No Movement On Toronto Anti-Mask Case

On July 6th, 2020 the case was filed in Toronto (CV-20-00643451-0000). However, there has been no movement or announcements. There are no appearances scheduled with the court. This was confirmed in a phone call with the Toronto Court.

September 30th, 2020, a notice of intent to defend, (not an actual defense), filed on behalf of Windsor-Essex County, and Wajid Ahmed, their Chief Medical Officer.
-Nothing for Government of Canada
-Nothing for Justin Trudeau
-Nothing for Theresa Tam
-Nothing for Patty Hajdu
-Nothing for Marc Garneau
-Nothing for Government of Ontario
-Nothing for Doug Ford
-Nothing for Christine Elliott
-Nothing for Toronto
-Nothing for John Tory
-Nothing for the CBC
-Nothing for any other defendant

Since there is no movement, and won’t be for the foreseeable future, it would be in the public interest to know what’s being done with their donations.

This is actually the second case. There was a much, much smaller one originating in late 2019, regarding vaccines in schools. (CV-19-00629810-0000)

October 24, 2019 – Statement of Claim was filed.
January 3, 2020 – Statement of Defense was filed.
March 10, 2020 – Reply was filed.

Nothing else has happened in that case either.
Both appear to be in limbo.

Media In Canada Obedient To Gov’t Covid Narrative Largely Because Of Subsidies

Justin Trudeau (or his clone), and Theresa Tam take questions from the obedient and largely compliant media. Some highlights from the video include:

[1] No clear answer given about quarantine camps
[2] Journalists asked to be puppets and discredit alternative sources
[3] Social media censored/demonitized, made invisible by algorithm
[4] Information should be checked against official sources — not necessarily for accuracy
[5] Asking people to do testimonials, no specification it be true
[6] Innoculate people “from vaccine misinformation”
[7] Public should only trust official sources

One has to wonder why there is no skepticism whatsoever shown, and why members of the media are toeing the line like this. And there is a simple answer: money.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the BBC, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here. Our democracy is thoroughly compromised, as shown: here, here, here, and here.

2. Important Links

Reminder: 2018 Fall Economic Update To Subsidize Journalism
2019 Budget For Canada

CLICK HERE, for Digital News Subscription Tax Credit.
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for Refundable Labour Tax Credit (25% of salaries)
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for Canadian Periodical Fund. ($1.5M limit)
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for April 2020 announcement on media subsidies
WayBack Machine Archive

CLICK HERE, for Special Measures For Journalism (Covid)
WayBack Machine Archive

3. Reminder Of $595M Media Grant In Nov 2018

Support for Canadian Journalism
A strong and independent news media is crucial to a well-functioning democracy. It empowers citizens by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions on important issues, and also serves to hold powerful institutions—including governments—to account by bringing to light information that might not otherwise be made available to the public. In short, strong and independent journalism serves the public good—for Canada, and for Canadians. Canadians have a right to a wide range of independent news sources that they can trust, and government has a responsibility to ensure that Canadians have access to these kinds of news sources.

A New Non-Refundable Tax Credit for Subscriptions to Canadian Digital News Media
To support Canadian digital news media organizations in achieving a more financially sustainable business model,
the Government intends to introduce a new temporary, non-refundable 15-per-cent tax credit for qualifying subscribers of eligible digital news media.
In total, the proposed access to tax incentives for charitable giving, refundable tax credit for labour costs and non-refundable tax credit for subscriptions will cost the federal government an estimated $595 million over the next five years. Additional details on these measures will be provided in Budget 2019.

It was 2 years ago that this media subsidization was covered on this site. See page 40 in the report. The goal was to keep otherwise unprofitable media afloat usin taxpayer money in order to hold the Government to account, and to promote diverse ideas.

Now, if holding the Government to account, and promoting viewpoint diversity were the results, then it “may” be worthwhile. But as we will see, that’s not the goal at all.

