Guest Post: Michael Comeau On “Buy Canadian”, Protectionist Policies
Contact: contact(at)

Economic Leadership eh! Great fantastic! Maybe ask for a moment, ‘Who on earth are you waiting for?” A visionary, a leader, an inventor, an entrepreneurial free enterprise genius, an industrialist, a down to earth character with real Canadian values, a technological prodigy? A nationalist visionnaire extraordinaire? Who you are looking for is Michael Comeau, the founder and CEO of the most awesome advanced technological manufacturing development program and projects of the century. You just don’t know it yet.

Are you looking for someone capable of stealth business, national security rated, someone with a secret identity that you would never guess or suspect his true identity and profession? Are you looking for someone working on the most awesome Made in Canada portfolio in the history of Canada.

Made in Canada? Can you name anyone in government, an MP or MPP who actually talks or writes about Made in Canada? Eh? What about your friends and the people you know? Is there really someone known as the coffeeshop billionaire? They mystery man who claims he drinks coffee to do stupid things faster? Like how fast? How about Is that a little more up to speed?

Is Comeau Aerospace Inc. more up to speed, pure awesomeness, the ultimate flying machine, with a magnitude of design engineering genius and individual creative imagination, the genie out of Aladdin’s lamp. Zero unions, working share owners, asset protection, everyday advantage and more of what you never get in the news, as it makes everything else obsolete and backwards by comparison.

Do you want to talk about space programs, strategic airlifters, conventional and advanced design and technology? A few hundred billion in aerospace development programs, talk about go big or go home, what about that saying that the 21st century belongs to Canada? Imagine, zero government money, zero publicity, only people doing stuff because they want to, in fact, the less publicity the better, now how is that for a business model? Eh Who cares about all the negative defeatist anti Canadian editorial opinions, design, build, fly.

Stealth, UFOs, advanced weapons systems? Advanced materials and manufacturing? Is that more interesting? As-Garde Aerospace and Electrodynamics Inc. integrates creative imagination and inventive genius with a futuristic vision in their own portfolio of projects and also works to further refine and develop the next generation of the Comeau Aerospace Inc. – Ultimate Flying Machine series in addition to the core research and development vision. The transition from conventional aircraft design, production and propulsion is kind of like comparing the Avro Arrow Interceptor to a propeller driven aircraft, something from a futuristic outer space civilization or the CBC movie – Arrow.

What about the nationalist? Economic leadership includes a technological, enterprise and industrial continuum, with a nationalist foundation and national security rated people, with real Canadians with true values. Imagine an individual with a private life working incessantly on the greatest adventure of all time. Classified defence technology, advanced aerospace, marine and transportation technology, something with challenge and reward, the thrill of building something awesome, the proverbial censored white nationalist super achiever that mainstream news never talks about in a good way, and doesn’t want any other white nationalist to know about, because if you did, you would feel different, alive, confident, optimistic, purposeful, awesome, energized and excited.

What about National Turbo-machinery & Propulsion Incorporated, redeveloping engines for the ultimate Arrow, the CF-105, jet engines, rocket engines and the most advanced fuel systems in the world, which can’t be sold to just anyone, more of what you never hear or read about in mainstream media and government. Super Atomized Fuel Systems Inc., VapourInduction Fuel Systems Inc., Super Carburetor Inc. and Icosahedron Hydrogen GeneratorFuel Systems Inc.

With all the focus on “green technology” and “green investment” and the war on fossil fuels, and banks and investment portfolios “divesting” aka dumping those securities, because that is evil white man technology and the cause of global warming, you might think that they would be well invested, like an insider would be, invested into something useful, practical and real, something that could transform the world, with technological and economic leadership, right?

Saving money is like making money, that is economic leadership, right? Sometimes, massive investment in money, resources, time, infrastructure and people are all essential to make that possible, that takes confidence, technological and economic leadership, which can involve capital structure, enterprise and secure supply line development. This brings everything around in a circle of reality, as it is amazing, that with government legislation can make 4 different fuel system companies be worth billions of dollars, poof! With zero publicity! Of course those companies don’t believe in the carbon tax, or shutting down the fossil fuel industry in Canada, they like to burn fuel. Wouldn’t you at mach 3 or 200 miles per gallon?

What’s it going to be, a gas guzzler, or something a lot more awesome? How is that for leadership, eh? Many hands make light work – how is that for personal economic leadership? Mainstream news, aka liberal fascist news, with the cultural marxist anti nation state agenda will never have anything good to say about things like the Avro Arrow, or free enterprise about that don’t conform to their editorial opinion…all the more to ignore them, censor them, make them obsolete and irrelevant, like they are, useless.

Economic Leadership? How about Strategic Enterprise Development Inc. or IntergalacticSecurities & Management Corporation, the leading edge in private investment, private enterprise, defence technology, Made in Canada. If you want an education maybe check that out, you will make your investment advisor look and feel not very smart, with all their exports of money and stock market gambling on things that don’t matter, that are on par with the Canada Pension Plan, yes, lots of money for foreign companies and governments to put us out of business faster, since you refuse to exercise powerful freedom of choice and invest in private Canadian companies that actually do practice intelligent thoughtful patriotism, that only whitey qualifies for, a nationalist, Made in Canada? Is that so bad, is that racist to you, Made in Canada?

Go to the store, 95% made in china, is that racist and discriminatory? Now is that any way to exercise economic nationalism? Do you have a problem with self sufficiency or self government, or God helps those who help themselves? What about God eh? Don’t talk about religion? How about “I will command a blessing on you and all that you set your hands to do…” sounds economic to me, Is that the health and wealth gospel, here and now, we cannot deny our shared history, we can embrace our mutual future, right? Can we build great things together to the honour and glory of the great God? We can do it because we want to, we don’t need anyone’s approval, especially in mainstream media.

Create a more Canadian media industry, that would be economic leadership, our companies, inventions, products, jobs and careers, new enterprise opportunities, that would be economic leadership to promote, not censor, to empower, not suppress, to encourage, not to neutralize and defeat and ruin, to be proud, not bitter, resentful, hostile and negative like the mainstream news media, something more Canadian, real Canadian, eh! Optimism, awesome news eh!

We like our shared history, our national identity as real Canadians, the future too, step back in time, people had faith, people built things, inventions, buildings, infrastructure, technology, families, we of all countries in the world can be supremely self sufficient. We do not need imbeciles, traitors, saboteurs in Ottawa or anywhere else for that matter. We need people that can do the math, geometry, engineering, metallurgy, fabrication, production, logistics, pure creative imagination without limits. Real Canadians and nationalists capable of economic leadership, empowering technological and manufacturing leadership in government, not foreigners, or traitors and people that can’t do math, basic economics, money management and basic nation building, like Made in Canada, it does not even have to be advanced, but it does need to be Made in Canada Eh!

