CV #55: Australian Department Of Health Admitted In April PCR Tests Don’t Work

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews declaring martial law in that part of Australia. This is despite the PCR tests not actually being scientifically valid. Even the Australian Department of Health admits it.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for Australia 7 News, related article.
CLICK HERE, for Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
CLICK HERE, for essentials about CV-19, from Australian Gov’t.

3. Australia’s 7 News Reporting

Asked how soon Australia was likely to see an opening of its international borders, Professor Kelly said it was partly dependent on the development of a successful and globally available vaccine.

Australia would need to track infection rates in other countries and study their modelling as they passed the peak of infection rates.

Coronavirus reinfection
The Department of Health notes that current tests do not distinguish been live and non-infective RNA (ribonucleic acid) and that most recovering patients develop strong antibodies.

This suggests that the chance of widespread reinfection across the community is not likely.

“There have been reports of apparent reinfection in a small number of cases,” the Department of Health states on its website.

It was admitted back in April that the PCR tests can’t distinguish between live and non-infective virus strains. So the test is basically useless. Nonetheless, the Australian Government (like all of them), is pushing ahead with the vaccine agenda.

4. Royal Aust College of General Practitioners

It is important to note that the relatively small numbers of cases in South Korea were tested within seven to 14 days after apparent recovery, according to the Australian Department of Health (DoH).

‘It is likely that positive tests soon after recovery represent persisting excretion of viral RNA, and it should be noted that PCR [polymerase chain reaction] tests cannot distinguish between “live” virus and non-infective RNA,’ the DoH states on its website.

That is the same point raised by Oh Myoung-don, a professor of internal medicine and member of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards. Contrary to claims of possible reactivation of the virus, Professor Oh suggests the tests conducted in South Korea likely picked up lingering viral genetic material.

Even after the virus is dead, the nucleic acid [RNA] fragments still remain in the cells,’ he said.

Associate Professor Ian Mackay, a virologist at the University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre, told newsGP that until some scientific method is applied to these cases, they are merely ‘anecdotes about reinfection [with] no solid analyses to guide us’.

Even the Australian College of General Practitioners realizes that these PCR tests conflate active virus strains, and dead bits of genetic material. This is from April 15, 2020, some 4 months ago.

5. Australian Department Of Health

Can reinfection occur?
There have been reports of apparent re-infection in a small number of cases. However, most of these describe patients having tested positive within 7-14 days after apparent recovery. Immunological studies indicate that patients recovering from COVID-19 mount a strong antibody response. It is likely that positive tests soon after recovery represent persisting excretion of viral RNA, and it should be noted that PCR tests cannot distinguish between “live” virus and noninfective RNA. Australian guidelines currently require patients who have had COVID-19 to test negative on two tests 24 hours apart before being released from isolation.
Australia coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-clinicians

According to the Australian Health Department, positive tests are likely due to viral excretion. And the PCR tests cannot distinguish between that and live viruses. In spite of that, Australia has some of the most draconian measures on the planet.

6. No Cure, Yet Aussies Have Recovered

There is no cure, yet some 80% have already recovered, and that is even with the Government screwing with the numbers.

So what exactly is in these vaccines? Will it euthanize people? Sterilize people? Paralyze them? There is definitely something nefarious at play here, and we need answers.

7. PCR Tests Now The Gold Standard?

Detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus
Two types of tests that detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus include – nucleic acid tests that detect the virus’s genetic material and antigen tests that detect specific viral proteins.

Nucleic acid tests
These tests detect the presence of the genetic material, called nucleic acids, of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus. Such tests are good at detecting the virus early in the infection and can sometimes even detect the virus in a person before they become unwell. The nucleic acid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is currently considered the gold standard for diagnosis of COVID-19.

Nucleic acid tests are complicated to do and usually need specialist scientists to run the tests in a laboratory to get an accurate result. The laboratory scientists can sometimes run these tests on automated machines that can do many tests at once. This means that you can test lots of people quickly.

There are now some SARS-CoV-2 nucleic tests available that can be used outside of a laboratory by trained people. Most of these systems give results quickly but cannot do many tests at once.

In March, Australia said that the PCR tests were unable to differentiate between live or infectious diseases, and “dead” genetic material. Now, in August, it is considered the gold standard of testing. Quite the change.

