Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists Funded By Pfizer, Recommends Vaccines & Boosters

Many would think that the Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Canada is an independent organization, and that it has the best interests of women and families at heart. That may not be the case, as shown by some of their recommendations.

It’s fitting that on their home page, they have a computer simulation of the coronavirus. Quite appropriate, since it’s never been isolated, or even shown to exist. Now, what does this group have to say about vaccinating pregnant women?

In Canada, NACI has preferentially advised that “a complete vaccine series with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to individuals in the authorized age group who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Informed consent should include discussion about emerging evidence on the safety of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in these populations. (Strong NACI Recommendation). Contraindications to vaccination are few and a complete description is available within the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidance document.

Given that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe COVID-related morbidity and mortality, they represent a population that should be prioritized for vaccination in situations where vaccine supply is limited. Specifically, the WHO has recommended that pregnant women be prioritized in stage II, representing a situation where the supply is only sufficient to immunize 11-20% of a population. Importantly, the WHO recommendation is upheld in all epidemiologic situations including community transmission, sporadic cases as well as no cases.

Individuals who are discovered to be pregnant during their vaccine series or shortly afterward should not be counselled to terminate pregnancy based on having received the vaccine. If conception is presumed to predate the first dose, it is recommended to follow the same procedures for active surveillance (as available) as would be activated if the pregnancy was known at the time of vaccination. A registry to track pregnancy outcomes for individuals receiving any vaccine doses during pregnancy is being planned for Canada. Pregnant individuals can get more information here:

Pregnant women mount immune responses comparable to the non-pregnant population and vaccine efficacy of the COVID vaccines among cohorts of pregnant women are comparable to non-pregnant women. There is no data to suggest that pregnant women who meet criteria for a booster dose should be treated differently than the non-pregnant population. While timing and criteria for booster doses may vary by jurisdiction, pregnant women should receive a booster dose when recommended.

A registry to track the effects of vaccines on pregnant women is being planned? That’s certainly good to know. These recommendations to take experimental concoctions are pretty shocking, or at least they should be.

Now, why is this group so pro-vaccine, even when the long term effects are unknown? One strong possibility is that they are funded by Pfizer, Merck and Bayer. Shocker, that the major donors to this organization would profit considerably from more people getting the shot. It seems that SOGC is quite appreciative of their partners.

SOGC also provides a set of talking points for health care workers to give to uncertain patients. It’s no surprise that a group funded by drug companies recommends to these “professionals” that everything is safe and effective.

Back in April 2020, SOGC repeated from WHO that abortion is a human right, and that it must not be denied. Pretty screwy to be starting a global pandemic, and the first thought is to wipe out the next generation. The World Health Organization seems to have a sick fascination with what they consider to be human rights.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with continuing education, especially in professions like health care. After all, information does change. That being said, it’s disturbing when the CME — or continuing medical education — is funded by drug companies, at least in Ontario.

As Searchlight Pharma, which is a sponsor of the CME program, they are a company with holdings in many related products for women. Duchesnay also sells many of the same things. It’s fair to assume that this “continuing education” will be little more than a trade show, where doctors get told about what products to push.

As for MD Financial Management, that arose after the CMA’s — Canadian Medical Association’s — push to get doctors saving and investing. It’s no surprise that the pharma industry is a good one to invest in.

To anyone thinking that you are getting (at least somewhat) independent and impartial advice, keep this in mind. The pharmaceutical industry has vested interests in making sure you’re talking to experts with an agenda.

Finally, it’s worth a mention that this group is getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, run by the Canada Revenue Agency. This means that taxpayers are forced to help subsidize a group that’s pushing vaccines on pregnant women. Of course, this is in addition to the funding it gets from drug companies.

Certainly makes one proud to pay taxes, knowing that these are the places that they end up going to. In essence, we are topping up a drug marketing company that wants to kill our children. Anyone who still has faith in politicians or government at this point is completely delusional.

(2) SOGC_Statement_COVID-19_Vaccination_in_Pregnancy
(5) Society Of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists COVID-19 Champions
(7) SOGC Talking Points For Health Care Workers
(9) Induced Abortion – Pandemic Guidance WHO
(12) SOGCA Continuing Medical Education Funded By Pharma
(14) Portfolio – Searchlight Pharma

(A) Canadian Pharmaceutical Sciences Foundation Funded By Big Pharma
(B) Canadian Pharmacists Association: Subsidies While They Lobby Against You
(C) CDN Immunization Research Network Funded By Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi
(D) B.C. Pharmacy Association Funded By Drug Companies
(E) U.S. Council On Patient Safety: Women’s Health
(F) Emergent BioSolutions Lobbying All Federal Parties
(G) British Fertility Society Funded By Pharmaceutical Companies
(H) American College Health Foundation Is Funded By Big Pharma-and-insurance/
(I) Myocarditis Foundation Gets Donations From Big Pharma

Some Of The Larger “Anti-Racism” Grants The Feds Pump Out At Taxpayer Expense

Racism divides communities, breeds fear and fuels animosity. Addressing racism and discrimination is a longstanding commitment of Canadians who see our country’s diversity as a source of strength. Canada is strong, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Unfortunately, Canada is not immune to racism and discrimination — challenges remain when it comes to fully embracing diversity, openness and cooperation.

It is vital that Canada stands up to discrimination perpetrated against any individual or group of people on the basis of their religion and/or ethnicity and this is why the Government of Canada has committed to engage the public on a new federal anti-racism strategy. We are exploring racism as it relates to employment and income supports, social participation (for example, access to arts, sport and leisure) and justice.

