Nova Scotia FOI: $19.1 Million Spent On “Vaccines”, Questions About PCR Testing Companies

More freedom-of-information requests has taken place in Nova Scotia. It would be nice to know how much is being spend on tests, vaccines, and to see some of the contracts. Anyhow, we have at least some information to share on those topics.

Our friend in Nova Scotia is back at it again, digging up dirt and information about the tyranny of Robert Strang. Here are some of the latest finds. Previously, there was the hospitalization scam debunked, the lack of data for masks in schools, the screwy definition of “cases”, Nova Scotia reduced (yes, reduced) ICU capacity, there’s no evidence “asymptomatic spreading” even exists, and they refused to provide the CANImmunize/Clinic Flow contract.

Let’s take a look at how your money is being spent:

[Amended January 26, 2022:]
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 vaccines. Not including any staff salaries.
(December 20, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 PCR tests. Not including any staff salaries. (January 1, 2020 to January 20, 2022)
(Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 1/19/2022)

The Government claims to have spent $19.1 million on vaccines for pharmacies, and this doesn’t include any salaries. They also answer that the only testing that goes on it paid for by the patients seeking them. They included a list of pharmacies, along with the amounts each has received.

What else do we have here?

Another FOI request involved getting copies of the testing contracts that the Province has with 3rd party providers. This has been put on hold as it’s claimed that it may release confidential business information of those 3rd parties. The company(ies) must respond in 14 days to either consent to the release, or to provide written reasons for refusing.

While Nova Scotia may be hesitant to turn over the contracts, we can guess who might be doing the testing. They may not be too proud of this.

One such company is BGI Genomics, a Chinese company, based in Hong Kong. It received interim authorization from Health Canada on May 4, 2020. This raises all kinds of questions.

Their product has also been allowed into Japan, Singapore, Australia, and the United States. Considering the potential for mass data mining with people’s DNA, it’s certainly worthwhile to know who’s actually in charge of this.

At the time of writing this, there are about 100 versions of testing authorized by Health Canada, many of them foreign owned. Many more applications are under review. Now, any of them who are either infiltrated — or owned — by a Government could use this as a DNA dragnet.

And if you haven’t seen Christine Massey’s work with Fluoride Free Peel’s, go do that. There are some 200 or so FOIs showing that no one, anywhere in the world, has ever isolated this “virus”. It’s never been proven to exist. There’s no point having a discussion on what treatments are beneficial, until the existence of this is demonstrated.

[Author’s note: there have been issues with subscribers not getting notifications recently. If someone could confirm they received the article, it would be appreciated. It’s editor(at) This portion will be deleted soon.]

(1) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Vaccine Payments
(2) 2022-00106-HEA Response Package Nova Scotia Testing Contracts


Psychological Industry In Canada Too Cozy With Big Pharma

When psychological and psychiatric association groups are getting the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), it stands to reason that they won’t push too hard against the pharma narrative. While the examples here aren’t exhaustive, they do raise some questions about how close these groups really are. Hundreds more results come when a more generic search for psychologist or psychiatrist is entered.

For some clarity….
(A) Psychologist: has a PhD, is licensed, and able to provide mental health services
(B) Psychiatrist: a medical doctor, different license, and allowed to prescribe medications

This continues the list of institutions getting funded to shill the “pandemic” narrative. These include: restaurants and hotels, political parties, law firms, more law firms, churches, trucking associations, and Chambers of Commerce, to name a few.

The Canadian Psychiatric Association also has some interesting business relationships, according to the information on its website:

[The CPA] is one of five founding members of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) Established in 1998, CAMIMH is now the largest coalition of consumers and families, health care and social service providers, professional associations, and community and research organizations. It advocates with one voice urging health and social policy makers to put mental health on their agendas to create a national action plan for mental illness and mental health.

This all sounds fine and good until one actually looks up the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health. Scrolling to the bottom of their “partners” page, we see Innovative Medicines Canada is one of the major sponsors. This organization acts as a lobbyist for most of the big pharma companies in this country.

And who does Innovative Medicines represent? Here are the names, provided from their own website. All of the big names are there, and they’re busy lobbying in the Provinces and at the Federal level.