8. Australia Still Unsure On Testing

COVID-19 testing in Australia – information for health professionals
26 August 2020
Tests for COVID-19 aim to detect the causative virus, SARS-CoV-2, or an immune response to SARS-CoV-2.

The reliability of COVID-19 tests is uncertain due to the limited evidence base. Available evidence mainly comes from symptomatic patients, and their clinical role in detecting asymptomatic carriers is unclear.

The indications for conducting a COVID-19 test have changed through the course of the pandemic. See the current suspect case definition and the testing criteria on the Department of Health website.

As of August 26, 2020, the Australian Government still doesn’t seem to know. Way to send mixed signals on all of this.

CV #54: The BC Government Recommends Stay Home, Do Drugs & Hook Up

You might think this is a satire piece, but no, that is BC Premier John Horgan. He is endorsing Seth Rogen’s call to just stay home, watch movies, and smoke weed. Some interesting comments in the thread.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. Bonnie Henry’s “Good Times” Website

Hooking up?
Do it safely.

Take a pass if your partner has any COVID-19 symptoms. Use protection like condoms or dental dams to reduce transmission risks for COVID-19 and STIs.

This site recently went up, which is “Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Good Times Guide”. (See archive). It appears to be real, unless this is some very elaborate trolling. Now, this may just be poor wording, but “hooking up” implies sex with strangers, or people you don’t know well. Not exactly the sort of advice the BC Provincial Health Officer should be giving.

In fairness, Bonnie Henry “does” say not to share things that have been in your mouth. However, it’s unclear if that refers to body parts as well.

3. BC CDC And Advice On Narcotic Use

Again, this is a page that appears to be satire or trolling. However, it does in fact come from the BC Center for Disease Control, and it does give advice on “safe injecting”. (Archive here).

Interestingly, the BC CDC doesn’t seem to be offering guidance on “stopping” people from doing narcotics. Perhaps that is too much to ask.

4. BC CDC: Masks A “Personal Choice”

Masks are a personal choice, and may not even be effective, according to the BC CDC. However, that does not apply to all situations.

5. BC CDC Recommends Perversion/Degeneracy

Once more, this is not satire, but is guidance published by the BC Center for Disease Control. The advice is downright bizarre and nonsensical. This was addressed in Part 34, but worth mentioning again.

  • Masks are a choice, except for sex
  • Have “few” partners, (yes, plural)
  • Masturbation, instead of a partner
  • Pornography, or virtual sex
  • Sex toys
  • Glory holes, (sex through a wall)
  • Positions that aren’t face-to-face
  • Prostitution, (sex workers)
  • Access to abortion

Keep in mind, while access to religious services, or normal aspects of society are still limited, THIS is what the BC Government chooses to emphasize.

Several times the BC CDC refers to “multiple” partners. This implies that it is fully on board with the hookup lifestyle. And “consider keeping contact information”? That would imply that you are having sex with strangers, or are involved in prostitution (either as a hooker or a customer).

6. Bonnie Henry: No Underlying Science

This is BC Provincial Health Officer. At 1:00 in the video, she admits there is no science behind limiting the group sizes to 50 people. Seems there isn’t any science behind anything that she does.

CV #53: Albion College (Michigan), A Model For The Higher Education Train Wreck?

Albion College is an undergraduate liberal arts college in Albion, Michigan. Is this where higher education is going, and should it just be allowed to collapse?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

For other articles in the coronavirus series, check here. There is an awful lot that you are not being told my the mainstream media, including the lies, lobbying, money changing hands, and one world agenda. Nothing is what it appears to be. Also, check out related topics, such as: borders, education, free speech, the media.

2. No Monopoly On Education Disasters

This should be obvious, but will be mentioned anyway: this is in no way to suggest that Albion College is alone in how they operate. In Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, higher education is beyond parody. Certainly, plenty of schools operate in similar fashions. However, this article focuses on Albion. Let’s get started.

Albion College is a liberal arts college, so it its focus isn’t on providing students with actual job training. Keep that in mind.

3. Tuition Alone Is $50,000 USD/Year

For the 2020-2021 school year, tuition alone is some $50,000 for the year. Adding in the other expenses, and it works about to some $60,000. For a 4 year degree, it would be about $250,000 lost — yes, a quarter million.

