CV #40(D): Kevin Chan, Facebook, Peter Donolo, Rachel Curran, Ottawa Colluding On “Pandemic” Narrative

Kevin Chan, the head of Facebook Canada, had a public meeting with members of the Canadian Government on March 31, 2021. The main topic of discussion was on how Facebook can be used as a tool to help promote the pandemic psy-op. At this point, they aren’t even bothering to hide the fact that they’re all working together.

1. Meeting With Public Health Officials

Chan brags about how effective Facebook has been at censoring opinions and information that contradict the ever changing official narrative. He claims that 16,000,000 pieces of “misinformation” have been removed for violating these terms of service. The entire event is publicly available. They don’t pretend to hide it, although they never really did.

in fact, even back in October (see 3:50), the Federal Government admitted in a very straightforward manner that it worked with social media outlets. This was to remove certain material, or at least manipulate the algorithm to such a degree it could not easily be found.

2. Important Links
Kevin Chan, Office Of Lobbying Commissioner
Facebook Grants, Part 1
Facebook Grants, Part 2
Facebook Announces $8 Million In Spending
Open Society “Global Member”, Michael Ignatieff
Ottawa Funded Projects Against Disinformation
CIVIX Funding From Federal Government
Erin O’Toole Promotes “War Footing” In Canada
Erin O’Toole, Facebook Lobbyist

3. Kevin Chan & Facebook Canada

Information about Kevin Chan‘s time in Public Office can be obtained by searching Facebook with the Lobbying Registry of Canada. From 2004 to 2009, he worked in the Privy Council Office, going as high as becoming Director. He was also in the Office of the Official Opposition from 2009-2011, when Michael Ignatieff and the Liberals would have held that spot. He also spent more than a year in the Privacy Commissioner’s Office. The following year, he joined Facebook Canada, and has been there that spot ever since.

These lobbying targets should raise red flags. Chan worked for the Privy Council for years, and went pretty far. Now he lobbies them. And while he worked for the Office of the Official Opposition from 2009 to 2011, some of those same people would now be in the Prime Minister’s Office. After all, there was a change in Government, at least on paper.

The Canadian public has indirectly been subsidizing Facebook for a number of years. One way is by giving out money to other companies to purchase ad space. See here and here. And the intrigue grows still.

Facebook Inc. pledged Friday to spend $8 million to support news publishing in Canada, just days before a senior executive is to appear in Ottawa to face questions from MPs on matters including compensation of traditional media companies for news displayed on the tech giant’s platform.

Kevin Chan, head of public policy for Facebook Canada, is expected to be grilled by members of the standing committee on Canadian heritage about why Facebook controversially pulled news off its platform in Australia last month as that country was putting the finishing touches on legislation to guarantee publishers would be compensated for featured news.

Last week, Chan pledged $8 million to support news publishing in Canada. Would that not create a financial dependency on Facebook.

There were also questions surrounding the Facebook in Australia pulling news off its platform altogether. Interesting, that if things become “unworkable”, certain information can simply be removed.

4. Peter Donolo: LPC Political Operative

Peter Donolo has been a political operative for Liberals for a very long time. He was in the Office of the Official Opposition for Jean Chretien. When Chretien took power, Donolo went to the PMO. He was back in the Office of the Official Opposition for Michael Ignatieff, and worked Provincially with the Kathleen Wynne Liberals in Ontario. He has also as a marketer and lobbyist in the private sector.

As an aside, after losing badly in the 2011 Federal Election, Ignatieff went to work for George Soros and the Open Society. He is currently a Global Board Member.

What’s disturbing is the recent proliferation of taxpayer funded groups whose stated purpose is to “combat misinformation”. It creates an inherent conflict of interest, particularly when political hacks are running them. It comes across as providing cover for colleagues.

Agence Science-Presse 2019-2020 $129,345
Apathy is Boring 2018-2019 $100,000
Apathy is Boring 2019-2020 $340,000
Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada 2019-2020 $460,000
Canadian News Media Association 2019-2020 $484,300
CIVIX 2018-2019 $275,000
CIVIX 2019-2020 $400,000
Encounters with Canada 2018-2019 $100,000
Quebec Professional Journalists 2019-2020 $202,570
Global Vision 2019-2020 $260,000
Historica Canada 2019-2020 $250,000
Institute for Canadian Citizenship 2019-2020 $250,000
Journalists for Human Rights 2019-2020 $250,691
Journalists for Human Rights July 14, 2020 $1,479,856
Magazines Canada 2019-2020 $63,000
McGill University 2019-2020 $1,196,205
MediaSmarts 2019-2020 $650,000
New Canadian Media 2019-2020 $66,517
Ryerson University 2019-2020 $290,250
Samara Centre for Democracy 2019-2020 $59,200
Sask Weekly Newspapers Ass’n 2019-2020 $70,055
Simon Fraser University 2019-2020 $175,000
Vubble Inc. Unboxed project 2019-2020 $299,000

As addressed in an earlier piece, numerous groups are getting handouts from the Federal Government — or rather, taxpayers — to act as fact-checkers. Problem is that the media and fact checkers are supposed to act as a counter balance to Government. Here, we have Government Operatives like Donolo running the show. Huge conflict of interest.

Peter Donolo is on the Board of CIVIX, as is Rachel Curran of Facebook. They are involved in pushing their version of democracy in Canada.

Donolo is also a Director at JHR, Journalists for Human Rights. Chad Rogers is as well, and he also works for Crestview Strategy, a lobbying firm hired by GAVI, and co-founded by Rob Silver. JHR’s mission includes providing services to combat “misinformation” around the coronavirus.

More grants from the Federal Government can be found HERE. CIVIX has gotten funding for years.

CIVIX Board Members
Francis LeBlanc – Chair
Former Executive Director, Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians

Chris Wilkins – Past Chair
CEO, Edge Interactive
Robert Asselin
Senior Director, Public Policy, Blackberry
Megan Beretta
Policy Analyst, Canadian Digital Service
Rachel Curran
Public Policy Manager, Canada, Facebook

Peter Donolo
Vice-Chairman, Hill + Knowlton Strategies Canada

Dr. Elizabeth Dubois
Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Ottawa
Kathleen Monk
Principal, Earnscliffe Strategies

Donolo’s LinkedIn page leaves out his ties to CIVIX and Journalists for Human Rights (JHR). How strange.