Building a Foundation for Change: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2019–2022 is a $45 million investment that will take immediate steps in combatting racism and discrimination based on what was heard during the engagement process and supported by research. The Strategy will complement existing government efforts and programs aimed at eliminating inequities by focusing on three guiding principles: Demonstrating Federal Leadership, Empowering Communities, and Building Awareness & Changing Attitudes.

The premise of this would be laughable, if it weren’t meant to be taken seriously. Canada is strong, not in spite of our difference, but because of them? How is having nothing in common with your neighbours a source of strength? What exactly binds communities together if not their commonalities?

If diversity really is our strength, then why does this continuous racism exist? Doesn’t everyone celebrate that being divided makes us united?

More than just words, the Federal Government (or rather, taxpayers), have been spending huge sums of money for this delusion for years. Below is just a sample of the money spend on this.

Note: some of the grants predate that program, but are worth sharing anyway. If nothing else, this stupidity needs to be exposed.

519 Church Street Community Centre Nov. 9, 2020 $300,000
Aboriginal Legal Services Inc. Apr. 1, 2020 $290,000
Aboriginal Peoples Alliance Of Northern Ontario Sep. 1, 2021 $512,600
ACCT Foundation Apr. 15, 2020 $309,000
Action Dignity Society Sep. 1, 2021 $245,675
Action For Healthy Communities Society Of Alberta Sep. 1, 2021 $233,430
Actions Interculturelles De Developpement Et D’Education Sep. 1, 2020 $200,000
Algoma University Sep. 1, 2021 $262,500
Association Of Ontario Midwives Sep. 1, 2021 $224,936
Bilal Community And Family Centre Apr. 1, 2020 $212,000
Black Legal Action Centre Feb. 1, 2020 $336,577
Black Students’ Mental Health Project Sep. 1, 2021 $226,798
Bureau De La Communaute Haitienne De Montreal Sep. 1, 2021 $400,000
Canadian Anti-Hate Network Jun. 1, 2020 $268,400
Canadian Council Of Muslim Women Oct. 1, 2020 $316,700
Canadian Freestyle Ski Association Apr. 1, 2021 $1,010,295
Canadian Sport Institute Ontario Apr. 1, 2021 $1,247,877
Canadian Sport Institute Pacific Society Apr. 1, 2021 $1,721,743
Catholic Centre For Immigrants (Ottawa) Apr. 1, 2020 $380,578
CEE Centre For Young Black Professionals May 1, 2020 $279,500
Centre D’Amitie Autochtone De Val D’Or Inc. Oct. 1, 2021 $416,400
Centre Des Femmes Afghanes Sep. 1, 2021 $203,702
Centre for Race and Culture Apr. 1, 2010 $497,663
Centre Multiculturel de Ressources de LaSalle Oct. 18, 2021 $425,000
Children’s Peace Theatre Sep. 1, 2021 $250,000
Chinese Canadian National Council Sep. 1, 2021 $240,000
Coaching Association Of Canada Apr. 1, 2021 $308,000
Coalition Of Muslim Women of KW Jul. 1, 2020 $285,000
Council For The Advancement Of African Canadians In Alberta Sep. 1, 2021 $221,500
Corporation Wapikoni Mobile Sep. 1, 2021 $587,313
Culturelink Settlement And Community Services Oct. 1, 2021 $227,636
Durhamn Regional Unemployed Help Sep. 1, 2021 $225,801
Edmonton Centre For Race And Culture Sep. 1, 2021 $222,020
Equipe R.D.P. Sep. 1, 2021 $340,000
Equitas – Centre International d’Education Aux Driots Humains Sep. 1, 2020 $490,000
Family Services of Peel Feb. 15, 2021 $324,200
Federation Des Chambres De Commerce Du Quebec Sep. 1, 2020 $200,000
Federation of Black Canadians Sep. 1, 2020 $263,300
Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak Oct. 1, 2021 $659,201
First Light St. John’s Friendship Centre Inc. Jun. 1, 2021 $362,900
First Light St. John’s Friendship Centre Inc. Sep. 1, 2021 $253,940
Georgian bay Native Friendship Centre Inc. Sep. 21, 2021 $416,000
Grand Council Treaty #3 Sep. 1, 2021 $346,700
Institut National Du Sport Du Quebec Apr. 1, 2021 $1,522,301
Institut De Recherce Et D’Eucation Sur Les Relations Racials Aug. 3, 2020 $225,000
Integration Jeunesse Du Quebec Sep. 1, 2020 $281,742
Jane/Finch Community And Family Centre Aug. 1, 2021 $216,879
Jewish Family Services of Ottawa Aug. 10, 2009 $632,273
Jewish Family Services of Ottawa Dec. 23, 2009 $693,415
Jewish Family Services of Ottawa-Carleton May 13, 2010 $1,263,495
John Howard Society of Ontario Oct. 1, 2021 $433,225
Justice For Girls Outreach Program Aug. 4, 2020 $206,970
Legal Aid Ontario Sep. 1, 2020 $285,000
Lift Community Services Of Qathet Sep. 1, 2020 $222,000
Maison D’Haiti Sep. 1, 2021 $279,810
Makeway Charitable Society Sep. 1, 2021 $228,833
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. Aug. 1, 2021 $500,000
Matawa First Nations Management Sep. 7, 2021 $355,208
Metro Toronto Chinese & East Asian Legal Clinic Apr. 1, 2020 $301,904
Metro Toronto Chinese & East Asian Legal Clinic Sep. 1, 2021 $286,910
Midaynta Community Services Oct. 1, 2021 $275,000
MOSAIC – Multilingual Orientation Service Association For Immigrant Communities Sep. 1, 2021 $213,250
Muslim Association Of Canada Sep. 1, 2021 $349,210
National Anti-Racism Council of Canada Mar. 28, 2008 $211,205
National Anti-Racism Council of Canada Aug. 28, 2008 $430,213
Nigerian Canadians For Cultural, Educational And Economic Progress Oct. 1, 2021 $219,420
Nishnawbe-Aski Legal Services Corp. Apr. 1, 2020 $376,788
Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations Sep. 1, 2009 $497,161
Northern Nishnwabe Education Council Sep. 1, 2021 $250,000
North Shore Multicultural Society Aug. 1, 2021 $247,653
Northwestern Ontario Women’s Centre May 3, 2019 $250,000
Nova Scotia Department Of Justice Oct. 1, 2020 $200,000
Nunatsiavut Government Sep. 1, 2021 $352,660
Ontario Federation Of Indigenous Friendship Centres Apr. 1, 2020 $284,050
Parry Sound Friendship Centre Sep. 1, 2021 $225,000
Q’Wemtsin Health Society Jul. 1, 2021 $333,865
Reach Edmonton Council Oct. 1, 2020 $255,000
Regent Park Community Health Centre Sep. 1, 2021 $275,823
Regional Connections Inc. Sep. 1, 2021 $254,704
Return The Love Community Support Sep. 1, 2021 $200,000
Riel Institute For Education And Learning Aug. 30, 2021 $236,095
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre Sep. 8, 2021 $288,387
Ryerson University Sep. 1, 2020 $250,000
Sentencing And Parole Project Nov. 1, 2021 $300,000
Service D’Orientation Et D’Integration Des Immigrants Au Travail De Quebec Sep. 1, 2020 $280,000
Social Planning Council Of Winnipeg Apr. 1, 2020 $266,100
Sommet Socio-Economique Pour Le Developpement Des Jeunes Des Communautres Noires Mar. 1, 2020 $251,090
Table De Concertation Des Organismes Au Service Des Personnes Refugiees Et Immigrantes Inc. Sep. 1, 2021 $375,000
Taibu Community Health Centre Apr. 1, 2020 $460,238
Town Of Strathmore Apr. 1, 2020 $260,000
Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service May 1, 2020 $215,000
Umoja Community Mosaic Sep. 1, 2021 $288,800
United Jewish Appeal Of Greater Toronto Sep. 1, 2021 $340,000
Urban Alliance On Race Relations Jul. 21, 2021 $235,800
Urban Rez Solutions Social Enterprise Aug. 1, 2019 $430,000
Vieux Theatre De St.-Fabien (LE) Apr. 1, 2021 $1,900,140
Women’s Health In Women’s Hands Sep. 1, 2020 $340,000
YMCA Of Windsor-Essex County Jan. 29, 2008 $203,002
ZMQ Global Sep. 1, 2021 $287,840