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that the Canadian Psychiatric Association has direct ties to the largest pharma trade group in the nation. How exactly would they get their products to the market without a willing supply of doctors (or dealers) willing to prescribe them? Heck, if the pharmacy groups are in the pocket of drug companies, it’s logical that many psychiatrists would be as well.

Something else to note: these groups which are supposed to protect the psychological and mental health of patients are adamantly pro-trans. This creates a real conflict of interest.

The Canadian Psychiatric Association affirms the following:
1. The CPA opposes all public and private discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and supports the repeal of discriminatory laws and policies.

2. The CPA supports the passage of laws and policies protecting the rights, legal benefits and privileges of all people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

3. The CPA supports the provision of high-quality mental and medical health care treatment for all people and, therefore, expects all psychiatrists to provide appropriate, nondiscriminatory treatment to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

4. The CPA supports efforts to provide fair and safe environments for people who identify as transgender or who are gender variant or gender nonconforming in institutional settings, such as supportive living environments, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, treatment facilities, shelters and prisons. The CPA also supports access to appropriate treatment in institutional settings for people of all gender identities and expressions, including gender transition therapies.

5. The CPA supports efforts to provide safe and secure educational environments at all levels of education, as well as foster care environments and juvenile justice programs, that promote an understanding and acceptance of all youth, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

6. The CPA recognizes the efficacy, benefit and medical necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated people and calls upon Provincial Health Insurance Plans to cover these medically necessary treatments.

7. The CPA supports educating psychiatric residents and psychiatrists about how to explore patients’
perceptions of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression using LGBTQ-inclusive questions and gender-neutral language. The CPA also supports educating all psychiatric residents and psychiatrists about the potential for mental health care disparities in LGBTQ communities and about some of the specific issues that can apply when working with people who identify as LGBTQ (for example, homophobia and transphobia, family rejection and the coming out process).

8. The CPA opposes the use of reparative or conversion therapy, given that such therapy is based on the assumption that LGBTQ identities indicate a mental disorder and (or) the assumption that the person could and should change their sexual orientation and (or) their gender identity and gender expression.

9. The CPA encourages physician practices, medical schools, hospitals and clinics to broaden any nondiscrimination policies or statements to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

10. The CPA encourages the use of respectful and appropriate language with all LGBTQ patients and specifically encourages using the patient’s preferred name and pronouns with transgender patients.

11. The CPA encourages the creation of a welcoming and affirming environment for LGBTQ people by creating an office space and (or) hospital unit that affirms people’s identity (for example, using gender-neutral language on forms and providing gender-inclusive washrooms when possible).

It’s pretty scary to see that the Canadian Psychiatric Association is on board with the globohomo agenda like this. Why might they be? One reason is that people who transition are looking at a lifetime of hormones. This means customers for life. Sure, this sounds cynical, but there doesn’t seem to be any consideration that perhaps these people need help, not mutilation. And if you want your private parts cut off, they support having taxpayers foot the bill.

Even worse, the C.P.A. supports putting biological men in women’s prisons. This endangers all women, especially as they are unable to escape. They are — after all — prisoners.

According to recent lobbying records, the Ontario Psychological Association has been pushing for changes to the law, and it’s pretty scary

To expand the scope of practice for psychologists to prescribe psychotropic drugs and to empower psychologists in Ontario with the ability to write mental health forms

This isn’t to defend psychiatrists, or doctors in general. Yes, they do function — in many ways — as a legitimate form of drug dealer. However, the OPA wants changes so that people without any medical training would be able to prescribe psychotropic drugs. An earlier version of this lobbying included requests to allow psychologists perform assessments for diagnosis and treatment plans.

This is probably a good time to mention that in December 2017 the Wynne Government passed Bill 160, but didn’t implement it. Neither did Ford. This would have forced the disclosure of payoffs to doctors from pharmaceutical companies.

Currently, the B.C. Psychological Association is pushing the Province to include their profession in MSP, which means coverage by taxpayers.

The Alberta Psychologists Association is working on legislation to allow psychologists (who haven’t gone to medical school) to make diagnoses. They also oppose any sort of conversion therapy ban, which again, will likely result in more people transitioning genders. Of course, this will lead to dependency on hormones.

