Expanded Drone Use Coming To Canada And Other Countries

Drones are about to become far more common and not just in Canada. Companies and countries are seeing what options there are in using this technology, but only for “safe” purposes.

One company, Drone Delivery Canada is trying to change the laws here so that it can carry larger loads, and for longer distances. They seem to think that drone use is going to become mainstream very soon.

While most of the applications specified by Drone Delivery Canada seem harmless enough, a few of are sure to raise eyebrows:

The current situation as related to COVID-19, as unfortunate and challenging as it is, demonstrates that delivery drones are an ideal solution to limit person-to-person contact in healthcare. Drone Delivery Canada is committed to helping Canada effectively manage the current situation and potentially help stop the pandemic, especially in remote communities.

Of course, if people weren’t able to get certain supplies (such as for being forcibly quarantined), this could also serve as a form of prisoner feeding system. Depending on the setup, it could reduce the chances people have to break out.

While our focus is predominantly on moving cargo, Drone Delivery Canada has proven experience in carrying specialized electronic equipment. Payloads can also be specialized cameras, sensors or other instruments for various applications such as – infrastructure inspection, military (C3I – command, control, communications, intelligence), border security, crowd monitoring, mining, oil & gas, surveying, mapping, crop spraying, etc.

These drones can be used to carry specialized equipment, such as cameras, and can be used for military and intelligence gathering. It could also serve in crowd monitoring. While this may sound paranoid, such a thing is already underway elsewhere.

Worth noting: G4S, the firm Brian Pallister hired for Manitoba, also has its foot in the door as far as using drones. The company’s services include intelligence gathering, and arrest and detention.

While these drones (above) supposedly aren’t equipped with facial recognition, it wouldn’t be too hard to implement it. Even without it, the idea of this kind of surveillance is downright nefarious and creepy. These people are unknowingly (or maybe knowingly) helping force a police state.

Even if Drone Delivery Canada (and similar companies) were using these drones primarily for deliveries, it would still require a vast surveillance apparatus to ensure that they were being delivered where they should be. Also, wouldn’t it potentially put many people out of work, as their jobs become obsolete?

DDC describes drone delivery itself as a “disruptive technology“. They seem to be aware of the impacts this could potentially have.

In June 2019 DDC and Air Canada reached an agreement, which would see the airliner promoting the drone company. Tim Strauss is both an Advisor for DDC, and a Vice President for Air Canada.

Incidently, the Canadian Government has put out several tenders recently, looking for suppliers to bid on drone construction. However, that’s probably nothing to worry about.

Recently, Jason Kenney was forced to cancel a proposal to have drones surveilling Albertans on vacation. He claimed it was all a mistake, and he never intended to spy on anyone.

Collaborating with international partners
Canada’s drone industry is part of a broader aviation network, which requires collaboration to support innovation, and ensure the safety of our aviation system. Transport Canada works with other state civil aviation agencies from around the world to share information, align Canadian drone policy, and share best practices.
For example, Transport Canada has a strong relationship with the United States Federal Aviation Administration, and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding to share results of RPAS research, such as the effects of icing conditions on drones, given the Canadian climate. Transport Canada is also a participant in the FAA’s International Roundtable on RPAS research which brings together multiple civil aviation authorities and academic institutions from around the world to share information.

The Canadian Government has formed a “Drone Advisory Committee”, to help it understand impacts and potential for flying these everywhere. DDC is on the committee. This is also happening internationally. What a coincidence that we had a global pandemic and needed to “reset” society. And unmanned aircraft has been a topic of discussion for a long time.

A quick look at Sussex Strategy Group, the firm lobbying for Drone Delivery Canada, shows that it has plenty of political ties. This shouldn’t be too surprising.

This is how things are done in Canada. Simply hire political cronies to make the magic handshake, and suddenly, your proposal gets approved.

As for having everything delivered by drones, it’s not like that was predicted by the World Economic Forum, several years ago. You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. And this seems to be where things are going.