It must be stated that the connection between many of these grants and “fighting racism” is far from clear. For a lot of these, it looks like just a way to funnel money in a manner that couldn’t otherwise be done. Do we really have to pay for people to go skiing, just to prove we’re not racists? The actual search results in 600 hits, so it’s not practical to cover them all. These are just the bigger ones listed.

An interesting observation: considering all that white privilege that exists in the West, it seems that whites are about the only group that hasn’t qualified for it’s own specific funding.

15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Of course, equality under Section 15 of the Charter doesn’t seem to mean much. The second part of it specifically allows discrimination as long as it’s done to help “disadvantaged groups”. Thank you very much, Pierre Trudeau.

Ever wonder why some problems continue to get worse? Trudeau Jr. has substantially increased the funding of his predecessor, Stephen Harper.


Institute For Strategic Dialogue (ISD): Government Sponsored Group Combatting “Misinformation”

Ever get the impression that Governments are colluding with social media and NGOs in a program of counter-intelligence? Ever think that there may be a coordinated effort to keep the general public oblivious to what’s really going on in the world? Turns out, there may be something to that.

Credit where it’s due: Stormhaven Media previously addressed the ISD, and some of its nefarious connections. Go check that out for more context.

The Canadian Government briefly mentions the work done by ISD in their group: Rapid Response Mechanism Canada (RRM Canada). This was related to foreign interference during and leading up to the 2019 European Union Parliamentary Elections. ISD is specifically listed in footnote #3.

On that page, there was also concern that anti-abortion sentiments were rising as a result of the language used. In short, calling things what they were amounted to resistance to the pro-death agenga. Also, Ottawa seemed to realize that people were getting wise to globalism and to the prospects of a Muslim takeover. Having a narrative shift makes it harder to sell Government policies.

A program run by Public Service Canada involved implementing the agenda of preventing violent extremism into Canadian schools. Parents, did you know about this?

Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
This project builds on a long-standing international program, first launched in 2015 through support from Public Safety Canada, designed to give young people the resources to challenge violent extremism in all its forms. Extreme Dialogue is a free resource designed to be delivered by teachers, youth practitioners, external facilitators (including social services and police), or young people themselves, by using films and supporting curriculum materials to learn about the true stories of those affected by violent extremism.
This new investment will support bringing the program to approximately 2,000 students between the ages of 14-20 in eight different francophone high schools and CEGEP/colleges in Quebec, and will deliver new and adapted education material and workshops for students, delivered by teachers and practitioners. Teachers and practitioners will be equipped through training delivered by the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence (CPRLV).
Ultimately, this project aims to build resilience to radicalization leading to violence in youth by providing them with the knowledge, skills and values needed not only to openly discuss, but to also challenge extremism in schools and other settings within their community.

Did parents know that the Federal Government was implementing into their schools the same kind of training that is given to those “peaceful groups” to ensure they don’t commit mass murder? Maybe not letting such people into Canada in the first place would have been a better idea. Perhaps this is done to subconsciously shift the public opinion that this sort of thing should be considered normal. But then, objecting to the forced integration of vastly different groups is probably racist, or something.

Canada also has a Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security, or CCRS, It’s chaired by Amarnath Amarasingam, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue

In 2013, Public Safety Canada gave ISD $24,372.98 in a sole-sourced contract to “counter violent extremism”. However, the details of this contract were extremely sparse, so we are left to guess about what it actually involved.

Last year, Canadian taxpayers forked over nearly $400,000 to this “independent” group. Seems like an unproductive use of money. But then, it’s hardly the only time we’ve financed our own brainwashing. See the links at the bottom for worse examples of this.

It’s a registered tax-exempt organization in the United States, so more information about its finances is available from the Internal Revenue Service.

Of course, it’s hardly just the Canadian Government (or rather, taxpayers) who are financing this organization. Looking through their website, it’s easy to find the full list of donors and partners. And wow, what a list of organizations this is.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue US (ISD US) is a non-political, not-for-profit corporation registered in the District of Columbia with 501(c)(3) status. It was formed with Articles of Incorporation on 19 August 2009. Whilst the two entities are legally separate, a majority of Board members sit on both boards so that decisions can be taken collectively. You can search for ISD US using tax identification number 27-1282489.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue gGmbH (ISD Germany) is registered with the companies’ registrar in Berlin, registration AG Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 207 328B. It was formed on 19 February 2019 with a Deed and Articles of Association and began operations in 2020. The Managing Directors are Huberta von Voss and Sarah Kennedy.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue France (ISD France) is a legal entity under the status of Association de loi 1901, a status granted to not-for-profit organisations across a range of sectors.


  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
  • ARENA @ Johns Hopkins University
  • Cardiff University
  • Centre for the Analysis of Social Media (CASM)
  • Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
  • Deakin University
  • Demos
  • Fair Fight Action
  • Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)
  • German Marshall Fund Alliance for Securing Democracy
  • Global Center on Cooperative Security
  • Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)
  • Global Disinformation Index
  • Hans-Bredow Institute
  • Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
  • Institut Montaigne
  • Institute for Economics and Peace
  • McCain Institute
  • MIT Media Cloud
  • Ontario Tech University
  • Sussex University Computer Science Department
  • United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UNCTED)
  • Victoria University
  • West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute


  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • British Council
  • Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
  • Europäisches Forum Alpbach
  • Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung
  • Gen Next Foundation
  • Hirondelle Foundation
  • International Republican Institute (IRI)
  • Mercator Stiftung Germany
  • Mercator Stiftung Switzerland
  • National Democratic Institute
  • Omidyar Group
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • United States Institute for Peace

Governments & Multilateral Organisations

  • Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and trade (DFAT)
  • Australian Department for Home Affairs
  • Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)
  • Council of Europe
  • Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration
  • Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victoria, Australia
  • Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Dutch Ministry of the Interior
  • European Commission
  • Finnish Interior Ministry
  • German Federal Agency for Civic Engagement
  • German Federal Foreign Office (Auswaertiges-Amt)
  • German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)
  • Global Affairs Canada
  • Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)
  • Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands
  • New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)
  • Norwegian Ministry of Children & Families (MCF)
  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security
  • Public Safety Canada
  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
  • Swedish Ministry of Integration
  • Swedish Ministry of Justice
  • Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
  • UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
  • UK Home Office
  • UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • US Department for Homeland Security (DHS)
  • US State Department

Private Sector

  • Audible
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Jigsaw
  • Microsoft
  • YouTube

Now, just because the Institute for Strategic Dialogue is financed by numerous Western Governments, social media companies, think tanks, and NGOs like the Open Society and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, there’s no reason to be concerned. It’s not like there is any ideology that prevents truth and objective analysis from being published.

It’s hardly surprising that the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Open Society are claiming that racism and hate are on the rise. When NGOs are pushing open borders policies, it tends to provoke considerable backlash.

ISD lists conditions it imposes for any donations that are offered. While they sound fine on the surface, it needs to be said that it will only take money from groups who are on board with its ideology.

(1) The funder demonstrates respect for and adherence to universal human rights, freedom of speech, democracy and the rule of law, and does not support or condone extremism or terrorism
(2) The funder does not conduct activities or implement policies that promote violence, hatred or prejudice on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, age or disability, and does not seek to deflect criticism from their involvement in any of the above by funding ISD
(3) The funding will help to challenge extremism, polarisation and disinformation and will support ISD in its pursuit of its charitable objectives
(4) The funder does not attempt to influence ISD’s objectives, policies or decisions, and the funding does not pose a risk to ISD’s independence, either explicitly or implicitly
(5) The funding does not pose a risk of harm to ISD’s reputation, staff, partners or beneficiaries

If one questions of the replacement agenda is real (getting rid of whites in the West), the climate change narrative, the pandemic fear-porn, or censorship in general, ISD will not take money. Rather than foster any true debate or research, it seems that all this group wants is an echo chamber.