4. 2019 Budget Includes These Measures

Supporting Canadian Journalism
A strong and independent news media is crucial to a well-functioning democracy. Recognizing the vitally important role the media play in helping citizens make informed decisions about important issues, in the 2018 Fall Economic Statement the Government announced its intention to introduce three new tax measures to support Canadian journalism:
• A new refundable tax credit for journalism organizations.
• A new non-refundable tax credit for subscriptions to Canadian digital news.
• Access to charitable tax incentives for not-for-profit journalism.
As previously announced, the Government will establish an independent panel of experts from the Canadian journalism sector to assist the Government in implementing these measures, including recommending eligibility criteria. Given the importance of ensuring that media outlets are able to operate with full independence, the Government proposes to establish an independent administrative body that will be responsible for recognizing journalism organizations as being eligible for any of the three measures.
Further details are available in Tax Measures: Supplementary Information.

That’s from page 173 of the 2019 budget. The goal is to provide: (a) tax credits for organizations; (b) tax credits for subscribers; and (c) further tax incentives for NFP journalism. More details are listed on page 373.

Of course, there will be an “independent panel” deciding on who gets this money. It can’t be too independent, since real journalists call out the lies and fabrications of governments.

5. Digital News Subscription Tax Credit

Qualifying subscription expense
A qualifying subscription expense is the amount a subscriber paid in the year for a digital news subscription with a QCJO that does not hold a license as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Broadcasting Act. To qualify for the credit, a digital news subscription must entitle an individual to access content in digital form that is primarily original written news.

How to apply
A new form, T622, Digital News Subscription Tax Credit, and process will be published so that organizations can get confirmation that the subscriptions they offer are eligible as qualifying subscriptions. Eligible subscriptions will be published on the CRA’s webpages.

Organizations whose subscriptions no longer qualify for the credit are required to inform their subscribers.

How to claim the credit
Individuals who have entered into an agreement with a QCJO for a qualifying subscription that is eligible, can claim the credit on their income tax return for the years 2020 to 2024.

This essentially amounts to pushing propaganda, since the Government can easily decide what does and does not count as a Qualifying Canadian Journalism Organization. It effectively subsidizes (at taxpayer expenses), outlets and topics it wants to see advanced.

However, this is not the only subsidy that is now in place.

6. Refundable Labour Tax Credit (25% Of Salary)

1. What is the proposed new refundable labour tax credit?
The budget proposes to introduce a new refundable labour tax credit (Tax Credit) on qualifying labour expenditures (Qualifying Labour) payable to an eligible newsroom employee of a qualifying journalism organization (Qualified Organization).

4. What is Qualifying labour?
Qualifying Labour for a taxation year includes the salary or wages payable by a Qualified Organization to an eligible newsroom employee in respect of the portion of the taxation year throughout which the organization is a Qualified Organization. The salaries and wages will be reduced by the total of all amounts of assistance that a Qualified Organization received or is entitled to receive in respect of the salary of eligible newsroom employees. The amount of Qualifying Labour will be limited to $55,000 in respect of each eligible newsroom employee.

5. What salary and wages are eligible as Qualifying Labour?
Qualifying Labour will include salary and wages payable to an eligible newsroom employee in respect of a period on or after January 1, 2019. As such, salary and wages that are in respect of a period before January 1, 2019 will not be Qualifying Labour. In addition, salary and wages will be Qualifying Labour of an organization only if they are in respect of a period throughout which the organization is a Qualified Organization.

6. What is an eligible newsroom employee?
An eligible newsroom employee, in respect of a Qualified Organization in a taxation year, means an individual who:
is employed by the Qualified Organization in the taxation year; works, on average, a minimum of 26 hours per week throughout the portion of the taxation year in which the individual is employed by the Qualified Organization; at any time in the taxation year, has been, or is reasonably expected to be, employed by the Qualified Organization for a minimum period of 40 consecutive weeks that includes that time; spends at least 75% of their time engaged in the production of news content, including researching, collecting information, verifying facts, photographing, writing, editing, designing and otherwise preparing content; and meets any prescribed conditions.

Up to 25% of an employee’s salary (of the first $55,000) would be subsidized by the Government, or more correctly, by taxpayers. This means potentially $13,750 of an employee’s salary in total, and that’s per employee. This is designed for full time media outlets.

But these handouts aren’t limited to full time media outlets. Even part time, or infrequent periodicals can benefit from the taxpayer money.

