Groups Calling For Vaccine Passports Heavily Subsidized By Government

Jeff Guignard of the Alliance of Beverage Licensees B.C. claims that vaccine passports are widely supported, and that these companies “will have her [Bonnie Henry’s] back the way we have throughout the entire pandemic”. This was a July 27, 2021 showing on CTV News, and the video is posted above for full context.

This sounds lovely (or revolting) depending on your view. However, why does the Alliance of Beverage Licensees have Bonnie’s back? Why are they so supportive? Is this solidarity ideological, or financial in nature? We will get into that, and more.

At 1:07, Bonnie talks about people being more comfortable. That was basically the rationale behind masks on public transit last August. Talk about passive aggressive.

Bit of a side note: it would have been nice if in the video (see above), Guignard had disclosed the fact that he spent years as a staffer for the Liberal Party of Canada. He worked in the small business critic’s office. Of course, that same Party is now ruling Canada, and likewise supports vaccine passports. Of course, CTV didn’t take it upon themselves to mention it either, assuming they even knew about it.

Keep in mind, the British Columbia Restaurant and Foodservices Association and B.C. Hotel Association are also getting the CEWS. So are many, many organizations. Perhaps they think it unwise to bite the hand that feeds them.

As the topic of vaccine passports becomes a reality, a surprising number of retailers — across different sectors — appear to be clamouring for them. Why is that? What do they stand to gain from forcing vaccination by employees and/or customers? Won’t customers stay away, and won’t people quit? See this prior article for these passports coming to B.C.

Yes, they will quit or avoid the premises. However, given the myriad of Government programs available, it seems this is a financial decision for many. Sure, some will be driven by other things, but others see getting handouts as a worthwhile way of doing business. Free money, isn’t it?

Now, being “funded by the Government” really means being funded by the taxpayers. This happens either through direct spending, or deficit spending. Most know this of course, but it’s worth mentioning.

To be clear, this issue of taxpayers propping up businesses unnecessarily is not limited to B.C., or even to Canada. This looks like a coordinated effort to collapse economies everywhere.

A bit of a disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list of all the grants that businesses are getting. It is, however, intended to be a guide to show just how widespread this is, and where the public’s money is really going. Also, this piece is not an authoritative source, but a good faith research effort.

To check out individual grants at the Federal level, OPEN SEARCH is a pretty good resource. The Provinces have their own listings for how they spend money.

Now, there are several programs to look at, starting with CEWS, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Program. In fact, typing that into OPEN SEARCH results in thousands of hits. But in fairness, many of those were programs in place years ago, and hence irrelevant.

  • Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association
  • Association Des Hoteliers Du Quebec/Hotel Association of Quebec
  • Association Des Hotels Du Grand Montreal
  • Association Hotelier De La Region De Quebec
  • British Columbia Hotel Association
  • Hotel Association of Canada Inc.
  • Manitoba Hotel Association Inc.
  • Ottawa Gatineau Hotel Association
  • Regina Hotel Association Inc.
  • Saskatchewan Hotel & Hospitality Association
  • The Fairways At Bear Mountain Resort Owners’ Association
  • The Toronto Hotel Association
  • Vancouver Hotel Destination Association

Hotel associations, as the name implies, are set up to advocate — as a bloc — for the interests of hotel owners. They subscribe to the notion of strength in numbers.

Just by typing “hotel association“, there are 13 organizations that are flagged in the CEWS program. It was set up to cover the salaries of workers, up to 75%, if they had seen a drop in income due to lockdowns and business closures.

There is currently a proposal to extend the program to October 2021. Remember, it was originally only supposed to last a few months in the Spring of 2020, to get businesses going again. Strange, that these “temporary” programs never seem to be that.

1. What is the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy? Updated: July 2, 2021
The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (wage subsidy) is a subsidy that was initially available for a period of 12 weeks (made up of three four-week periods), from March 15, 2020 to June 6, 2020, that provides a subsidy of up to 75% of eligible remuneration, paid by an eligible entity (eligible employer) that qualifies, to each eligible employee – up to a maximum of $847 per week.
The government subsequently extended the wage subsidy until June 5, 2021, for a total of 64 weeks consisting of 16 four-week periods.
In the April 19, 2021 budget announcement, the government has further extended the wage subsidy for an additional 16 weeks (i.e., four more four-week periods) from June 6, 2021 to September 25, 2021, with the ability to extend the wage subsidy further to November 30, 2021

The above quote comes from the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section of the CEWS program. Talk about shifting the goalposts. Of course, this means that many businesses will be able to have wages (mostly) covered, even if they aren’t selling anything.

In fairness, the CEWS Registry doesn’t disclose how much has been paid. However, salaries are typically the single biggest expense of any company, so getting funding for that can go a long way.

By typing in “hotel” into the CEWS search, we will see that 1030 businesses were flagged as receiving grant money. “Motel” results in another 576 hits. This does include multiples in a chain. For example, Best Western has 83 of its buildings funded with this program. Typing in “restaurant” leads to another 6065 results.

Granted, there will be a bit of overlap, but this is a good reference point.

As for all those banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions who want to vaxx their employees, start searching their names in the Registry. One can play with the CEWS search indefinitely, but we do need to move on.

This will stand out a bit. Currently, there is the CRHP, the Canada Recovery Hiring Program. This is in some ways a substitute to the CEWS, and will subsidize the expenses of new hires. There is also the Work Sharing Program, where employees agree to work less, in order for everyone to stay employed. Think about this. Ottawa will subsidize new hires, and also pay people to work less. Or rather, the public will subsidize it.

