Kashif Pirzada is frequently on the media circuit, telling people to be afraid. He openly calls for more restrictions, forced masks, forced testing and more. He openly admits that necessary preventative care is being put off, but he supports doing it anyway.

Kashif Pirzada is yet another “expert” making the rounds on the media circuit. He promotes vaccines, pharmaceuticals, masks, lockdowns, travel restrictions and other measures of medical tyranny. He’s an Associate Professor at McMcaster University, and a graduate of the University of Toronto, and former Lecturer and Governor there. Pirzada has many interesting connections that need looking into.
Let’s start off with his school, McMaster University, which is located in Hamilton. What can we find out there?
1. Pirzada A Professor At McMaster University

Link to search IRS charity tax records:
Let’s clarify here: there are actually 2 separate entities. The Foundation is the group that distributes money to various organizations and institutions. The Foundation Trust, however, is concerned primarily about asset management.
EIN: 56-2618866
EIN: 91-1663695
McMaster University has been receiving large donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years. According to the Foundation’s own records, the school got some $21 million from 2015 to 2019. This isn’t to say for sure that the people are compromised, but that is a lot from just one group.

McMaster publicly claims to have isolated the virus that causes Covid-19. That that sounds impressive, it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. The organization, Fluoride Free Peel, served McMaster with a freedom of information request to access those records. Apparently, they don’t actually exist.
2. Pirzada Part Of NGO: Masks4Canada

Pirzada is part of the group Masks4Canada, which openly calls for mandatory masks on people. All in the name of “science” of course. Several prominent names are also there, including professional speaker Abdu Sharkawy.
We are a grassroots volunteer group of physicians, media, data scientists, marketing specialists, technologists, lawyers, engineers, students, teachers, parents, and advocates. We provide expertise and time in advocating for our cause, and our initiative is based on scientific research.
Our mission is to inform and educate all levels of the Canadian government and the public about the critical role of masks and/or face coverings in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. Mandatory masking in high-risk settings, in addition to physical distancing and hand hygiene, will help save lives and the economy.
We do not sell masks or medical supplies. We do not endorse or partner with any for-profit companies or organizations, nor will we receive or ever receive any funding from a foundation, corporation, union, registered third party association, or political group.
It’s not bad enough that this group wants force masks on everyone, including children. They openly call for full blown tyranny. Consider this April 12, 2021 letter:
We need national standards, either as a condition of receiving federal money or, if necessary, imposed under an order or regulation under the various existing federal acts referenced above. In particular, we need national standards governing:
1. Metrics-driven restrictions. We need national standards that use critical metrics such as reproduction rate
(R), test positivity, and healthcare capacity to trigger the imposition or lifting of restrictions on the opening
of businesses, schools, and other publicly accessible spaces. These metrics should be made public and
2. Consistent travel restrictions. International, interprovincial, and interregional travel should be permitted only between areas where there are similarly low levels of COVID-19 cases and these restrictions need to be consistently enforced so as to avoid constant re-introduction of new cases. Quarantine protocols for essential travel between provinces should be standardized
3. Consistent responses to exposures.
a. Isolation: We need national standards for the duration of self-isolation for patients who had an exposure or are diagnosed with COVID-19. These standards may need to change in response to variants.
b. Sick Days: We also need nationally mandated paid sick days for essential workers to support time off for vaccination or testing as well as self-isolation as needed, as these groups are driving infections in the third wave.
4. Masking. Masking needs to be mandatory in public indoor spaces, including all schools and workplaces, regardless of distancing. This mask mandate should be supported by clear and consistent mask quality requirements (e.g. ASTM certification) and the distribution of N95 or equivalent masks to the Canadian population.
5. Testing. We need to expand and normalize the use of mass rapid testing as a screening tool in schools, workplaces, and health care facilities, and make rapid testing widely available to the general public. Such uses should be consistent across Canada.
6. Aerosol mitigation. ASHRAE and PHAC recognize that COVID-19 is primarily an airborne disease. We need national rules about minimum requirements for HVAC systems, air filtration, and indoor air purity, particularly for congregate settings such as LTCs, large workplaces, and our schools using guidelines such as those provided by the Harvard-Chan School of Public Health.
7. Vaccination. National standards are needed to support equitable and effective distribution. Now that elderly and Indigenous populations are largely vaccinated, it should be a national priority to vaccinate essential workers in congregate settings (e.g. school staff, workers in large workplaces), and postal codes with higher proportions of frontline workers.
8. Data. A national database with immunization information and strong privacy protections will be critical to support an effective and efficient rollout to the entire population, including those who do not have legal documentation or move between provinces or territories. Similarly, there needs to be a consistent approach to data collection across provinces, including uniform information classification and data gathering requirements to facilitate cross-jurisdictional data comparison and analysis. This will be of particular importance in following up and tracking outcomes with vaccine recipients.
How did this group go from simply calling for masks, to micromanaging every aspect of people’s lives? They openly call for travel restrictions, but don’t seem to have a problem with people in the country illegally.
3. Pirzada Founds Critical Drugs Coalition