There’s also the Psychology Foundation of Canada. In the annual reports, it goes through various sponsors. In an unsurprising twist, one of them is Pfizer. Other donors include major banks. This is also a registered charity, meaning it’s eligible for tax breaks that many others are not.

There’s definitely more to cover, but this is a start. It’s noteworthy how professional and business interests seem to align with the same policies.

The silence from such groups is deafening when it comes to mental harms inflicted over the last 2 years. The rare mention that does come seems forced. One would think that they’d have been all over it….

(7) Psychologists Association Of Alberta
(10) PFC_AnnualReport_2018_FINAL_LowRez

Newsflash: CPC Motion Doesn’t Actually Call For Ending Any Measures On February 28

Vladimir Lenin is famously quoted as saying that the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. While there have been many who fit the description in the last 2 years, Interim CPC Leader Candice Bergen has become the latest iteration of it.

Despite pretending to stand with the truckers protesting against the medical martial law measures, Bergen tells them to “go home”. This comes despite this so-called opposition party essentially doing nothing for the last 2 years. It’s an attempt to neutralize real resistance.

Over the last few weeks, the trucking “convoys” in Canada have made international news. That said, Bergen wants to shut it down and gives vague words about fighting for them.

And right now, no one in Canada embodies controlled opposition like Candice Bergen, or the “Conservative” Party of Canada. They object over nitpicky details of Trudeau’s tyranny, but not over ideology. And there’s been deafening silence over the lockdowns imposed by Provinces. Interestingly, there’s often feigned outrage over human rights abuses abroad, but never locally.

To make this clear: Candice Bergen and the CPC don’t actually call for the ending of all Federal martial law measures by February 28. Instead, it’s just a motion to generate some plan — any plan — by February 28. It could be a plan that lasts for 10 or 20 years, but as long as it’s submitted by February 28, it would comply with the demands of this motion.

Moreover, even if a “plan” were submitted by February 28, there is no guarantee whatsoever that it would be meaningful, or not subject to changes.

This comes from the playbook of “Operation Trust“, a 1920s plan to protect the Bolsheviks. The idea was to placate Russians into doing nothing to take back their country, but convincing them that a military operation was already underway. The same principle was used for Q-Anon.

Bergen never addresses fundamental problems like Health Canada or PHAC had been implemented for population control measures. She never addresses that Bill C-12, the 2005 Quarantine Act, was written by WHO, or that the International Health Regulations are legally binding. She discusses nothing of substance, which sums up what her party is.

It really shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. After all, Bergen was the Deputy Leader of the CPC when Erin O’Toole was in charge. Presumably, she didn’t find his actions that abhorrent.

Also, a quick look at some of the organizations Bergen has been in touch with suggest she might have been influenced by other groups. These includes big pharma, who don’t have the best interests of Canadians at heart.

Unfortunately, the hoopla over tossing out Erin O’Toole seems to be for nothing. Bergen was Deputy Leader at that time, and even now, doesn’t really oppose anything. Both O’Toole and Bergen are globalist shills. However, he was far more overt about it, and she may get a pass as a result.

While this article may come across as being negative and a buzzkill, it’s important for Canadians to know what’s actually being proposed. Words matter, and these are meaningless.

Trusting her in any way is a serious mistake.


Canadian Paediatric Society Shrugs Off Myocarditis And Pericarditis In Children

The Canadian Paediatric Society, or CPS, is a group that claims to be concerned with the health and well-being of young children. However, after looking at their website, there are grounds to be concerned. There is also a section on convincing children to wear masks, which is disturbing.

The CPS also pushes the racial justice narrative heavily, implying that tolerance and diversity will solve just about everything. Their Twitter account is full of this nonsense.

Particularly troubling is the “guidance” they gave out in September 2021, regarding myocarditis and pericarditis. These are serious side effects that can result — even in children — from taking the injections that the Government calls vaccines.

This practice point aims to provide clinical guidance on myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna). The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks, and the vaccine is recommended for all eligible individuals, including children and youth in their 12th year and over. A small increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis (< 1 case per 10,000) has been reported following vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in Canada and internationally, most often among adolescents and young adults < 30 years of age, males, and after the second dose. Although this safety signal is occurring at higher-than-expected background rates, most cases are mild. This document reflects expert opinion and available evidence, which is limited. It will be updated as further information becomes available and as younger individuals are immunized against COVID-19.

