialization in marketing strategy.

Amber Ruddy is quite open about being with Counsel Public Affairs, a lobbying firm in Canada. Did no one bother to check out (or even ask) what kinds of lobbying she was involved with? Or did the Conservative Party know about this and simply not care?

Amber was elected in March 2021 to the National Council of the CPC. Why is this important? Because only a month ago, she lobbied Manitoba on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, the maker of AstraZeneca. She got directly to Manitoba Premier, Brian Pallister.

While this may be legal, how does it look? How does Ruddy go from being a pharma lobbyist to one of the people running the Conservative Part of Canada in just a month? Also, it’s not like she cut ties with Counsel Public Affairs. She’s still employed by them.

Her lobbying firm, Counsel Public Affairs, has been pushing other Provinces to accept AstraZeneca, despite its known health problems.

Ruddy has also lobbied Manitoba for on behalf of Atria Management Canada, ULC, asking “Seeking clarification for COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan, specifically where seniors in non LTC settings, such as community retirement settings, fit into provincial plan. Advocating for on-site clinics in retirement communities”. Yes, she actually wanted on site vaccination for seniors.

Now the obvious question has to be asked: when Ruddy performs her duties as Secretary of the CPC National Council, will she also be acting as a member of Council Public Affairs, which is STILL advocating on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions?

Bit of a side note: Dan Kelly, the President and CEO of the CFIB, Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses was bragging about vaccinating his children. Ruddy used to run the Alberta branch.

Ruddy also lobbied Saskatchewan on behalf of the AstraZeneca manufacturer. This included Premier Scott Moe, and Health Minister Paul Merriman.

Amber Ruddy Emergent BioSciences Lobbying Alberta

She’s also been working in Alberta lately, lobbying the Government of Jason Kenney. While Ruddy isn’t personally named in the Ontario Registry, several of her colleagues at C.P.A. are.

It seems pretty convoluted for Derek Sloan to be threatened over a $131 cheque he never actually saw, but then allow something like this.

Brian Pallister has also been lobbied on behalf of Emergent BioSciences by Tina Beaudry-Mellor, another member of Counsel Public Affairs. But what makes her case interesting is that she worked in Scott Moe’s Government in Saskatchewan until September 2020. After she was voted out, she began lobbying. Interesting way to avoid the rules: just hop Provinces, and then you’re good to go.

This also raises the question why people like Brian Pallister are always trying to give the hard sell on vaccines. Is this what they really believe, or have they been corrupted by some outside interest? Something always seemed off about that man.

At the time of writing this, Ruddy is an ACTIVE registered lobbyist on behalf of Emergent BioSolutions, at the Federal level. Until February, she was also a lobbyist for drug maker GlaxoSmithKline.

Even with that set aside, her firm is still lobbying both Federally and Provincially on behalf of drug companies. They are quite active. She will now have considerable power on the CPC National Council.

Members of the public, and especially those in the CPC should be outraged. It raises legitimate questions as to whether Rempel and O’Toole are simply puppets doing the will of big pharma. Their actions and words would suggest so.

The plot only thickens. Michelle Rempel-Garner, the CPC Health Critic, has recently been lobbied by both GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca (among others) looking to sell vaccines. Considering Ruddy is on the National Council, would that actually make her Rempel’s boss? Of course, ask such a question on Twitter and expect a quick blocking. And it gets worse….

And just when you think you’ve seen it all, the CPC has decided to add masks to their line of merchandise for sale. Perhaps the “pandemic” won’t end as long as there is inventory to be sold. There’s free enterprise, and then there’s this…..

This sort of thing is hardly an isolated incident. Some more of the corruption that lobbying is:

If you want to know what is really going on, stop focusing on the puppets. Instead, look to the puppet masters and their proxies.

(1) https://www.linkedin.com/in/amberruddy/
(2) https://archive.is/mJpyH
(3) https://www.conservative.ca/team-member/amber-ruddy/
(4) https://www.conservative.ca/team/national-council/
(5) https://counselpa.com/
(6) https://counselpa.com/team/amber-ruddy/
(7) https://registry.lobbyistregistrar.mb.ca/lra/reporting/public/registrar/view.do?method=get&registrationId=14775394
(8) https://registry.lobbyistregistrar.mb.ca/lra/reporting/public/registrar/view.do?method=get&registrationId=416797
(9) https://nationalpost.com/opinion/derek-filderbrandt-derek-sloans-exile-over-131-from-white-supremacist-doesnt-add-up
(10) https://registry.lobbyistregistrar.mb.ca/lra/reporting/public/registrar/view.do?method=get&registrationId=413352
(11) https://counselpa.com/team/tina-beaudry-mellor/
(12) https://www.linkedin.com/in/tina-at-thynk/
(13) https://archive.is/mf5FL
(14) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tina_Beaudry-Mellor
(15) https://www.sasklobbyistregistry.ca/
(16) https://www.sasklobbyistregistry.ca/search
(17) https://www.albertalobbyistregistry.ca/
(18) https://www.albertalobbyistregistry.ca/apex/f?p=171:DOC:0:IDOC_XSL_CACHE:::IDOC_TBL_GRP_ID,IDOC_CNTRL_CD:722007,CNSLT_REG_FRM&cs=30C0FDBAAAAD8B1BBD09725B9A23D7F51
(19) http://lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/
(20) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/advSrch
(21) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=367533&regId=905977
(22) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=367534&regId=908352
(23) https://cpcstore.ca/collections/masks

B.C. Liberals Are Complicit In Propping Up Horgan/Henry Tyranny (Just The Audio)

This is a shorter piece that just focuses on the audio. Readers familiar with the “pandemic” subject will instantly know what is bein talked about. This is MLA Milobar. He doesn’t even pretend to oppose the tyranny imposed by John Horgan, Adrian Dix, Mike Farnworth, or Bonnie Henry.

The expanded version is here. So is earlier coverage of the October 2020 election, and trolling Sadie Hunter afterwards. Notice, no mention in the platform that they object to any of this. Does it look like people in this Province have any legitimate political options? Are there options anywhere?

In fairness, the B.C. Green Party doesn’t get a pass. They signed onto this with the previous NDP-Green Coalition Government.

A serious question to readers: has anyone else gotten this kind of spin, even of you live in another Province? If so, please share your story, and a tape (if you have one).