Pirzada helped found the group Critical Drug Coalition. (Interesting that the acronym is CDC). This is supposedly a volunteer group that calls for more access to pharmaceuticals, and for more funding.
This group wants various Governments to: (a) ensure more transparency and clearer communication around essential drug supply. The drugshortages.ca website run by the Federal Government needs to be made more usable for front-line pharmacists managing drug shortages; (b) encourage domestic manufacturing capacity especially of vaccines and other critical care drugs; and (c) commit to an Critical Medications List which the government commits to ensure are always in stock through the National Emergency Stockpile.
While this may sound fine on the surface, all of the members have ties to the medical and/or pharmaceutical industries. Calling them “volunteers” is misleading, as they would stand to financially benefit from increased amounts of money from Ottawa and the Provinces.
4. Pirzada Owns EasyFit Online Exercise

Pirzada has another side business, EasyFit. It’s an online fitness business which will allow doctors to make prescriptions and monitor activity without physically visiting the office.
FOR USERS: a platform that allows them to access a virtual trainer marketplace, monitor their exercise and diet plans, compete with their friends during live group video workouts, high-quality free fitness content, and to receive personalized exercise programs prescribed by their doctors.
FOR DOCTORS: a platform that allows them to prescribe and monitor evidence-based exercises to their patients using our intelligent exercise prescription algorithm, without resorting to opioids and other dangerous therapies.
FOR COACHES: a platform that allows them to manage online clients and build their brand using industry-leading program builders, live video training capability, in-app messaging, auto billing and more tools to scale their business as virtual trainers.
On the surface, there is nothing wrong with such an application. After all, the vast majority of people would benefit from extra exercise. However, it’s quite the coincidence that this business would grow as a result of the same lockdowns and restrictions that Pirzada supports.
5. Pirzada And Conquer Covid

Part of this was addressed in an earlier piece, but Pirzada hadn’t been focused on. Although the website is now deleted, he was (is?) part of Conquer Covid NGO. This is a group selling merchandise. The sales of the merchandise were to be used to purchase PPE for health care workers. Of course, none of this would ever be skimmed or disappear.
The organization was promoted by Doug Ford, in one of his usual cringeworthy press conferences. But he has to at least look the part.
Conquer Covid seems to have dropped off the public radar. Party this is because the commercialization and mass production of PPE has taken off. Partly it’s because goodwill seems to have disappeared.
It’s unclear exactly how much Pirzada directly profits from these enterprises. However, it appears obvious that he enjoys the limelight, and being an “expert” that people turn to. Like so many other times, a nobody is vaulted into public prominence.
6. Other Bits Of Information

Pirzada also follows Bill Gates online, according to his LinkedIn page. That makes sense, considering how much he’s donated to McMaster University in recent years.
Pirzada is also part of Ontario’s Consent and Capacity Board. His job was reviewing cases of people involuntarily detained in the mental health system. Previously, he was a coroner with the Ministry of Corrections (prisons). What an interesting backround.
He’s also been a lecturer and former Governor at the University of Toronto. This isn’t just some doctor sharing his expertise. He is very, very well connected.
7. Pirzada On Council For CPS Ontario