Go forward eh! What kind of economic leadership are we looking for? What does it look like? It looks like debt free money, not treasury bond debt creation and endless electronic debt created money. We need real M1 money, sticking to the point about economic leadership, when nobody else in the world is doing it, only to obsolete, debt, slave system, a defrauded future, failure from looking at history, such as, what did Graham Towers do? The government and the Bank of Canada with the cultural Marxist agenda is incompetent by comparison, endless debt, compound interest, exporting billions of dollars, massive tax, industrial economic and industrial genocide super imposed on the founding people, war. Sell of gold reserves, we don’t need that eh, destroy the industrial technological base, we don’t need jobs and careers, do we? Destroy the military and better yet buy someone else’s garbage, that is what we are dealing with, imbeciles and traitors with zero economic leadership for nation building, planes, trains, automobiles, heavy machinery, marine and defence technology, virtually all gone. Four hundred billion for welfare based on a bogus virus, but nothing for Made in Canada. All the more reason to align with Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.

Protectionism? Is that racist? As if that is the only standard and reflex tool to censor whitey. Made in Canada versus who? Our we supposed to honestly compete when someone else is making something 5 cents to the dollar?? How is that competitive, when we have all the regulations and they don’t have any? Currency warfare, is that really ok? How do we exercise economic leadership in currency warfare scenarios, since that is going on right now? Easy debt free money, low taxes, greater investment, conditional sales contracts, invest and acquire, research and development, identify and get rid of people selling out the country to foreigners. Don’t worry only white people are racist, and you will like it, Made in Canada. Why is it ok for foreign companies, governments and sovereign funds to buy us up and out? Logging, mining, agriculture, natural resources. The only political party defending Canada is the National Citizens Alliance, anti globalist, pro Canadian, everyone else is selling out the country and their souls, if they have one.

Economic Leadership in defence, is that possible? Ask Battlegroup 301 Incorporated, they pioneered advanced program and project development with private investment to enable technology demonstration and super prototypes of advanced vehicles and weapons platform and secure supply line, and all kinds of other things, all to be available in case we might
actually have a real nationalist vision, a more patriot character, not a bunch of traitors. As some people know, there are plenty of people in government and media that stop any degree of Canadian national pride, a competent military, like most allies, stepped on, suppressed and neutralized, all those awesome products and technology that never see the light of day, censoring and disqualifying pure awesomeness is standard operating procedure, which is a what they do to neutralize economic leadership and technological industrial and defence leadership also, which could have a rather exciting, inspiring, encouraging effect on everyday Canadians. Like wow, we built that!

Most people don’t know, but to get in on government contracts, due to the control freaks who don’t want competition from smarter, faster, cheaper, more advanced, more Canadian Nationalist type of people, enterprise and products, only certain companies are entitled to bid. Like the naval ship program, no honest request for proposals are made, and the complex requirements to even get to the point of making a request for a certain vehicle or weapon system or otherwise is a big deal. Corruption and collusion, fixed and rigged, approved and disqualified or exempt, that is no way to have defence technology and economic leadership, at the expense of national security. So knowing how reality bites and the treason of traitors selling out to globalists and other people who do not want anyone to have nation state sovereignty or an independent integrated defence advanced technology and manufacturing base, and knowing that lead times are essential in addition to a product, vehicle and weapons platform and technology continuum require considerable resources and project management, it is pure genius from Battlegroup 301 Incorporated, who has accepted personal responsibility for, in their words, “National, industrial, economic, enterprise and civil defence.” How is that for economic leadership? What does the banks, investment advisors and wealth management say about that? Nothing, they are ignorant or censoring it, they don’t appear to care about
small town, rural industry, Made in Canada or strategic advantage, only, inclusion and diversity, which somehow does not include Made in Canada, private enterprise, and certainly not white nationalists who take pride in their country and love Canada.

The typical investment advisor or wealth manager is totally unaware or censoring one of the most incredible and innovative enterprise technology development endeavours in Canada, Battlegroup 301 Incorporated, all about Made in Canada. Censored and ignored, yes, but what about you, what will you do? Apply for a job, start a new career, do something awesome, I hope so. A guns & ammo co-op? While you are at it, check out the Railway industry development program, new locomotives, rail car (with no business with foreign countries we don’t need to mention that only counterfeit technology, product inferior goods and sabotage Canadian companies) Imagine, when we had a whole lot more of railroads going throughout Canada, there was vitality, a robust energy, a sense of identity, unity and purpose filled excitement. Why did we let people in government destroy it? Trains & the railway, isn’t that what made Canada? The auto industry association, what did they have to do with it? Collusion with government to tear up railway tracks. Now we are forced to drive plastic and electronic junk with rotten metal and fix it with more rotten junk imported from somewhere else, with next to nothing made in Canada, eh! Yes, let us compare economic leadership, shall we, nation building or industrial economic genocide, you can choose with powerful freedom of choice, right? What stops you, what are you waiting for? Eh?!

The Avro Arrow, torched, railways torn up, is that anyway to build a future, nation wreckers in charge, people that never built anything, most never ran a business, yet they make decisions with little or no math and financial competence, no real genius in economics except selling out the country. As we found out someone with a degree in economics did great things like selling out the country and trade deals that ruined us, talk about the wasteland in the search for the holy grail, the industrial landscape is a wasteland. Like unions who own nothing, invest in
nothing, contract nothing, yet want all the power, to extort and practice terrorism, which is the use of force or the threat of the use of force, to shut down company after company, strike to smash the enterprise, jobs and production, right out of the country. Now is that any way to have enterprise productivity ad prosperity that would generate economic leadership?

So Yeah, amazing, talking about the Avro Arrow and Economic Leadership, amazing how we can tie all that together flying 3 times or more faster than the speed of sound. Since we have common interests and beliefs and values, let us work to build great things together, knowing our history, that what was done before can be done again, and if we learn from the past, we can do certain things to enable, augment and amplify the success of the future. Let us recruit smart people with perception, perspective, awareness, understanding, wisdom, ideas and imagination. Let us express the best of who we are, not making excuses, but make effort, pro active pro Canadian. A spirit of co-operation is essential, building a team, where everything has something valuable to contribute, where nobody gets jealous, but everyone jumps in with both feet, hit the ground running, on fire, living everyday with purpose…and think about it, if this was a secret military operation, how will you respond, what kind of mission tasking will you have, your personal initiative, response ability, personal empowerment by exercising powerful freedom of choice, what will you do? What are you waiting for, Eh? Everything to be perfect? Do not let the infinite perfect be the enemy of the good, as it is written. The individual can contribute to make it perfect, at least infinitely better than to succeed at doing nothing.