Also, various loan and financing programs are set up to cover the gap that others will not. Guess the issue with this (one of many), is that is the loans are defaulted on, the Government could theoretically take the business. This being the same Government who caused the crash in the first place.

There are also programs to subsidize the costs of having TFW (Temporary Foreign Workers) isolated for their quarantine period. Even as we pay people to reduce their hours, or not work at all, we pay more to bring people into the country to work. Can’t make this stuff up.

CERS, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, is another major program that has become a money pit for taxpayers. Keep in mind, without the shutdowns from this fake pandemic, none of this would be needed.

The statistics page is updated regularly. As of August 8, 2021, these were 1,404,830 subsidies approved overall. Breaking it down by amounts, we get the following numbers:

Under $500 176,940
$500 to $1K 223,030
$1K to $1.5K 186,140
$1.5K to $2K 146,300
$2K to $4K 333,070
$4K to $10K 230,540
Over $10K 108,800

That’s interesting that the numbers all seem to end in zero, but apparently that is due to rounding. There have been 1,447,690 applications received, with 203,120 unique applicants approved. This suggests that the bulk of companies are getting multiple subsidies.

As of the time of writing this, there has been $5.69 billion spent on the program, with Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy making up $4.83 billion, or the bulk, and Lockdown Support being another $859.3 million.

According to the details of the program, or each claim period, businesses can claim eligible expenses up to a maximum of:

$75,000 per business location (base and top-up)
$300,000 in total for all locations (including any amounts claimed by affiliated entities)

Keep in mind, that’s money that public is debt financing. Also, remember that many of these are in the hospitality and “non essential” sectors. This means that they have been getting paid to close, or operate on a partial capacity. These places will also be the first to implement vaccine passports.

The site also gives details on how to calculate the rent subsidy. Interestingly, the rental subsidies seem to be shrinking, while “lockdown supports” are growing.

Most people know about CERB/CRB/EI and other programs of “emergency funding”. However, it’s rather disingenuous, considering Governments are causing the crises they now claim to be preventing. The hegelian dialectic is clear for all to see.

In reality, the Governments are subsidizing companies to downsize, and people to not work. Does anyone seriously think this is about a virus?

Anyone catching on here?

The CFIB, Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses, contains a pretty thorough list of what benefits are available, both Federally and Provincially. To their credit, the coverage is quite detailed and helpful.

That said, their President, Dan Kelly, seems a bit too enthusiastic about all of this. See here and here. Some might think this whole thing is just for show. One would hope that there would be a greater emphasis on getting people back to work. There doesn’t appear to be any urgency on his part to get his members fully operational again, which is very strange.

While the CFIB may not directly be receiving money, their members pay them dues. Since this group pushes for more grants, this effectively makes the other companies middlemen.

One of the things the CFIB has been pushing for is a moratorium on evictions from commercial properties. Now, they don’t seem all that concerned with fully opening businesses up, but want them to be able to remain where they are. In essence, property rights for landlords disappears. They fight for loans, grants, and tax deferrals, but not for economic freedom.

The Toronto Region Board of Trade has also loudly called for restrictions and vaccine passports. Of course, they are heavily funded by Government, and are too close with China. One would think that a group advancing “trade” would support as much freedom as possible, but it seems not. Pretty screwy when these organizations come across as more authoritarian and Communist than actual Communists.

More and more colleges and universities are demanding vaccinations. Some apply this to everyone entering the campus, while others limit it to those living in dormitories. Oddly, they never mention that these injections are still only authorized on an interim basis, and not formally approved. Most are actually registered charities, whose finances are propped up under this classification.

Chapters-Indigo became notorious for not allowing people in without masks, even those with legitimate medical exemptions. Of course, Canadians propped this company up with over $20 million in handouts in the year 2020. Sure, we can boycott them, but it’s pretty meaningless when they just get bailed out. While they haven’t announced a vaccine passport requirement (yet), this company seems pretty likely to.

Of course, the media in Canada cheers loudly for more restrictions, more lockdowns, and more erosion of basic rights. Even “alternative” media and journalists offer only the most tepid opposition. Of course, looking at some of the grants they get (see bottom of article), things start to make sense. Additionally, this doesn’t include all of the ad space that gets bought up by Federal and Provincial Governments. Heck, the whole series is worth checking out.

Agence Science-Presse 2019-2020 $129,345
Apathy is Boring 2018-2019 $100,000
Apathy is Boring 2019-2020 $340,000
Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada 2019-2020 $460,000
Canadian News Media Association 2019-2020 $484,300
CIVIX 2018-2019 $275,000
CIVIX 2019-2020 $400,000
Encounters with Canada 2018-2019 $100,000
Quebec Professional Journalists 2019-2020 $202,570
Global Vision 2019-2020 $260,000
Historica Canada 2019-2020 $250,000
Institute for Canadian Citizenship 2019-2020 $250,000
Journalists for Human Rights 2019-2020 $250,691
Magazines Canada 2019-2020 $63,000
McGill University 2019-2020 $1,196,205
MediaSmarts 2019-2020 $650,000
New Canadian Media 2019-2020 $66,517
Ryerson University 2019-2020 $290,250
Samara Centre for Democracy 2019-2020 $59,200
Sask Weekly Newspapers Ass’n 2019-2020 $70,055
Simon Fraser University 2019-2020 $175,000
Vubble Inc. Unboxed project 2019-2020 $299,000

As just a very small sample, these are some of the “anti-misinformation” grants that had been handed out. Note: this is prior to the so-called pandemic, and mostly center around elections and democracy. It speaks volumes when not only is the media Government funded, but the fact checkers are as well.