7. Canada Periodical Fund ($1.5M Limit)

Limits of government assistance
Except for farm periodicals, we can fund up to $1.5 million per periodical.
Publication receiving the Government of Canada Refundable Labour Tax Credit (RLTC) are ineligible to the Aid to Publishers component of the Canada Periodical Fund.
The total financial assistance received from the Aid to publishers component of the Canada Periodical Fund and other levels of government (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) cannot exceed 75% of any publisher’s total expenditures for the creation, production, marketing and distribution of magazines and non-daily newspapers.

The Canadian Periodical Fund will provide a magazine or non-daily publication with up to 75% subsidization, or $1.5 million, whichever is less. Although there are rules as to how much the publication must produce anyway, it’s still a significant amount of taxpayer money.

Also note: there is the disclaimer that “periodicals that contain offensive content in the opinion of the department of Canadian Heritage” may not receive funding.

8. Special Measures For Journalism (Covid-19)

And in case the magazine or periodical doesn’t qualify for subsidies under the Canadian Periodical Fund, there is a new program announced, the “Special Measures For Journalism”. That’s right, a special program to prop up alternative media outlets during this “pandemic”.

Objectives and expected results for the Special Measures for Journalism component
The purpose of the Special Measures for Journalism component is to provide short-term emergency financial relief to Canadian magazines and community newspapers during the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. The component will provide funds for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, to publishers that have a free circulation model or low levels of paid circulation, or are published in digital format. Please note that daily newspapers will not be eligible to this new component.

The component provides a flexibility to allow publishers to direct funds to the areas of greatest need. Recipients can spend the funds on a variety of publishing activities, such as content creation, production, distribution, or business development.

This initiative is above and beyond the $595 million expense that was announced back in 2018. This is specifically to keep media outlets going “through the pandemic”. Note: it excludes daily publications, which means that the more infrequent outlets would get it. It creates the huge conflict of interest by subsidizing outlets who most desperately need the money. And how much money?

The maximum amount that can be awarded to an eligible publication is $1,500,000.

Publication receiving the Government of Canada Refundable Labour Tax Credit (RLTC) can obtain funding from the Special Measures for Journalism component. Please note that the amount of any funding received will be deducted from the RLTC.

The total financial assistance received from Special Measures for Journalism and other levels of government (federal, provincial, territorial and municipal) cannot exceed 75% of any publisher’s total expenditures for the creation, production, marketing and distribution of magazines and community newspapers for the current fiscal year.

Again, this applies to non-daily publications, such as weekly or monthly outlets. These are typically the ones who would need it the most. Wonder if giving favourable coverage was a requirement.

If an outlet receives no subsidies, it could theoretically be subsidized under this program to the tune of 75%, or $1.5 million. If subsidies exist from other sources, it could still be topped up to reach that amount.

If a 75% subsidy amounted to $1.5 million, that would mean the organization in question ran up some $2 million in expenses in a year. Considering that non-daily outlets are excluded, most, if not all, of the less frequently published media companies would fall into these limits.

Similar to the Canadian Periodicals Fund, there is the disclaimer that “periodicals that contain offensive content in the opinion of the department of Canadian Heritage” may not receive funding.

This program is similar in many ways to the Canadian Periodical Fund, but removes many of the limitations that had been imposed.

9. Canadian Media Is Bought Off

Even for periodicals that didn’t qualify normally, there is now a grant of up to $1.5 million for the year. One has to assume that any coverage of the “pandemic” would be friendly towards the Government.

Regarding outlets that didn’t qualify beforehand, are they really going to bite the hand that feeds them? After all, if their coverage becomes too critical of the Government narrative, they may find that the CRTC concludes their content to be offensive.

Even without an access to information request, it’s possible to estimate how much an organization will take. If it’s a regular publication, and the approximately salaries are known, just multiply $13,750 times the number of employees. For less frequent publications, just multiply their total expenses by 75%. Far from exact, but these will provide rough estimates.

Now, are any of these media outlets likely to seriously challenge the Government on this “pandemic” narrative? Probably not.

Go back to the video at the start. Even Tam admits that social media censors, both by deleting content, and by using the algorithms to make them invisible.

10. Followup With Canada Revenue Agency

Hello ********,

The Government remains committed to supporting newsrooms while respecting the basic principle of journalistic independence.