Myocarditis. In general, most reported cases of myocarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination have been mild and have shown response to NSAIDs. However, admission or close ambulatory monitoring should be considered until the clinical course of the illness is established. Severe cases with heart failure, arrhythmia or other complications of myocarditis require hospitalization, critical care support with appropriate management and monitoring.

(1) There is a temporal association between receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis and pericarditis among youth. These events are very rare. The risk-benefit decision for mRNA vaccination is favourable, and the vaccine is recommended for all eligible populations.
(2) Clinical evaluation should be in person and include a history, physical examination, and investigations (ECG, serum troponin and inflammatory markers).
(3) Most cases are benign, respond rapidly to NSAIDs alone, and can be safely managed in the ambulatory setting.
(4) All suspected and confirmed cases should be reported to local/provincial or territorial public health authorities as Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)

Do you have any concerns over reports of myocarditis and pericarditis from people who’ve take the so-called vaccine? Don’t worry, it’s apparently nothing to be worried about.

In fairness, it’s a bit unclear whether this is the CPS’ official position, or just the work of contributors they published. Either way, it’s disturbing.

In their (now removed or relocated) policy position, the CPS references to myocarditis and pericarditis issues and seems to recommend the vaccines to children anyway. They do recommend these diagnoses be reported, however.

The CPS acknowledges that these “vaccines” could be causing heart problems, including in children. This group STILL recommends that kids get them. One has to wonder if there is more to this than meets the eye. Readers of this site will immediately suspect that some money has changed hands.

And yes, the answer is always the same. This “independent” group has been getting funds from entities that have an interest in pushing certain narratives.

According to their profile with the Federal Government, the CPS is looking at: “Expanding access to paediatric medications and therapeutics through federal legislation, regulatory and policy change”. In practical terms, this means pushing for ever greater influence of big pharma, even onto young children.

Health Canada (HC) 2019 $114,388.00
Health Canada (HC) 2020 $150,681.00
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2017 $687,500.00
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2018 $121,142.00
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2019 $633,191.50
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2020 $664,891.00
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2021 $120,824.00
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2021 $1,802,583.00
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) 2019 $2,411,120.76
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) 2020 $2,689,025.00

What a shocker. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and Health Canada, are both major contributors to the Canadian Paediatric Society. Interestingly, those are dwarfed in size by Public Services and Procurement Canada.

One of the lobbyists, Samantha Grill, used to work for the Aga Khan Foundation, but that probably has no connection with anything. Most likely it’s just a coincidence.

The recent grants from Procurement Canada appear to come as part of contracts to engage in tracking and surveillance of health issues in Canada. In other words, The CPS is effectively hired to collect research data on young children as part of Canada’s policy formations.

The above information is available from the Lobbying Registry, and Open Search, two Government-run databases which track grants to various organizations.

To address the elephant in the room: does the CPS take private money? Yes it does, in the form of sponsorships. For the low price of $50,000 or $75,000 one can receive the following additional benefits:

  • Co-develop an accredited, 1-hour education symposium (includes coverage of all expenses: accreditation fees, speaker costs, meeting room rental, audio-visual service, catering and event promotion). Verbal recognition by session moderator and logo recognition as part of session
  • Opportunity to co-develop an accredited online education module at a discounted rate. The module will be hosted on. Pedagogy for 1 year
  • One-on-one meeting with CPS leadership and CPS staff

This was outlined in a paper promoting the conference in May 2022. Now, who would want to develop education modules, or education symposiums? Why, drug companies of course. That way, paediatricians can be “educated” in the latest wonder drug that big pharma has to offer.

It seems unlikely that individuals would be interested in dropping this kind of money, regardless of the prestige. However, a drug company would just see this as the cost of doing business.

This comes across as a pay-to-play system where a large enough cheque means determining what gets addressed with other members.

Of course, this issue isn’t limited to the Canadian group. The Provinces also have similar organizations, and they also appear to be compromised. Take the time to do your own research.