You might wonder, how is it possible someone with individual creative imagination can start companies with a vision of such magnitude, that goes way beyond anything in government right now is doing, and in our history as a country, has ever done?

If you look at the idea of self government, this is actually law, one’s own code, the acceptance of personal responsibility, the power to exercise freedom of choice, which is for the most part censored, along with whitey, now, a new law, the one that creates the future, the law of one individual that decides to do something about it, make effort not excuses, to be part of the solution, build something awesome, or build anything at all. In our law, we agree to treat others in a civilized manner…this is not the case in Canada right now. There is a real difference, between the patriots and nationalists and old fashioned Canadians and those who are not. There is a difference in thinking, capabilities, aptitudes and interests, as well as intelligence, reasoning power and loyalty. I see it everyday. What is important, is that people do something, not waiting for everything to be perfect. Align your values and priorities with what you do, your actions. Do something, go forward, make decisions, keep making decisions with a pro-active life of adventure and achievement, even super-achievement, hold nothing back, express the best of who you are, encourage others, make friends and allies, build great things together, redevelop and rebuild the national dream. Someone has already made it a lot easier to do that, so what are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Wait no more, you have the answer you are looking for, you have the solution and power, all you need to do is exercise it.

It is time for all good men to come to the aid of their country, right? Wait no more!

Peace, Order and Good Government, right?

Cheers, have an awesome and pro-active day in Canada!
Michael Comeau

Bill C-405: Erin O’Toole Tried To Make It Easier For Companies To Transfer Employee Pensions In 2018

In 2018, the CPC MP for Durham, Erin O’Toole, introduced C-405, a Private Member’s Bill to make changes regarding employee pension plans. While touted as some great overhaul for workers, things are not what they appear to be.

1. Pensions, Benefits, Worker Entitlements

The public is often unaware of what is happening with their pensions and other social benefits. Often, changes are made with little to no input from the people who are directly impacted by it. Unfortunate, but we need to constantly be on top of these things.

2. Important Links

Private Member’s Bill C-405 Introduced By Erin O’Toole
Text Of Bill C-405 (First Reading)
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985
Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
Open Parliament: Announcement From Erin O’Toole
Open Parliament: Debate On Bill C-405

3. Bill C-405 Introduced In June 2018

Bill for Private Members rarely get far in the House of Commons, let alone pass. Often, they are just a way to signal to the sponsor that efforts are being made. O’Toole’s Bill didn’t get anywhere in Parliament, but it’s unclear how serious he was about pushing it.

4. Pension Benefits Standards Act

Termination and Winding-up of Pension Plans
Marginal note:Deemed termination
29 (1) The revocation of registration of a pension plan shall be deemed to constitute termination of the plan.

Effect of termination on assets
(8) On the termination of the whole of a pension plan, all assets of the plan that are to be used for the purpose of providing pension benefits or other benefits continue to be subject to this Act.

The language of section 29(8) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act is quite clear. Once a pension plan is terminated, the funds must be dispersed to those who have contributed to the plan. Here is part of what O’Toole wanted to add.

Amendment — liquidation, assignment or bankruptcy of the employer
(8.‍1) If an employer is the subject of proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act or Part III of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and the amount required to permit a pension plan to satisfy all obligations with respect to pension benefits and other benefits to be provided under the plan is greater than the assets of the plan, the administrator may
(a) despite subsection 10.‍1(2) and the terms of the plan, amend the plan to change the nature or form of the pension benefits and other benefits to be provided under the plan; or
(b) apply to the Superintendent for permission to transfer or permit the transfer of any part of the assets or liabilities of the pension plan to another pension plan.
Consent to amendment
(8.‍2) Before a pension plan may be amended or part of its assets or liabilities transferred in accordance with subsection (8.‍1),
(a) the administrator must provide any prescribed information, in the prescribed manner, to the members or former members, to any other persons entitled to pension benefits and to the representatives of the members or former members and of any other persons entitled to pension benefits; and
(b) the amendment or transfer must be approved by more than one third of the members or former members and of any other persons entitled to pension benefits or by the representatives of more than one third of the members or former members and of any other persons entitled to pension benefits.
No action against administrator
(8.‍3) No action lies against any administrator for amending a plan or for transferring or permitting the transfer of any part of the assets or liabilities of a pension plan to another pension plan in compliance with subsections (8.‍1) and (8.‍2).

Bill C-405 would have allowed employers to transfer the pension funds rather than pay out if the company were in serious financial difficulties.

As for the consent, that is an extremely low threshold. Forget a super majority, or even a simple majority. Only 1/3 would have to approve for this to happen. Even worse, the “representatives”, or people claiming to represent the workers could simply approve on their behalf. This seems ripe for abuse.

While transferring pension funds to another company may make that more solvent, the reality is, those employees did not sign up for it initially. An argument can be made that they should simply be allowed to collect on their entitlements, and walk away. If an opt-out were provided so individual members could cash out, it would nullify a lot of the criticism.

5. Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act

Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act
3 The Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act is amended by adding the following after section 11.‍52:
Limitation — pension plans
11.‍53 No order may be made under this Part respecting the approval of a plan offering incentives to certain directors, officers or employees to remain in the employ of the debtor company for the period during which the com­pany is expected to be subject to proceedings under this Act unless the court is satisfied
(a) if the debtor company participates in a prescribed pension plan for the benefit of its employees, that the relevant parties have entered into an agreement, approved by the relevant pension regulator, respecting the payment of the amounts referred to in subparagraphs 6(6)‍(a)‍(ii) and (iii);
(b) that the directors, officers or employees are necessary for the successful restructuring or liquidation of the debtor company or for the protection and the maximization of the value of the company’s property;
(c) that the directors, officers or employees have received a job offer from another person than the debtor company and the offering of the incentives is necessary for their retention in the employ of the debtor company; and
(d) that the amount of the incentive offer
(i) is not greater than ten times the amount of a similar incentive offer given to an employee of the debtor company for any purpose during the previous calendar year; or
(ii) if no incentive referred to in subparagraph (i) was offered, is not greater than an amount equal to 25% of the amount of any similar incentive given to a director or officer of the debtor company for any purpose during the previous calendar year.

Incentives and bonuses (primarily aimed at officers and directors), would still be allowed to be offered, and not be vulnerable to a court order. However, those incentives would be capped. Seems strange that heads of failing companies should be offered any type of incentives.