Now, more than ever, strong and independent news media are essential to contribute to an informed public and an effective democracy.

To be eligible for the journalism tax measures, an organization must first be designated as a qualified Canadian journalism organization (QCJO). Once designated, a QCJO must then meet additional criteria for each of the tax measures:

· The Canadian journalism labour tax credit, a 25% refundable tax credit on salaries or wages payable in respect of an eligible newsroom employee for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019.

· The digital news subscription tax credit, a 15% non-refundable personal income tax credit for digital news subscription costs paid by an individual to a qualified Canadian journalism organization, which applies to qualifying amounts paid after 2019 and before 2025.

· A new type of qualified donee called a registered journalism organization for not-for-profit journalism organizations, which is in effect as of January 1, 2020.

A QCJO that meets the additional criteria can claim the Canadian journalism labour tax credit by completing schedule T2SCH58 Canadian Journalism Labour Tax Credit and filing it with its return of income for the year.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has been receiving QCJO applications since December 2019. With the establishment of the Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures (the Board) in March 2020, and the legislative amendments that were proposed in April 2020, the CRA is in a position to provide journalism organizations with the support they need, beginning with the QCJO designation.

You can find information about applying for QCJO designation and the application form at Qualified Canadian journalism organization.

The CRA is working with the Board to seek its recommendations on whether applicant organizations meet certain QCJO criteria related to original news content and journalistic principles and processes.

The confidentiality provisions of the Income Tax Act prevent the CRA from disclosing the names of organizations that have applied for, received, or been denied QCJO designation. We are able to advise that QCJO designations are now being issued, with files being addressed on the basis of the order they were received.

For more information on the tax measures to support journalism, please go to Frequently Asked Questions.



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CV #28(D): CPC; O’Toole; Rempel Act As Gatekeepers In “Pandemic” Opposition

This is a screenshot from November 3rd from Health Canada. It states that 200,000 people in Canada have already recovered from this virus. Yet, this is will never be mentioned by Conservatives, nor will they ever question the bogus science behind the pandemic narrative.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Opposition Motion Entirely Just For Show