Donolo indirectly runs a group called “Disinfowatch“. This is another self proclaimed fact checking group, controlled by Journalists for Human Rights, and the Koch-funded MacDonald-Laurier Institute.

5. Rachel Curran: Facebook, Harper Operative

Rachel Curran worked in the Prime Minister’s Office when Harper was in power. She also is a Board Member at CIVIX along with Peter Donolo. She also works for Facebook Canada. She has previously been a CBC pundit and a professional lobbyist at Wellington Advocacy. What an interesting career this has been.

While working in the PMO, Curran was frequently lobbied by many different special interest groups.

For more background on the collusion between politics, the media, and “fact-checkers”, check out this other piece on the subject.

6. Erin O’Toole: CPC, Ex-Facebook Lobbyist

Now, Chan and Donolo have ties to the Liberal Party of Canada, but what about the Conservative Party? Will they step in and raise meaningful questions?

Prior to getting into politics, Erin O’Toole worked for the (now defunct) law firm, Heenan Blaikie. Its former partners include Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien. O’Toole also engaged in lobbying on behalf of Facebook, something not discussed during the recent CPC leadership campaign. And while campaigning, he openly called for a “war footing“, and emergency measures.

As a side note: Roy Heenan, co-Founder of Heenan Blaikie, used to be the Head of the Trudeau Foundation.

7. Media Influence And Subsidies

(1) Unifor, Media, In Bed With Gov’t, $595M
(2) Government Subsidizes Media To Ensure Positive Coverage
(3) Aberdeen Publishing Takes Handouts, Ignores Real Issues
(4) More Periodicals Taking Grants, Parroting Gov’t Narrative
(5) Subsidized Fact-Check Outlets Run By Political Operatives
(6) Groups Funded By Tax Dollars To Combat “Misinformation”
(7) Even More Subsidies Canadian Outlets Are Dependent On
(8) DisinfoWatch Has Ties To Atlas Network/Koch, Liberal Party
(9) Media, Banks, CU, Getting CDA Emergency Wage Subsidies (CEWS)
(10) Advertising And Marketing In Promoting “Pandemic” Narrative
(11) NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR Grants In “Confidence”; Mandatory Vaxx

Just a thought, but perhaps the media and social media outlets in Canada aren’t all that fair and unbiased. Just putting that out there. Maybe those “pandemic bucks” go a long way towards ensuring cooperation.

CV #62(F): International — Or Global — Treaty For Pandemic Preparedness And Response Proposed

About 2 dozen world leaders have agreed, at least in principle, of setting up an international treaty to “deal with future pandemics”. Presumably, this would ultimately result in a World Government of sorts that could act in sweeping ways. But of course, it would all be done in the name of public health.

1. Important Links—covid-19-shows-why-united-action-is-needed-for-more-robust-international-health-architecture

(62.1) WHO International Health Regulations Legally Binding
(62.2) A Look At International Health Regulation Statements
(62.3) Quarantine Act Actually Written By WHO, IHR Changes
(62.4) Prov. Health Acts, Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR
(62.5) Prov. Health Acts, Domestic Implementation Of WHO-IHR, Part II

2. Text Of Letter Agreed By National Leaders

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s. At that time, following the devastation of two world wars, political leaders came together to forge the multilateral system. The aims were clear: to bring countries together, to dispel the temptations of isolationism and nationalism, and to address the challenges that could only be achieved together in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation, namely peace, prosperity, health and security.

Today, we hold the same hope that as we fight to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic together, we can build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations. There will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone. The question is not if, but when. Together, we must be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics in a highly coordinated fashion. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.

We are, therefore, committed to ensuring universal and equitable access to safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for this and future pandemics. Immunization is a global public good and we will need to be able to develop, manufacture and deploy vaccines as quickly as possible.

This is why the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) was set up in order to promote equal access to tests, treatments and vaccines and support health systems across the globe. ACT-A has delivered on many aspects but equitable access is not achieved yet. There is more we can do to promote global access.

To that end, we believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response.

Such a renewed collective commitment would be a milestone in stepping up pandemic preparedness at the highest political level. It would be rooted in the constitution of the World Health Organization, drawing in other relevant organizations key to this endeavour, in support of the principle of health for all. Existing global health instruments, especially the International Health Regulations, would underpin such a treaty, ensuring a firm and tested foundation on which we can build and improve.

The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all-of-government and all-of-society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This includes greatly enhancing international cooperation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research, and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter measures, such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.

It would also include recognition of a “One Health” approach that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet. And such a treaty should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and cooperation within the international system and with its rules and norms.

To achieve this, we will work with Heads of State and governments globally and all stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector. We are convinced that it is our responsibility, as leaders of nations and international institutions, to ensure that the world learns the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At a time when COVID-19 has exploited our weaknesses and divisions, we must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis. Building our capacities and systems to do this will take time and require a sustained political, financial and societal commitment over many years.

Our solidarity in ensuring that the world is better prepared will be our legacy that protects our children and grandchildren and minimizes the impact of future pandemics on our economies and our societies.

Pandemic preparedness needs global leadership for a global health system fit for this millennium. To make this commitment a reality, we must be guided by solidarity, fairness, transparency, inclusiveness and equity.

Still think those “International Health Regulations” aren’t legally binding? Wrong, they will be used as the basis for asserting even more control. And it’s already largely done.

From the way things are going, it seems extremely unlikely that there will be any sort of referendum or democratic mandate to legitimize such a thing nationally.

When they say “coming together globally”, what does that really mean? Will there be a supra-national group to decide what sectors of the economy should be shut down? Will there be misinformation laws to punish or charge people for contradicting the narrative? Will they decide on mandatory vaccinations, or masks? What accountability, if any, will be in place?

3. Who Has Approved, At Least In Principle

  • Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania;
  • Sebastián Piñera, President of Chile;
  • Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica;
  • J. V. Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji;
  • Emmanuel Macron, President of France;
  • Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany;
  • Charles Michel, President of the European Council;
  • Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece;
  • Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia;
  • Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya;
  • Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea;
  • Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands;
  • Erna Solberg, Prime Miniser of Norway;
  • António Luís Santos da Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal;
  • Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania;
  • Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda;
  • Macky Sall, President of Senegal;
  • Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia;
  • Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa;
  • Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain;
  • Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand;
  • Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago;
  • Kais Saied, President of Tunisia;
  • Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine;
  • Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom;
  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Sure, Canada isn’t on that list — yet. However, there is certainly nothing to indicate that we won’t be forced to go along at some point. The people running this country aren’t exactly huge supporters of free speech.

