Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, And The Interesting Stocks They Own


The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has publicly called for forcing masks on children, even those in kindergarten. However, not everything is as it appears. For example, the OTPP, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, owns $83 million in stock in 3M. This is a company that makes masks.

Also, an honourbale mention and shoutout to Stormhaven, who has covered this, and taken a different approach. Check that piece out as well, as it has lots of good information.

What else is in the OTPP (which includes both elementary and high school teachers)? Information on the holdings can be obtained for free at the U.S. SEC, the Securities and Exchanges Commission.

3M CO $83,000,000
Abbott Labs $355,000
Biogen Inc. $41,915,000
Eli Lilly & Co $1,110,000
Gilead Sciences $1,406,000
Globeus Med Inc. $513,000
Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC $317,000
Johnson & Johnson $84,386,000
Medpace Holdings Inc. $393,000
Merck & Co. $406,000
Mersana Therapeutics $504,000
Moderna Inc. $970,000
Pfizer $599,000
Procter & Gamble $837,000
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals $736,000
Sarpeta Therapeutics $753,000
TEVA Pharmaceuticals $17,487,000
United Therapeutics Corp. $1,077,000
Vertex Pharmaceuticals $502,000
West Pharmaceutical SVSC $797,000

$83 million in 3M, a company that manufactures facemasks. This is one of those things that makes you go “hmmm….”, doesn’t it?

In addition to owning parts of companies involved in health care and pharmaceuticals, the OTPP has other interests in businesses that will also profit from extended lockdowns, and the “Great Reset”. Here are some of them:

Amazon Group $287,000
Apple $1,104,000
Bank of America Corp $579,000
Black Hills Corp $322,000
Blackstone Group $413,000
Costco Wholesale $943,000
Goldman Sachs $1,714,000
Home Dept $81,854
Kroger Co. $662,000
McDonald’s Corp. $81,651,000
Microsoft $244,167,000
PayPal Holdings $542,000
Pepsico $853,000
Rogers Communications $743,000
Shaw Communications $906,000
Tesla Inc. $561,455,000
Tri Pointe Group Inc. $1,118,000
Twitter Inc. $257,000
Verizon Communications $860,000
Visa Inc. $83,780,000
Zoom Video Communications $392,000

It’s not much of a stretch to see that the OTPP stands to benefit from lockdowns and the “Great Reset”. After all, they are heavily invested in industries and companies that will profit from the current situation.

In addition to owning part of 3M, this Pension Plan also owns considerable stock in Gilead Sciences, Eli Lilly, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Teva, and over $84 million in Johnson & Johnson. This could explain their support for the vaccine agenda. Then again, it could all just be a coincidence.

It could also be a coincidence that Jo Taylor, who’s in charge of the OTPP, has ties to the World Economic Forum. Likewise, it may just be happenstance that Mark Wiseman, who runs Blackrock (which owns SNC Lavalin), used to run the CPPIB, and helped set up the OTPP.

Read into it what you will.

(1) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=937567
(2) https://archive.is/EFPhz
(3) Submissions At End Of December 2020
(4) https://archive.is/PQnkQ
(5) SEC Filings, Total Pension Fund Assets, December 2020
(6) https://archive.is/SKUga
(7) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/jo-taylor
(8) https://www.weforum.org/people/mark-wiseman

(9) Ontario Teachers, World Economic Forum
(10) Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan’s Holdings

CV #66(G): Patty Hajdu Lies: Rigorous Testing WASN’T Required To Get “Vaccines” Onto Market

Canadians are constantly told that these gene therapy “vaccines” are safe, and have undergone strict testing in order to be allowed on the market. But what exactly are those standards? And is it normal practice to include a clause making authorization mandatory?

People should know that if the product injures or kills them, indemnification agreements prevent the manufacturers from getting sued. A vaccine injury compensation program was announced back in December, but appears to have gone nowhere.