Never forget, the Canadian Government has openly talked about passing laws to combat what they call “pandemic misinformation”. While that may be a hard sell, this may be the next best thing, from their perspective.

Now, let’s see the ISD findings in action. Let’s see some fairly mainstream coverage which references the work ISD does. Surely, it will be fully transparent in all of this.

Irish far-right groups have been exploiting online loopholes and using encrypted and largely unmoderated social media sites and messaging apps to mobilise and spread messages of hate throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
That’s according to research carried out by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue (ISD), an independent global organisation dedicated to powering solutions to extremism, hate, and disinformation.
The study showed that the number of channels and messages created and sent by Irish users of the encrypted messaging app Telegram has increased rapidly, with just 800 messages sent in 2019 compared with over 60,000 this past January.

As just one example of propaganda, the Irish Examiner refers to the ISD as an “independent” organization. Any due diligence would have found out who really funds this group. Pretty hard to be independent when Governments and interested parties are paying the bills.

It’s entirely possible this omission was due to sloppy writing. However, it appears far more likely that this author simply chose to ignore the truth about the ISD, in an attempt to mislead and deceive readers. Looking at his LinkedIn profile suggests willful omissions, as he has a Masters in journalism. He probably should have stuck with being an English teacher.

Don’t worry, the Government is isn’t involved in gaslighting, brainwashing, or otherwise dumbing down the population in order for them to be more compliant. Politicians don’t really get their hands dirty like this. They just pay other people to do it.

(3) Open data analysis – European Parliamentary Elections_ Comprehensive Report
(6) Members of the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security
(7) ISD Funding Project Descriptions
(9) ISD Disclosure of Contracts Over $10,000
(14) Partnerships and Funders – Institute For Strategic Dialogue
(17) Irish far right groups flocking to encrypted and unmoderated social media sites
(19) Steven Heaney _ LinkedIn



Naheed Dosani, Mandatory Vaccines, PEACH, End Of Life, Care For The Homeless

The above tweets are quite chilling. Here, we have someone who is angry that Doug Ford announced that proof of vaccination will end in January. The rationale is that if unless people are pressured to get it, they will just “wait it out”. This attitude is sick and twisted, yet people like this are allowed to care for vulnerable patients.

This isn’t a one-off from someone showing poor judgement. Nor is it some troll being a twit online just for kicks. This man is treated as a medical expert by the establishment.

If a person repeatedly posted comments about pedophilia, would you let them near your children? Of course not. Then why is someone who frequently writes in favour of forced medical procedures allowed such a power as a doctor?

Another day, another look at a doctor on the media circuit. This time, it’s McMaster University Professor, Naheed Dosani. Any time an “expert” is all over the news, pushing vaccines and public health measures, it’s worthwhile to do a bit of digging. Dosani is quite obviously on board with the “pandemic” agenda. Dosani’s Twitter feed is full of social justice issues, mocking the “anti-vaxxers” and retweeting people being called racists.

There is a lot of these comments in Dosani’s feed, and it’s downright creepy how readily he wants to impose his will on others. He seems to have no real respect for bodily autonomy.

Regarding some of these tweets, Dosani employs a common tactic: he’s gaslighting people by claiming if they “wait for the mandates to end, it undermines efforts to force injections”. While true, it undermines the validity that these are even necessary.

We obviously can’t have people shopping around for a less harmful “vaccine”. Things like blood clots, leaking capilaries, Bell’s Palsy, or heart inflammation aren’t that serious anyway.

Dosani received a Meritorious Service Cross from the Governor General for his work with (PEACH), Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless (PEACH). Apparently this was a model to be replicated in other cities around the world.

On its own, Dosani’s work with homeless and vulnerable people seems quite noble and admirable. However, given his obsession with pushing these experimental concoctions, it’s fair to ask whether he will be pushing them on those groups he claims to want to help? Will these lead to pressuring people into accepting them? Given his animosity towards people trying to exercise free will, one has to wonder how he behaves with his own patients.

This person has also called for UBI, or a universal basic income, to be implemented. He says that in the long run it’s much cheaper for everyone. Kwame McKenzie of the Ontario Science Table, previously was the research chair for the 2017 Ontario pilot project. Strange, if this is just a coincidence.

Dosani received his MD at McMaster University in Hamilton, and he’s listed as an Assistant Clinical Professor there. This university has received substantial amounts of money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years.

Kashif Pirzada is another pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine personality who’s frequently on the news. He’s also a Faculty Member at McMaster, and more information about the school is available. A quick tidbit: McMaster’s endowment fund is managed by Blackrock.

In July 2021, Dosani co-authored an opinion piece in the Toronto Star, calling for the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers. In the article, they comment that workers can use paid sick days to take time off work to recover from the side effects.

Of course, this should not detract in any way from the often repeated talking points that these vaccines are safe and effective. Remember, the correct vaccine for you is the one you’re offered first.

Many health workers may not be aware that they can use paid sick days (called the Ontario COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit) to take time off to recover from vaccine side effects. Unfortunately, only three days are available. This means that if a health worker had already taken time off to go get a COVID test, or to look after a family member with COVID-19, they would have no sick days left.