That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on the emergency situation facing Canadians in light of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that this study evaluate, review and examine any issues relevant to this situation, such as, but not limited to:
(a) rapid and at-home testing approvals and procurement process and schedule, and protocol for distribution;
(b) vaccine development and approvals process, procurement schedules, and protocol for distribution;
(c) federal public health guidelines and the data being used to inform them for greater clarity on efficacy;
(d) current long-term care facility COVID-19 protocols as they pertain solely to federal jurisdiction;
(e) the availability of therapeutics and treatment devices for Canadians diagnosed with COVID-19;
(f) the early warning system, Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN);
(g) the government’s progress in evaluating pre- and post-arrival rapid testing for travellers;
(h) the availability of paid sick leave for those in need, including quarantine and voluntary isolation;
(i) the adequacy of health transfer payments to the provinces, in light of the COVID-19 crisis;
(j) the impact of the government’s use of World Heath Organization (WHO) advice in early 2020 to delay the closure of borders and delay in the recommendation of wearing of masks on the spread of COVID-19 in Canada;
(k) the Public Health Agency of Canada’s communication strategy regarding COVID-19;
(l) the development, efficacy and use of data related to the government’s COVID Alert application;
(m) Canada’s level of preparedness to respond to another pandemic;
(n) the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Canada and a review of Canada’s emergency stockpile of PPE between 2015 and present;
(o) the government’s contact tracing protocol, including options considered, technology, timelines and resources;
(p) the government’s consideration of and decision not to invoke the federal Emergencies Act;
provided that,
(q) this study begin no later than seven days following the adoption of this motion;
(r) the committee present its findings to the House upon completion and, notwithstanding Standing Order 109, that the government provide a comprehensive response to these findings within 30 days;
(s) evidence and documentation received by the committee during its study of the Canadian response to the outbreak of the coronavirus, commenced during the first session of the 43rd Parliament, be taken into consideration by the committee in the current study;
(t) that each party represented on the committee be entitled to select one witness per one-hour witness panel, and two witnesses per two-hour witness panel;
(u) an order of the House do issue for all memoranda, emails, documents, notes or other records from the Office of the Prime Minister, the Privy Council Office, the office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the office of the Minister of Health, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, concerning options, plans and preparations for the GPHIN since January 1, 2018;
(v) an order of the House do issue for a record of all communications between the government and the WHO in respect of options, plans or preparations for any future operation, or absence thereof, of the GPHIN, since January 1, 2018;
(w) an order of the House do issue for all memoranda, emails, documents, notes and other records from the Office of the Prime Minister, the Privy Council Office, the office of the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, the office of the Minister of Health, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, concerning plans, preparations, approvals and purchasing of COVID-19 testing products including tests, reagents, swabs, laboratory equipment and other material related to tests and testing applications used in the diagnosis of COVID-19, since March 19, 2020;
(x) an order of the House do issue for all memoranda, emails, documents, notes and other records from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Privy Council Office, the office of the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, the office of the Minister of Health, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada concerning plans, preparations and purchasing of PPE, including gowns, gloves, masks, respirators, ventilators, visors and face shields, since March 19, 2020;
(y) an order of the House do issue for all memoranda, e-mails, documents, notes and other records relating to the COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force and its subcommittees;
(z) an order of the House do issue for all memoranda, e-mails, documents, notes and other records relating to the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution and monitoring strategy, including, but not limited to anticipated timelines for the distribution of an approved COVID-19 vaccine across Canada and the prioritization of population groups for vaccination;
(aa) minutes of meetings of the cabinet and its committees be excluded from this order and all documents issued pursuant to this order (i) be organized by department and be provided to the Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel as soon as is practicable in light of the pandemic, but, in any event, not later than November 30, 2020, and, if this is not possible, the Clerk of the Privy Council may request an extension of no more than seven days, by writing a letter to the committee, (ii) be vetted for matters of personal privacy information and national security, and, with respect to paragraph (y) only, be additionally vetted for information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to interfere with contractual or other negotiations between the Government of Canada and a third party, by the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel within seven days of the receipt of the documents, (iii) be laid upon the table by the Speaker, at the next earliest opportunity, once vetted, and permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Health; and
(bb) within seven days after all documents have been tabled pursuant to paragraph (aa), the Minister of Health, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry be ordered to appear separately as witnesses before the Standing Committee on Health, for at least three hours each.

Seems lovely on the surface, until you stop to think about it. There are many meaningful questions that simply don’t make it into the motion. The Conservatives only complain about the handling and implementation of this so-called pandemic. They have no criticism or questions for the declaration, or premeditation. This Motion is done to divert attention from the real issues.

3. Questions Conservatives Should Be Asking

[1] Why was modelling from Imperial College London even used in the first place? Why wasn’t his connections to Gates discussed openly, and his record for failures?

[2] Why are we still relying on doomsday modelling that is at best unreliable?

[3] Has this virus even been properly isolated and purified? If not, then how can any progress be made at all?

[4] Why isn’t the error rate of these PCR tests being discussed? Or the admitted lies and fabrications? It’s not much of a secret that they are unreliable at best. So why use them at all? Why is the focus simply on getting them faster?

[5] Why no mention of the fact that there is no real evidence that masks work? Even the World Health Organization has come forward and admitted that?

[6] What science is there is telling people to remain 2 meters apart, when even the WHO only ever lists 1 meter on their website?

[7] How are the “group sizes” determined? BCPHO Bonnie Henry openly admits there’s no science behind it, so how are these decisions made?

[8] Does the Government really find it legal and justified to order entire industries to close down? How are so-called non-essential businesses determined anyway?

[9] Why is Theresa Tam’s involvement with WHO being swept under the rug? Why is there no mention that Chrystia Freeland is a Trustee at the World Economic Forum? Does the talk about the “GREAT RESET” not set off any alarm bells with anyone?

[10] Instead of pushing for a vaccine, why is there no mention about the side effects going on in various trials? Or that this virus has a 99.9% survival rate anyway?

[11] Why is there no concern over the monetization of the vaccine trials, or of the extensive lobbying that has gone on behind the scenes?

[12] Why did Dominic LeBlanc openly suggest in April that laws should be passed to combat misinformation?

[13] Why is Canada subjected to the legally binding International Health Regulations of the WHO, and why did WHO write the 2005 Quarantine Act for Canada?

