Bonnie Henry Lies Again: None Of These Vaccines Are “Approved” In Canada, AZ Isn’t Safe

What a lovely talk, if you turn off your brain. AstraZeneca is being pulled off the shelf in many countries because of the side effects, but it’s safe to use in Canada. The “approved” label sounds great, if you aren’t aware of the terminology.

(a) Approved: Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population
(b) Interim Authorization: deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Commonly referred to as an emergency use authorization.

Now, looking at the front of the product information: are these approved, or are they given interim authorization under an emergency order? The 2 are quite different.

The push to have these experimental vaccines thrust on the public can be very easily explained. Just look at who politicians have been talking with. These are hardly the only examples.

Of course, this could be a rounabout way of admitting they aren’t safe. While “approved” vaccines may be safe, these are approved, and as such, aren’t included in the statements. And this lovely fellow is John Bell, the Head of AstraZeneca. He assures us that these are safe and effective.

So, why are these substances still being injected? It could have something to do with the rampant lobbying going on. Just putting the idea out there.

(3) WHO Paper On MANDATORY Vaccination April 13, 2021 (Copy)

CIHR Using Taxpayer Money To Convince Pregnant Women & Children To Get Vaccine

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, nothing will. CIHR, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research has been handing out public money to pay people to convince others to take the experimental, unapproved, gene replacement “vaccines”. And yes, pregnant women are specifically mentioned in these grants.

To make things even worse, the CIHR wants to hire people to convince children to get poisoned as well.

Now, who are the people who have sold their souls in return for getting some sweet, sweet “pandemic bucks”?

Barkun, Alan N $784,125
Berman, Peter $118,575
Bottari, Carolina $218,025
Brignardello Petersen, Romina Andrea $1,365,525
Brunet, Alain F $240,975
Burchell, Ann N $768,825
Campbell, Tavis S $271,575
Caron, Etienne $738,000
Cheng, Adam $248,625
Divangahi, Maziar $569,925
Durocher, Evelyne $115,000
Elahi, Shokrollah $1,071,000
Ehrhardt, Rudolf A $229,500
Estabrooks, Carole Anne $756,890
Foster, Jennifer $332,775
Fowler, Robert A $455,175
Gesink, Dionne $393,975
Harris, M. Anne $325,125
Jan, Eric $445,230
Jardine, Cynthia $348,075
Katapally, Tarun Reddy $554,434
Kaul, Rupert $489,600
Lavoie, Kim $638,775
Lisonkova, Sarka $168,300
Luo, Honglin $562,275
Mazurak, Vera C $344,250
Meyer, Jeffrey H $761,175
Mubareka, Samira $612,765
Nissim, Rinat $294,525
O’Campo, Patricia J $302,175
Oremus, Mark $195,075
Pai, Nitika $378,675
Pike, Ian $267,750
Puyat, Joseph H $302,175
Rigatto, Claudio $562,275
Robillard, Rébecca $168,300
Rothman, Linda $416,925
Rousseau, Cecile $240,975
Sylvestre, Marie-Pierre $457,422
Vivion, Maryline $153,000
Wang, JianLi $137,700
Webster, Fiona $160,650
Woodgate, Roberta L $358,594
Zimmermann, Camilla $423,045

Should anyone raise the topic, no, this isn’t doxing. If one accepts grants from the Federal Government, it is public, and searchable by anyone. Moreover, it’s in the public interest that others know who they are. These people are pushing injections on the general population, most likely without being completely forthcoming.

Interesting to note: most of these grants run until 2022 or 2023. It could be because these drugs are in the experimental stages, and the testing won’t be done until then. These drugs are not “approved” by Health Canada, but instead, are given interim authorization under an emergency order.

  • INTERIM AUTHORIZATION — deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Also known as emergency authorization.
  • APPROVED — Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population.


British Fertility Society Promotes Vaccines, Funded By Big Pharma

A few months ago, the British Fertility Society published a paper saying that there were no concerns about vaccination pregnant women, or women who were soon to become pregnant. Or even egg or sperm donors.

Should people of reproductive age receive a Covid-19 vaccine?
People of reproductive age are advised to have the vaccine when they receive their invitation for vaccination. This includes those who are trying to have a baby as well as those who are thinking about having a baby, whether that is in the near future or in a few years’ time.