And this doesn’t even cover the social media collusions, and censorship. They don’t even bother to hide that anymore.

Have you also noticed how more and more sports teams are demanding vaccinations from both players and fans? Take a look through the CEWS index. A surprising number of them are getting the wage subsidy. Imagine this: your taxes pay for this (now even more so), and in order to attend a game, you need to have a vaccine and a mask, and shell out outrageous amounts to millionaire athletes.

One such example is the Toronto Blue Jays, which is owned by Rogers Communications. They just made the announcement that everyone — including fans — would either need a vaccine passport, or a negative test. This is, of course, just one of many who are being funded by the public, to exclude the public.

Do you get it now, Canadians? Can you see why there are so many people that would be happy to keep the scam-demic going? There’s a lot of money to be made in all of this, including by crashing the economy. Experts like Abdu Sharkawy do quite well on the speaking circuit, spreading doomsday warnings.

This only ends in one of two ways: either society collapses, or there is sufficient pushback to stop it. At this point, option #1 seems more likely.



Alberta Health Services: Mostly-Autonomous Corporation, Charity

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is the provincial health agency tasked with delivering health services to Albertans.
Alberta Health is the government department that sets policy, legislation and standards for the health system in Alberta. It also:
-allocates funding for and oversees AHS and many other health agencies and boards
pays physicians
-is responsible for primary care
-protects Albertans from infectious diseases
-administers provincial programs such as the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

From the governance page, it appears that Alberta Health Services, and Alberta Health are in fact 2 different entities. The former more of day to day operations, and the later more involved in budgets and administration.

Alberta Health is a Ministry in the Executive Council of Alberta. By contrast, Alberta Health Services is a semi-autonomous organization that actually runs the care in the Province.

From its 2017 governance chart, Alberta Health Services answers directly to the Ministry of Health, and then has power over other groups. However, the current Health Minister is Tyler Shandro, who has no background in health care, (much like Adrian Dix of B.C.).

AHS is a corporate body consisting of members (Members), who are commonly referred to as the “Board”. The Board governs AHS, overseeing the management of its business and affairs. In accordance with the AHS Amended General Bylaws and subject to legislation governing public agencies, the Board may recruit, direct, evaluate, determine the compensation of and, if required, dismiss a chief executive officer (CEO). The CEO is responsible for the general supervision over the business and affairs of AHS. The Board has a fiduciary duty to carry out its responsibilities for the benefit, and in the interests, of AHS, within, and in accordance with, the applicable legislation.

Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH)
The CMOH is appointed by the Minister under the Public Health Act, which is paramount to all other provincial legislation with the exception of the Alberta Bill of Rights


There is also that “minor” detail that the Alberta Bill of Rights tops everything, including the Public Health Act, but that routinely gets ignored.

From its mandate letter, Alberta Health Services is subject to both the Public Agencies Governance Act, (PAGA), and the Regional Health Authorities Act, (RHAA).

AHS is structured as a corporate body. When it refers to “Members”, it means Board Members, not the tens of thousands of employees involved in health care.

An observation: the Board has an obligation to carry out its responsibilities for the benefit and interest of AHS. It doesn’t specify for the benefit and interest of the public. An oversight?

Each Member, Official Administrator, Senior Executive, or Employee, acting in good faith and with a view to the best interests of AHS, shall not be liable for, and is hereby released from:
(a) the acts, neglects or defaults of any other Member, Official Administrator, Senior Executive or Employee;
(b) any loss, damage or expense happening through the insufficiency or deficiency of title to any property acquired;
(c) the insufficiency or deficiency of any security in or upon which any of the monies shall be invested;
(d) any loss, damage or expense arising from the bankruptcy, insolvency or tortious act of any person with whom any of the monies, securities or effects shall be deposited;
(e) any loss occasioned by any error of judgment or oversight on his or her part; and
(f) any other loss, damage or misfortune whatever which shall happen in the execution of the duties of his or her office or in relation thereto.
(a) To the greatest extent permitted by law including s. 2.5(1) of the Regional Health Authorities Regulation, a Member, Official Administrator, Senior Executive, Employee, a former Member, Senior Executive, or Employee, or a person who, at the Board’s request, acts or act as a director, officer, or employee of a body corporate in which the Board is or was a shareholder or creditor, shall be indemnified against all costs, charges, and expenses including an amount paid to settle an action or satisfy a judgment if reasonably incurred by him or her in respect of any civil, criminal, or administrative action or proceeding to which he or she is made a party by reason of being or having been a Member, Official Administrator, Senior Executive, or Employee, or director, officer, or employee of such body corporate, if:
(i) he or she acted honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of AHS; and
(ii) in the case of a criminal or administrative action or proceeding that is enforced by a monetary penalty, he or she had reasonable grounds for believing that such conduct was lawful.
(b) If a court order is required to provide the indemnity in Article 12.2(a), AHS shall proceed in good faith to obtain that order.
(c) The indemnity provided for in Article 12.2(a) shall be deemed to have been in effect from the date AHS or its legal predecessors were established unless a later date is stated in the indemnity.
The indemnity provided in Article 12.2 shall:
(a) not operate in limitation of any other indemnity which is otherwise available;
(b) apply notwithstanding the fact that the person having the benefit of the indemnity may serve or has served in any other capacity; and
(c) not be included, for the purposes of any supplemental bylaw dealing with debt obligations, guarantees, indemnity obligations, and capital leases, in the calculation of outstanding debt obligations, guarantee obligations, indemnity obligations, and capital lease obligations.