(5) Canadian Paediatric Society Pericarditis Myocarditis
(8) Canadian Paediatric Foundation Charity
(14) Final_-2022_CPS_Sponsorship_Opportunities_DocumentAugust_20-_2021
(16) Experience _ Samantha Grills _ LinkedIn


“A Death Resulting From A Clinically Compatible Illness, In A Probable Or Confirmed COVID-19 Case”

The work that real truthers do is invaluable. As an example, there are many, like Fluoride Free Peel, proving this “deadly virus” doesn’t really exist. Another one to look up is Andrew Kaufman.

Under the quack definition of “isolation”, alleged viruses are supposedly isolated by mixing them with bovine, pig or monkey cells and cultured. An obvious question would be: why aren’t samples taken directly from the patient? It would be comical if not for the fact that a lot of people take this seriously.

For those not wishing to get involved in a scientific debate, let’s do something simpler. What exactly is a Covid death, according to the World Health Organization? What strict scientific and medical standards are applied in making such diagnoses?

We are always told to trust the science. But what do the official guidelines say about what a “Covid death” really is?

A death due to COVID-19 is defined for surveillance purposes as a death resulting from a clinically compatible illness, in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID disease (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death.
A death due to COVID-19 may not be attributed to another disease (e.g. cancer) and should be counted independently of preexisting conditions that are suspected of triggering a severe course of COVID-19.

Unfortunately, this isn’t satire. The WHO actually provides this incredibly vague and meaningless definition. (See archive here). It’s been covered elsewhere on this site, but so far, hasn’t had an article devoted to it.

Not only is there the issue of no isolation, WHO recommends in its March 2020 (see page 3), and September 2020 (see page 8), guidance NOT to isolate for routine testing.

Perhaps WHO just doesn’t want proper testing done normally to save money?! Well, not really, their own paperwork (see archive) indicates that they view testing for just a gene to be sufficient.

If the included video isn’t of high enough resolution (it was compressed), then it’s available on Odysee or Bitchute as well.

There are plenty of other examples of this. Please, do a little digging, using the definition provided above. The above video contains several cases of this fraudulent definition being used, but many more are available.

(2) WHO Guidelines Classification Of Death

Delay Prevents Action4Canada Case From Being Immediately Thrown Out

Action4Canada and other Plaintiffs were supposed to be in Court on February 3rd, in order to address 2 Applications (here and here) filed back in January. But due to an extremely convenient medical illness, this has been pushed back until April 5th. It’s unclear why Lawrence Wong didn’t simply step up, as he’s been a B.C. lawyer since 1987.

Private matters generally aren’t worth covering. However, their August 2021 lawsuit is a very public case, and has involved soliciting public donations since 2020. It’s fair that people know its true status: that it’s on the verge of being struck.

For all the money that was sunk into getting this lawsuit off the ground, it never stood a chance.

It feels odd to have a previous piece age so well. Back in August 2021, this site critiqued the 391 page lawsuit filed by Action4Canada in Vancouver. The basic premise was that the Notice of Civil Claim was drafted so poorly, it didn’t stand a chance in hell of making it to trial.

To be more specific, the Notice of Claim didn’t follow (at all) Rules 3-1, and 3-7 of BC Civil Procedure. These outline how pleadings are to be drafted. The logical remedy — from the Defendants’ position — would be to file a Motion or Application to strike based on Rule 9-5. This rule allows cases to be struck for a number of reasons, including for being “frivolous, vexatious, or an abuse of process”. Pleadings can also be struck if they don’t disclose a reasonable cause of action.

To make a distinction here: dismissing and striking are not the same thing. Dismissing a case usually means a Judge has made a determination about the merits of the case. By contrast, striking means attacking the pleadings themselves.

For those wondering what “struck without leave to amend” means, here’s an explanation. Sometimes, the Court will “give leave” or permission, to make changes to the pleadings (allowing content to be added or deleted). This is typically meant for very minor issues. For serious problems, such as with this lawsuit, the defects are so extensive that the Court won’t allow it.

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of civil procedure would have looked at Action4Canada’s case and saw where this was going.

Now the other shoe has dropped, and at least 2 Applications have been filed. The first is from the various Provincial Defendants, and the other from Vancouver Island Health Authority and Providence Health Care. They are trying to strike the case for essentially the same reasons outlined on this site back in August, 2021.