CCS #7(C): The NGOs & Special Interest Groups Behind The Carbon Tax Challenges

Yes, the Supreme Court of Canada recently declared the Carbon tax to be constitutional. But who exactly were the NGOs pushing for this to be accepted?

1. Debunking The Climate Change Scam

The entire climate change industry, (and yes, it is an industry) is a hoax perpetrated by the people in power. See the other articles on the scam, the propaganda machine in action, and some of the court documents in Canada. Carbon taxes are just a small part of the picture, and conservatives are intentionally sabotaging their court cases.

2. Important Links
Diverge Media On Major Judicial Conflict In Case
Canada Ecofiscal Commission – Main Page

3. Diverge Media On Chief Justice Wagner

Diverge Media just reported that Chief Justice Richard Wagner was the opening speaker at the Centre For International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) in 2020. That certainly sheds things in a new light. Check out their article for much more information.

4. NGOs Intervening In Court Challenges

  • Assembly of First Nations
  • Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
  • Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission
  • Canadian Public Health Association
  • Canadian Taxpayers Federation
  • Climate Justice et al
  • David Suzuki Foundation
  • Generation Squeeze et al
    1. Generation Squeeze
    2. Public Health Association of BC
    3. Saskatchewan Public Health Association
    4. Canadian Associations of Physicians for the Environment
    5. Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child
    6. Youth Climate Lab
  • International Emissions Trading Association
  • Oceans North Conservation Society
  • Progress Alberta Communications Limited
  • Saskatchewan Power Corporation & Saskenergy Inc.
  • Smart Prosperity Institute
  • Thunderchild First Nation

The list of both the Governments and NGOs participating in the Supreme Court challenge are available to all. Likewise, the arguments they submit are all posted publicly. While it’s too extensive to cover everything, let’s dig down anyway.

5. Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission

Canada Ecofiscal Commission recommends raising Canada’s Carbon tax to $210/tonne, and are fully behind the climate agenda. But who exactly is involved with this organization? Who is calling the shots?

Chris Ragan is the Chair of the Canada Ecofiscal Commission. Prior to that, he was: Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of Canada; Advisor to the Finance Minister of Canada; and worked for the C.D. Howe Institute.

Glen Hodgson‘s history includes: Conference Board of Canada, where he was Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist for twelve years; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C.; Export Development Canada (EDC); and the Canadian Department of Finance. His affiliations include: Senior Fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute; Chief Economist with International Financial Consulting Ltd (IFCL)

Jason Dion was a project manager and economist at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), where his work focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation, green public procurement, and sustainable infrastructure. Jason is the author of numerous publications, including environmental fiscal reform studies for the governments of Mauritius and Mozambique, funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Steven Williams is the CEO of Suncor, and is also on the McKinsey & Company Advisory Committee. In 2005 he was appointed to the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy by the Prime Minister, then Paul Martin. He was also part of COP21 in Paris in 2015.

The advisory Board includes:

  • Michael Harcourt, former Vancouver Mayor
  • Gordon Campbell, former Vancouver Mayor, former BC Premier
  • Jean Charest, former Quebec Premier
  • Paul Martin, former Prime Minister

There are more of course, but a lot of interesting connections to the political world. And perhaps a coincidence, but McGill and Simon Fraser Universities keep coming up in their biographies.

6. Canadian Coalition For Rights Of The Child

Our Work

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is a network of Canadian organizations and individuals who promote respect for the rights of children. Its purpose is to: exchange information; provide public education materials about the Convention on the Rights of the Child; monitor implementation of the Convention in Canada; and engage in dialogue with government officials on child rights issues.

The objectives of the Coalition are:

-To uphold human rights in Canada and the world, in accordance with the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child and its related conventions and protocols, by providing relevant public education programs such as workshops and seminars; and
-To monitor and report on the implementation of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child in Canada and internationally.

What We Do

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the guiding framework for all activities of the coalition. Those activities include:
-Monitoring and promoting the implementation of children’s rights in Canada, in both domestic policies and international relations.
-Establishing national, provincial, and local links between groups concerned about the well-being of children, to share information and co-operate in the advancement of children’s rights.
-Fostering education and awareness in Canada about the rights of children, especially among young Canadians.
-Promoting Canada’s role in international bodies that foster children’s rights and engaging Canadians in international initiatives to advance respect for children’s rights.

How We Do It

Children’s Rights Monitoring
-The CCRC brings together Canadian children and civil society organizations to participate in the regular five-year reviews of Canada’s implementation of the CRC before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
-The CCRC makes submissions on policy proposals before parliament from the perspective of children’s rights.
-The Coalition provides a child-rights analysis of the federal budget and other national policies.
-The CCRC helps children from all parts of Canada participate in consultations on matters that affect them, with the support of coalition members. Canadian children have participated in the World Summit for Children, the Earth Summit, the UN Special Session for Children, and other national and international events.
-The CCRC provided policy recommendations for Canada’s participation in the UN Special Session for Children, and for Canada’s Action Plan, entitled “A Canada Fit for Children.

Presumably, wanting carbon dioxide gone is a children’s rights issue. This group openly admits that its major goals involve seeing through the implementation of a child’s right treaty.

  • Kate Butler, Child Protection Advisor, Save the Children Canada – Chair
  • Hala Mreiwed, Post-doctoral Student, Children’s Rights and Education, McGill University – Secretary
  • Emily Chan, Lawyer, Justice for Children and Youth – Treasurer
  • Robyn Aaron, Child Rights Specialist
  • Daniella Bendo, PhD Candidate in Children’s Rights, Carleton University
  • Terence Hamilton, Child Rights Policy Analyst, UNICEF Canada
  • Helesia Luke, Communications and Development Coordinator, First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
  • Laura Wright, Child Rights Consultant and PhD Candidate in Children’s Rights
  • Candace Blake-Amarante, PhD., Playwright and Children’s Author
  • Michael Saini, Ph.D., M.S.W., R.S.W., Associate Professor, Factor-Inwentash Chair in Law and Social Work. University of Toronto
  • Ashley Vandermorris, MC, FRCPC, Staff Physician, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Sick Kids Hospital. Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Toronto
  • Tara Black, PhD, Assistant Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto

It’s list of Directors is pretty impressive, but this seemingly has nothing to do with the climate change agenda. Nonetheless, they have been granted Intervenor status with the Supreme Court of Canada, along with Generation Squeeze

7. David Suzuki Foundation

This was addressed in considerable detail in another article. Take a deeper look into what exactly is going on, and what their interests really are. It’s a very well funded organization. There’s also details provided on the International Emissions Trading Association, (IETA).