Can any of the Covid-19 vaccines affect fertility?
There is absolutely no evidence, and no theoretical reason, that any of the vaccines can affect the fertility of women or men.

Can I have a Covid-19 vaccine during my fertility treatment (IVF, Frozen Embryo Transfer, Egg Freezing, Ovulation Induction, Intra-Uterine Insemination, using donated gametes or not)?
You may wish to consider the timing of having a Covid-19 vaccine during your fertility treatment, taking into account that some people may get bothersome side effects in the few days after vaccination that they do not want to have during treatment. These include for example, tenderness at the injection site, fever, headache, muscle ache or feeling tired. It may be sensible to separate the date of vaccination by a few days from some treatment procedures (for example, egg collection in IVF), so that any symptoms, such as fever, might be attributed correctly to the vaccine or the treatment procedure. Your medical team will be able to advise you about the best time for your situation.

Should I delay my fertility treatment until after I have had the Covid-19 vaccine?
The only reason to consider delaying fertility treatment until after you have been vaccinated would be if you wanted to be protected against Covid-19 before you were pregnant. The chance of successful treatment is unlikely to be affected by a short delay, for example of up to 6 months, particularly if you are 37 years of age or younger. However, delays of several months may affect your chance of success once you are over 37 and especially if you are 40 years of age or older.

How soon after having a Covid-19 vaccine can I start my fertility treatment?
Immediately – you do not need to delay your fertility treatment, unless you wish to have your second dose before pregnancy (see above).

I had a positive pregnancy test today. Can I still have a Covid-19 vaccine?
If you are in a risk category for Covid-19, either because of the potential for exposure at work or medical issues, you can still have the vaccine in pregnancy. If you have no increased risks for Covid-19, the Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation (JCVI) have advised that you delay it until after pregnancy. There is no reason to believe that any of the Covid-19 vaccines would be harmful, but their effects in pregnancy have not yet been fully investigated. The information that is known is reassuring. None of the vaccines contain live virus and so there is no risk that the pregnant woman or her baby could get Covid-19 from the vaccine. For further information on vaccination in pregnancy, see the information produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists []. The health care professional looking after you in pregnancy will be able to advise you taking into account your individual risk.

I am donating my eggs/sperm for the use of others. Can I still have a Covid-19 vaccine?
Covid-19 vaccines do not contain any virus and so you cannot pass on Covid-19 by receiving the vaccine. The Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority have stated that you must allow at least 7 days from the most recent vaccination prior to donating eggs or sperm. If the donor feels unwell after the vaccination, they must not donate for 7 days after their symptoms have got better [].

Not only can prospective couples get the vaxx, they can donate eggs and sperm as well, with no risk to the new hosts. While that certainly sounds strange enough, the document is ended with the following disclaimer. Of course, it’s in the fine print, and is difficult to read.

This FAQ document represents the views of ARCS/BFS, which were reached after careful consideration of the scientific evidence available at the time of preparation. In the absence of scientific evidence on certain aspects, a consensus between the Executive teams and other members has been obtained. ARCS/BFS are not liable for damages related to the use of the information contained herein. We cannot guarantee correctness, completeness or accuracy of the guidance in every respect. Please be aware that the evidence and advice for COVID-19 vaccines for those trying to achieve a pregnancy or those who are pregnant already is rapidly developing and the latest data or best practice may not yet be incorporated into the current version of this document. ARCS and BFS recommend that patients always seek the advice of their local centre if they have any concerns.

This group hedges its statements as well. They claim that there is no risk (or even theoretical risk) to a pregnant woman, while still saying more research needs to be done. That alone should be enough reason to walk away.

Apparently, there is no theoretical reason to be worried about vaccines and pregnancy, however, the evidence is always changing. And these people assume no liability for anything they say to you. Things start to become clear when it’s known who funds the BFS. It’s even more transparent in that BFS had some of their work signal boosted by the Vaccine Confidence Project.