To state the obvious: this doesn’t mean supporting or advocating for the medical martial law measures that have gone on in the last 2 years.

Nonetheless, it’s pretty difficult to argue with the premise of the Application. Specifically, Defendants are trying to get the case struck as being “frivolous, scandalous, vexatious, prolix, and an abuse of process”. This isn’t just written in a shoddy manner, but it’s over-the-top ridiculous.

The Claim contains many pages of completely irrelevant material, seeks remedies outside the Court’s jurisdiction, and makes allegations against people who aren’t parties (and presumably haven’t been subpoenaed). It’s also extremely disjointed and difficult to follow along with.

It’s hard to believe that 2 very senior, very experienced lawyers could draft this garbage. Combined, they have nearly 70 years of legal work completed. While the Claim does contain a fair amount of truthful information, it’s written so badly that no Judge will ever consider it.

By contrast, the Notices of Application were extremely well written, to the point, and raised many fatal defects in the Notice of Civil Claim. Again, this isn’t to defend the Horgan/Henry regime, but their lawyers make a compelling case as to why this should be thrown out. Although there are 2 Applications, the content is very similar.

3. The Claim is a prolix and convoluted document that is replete with groundless accusations against public officials, inflammatory language, and conspiracy theories.

6. The Plaintiffs’ Claim is deficient in form and substance. It is a scandalous, frivolous, and vexatious pleading that fails to meet the basic requirements for pleadings and is an abuse of the Court’s process. The Claim should be struck in accordance with Rule 9-5(1) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules, without leave to amend.

Pleadings Generally
7. Supreme Court Civil Rule (the “Rules”) 3-1 provides, in part:
Contents of notice of civil claim
(2) A notice of civil claim must do the following:
(a) set out a concise statement of the material facts giving rise to the claim;
(b) set out the relief sought by the Plaintiff against each named defendant;
(c) set out a concise summary of the legal basis for the relief sought;

(g) otherwise comply with Rule 3-7. [emphasis added]

8. Rule 3-7 provides, in part:
Pleading must not contain evidence
(1) A pleading must not contain the evidence by which the facts alleged in it are to be proved.

Pleading conclusions of law
(9) Conclusions of law must not be pleaded unless the material facts supporting them are pleaded.

General damages must not be pleaded
(14) If general damages are claimed, the amount of the general damages claimed must not be stated in any pleading. …

9. The function of pleadings is to clearly define the issues of fact and law to be determined by the court. The plaintiff must state, for each cause of action, the material facts. Material facts are those facts necessary for the purpose of formulating the cause of action. The defendant then sees the case to be met and may respond to the plaintiff’s allegations in such a way that the court will understand from the pleadings what issues of fact and law it will be called upon to decide.
Homalco Indian Band v. British Columbia, [1998] B.C.J. No. 2703 (S.C.), para. 5

10. As the Court of Appeal recently held in Mercantile Office Systems Private Ltd. v. Worldwide Warranty Life Services Inc., 2021 BCCA 362, para 44:
None of a notice of claim, a response to civil claim, and a counterclaim is a story. Each pleading contemplates and requires a reasonably disciplined exercise that is governed, in many instances in mandatory terms, by the Rules and the relevant authorities. Each requires the drafting party to “concisely” set out the “material facts” that give rise to the claim or that relate to the matters raised by the claim.
None of these pleadings are permitted to contain evidence or argument.

Application to Strike
11. Rule 9-5(1) provides:
Scandalous, frivolous or vexatious matters
(1) At any stage of a proceeding, the court may order to be struck out or amended the whole or any part of a pleading, petition or other document on the ground that
(a) it discloses no reasonable claim or defence, as the case may be,
(b) it is unnecessary, scandalous, frivolous or vexatious,

(d) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court

12. A pleading may be struck under Rule 9-5(1) if it is plain and obvious that the pleading contravenes any of Rule 9-5(l)(a) through (d).
Knight V. Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd, 2011 SCC 42 at para. 17

Rule – 9-5(l)(a)-The Notice of Civil Claim Discloses No Reasonable Claim
14. The Claim is premised upon non-justiciable questions and relies heavily upon international treaties, Criminal Code provisions, and unknown causes of action that are incapable of disclosing a reasonable cause of action for the purposes of Rule 9-5(1)(a).