6. Does This Bill Benefit Workers?

If a company is failing, and going under, the right thing to do is to pay out its pension holdings to the people who have contributed to it. Transferring elsewhere, especially with such a low threshold, seems like shifting the goal posts. At a minimum, those who have contributed should be able to just take a pay out and leave.

People who run failing companies shouldn’t be getting bonuses, even if they are capped. This just rewards incompetence, often at the cost of other assets of the company.

The legislation was promoted as a way to protect pensions and to keep them going. However, such transfers (possible with just a minority of support), potentially remove all control from workers. And as with everything, the devil is in the details.

For now, it appears to be dead.

Tax Inspectors Without Borders; Partnered With OECD & UNDP

Get ready for increased efforts to enforce taxation rules globally. While this is promoted as a means of stopping tax cheats, it’s unlikely stop there. Once the infrastructure is fully up and operational, what’s to stop organizations like the UN from simply imposing global taxes?

1. The United Nations’ Many Tentacles

The United Nations pushes an almost endless amount of agendas, nearly all with the goal of obtaining greater control. See some of their other documents, taxation efforts, and pandering to Islam. While a lot of this will seem harmless, and consist of minor issues, the loss of sovereignty creeps in incrementally.

2. More On The International Banking Cartel

Check this page. for more. The Canadian Government, like so many others, has sold out the independence and sovereignty of its monetary system to foreign interests. BIS, like its central banks, exceed their agenda and try to influence other social agendas. See who is really controlling things, and the common lies that politicians and media figures tell. Now, the bankers work with the climate mafia and pandemic pushers to promote their mutual goals of control and debt slavery.

3. Important Links

Tax Inspectors Without Borders Mainpage
TIWB Partners With Both OECD/UNDP
OECD Announces Launch Of TIWB Programme

Tax Inspectors Without Borders Annual Report 2017
Tax Inspectors Without Borders Annual Report 2018
Tax Inspectors Without Borders Annual Report 2019
Tax Inspectors Without Borders Annual Report 2020

Tax Inspectors Without Borders Twitter (@TIWB_News)
Tax Inspectors Without Borders YouTube Channel
UN Development Programme YouTube Channel

World Bank Global Tax Program (Mainpage)
World Bank Global Tax Programme, 2020 Report
World Bank Global Tax Program, 2020 Report
World Bank, Taxation, Sustainable Development
International Monetary Fund On Tax Evasion

Yahoo: TIWB Started In 2015
Reuters On Covering The Launch Of TIWB

4. TIWB Partners With OECD/UNDP

OECD/UNDP Partnership
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have joined forces to extend the global reach of Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) and to scale-up operations. The partnership was launched at the Third Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa on 13 July 2015 and was welcomed by stakeholders from business, civil society, as well as OECD and developing country governments attending the conference. The Initiative was widely hailed as capable of assisting developing countries mobilize much-needed domestic revenues in support of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. The TIWB Initiative facilitates targeted, tax audit assistance programmes in developing countries across the globe. The TIWB Initiative is a strong response to the attention given to effective and efficient mobilisation of domestic resources in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments made by the international community in Addis Ababa to strengthen international tax co-operation

UNDP contributes in the following ways:
-Through its country offices, supports development and completion of TIWB programmes in developing, countries;
-Promotes lessons learned and the sharing of good practices of TIWB country programmes with the international development community;
-Manages a roster of tax audit experts;
-Manages designated donor financial resources for TIWB activities;
-Handles contracts for retired experts (or former tax officials) participating in TIWB programmes.

The OECD contributes in the following ways:
-Hosts the TIWB Secretariat at the OECD offices in Paris;
-Identifies and provides support to host tax administrations on technical taxation issues and assists host and partner tax administrations in the set-up of TIWB programmes;
-Provides technical support to UNDP on selection and quality assurance of the roster of tax audit experts;
-Develops manuals, tools and research on best administrative practices in tax administrations and for TIWB Programmes.
-Monitors, assesses and reports on results of TIWB programmes.

So it isn’t just about helping certain countries get their tax money. It’s also about achieving the UN Sustainable Development Agenda goals laid out in 2015. The OECD also made their announcement about the partnership.

In reality, this is the equivalent, (or soon to be the equivalent), of a global tax administration. Think of the Canada Revenue Agency, just on a worldwide scale. While there seems to be nothing wrong on the surface with stoppin tax cheats, it reeks of growing intrusion into national affairs.

5. TIWB Conference September 28, 2020

This high-level event provided an opportunity to engage with government ministers and senior officials and look at the TIWB approach of bringing countries together to tackle tax avoidance, evasion and Illicit Financial Flows. The panel reflected on how the experiences from the initiative can be utilised to recover from COVID-19 and re-imagining a new future, specifically in the context of the Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond process.
The TIWB Annual Report 2020 was launched during the event.
This event took place in the margins of the 75th United Nations’ General Assembly on 28 September 2020.

The Panel talks about efforts that TIWB is undertaking, and about how they can help advance the UNSDA in light of the coronavirus pandemic. How convenient it is for them.

6. Tax Inspectors Without Borders’ Donors

Seems rather strange that the World Bank and the Open Society, (George Soros), would be contributing to such a program. Or perhaps it isn’t. There are several donor nations in Europe, and Japan, also contributing.

7. World Bank Global Tax Umbrella Program

The Global Tax Program (GTP) provides an umbrella framework for tax support and leads an ongoing program of activities at both international tax and country levels focused on strengthening tax institutions and mobilizing revenues at the international and domestic levels. The GTP Program is one of the Umbrella 2.0 pilots for Trust Fund Reforms recently undertaken by the WBG.

The international community has set ambitious goals to end extreme poverty and boost inclusive and sustainable growth by 2030. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires massive investment in physical and human capital. Focus is needed on the quality, fairness, and equity of domestic tax collection.

To be clear, this isn’t simply about tax collection. It’s also about seeing that those taxes are used according to the goals set out by TIWB/OECD/UNDP. There are certainly strings attached.

8. Int’l Monetary Fund On Tax Avoidance

The IMF, or International Monetary Fund, has taken an interest in tax collecting, estimating that $12 billion is in corporate shells, and another $7 billion is hidden by people overseas.

Information from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), have allowed more research and study to take place.

9. Reported By Yahoo News In 2015

Yahoo reported the launch of Tax Inspectors Without Borders back in 2015. Short article, but it covered a lot of important points. Reuters and TaxConnections addressed it as well.