Of course, that doesn’t take into account that fall-winter semesters are 8 months, not 12. There’s also being out of the workforce for at least 4 years, and interest accumulated on any loans.

A person could buy a house in many areas for that kind of money. And houses, unlike student loan debts, are dischargeable in bankruptcy. So the students going here are obviously not too bright to begin with.

4. Illegal Aliens Welcome To Study

Albion College draws its strength from the rich diversity of our students. We are pleased to welcome qualified students from all backgrounds, regardless of citizenship and immigration status, into our living and learning community.
We are mindful of the challenges faced by DACA holders and undocumented students during these uncertain times and are committed to continuing to welcome and support these individuals.

On-Campus Resources
Office of Student Financial Aid Services
The Office of Student Financial Services at Albion College is committed to welcoming and supporting undocumented students and we financially support all admitted students regardless of citizenship and immigration status.
Undocumented students qualify for all merit based scholarships offered by Albion and will be awarded scholarships based on their academic merit and geographic location. Additional financial aid is available. Please speak with your admission counselor and inform them that you are not eligible to complete the FAFSA. Your admission counselor will then work with Student Financial Services to prepare your comprehensive financial aid award.
If you have additional questions, please contact your Admission Counselor or the Office of Student Financial Services.

On-Campus Resources
What do I do if I see Immigration Enforcement on campus?
Any situations on campus involving Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be referred to Ken Snyder, Director of Campus Safety who can be reached by calling campus safety at 517/629-0911. Mr. Snyder will consult with College counsel as necessary to verify any warrant presented.
Where can I find resources locally?
Registrar Andrew Dunham, is available to help students and their allies find resources. He can be reached at 517/629-0216 or .
Undocumented Student Support Committee (USSC)
The USSC works to identify and address the needs of undocumented students at Albion College

Just so you know, being undocumented, (or being in the country illegally), is actually a form of diversity, and should be welcomed. Also, being here illegally doesn’t disqualify students from obtaining financial aid. Albion gives information on avoiding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and support services.

5. Testing All Students Multiple Times

Get ready to be tested at the beginning of the year. This will also happen throughout the year, and at random intervals. Isn’t there some right to privacy for students?

6. Quarantine Before/After Moving In

Pre-Arrival Expectations
The following expectations are required of students and their families prior to coming to Albion College. Remember, together, we can create a safe, engaging and dynamic fall semester!
Students should quarantine at home for at least 7 days before their move-in date.
Wear a mask when not at home.
Enjoy time with family at home! (And, do not get together with others outside of your household.)
Avoid restaurants, stores and other public indoor spaces as much as possible.
Students or their helpers who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are experiencing symptoms should not return to campus on their scheduled move-in date. You should email to make other arrangements to return after you have been cleared by health officials.
Students are allowed up to two helpers to assist them in moving in. Say your goodbyes and goodlucks before leaving home, and only travel with the people who are absolutely necessary to help you bring your belongings into your residence hall, apartment or fraternity house. Then send a selfie or two (or ten) to document your move-in!

Move-In Day Expectations
The following expectations are required of students and their helpers during the move-in process:
Students will be required to receive a COVID-19 test during the move-in process. Testing will be conducted with nasal swabs with a 3-day turnaround, and will be provided with no direct cost to students. More information on the testing protocol here.
Students and their helpers will be required to wear masks/face coverings at all times during the move-in process, and are asked to do their best to maintain 6 feet of physical distance from other students and helpers, to protect each other from illness.

For those moving in, you are required to self-quarantine both before and after the move in, wear a mask, and stay 6 feet apart. This is Orwellian beyond belief. However, other schools are probably not much different.

7. Mandatory Contact Tracing For All

Students: Complete the Residential Life check-in process including verification of cell phone number and other important student information, and receive a new student ID encoded with your Fall 2020 room assignment. Cell phone numbers are vital to help the College to maintain a safe and healthy environment as students may need to be notified of positive COVID-19 tests or that they have been identified as a ‘close contact’ to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
After completing the check-in process, proceed to the residential building and park where instructed. Staff will direct you to the door nearest the student’s room.
Once the student has completed move-in, helpers will be expected to leave campus and not return until the end of Fall semester to assist their student in traveling back home.

Contact tracing will also be part of the school’s policies. It also looks like there won’t be any visitors allowed except for a move-out. Seriously, is this “education and accommodation” really worth $60,000 for a single year? Remember, the debt cannot be discharged even in bankruptcy.