As a reminder, Interim Authorization and Approval are quite different, and cannot be used interchangeably.

(a) Approved: Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population
(b) Interim Authorization: deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Commonly referred to as an emergency use authorization.

If you read the inserts provided by Health Canada (see below), they will all claim to be “authorized under Section 5 of an Interim Order”. Fine, but what is that Order, and what does it actually say?

5 The Minister must issue an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug if the following requirements are met:

(a) the applicant has submitted an application to the Minister that meets the requirements set out in subsection 3‍(1) or 4‍(2);
(b) the applicant has provided the Minister with all information or material, including samples, requested under subsection 13‍(1) in the time, form and manner specified under subsection 13‍(2); and
(c) the Minister has sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the benefits associated with the drug outweigh the risks, having regard to the uncertainties relating to the benefits and risks and the necessity of addressing the urgent public health need related to COVID-19.

Several of these “vaccines”, and I use the term loosely, were given Interim Authorization under Section 5 of an Interim Order signed by Health Minister Patty Hajdu on September 16, 2020. The above criteria is all that is required.

Note: Section 5 starts out with “The Minister must” issue and authorization. It’s not that “The Minister should”, or “The Minister may” issue one, but the Minister MUST.

Also, the above requirements are not very strict. 3(1) or 4(2) must be met, along with 13(1) and 13(2). And all that’s needed is the very subjective standard that the “Minister has sufficient evidence to support the conclusion”. It doesn’t specify what, if any, standard there is. The Minister only needs to see is as “worth the risk” given the uncertainties there are.

It’s worth noting that Health Canada doesn’t do the testing themselves. Instead, they rely heavily on the documentation provided. Quite the trust system.

Application for authorization
3 (1) Subject to section 4, an application for an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug must be in a form established by the Minister and contain sufficient information and material to enable the Minister to determine whether to issue the authorization, including
(a) the applicant’s name and contact information and, in the case of a foreign applicant, the name and contact information of their representative in Canada;
(b) a description of the drug and a statement of its proper name or its common name if there is no proper name;
(c) a statement of the brand name of the drug or the identifying name or code proposed for the drug;
a list of the ingredients of the drug, stated quantitatively;
(d) the specifications for each of the drug’s ingredients;
(e) a description of the facilities and equipment to be used in the manufacture, preparation and packaging of the drug;
(f) details of the method of manufacture and the controls to be used in the manufacture, preparation and packaging of the drug;
(g) details of the tests to be applied to control the potency, purity, stability and safety of the drug;
(h) the names and qualifications of all the investigators to whom the drug has been sold;
(i) a draft of every label to be used in connection with the drug, including any package insert and any document that (j) is provided on request and that sets out supplementary information on the use of the drug;
(k) a statement of all the representations to be made for the promotion of the drug respecting
(i) the recommended route of administration of the drug,
(ii) the proposed dosage of the drug,
(iii) the drug’s indications, and
(iv) the contra-indications and side effects of the drug;
(l) a description of the dosage form that is proposed for the sale of the drug;
(m) evidence that all test batches of the drug used in any studies conducted in connection with the application were manufactured and controlled in a manner that is representative of market production;
(n) in the case of a drug intended for administration to food-producing animals, the withdrawal period of the drug; and
(o) the known information in relation to the quality, safety and effectiveness of the drug.

About part (n), it says “administration to food-producing animals”. Are we to assume that livestock are going to be vaccinated with these substances at some point? Or are we repurposing drugs that were originally meant for them? That’s a bit unsettling.