The piece was cloaked in a plea for compassion for marginalized people, and had the same usual social justice talking points. What was noteworthy was that one of the co-authors was Sabina Vohra-Miller. She and her husband, Craig Miller, started the Vohra-Miller Foundation. More background information on them is available here.

The Institute for Pandemics, which opened in August 2020 at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, is working to strengthen co-ordination, communication and collaboration between science and government—an approach rooted in evidence-based policies that will support quicker responses to future pandemics.
The Vohra Miller Foundation’s investment to launch the Institute for Pandemics was just the start of its extraordinary new partnership with the University. In February 2021, the couple once again made history—for the University of Toronto and for public health in Canada—with a $5-million commitment to help create First Exposure, an innovative new research network and information hub for maternal, reproductive and child health also housed at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

The Vohra-Miller Foundation was a major financier of the “Institute for Pandemics“, run by the Ontario Science Table, at the Dalla Lana School for Public Health, at the University of Toronto. Dosani himself received training at UofT. His profile still lists him as a lecturer there. Certainly an interesting connection that they know each other.

He was part of a group of researchers that received nearly $1 million from the CIHR on behalf of the University of Victoria to study homelessness, life limiting illness, and vulnerable populations.

Dosani appeared before the Canadian Senate on Bill C-7, to expand MAiD, or medical assistance in dying. He spoke out how many people who consider this only do so since they face many other problems in their lives. It was quite the compelling piece to watch. Of course, will he view that certain medications are needed to maintain a certain quality of life?

Journey Home Hospice, an end-of-life centre for people who are homeless, opened up in 2018, due largely to Dosani’s efforts. PEACH was also founded in 2014 by Dosani.

Bit of a side note: until recently, Dosani was a physician at the William Osler Health system. This place previously challenged the VOM or “vaccinate-or-mask” policies. This is basically the opposite of what Dosani supports. Of course, this was in the days when the Ontario Nurses’ Association actually stood up for its members.

Dosani’s work with homeless people is something (by itself) to commend. However, given his attitude towards mandatory injections, and his connections, where exactly is this heading? Considering that he supports coercing people into taking experimental drugs, does he really have humanity’s best interests at heart?

(6) Toronto doctor says universal basic income actually costs society less
(8) Yes, vaccines should be mandatory for health-care workers.
(11) Chancellors’ Circle of Benefactors
(13) Sabina Vohra-Miller _ LinkedIn
(15) Naheed Dosani _ LinkedIn

Health Bridge Foundation Of Canada: Canadian “Charity” Getting Money To Abort Children Abroad

Health Bridge Foundation of Canada received $4.2 million from Canadian taxpayers in 2016. In 2021, there was the payment of another $12 million. While the first may not involve killing unborn children, the second certainly does. Now, if paying money to abort children abroad isn’t a worthwhile cause, then I don’t know what is. Even better, these programs will also target adolescents (girls) who are pregnant. Granted, there are other items spelled out in the grant, but killing children is one of them.

In the middle of a so-called global pandemic, it makes perfect sense to reduce the population as much as possible. Surely, we don’t need to be focusing on the preservation of human life, wherever possible. Please disregard the sarcasm.

Health Bridge is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charity. This means that whenever someone in this country makes a donation, taxpayers are on the hook for about 45% to 50% of that total. That means that these grants are subsidized by the public, whether we agree or not.

2015 Tax Information From CRA
Receipted donations $50,053.00 (1.78%)
Non-receipted donations $36,402.00 (1.29%)
Gifts from other registered charities $1,133,209.00 (40.26%)
Government funding $662,181.00 (23.53%)
All other revenue $932,587.00 (33.14%)
Total revenue: $2,814,432.00

Charitable programs $2,385,454.00 (84.56%)
Management and administration $423,373.00 (15.01%)
Fundraising $12,198.00 (0.43%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $2,821,025.00

2016 Tax Information From CRA
Receipted donations $26,260.00 (0.85%)
Non-receipted donations $25,065.00 (0.81%)
Gifts from other registered charities $738,550.00 (24.01%)
Government funding $863,745.00 (28.07%)
All other revenue $1,423,022.00 (46.25%)
Total revenue: $3,076,642.00

Charitable programs $2,600,136.00 (85.11%)
Management and administration $451,074.00 (14.77%)
Fundraising $3,689.00 (0.12%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $2.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,054,901.00

2017 Tax Information From CRA
Receipted donations $51,582.00 (1.90%)
Non-receipted donations $62,941.00 (2.32%)
Gifts from other registered charities $688,456.00 (25.35%)
Government funding $1,105,668.00 (40.71%)
All other revenue $807,371.00 (29.73%)
Total revenue: $2,716,018.00

Charitable programs $2,257,162.00 (83.19%)
Management and administration $449,475.00 (16.57%)
Fundraising $6,589.00 (0.24%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $2,713,226.00

2018 Tax Information From CRA
Receipted donations $38,250.00 (1.21%)
Non-receipted donations $49,002.00 (1.54%)
Gifts from other registered charities $790,541.00 (24.91%)
Government funding $990,245.00 (31.20%)
All other revenue $1,305,328.00 (41.13%)
Total revenue: $3,173,366.00

Charitable programs $2,703,713.00 (86.10%)
Management and administration $433,996.00 (13.82%)
Fundraising $2,402.00 (0.08%)
Political activities $0.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)

2019 Tax Information From CRA
Receipted donations $53,999.00 (1.49%)
Non-receipted donations $78,623.00 (2.17%)
Gifts from other registered charities $832,291.00 (23.00%)
Government funding $1,370,569.00 (37.88%)
All other revenue $1,283,116.00 (35.46%)
Total revenue: $3,618,598.00

Charitable programs $3,113,838.00 (87.78%)
Management and administration $433,244.00 (12.21%)
Fundraising $58.00 (0.00%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $3,547,140.00

It would be nice to know what “all other revenue” really means. When it’s 30-40% or the total income, that’s quite the interesting bit of information. Now, who are those lovely people donating to the Health Bridge Foundation?