8. Progress Alberta

Progress Alberta describes itself as a progressive leaning advocacy group. To their credit, they don’t claim to be neutral in the policies they call for. One of their members, Jim Storrie, recently worked for the Alberta NDP, which is interesting. There is little information about who their donors actually are.

9. Smart Prosperity Institute, Green Bonds

Smart Prosperity Institute’s annual “Green Bonds – State of the Market in Canada” reports provide unique insight on the role of green bonds in funding environment and climate-related projects in Canada. The annual report is a special supplement to the Bonds and Climate Change: The State of the Market global report and is prepared collaboratively with Climate Bonds Initiative. Commissioned by HSBC, the report marks specific highlights from the current year, emerging trends, and identifies specific opportunities for market development of green bonds in Canada.

The Smart Prosperity Institute is heavily in selling “climate bonds“, and partners with HSBC and the Climate Bonds Initiative. Their financial interest in this enterprise heavily depends on there being continued growth in the bond market.

The Climate Bonds Initiative publicly posts that the market for their climate bonds may eventually top $1 trillion in value. But this can only happen if Governments everywhere continue to push the narrative that climate change is about to cause a worldwide disaster.

Green Bonds have infiltrated Ontario and Quebec, and elsewhere. More and more public money is being sunk into these ventures.

  • uOttawa
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
  • Fulbright Canada
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • The Jarislowsky Foundation
  • Atkinson Foundation
  • Alberta Real Estate Foundation
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique (SDECB)
  • Tides Canada
  • CDEM
  • Echo Foundation
  • The Greenbelt Foundation
  • The Real Estate Foundation of BC
  • The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
  • Conseil de développement économique de l’Alberta
  • The Salamander Foundation
  • Canadian Water Network
  • Suncor Energy Foundation
  • Vancity
  • Conseil Économique et Coopératif de la Saskatchewan

Steven Williams, CEO of Suncor, is also part of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, another Intervenor trying to keep the Carbon tax intact. The Tides Foundation gets some funding from George Soros, head of Open Society. Various branches of Government — relying on taxpayer money — also fund this group. The McConnell Foundation also contributes to Youth Climate Lab.

10. Youth Climate Lab, Infiltration Manual

Dominique Souris, the co-Founder and Executive Director of Youth Climate Lab, is also a member of the World Economic Forum. Both groups are ideologically aligned with the climate change agenda.

Ronny Jumeau was appointed Seychelles’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States for the first time. He was also Ambassador to Canada, Brazil, Cuba and several Caribbean islands until 2012 when he became his country’s New York-based roving Ambassador for Climate Change and Small Island Developing State Issues. He is the Member of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), representing Small Island Developing States(SIDS) and a Member of the Executive Council of SIDS DOCK, the global sustainable energy initiative for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). He is also a Director at Youth Climate Lab

Youth Climate Lab — Infiltration Manual

Youth Climate Lab produces an “infiltration manual“, (their words, not mine), to give people step by step instruction on how to insert the climate change agenda into local politics. They are partnered with the climate caucus, and funded by the McConnell Foundation.

11. What Does All This Mean To Canada?

Various Provincial Premiers intentionally sabotaged their court challenges by playing along with the climate change scam. Now, it seems that several NGOs acting as Intervenors had their own agenda in making submissions. Even groups like the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation only opposed it on groups it was wasteful.

It’s also interesting, that piece by Diverge Media, which lists Canada’s Supreme Court Chief Justice speaking at an eco-conference. That alone raises questions about how impartial he is.

In the end, it’s the Canadian public that gets hurt by this politically driven Carbon tax. There wasn’t anyone fighting for the public during those proceedings.

CCS #6(C): Supreme Court Rules Carbon Tax Constitutional, No Real Opposition From “Conservatives”

The Supreme Court of Canada, in a 6-3 decision, confirmed that the Carbon tax is constitutional. This is not surprising in the slightest, considering there was no real opposition. All parties parroted the sentiments that climate change was an urgent threat that needed dealt with. In short, they agreed with the underlying facts, so there wasn’t much to argue.

The “resistance”, pictured above, did nothing but orchestrate a dog-and-pony show. It duped plenty of people into convincing them that these politicians were actually fighting.

1. Debunking The Climate Change Scam

The entire climate change industry, (and yes, it is an industry) is a hoax perpetrated by the people in power. See the other articles on the scam, the propaganda machine in action, and some of the court documents in Canada. Carbon taxes are just a small part of the picture, and conservatives are intentionally sabotaging their court cases.

2. The Supreme Court Of Canada Ruling

[7] Global climate change is real, and it is clear that human activities are the primary cause. In simple terms, the combustion of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases (“GHGs”) into the atmosphere, and those gases trap solar energy from the sun’s incoming radiation in the atmosphere instead of allowing it to escape, thereby warming the planet. Carbon dioxide is the most prevalent and recognizable GHG resulting from human activities. Other common GHGs include methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride and nitrogen trifluoride.

[8] At appropriate levels, GHGs are beneficial, keeping temperatures around the world at levels at which humans, animals, plants and marine life can live in balance. And the level of GHGs in the atmosphere has been relatively stable over the last 400,000 years. Since the 1950s, however, the concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere have increased at an alarming rate, and they continue to rise. As a result, global surface temperatures have already increased by 1.0°C above pre-industrial levels, and that increase is expected to reach 1.5°C by 2040 if the current rate of warming continues.

This appears to be almost cut and paste directly from Ontario’s Factum during their Provincial challenge.