In fact, there are a lot of groups working together to promote the mass vaccination agenda globally. These are just a few of them:

  • World Health Organization
  • Imperial College London
  • Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium
  • London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • Vaccine Confidence Project
  • GAVI – Global Vaccine Alliance
  • IFFIm – International Finance Facility for Immunization
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • UN Verified Initiative
  • Team Halo

Team Halo partially explains the relationship between the groups as follows:

Team Halo was established as part of the United Nations Verified Initiative in partnership with The Vaccine Confidence Project at the University of London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is proud to collaborate with the Vaccine Alliance and GAVI. Support is provided by Luminate and IKEA Foundation.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation directly (or indirectly) finances: WHO; GAVI; Imperial College London; London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Vaccine Confidence Project; Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium; the BBC; the US CDC; and countless drug companies.

Imperial College London became notorious for the doomsday modelling of Neil Ferguson, nicknamed “Dr. Lockdown”, owing to his wild predictions about death waves that never materialize.

GAVI was started up in 1999, in large part because of a $750 million grant from the Gates Foundation. GAVI coordinates spreading its concoctions around the world. It also coordinates a funding scam with the International Finance Facility for Immunizations (IFFIm). Here countries make pledges of donations, which are then converted into “vaccine bonds“.

The Vaccine Confidence Project is part of the London School for Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. In addition to getting money from Gates, they receive contributions from major pharmaceutical companies.

These examples are by no means exhaustive, but they show just how interconnected these groups are. We are at the point where fertility organizations are funded by pharmaceutical companies, and advise that there is no risk to their future children. Remember: they are all in this together.

(6) British Fertility Society Recommends Vaccines

1 Year Ago, Maria Van Kerkhove Of WHO Suggested 16% Of Global Population Already Infected

June 8, 2020, Maria Van Kerkhove, who claims to be a doctor and an expert, told the world “asymptomatic transmission” was extremely rare.

The day after, a very terrified looking Kerkhove backpedaled, claiming that “very rare” didn’t really mean very rare. She claimed that so-called modelling estimated that between 6% and 41% of the total population had already been infected. She stated that there was a point estimate (whatever that is), or around 16%.

Let’s crunch some numbers:
-The world population was around 7.8 billion people last year.
-6% of that would be 468 million people.
-16% of that would be 1.25 BILLION people.
-41% of that would be 3.2 BILLION people.

This time last year, assuming these models are even in the ballpark, 1 to 3 billion people had already been infected. About 500,000 people had died, notwithstanding how fraudulent the reporting system is.

In her still pinned tweet, Kerkhove tries to explain how scientific collaboration is done, and how different partners work together.

Kerkhove claimed in April 2020 that research papers are being sent to the WHO prior to publication. One has to wonder if the conclusions are “tweaked” in order to suit a particular narrative. She says that all evidence everywhere is looked at, which is reasonable take on its own.

Problem is that you have people like BC Provincial Health Officer, “Babbling Bonnie” Henry, who repeatedly admit that there is no real science behind the things that they do. Is this supposed to be a joke?

Neither Canadian public health officials nor bureaucrats at the WHO will address topics such as the heavy lobbying and financing from the pharmaceutical industry. They won’t delve into the new enterprises that stand to be lucrative from a prolonged pandemic. They go out of their way to avoid these subjects.

They also try to downplay how these gene therapy “vaccines” are not approved anywhere, but instead have some form of emergency use authorization. The manufacturers are indemnified from lawsuits, which removes the incentive to create safe products.

Things aren’t quite what they appear to be.

Any wonder why the idea of “airborne transmission” is now being pushed? They have to keep moving the goalposts in order to keep others from locking in on their lies. It’s also why they are now pushing the “variants” nonsense. Don’t be deceived.

How’s this for a conflict of interest? Kerkhove also works for Imperial College London, which featured Neil Ferguson (Professor Lockdown) and his doomsday modelling. ICL is heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She also got her PhD at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. This also gets funding from Gates, and partners with the Vaccine Confidence Project — funded by drug companies.

Ever get the feeling that this woman isn’t been transparent?


London Hit-And-Run: Heinous Crime, Or Well Funded Anti-Racism Psy-Op?

Around this time last year, we had the George Floyd racism psy-op. Trudeau took part in protests, despite making a complete mockery of the CV psy-op. Understandably, a lot of people were confused by this. Even Theresa Tam supported such protests, as long as people wore masks. How things change.

The novel coronavirus is responsible for destroying economies everywhere (we are told), but as long as woke causes are being protested, it stays away. How considerate.