10. TIWB Ultimately Pushing Policy Change

Tax Inspectors Without Borders talks about how they are helping in the 3rd World with regard to tax evasion, but they minimize a very important issue. TIWB is interested in pushing policy changes in taxation, and they are trying to get more money spent on Agenda 2030. This isn’t altruism on their part, but is ideologically motivated.

With all of this in mind, one very serious question has to be asked: will TIWB (at some point), begin calling for global taxation schemes?

A Look Back At FIPA, And Selling Sovereignty To China

Erin O’Toole was a Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Trade in 2014. It’s clear from these quotes that he doesn’t see a problem selling out Canada’s sovereignty to China with the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA). In fact, he glosses over just how bad this arrangement really is. All of the Conservatives did.

1. Offshoring, Globalization, Free Trade

The other posts on outsourcing/offshoring are available here. It focuses on the hidden costs and trade offs society as a whole has to make. Contrary to what many politicians and figures in the media claim, there are always costs to these kinds of agreement. These include: (a) job losses; (b) wages being driven down; (c) undercutting of local companies; (d) legal action by foreign entities; (e) industries being outsourced; (f) losses to communities when major employers leave; and (g) loss of sovereignty to foreign corporations and governments. Don’t believe the lies that these agreements are overwhelmingly beneficial to all.

2. Important Links

(4) WayBack Machine Archive
(9) WayBack Machine Archive

3. Other “Conservatives” Support FIPA

4. Quotes From FIPA Agreement

Article 5
Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
1. Each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of the other Contracting Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investors of a non-Contracting Party with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.
2. Each Contracting Party shall accord to covered investments treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments of investors of a non-Contracting Party with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.
3. For greater certainty, the “treatment” referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article does not encompass the dispute resolution mechanisms, such as those in Part C, in other international investment treaties and other trade agreements.

Article 6
National Treatment
1. Each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of the other Contracting Party treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to its own investors with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.
2. Each Contracting Party shall accord to covered investments treatment no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, to investments of its own investors with respect to the expansion, management, conduct, operation and sale or other disposition of investments in its territory.
3. The concept of “expansion” in this Article applies only with respect to sectors not subject to a prior approval process under the relevant sectoral guidelines and applicable laws, regulations and rules in force at the time of expansion. The expansion may be subject to prescribed formalities and other information requirements.

Article 11
Compensation for Losses
Investors of one Contracting Party who suffer losses in respect of covered investments owing to war, a state of national emergency, insurrection, riot or other similar events, shall be accorded treatment by the other Contracting Party, in respect of restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement, no less favourable than it accords in like circumstances, to its own investors or to investors of any third State.

Local laws — environmental protection, for example — which are seen as harmful and detrimental to business interests will be considered grounds to submit a claim for compensation.

Article 23
Consent to Arbitration
Each Contracting Party consents to the submission of a claim to arbitration in accordance with the procedures set out in this Agreement. Failure to meet any of the conditions precedent provided for in Article 21 shall nullify that consent.

Disputes won’t be heard in any open or transparent way. Instead arbitration that is largely secret will be resolving disputes.

Article 35
Entry into Force and Termination
1. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels that they have completed the internal legal procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the following month after the second notification is received, and shall remain in force for a period of at least fifteen years.
2. After the expiration of the initial fifteen-year period, this Agreement shall continue to be in force. Either Contracting Party may at any time thereafter terminate this Agreement. The termination will be effective one year after notice of termination has been received by the other Contracting Party.
3. With respect to investments made prior to the date of termination of this Agreement, Articles 1 to 34, as well as paragraph 4 of this Article, shall continue to be effective for an additional fifteen-year period from the date of termination.
4. The Annexes and footnotes to this Agreement constitute integral parts of this Agreement.

So the agreement itself lasts for at least 15 years. Then, we are required to give a 1 year notice, at which time, Articles 1 to 34 will lapse in another 15 years. All in all, this agreement will then last a minimum of 31 years. This is an entire generation away from being able to really terminate.

5. What Is Canada Getting With FIPA?

The secrecy shrouding the much-delayed Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) with China makes it hard for experts, let alone average Canadians, to figure out what benefits this country will see from the deal.

-Canadian governments are locked in for a generation. If Canada finds the deal unsatisfactory, it cannot be cancelled completely for 31 years.
-China benefits much more than Canada, because of a clause allowing existing restrictions in each country to stay in place. Chinese companies get to play on a relatively level field in Canada, while maintaining wildly arbitrary practices and rules for Canadian companies in China.
-Chinese companies will be able to seek redress against any laws passed by any level of government in Canada which threaten their profits. Australia has decided not to enter FIPA agreements specifically because they allow powerful corporations to challenge legislation on social, environmental and economic issues. —-Chinese companies investing heavily in Canadian energy will be able seek billions in compensation if their projects are hampered by provincial laws on issues such as environmental concerns or First Nations rights, for example.
-Cases will be decided by a panel of professional arbitrators, and may be kept secret at the discretion of the sued party. This extraordinary provision reflects an aversion to transparency and public debate common to the Harper cabinet and the Chinese politburo.
Differences between FIPA and the North American Free Trade Agreement may offer intriguing loopholes for American lawyers to argue for equal treatment under the principle of Most Favoured Nation.

The CBC covered the story and raised several legitimate concerns over this deal. Secrecy aside, it’s difficult to see what (if any) real benefits Canada gets from it.

6. China Buying Up Assets Across Canada

This is too long to do justice here, but Canadian laws make it easy for foreigners to buy property in Canada. This applies regardless of whether they live here, or even intend to. The Chinese in particular are taking full advantage of that.

7. Putting China Over Canadians

This isn’t really related to FIPA, but still good to point out: even so-called “populists” can be globalist shills. Here is no different. How does making it easier to import cheap Chinese products keep industries and jobs in Canada? However, China has more freedom and less government in recent decades.

8. CANZUK To Counter Chinese Influence?

CPC Policy Declaration August 2018

Have to love the mental gymnastics here. CPC Leader Erin O’Toole spoke in support of CANZUK in the 2018 Policy Convention. He explicitly stated he wanted to “let more and more countries” into the agreement. Fast forward 2 years, and he wants to accelerate CANZUK to stop the growing Chinese influence ….. that he supported in 2014. Way to be consistent.

9. Can O’Toole/CPC Actually Be Trusted?

How can anyone trust Erin O’Toole?
(a) He has no qualms about selling sovereignty to China.
(b) He supports CANZUK — and expanding the zone.
(c) CANZUK is now just a way to counter China, who is still here.
(d) Heenan Blaikie was Trudeau Sr.’s and Chretien’s old law firm.
(e) He is an ex-Facebook lobbyist.
(f) He openly shills for foreign powers like Israel.
(g) He supports even more draconian measures than Trudeau.
(h) His Chief of Staff is a Director at Sick Kids Hospital.
(i) CPC supports the temp-to-PR pipeline.