[9] These temperature increases are significant. As a result of the current warming of 1.0°C, the world is already experiencing more extreme weather, rising sea levels and diminishing Arctic sea ice. Should warming reach or exceed 1.5°C, the world could experience even more extreme consequences, including still higher sea levels and greater loss of Arctic sea ice, a 70 percent or greater global decline of coral reefs, the thawing of permafrost, ecosystem fragility and negative effects on human health, including heat-related and ozone-related morbidity and mortality.

[10] The effects of climate change have been and will be particularly severe and devastating in Canada. Temperatures in this country have risen by 1.7°C since 1948, roughly double the global average rate of increase, and are expected to continue to rise faster than that rate. Canada is also expected to continue to be affected by extreme weather events like floods and forest fires, changes in precipitation levels, degradation of soil and water resources, increased frequency and severity of heat waves, sea level rise, and the spread of potentially life-threatening vector-borne diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile virus.

[11] The Canadian Arctic faces a disproportionately high risk from climate change. There, the average temperature has increased at a rate of nearly three times the global average, and that increase is causing significant reductions in sea ice, accelerated permafrost thaw, the loss of glaciers and other ecosystem impacts. Canada’s coastline, the longest in the world, is also being affected disproportionately by climate change, as it experiences changes in relative sea level and rising water temperatures, as well as increased ocean acidity and loss of sea ice and permafrost. Climate change has also had a particularly serious effect on Indigenous peoples, threatening the ability of Indigenous communities in Canada to sustain themselves and maintain their traditional ways of life.

[12] Climate change has three unique characteristics that are worth noting. First, it has no boundaries; the entire country and entire world are experiencing and will continue to experience its effects. Second, the effects of climate change do not have a direct connection to the source of GHG emissions. Provinces and territories with low GHG emissions can experience effects of climate change that are grossly disproportionate to their individual contributions to Canada’s and the world’s total GHG emissions. In 2016, for example, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and British Columbia accounted for approximately 90.5 percent of Canada’s total GHG emissions, while the approximate percentages were 9.1 percent for the other five provinces and 0.4 percent for the territories. Yet the effects of climate change are and will continue to be experienced across Canada, with heightened impacts in the Canadian Arctic, coastal regions and Indigenous territories. Third, no one province, territory or country can address the issue of climate change on its own. Addressing climate change requires collective national and international action. This is because the harmful effects of GHGs are, by their very nature, not confined by borders.

B. Canada’s Efforts to Address Climate Change
[13] Canada’s history of international commitments to address climate change began in 1992 with its ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, U.N. Doc. A/AC.237/18 (Part II)/Add.1, May 15, 1992 (“UNFCCC”). After failing to meet its commitments under multiple UNFCCC agreements, including the Kyoto Protocol, U.N. Doc. FCCC/CP/1997/L.7/Add.1, December 10, 1997, and the Copenhagen Accord, U.N. Doc. FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1, December 18, 2009, Canada agreed to the Paris Agreement in 2015. Recognizing that “climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet and thus requires the widest possible cooperation by all countries”, the participating states agreed to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2.0°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit that increase to 1.5°C: United Nations, Framework Convention on Climate Change, Report of the Conference of the Parties on its twenty-first session, U.N. Doc. FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.1, January 29, 2016, at p. 2; Paris Agreement, art. 2(1)(a). Canada ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016, and the agreement entered into force that same year. Canada committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

This has been a bipartisan effort, to entangle Canada with more and more UN treaties. Each one erodes more sovereignty.

[14] Under the Paris Agreement, states are free to choose their preferred approaches for meeting their nationally determined contributions. In Canada, the provinces and the federal government agreed to work together in order to meet the country’s international commitments. In March 2016, before Canada had ratified the Paris Agreement, all the First Ministers met in Vancouver and adopted the Vancouver Declaration on clean growth and climate change (“Vancouver Declaration”): Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat, March 3, 2016 (online). In that declaration, the First Ministers recognized the call in the Paris Agreement for significant reductions in GHG emissions and committed to “[i]mplement[ing] GHG mitigation policies in support of meeting or exceeding Canada’s 2030 target of a 30% reduction below 2005 levels of emissions, including specific provincial and territorial targets and objectives”: ibid, at p. 3. In the Vancouver Declaration, the First Ministers also recognized the importance of a collaborative approach between provincial and territorial governments and the federal government to reducing GHG emissions and noted that “the federal government has committed to ensuring that the provinces and territories have the flexibility to design their own policies to meet emission reductions targets”: ibid.

[15] The Vancouver Declaration resulted in the establishment of a federal-provincial-territorial Working Group on Carbon Pricing Mechanisms (“Working Group”) to study the role of carbon pricing mechanisms in meeting Canada’s emissions reduction targets. The Working Group included at least one representative from each provincial and territorial government as well as the federal government. Its final report identified carbon pricing as one of the most efficient policy approaches for reducing GHG emissions and outlined three carbon pricing options: (1) a single form broad-based carbon pricing mechanism that would apply across Canada, an option that would not be supportive of existing or planned provincial or territorial pricing policies; (2) broad-based carbon pricing mechanisms across Canada, an option that would give each province and territory flexibility as to the choice of instruments; and (3) a range of broad-based carbon pricing mechanisms in some jurisdictions, while the remaining jurisdictions would implement other mechanisms or policies designed to meet GHG emissions reduction targets within their borders: Working Group on Carbon Pricing Mechanisms, Final Report, 2016 (online), at pp. 1, 44-47 and 50.

[16] Carbon pricing, or GHG pricing, is a regulatory mechanism that, in simple terms, puts a price on GHG emissions in order to induce behavioural changes that will lead to widespread reductions in emissions. By putting a price on GHG emissions, governments can incentivize individuals and businesses to change their behaviour so as to make more environmentally sustainable purchasing and consumption choices, to redirect their financial investments, and to reduce their GHG emissions by substituting carbon-intensive goods for low-GHG alternatives. Generally speaking, there are two different approaches to GHG pricing: (1) a carbon tax that entails setting a price on GHG emissions directly, but not setting a cap on emissions; and (2) a cap-and-trade system that prices emissions indirectly by placing a cap on GHG emissions, allocating emission permits to businesses and allowing businesses to buy and sell emission permits from and to other businesses. A carbon tax sets an effective price per unit of GHG emissions. In a cap-and-trade system, the market sets an effective price per unit of GHG emissions, but a cap is placed on permitted emissions. Both approaches put a price on GHG emissions. I also find it worthwhile to note that while “carbon tax” is the term used among policy experts to describe GHG pricing approaches that directly price GHG emissions, it has no connection to the concept of taxation as understood in the constitutional context.