Application for authorization – foreign drug
4 (1) An application for an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug may be based on a comparison to a foreign drug if the sale of the foreign drug is authorized by a foreign regulatory authority on the basis of information submitted to the authority in relation to the quality, safety and effectiveness of that drug.
(2) The application must be in a form established by the Minister and contain the following information and material:
(a) the information and material described in paragraphs 3‍(1)‍(a) to (d), (f), (j) to (l) and, if applicable, (n);
(b) an attestation, signed and dated by an individual who has authority to bind the applicant in Canada, certifying that the applicant has access to the information referred to in paragraph 3‍(1)‍(o) that was submitted to the relevant foreign regulatory authority in order for the foreign drug to be authorized to be sold;
(c) information that demonstrates that the drug is identical to, and is manufactured, prepared and packaged in the same manner as, the foreign drug;
(d) information that demonstrates that the sale of the foreign drug is authorized by the foreign regulatory authority referred to in paragraph (b); and
(e) any labels that are approved by the foreign regulatory authority referred to in paragraph (b) for use in connection with the foreign drug.

Request for information or material
13 (1) The Minister may request that a person that has submitted an application for an authorization in respect of a COVID-19 drug or the holder of such an authorization provide any information or material, including samples, that is necessary to enable the Minister to determine whether to issue, amend or suspend the authorization.
Time, form and manner
(2) The person or holder, as the case may be, must provide the information, material or samples in the time, form and manner specified by the Minister.

Section 3(1) lists what documentation needs to be submitted to get authorization. Section 4(2) contains a few extra steps for foreign drugs. Sections 13(1) and (2) state that information and samples must be provided if demanded.

The standard for Interim Authorization under Section 5 appears to be a fairly low one. Keep in mind, the Minister doesn’t even need to be certain the drugs work as advertised. It just has to be determined to be worth the risk. Not quite what we are told on the news.

As for the basis in the law, Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act allows the Health Minister to sign such Orders, if it’s believed, (or claimed to be believed), it’s in the public interest. There is no requirement that the Minister have any appropriate education background, or know what he/she is talking about.

Circling back to the top of Section 5, the Health Minister “must issue an authorization” if the conditions in Section 5 are met?!?! So this isn’t discretionary? Our graphic designer Minister must sign off on this?

It’s also unsettling that this Order allows for drugs originally intended for livestock to be repurposed and tested on humans.

WHO Paper On MANDATORY Vaccination April 13, 2021 (Original)
WHO Paper On MANDATORY Vaccination April 13, 2021 (Copy)
Section 30.1 Canada Food & Drug Act
September 2020 Interim Order From Patty Hajdu

Testing Product Insert AstraZeneca Interim Authorization
Testing Product Insert Janssen Interim Authorization
Testing Product Insert Moderna Interim Authorization
Testing Product Insert Pfizer Interim Authorization

Vaccines Supported For Pregnant Women, Despite No Testing
Vaccines Given “Interim Authorization”, Not Approval. Very Different
Call Centers Wrongly Telling People “Vaccines” Are Approved
Ontario Adds, Then Removes Protections Against “No Jab, No Job”
WHO April 13 Paper: Discussion On Mandatory “Experimental Vaxx”

CV #37(H): BCCDC Admitted A Year Ago PCR Tests Don’t Work As Advertised


1. How does the test work?
The NAT works by detecting RNA specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 infection, after RNA has been extracted from the specimen and then amplified in the laboratory. NATs are typically performed on nasopharyngeal swabs, but the test can also be done on other sample types such as throat swabs, saliva, sputum, tracheal aspirates, and broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) specimens.
The NAT has a high analytical sensitivity (i.e., it works well at detecting the virus when the virus is present). The NAT can potentially detect as few as 10-100 copies of viral RNA per mL in a respiratory sample. Note that this is not the same as clinical sensitivity of NAT for detection of COVID-19 infection, which is unknown at this time (see #5 below)