8. Permission Needed To Leave Campus

The Washington Free Beacon reported on new policies at Albion College, such as being tracked all the time, and needing permission to leave campus. The article seems to be true, given the information Albion itself has posted. See the archive.

9. Questionable Commitment To Free Speech

Think there is a real commitment to open expression and viewpoint diversity? Well, Albion does have workshops on “overcoming white privilege”. That should tell you all you need to know.

10. Doing Nothing A Better Option

Consider once more, that tuition and expenses will come to about a quarter million dollars, (for 8 month school years). There are summer living expenses, extra living expenses, interest on the student loans, years out fo the workforce, and a brainwashing Marxist education to also factor in. And of course, student loan debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

Your next few years will be a constant invasion of privacy, and having your freedoms whittled away in the name of safety.

In all honesty, staying home for a few years doing absolutely nothing would probably leave you in a better position financially than going to university at Albion. Just something to think about.

To be fair, all of the blame can’t be dumped on the school, considering that it does have to comply with Michigan’s State Orders. Nonetheless, this seems a horrible deal for students.

11. 100 Reasons Not To Do Grad School

The blog 100 Reasons Not To Go To Grad School offers an extremely thorough list of reasons to reconsider university. Although it is aimed at graduate programs, a lot of the content also applies to undergraduate as well. Very much worth a read.

CV #52: Ontario Public Health Recommends Wearing Masks, While Admitting They Don’t Work

Supposedly, the masks are not to stop people from getting infected, but from spreading it. However, the recommendations are that EVERYONE wear it, and almost any form of mask will do. They claim masks are useless for preventing someone from catching this virus, but are essential in ensuring it’s not spread. Sure….

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For examples: The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. PHO Admits No Evidence For Healthy People

Wear a mask if:
• You have symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., fever, cough, difficulty breathing,
sore throat, runny nose or sneezing) and are around other people.
You are caring for someone who has COVID-19.
• Unless you have symptoms of COVID-19, there is no clear evidence that wearing a mask will protect you from the virus, however wearing a mask may help protect others around you if you are sick.

Wear a mask if you are caring from someone with covid-19? But wait, I thought these masks weren’t effective at preventing someone from catching it, only spreading it.

3. Canada Public Health Recommends Masks

Canada Public Health recommends the use of non-medical masks. This is despite Ontario Public Health saying elsewhere that there is no evidence they actually work.

4. Ontario Admits Overwhelming Recovery

Ontario Public Health admits that over 90% of the people infected have already recovered. So why exactly the huge push for a vaccine? And who can forget Toronto Public Health, and Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott lying about how deaths are calculated.

5. Ontario Recommends Masks On Transit Anyway

Ontario recommends masks on all people in all stages on transit, despite Ontario Public Health clearly admitting that they don’t work.

Defenders claim these policies were never meant to prevent people from catching it, but to stop sick people from spreading it. Okay, but why would masks be useless in the first situation, but effective in the second? It’s still the same recirculated air.

It’s actually a pretty good technique for controlling people. Claim that it’s not SELF protection, but for the benefit of OTHERS. Easier to mandate or guilt trip into compliance.

6. WHO Admits Masks Don’t Work

This was addressed in Part 37. The World Health Organization openly admitted on April 6 and June 5 that masks don’t work, but recommends them anyway. It’s also unclear where this 2 metres actually comes from, given WHO only references 1 metre.

7. PCR Tests Get 50% False Positive Rate

In Part 43, it was discussed how Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe admitted that these PCR tests can give up to a 50% false positive, but it was important to test anyway. When called out on it, Ontario Premier Doug Ford danced around the issue.

More On Vaccine Hesitancy Research, Convincing People It’s Safe

Go onto Health Canada’s site and search the term “vaccine hesitancy”. You will find over 200 papers, studies, and listings — some very in depth work. Keep in mind, this is ONLY Health Canada. See #6 for mandatory CV-19 vaccines.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. See the lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. There is a lot more than most people realize. For background, check this and this article. The Gates Foundation finances many things, including: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, and individual pharmaceutical companies.