[14] Why are all other causes of death, and preventative care being ignored in favour of an overblown pandemic?

[15] Why is there no discussion (or even mention) about the various legal challenges filed against these arbitrary pandemic measures?

[16] Why no inquiry into the media’s complicity and willingness to be used as propaganda outlets, promoting an obviously false narrative? They obviously have a price.

[17] Why no mention of the social media collusion?

[18] Why have politicians (Provincially and Federally), abdicated their duties to govern and just handed everything over to unelected bureaucrats?

[19] Why is CANZUK still being pushed?

[20] Why is increased immigration still being pushed?

[21] Why are fake refugees from the U.S. still coming into Canada, and why has Roxham Road almost disappeared from media coverage? Is this coordinated?

[22] Are coronavirus internment camps coming, and if not, why put out requests for proposals?

[23] Are forced curfews/lockdowns coming?

There are more of course. But by refusing to ask these kinds of questions, it becomes clear that the Conservative motion claiming to hold the Government accountable is entirely for show.

4. Rempel Deflects With Minor Issues

On some level these “gotchya” moments are entertaining to see. Hypocrisy by a public official is always noteworthy. However, in light of the hard questions that AREN’T being asked (see above items), it seems a cheap way to score points.

Notice that’s there’s no pointed questions about why masks are being pushed on the public in the first place. No real inquiry into how necessary these restrictions are in the first place. These tweets don’t mean much when the difficult issues are not being advanced.

5. Conservatives Are Token Opposition

Cathy’s Secretary (October 23, 2020)

Cathy’s Response (October 30, 2020)

From 2 recent conversations with my MP’s secretary. Note: the Member of Parliament calls herself a “conservative” and claims to oppose the Trudeau Liberals. A few takeaways here.

[A] Canada is in fact subject to the dictates of the World Health Organization. Article 21(A) of the WHO Constitution specifies quarantine measures, and Article 22 says it’s binding unless a country opts out early enough. Also, the International Health Regulations, (IHR), are legally binding. Either the CPC is being deceitful, or are absolutely clueless.

[B] Apparently Erin O’Toole has backed off on his stance supporting the use of the Emergencies Act. The claim is that he only supported it because so little was known. Assuming that’s true, then why the demand to know why the Government didn’t use it? And why the instinct to be an authoritarian?

[C] The CPC still supports flooding Canada with large numbers of people in the middle of a “pandemic”. How exactly can we ensure safety, when there is a 2 week gap before infection shows? And why have immigration at all when Canada has its highest unemployment ever?

6. Conservatives Are Globalists At Heart

It’s also sickening that O’Toole and the Conservatives continue pushing for CANZUK, which is a literally erasure of borders. O’Toole recently tried to justify is as a way to stand up to Communist China. That falls flat, however, when it’s pointed out that the CPC enthusiastically supports FIPA. This party is not, and will never be, anything more than the illusion of opposition, to ward off and co-opt real populist alternatives.

O’Toole also complains that Trudeau was 2 months late closing the border, but the border was never actually closed. Moreover, he seems fine with even higher levels of immigration.

And while complaining that the borders should have been closed (in regards to the pandemic), O’Toole is on record saying that he wants to expand CANZUK, to “let more and more countries in”. There’s no indication that he has changed his mind at all on this. Then we get to this little gem:

By the way, it’s not just 300,000 or 400,000 people coming into Canada each year. That’s not even close.

This issue has been addressed countless times here, but the amount of people entering Canada is much, much higher than what the public is lead to believe.

Open borders, while in the middle of a pandemic.
And all while irrelevant things are argued in Parliament

CV #28(C): Manitoba’s “Conservative” Premier, Brian Pallister, Considering Curfew

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister: will this become Canada’s version of Dan Andrews?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Pallister Proposes “Temporary” Curfew

Why is it always the conservatives (at least in Canada), who turn out to be the biggest tyrants? Is it ideological, or are they being bribed or threatened?