Now, in the wake of 4 people being killed in London, ON, Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau have apparently both showed up to a crowded vigil. This comes in the middle of (what they call) the 3rd wave of a deadly pandemic. However, people are not dropping dead.

Conservative Party Leader Erin O’Toole also saw fit to attend this memorial.

Disclaimer: while there is a lot that still needs to be shared publicly, everything about this incident so far seems to be off. That said, things could actually be exactly as they reported.

CBC staff typically go out of their way to avoid mentioning details about the background of a suspect in a crime. However, that isn’t the case here.

Doug Ford has imposed what are possibly the greatest restrictions to civil rights anywhere in North America. However, he’s quite fine with making exceptions to gatherings when it comes to a public memorial and condemnation of white supremacy and white violence.

Apparently, the deadliest virus in history is respectful enough not to attack helpless people at such vigils. That is one smart virus.

Now, this is giving some strange vibes. What could possibly be causing doubt of the official narrative?

Remember this? A few years back, an 11 year old girl and her 8 year old brother staged a hate crime. Who comes up with such an idea for a hoax? This was perpetuated in the media long after it had been exposed as a hoax, in order to drum up racial tensions in Canada.

Acte D’Amour Mar. 1, 2021 $12,000
Afro-Canadian Caribbean Society Of Hamilton Mar. 26, 2021 $30,000
Angels of Hope Against Human Trafficking Mar. 3, 2021 $196,880
Aroha Fine Arts Apr. 9, 2021 $10,500
Association Francophone De Brooks Feb. 20, 2021 $6,200
Bluff Productions Mar. 1, 2021 $7,500
Calgary Police Service Mar. 23, 2021 $18,200
Canadian Council Of Business Leaders Against Systemic Anti-Black Racism Mar. 30, 2021 $10,000
Canadian Society For Yad Vashem Apr. 8, 2021 $10,000
Carrefour Communautaire Franophone De London Feb. 25, 2021 $34,000
Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi De Cote Des Neiges Feb. 1, 2021 $10,000
Centre Francophone De Toronto Mar. 6, 2021 $30,000
Compagnie Theatre Creole Apr. 1, 2021 $10,000
Cumberland African Nova Scotian Association Feb. 25, 2021 $34,000
Ethnik Festivals Association Feb. 20, 2021 $19,000
Francophones For Sustainable Environment Feb. 26, 2021 $17,610
Hot Doc’s Apr. 29, 2021 $25,000
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria Mar. 30, 2021 $19,800
Legacy Of Hope Foundation Apr. 1, 2021 $96,000
Legal Assistance Of Windsor Mar. 1, 2021 $269,709
Maybellearts Apr. 1, 2021 $10,000
Multicultural Health Broker’s Init. Apr. 1, 2021 $303,000
Nigerian Canadians for Cultural, Educational & Economic Progress Mar. 9, 2021 $25,000
Oromocto Special Care Home Mar. 31, 2021 $7,771
Overture With The Arts Feb. 1, 2021 $18,000
Overture With The Arts Feb. 1, 2021 $6,000
Overture With The Arts Feb. 1, 2021 $5,800
Regina Open Door Society Feb. 1, 2021 $1,690
Réseau d’action pour l’égalité des femmes immigrées et racisées du Québec Apr. 1, 2021 $453,746
Shoe Project (The) Mar. 7, 2021 $30,218
Silk Road Institute Mar. 1, 2021 $14,000
Skills For Change Of Metro Toronto Mar. 9, 2021 $30,000
Toronto Black Film Festival Mar. 11, 2021 $29,347
Vues D’Afrique Apr. 1, 2021 $25,000

A lot of taxpayer money is being spent to reinforce the idea that Canadians are racist. Of course, as long as such money is forthcoming, the problem is unlikely to disappear.

Keep in mind, these are only some of the recent grants provided by the Federal Government. Provinces and Municipalities are almost certainly kicking in large amounts of money as well.

As if on cue, Trudeau is pledging to fight “far right” groups, which is essentially anyone he ideologically disagrees with. How convenient this anti-Muslim attack gave him an excuse to go after such groups.

Waight told the news conference it wasn’t certain if the accused was affiliated with any specific hate group.

Never mind that this person isn’t alleged to be part of any hate group, but why should that get in the way of a good story? Perhaps there will a corresponding crack down on free speech to prevent the radicalization of such people in the future.