(1) https://dronedeliverycanada.com/
(2) https://dronedeliverycanada.com/applications/
(3) https://dronedeliverycanada.com/about-us/
(4) https://aircanada.mediaroom.com/2019-06-04-Air-Canada-and-Drone-Delivery-Canada-Corp-Announce-a-Sales-Agency-Agreement
(5) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=368514&regId=908727
(6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5skCHHijcY
(7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdeCV8FesAs
(8) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/
(9) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-21-00959355
(10) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/award-notice/PW-QCL-056-18152-001
(11) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-QCL-056-18152
(12) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-21-00954577
(13) https://calgarysun.com/news/local-news/after-drawing-flak-province-cancels-plan-to-monitor-campers-with-drones/wcm/52b24f78-f6ee-4269-b98e-1337445cbef6
(14) https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/drone-safety/drone-innovation-collaboration
(15) http://jarus-rpas.org/
(16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73K6TrkVGKE
(17) https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomishuman/
(18) https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-pellegrini-sussex-4853ba27/
(19) https://www.linkedin.com/in/brett-james-0442482/
(20) https://www.linkedin.com/in/devin-mccarthy-9676543b/
(21) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-25c-brian-pallister-hires-intelligence-detention-firm-g4s-for-security-in-manitoba/
(22) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-25d-meet-capital-hill-group-the-lobbying-firm-pushing-for-g4s-contracts/

Chapters-Indigo Getting Large Handouts As They Deny You Access

By now, many Canadians have heard the stories about Chapters-Indigo refusing patrons entry without masks, even in the cases of written exemptions.

People will raise the defense of it being “their business”, and hence they can impose whatever policies they want. That’s incorrect, as there are human rights legislation that must be followed. Even if breathing isn’t considered a human right, various conditions are. Beyond that, it’s offensive to voters.

But what’s particularly bad about this is that Chapters-Indigo is getting large amounts of tax-payer money while they discriminate against their customers. It seems that boycotting such businesses doesn’t work when Ottawa will just bail them out. But of course, it’s all done in the name of “safety”.

According to the CEWS Registry, also see new link, Indigo is receiving financial assistance. CEWS stands for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. So it is getting Government (or rather taxpayer) money in order to keep this business going.

One also has to wonder what other programs the company is getting money from, such as CERS, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy Program.

According to the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner of Canada, Chapters-Indigo received $20.1 million in various subsidies in the fiscal year of 2020. It is expected to get more money in 2021.

Also, keep in mind the thousands of small businesses that there deemed “non essential” and forced to close. Many went under permanently. However, a chain of bookstores like Chapters is considered important enough to bail out. This comes in spite of their blatant discrimination.

While no businesses should have been closed at all, many people would agree that a bookstore is pretty “non-essential” in the grand scheme of things.

(1) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/her-daughter-has-a-mask-exemption-but-chapters-indigo-wouldn-t-let-her-in-1.5942044
(2) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
(3) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/habs/cews/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request_locale=en
(4) https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/2020/11/canada-emergency-rent-subsidy.html
(5) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=366362&regId=903408#regStart
(6) https://archive.is/AuEbd
(7) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=369554&regId=913010
(8) https://archive.is/JzSc6

Vaccine Credential Initiative: Passports; Digital Health Passes; Ontario; Ford

Don’t worry, global vaccine passports are just a crazy conspiracy theory. That’s what they tell us. In reality, hundreds of organizations are partnering to get digital health passes and vaccine records going.

Microsoft is a familiar name.
Why is that?

The presence of Microsoft as a partner in VCI should surprise no one. After all, this organization helped started up ID2020 in 2016, along with GAVI and the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Commons Project (TCP) is also listed as promoting Vaccine Credential Initiative. TCP is also prominently featured by the World Economic Forum, and gets funding from Rockefeller.

From VCI’s YouTube channel, they describe themselves and their work in the following way:

VCI is working to enable individuals vaccinated for COVID-19 to access their vaccination records in a secure, verifiable and privacy-preserving way. The Coalition is developing a standard model for organizations administering COVID-19 vaccines to make credentials available in an accessible, interoperable, digital format. empower consumers to conveniently access, store, and share digital COVID-19 vaccination records.

