Albion College is an undergraduate liberal arts college in Albion, Michigan. Is this where higher education is going, and should it just be allowed to collapse?
1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”
For other articles in the coronavirus series, check here. There is an awful lot that you are not being told my the mainstream media, including the lies, lobbying, money changing hands, and one world agenda. Nothing is what it appears to be. Also, check out related topics, such as: borders, education, free speech, the media.
2. No Monopoly On Education Disasters
This should be obvious, but will be mentioned anyway: this is in no way to suggest that Albion College is alone in how they operate. In Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, higher education is beyond parody. Certainly, plenty of schools operate in similar fashions. However, this article focuses on Albion. Let’s get started.
Albion College is a liberal arts college, so it its focus isn’t on providing students with actual job training. Keep that in mind.
3. Tuition Alone Is $50,000 USD/Year

For the 2020-2021 school year, tuition alone is some $50,000 for the year. Adding in the other expenses, and it works about to some $60,000. For a 4 year degree, it would be about $250,000 lost — yes, a quarter million.
Of course, that doesn’t take into account that fall-winter semesters are 8 months, not 12. There’s also being out of the workforce for at least 4 years, and interest accumulated on any loans.
A person could buy a house in many areas for that kind of money. And houses, unlike student loan debts, are dischargeable in bankruptcy. So the students going here are obviously not too bright to begin with.
4. Illegal Aliens Welcome To Study

Albion College draws its strength from the rich diversity of our students. We are pleased to welcome qualified students from all backgrounds, regardless of citizenship and immigration status, into our living and learning community.
We are mindful of the challenges faced by DACA holders and undocumented students during these uncertain times and are committed to continuing to welcome and support these individuals.
On-Campus Resources
Office of Student Financial Aid Services
The Office of Student Financial Services at Albion College is committed to welcoming and supporting undocumented students and we financially support all admitted students regardless of citizenship and immigration status.
Undocumented students qualify for all merit based scholarships offered by Albion and will be awarded scholarships based on their academic merit and geographic location. Additional financial aid is available. Please speak with your admission counselor and inform them that you are not eligible to complete the FAFSA. Your admission counselor will then work with Student Financial Services to prepare your comprehensive financial aid award.
If you have additional questions, please contact your Admission Counselor or the Office of Student Financial Services.
On-Campus Resources
What do I do if I see Immigration Enforcement on campus?
Any situations on campus involving Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be referred to Ken Snyder, Director of Campus Safety who can be reached by calling campus safety at 517/629-0911. Mr. Snyder will consult with College counsel as necessary to verify any warrant presented.
Where can I find resources locally?
Registrar Andrew Dunham, is available to help students and their allies find resources. He can be reached at 517/629-0216 or .
Undocumented Student Support Committee (USSC)
The USSC works to identify and address the needs of undocumented students at Albion College.
Just so you know, being undocumented, (or being in the country illegally), is actually a form of diversity, and should be welcomed. Also, being here illegally doesn’t disqualify students from obtaining financial aid. Albion gives information on avoiding Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and support services.
5. Testing All Students Multiple Times

Get ready to be tested at the beginning of the year. This will also happen throughout the year, and at random intervals. Isn’t there some right to privacy for students?
6. Quarantine Before/After Moving In

Pre-Arrival Expectations
The following expectations are required of students and their families prior to coming to Albion College. Remember, together, we can create a safe, engaging and dynamic fall semester!
Students should quarantine at home for at least 7 days before their move-in date.
Wear a mask when not at home.
Enjoy time with family at home! (And, do not get together with others outside of your household.)
Avoid restaurants, stores and other public indoor spaces as much as possible.
Students or their helpers who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are experiencing symptoms should not return to campus on their scheduled move-in date. You should email to make other arrangements to return after you have been cleared by health officials.
Students are allowed up to two helpers to assist them in moving in. Say your goodbyes and goodlucks before leaving home, and only travel with the people who are absolutely necessary to help you bring your belongings into your residence hall, apartment or fraternity house. Then send a selfie or two (or ten) to document your move-in!
Move-In Day Expectations
The following expectations are required of students and their helpers during the move-in process:
Students will be required to receive a COVID-19 test during the move-in process. Testing will be conducted with nasal swabs with a 3-day turnaround, and will be provided with no direct cost to students. More information on the testing protocol here.
Students and their helpers will be required to wear masks/face coverings at all times during the move-in process, and are asked to do their best to maintain 6 feet of physical distance from other students and helpers, to protect each other from illness.
For those moving in, you are required to self-quarantine both before and after the move in, wear a mask, and stay 6 feet apart. This is Orwellian beyond belief. However, other schools are probably not much different.
7. Mandatory Contact Tracing For All

Students: Complete the Residential Life check-in process including verification of cell phone number and other important student information, and receive a new student ID encoded with your Fall 2020 room assignment. Cell phone numbers are vital to help the College to maintain a safe and healthy environment as students may need to be notified of positive COVID-19 tests or that they have been identified as a ‘close contact’ to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
After completing the check-in process, proceed to the residential building and park where instructed. Staff will direct you to the door nearest the student’s room.
Once the student has completed move-in, helpers will be expected to leave campus and not return until the end of Fall semester to assist their student in traveling back home.
Contact tracing will also be part of the school’s policies. It also looks like there won’t be any visitors allowed except for a move-out. Seriously, is this “education and accommodation” really worth $60,000 for a single year? Remember, the debt cannot be discharged even in bankruptcy.
8. Permission Needed To Leave Campus

The Washington Free Beacon reported on new policies at Albion College, such as being tracked all the time, and needing permission to leave campus. The article seems to be true, given the information Albion itself has posted. See the archive.
9. Questionable Commitment To Free Speech

Think there is a real commitment to open expression and viewpoint diversity? Well, Albion does have workshops on “overcoming white privilege”. That should tell you all you need to know.
10. Doing Nothing A Better Option
Consider once more, that tuition and expenses will come to about a quarter million dollars, (for 8 month school years). There are summer living expenses, extra living expenses, interest on the student loans, years out fo the workforce, and a brainwashing Marxist education to also factor in. And of course, student loan debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.
Your next few years will be a constant invasion of privacy, and having your freedoms whittled away in the name of safety.
In all honesty, staying home for a few years doing absolutely nothing would probably leave you in a better position financially than going to university at Albion. Just something to think about.
To be fair, all of the blame can’t be dumped on the school, considering that it does have to comply with Michigan’s State Orders. Nonetheless, this seems a horrible deal for students.
11. 100 Reasons Not To Do Grad School
The blog 100 Reasons Not To Go To Grad School offers an extremely thorough list of reasons to reconsider university. Although it is aimed at graduate programs, a lot of the content also applies to undergraduate as well. Very much worth a read.