10. Objection To FIPA Pushed, No Real Debate

See here, here and here for original source material. There were people who opposed the sellout by the Conservatives.

11. Conservative Politicians Are Globalists

One would think that “conserving” in the sense of trade meant protecting local industries, and protecting communities from having major employers shipped overseas.

However, that is not the case. What passes for conservatism is really just “corporatism”, putting those interests over that of the local population. There are far more important things than stock prices and overall profits.

Ask them to “conserve” the makeup, culture, language, traditions, or heritage of a country, and that’s being racist. After all, Canada is make up of abstract values (that few can agree on), not any sort of identity.

CV #41: Are The Sherman Killings Tied To Canada Financing Global Pharma Research? (Theory)

One of several articles (this from suggesting that the killings of Barry and Honey Sherman were related to an ethics investigation of Trudeau.

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

It is now August, and the coronavirus hoax is more than 6 months old. To fully understand what is going on, one needs to see the events that are happening behind the scenes. The media in Canada (and elsewhere), will never give you the complete picture.

2. Important Links

CLICK HERE, for the Elections Canada mainpage.
CLICK HERE, for Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.
CLICK HERE, for Rob Silver leaving Crestview Strategy.
CLICK HERE, for CapforCanada article on Sherman killings.
CLICK HERE, for 2019 Toronto Star followup.
CLICK HERE, for Democracy Watch’s main page.
CLICK HERE, for Apotex aiding Clinton Foundation missions.
CLICK HERE, for records, donations to foreign charities.
CLICK HERE, for Bloomberg on Apotex donating HCQ doses.

3. Context For This Article

This may be going a bit too far down the rabbit hole, but let’s address it anyway. While it is widely believed that the Shermans were killed because of an ethics investigation into illegal lobbying, there are other factors to consider.

First: the motive seems iffy, as there are no real consequences to being found guilty of violating these rules. Trudeau has proven that again and again.

Second: what if there were bigger financial issues at stake?

  • Mar 2016 – Members of Trudeau’s family take trip with Aga Khan
  • Dec 2016 – Trudeau takes infamous Christmas trip with Aga Khan
  • Nov 2017 – Raj Saini introduces M-132 in the House
  • Dec 2017 – Barry & Honey Sherman are murdered
  • Dec 2017 – Trudeau found guilty of ethics breach
  • Mar 2018 – GAVI lobbies Canadian Government, continues
  • Sep 2018 – Committee hearings on M-132 start up
  • Mar 2019 – House of Commons formally adopts M-132 findings
  • Jun 2020 – Saini/Gladue lobbied by GAVI
  • Mar 2020 – Apotex begins lobbying Federal Government again
  • Apr 2020 – WHO releases list of vaxx research underway

As a disclaimer: this is only a THEORY. The site doesn’t have any hard evidence that these killings are connected. There is just: odd factors, curious timing, and a potential financial motive. Take all of this with a grain of salt.

4. Donations & Lobbying By Shermans

The Shermans have engaged in a small number of donations at the Federal level, according to Elections Canada. Nothing overtly suspicious from this alone. But let’s look into the lobbying that has been going on.

77 communications reports have been filed with the lobbying registry. Interestingly, the bulk of them were PRIOR to the scandal that broke for the Shermans (allegedly) illegally lobbying then-Candidate Trudeau. However, on March 17 and 20, 2020, there were 3 more meetings, on the topic of producing generic pharmaceuticals.

Certainly it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. One can only imagine how it proceeded.

5. M-132 Introduced, Killings A Month Later

For a speech on passing M-132.
The text is below

Motion Text
That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to undertake a study on ways of increasing benefits to the public resulting from federally funded health research, with the goals of lowering drugs costs and increasing access to medicines, both in Canada and globally; and that the Committee report its findings and recommendations to the House no later than one year from the time this motion is adopted.

This could be the mother of all coincidences, but a month after M-132 was introduced, (see here, and see here, for background information), Barry Sherman of Apotex, and his wife Honey, were murdered.

Apotex was the major Canadian producer of hydroxychloroquine, which is touted as a cure for the coronavirus. With it being used, there would be little need for massive vaccine research.

6. GAVI Lobbying Very Profitable

From March 2018 until June 2019, GAVI received $200 million from Global Affairs Canada. From June 2019 to June 2020, GAVI received another $100 million.

This may be a coincidence as well, but after M-132 was formally adopted in March 2019, GAVI continued with their lobbying. They met with Raj Saini (who introduced M-132), and Marilyn Gladue (Vice-Chair of the M-132 Committee), in June 2019.

Also worth a reminder: GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was co-founded by Rob Silver, husband of Katie Telford, who is Justin Trudeau’s Chief of Staff.

7. Murder Staged As Murder/Suicide

Barry and Honey’s lifeless bodies were discovered by realtors and clients who were touring the house on Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. The couple was last seen alive on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 13. Initially thought by police to be a murder-suicide, their deaths were later determined to be a “targeted” double homicide, according to Det. Sgt. Susan Gomes, who was then the lead detective on the case.

Their bodies were found in what Gomes told news conference was a “semi-seated position.” Belts around their necks were attached to a low railing at one end of their basement swimming pool, holding them upright. Brian Greenspan, one of the lawyers working for the Sherman family, has said publicly that the Shermans were found seated side by side, and that one of Barry’s legs was “crossed over the other.” People who saw the bodies in the pool room that Friday have confirmed this to the Star. One of those people said the bodies were not seated in a 90-degree position but tipped back slightly, with the belts around their necks holding them from falling backward into the pool.

While the police originally thought this to be a murder-suicide, they quickly changed their findings to that of a double homicide. This was just staged in order to throw investigators off the trail.

It seems that many people correctly suspected that the Sherman killings were staged, but didn’t figure out why. Of course, the coronavirus “pandemic” wouldn’t hit until 2020.

8. Apotex Documents Purged From Corp Canada

Typically, when searching Corporations Canada, one can instantly get major corporate documents, such as by-laws, directors, and articles of incorporation. However, Apotex Holdings & Apotex Pharmaceutical Holdings seem to have been removed from the site.

But, when these documents were issued a few months ago, this was the confirmation email.

Note: at one time these, the documents were available for download (and were). However, it seems the link and content has been disabled.

9. Democracy Watch In Federal Court

The Supreme Court of Canada will announce on Thursday whether it will hear an appeal from an ethics watchdog challenging the Trudeau government’s appointment of new ethics and lobbying commissioners.