2. Motivational Interviewing

According to the World Health Organization, vaccine hesitancy is among the top threats to global health and few effective strategies address this growing problem. In Canada, approximatively 20% of parents/caregivers are concerned about their children receiving vaccines. Trying to convince them by simply providing the facts about vaccination may backfire and make parents/caregivers even more hesitant. In this context, how can health care providers overcome the challenge of parental decision-making needs regarding vaccination of their children?

Motivational interviewing aims to support decision making by eliciting and strengthening a person’s motivation to change their behaviour based on their own arguments for change. This approach is based on three main components: the spirit to cultivate a culture of partnership and compassion; the processes to foster engagement in the relationship and focus the discussion on the target of change; and the skills that enable health care providers to understand and address the parent/caregiver’s real concerns.

With regard to immunization, the motivational interviewing approach aims to inform parents/caregivers about vaccinations, according to their specific needs and their individual level of knowledge, with respectful acceptance of their beliefs. The use of motivational interviewing calls for a respectful and empathetic discussion of vaccination and helps to build a strong relationship.

Numerous studies in Canada, including multicentre randomized controlled trials, have proven the effectiveness of the motivational interviewing approach. Since 2018, the PromoVac strategy, an educational intervention based on the motivational interviewing approach, has been implemented as a new practice of care in maternity wards across the province of Quebec through the Entretien Motivationnel en Maternité pour l’Immunisation des Enfants (EMMIE) program.


To be absolutely clear, the above research, and what follows has nothing to do with research into CREATING safe vaccines. Instead, the goal is to CONVINCE you that they already are.

3. Challenges And Approaches

Because causes of vaccine hesitancy and determinants of vaccine acceptance are complex and multidimensional, there is no “magic bullet” that can address vaccine hesitancy and enhance vaccine acceptance. A summary of the findings from 15 published literature reviews or meta-analysis of the effectiveness of different interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy and/or to enhance vaccine acceptance reveals that simply communicating evidence about vaccine safety and efficacy to those who are vaccine hesitant has done little to stem the growth of hesitancy related beliefs and fears (41). Furthermore, failure to properly and systematically evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of these interventions across the spectrum of vaccine hesitant individuals and specific vaccines makes it difficult to know whether the results can be transferable or suitable for widespread implementation.

Should the public health community respond to anti-vaccination activists (48)? Leask suggests that adversarial approaches against such activists can in fact enliven the battle and contribute to a false sense that vaccination is a highly contested topic (49). Most of the time, pro-vaccine advocates should “play the issue, not the opponent” (49). Efforts should be made to stop them only when anti-vaccination activists’ advice could lead to direct harm.

Future public health vaccine promotion efforts need to embrace Internet and social media possibilities and proactively promote the importance and safety of vaccines rather than adopt a reactive approach to anti-vaccination activists’ arguments (47,50,51). The role of social media in vaccine hesitancy creates a need to develop appropriate strategies for online communication. Such strategies should aim to provide vaccine supportive information, address misinformation published online and correspond to parents’ needs and interests (29).


In a parallel with the climate change scam, a technique suggested is to be dismissive of the idea that there is any debate. If you can’t win with facts, then avoid the discussion altogether.

It’s interesting that the recommendation is to avoid engaging with people “vaccine deniers” who bring well researched and well thought out arguments.

4.Best Practices For Addressing Hesitancy

1. Identify target audience and establish trust
“Understanding the perspectives of the people for whom immunization services are intended, and their engagement with the issue”, wrote Goldstein and colleagues, “is as important as the information that experts want to communicate” (8). The amount, content and type of information that is needed to move a vaccine-hesitant individual toward vaccine acceptance differs greatly from the basic information needed by a person who is already favourable to vaccination and intends to vaccinate. Research has shown that vaccine-hesitant individuals are “active information-seekers” that are looking for “balanced” information presenting both pros and cons of vaccination in order to make an informed decision about vaccines (9,10). Their information needs are usually not fulfilled with typical information from public health authorities, as this information generally does not usually provide references to scientific studies and is often perceived as focusing on the benefits of vaccines and not discussing the potential risks of vaccines (11). Addressing those who are strongly anti-vaccines merit specific strategies. This is not the subject of the current paper but will be addressed in a future CANVax Brief.