16. The Plaintiffs allege numerous violations (and non-violations) of the Criminal Code that are not properly raised in a civil action (Simon v. Canada, 2015 BCSC 924, para. 45); including:

17. The Plaintiffs allege numerous violations of international legal instruments, unwritten constitutional principles, and causes of action unknown to law that are not actionable in Canadian courts (Li v. British Columbia, 2021 BCCA 256, paras. 107-109; Toronto v. Ontario, 2021 SCC 34, para. 5), including the following:

19. The general rule that facts pleaded should be accepted as true for the purposes of a strike application does not apply in a “case like this where the notice of civil claim is replete with assumptions, speculation, and in some instances, outrageous allegations. The law is clear that allegations based on assumption and speculation need not be taken as true.”
Willow v. Chong, 2013 BCSC 1083, para. 19
See, also, Simon v. Canada, 2015 BCSC 924 [“Simon”], para. 54

20. The Plaintiffs have failed to plead the concise statement of material facts that is necessary to support any complete cause of action. The Charter claims are inextricably bound up in a prolix, argumentative, and wildly speculative narrative of grand conspiracy that is incapable of supporting a viable cause of action. It is impossible to separate the material from the immaterial, the fabric of one potential cause of action or claim from another, or conjecture and conspiracy from asserted facts.
Fowler v. Canada (Attorney General), 2012 BCSC 367, para. 54
Simon, supra, paras 54-59

9-5(l)(b) The Notice of Civil Claim is Scandalous, Frivolous and Vexatious
Scandalous and Embarrassing
22. A pleading is scandalous if it does not state the real issue in an intelligible form and would require the parties to undertake useless expense to litigate matters irrelevant to the claim.
Gill v. Canada, 2013 BCSC 1703 [“Gill”], para. 9

23. A claim is also scandalous or embarrassing if it is prolix, includes irrelevant facts, argument or evidence, such that it is nearly impossible for the defendant to reply to the pleading and know the case to meet. Pleadings that are so prolix and confusing that it is difficult, if not impossible, to understand the case to be met, should be struck.
Gill, supra para. 9
Strata Plan LMS3259 v. Sze Hang Holding Inc., 2009 BCSC 473, at para. 36
Kuhn v. American Credit Indemnity Co., [1992] B.C.J. No. 953 (S.C.)

24. The Claim is a scandalous pleading because it is prolix, confusing, and nearly impossible to respond to:
a. The 391 page Claim attempts to plead dozens of causes of action and Charter breaches and seeks over 200 declarations. It is, as a result, nearly impossible to know the case to be met.
b. The Claim contains extensive passages of completely irrelevant information, including:

Rule 9-5(l)(a) and (d) – The Claim is Vexatious and an Abuse of Process
28. Little distinction exists between a vexatious action and one that is an abuse of process as the two concepts have strikingly similar features.
Dixon v. Stork Craft Mamifacturing Inc., 2013 BCSC 1117

29. Abuse of process is not limited to cases where a claim or an issue has already been decided in other litigation, but is a flexible doctrine applied by the court to values fundamental to the court system. In Toronto (City) v. Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79 (CUPE), [2003] 3 S.C.R. 77, the court stated at para. 37:
Canadian courts have applied the doctrine of abuse of process to preclude relitigation in circumstances where the strict requirements of issue estoppel (typically the privity/mutuality requirements) are not met, but where allowing the litigation to proceed would nonetheless violate such principles as judicial economy, consistency, finality and the integrity of the administration of justice.

30. Vexatious actions include those brought for an improper purpose, including the harassment and oppression of other parties by multifarious proceedings brought for purposes other than the assertion of legitimate rights. Where it is obvious that an action cannot succeed, or if the action would lead to no possible good, or if no reasonable person can reasonably expect to obtain relief, the action is vexatious.
Lang Michener Lash Johnston v. Fabian, [1987] O.J. No. 355 [“Lang Michener”], at para. 19

33. The Applicants submit the Claim has been brought for an improper purpose. The Plaintiffs and their counsel must know, or ought to know, that a 391 page Claim seeking over 200 declarations concerning alleged criminal conduct and the efficacy of public health measures “cannot succeed … [and] would lead to no possible good”: Lang Michener, supra.