In its By-Laws, Alberta Health Services explicitly indemnifies (gives legal protection to) all employees, administration and board members for any action they do.

It also states that if necessary, AHS will go to court to obtain such indemnification.

We know that “vaccine” manufacturers are indemnified against liability. These By-Laws would also provide legal protection to doctors, nurses, or others who end up recommending them and/or injecting them. Just a reminder: interim authorization is not the same thing as approval.

Additionally, there’s an interesting clarification here. The indemnification will apply if the person act in the “best interests of AHS”. It doesn’t say they’ll be indemnified for acting in the best interests of the public. Poor wording, or is there something else?

The By-Laws also states that employees and the bosses will be indemnified even if they serve in another capacity. True, there is a conflict-of-interest declaration. However, in theory, the protections would apply even in those cases.

Article 8.6 states that only members, or specifically authorized people, may address the Board in meetings. So it isn’t really a place for genuine public input.

Regarding the Alberta Public Health Act: know that the current version was heavily based on Bill C-12, the 2005 Quarantine Act. That was derived on the 3rd Edition of the International Health Regulations, which are legally binding. PHAC, the Public Health Agency of Canada, is effectively an extension of the World Health Organization.

AHS is a mostly autonomous corporation delivering health care. The Chief Medical Officer (Deena Hinshaw) is not accountable to the public. Current laws were written by a Supra-National Body. You get it now?

Update To The Article

Alberta Health Services is actually a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. In the last year, it took in some $15.3 billion, mainly from the Alberta Government

Receipted donations $138,000.00 (0.00%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $34,990,000.00 (0.23%)
Government funding $14,364,265,000.00 (93.67%)
All other revenue $936,343,000.00 (6.11%)
Total revenue: $15,335,736,000.00

Charitable programs $15,038,842,000.00 (97.10%)
Management and administration $448,398,000.00 (2.90%)
Fundraising $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $15,487,240,000.00

Total compensation for all positions: $7,824,089,000.00
Full-time employees: 50,899
Part-time employees: 65,004
Professional and consulting fees: $23,812,000.00
Compensated full-time positions $350,000 and over: 10

Alberta Announces (2008) Creation of Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services – Mandate And Role
Alberta Health Services – Bylaws And Rules
Alberta Health Services – Delegation And Authority
Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act
Alberta Regional Health Authorities Act

(1) WHO International Health Regulations Legally Binding
(2) A Look At International Health Regulation Statements
(3) Quarantine Act Actually Written By WHO, IHR Changes
(4) Provincial Health Acts Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR, Part I
(5) Provincial Health Acts Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR, Part II
(6) World Health Treaty Proposed, Based On WHO-IHR

(A) Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As UN Outpost
(B) BC Provincial Health Services Authority A Private Corporation

BC Provincial Health Services Authority Is A Private Corporation, Charity

The PHSA, or Provincial Health Services Authority of British Columbia, is a private organization that runs health care in the Province. It operates similar to SROs, or self-regulating organizations in other Provinces. It was founded in 2001. True, it receives FUNDING from the public, but is set up as a corporation, and acts in an autonomous manner.

Part 2 — Fundamental Matters in Relation to Societies
Division 1 — Nature of Societies
2(1) Subject to subsection (2), a society may be formed under this Act for one or more lawful purposes, including, without limitation, agricultural, artistic, benevolent, charitable, educational, environmental, patriotic, philanthropic, political, professional, recreational, religious, scientific, social or sporting purposes.
(2) A society must not have, as one of its purposes, the carrying on of a business for profit or gain, but carrying on a business to advance or support the purposes of a society is not prohibited by this subsection.
(3) The registrar may, in writing and giving reasons, order a society to alter its purposes if the registrar considers one or more of those purposes to be contrary to this Act or otherwise unlawful.

Liability of members
5 A member of a society is not, in that capacity, liable for a debt or other liability of the society.
Capacity and powers of society
6 A society has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of an individual of full capacity.

Division 3 — Incorporation of Societies
Application for incorporation
13 One or more persons may incorporate a society by filing with the registrar an incorporation application that
(a) sets out the name reserved under section 9 [name] for the society and the reservation number given for that name,
(b) contains
(i) a constitution,
(ii) bylaws, and
(iii) a statement of directors and registered office, and
(c) sets out the full name and contact information of each of the applicants for incorporation.

The PHSA, is a corporation that acts under the BC Societies Act. It has the by-laws and constitution like any other company, and has the legal protections and rights of a full person.

In section 2.1 of its By-Laws, the PHSA specifies that there must always be at least one person appointed from the University of British Columbia. Very strange to have a quota system from an institution. It’s even more strange since Adrian Dix and several members running PHSA also have attended UBC.

Members are also able to rack up large debts in the name of the PHSA, but won’t be held personally responsible for any of them.

Why does all of this matter? Because the PHSA is the group that oversees all health care in British Columbia. According to a 2018 mandate letter from Health Minister Adrian Dix:

PHSA is directed to develop, review, and/or update evidence informed provincial clinical policy, in alignment with the policy direction set by the Ministry, to ensure appropriate, consistent, and equitable patient care services to strengthen the quality of our system of health care, in the following areas:
• Cancer Health
• Women’s Health
• Perinatal Health
• Children’s Health
• Mental Health and Substance Use (as requested by the Ministry of Mental Health and
• Forensic Psychiatric
• Health Care for Provincial Correctional Institutions
• Out-of-Hospital Emergency Health
• Disease control
• Renal Health
• Cardiac Health
• Organ Donation and Transplantation Health
• Trans Health
• Trauma Care
• Stroke Care
• Laboratory Medicine
• Provincial Blood and Blood Product Utilization
• Other areas as requested by the Ministry.