2. What do the test results mean?
 Positive: Viral RNA is detected by NAT and this means that the patient is confirmed to have COVID-19 infection.
A positive NAT does not necessarily mean that a patient is infectious, as viral RNA can be shed in the respiratory tract for weeks but cultivatable (live) virus is typically not detected beyond 8 to 10 days after symptom onset.
 Negative: Viral RNA is not detected in the sample. However, a negative test result does not totally rule out COVID-19 infection as there may be reasons beyond test performance that can result in a lack of RNA detection in patients with COVID-19 infection (false negatives; see below).
 Indeterminate: The NAT result is outside the validated range of the test (i.e., RNA concentration is below the
limit of detection, or a non-specific reaction), or this might occur when the sample collected is of poor quality
(i.e., does not contain a sufficient amount of human cells). Indeterminate results do not rule in or rule out infection.
Overall, clinical judgement remains important in determining the implications of NAT test results, and whether a repeat test is indicated for negative or indeterminate results (for example, if the patient’s recent exposures or clinical presentation suggest COVID-19 infection is likely, diagnostic tests for other respiratory pathogens remain negative, or there is worsening of symptoms). For clinical guidance including testing and specimen collection, please refer to COVID-19 testing guidelines for British Columbia.

5. What is the clinical sensitivity of the NAT test?
A statistic commonly quoted is that there is a 30% chance of a false negative result for a NAT test in a patient with COVID-19 infection (i.e., a 70% sensitivity). These and other similar estimates are based on a small number studies that compared the correlation between CT scan findings suggestive of COVID-19 infection to NAT on upper respiratory tract specimens. In these studies, 20-30% of people with a positive CT scan result had negative NAT results – and as discussed above a number of factors can contribute to false negative results. CT scan is not a gold standard for diagnosis of COVID-19 infection, and CT scan cannot differentiate amongst the many microbiological causes of pneumonia.
Ultimately, for COVID-19 testing, there is currently no gold standard, and the overall clinical sensitivity and specificity of NAT in patients with COVID-19 infection is unknown (i.e., how well NAT results correlate with clinical infection, “true positivity” or “true negativity” rate).

Some points to take away
-Detecing RNA does not mean infection
-Error rate in infection detection is unknown.
-Positive test is meaningless
-Negative test is meaningless
-Can’t distinguish with many microbial causes of pneumonia
-30% false negative rate just a “commonly quoted statistic”
-Actual accuracy rate unknown

As for the “deaths due to Covid” perhaps check out the guidelines passed down College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia:

1. Recording COVID-19 on the medical certificate of cause of death

COVID-19 should be recorded on the medical certificate of cause of death for all decedents where the disease caused, or is assumed to have caused, or contributed to death.

In other words, just make it up.

Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) Owns Stock In Vaccines & Masks Being Pushed

The Ontario Science Table lists groups in the health care sector as its partners. Whether or not the individual members support this, and to what extent, the pensions of a lot of people are tied up in promoting their agenda.

HOOPP, the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan has some interesting medical holdings. This is at least according the SEC, or U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission. While there is nothing inherently bad in investing in your own field, it will be driven by the way you want it to go.

The fund claims to have over $100 billion in net assets, or equity. Fair enough, let’s take a look at where some of that money is.

1Life Healthcare $540,000
3M Co. $462,000
Alexion Pharmaceuticals $34,891,000
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals $213,000
Alpha Healthcare Acquisition Corp $2,232,000
Amplitude Health Care Acquisition $930,000
Bausch Health Cos $2,366,000
Biogen Inc. $235,000
CVS Health Corp $32,871
Cytomx Therapeutics Inc. $835,000
Deerfield Healthcare Technology Acquisition $2,696,000
DFP Healthcare Acquisition $3,633,000
Gilead Sciences $6,420,000
HCA Healthcare $142,000
Healthcare Merger Corp. $1,019,000
Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC $3,538,000
Johnson & Johnson $34,401,000
Livongo Health Inc. $6,169,000
Merck & Co. $6,221,000
Pfizer $38,467,000
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals $1,052,000

The individual companies weren’t named in the HOOPP paperwork, so a visit to the SEC was needed for that. For reference, Gilead is the manufacturer of Veklury, also known as Remdesivir, a drug (not a vaccine) to counter Covid-19. It was given interim authorization to be used in Canada. Janssen (which is owned by Johnson & Johnson) also has an authorized “vaccine” in Canada. So does Pfizer, which is partnered with BioNTech. Yes, these are the same companies.