Losing the case at the Supreme Court of Canada was not surprising in the least. At no point during this challenge, or the Saskatchewan, Onatario, or Alberta challenges, so these so-called “conservatives” ever deny that climate change is a threat to humanity. They agree almost word for word with the UN agendas. Since there is no real opposition on the “facts”, the Court is only asked to address the case on narrow legal grounds.

Regarding the 1992 framework on climate change, it’s worth pointing out that “Conservative” Brian Mulroney was in power then, and had a large majority government. He didn’tt have to do this.

Also, the 2009 Copenhagen Accord was signed by “Conservative” Stephen Harper. He also signed Agenda 2030 in September 2015. Had he been reelected the following month, he almost certainly would have signed the Paris Agreement as well.

This is the “opposition” Trudeau had to contend with?

3. CPC Still Supports Climate Scam

Does any of this look like Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe actually opposes the agenda? He is fully on board with it, and just has a disagreement over the best way to proceed. Likewise with the other Premiers.

It’s amusing that Moe complains about being double crossed by Trudeau, as that is exactly what he did to his supporters in Saskatchewan.

4. CPC Still Supports Climate Scam

CPC Policy Declaration, August 2018

UN globalist Erin O’Toole seems to be fully on board with the climate agenda. Even if he were Prime Minister, it seems unlikely he would have done anything differently. The Paris Agreement is all about wealth transfer, and it’s disingenuous to claim otherwise.

Also, take a read through this earlier piece on the various Carbon tax challenges. They were doomed from the start.

Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge & Immunization Partnership Fund

It’s getting harder and harder to conceal the real harm that these “vaccines” can do to people. As such, the Canadian Government pours taxpayer money into many programs to convince the public that nothing is wrong. It’s targeted advertising, under a thin veil of “science”. These initiatives are worth millions of dollars.

1. Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge

Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect against COVID-19 and other serious infectious diseases. The Government of Canada recognizes that community engagement plays a critical role in building vaccine confidence so everyone has the accurate information they need to make an informed decision on vaccination.

To this end, the Minister of Health, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, announced today the launch of the Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge.

Under the Challenge, individuals and/or groups are invited to propose creative ideas for communications campaigns that will reach groups within their communities who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Twenty finalists will be chosen by an expert panel and given $25,000 to develop their ideas and launch their campaigns. A grand prize of $100,000 will be awarded to one winner at the end of the Challenge period to reinvest in the protection and promotion of public health in their community.

Community-driven engagement can more effectively influence vaccine confidence among communities who are underserved and have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. The Challenge encourages people to help spread the word about COVID-19 vaccines and increase vaccine confidence through creative, community-driven and culturally sensitive means.

Vaccination saves lives and helps prevent and control the spread of serious infectious diseases. To keep Canadians safe from COVID-19 and other diseases, the Government of Canada works with partners and communities to foster confidence in vaccination by increasing access to reliable, accurate and timely information about vaccines, and by supporting communities to help spread the word in their own voices and through people they trust.

The Federal Government is handing out 20 grants of $25,000 each, which a further $100,000 available to the “winner”. The point of these grants, like the others, is to hire people to act to promote the Government message of vaccination. By using members of select groups, it is hoped that this will build trust and compliance in an agenda that would no otherwise be possible.

2. Immunization Partnership Fund

Vaccine hesitancy and the spread of misinformation about vaccines has also been a persistent challenge for many years and has been amplified in recent years by digital social platforms. Instilling confidence in COVID-19 vaccines may be particularly challenging given the spread of misinformation related to these vaccines. Engendering trust, confidence and acceptance will require innovative approaches.

The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is the largest mass vaccination campaign ever undertaken. As such, it presents an opportunity to identify and address longstanding systemic barriers to vaccination – including acceptance and uptake of vaccines beyond those that prevent COVID-19. New and reimagined interventions are required to develop or expand tools, education, and supports for healthcare providers as well as strategies and resources to support community-driven solutions. There is no “one size fits all” solution, and a multifaceted approach, grounded in Canada’s diversity, is crucial for reaching all Canadians.

Cultural safety
Promoting and improving cultural safety involves the understanding of social, political and historical contexts to design policy, research and practice that are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually safe. Applicants must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of cultural factors relevant to their project, and integrate cultural safety into the proposed project’s design, implementation and evaluation.

Section 5: Funding amount and duration
The total annual funding envelope for this program is approximately $9 million per year. The value of funding per project is a minimum of $100,000 total to a maximum of $500,000.
Projects should be a minimum of one year. All projects must conclude by March 31, 2023.


p style=”padding: 2px 6px 4px 6px; color: #555555; background-color: #eeeeee; border: #dddddd 2px solid;”>
Applicants will be assessed on their ability to leverage in-kind and financial contributions that will contribute to the project’s development and implementation. A specific matched funding ratio is not required. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that these contributions are secured if invited to submit a full proposal.

This is actually a much larger program. $9 million annually will be available, in denominations of between $100,000 and $500,000 each. The idea is much the same: convince particular groups of Canadians that mass vaccination is good.

Note: this isn’t work done to ENSURE that vaccines are safe and reliable. Instead, this is work to CONVINCE people that they already are.

3. Ottawa Spending $64 Million On Programs

TORONTO — The federal government is investing $64 million in COVID-19 vaccine education campaigns to help combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation in Canada, while also encouraging Canadians to get the shot.

Minister of Health Patty Hajdu said in a press release on Tuesday that the investment, through the Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF), will increase public access to “reliable, accurate and timely information about vaccines.” She says this will help ensure Canadians “make informed and confident vaccine choices for themselves and their families.”

“Vaccines are an important and effective way to protect Canadians and stop the spread of COVID-19. Working with our partners, we will make sure that Canadians have the latest information about how and when they can get vaccinated, but also why they should get vaccinated,” Hajdu said in the release.

According to the release, the funding includes $30.25 million for “community-led projects” that will work to increase vaccine confidence by addressing “gaps in knowledge, attitudes and beliefs related to vaccination.”