The Nova Scotia mass shooting in 2020 was used as an excuse to do a mass gun ban. It seems likely that this will be used for similar purposes.


CV #10(D): Nova Scotia Pharma Lobbying; MOH Robert Strang An Anti-Democratic Tyrant

Just to get it out of the way, it’s disturbing how someone who looks this unhealthy could be a Medical Officer of Health, as he is for the Province of Nova Scotia. Supposedly he was a rugby player, although it’s hard to tell. For some inexplicable reason, the media treats people like this as rock stars.

Anyhow, Strang is a huge proponent of endless lockdowns, and pushing the big pharma agenda. However, even when the consequences of this are becoming obvious, he won’t admit any responsibility. See the above video, and the following quote:

Nova Scotia will pause the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine as the first dose effective today, May 12.
The decision is based on an abundance of caution due to an observed increase in the rare blood clotting condition linked to this vaccine and because Nova Scotia has enough mRNA vaccine to immunize people age 40 and older.
Anyone who is scheduled to receive their first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine will receive an email canceling that appointment and asking them to book a new appointment for either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
A decision on second doses will be made once more information is received from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Nova Scotia’s vaccine plan will be adjusted based on this guidance.
The AstraZeneca vaccine has been linked to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, or VITT, in other provinces.
Anyone with any of the following symptoms after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine should seek medical help right away or call 911 and say they have received the vaccine:
-shortness of breath
-chest pain
-stomach pain that will not go away
-leg swelling
-a sudden and severe headache
-a headache that will not go away and is getting worse
-blurred vision
-skin bruising (other than the area vaccinated), reddish or purplish spots, or blood blisters under the skin
The above symptoms are most likely to occur between days four and 14 after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Have to love the mental gymnastics here. Even as Robert Strang tells Nova Scotia that getting the vaccines was the right decision, it’s pulled from use (probably forever), and people are urged to seek medical attention for a variety of symptoms.

The message is touted nationally as well. Even though this “vaccine” is being pulled for health reasons, Canadians should take pride in the decision to get a first (or second) dose. It’s mind blowing that people could actually take this seriously.

Strang has taken it upon himself to decide what’s true and what’s not, and to condemn “misinformation“.

Interesting side note: Strang took some flak for opting out of AstraZeneca himself. Perhaps he doesn’t really believe what he preaches.

So, why is Nova Scotia so hesitant (pardon the pun) to completely throw AstraZeneca under the bus?

Wild idea, but perhaps AstraZeneca having 15 people currently registered (as in right now) as lobbyists with the Nova Scotia Government played some role in not completely bashing their product. And no, this is not limited to a single company.

The Canadian Medical Association, which is on record as supporting Ontario’s stay-at-home order (or 24 hour curfew) also has plenty of lobbyists registered with Nova Scotia.

The Doctors of Nova Scotia doesn’t seem to raise too many red flags. However, having a lobbyist from GlaxSmithKline is an interesting bit. Likewise with Innovative Medicines, Merck, and the Pharmacy Association of Canada. It’s almost as if there was some pattern to the types of organization that are lobbying in Nova Scotia.

Keep in mind, these are only the registrations that are documented. It’s quite likely that other things have gone on behind the scene for which records aren’t posted.

Strang worked with Theresa Tam on the Special Advisory Committee on the Epidemic of Opioid Overdoses Regarding Updated Data on Canada’s Opioid Crisis in 2018. Interesting. Now he pushes for Nova Scotians to take “vaccines” that are not approved, but only have interim authorization, based on low standards.

On Wednesday May 12, 2021, an application for injunction was filed in Nova Scotia Supreme Court. It was granted on Friday based on 2 Affidavits, one from Robert Strang. This was done “ex parte”, meaning that there was no opposing side to challenge it.

At a minimum, it would have been nice to see what was in those Affidavits.

The result is that public gatherings, including gatherings to these illegal measures have been effectively banned. The ban (unless thrown out) would remain in place as long as the Government decides there is a public health emergency.

In participating in this, Strang demonstrated himself to be nothing more than a thug. He convinced a judge to strip away Nova Scotia’s right to assemble, something that could never have been accomplished legislatively.

(14) Nova Scotia Supreme Court Protest Injunction May 14