Don’t worry. Being supported by, and getting donations from places like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, or the Rockefeller Foundation, are nothing to be concerned about. As for Unifor Social Justice, they are rocking the “Build Back Better” narrative, and its content seems eerily similar to the Great Reset.

HealthBridge Foundation of Canada (formerly PATH Canada) has been working since 1982 in Asia, Africa and the Americas. In the early years it undertook research and identified technologies and products that would improve contraception and health care in developing countries.

Since then, HealthBridge has evolved into an agile and efficient organization that aims to improve the health of vulnerable populations, including those at risk of malnutrition, infectious disease (particularly malaria and HIV/AIDS) and emerging epidemics, such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

HealthBridge is known for undertaking pioneering research, identifying and deftly addressing critical gaps in achieving health and health equity in the developing world, working effectively with local partners to bring about change in policy, and bridging the gap between service provider and service user.

All of this is cloaked as a health care initiative. However, it must be noted that one of the main services they offer involves promoting and facilitating abortion. This is apparently what passes for humanitarianism in our Government: neglecting the health care of Canadians, in order to finance genocide abroad.

Health Bridge also has a “livable cities” initiative. By itself, it wouldn’t sound so bad, except the climate change and UN Sustainable Development Agenda seems to creep in on it.

This NGO is headed by: (a) Eva Rathgeber, Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa, who previously served on 2 UN groups; and (b) Carol Vlassoff, another University of Ottawa Professor, who spent 17 years working with the World Health Organization.

There we go. Another $12 million of taxpayer money (or additional debt) sent off to the 3rd World, to help reduce the population abroad. Doesn’t this feel so wonderful?

Just in case there is any ambiguity regarding the May 12, 2021 grant from the Canadian Government, “post abortion care” is explicitly listed as a function to be served. Yes, the term reproductive rights is a bit vague — probably on purpose — but abortion is put in there. It’s down near the bottom of the disclosure. Now, there will probably be other activities the money goes towards, but we are still financing the culling of people abroad.

Where are the so-called conservatives on this?

Thing is: probably no one reading this article had ever heard of Health Bridge previously. It’s not like the mainstream news outlets will cover such information. There’s no way to make this look good.


HireBIPOC, Replacing Whites In The Media Industry, All At Taxpayer Expense

HireBIPOC is a group that promotes the hiring of BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of colour) in the media. This includes pretty much everyone except whites, and that seems to be their only function.

All self-identified BIPOC working in all areas of the industry, across all experience/education levels, are encouraged to join.

Self-identified BIPOC? That sounds interesting.

The group claims to be run by volunteers, but this doesn’t mean that there is no cost to the public. The companies that they land jobs with are funded by taxpayers. But don’t worry, it’s all in the name of equality, or some such nonsense.

HireBIPOC’s objective is simple:
To eradicate systemic racism in the Canadian media landscape by

  • Shifting thinking and practices around hiring
  • Investing in the BIPOC community
  • Getting more BIPOC hired

Apparently, there is systemic racism in the Canadian media landscape. So, the solution seems to be to ensure more people of every background are hired, except for whites. That actually sounds really racist.

HireBIPOC will facilitate and increase BIPOC hiring in Canadian media & entertainment (television, film, digital) – whether Canadian or shot-in-Canada – in roles at all levels, across all areas of the industry – including production (above and below the line), behind the scenes, communications & marketing, and on-air.

HireBIPOC will be the most comprehensive roster of roles in the Canadian tv, film, and digital media and will encompass jobs in production as well as at media companies and arts organizations. The site will be available in both English and French. HireBIPOC’s category list will be extensive and include roles across all experience/education levels: writer, director, set decorator, wardrobe, production assistant, publicist, camera operator, post supervisor, social media manager, hair and makeup, accountant, on-air promotions, development executive, VFX/graphic designer, production executive… the list goes on and on.

We know a list is just a list unless it is used – consistently and across the industry. Canadian broadcasters Bell Media, CBC, Rogers, and Corus are HireBIPOC Foundational Partners and have committed to changing hiring practices within their respective organizations and the companies they work with. Specifically, they have committed to making the use of HireBIPOC a condition of greenlight.

HireBIPOC is operated by BIPOC TV & FILM, a volunteer-run advocacy group founded nearly a decade ago with deep roots in the BIPOC community and a track record for training and educational work, as well as building solidarity across industry organizations. BIPOC TV & FILM will also track how the site is being used in order to develop new programs and initiatives to address gaps.

You may notice on this site that there is no emphasis whatsoever on ensuring that SKILLED people are put into such positions. There’s no effort to ensure that the best people end up in such roles, regardless of background. A true meritocracy would be great. Instead, let’s hire based on race and skin colour.