Yes, we’re stepping up enforcement.
Yes, we need to be proactive.
Yes, we need to be preventative in our decision making.
And so, I also want Manitobans perspective on an initiative that’s been taken in other jurisdictions around the world. It’s actually been taken in Manitoba as well, and we are giving serious consideration to it.
As with all of our plans, we make them available to Manitobans before they’re implemented, and I want to do the same with this one.
We’re giving serious consideration to implementing a curfew, a curfew that would be designed to restrict travel between key hours, when gathering sizes tend to be dangerously in excess of the rules, (late night hours, obviously).
These late night situations in Winnipeg have expanded out Covid cases very significantly, According to Dr. Roussin, this is an action we should seriously consider, and I am seriously considering it now. I want Manitobans to tell us what they think of the idea of a limited period curfew (we hope very short time period is involved here). But, this potential measure will have to be acted upon. If Manitobans can support and encourage it. If they disagree, I want to hear from them.

It all seems so harmless and well intentioned, doesn’t it? Pallister actually comes across as a sincere person, but anyone who pays attention knows where this is heading.

3. This Is Only The Beginning

There is little doubt that Brian Pallister will “claim” there is widespread support for curfews, even if the overwhelming majority oppose it. Alternatively, he may claim that it’s the call of Public Health, and he has no say in the matter.

Calling it “temporary” or “limited” are just soft sells to deceive people into what is really going to happen. Look at Australia as a model.

CV #28(B): Trolling Sadie Hunter’s Stream, Rigged BC Provincial Election, Puppets

This might be considered a teachable moment. If you are running as a candidate, and there is an all-party agreement to abdicate governing to BC Public Health, it shouldn’t be advertised. Therefore, sending unsolicited invitations to investigative journalists may not be the best option.

Another learning moment: There’s not much point in voting for your party if NOT governing is part of the agenda.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. BC Provincial Election Rigged In Advance

MILOBAR: BC Liberals (Monday, October 5th)

HUNTER: BC NDP (Wednesday, October 7th)

MARTIN: BC GREENS (Thursday, October 15th)

As was previously covered in this piece, the BC Liberals, BC NDP, and BC Greens all have an agreement to hand over control of the “pandemic measures” to Bonnie Henry. The BC Conservatives, whether by design, or just being disorganized, never returned multiple messages for information.

3. Sadie Hunter Won’t Answer Hard Questions

Asking difficult questions (even if done in a respectful way), is apparently grounds to boot people out of a Zoom call. Just a tip, if you want to run for public office, difficult questions are going to come up.

4. Opening BC Better Option Than Welfare

Just an opinion, but perhaps reopening BC is a good option. Certainly it’s a better long term one than simply pumping up the welfare, which is what this person suggested.

5. BCPHO Bonnie No-Science-Behind-It Henry

This was covered in Part 56. BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry admits there’s no science behind a lot of what she does. Remember, all parties support leaving the “pandemic measures” to her. BC MLA Peter Milobar refers to her as “an expert”.

6. BCPHO Bonnie Henry Lowballs True Error Rate

Bonnie Henry Previously said that there can be a 30% error rate when it comes to testing, but the truth is actually much worse than that.

Queue a partial response on an access to information request, and we are told the following information. This confirms what had previously been published on the site.

Good afternoon,
Please see the Ministry’s response below-
The sensitivity/specificity (false positive/false negative) of:
Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT):
“A statistic commonly quoted is that there is a 30% chance of a false negative result for a NAT test in a patient with COVID-19 infection (i.e., a 70% sensitivity)… Ultimately, for COVID-19 testing, there is currently no gold standard, and the overall clinical sensitivity and specificity of NAT in patients with COVID-19 infection is unknown (i.e., how well NAT results correlate with clinical infection, “true positivity” or “true negativity” rate).”
Antibody testing:
Based on the published literature, commercial laboratory-based assays are about 95% sensitive at ~30 days post symptom onset and the specificity is approximately 99.5%.”
Please advise if these publicly available links suffice the specific portion of request discussed in the below email.
Thank you!

Despite there being quotes thrown around that there is a 30% false negative rate, the fact is that BC Health really has no idea what the error rate is.

This is a little confusing. Although the error rate for the virus tests themselves is completely unknown, the success rate for anti-body testing is supposed to be 95%? Really? Are we sure that this number isn’t just completely made up as well?