As for the next group, this is on the list of things that will make you go “hmmm”. If health care workers in Ontario were expecting, or wanting, a shutdown of society, these would be the companies to invest in.

A serious question: does it come across as a conflict of interest when health care workers are pushing pharmaceuticals which their pension plans own stock in? And it gets stranger.

Alibaba Group Holdings $730,000,000
Alphabet Inc. $4,799,000
Amazon $18,848
Beyond Meat Inc. $151,000
Blackline Software $16,000
Blackrock $85,000
Blackstone Group $625,000
Broadcom Inc. $181,000
Coca Cola Co. $58,552,000
Dish Network Corporation $89,000
E-Bay $101,000
Facebook $24,022,000
Goldman Sachs $15,978,000
Grid Dynamics Inc. $4,676,000
Mastercard $427,644,000
Microsoft Corp. $298,081
Netflix $335,000
Nike $2,354
PayPal Holdings $378,000
Salesforce $2,746,000
Shaw Communications $6,386,000
Shopify $50,537,000
Starbucks $11,065,000
Visa $1,802,000
Walmart $13,148,000
Zoom Communications $216,000

HOOPP seems to be investing in everything that we need in order to have a cashless society, working from home, and an abundance of pharmaceuticals. But that’s probably just a coincidence.

While most of the profiles of the HOOPP leadership were privatized, a few were in the open. Some interesting details revealed in them.

Tanya Pereira is the Senior Director of Operations at HOOPP. She is also a Strategic Advisor at Andone Pharmaceuticals, during that same time period.

John Watson is the Director of Operations Support at HOOPP. He has also been charge of other pension plans. Early in his career, he was a records supervisor at Sick Kids Hospital Toronto, which gets significant funding from the Gates Foundation.

HOOPP claims to be pushing the ESG/green agenda pretty hard. So expect that they’ll only be investing in such companies that “appear” to be green, regardless of whether or not they actually are green. They sing the praises about sustainability and climate change. Most people have heard it all before.

As for the HOOPP owning stock in these vaccines and masks, and their members pushing them on the public, that is downright shady, to say the least. True, it’s the doctors and nurses themselves who market it to the lay person, but how does this look?

Is this ancient? According to the SEC, it covers the period up to December 31, 2020, and was filed on March 1, 2021. Now, it’s possible that these shares have since been sold, but the first interim authorizations were coming out before then. Again, how does it look?

(1) https://hoopp.com/
(2) https://hoopp.com/about-hoopp
(3) https://hoopp.com/investments/pension-plan-performance-and-hoopp-annual-report
(4) https://hoopp.com/about-hoopp/pension-leadership
(5) https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/covid19-industry/drugs-vaccines-treatments/authorization/list-drugs.html
(6) https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/veklury/product-details
(7) https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/janssen-covid-19-vaccine/product-details

(a) Michael Warner Financially Benefits From Prolonged Lockdowns
(b) Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe?
(c) OST, Monopoly From The University Of Toronto Connected
(d) OST, University Of Toronto, Look At Their Members And Partners
(e) OST’s Robert Steiner Claims To Be Behind PHAC Canada Creation
(f) OST’s Kwame McKenzie Headed 2017 UBI Pilot Project
(g) OST UofT Prelude Actually Set Out In May 2019
(h) OST’s Murty Has Tech Firm That Benefits From Lockdowns
(i) OST: Como Foundation Gives Trillium Health Partners $5M
(j) OST: Current PHO Officials Also Sitting On As Partners
(k) OST: Canadian Agency For Drugs & Technologies In Health; pCPA
(l) OST: Centre For Effective Practice Gets Money From Lockdown
(m) OST: Cochrane Canada; WHO; McMaster University
(n) OST: SPOR Evidence Alliance Gets Funding From WHO

SPOR Evidence Alliance (OST Partner), Gets Funding From World Health Organization

This is another look at the Ontario Science Table, and their partners. Now we get to the SPOR Evidence Alliance, which was supported by CIHR, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. SPOR itself is an acronym for “Strategy for Patient Oriented Research”. Okay, it’s funded by the Canadian Government, but by itself, that isn’t too bad.