One could argue that it’s private companies doing as they please, but that isn’t really true. Canada Media Fund, for example, is heavily subsidized by taxpayer dollars. It seems that they all are, and this has been the case for many years. The CBC gets around $1.5 billion from the public annually, and the City of Toronto is “supposed” to serve all residents of there.

Side note: Toronto is a “sanctuary city” and will allow illegal aliens to access services. Thank you Rob and Doug Ford. But it also supports explicitly racist hiring practices in the media. Taking a look at HireBIPOC’s partners, we see this:

Blue Ant Media Jul. 8, 2013 $45,153
Blue Ant Media Jul. 8, 2013 $286,950
Blue Ant Media Jul. 8, 2013 $290,808
Blue Ant Media Aug. 12, 2014 $44,833
Blue Ant Media Aug. 12, 2014 $302,691
Blue Ant Media Apr. 1, 2021 $350,000
Canadian Film Centre Apr. 30, 2018 $23,520
Canadian Film Centre Aug. 21, 2019 $3,395,000
Canadian Film Centre Apr. 29, 2019 $23,520
Canadian Film Centre May 19, 2020 $9,414
Canadian Film Centre Jun. 4, 2020 $600,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Jul. 18, 2006 $119,950,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Nov. 21, 2007 $119,950,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Jun. 20, 2008 $119,950,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Jun. 8, 2009 $119,950,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2010 $134,146,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Mar. 25, 2011 $34,596,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Aug. 12, 2011 $99,550,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation May 8, 2012 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation May 2, 2013 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation May 5, 2014 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation May 22, 2015 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation May 13, 2016 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2017 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2018 $134,146,077
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2018 – Mar. 31, 2019 $16,960,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2019 – Mar. 31, 2020 $157,793,710
***Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2020 $222,896,077
***Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2020 $22,000,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021 $26,365,000
Canada Media Fund Corporation Apr. 1, 2021 $163,843,077
Canadian Media Producers Association Apr. 5, 2016 $156,704.
Canadian Media Producers Association Apr. 28, 2016 $50,600
Canadian Media Producers Association May 2, 2017 $136,120
Canadian Media Producers Association Jun. 1, 2018 $439,964
Canadian Media Producers Association Jun. 1, 2018 $504,964
Canadian Media Producers Association Apr. 12, 2019 $37,907
Canadian Media Producers Association Nov. 27, 2020 $138,300
Canadian Media Producers Association May 31, 2021 $99,750
Creative BC Oct. 20, 2014 $1,200,000
Creative BC Nov. 28, 2014 $1,199,992
Focus Media Arts Centre Jul. 6, 2020 $30,374
The Remix Project Jun. 11, 2018 $73,620
The Remix Project Jun. 11, 2018 $318,750
The Remix Project Apr. 1, 2021 $65,000
Rogers Media Inc. (Today’s Parent) Jul. 4, 2017 $374,592
Rogers Media Inc. (Châtelaine, French) Jul. 4, 2017 $567,295
Rogers Media Inc. (Chatelaine, English) Jul. 4, 2017 $1,176,978
Rogers Media Inc. (Maclean’s) Jul. 4, 2017 $1,492,069
Rogers Media Inc. (Today’s Parent) Apr. 1, 2018 $258,435
Rogers Media Inc. (Châtelaine, French) Apr. 1, 2018 $539,977
Rogers Media Inc. (Chatelaine, English) Apr. 1, 2018 $1,025,639
Rogers Media Inc. (Maclean’s) Apr. 1, 2018 $1,403,958
Telefilm Canada Jun. 8, 2007 $29,000,000
Telefilm Canada Nov. 14, 2007 $2,519,400
Telefilm Canada Jun. 10, 2009 $14,300,000
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Jun. 20, 2011 $50,000
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Jan. 31, 2013 $50,000
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Mar. 10, 2015 $50,000
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Oct. 27, 2016 $18,500
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Feb. 27, 2017 $60,000
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Aug. 1, 2017 $3,200
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Jul. 17, 2018 $7,532
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Apr. 11, 2019 $48,085
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival May 21, 2019 $8,860
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Apr. 1, 2020 $77,500
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival May 19, 2020 $7,840
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival Sep. 15, 2020 $12,000

***With Rogers, those are just some more recent ones

HireBIPOC works with many different media outlets, all of whom are receiving some sort of subsidies. Keep in mind, the above list only refers to FEDERAL grants. One would think that this type of hiring policy would be condemned by a Government that claims to support diversity and equality. But the reality is, that it doesn’t.

It’s interesting that in a “white supremacist system”, the only group it’s legal to discriminate against is whites. Seems to be a really ineffective way of doing things.

In October 2020, the Sherbrooke Record wrote an article in support of these policies. They call it “being inclusive”, which is more than a bit dystopian. Just a thought, but perhaps that $12,000 subsidy they received 6 months earlier had something to do with it.

With all of that said, there seems to be a pretty easy way to game the system. There doesn’t appear to be any verification requirements. You can simply “identify” as a person of colour, in order to work with HireBIPOC. How odd it is to have a systemic racism problem (allegedly), where the only way to level the playing field is to identify as a non-white. Perhaps Rachel Dolezal was onto something.

On a final note, it’s unclear who actually runs HireBIPOC, at least from their website. Perhaps they’re trying to avoid the inevitable backlash. Also, their privacy policy is a bit unsettling. Read into that what you will.

Anyhow, take a look at Press Forward, another media collective that is committing to supporting the work of every group, except one.