The mandate letter from Dix also specifies the PHSA is to “provide effective provincial oversight which includes provincial planning, coordination , monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on province-wide results and health outcomes for the following specialized provincial services”. In essence, PHSA is to be the brains and coordination behind health care in BC.

Keep in mind, Adrian Dix became Health Minister without being a doctor, or having any medical background whatsoever. His education consists of studying history and political science at the University of British Columbia. He is a former Chief-of-Staff for ex-Premier Glen Clark. It’s political climbing, not skill, that landed him in this current role. So he likely serves as little more than a yes-man.

In May 2008, the BC Health Act was replaced by the BC Public Health Act, also, implementing provisions from the 2005 Quarantine Act (Bill C-12). This included “Modernization of powers and duties of public health officials for communicable disease prevention and control, environmental health hazard response, chronic disease and hazard prevention, and public health emergency response; e.g. updated inspection powers, powers to issue orders, quarantine and isolation provisions”.

The Public Health Act also requires that there be a “Provincial Health Officer” appointed, and that such person be given broad powers. Currently, it’s Bonnie Henry, who has never had her name on any ballot.

There are references to “the Authority” in the Public Health Act, but it isn’t clear if it refers to the PSHA. Likely it means the people enforcing the various orders, not the policy heads. In any event, it goes on and on about the power to enforce “safety measures“.

What does all of this mean? It means that health care policy in BC is being determined by an autonomous group that isn’t really part of the Government. Yes, they receive public money, but they act on their own to determine how care shall be provided. While technically answering the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix has no qualifications, and can’t act to check that power. Not only that, the Public Health Act was modelled after the WHO International Health Regulations and 2005 Quarantine Act.

A body that isn’t accountable to the public, and a “Provincial Health Officer” who can’t be easily replaced are enforcing laws written by the World Health Organization. This is the state of affairs in British Columbia. With a set up like this, it’s no wonder that people like Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, John Horgan and Mike Farnworth are able to get away with so much. Collusion between political parties doesn’t help.

Update To Article

Pardon the oversight, but the B.C. Provincial Health Services Authority actually has charity status with the Canada Revenue Agency. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, this group took in some $3.8 billion in revenue from various sources.

Receipted donations $37,800.00 (0.00%)
Non-receipted donations $172,585.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $754,945,753.00 (19.86%)
Government funding $2,947,928,518.00 (77.55%)
All other revenue $98,427,173.00 (2.59%)
Total revenue: $3,801,511,829.00

Charitable programs $3,536,901,905.00 (93.05%)
Management and administration $264,235,205.00 (6.95%)
Fundraising $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,801,137,110.00

Total compensation for all positions: $1,373,060,592.00
Full-time employees: 8760
Part-time employees: 6403
Professional and consulting fees: $83,454,434.00

It’s also worth pointing out that 10 people made at least $350,000

(1) BC Societies Act, Full Text
(2) BC Public Health Act Announcement
(3) Full Text Of BC Public Health Act, Effective 2008
(6) Provincial Health Services Authority BC Bylaws
(8) Provincial Health Services Authority BC Constitution
(10) Provincial Health Services Authority Foundational Mandate 2018
(12) Provincial Health Services Authority Foundational Mandate 2019

(1) WHO International Health Regulations Legally Binding
(2) A Look At International Health Regulation Statements
(3) Quarantine Act Actually Written By WHO, IHR Changes
(4) Provincial Health Acts Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR, Part I
(5) Provincial Health Acts Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR, Part II
(6) World Health Treaty Proposed, Based On WHO-IHR
(7) Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As UN Outpost

Using Artificial Scarcity, Product Placement, Market Manipulation, To Drive Up Demand

This article will get into some of the advertising and marketing techniques employed to get people to purchase products and services. There is quite a lot of science and research behind it.

1. Important Links

Alex Cattoni On Creating Scarcity Conditions
Justin Atlan On Scarcity To Create Sense Of Urgency
Psychology Today: The Scarcity Mindset
Investopedia On Suggestive Selling
Product Placement Strategies, History
Marketing Plans Should Include Sponsorship
Psychology In Advertising: Common Methods
CTV: Culture Shift On Wearing Masks

2. Techniques To Create Scarcity Illusion

  1. Price Scarcity — the price will increase
  2. Quantity Scarcity — limited amount available
  3. Premium Scarcity — limited time bonuses
  4. Offer Scarcity — relaunching a temporary product

Now, these specific techniques can be used individually, or in some combination, depending on the circumstances. The point of this is to put pressure on people to act now, or else the offer will never be better. While the creator, Alex Cattoni, says to be honest, artificially creating scarcity can be very manipulative nature. This type of pressure can be applied almost universally, although the specific methods vary. Justin Atlan talks about using scarcity in order to drive up sales.

Of course, artificially creating scarcity can be done for many reasons, and several of them are quite valid and legitimate.