Problem is, SPOR is also supported and sponsored by, the World Health Organization, although the distinction isn’t clear. It’s also sponsored by CADTH, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, a WHO Working Group.

How We Manage Conflicts of Interests
-We currently DO NOT accept any funding from private industry (e.g., pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers) to support our research activities.
-All our members must declare annual statements of conflicts and competing interests.
We encourage and nurture open communication and respectful relationships, and strive to resolve conflicts and competing interests through diplomacy.

While this sounds fine on paper, it overlooks 2 details. First, Governments, supra-national bodies and academia “can” and often do have conflicts of interest. Second, even if they don’t have conflicts of interests, groups they partner with can.

SPOR has more sponsors. This includes the University of Toronto, which has all kinds of ties to the Ontario Science Table. Furthermore, it’s sponsored by McMaster University, which hosts Cochrane Canada (another WHO partner), and receives money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

At a Glance
The Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Evidence Alliance is a pan-Canadian research initiative designed to promote evidence-informed health policy and practice changes. Our 300+ network of researchers, trainees, patient partners, and stakeholders is led by Dr. Andrea Tricco and 11 principal investigators from across Canada.

The SPOR Evidence Alliance was founded in 2017, thanks to a five-year grant awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) under Canada’s SPOR Initiative, and the generosity of partners from 41 sponsors from public and not-for-profit sectors in Canada.

From this description, SPOR seems to present itself as a researching and consulting group, one designed to cause systematic change to health care. How many of these groups are there?

And when they take money from institutions like the World Health Organization, how independent can they really be?

Also, CIHR funds initiatives that seem to run counter to independence, like paying groups to act as vaccine salesmen and improve uptake rates. How independent is this group, or any part of the Canadian Government?

(1) https://sporevidencealliance.ca/
(2) https://sporevidencealliance.ca/about/governance-structure/
(3) https://sporevidencealliance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SPOREA_Alliance-Infographic.pdf
(4) https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/193.html
(5) https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/41204.html

(a) Michael Warner Financially Benefits From Prolonged Lockdowns
(b) Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe?
(c) OST, Monopoly From The University Of Toronto Connected
(d) OST, University Of Toronto, Look At Their Members And Partners
(e) OST’s Robert Steiner Claims To Be Behind PHAC Canada Creation
(f) OST’s Kwame McKenzie Headed 2017 UBI Pilot Project
(g) OST UofT Prelude Actually Set Out In May 2019
(h) OST’s Murty Has Tech Firm That Benefits From Lockdowns
(i) OST: Como Foundation Gives Trillium Health Partners $5M
(j) OST: Current PHO Officials Also Sitting On As Partners
(k) OST: Canadian Agency For Drugs & Technologies In Health; pCPA
(l) OST: Centre For Effective Practice Gets Money From Lockdown
(m) OST: Cochrane Canada; WHO; McMaster University

Cochrane Canada: WHO Partner; OST Partner; McMaster University Affiliate

Cochrane Canada is listed as a partner for the Ontario Science Table. However, there are important things about this organization that are not being publicly discussed. For starters, Cochrane is partnered with the World Health Organization, and receives funding from them. Cochrane (the parent org) also gets funding from various Governments and universities.

What is the end result of this? Cochrane helps to legitimize the actions of the very Governments that it gets funded from. After all, it refuses to accept commercial funding.