34. The Claim is intended, at least in part, to intimidate and harass health authorities, public officials and politicians, including the Provincial Health Officer, by advancing spurious, public allegations of criminal conduct, conflicts of interest, and ulterior motives. This intention is further corroborated by the Plaintiff Action4Canada’s simultaneous campaign to encourage individuals to serve government officials and politicians with “Notices of Liability” for their actions in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic (Affidavit #1 of Rebecca Hill, Ex. G, I).

35. The Claim is also intended, at least in part, to consolidate, publicize, and amplify COVID-19 conspiracy theories and misinformation. The Claim is a book-length tirade against the entirety of British Columbia’s response to the pandemic, with dozens of quotes from, and hundreds of footnotes to, anti-mask, anti-lockdown, and anti-vaccine resources. Both Action4Canada and its counsel have promoted the Claim online and on social media
(Affidavit #1 of Rebecca Hill, Ex. D, K).

36. These are improper purposes to file and prosecute a civil action. There can be no question that the Claim is an abuse of process. Permitting this litigation to proceed would violate the principles of judicial economy and the integrity of the administration of justice.

The above quotes came from the January 17 Notice of Application. Re-read the original Notice of Civil Claim and ask: what are they wrong about?

The Applications get into allegations that Action4Canada is causing harassment of Government Officials as a result of their behaviour. This is where things get more interesting:

This Application also contains an Affidavit from Rebecca Hill. She apparently works for Mark Witten, the lawyer for the B.C Defendants. She’s alleging that the “Notices of Liability” that Action4Canada provides have led to the bombardment of Government Officials. From the information provided, it’s strongly implied that this is done in order to drive up the donations.

By extension, it wouldn’t take much to argue that the entire Notice of Claim was a stunt to get more people handing out money.

Remember those notices you downloaded, filled out, and submitted? Guess what? Many of them, and the emails, are now saved as evidence by the B.C. Government.

Author’s note: since the Vancouver Court has apparently not scanned the entire Affidavit, the attachments are not available. That may be for the best, as there is contact information.

It’s also worth pointing out: the Defendants are asking for costs as well. This is pretty much inevitable, once the case is thrown out. It seems unlikely that any Plaintiff has given this serious thought. For a reference point, Adam Skelly was hit with a $15,000 cost award, just for trying to open his restaurant. Given the size and vexatious nature of the Action4Canada case, it’s quite possible for everyone to be on the hook for several thousand dollars each. Keep in mind, court costs aren’t dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Once more, this isn’t an attempt to defend the B.C. Government. That said, the Claim was written in such a convoluted way, it never stood a chance. One has to ask why it really happened.

Back in October, Action4Canada posted a reply to the response they received from the B.C. Government. It’s amusing that they act indignant that Rule 9-5 was quoted verbatim. Spoiler: if you want a Court to toss a case, you have to cite the law that allows it.

Whether this case is decided on April 5, or is set back again, the ultimate result is the same. Once a Judge sits down with the lawsuit, it’s getting struck without leave to amend.

It’s not just the B.C. case that will be struck. The Ontario ones will be soon as well. Many will remember this filing from July 6, 2020. More than a year and a half later, there are still no defenses filed, no motions, no applications, no scheduled appearances.

In fact, under Rules 14 and 24 of civil procedure in Ontario, all of these idling cases could probably be dismissed at any time for unnecessary delay.

One other thing to consider is the Statute of Limitations. For most things in Ontario and B.C., a person has 2 years to commence legal action. Now, if a case is filed, but sits for years and is simply dismissed, it may be too late to start another. This doesn’t stop the clock. Something to think about.

Prediction: once the B.C. case is struck (for the reasons listed above), the Ford regime will then make similar Applications for the Ontario cases.

Other than wasting a lot of time and money, what has this actually accomplished?

(1) A4C Notice of Civil Claim
(2) A4C Response October 14
(3) A4C Legal Action Update, October 14th 2021 Action4Canada
(4) A4C Notice of Application January 12
(5) A4C Notice of Application January 17
(6) A4C Affidavit
(7) A4C Response VIH-Providence January 17
(8) A4C Response to Application BC Ferries January 19