7. Bonnie’s 2015 Testimony On Vaxx/Masks

Sault Area Hospital and Ontario Nurses’ Association, 2015 CanLII 55643 (ON LA)

This came from a labour arbitration hearing in 2015. Bonnie Henry (yes, that Bonnie Henry), testified as an expert. She said there was little evidence to support either the vaccination or mask mandate that the Sault Area Hospital demanded. Her testimony also helped influence proceedings in 2016, and 2018. Now, 5 years later, she says something completely different. It seems incomprehensible that BC health care workers “wouldn’t” know about this. Unless of course, they do know, and are remaining silent for some reason.

8. WHO’s International Health Regulations

This has been addressed before. As part of its membership with the World Health Organization, Canada is forced to comply with the legally binding “International Health Regulations”.

For some perspective, IHR (and the 2005 Quarantine Act), came from the WHO. Unelected bureaucrats (Bonnie Henry, Deena Hinshaw, Barbara Yaffe, Theresa Tam, etc….), are then put in charge of implementing those supra-national dictates.

Why aren’t candidates being forthcoming about this? Why isn’t this obligation to the WHO being openly and honestly discussed by the mainstream media in Canada? Here is one theory:

9. BC NDP, HC Workers, A Bit Cozy?

Barb Nederpel, Vice President of Kamloops North NDP, President of Hospital Employees Union

This may be nothing, but it did seem rather strange that at least 3 people in the very small stream (15 people) all had ties to the health care field. Health care workers should be outraged at the lies and deception that NDP Premier John Horgan has perpetuated in the Province.

Then again, considering the NDP, Greens and Liberals have a pact to hand off everything to Bonnie Henry, there really isn’t much of a choice in voting. Sadie herself has said that she supports keeping these restrictions in place in BC until people are vaccinated. Never mind all the shoddy “science” behind it.

As for all of the “models” which predict death waves to come: predictions aren’t evidence of anything. They are guesses. And we need to address Neil Ferguson and Imperial College London.

It’s upsetting just how little people are speaking out about what is happening in BC (among other Provinces). It’s not like any of this is difficult to find.

CV #28: The B.C. Election Just An Illusion Of Choice, All Parties Compromised

BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry wields great power in the Province. All parties are content to abdicate their duty to govern. Despite there being a Provincial election, none of them seem to have any interest in changing this. BC is run by an unelected bureaucrat. There’s no science in limiting group size to 50 people (see 1:00 in video), but she does it anyway.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances: the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Also: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations are legally binding. See here, here, and here.

2. Ethical Concerns Over Recordings? Nope

Would it have been proper to let the people know ahead of time that this was being recorded, and would be posted later? Probably, but the public is best served by knowing the truth. And the truth is that the major parties play along with the “pandemic” scare, and don’t differ on these human rights violations. It is just the illusion of choice.

3. Peter Milobar: BC Liberals (Incumbent)

MILOBAR: BC Liberals

BCPHO Bonnie Henry was actually appointed when the BC Liberals were still in power. There is no intention to replace her, or even override her orders. Milobar says that the rules allow her to make orders, but who was it who wrote the rules in the first place?

4. Sadie Hunter: BC NDP (Challenger)


Apparently, all parties agreed to let BC Public Health make all the decisions. However, this is an abdication of their duty to govern. Hunter says that the measures will remain in place until there is a vaccine.
NDP 2020 Platform

5. Thomas Martin: BC Greens (Challenger)


Again, all of the parties are on board with letting Public Health (Bonnie) run the affairs of the province. The only real difference seemed to be on some of the spending details.

6. BC Conservative Party

At the time of publication, the BC Conservatives haven’t responded to numerous attempts to talk about what their policies were regarding these “pandemic” measures. However, their platform doesn’t mention it, so it’s unlikely to be a serious concern. Also, consider what Premiers like Ford, Kenney and LeGault are currently doing. CPC Leader Erin O’Toole previously criticized Trudeau for not being authoritarian enough.

7. BC’s Dictator-In-Chief: Bonnie Henry

This is too long to address in even a single article, but Bonnie Henry lets it leak out over time that there is no real science behind anything that she does. See the link for some of the more obvious problems. This is who really runs the Province of BC.

To those saying “get out and go vote”, I would have to ask: why?