The federal government said the funding will also be used to develop “tailored, targeted tools and educational resources” to raise vaccine awareness for COVID-19 and other diseases.

In addition, the funds will support local efforts to address community barriers to access and acceptance of vaccines.

This isn’t just a top-down program from Ottawa. The Federal Government will be dispensing millions of dollars for Provincial and Municipal programs to convince people that the vaccines are needed. Whenever supposed independents are pushing for the gene replacement, you have to wonder if they are receiving funding.

4. Important Links, Research

Vaccine Community Innovation Program
Immunization Partnership Fund Of Canada
Ottawa Spending $64 Million On Various Programs

(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities

(a) Subsidization Programs Available For Media Outlets (QCJO)
(b) Political Operatives Behind Many “Fact-Checking” Groups
(c) DisinfoWatch, MacDonald-Laurier, Journalists For Human Rights
(d) Taxpayer Subsidies To Combat CV “Misinformation”
(e) Postmedia Periodicals Getting Covid Subsidies
(f) Aberdeen Publishing (BC, AB) Getting Grants To Operate
(g) Other Periodicals Receiving Subsidies
(h) Still More Media Subsidies Taxpayers Are Supporting
(i) Media Outlets, Banks, Credit Unions, All Getting CEWS

FCLT Global; World Economic Forum; CPPIB; Ontario Teachers

The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario supporting forcing masks on kindergarten students. It’s interesting, since their pension fund is partnered with the World Economic Forum. It’s also part of the group Focus on Capital Long Term Global. How deep does this rabbit hole go?

1. More On The International Banking Cartel

For more on the banking cartel, check this page. See who is really controlling things, and the common lies that politicians and media figures tell. The bankers work with the climate mafia and pandemic pushers to promote mutual goals of control and debt slavery. Many pension funds also seem tied to this agenda.

2. Important Links

3. Focus On Capital Long Term Group

Millions of people around the world are saving money to meet personal goals – funding a comfortable retirement, saving for someone’s education, or buying a home, to name a few.

The funds to support these goals are safeguarded by institutional investors – pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurers, and asset managers – who invest in companies for the prospect of growth and security. These savers, their communities, and the institutions that support them make up the global investment value chain, and each benefit from long-term decisions in different ways:

Data shows that long-term-oriented investors deliver superior performance, and long-term-oriented companies outperform in terms of revenue, earnings, and job creation. But despite overwhelming evidence of the superiority of long-term investments, short-term pressures are hard to avoid. A majority of corporate executives agree that longer time horizons for business decisions would improve performance, and yet half say they would delay value-creating projects if it would mean missing quarterly earnings targets.

  • Aberdeen Asset Management
  • APG Asset Management
  • Baillie Gifford
  • Bain Capital
  • Barclays
  • BlackRock
  • Blackstone
  • Bloomberg
  • BP
  • Bridgewater Associates
  • Brookfield Asset Management
  • CPP Investments
  • Carlyle Group
  • Cisco
  • De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
  • Dow
  • Edelman
  • EQT
  • EY
  • Federated Hermes
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Future Fund
  • Generation Investment Management
  • GIC
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Hillhouse Capital
  • Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • IFM Investors
  • Inclusive Capital Partners
  • Kempen Capital Management
  • KPMG
  • La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
  • Mastercard
  • McKinsey & Company
  • MFS Investment Management
  • MSCI
  • Nasdaq
  • Natixis Investment Managers
  • Neuberger Berman
  • New Zealand Super Fund
  • Norges Bank Investment Management
  • Nuveen Asset Management
  • Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
  • PSP Investments
  • Royal DSM
  • Russell Reynolds Associates
  • Schroders
  • Snow Lake Capital
  • State Street Corporation
  • Sullivan & Cromwell
  • Syngenta Group
  • Tata Sons
  • Temasek
  • TPG Capital
  • Unilever
  • Vista Equity Partners
  • Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
  • Walmart
  • Washington State Investment Board
  • Wellington Management

Not only are these organizations part of FCLT Group, but most are also partners of the World Economic Forum. It seems that asset management and social justice are joining forces. Ideologically, FCLT Group and WEK seem to align.

As a side note: Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is one of the Strategic Advisors of FCLT Group. She also sits on the Trilateral Commission.

Let’s take a look at some of the companies in this group. These reviews hardly cover everything, but are to show some of the more interesting details of those involved. While nothing presented here proves anything underhanded is going on, the extensive connections are too great to ignore.

4. Bain Capital

Guidelines For Responsible Investment
With approximately $120 billion in assets under management, Bain Capital and its business units utilize a strategic, fact-based and diligence-driven investment approach that by definition includes a multitude of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations.

Bain Capital believes that these ESG practices lead to better investment outcomes while considering the firm’s broader impacts on the environment and society. The firm takes its responsibility seriously and continually monitors the broad consequences of every investment to ensure we are taking all of our stakeholders’ needs into account. By living these values, we create lasting impact for our investors, teams, businesses and communities where we live and work.

Bain Capital is an American, multinational investment firm. It was co-founded by Mitt Romney, the ex-Massachusetts Governor, 2-time Presidential Candidate, and current Utah Senator. Like other firms, Bain is moving more and more into the en

Romney’s business history is interesting, and it includes start up money from Robert Maxwell, father of accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell.

5. Blackrock

Blackrock is a large, multinational investment firm. Lately, it has adopted the mantra of sustainable investing, and bringing that ideology into everything that it does.

Larry Fink is a Strategic Advisor for FCLT, and is the head of Blackrock, which he cofounded with several others. According to his profile:

“Mr. Fink serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of New York University and is Co-Chairman of the NYU Langone Medical Center Board of Trustees. Mr. Fink also serves on the Boards of The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Council on Foreign Relations and Robin Hood, the poverty-fighting charitable organization. He is also an Executive Committee member of The Partnership for New York City, the economic development organization.”

Blackrock also owns SNC Lavalin. That Quebec based firm has been involved in serious corruption scandals in recent years. However, thanks to its vast political connections, and lobbying everyone in Parliament, it has been able to get away from most of it.

Lavalin owes much of its success in lobbying for a deferred prosecution agreement to Bruce Hartley, and William Pristanski. Hartley worked in the Liberal Government of Jean Chretien, and Pristanski worked for the Conservative Government of Brian Mulroney. They influence both major parties at the Federal level.