5. Test communication prior to launching
It is important to test a communication material prior to launching to make sure it is working as intended for the target audience. The results might be surprising: a study showed that information given in frequency formats (e.g. one out of 10 infants will have a fever after a vaccination) were perceived as more risky than the same information conveyed in probabilistic terms (e.g. 10% of infants will have a fever after a vaccination) (27). Studies have also shown that as many as one out of two adults do not have the necessary skills to interpret probabilities and other mathematical concepts


This works just like commercial marketing. Target your audience, and avoid getting into “factual” arguments with people who have actually done their homework.

5. Progress Against Vaccine Hesitancy

Fortunately, researchers like Dr. Ève Dubé, with Université Laval are looking into this important issue. Dr. Dubé is an anthropologist, a researcher, and a professor, who works on vaccine hesitancy. Her research aims at understanding the social, cultural, and political contexts that influence individuals’ and groups’ beliefs and practices around vaccination.

She works with various health organizations to transfer research into practice.

One of the aims of her research program is to address vaccine hesitancy by supporting parents to make informed vaccination decisions and by ensuring that healthcare providers are prepared to communicate effectively with vaccine-hesitant parents.

She is currently leading different projects on vaccine hesitancy such as a study based on interviews with vaccine-hesitant parents to look at information sources on vaccination and information needs and preferences of parents to make an informed decision about vaccination. She is also leading a project to develop and pilot-test interventions to address vaccine hesitancy around the HPV vaccine in the context of school-based programs in Canada.

Vaccine hesitancy is a very, VERY widely researched field. A lot of money is tied up in ensuring that people don’t start asking the wrong questions and putting the pieces together.

Ève Dubé also co-authors the next piece, which includes entertaining the idea of making this coronavirus vaccine mandatory.

6. Legislating Vaccine Compliance

Given that queries have also been raised in the press about whether coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine(s), when available, should be made mandatory for some or all in Canada, this Canadian Vaccination Evidence Resource and Exchange Centre (CANVax) Brief provides an overview and brief discussion of what mandatory childhood vaccination means followed by discussions of scope and framework factors to consider. Also discussed are the reported outcomes, including reports of unintended consequences.

COVID-19 vaccines and consideration for a mandatory approach
While a poll in Canada in late April 2020 reported strong support amongst the general public for making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory (21), this strategy can only be considered when these vaccines become widely available in Canada. Given that a mandatory program has costs both in terms of implementation and monitoring (5), decisions need to rest on what additional benefit is hoped to be achieved. If vaccine uptake is already expected to be high amongst groups deemed necessary for the control of the spread of COVID-19, then the added costs of a mandatory program are likely not justified. In contrast, if the rates of uptake are low and the ease of access and other strategies known to improve uptake have been addressed, then a mandatory approach may be worth pursuing. Careful attention must be paid to whether this will be an incentive or penalty program, how it will be monitored and by whom (5).

At least some honesty here. It is acknowledged in writing that the public is wondering if CV-19 vaccines will ever become mandatory. Interestingly, it doesn’t address that concern. Instead, it just defers the issue until later.

7. How Rampant Is This Research?


These are only a few of course. Much more available here.

8. Immunization Partnership Fund

This was addressed in Part 8, but worth another look.

9. Gates Finances Vaccine Hesitancy Research

Although small by its standards, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has made some contributions to vaccine hesitancy work. It’s just good business.

10. WHO Researches Vaccine Hesitancy

A search on the World Health Organization’s site under “vaccine hesitancy” results in 117 possible matches.

The World Health Organization has released several other papers and research findings into vaccine hesitancy. Either they are moronic, or they truly think that what they are doing is for the best of humanity.

11. WHO Establishes National Standards


This is a 2011 publication, but the World Health Organization sets national standards for what vaccinations countries need apparently.

12. WHO’s July 9, 2020 Guidance

How to prevent transmission
The overarching aim of the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19(1) is to control COVID-19 by suppressing transmission of the virus and preventing associated illness and death. To the best of our understanding, the virus is primarily spread through contact and respiratory droplets. Under some circumstances airborne transmission may occur (such as when aerosol generating procedures are conducted in health care settings or potentially, in indoor crowded poorly ventilated settings elsewhere). More studies are urgently needed to investigate such instances and assess their actual significance for transmission of COVID-19.

In this latest version, the World Health Organization has removed earlier comments about there being no evidence to support wearing masks. Now, the deadliest virus in history can be stopped by a simple piece of cloth.