Democracy Watch’s application for judicial review of cabinet’s appointment of Mario Dion as ethics and conflict of interest commissioner and Nancy Belanger as lobbying commissioner was dismissed by the Federal Court of Appeal earlier this year.

In that ruling, the presiding judges said they weren’t convinced by Democracy Watch’s arguments that the actions of the governor-in-council, or cabinet, in making the appointments were “unreasonable.”

The Supreme Court on Monday said it would it issue its judgment in Democracy Watch’s application for leave to appeal on July 30. The court usually releases judgments on leave to appeal applications on Thursday.

The Group called Democracy Watch has been trying for years to get a proper investigation into Trudeau and the Shermans, going as far as Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. However, On July 30, the SCC declined to hear the case.

10. Apotex Offers Drug For Free

Apotex Inc. is donating about 240,000 doses of a drug normally used to treat malaria for a study aimed at preventing COVID-19 infection in front-line medical staff, the company said Friday.

The drug, commonly known as hydroxychloroquine, will be used in a clinical trial conducted by Toronto’s University Health Network. It will be given to front-line health care workers in a randomized, controlled trial that includes a placebo to determine whether it would be an effective treatment in preventing further spread of the novel coronavirus which had infected nearly 900 Canadians as of Friday afternoon, Apotex said in a statement.

Apotex was back in the news recently with announcements to donate large samples of hydroxychloroquine for research in determining its effects on CV-19. Keep in mind, this is a drug that has been out for a long time, so there is little money to be made from mass producing it.

11. Efforts To Stop Hydroxychloroquine

This is too long to go into here, but just search “BAN HYDROYXCHLOROQUINE”, and an almost endless amount of articles will come up regarding efforts to prevent this drug from being used.

12. Ties To Clinton Foundation

Of course, the “Clinton Body Count” is beyond a meme at this point. But it should be pointed out that Apotex donated to the Clinton Foundation missions in Haiti, Rwanda and Puerto Rico. And people connected to them have a nasty habit of committing suicide.

Worth noting: according to CRA records, the Clinton Foundation (along with the Aga Khan Foundation), have received gifts from the Canadian Government. It has happened under both the Harper and Trudeau Governments.

13. Why Were The Shermans Really Killed?

Considering how little information has been publicly released on the case, it’s impossible to know for sure.

However, this is a very strange set of coincidences, if that’s what it really is.

  • Pandemic “simulations” are run for years: Dark Water (2001); Atlantic Storm (2005); Clade X (2018); and Event 201 (2019)
  • M-132 is announced in November 2017, to fund global pharma research, and it comes just a month before the killings.
  • The M-132 committee gets lobbied by the pharma industry, including GAVI itself.
  • GAVI’s lobbying firm, Crestview Strategy, was founded by Rob Silver, Katie Telford’s husband.
  • Shermans worked with Clinton Foundation
  • Then this “pandemic” hits, with all the signs of premeditation.
  • Now efforts are underway to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug Apotex can mass produce and share.

True, it has been widely speculated that this was done to stop an ethics investigation into Justin Trudeau. However, that seems unlikely, given these laws have no teeth.

This article may be viewed as a wild conspiracy theory. But it is an attempt to explain a set of seemingly nonsensical events.

Catherine McKenna: Co-Founder Of NGO, Canadian Lawyers Abroad

1. Important Links


Some Posts Written By McKenna

2. Context For This Article

When a person steps into public office, such as being a Member of Parliament, it is expected that they will have no other associations or obligations that will interfere with this role. They are expected to have no conflict of interest. For Ottawa MP Catherine McKenna, however, that is not the case.

She co-founded an NGO called Canadian Lawyers Abroad in 2006, which was aimed at getting Canadian law graduates to take on international matters. McKenna remained a director of this organization until the day of the 2015 election.

What does this group (whatever its name is) actually do? Looking at its profile, under the name Level Justice, it seems to focus on social justice and indoctrination for aspiring lawyers. Think of it as a sort of brainwashing movement, promoting a more globalist, or internationalist approach.

It also operates a student internship, where law students and graduates take on work abroad. This amounts to a summer or so or volunteer work abroad, working for NGOs. An interesting situation: even while running for office, Catherine McKenna was a director at an NGO, which tried to get law students to go work for other NGOs abroad. The annual reports do list where people have gone, but more information would have been nice on the work they do.

But looking at the reports issued, it seemed that this global internship was not the biggest focus. More efforts were spent on local initiatives.

3. “Candidate” McKenna Stayed On CLA Board

Today was a big week in the history of Canadian Lawyers Abroad. On Monday, Brittany Twiss came on board as our new Executive Director. The torch had officially passed from Yasmin Shaker and me, the CLA co-founders, to the next generation!

It is bittersweet to be leaving as ED of CLA (although I will still be on the board). I realize how lucky I have been to work with so many passionate and committed lawyers and law students who live up to CLA’s motto of using law to improve lives. We are lucky to count among our boosters (and my mentors) amazing leaders in the legal community including Allan Rock and Nathalie Des Rosiers (who very kindly gave us our first office at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law), Bill Graham, Antonio Lamer, Ed Waitzer, Bob Rae, Greg Kane and Armand de Mestral. We also have thousands of law students who have come through our Student Chapter and Student Internship Programs who are now using their law degrees to build the rule of law and promote human rights in Canada and around the world.

McKenna remained on the Board of Canadian Lawyers Abroad, even though she was campaigning to become a Member of Parliament in the 2015 election. That page is from 2013, but it has to be asked: did McKenna remain on the Board after getting elected? Is she on the Board today? Is she using her position as an MP to push CLA’s agenda?

4. McKenna’s Posts On CLA Blog

About Catherine
I am a Co-Founder, former Executive Director and current Board Member of Canadian Lawyers Abroad. I am Executive Director of the Banff Forum and a lecturer at the Munk School of Global Affairs in Toronto.

Here, Catherine McKenna describes in broad strokes what her organization is, and what it’s goals are. Again, she remained a board member while running for public office, which is a huge conflict of interest.

How? In two ways. First, we run a Student Program that brings together law students from across the country who are passionate about using their law degree to make positive changes around the world. CLA provides a forum for discussion and debate and, through our Summer Internship Program, we offer students the possibility of gaining practical experience with our amazing partners in developing countries and Canada’s north.