6. Blackstone

Building on more than a decade of sustainability efforts, we are launching a program to reduce carbon emissions by 15% across all new investments where we control energy usage.

Over the last decade, Blackstone has helped its portfolio companies and properties improve their energy efficiency—generating meaningful savings while positively impacting the environment. Today, we are expanding these sustainability efforts by setting a goal of 15% carbon emissions reduction across all new investments where we control energy usage. We will support them in achieving this goal with a set of tools and resources to reduce their carbon footprint.

Another investment firm supporting ESG. This is unique in that it has former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney sitting on the Board of Directors

Rochelle B. Lazarus is a Board Member, and also sits on the Board of Merck (a pharmaceutical company), and on the Council on Foreign Relations. Director Ruth Porat also is part of the CFR. Former U.S Senator Kelly A. Ayotte was an advisor for Microsoft.

Blackstone also owns G4S, the private security firm that Brian Pallister brought into Manitoba as “extra help”. G4S runs detention services, and is involved in surveillance and intelligence gathering.

7. CPP Investments

At CPP Investments we consider responsible investing simply as intelligent long-term investing. Over the exceptionally long investment-horizon over which we invest, ESG factors have the potential to be significant drivers – or barriers – to profitability and shareholder value. For these reasons we refer to what many call ‘Responsible Investing’ activities simply as Sustainable Investing.

Given our legislative objective, we consider and integrate both ESG risks and opportunities into our investment analysis, rather than eliminating investments based on ESG factors alone.

As an owner, we monitor ESG factors and actively engage with companies to promote improved management of ESG, ultimately leading to enhanced long-term outcomes in the companies and assets in which more than 20 million CPP contributors and beneficiaries have a stake.

CPP Investments has established governing policies, approved by our Board of Directors, to guide our ESG activities. Our Policy on Sustainable Investing establishes how CPP Investments approaches ESG factors which aligns with our legislative objective to maximize long-term investment returns without undue risk of loss. Our Proxy Voting Principles and Guidelines provide guidance on how CPP Investments is likely to vote on matters put to shareholders and communicate CPP Investments’ views on governance matters.

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), is supposed to manage the national pension plan of Canadians.

There are several things to mention. First, in an honest accounting of the pension plan, there would be over $1 trillion in unfunded liabilities. It is propped up through ever increasing amounts of contributions. Second, this can only be propped up by an increasing contribution base — such as importing the 3rd World. Third, the overwhelming majority is invested outside of Canada. Fourth, the plan has thoroughly embraced the ESG doctrine (environment, social, governance).

Canadian pension funds shouldn’t be involved in social engineering, especially abroad. It should be used domestically in ways that put Canadians to work.

8. Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs has long been a stepping stone for bankers to eventually land positions in the U.S. Government. Indeed, many such people have ended up in the Treasury Department, under both Democrat and Republican Administrations. It’s too extensive to properly list here.

Another ex-Goldman employee is Mark Carney. He formerly headed both the Bank of Canada, and the Bank of England. He is now in charge of the UN Climate Action Finance, and has openly threatened to bankrupt firms that don’t play along with the climate change agenda.

9. La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec

Quebec is not part of the Canada Pension Plan, and instead, operate their own version of it. Both are pumping money into the eco-agenda. It seems that not much is really that different.

10. Mastercard

Some of the important things were included in an earlier piece. This is still relevant even now. Mastercard has been involved in facilitating mass migration from the 3rd World to the 1st. As a major payment processor, they stand to make enormous amounts of money from increasing their customer base. As cashless societies and digital currencies become more of a reality, credit card companies stand to benefit. They have also used their influence to cause significant financial headaches to people and organizations that don’t ideologically align.

11. Ontario Teachers Pension Plan

Mark [Weissman] is a Senior Managing Director at BlackRock, Global Head of Active Equities, Chairman of its Alternatives business, and Chairman of BlackRock’s Global Investment Committee. He also serves on BlackRock’s Global Executive Committee. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2016, Mark was President & CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB). Mark joined CPPIB in June, 2005 as the organization’s Senior Vice-President, Private Investments. He was later named Executive Vice-President, Investments, responsible for managing all of the investment activities of CPPIB. He was named President & CEO in 2012. Prior to joining the CPPIB, Mark was responsible for the private equity fund and co-investment program at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Previously, Mark was an officer with Harrowston Inc., a publicly traded Canadian merchant bank and a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell, practicing in New York and Paris. He also served as a law clerk to Madam Justice Beverley McLachlin at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Mark Weissman is a managing Director at Blackrock. He also used to work for both the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, and the CPPIB.

Bill Chinery is currently a Director at OTPP, and until 2013, he was the CEO of Blackrock Asset Management.

Jo Taylor, the President and CEO of the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, is featured prominently by the World Economic Forum. Just a few days ago, he penned an article for WEF, promoting the “net zero” carbon agenda. OTPP has fully embraced the climate agenda, and is pouring more of members’ money into it.

The OTPP seems to support what’s going on with this “pandemic”. Seems that it filters down to the schools, and to classrooms themselves. And why are schools so willing to use remote learning? Could be partly because Zoom is also a partner with the World Economic Forum.

12. Walmart

This was addressed earlier, but Walmart has actually done quite well lately. It certainly helps that their small business competitors in places like Ontario have been all but crushed. It seems that the rampant lobbying has paid for itself, many times over.

Bruce Hartley and William Pristanski are certainly busy.

13. Some Thoughts On The Matter

These connections are nowhere near the entire story. However, a deep dive needs to be done into the various pension funds and asset management companies who are now fully aligned with the climate change agenda, and with the Great Reset.

Corporations venturing into new areas isn’t anything new, and isn’t (on its own) any reason to be alarmed. However, when everyone seems to be on board with the same things, it does raise the concerns about collusion.

Back to the initial photo: the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario supports forcing kindergarten students to wear masks. Most people would consider this to be child abuse. Could it be out of concern for the students? Or, is ETFO acting on behalf of a much, MUCH larger agenda?

These aren’t just partners making a profit. They are helping to prop up and promote the World Economic Forum, and their agenda. WEF openly supported — and facilitated — lockdowns and shutting down of society in order to crash economies globally. Now, the idea is to “build back better”.