  • Cartels, monopolies and/or rentier capitalism
  • Competition regulation, where regulatory uncertainty and policy ambiguity deters investment.
  • Copyright, when used to disallow copying or disallow access to sources. Proprietary software is an example.
  • Copyleft software is a counterexample where copyleft advocates use copyright licenses to guarantee the right to copy, access, view, and change the source code, and allow others to do the same to derivatives of that code.
  • Patent
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Act
  • Hoarding, including cornering the market
  • Deliberate destruction
  • Paywalls
  • Torrent poisoning such as poisoning bittorrent with half broken copies of music and videos to drive up prices when instead streamed from places the author has deals with
  • Planned obsolescence
  • Decentralized digital currencies (e.g. Bitcoin)
  • This is from Wikipedia. There are perfectly valid reasons to engage in the creation of scarcity, such as intellectual property, and not undercutting your own prices. That said, there are unscrupulous ones as well.

    Economics is the study of how we use our limited resources (time, money, etc.) to achieve our goals. This definition refers to physical scarcity. In a recent book titled Scarcity, Mullainathan & Eldar (2013) broaden the concept of scarcity by asking the following questions: What happens to our minds when we feel we have too little? How does the context of scarcity shape our choices and our behaviors? They show that scarcity is not just a physical limitation. Scarcity affects our thinking and feeling. Scarcity orients the mind automatically and powerfully toward unfulfilled needs. For example, food grabs the focus of the hungry. For the lonely person, scarcity may come in poverty of social isolation and a lack of companionship.

    The scarcity mentality is well known by social psychologists. It forces being to think in finite terms, and to ask what they are missing out on. This can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances.

    3. Fear Of Missing Out On A Benefit

    FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is commonly used to pressure people into buying good and services now. Notice, it doesn’t have to be the product itself. It can just be having their life back to the way that it used to be. Perhaps something happened recently to change what was considered normal.

    4. Suggestive Selling/Upselling

    Understanding Suggestive Selling
    The idea behind the technique is that it takes marginal effort compared with the potential additional revenue. This is because getting the buyer to purchase (often seen as the most difficult part) has already been done. After the buyer is committed, an additional sale that is a fraction of the original purchase is much more likely.

    Typical examples of add-on sales are the extended warranties offered by sellers of household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, as well as electronics. A salesperson at an automobile dealership also generates significant add-on sales by suggesting or convincing a buyer sitting at their desk that the buyer would be much happier with the car with a few or several add-on options.

    Investopedia explains that upselling it often considered a better use of a person’s time that focusing solely on new customers. After all, the person is already buying something, so why not take the minimal amount of effort to see if they will purchase anything new?

    There is of course the idea of a volume discount. For example, take the BOGO (buy one, get one) free or greatly reduced. Often, people who may not have been willing to take multiple products now will, if it appears to reduce the price per unit.

    5. Product Placement As A Sales Strategy

    Product placement is a marketing strategy that has accidentally evolved a few decades ago. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the product placement has been spotted by professionals and since then various companies engage in product placement activities in various levels with varying efficiency. One of the main differences of product placement from other marketing strategies is the significance of factors contributing to it, such as context and environment within which the product is displayed or used.

    Implementing an efficient marketing strategy is one of the essential conditions for a product to be successful in the marketplace. Companies may choose different marketing strategies including advertising, channel marketing, internet marketing, promotion, public relations, product placement and others. Each of one of these marketing tools has its advantages and disadvantages and the rationale behind the choice among these tools relates to the type of the product, type of the market and the marketing strategy of the company.

    Product placement is a long recognized trick for getting a product into another production, without directly admitting that it is a form of advertising. This may be a substitute for more blatant ads, or may work in conjunction with it.

    6. Keep Repeating Your Talking Points

    This comment was (supposedly) in the context of pushing the climate change agenda on Canadians, but the principle can be applied much more broadly. It’s a variation of “if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth”. Unfortunately, this is all too true.

    7. Including Sponsorship In Marketing Plan

    1. Shape consumer attitudes.
    2. Build brand awareness.
    3. Drive sales.
    4. Increase reach.
    5. Generate media exposure.
    6. Differentiate yourself from competitors.
    7. Take on a “corporate citizen” role.
    8. Generate new leads.
    9. Enhance business, consumer, and VIP relationships.

    Sponsoring a group or event can bring several benefits to your group, and those are outlined pretty well. Yes, the benefits are more intangible and difficult to measure, but it’s commonly believed to be an effective practice.

    8. Pay For Advertising, Sponsoring In Media

    (a) Subsidization Programs Available For Media Outlets (QCJO)
    (b) Political Operatives Behind Many “Fact-Checking” Groups
    (c) DisinfoWatch, MacDonald-Laurier, Journalists For Human Rights
    (d) Taxpayer Subsidies To Combat CV “Misinformation”
    (e) Postmedia Periodicals Getting Covid Subsidies
    (f) Aberdeen Publishing (BC, AB) Getting Grants To Operate
    (g) Other Periodicals Receiving Subsidies
    (h) Still More Media Subsidies Taxpayers Are Supporting
    (i) Media Outlets, Banks, Credit Unions, All Getting CEWS

    Paying for advertisements in newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and online, is a long accepted way of getting a message out. It’s an effective way to promote a product, service, or ideology. Of course, Governments can go the extra mile and just outright subsidize such outlets. It’s a way to create financial dependence, and ensure that they will be obedient to whatever is needed.

    9. Psychology Used In Selling To People

    1. Branding
    2. Give, Give, Give, Give, and Ask
    3. Power of Scarcity, FOMO
    4. Perceived Value & Pricing
    5. Power of Persuasion
    6. Power of Convenience
    7. Appeal To Morality
    8. Changing Language, Misusing Terms

    Advertising is much more complicated than simply being interesting and visually appealing. There are plenty of mental and psychological ways to do this. After this, it’s impossible to view ads in the same way ever again.