Second, we develop innovative projects with our partners that will lead to positive, long-term changes in their communities. For example, we’re helping the KNUST Faculty of Law in Ghana set up a university legal clinic. University legal clinics have been a very successful model in Canada and Canadian lawyers and law students are well-placed to provide assistance. This project will give KNUST law students practical, real-life training and provide marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, access to desperately needed legal information and services. In the long-term, by promoting the rule of law and protecting human rights, this project will help reduce poverty and promote economic development in Ghana. We plan on replicating this pilot project with other partners around the world.

This all sounds great, but when you are an elected MP in Ottawa (or any riding) your allegiance is to the people of that riding. Remaining part of this organization makes McKenna look compromised.

In another article, McKenna outlines how law school is becoming a losing game, as there are more graduates than positions in articling available. She actually has a valid point, and the situation in the United States is much worse. Could this be a way of swaying more lawyers to her cause?

5. CDN Lawyers Abroad A.K.A. Level Justice

In September 2015, Canadian Lawyers Abroad underwent a name change and overhauled its website. However, its indoctrination agenda seems to be pretty much the same, so the changes are more cosmetic.


Looking at the corporate documents, it seems that Canadian Lawyers Abroad was renamed to LEVEL. CHANGING LIVES THROUGH LAW. It also looks like Catherine McKenna remained a Director at the organization until October 19, 2015. This was the day of the election which put her into office. Since there is no time listed, she may have only resigned after having won her seat.

6. CLA/Level Is Registered Charity

This is a bit confusing. McKenna stepped down as Executive Director in 2013. So, was she not considered a Director (according to the CRA) until this happened?

For Period Ending December 31, 2015
Receipted donations $82,191.00 (48.34%)
Non-receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts from other registered charities $81,039.00 (47.66%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $6,788.00 (3.99%)
Total revenue: $170,018.00

Charitable programs $97,086.00 (79.87%)
Management and administration $0.00 (0.00%)
Fundraising $8,868.00 (7.30%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $15,597.00 (12.83%)
Total expenses: $121,551.00

Professional and consulting fees

Note: There is no compensation listed for employees

For Period Ending December 31, 2016
Receipted donations $10,600.00 (7.54%)
Non-receipted donations $78,864.00 (56.07%)
Gifts from other registered charities $43,000.00 (30.57%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $8,200.00 (5.83%)
Total revenue: $140,664.00

Charitable programs $116,887.00 (90.23%)
Management and administration $12,652.00 (9.77%)
Fundraising $0.00 (0.00%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $129,539.00

Total compensation for all positions

Full-time employees (1)
Part-time employees (4)

Professional and consulting fees

Compensated full-time positions:
$40,000 to $79,999 (1)

For Period Ending August 31, 2017
Receipted donations $0.00 (0.00%)
Non-receipted donations $110,300.00 (85.31%)
Gifts from other registered charities $18,992.00 (14.69%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $0.00 (0.00%)
Total revenue: $129,292.00

Expenses are listed as $163,006

Total compensation for all positions

Full-time employees (3)

Professional and consulting fees

Compensated full-time positions:
$1 to $39,999 (2)
$40,000 to $79,999 (1)

For Period Ending August 31, 2018
Receipted donations $6,790.00 (1.71%)
Non-receipted donations $260,938.00 (65.58%)
Gifts from other registered charities $130,131.00 (32.71%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $28.00 (0.01%)
Total revenue: $397,887.00

Charitable programs $288,133.00 (91.80%)
Management and administration $25,747.00 (8.20%)
Fundraising $0.00 (0.00%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $313,880.00

Total compensation for all positions

Full-time employees (3)

Professional and consulting fees

Compensated full-time positions:
$40,000 to $79,999 (1)
$80,000 to $119,999 (2)

For Period Ending August 31, 2019
Receipted donations $10,000.00 (2.96%)
Non-receipted donations $156,492.00 (46.30%)
Gifts from other registered charities $171,448.00 (50.73%)
Government funding $0.00 (0.00%)
All other revenue $25.00 (0.01%)
Total revenue: $337,965.00

Charitable programs $220,726.00 (89.76%)
Management and administration $25,171.00 (10.24%)
Fundraising $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $245,897.00

Total compensation for all positions

Full-time employees (3)

Professional and consulting fees

Compensated full-time positions:
$40,000 to $79,999 (3)

7. Little Info On Elections Canada Site

A quick search into the financing section of Elections Canada shows very little. In fact, as of the time of writing this, there are 21 donations total with McKenna’s name on them. Most are for a few hundred dollars. So McKenna hasn’t been getting large donations from various groups.

8. Global Internship Program

In summer 2016, Level placed 20 student interns with NGOs in Canada, the US, Ghana, Namibia, Kenya, Thailand, India and Bangladesh, where they gained practical human rights research and advocacy experience. While Level has made the difficult decision this year to shift its focus to local and remote internship opportunities, we are proud to have facilitated international internships for over 220 students since 2005. I would like to take this opportunity to thank  our amazing partners for their support of our student initiatives, and their commitment to making justice a reality for some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Focused on an annual theme, Level’s Chapters organize community events, host conferences and panel discussions, and contribute research papers to an annual human rights journal. In 2016-17, our Chapters advanced awareness of women’s human rights both in Canada and abroad, and encouraged their peers to think critically about how they can use their budding legal skills to make a positive impact in their communities.

Through our Global Internship Program, 20 passionate and talented JD/LLB students spent the summer working for NGOs in Canada or overseas supporting grassroots efforts to increase access to justice and combat poverty, inequality and exploitation. Since 2005, over 220 students have advanced the mission of 45 organizations in 15 countries, while at the same time developing practical skills to advance their careers.

The quotes are from the annual 2016 report.

2014 through 2018 are available currently on the website.
On a serious note: one has to wonder how effective these students and new graduates would actually be. Not only would they have little to no experience in Canada, how could they contribute in countries where the culture and language are very different? How would they be able to operate in areas that might be highly suspicious of Westerners?

9. What This Group Does

From the looks of things, Canadian Lawyers Abroad, now called “Level Changing Lives Through The law”, or as “Level Justice”, runs a bunch of advocacy programs in Canada. The focus is on a social justice approach on crime, law, and access to representation.

The group has a “global internship program” which encourages law students and/or law school graduates to go abroad working for NGOs of other organizations. While the places are listed, it would be nice to know more about what these aspiring lawyers are in fact doing.

However, it appears that the bulk of the work has to do with domestic initiatives within Canada. That may explain the name change, as “Canadian Lawyers Abroad” left the impression that it was the bulk of their work.

Within Canada, it does seem to be focused on pitching the notion that poverty, racism and intolerance is what keeps people from getting access to justice. On the surface, this group seems to be noble and benevolent, though it views everything through the social justice lens.