Pirzada is also on the Council for the College of Physicians and Surgeons for Ontario, which licenses doctors in the Province. Recently, the CPSO threatened to pull the licenses of any doctors engaging in “misinformation”. After a lot of backlash, they claimed it wasn’t meant to stifle debate.
8. Pirzada Just Tip Of The Iceberg
And no, this corruption isn’t limited to one person, or one institution. The entire system, including the Ontario Science Table, is rotten to the core.
Michael Warner is head of the Canadian Division of askthedoctor.com. Kumar Murty of OST runs a technology company called PerfectCloudIO, which stands to profit from lockdowns. Kwame McKenzie of OST led the research into the 2017 UBI project in Ontario. And on a related note: Trillium Health Partners got a $5 million gift from a company that makes face masks. Abdu Sharkawy makes a small fortune on the speaking circuit. Robert Steiner of OST, an LPC operative, claims to be the brains of PHAC, founded in 2004. Ryan Imgrund shills for lockdowns while his employer fundraises money. Isaac Bogoch is in the UofT club, is part of Ontario’s “Operation Warp Speed”, and pretends to be neutral.
(1) https://experts.mcmaster.ca/display/pirzadak
(2) https://alumni.utoronto.ca/events-and-programs/awards/arbor-award/recipients/2019/kashif-pirzada
(3) https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/
(4) https://www.gatesfoundation.org/
(5) https://healthsci.mcmaster.ca/home/2020/03/13/mcmaster-researcher-plays-key-role-in-isolating-covid-19-virus-for-use-in-urgent-research
(6) https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/university-of-toronto-sunnybrook-hsc-have-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/
(7) https://masks4canada.org/about/team/
(8) https://masks4canada.org/about/
(9) https://masks4canada.org/resources/open-letters/national-standards-letter-apr-2021/
(10) https://masks4canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/National-Standard-Letter-Apr-12-2021.pdf
(11) Masks4Canada National-Standard-Letter-Apr-12-2021
(12) https://twitter.com/KashPrime
(13) https://twitter.com/medscritical
(14) https://www.criticaldrugscoalition.ca/
(15) https://www.f6s.com/geteasy.fit
(16) https://www.f6s.com/kashifpirzada#!
(17) https://twitter.com/conquercovid19
(18) https://www.conquercovid19.ca/ (down?)
(19) https://archive.is/WSqCx
(20) https://www.conquercovid19.ca/meet-our-team/ (down?)
(21) https://archive.is/hF7Ud
(22) https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gta-group-helping-conquer-covid-19-by-getting-supplies-to-medical-staff-1.4873404
(23) http://archive.is/jxkaP
(24) https://conquercovid19.entripyshirts.com/
(25) http://archive.is/UMpvr
(26) https://www.conquercovid19.ca/meet-our-team/
(27) http://archive.is/hF7Ud
(28) https://idrf.com/
(29) https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruby-alvi-86617347/
(30) http://archive.is/7pK30
(31) https://www.linkedin.com/in/yusuf-ahmed-119205137/
(32) http://archive.is/Rrll9
(33) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kcajee/”
(34) http://archive.is/STrLJ
(35) https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatema-dada-662b862/
(36) http://archive.is/iWdzY
(37) http://archive.is/8fIfa
(38) https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadia-malik-58534b/
(39) http://archive.is/c8wLb
(40) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kashifpirzada/
(41) http://archive.is/1Duas
(42) https://twitter.com/theRavenApp
(43) https://www.cpso.on.ca/About/Council/Meet-the-College-Council
(44) https://www.cpso.on.ca/News/Key-Updates/Key-Updates/COVID-misinformation
Pirzada is a terrible liar and a very bad actor.
Very interesting how so many people are benefiting by these lockdowns during this scamdemic.
That Masks4Canada letter was disturbing. I hope people understand where this is headed.
I want to chime in on the overcrowded hospitals / ICU’s across the Province.
I’ve seen a number of #EmptyHospital posts and people filming what they’ve experienced in Emergency Rooms and walking the halls. Yes they do appear empty, that’s for sure.
I can relay first hand from my daughters own experience that Milton District Hospital is deserted, same with the Covid19 test centre in the parking lot. She’s had three episodes in ICU due to epileptic seizures since Sept. 2020 and was put on one of these vents each time. This never happened prior to CV-19 scam. The last time was Feb. 2021 and they kept her on the vent, sedated for 72 hours.
I had an interesting phone conversation with one of the ICU nurses. I came right out and asked her is this COVID stuff real, are there sick people. She told me NO, it’s a complete fraud, they have people in ICU but NO COVID. She is an on-call critical care nurse and travels to numerous hospitals through the GTHA and she said it’s the same everywhere. She is from Russia and said she can see what’s happening. She said some nurses are awake but fearful of losing their job.
I made a visit the following day, by appointment only. It’s like getting into a prison, you have one entrance in and out, besides their emergency entrance. You have to check it and they call to announce / confirm your appointment and the name of patient. I walked empty hallways to the elevator, then more empty hallways looking for ICU. I had to phone to get buzzed in and then sign in.
There were approx. 12 ICU rooms, which around 8 were occupied – none on vent, but looked as if they emptied out the LTC of 80+ year old men.
I went with the purpose of getting my daughter OUT of this situation. She was off the vent but they were constantly drugging her because she wanted to leave. They had her strapped to the bed in a soiled diaper. Over the course of 4 hours (which I was 2 hours over my visiting limit) I finally broke her out. Police were involved and they said the doctor wanted to call in a section 1 which would allow him to keep her under psychiatric evaluation for 72 hours, but when I mentioned “medical kidnapping” and a lawyer, they talked to the doctor and things took a positive turn.
All I can say is there is something dreadful going on, and it has nothing to do with this so called illness. I would advise folks to avoid hospitals if possible, as once you get in, they don’t want you to leave.
Pirzada’s twitter page states he is an Emergency Physician in Toronto – https://twitter.com/KashPrime while the video above states he is an Emergency Doctor at Brampton Civic Hospital. Hard to keep the lies straight I suppose.
He is running a petition to have school children tested 3 times a week. No explanation of how this can provide any benefit. A person can get infected minutes after testing. So much testing could be a vector of transmission itself. Not to mention the havoc caused by false results. Children are not in danger anyway.
He also seems to think that mass vaccination prevents infection. It is very clear now that that is far from true. Cases are higher now.
The elderly are still the risk group.
Where does he get his ideas?