It’s a bit like the 2003 Iraq war. U.S. Government Officials leaked their “information” to various journalists. Those journalists were then cited as sources to show there were weapons of mass destruction.

Cochrane is for anyone interested in using high-quality information to make health decisions. Whether you are a doctor or nurse, patient or carer, researcher or funder, Cochrane evidence provides a powerful tool to enhance your healthcare knowledge and decision making.

Cochrane’s members and supporters come from more than 130 countries, worldwide. Our volunteers and contributors are researchers, health professionals, patients, carers, and people passionate about improving health outcomes for everyone, everywhere. Our global independent network gathers and summarizes the best evidence from research to help you make informed choices about treatment and we have been doing this for 25 years.

We do not accept commercial or conflicted funding. This is vital for us to generate authoritative and reliable information, working freely, unconstrained by commercial and financial interests.

Cochrane appears to have legitimacy, because it only takes money from Government or academic sources. But then it publishes material that validates the actions and conclusions of those very parties. It’s pay-for-play, but with very serious consequences.

The largest single donor to Cochrane (globally) is the National Institute for Health Research in the UK. But it’s worth pointing out that the World Health Organization is high up on that list.

More than 1 million GBP

  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (UK)
  • Danish Health Authorities (Denmark)
  • National Institutes of Health (USA)

500k to 1 million GBP

  • Federal Ministry of Health (Germany)

100k to 500k GBP

  • South African Medical Research Council
  • Anonymous non‐profit organizations (charitable donations or commissioned work)
  • Department for International Development (UK)
  • Cochrane Charity ‐ central funds awarded
  • National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)
  • Chief Scientist Office (Scotland)
  • World Health Organization
  • McMaster University (Canada)
  • Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norway)
  • Ministry of Health (New Zealand)
  • Ministry of Health, British Columbia (Canada)
  • Lower Austrian Health and Social Fund (Austria)
  • Laura & John Arnold Foundation
  • South African Department of Health
  • Institut national du Cancer (France)

50k to 100k GBP

  • Ministry of Health (Austria)
  • laurence le cleach (France)
  • HSC Research and Development (Northern Ireland)
  • Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad/Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Spain)
  • Joint Research Centre (Italy)
  • Vermont Oxford Network
  • Swiss Medical Board
  • Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan)
  • The Gerber Foundation
  • Ciber de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (Spain)
  • Centre for Future Health, University of York / Wellcome (UK)
  • The National Health Research Institutes (Taiwan)
  • Skåne University Hospital (Sweden)

20k to 50k GBP

  • National Research Foundation (South Africa)
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)
  • University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine (USA)
  • Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (South Africa)
  • Cochrane Oral Health Global Alliance
  • Lund University (Sweden)
  • Federal Ministry of Education (Nigeria)
  • National Institute for Medical Research Development (Iran)
  • European Respiratory Society
  • Farncombe Family gift
  • Canadian Rheumatology Association
  • The Global Fund
  • Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (
  • UK)

  • Monash University (Australia)
  • University of York (UK)
  • Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
  • Institut de Recerca de Sant Pau (Spain)
  • Public Health Wales
  • Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS) (Spain)
  • Kazan Federal University Program, Federal Ministry of Education and Science (Russia)
  • Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain)
  • Dr. Peter Tugwell University Account (Canada)
  • Hamilton Health Sciences
  • State of Lower Austria
  • Lazio Region (Italy)
  • Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (Ecuador)
  • Niederösterreich Gesundheits und Sozialfonds (NOGUS)/Health and Social Funds, Lower Austria (Austria)
  • Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark
    Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (Canada)
  • Anonymous non‐profit organization (charitable donation)
  • 10k to 20k GBP