    10. Have Credible Actors Promote Message/Brand

    One of the keys to an effective marketing program is to have believable and realistic actors selling the message. Getting caught out like this doesn’t help at all. From a casting perspective, Ontario Deputy Medical Officer Barbara Yaffe was an extremely poor choice. Health Minister Christine Elliott wasn’t a great selection either.

    When the stakes are high, it’s essential to have actors and actresses who have read and understood their scripts. They will be better able to improvise when asked difficult questions. See here and here. Remember, even though the media questions are screened, sometimes they will accidently be curveballs.

    BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry is also a bizarre choice. While she seems likeable, and has the fake trembling nailed, she frequently jokes about the “no science” part. Perhaps she was never informed that this is serious.

    Alberta Premier Jason Kenney may have topped them all. He admits there could be 90% error — and hence, no pandemic — but then defers to the experts.

    Granted, these are difficult roles to play, given the scrutiny they are under. But still, the casting left a lot to be desired.

    11. Why Does This Marketing Info Matter?

    Even back in May 2020, the MSM in Canada was openly talking about “shifting the culture” to get everyone wearing masks for the foreseeable future. Of course, this sort of predictive programming is not limited to masks, but spread to other areas.

    Imagine a group of people not driven by money, but by ideology. They wanted to convince the general population to inject — en masse — an experimental mRNA vaccine, to cure a disease they don’t know exists.

    Such a task would be very difficult to accomplish, without using brute force. An alternative solution would be to apply some of the techniques outlined above, and get people to take it willingly.

    As for appealing to morality, does this sound familiar?
    “My mask protects you, and your mask protects me”.

    Words and terms are redefined in false and misleading ways.
    It’s not “martial law”, it’s “sheltering in place”.

    Healthy people should not be viewed as normal.
    Instead, they are “potential asymptomatic spreaders”.

    The Federal and Provincial Governments are not buying off media outlets and businesses into compliance. Instead, they are handing out “emergency relief”. See the difference?

    FOMO, or fear of missing out is being applied as a hardball tactic to get more people into taking the vaccine. After all, who isn’t desperate for some return to a normal life? If there aren’t enough to go around, doesn’t that create artificial scarcity?

    Covid internment camps are a conspiracy theory. Those “mandatory isolation centres” are not at all the same thing, and people need to stop misrepresenting the truth.

    No one is trying to trick citizens into taking the vaccine. Instead, they are just conducting research into ways to overcome “hesitancy”. See Part #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5.

    Regarding hope for the future: an astute person will note that Canada has ANNOUNCED a program to compensate people for injury or death caused by vaccines. However, there have been no DETAILS of what it will look like. It could be the Government falling behind, or it could be tat they have no intention of implementing anything.

    Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy: Bailing Out Banks, Credit Unions, Media Companies

    Go onto the CEWS section of the Canada Revenue Agency website, where it allows people to search for companies that have received this benefit. Type in “media“, and 1447 results come up. Stunning how many outlets have been approved under this program.

    1. Buying Off Entire Canadian Media

    Subsidization Programs Available For Media Outlets (QCJO)
    Political Operatives Behind Many “Fact-Checking” Groups
    Taxpayer Subsidies To Combat CV “Misinformation”
    Postmedia Periodicals Getting Covid Subsidies
    Aberdeen Publishing (BC, AB) Getting Grants To Operate
    Other Periodicals Receiving Subsidies
    Still More Media Subsidies Taxpayers Are Supporting

    2. List Of Credit Unions Getting CEWS

    -Casera Credit Union Limited
    -Cornerstone Credit Union Financial Group Limited
    -Cornerstone Credit Union
    -Leading Edge Credit Union Limited
    -Libro Credit Union
    -Sunova Credit Union Limited
    -Synergy Credit Union Ltd.
    -ACU Wealth Management

    Looking up the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, under the search of “Credit Union“, results in a total of 81 hits. That doesn’t include institutions that operate without that in their name. All these companies have taken money from Ottawa in pandemic subsidies.

    3. List Of Banks Getting CEWS

    A search of CEWS for “bank” (see new link) results in 245 hits, most of which are irrelevant. While the big 5 are not listed, several smaller ones are, including the Bank of China. Very interesting to see where your tax dollars have been going.

    Unfortunately, the amounts given out are not listed. It would have been helpful to include the actual dollar figures.

    Ottawa Using “Pandemic Bucks” To Help Companies Grow And Advertise Their Products

    We have already covered media outlets in Canada being heavily subsidized by the Canadian Government — which of course, means the public. It explains the total lack of independent media.

    Moving on, it seems that the NRC is heavily involved in propping up other companies, and helping them advertise. This happens even as mandated shutdowns have flattened other companies. Should we be picking winners and losers here?

    1. Important Disclaimer With This Piece

    It doesn’t appear that the bulk of the grants are directed to help companies push the “pandemic” narrative. That being said, it’s fair to assume that these businesses will be “mindful” of where their money is coming from. So, it’s unlikely that they will be critical of it in any meaningful way. The following comes from an online search of Government handouts on advertising, with some obviously irrelevant ones omitted.

    It’s also interesting that the National Research Council of Canada is financing the majority of them. More on that later.