13. WHO: May 22 Guidance On Mass Vaccination


Note: the World Health Organization doesn’t have an issue with mass vaccination of an entire population during this “pandemic”. They just want people to be safe, apparently.

14. “Vaccine Hesitancy” Is Just Marketing

They refer to it as overcoming vaccine hesitancy. However these are marketing techniques to convince people that these vaccines are safe, and only crazies are questioning it.

Some of the techniques include pretending to care about people’s concerns, and feigning a legitimate relationship. Also, strong critics should be treated dismissively, and questions evaded. It should not be even entertained that there might be serious questions about these drugs.

There is a strong parallel with the climate change hoax. Both use psychological manipulation to ward off valid questions about what is going on.

This is just a small sample of the work deployed to convince people that these are safe. There is much more to look into.

CV #50: BC Transit Mask Policy Is Based On “Rider Comfort” And “Customer Feedback”

1. Important Links


2. It’s Not About Science

We recognize the advice from health professionals, including Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been to wear face coverings when physical distancing is not possible including on transit vehicles. Customers have indicated making the use of face coverings mandatory will create a more comfortable environment.

While face coverings will be mandatory, the policy will be implemented as an educational step without enforcement. The educational position is aligned with TransLink and other transit agencies in Canada.

We will work hard to ensure customers are aware of our new policy over the coming weeks, and work together to make transit a comfortable environment for staff and customers.

3. Bonnie Henry

“Transit is an important service for many British Columbians. BC Transit’s decision to make masks mandatory on their vehicles will help make transit safer for fellow passengers. Find one that’s comfortable, and make time to get used to wearing them and taking them on and off as needed. Those of us who are able should be using masks on transit all the time. I do and I expect others to as well.”
Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.

4. Claire Trevena

“Across British Columbia, our response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been rooted in public health. Public transit continues to be an essential service that people rely on, and we appreciate the work of our transit operators to keep these services running throughout the pandemic response and recovery. Knowing your fellow bus passengers will also be wearing a non-surgical mask or face covering will help boost people’s confidence in choosing transit while contributing to a welcoming and safe environment on our buses.”
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Claire Trevena

Wearing masks will make people FEEL more comfortable, and boost their confidence. In other words, this is entirely about feelings.

5. Erinn Pinkerton

“The implementation of a mandatory mask policy is in response to feedback from our customers. I am pleased to have the support of TransLink, Dr. Bonnie Henry and the Province of BC to implement this policy that will make transit more comfortable for our customers.”
Erinn Pinkerton, BC Transit President and Chief Executive Officer

This is response to feedback form riders, and to make the ride more comfortable. In other words, BC Transit is imposing this because of feelings, not because of any scientific or medical reasons.

6. CBC Coverage Of Declaration

The new policy will apply to anyone riding the bus, SkyTrain or SeaBus in Metro Vancouver, and on buses operated by BC Transit outside of the region — but there will be some exemptions.

In a statement, TransLink said the move is “essential” to ensuring people feel confident riding transit as the province’s economy reopens and more people resume commuting.

“It’s imperative that our customers … feel safe so that we can recover our ridership over time,” TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond told reporters Thursday.

“We want to ensure that we continue to do our part to minimize any potential for community transmission on public transit.”

In its typical style, CBC doesn’t seem to ask any tough or critical questions about this policy. Reporters also don’t pick up on the policy being founded on “comfort” or “rider feedback”.

7. Bonnie Henry: Masks Are About Respect

In Thursday’s daily COVID-19 briefing, Henry addressed Li’s application, describing mandatory mask policies as a “heavy handed” approach to public health that she is not considering at this point. She said wearing a mask is a sign of courtesy and respect, but it remains the least effective method of preventing transmission of the virus, behind measures like physical distancing, limits on crowd size and good hygiene.

On July 23, Bonnie Henry responded to a court action filed in Chilliwack that demanding the Province force masks on everyone.

8. Bonnie Henry: No Science In What We Do

Bonnie Henry, the BC Provincial Health Officer, repeatedly jokes that there is no science behind limiting group sizes to 50 people. But then she goes ahead and does it anyway. One then reasonably has to ask: is there any science behind wearing the masks? Or is it really all about comfort and “feeling” better?

Or is it just part of following the Lockstep Narrative?