    • American College of Gastroenterology (USA)
    • Navarre Health Service (Spain)
    • Foundation IRCCS ‐ Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta, Milan (Italy)
    • Federal Ministry of Health (Nigeria)
    • University of Pécs (Hungary)
    • Campbell Collaboration
    • Economic and Social Research Council (UK)
    • Workshop 2018/2019
    • Medical Center – University of Freiburg (Germany)
    • Training (self‐funded)
    • Erasmus University (Netherlands)
    • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
    • Ministry of Health and Regione Lombardia (Italy)

    0.5k to 10k GBP

    • University Hospital Gaetano Martino Messina (Italy)
    • Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa (Portugal)
    • Region Skåne (Sweden)
    • University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
    • MDS Foundation (Portugal)
    • Mapi Research Trust
    • CHU de Québec ‐ université Laval research center: Population Health and Optimal Health Practices (Canada)
    • Canada research chair critical care neurology and trauma (Canada)
    • Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano (Italy)
    • Jagiellonian University Medical College (Poland)
    • University of the Basque Country (Spain)
    • Cochrane Canada
    • National Insitute for Clincal Excellence (NICE) (UK)
    • University of Split, School of Medicine (Croatia)
    • Cochrane Japan (commissioned work)
    • Cochrane Response
    • Ministry of Science and Education (Croatia)
    • Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
    • City of Zagreb (Croatia)
    • Motor Neurone Disease Association (UK)
    • RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus (formerly Penang Medical College) (Malaysia)
    • John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
    • Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté), Lausanne, Switzerland (formerly Institute of Social and Preventive Med
    • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
    • City of Split (Canada)
    • Split‐Dalmatia County (Croatia)
    • Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

    Less than 500 GBP

    • Center for Reproductive Medicine (Netherlands)
    • Health Authority, Umbria Region (Italy)

    As for the operation of Cochrane Canada, it is tied to McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. In fact, several people have an interest in that school.

    McMaster is a major donor to Cochrane, as is the British Columbia Ministry of Health.

    In 2016, the Michael G. DeGroote Cochrane Canada Centre formalized a move from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) to its original home of McMaster University – widely acknowledged as the home of evidence-based medicine.

    The Centre supports Cochrane initiatives across the country by conducting education activities, functioning as the communications and knowledge brokering lead for Cochrane Canada, and advocating for the use of evidence in decision-making within Canada.

    Link to search IRS charity tax records:

    Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.

    EIN: 56-2618866

    EIN: 91-1663695

    Above are records from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The records are publicly available with the IRS. The top is from the year 2017, and the bottom 2018.

    McMaster claimed to have isolated the virus that causes Covid-19. That’s very interesting, considering that when Fluoride Free Peel did a freedom of information request for it, there were no records available.

    $21 million from the Gates Foundation since 2015, according to their publications. Is McMaster University an institution we can trust, or has it been corrupted by special interest money and ideology?

    Also, is Cochrane (either Cochrane Canada, or the parent organization) something that we can trust? Or is it just helping conceal the intentions of interested parties?

    (1) https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/our-partners/
    (2) https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/our-partners/
    (3) https://esnetwork.ca/
    (4) https://www.cochrane.org
    (5) https://www.cochrane.org/about-us/our-funders-and-partners
    (6) https://canada.cochrane.org/about-us/micheal-g-degroote-cochrane-canada-centre
    (7) https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
    (8) https://healthsci.mcmaster.ca/home/2020/03/13/mcmaster-researcher-plays-key-role-in-isolating-covid-19-virus-for-use-in-urgent-research
    (9) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/university-of-toronto-sunnybrook-hsc-have-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/
    (10) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2019/11/inv003448
    (11) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2019/11/inv003448
    (12) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2015/06/opp1129405
    (13) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants?q=mcmaster%20#jump-nav-anchor0

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    (b) Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe?
    (c) OST, Monopoly From The University Of Toronto Connected
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    (e) OST’s Robert Steiner Claims To Be Behind PHAC Canada Creation
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    (i) OST: Como Foundation Gives Trillium Health Partners $5M
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