    2. Buying Off Entire Canadian Media

    Subsidization Programs Available For Media Outlets (QCJO)
    Political Operatives Behind Many “Fact-Checking” Groups
    Taxpayer Subsidies To Combat CV “Misinformation”
    Postmedia Periodicals Getting Covid Subsidies
    Aberdeen Publishin (BC, AB) Getting Grants To Operate
    Other Periodicals Receiving Subsidies
    Still More Media Subsidies Taxpayers Are Supporting

    3. Grants To Companies For R&D, Advertising

    2047752 Alberta Inc. Apr. 20, 2020 $53,362
    10319287 CANADA INC Aug. 17, 2020 $21,000
    Abacus Growth Industry Inc. Jun. 23, 2020 $38,250
    Akuspike Products Inc. Sep. 21, 2020 $33,750
    Apollo Music Store Inc Jul. 7, 2020 $30,750
    Baro Apparel Inc. Aug. 1, 2020 $50,100
    Bonton and Company Jun. 1, 2020 $96,370
    Caldera Distilling May 5, 2020 $33,750
    Cambridge Elevating Inc. Aug. 12, 2020 $33,000
    Caméléon Média inc. Dec. 23, 2020 $258,903
    Casca Designs Inc. Jul. 14, 2020 $22,500
    Créations Today is Art Day inc. Oct. 19, 2020 $18,750
    CVAC Efficace Inc. May 19, 2020 $19,050
    Dirt Squirrel Co. Jul. 10, 2020 $41,250
    EatSleepRIDE Mobile Inc. May 11, 2020 $46,000
    EQ Advertising Group Ltd. May 1, 2020 $150,000
    Fab-Cut Systems Inc Jun. 16, 2020 $30,750
    FOM Inc. Sep. 25, 2020 $27,750
    Forestry Innovation Investment May 9, 2020 $258,500
    Glacier Communications Inc. Oct. 1, 2020 $30,000
    Gogglesoc Apparel Limited Nov. 18, 2020 $26,250
    Harbinger SCR Inc. May 30, 2020 $45,000
    Hunch Manifest Inc. Nov. 1, 2020 $47,787
    Hydrodig Ltd Jun. 9, 2020 $30,000
    Indigo Marketing Solutions Ltd. Aug. 4, 2020 $35,000
    Jeffrey Ross Jewellery Ltd Oct. 22, 2020 $22,500
    Kicking Horse Coffee Co. Jul. 22, 2020 $34,050
    Koffee Beauty Inc. May 15, 2020 $34,200
    Les Entreprises PNH inc. Nov. 17, 2020 $275,511
    M32 Média inc. May 1, 2020 $100,000
    Market Global Commodities Exchange Jun. 1, 2020 $98,000
    Market Global Commodities Exchange Jun. 1, 2020 $80,000
    Netgen Corp. Apr. 29, 2020 $26,250
    O’Grady Productions Inc. Sep. 16, 2020 $37,500
    Pacey Medtech Ltd. Oct. 17, 2020 $26,250
    PageFreezer Software Inc. May 3, 2020 $52,500
    Park & Fifth Clothing Co. LTD Oct. 20, 2020 $30,000
    Probuild Software Inc. Aug. 28, 2020 $18,000
    Riaz Sidi Performance Marketing Inc. Nov. 1, 2020 $45,000
    Rock Solid Productions Inc Sep. 29, 2020 $24,750
    Roomview Technologies May 8, 2020 $60,000
    Rosgol-Rostech Technologies Inc. Oct. 17, 2020 $24,000
    S&Y Househ Advertising Services Inc Nov. 18, 2020 $34,319
    Satya Organics Inc Aug. 24, 2020 $30,000
    Solutions Nubik Inc. Jun. 23, 2020 $27,000
    StackAdapt Inc. Jul. 1, 2020 $2,468,000
    Telecom Engineering Inc Jul. 27, 2020 $21,760
    Temple Lifestyle Inc. Jun. 25, 2020 $44,775
    Theos Inc. May 9, 2020 $43,950
    Trellis Corporation May 4, 2020 $17,000
    V. Island Men’s Trauma Counselling Jun. 25, 2020 $177,005
    Vertical City Inc. Oct. 1, 2020 $250,000
    WATTPAD CORP. Jun. 24, 2020 $54,000
    Wholly Veggie Inc. Jun. 15, 2020 $37,500
    Wizard Games Inc. Jul. 10, 2020 $15,000

    This isn’t all of them, but does give a glance into where the Federal Government is spending your money. Or rather, where it’s spending debt for future generations.

    4. Why Is National Research Council Funding It?

    The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is Canada’s largest federal research and development organization.
    The NRC partners with Canadian industry to take research impacts from the lab to the marketplace, where people can experience the benefits. This market-driven focus delivers innovation faster, enhances people’s lives and addresses some of the world’s most pressing problems. We are responsive, creative and uniquely placed to partner with Canadian industry, to invest in strategic R&D programming that will address critical issues for our future.

    Each year our scientists, engineers and business experts work closely with thousands of Canadian firms, helping them bring new technologies to market. We have the people, expertise, services, licensing opportunities, national facilities and global networks to support Canadian businesses.

    In this section, you will find more information about how the NRC is organized and governed, where we are located across Canada, and links to our corporate publications and financial statements.

    The majority, (though not all), of these came from NRC.

    The NRC’s mandate is to “promote scientific or industrial research”. In short, it’s a public-private partnership to bring to products onto the market. Even as Federal and Provincial Governments crash economies across Canada, public money is used to make new companies competitive. This isn’t simply about money handed out to prop up desperate enterprises. In the meantime, thousands of businesses have gone under, because of the “arbitrary” rules that have been imposed.

    The Great Reset is here, and Governments everywhere have their thumbs on the scales.