The webinars are publicly available, and the next one is scheduled for June 16. Should be quite enlightening.

April speakers include: Gainwell, Common Trust Network, World Economic Forum, Mayo Clinic. Smart Health Pass details being shared.

Louisiana has apparently already had “digital driver’s licenses” for a few years now. Also, instead of using the term “vaccine passport”, we should call them “vaccine verification” in order to make it less obvious. Smart health cards are coming. Only “approved” issuers list will be coming.

The VCI™ Charter
VCI™ is a voluntary coalition of public and private organizations committed to empowering individuals with access to verifiable clinical information, including a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.
The scope of VCI™ is to harmonize the standards and support development of implementation guides needed to issue, share, and validate vaccination records bound to an individual identity.
Individuals can then use those verifiable credentials for medical purposes and to demonstrate their vaccination status to safely return to work, school and travel.
A SMART Health Card stores healthcare information and other vital medical data. SMART Health Cards provide a platform to:
-Improve privacy and security of patient information
-Make medical records portable
-Reduce healthcare fraud

  • 196 LLC
  • 1Core Solution
  • 88th Gate Co. Ltd.
  • Access America
  • Aceso Health Limited
  • Acoer
  • Adara
  • AdventHealth
  • Afya Technologies LLC
  • aio Digital
  • Airside
  • Akinox Solutions Inc.
  • Allscripts
  • American Logistics Association
  • Amida Technology Solutions, Inc.
  • apisatscale.com A subsidiary of Sysman.com Inc.
  • Appian
  • Asan Medical Center
  • Ascom
  • Associated Planners of Georgia
  • Athena Health
  • Atter Pathology Services
  • Auna
  • Aviva Pharmacy
  • Ayodo Foundation
  • Azuba Corporation
  • b.well Connected Health
  • Barcodes Inc.
  • Beth Israel Lahey Health
  • Billon
  • Bindle Systems
  • BLOK Solutions Ltd.
  • Bluefield Health
  • Boston Children’s Hospital
  • Brivo
  • Care Package Direct LLC
  • CareSpace
  • CARIN Alliance
  • Cassidy & Associates, LLC
  • Cedars-Sinai Health System
  • Cerner
  • CERTIFY Global
  • Change Healthcare
  • Cherokee Regional Medical Center
  • CIO Strategy Council
  • Clarity Diagnostics
  • ClarityPark LLC
  • Cleared4
  • ClearHealth
  • CloudConstable Incorporated
  • CodeREADr Inc.
  • Cohort.ID
  • CommonSpirit Health
  • Composite Apps
  • ConfirmD By BuddyCheque
  • Convergence Tech
  • Coropass
  • CourMed
  • COVID Immunity Project
  • Covidpedia Labs
  • CPSI
  • Critical Blue – Approov
  • CuraPatient, Inc.
  • Daon
  • Digital ID Collaborative @ University of South Florida
  • Dimagi
  • Docket Health, Inc.
  • Doconchain
  • Dragonfly Data, Inc
  • DrChrono EHR
  • Duke University Health System
  • EagleForce Health
  • ECP
  • EHE Health
  • Electronic Health Record Association
  • eLOOP SA
  • EMR Direct
  • Entrust
  • Envoc
  • EPIC
  • ESAC Inc.
  • everis
  • Everist Health
  • Evernorth
  • Evernym
  • Execution L.L.C.
  • Fidelity Life and Health
  • FIS
  • Flat Spell Technologies
  • FOLKS – Imunosafe
  • Franciscan Alliance
  • Gainwell Technologies
  • Garnet Healthcare
  • GenuChk
  • Get Real Health
  • Gnomon Informatics SA
  • GoInvo
  • Google
  • Graphcomp
  • GreenCarePlus+
  • Halza Pte Ltd
  • Health Level Seven International (HL7)
  • Health Roads
  • Healthcare IT Leaders
  • Healthshare Exchange
  • Healthstream (Pty) Limited
  • Hearthstone Care
  • Hedera Hashgraph
  • HID Global
  • HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Inc.)
  • HLN Consulting
  • Hubbub World
  • Humana
  • Humetrix
  • Hummingbird Health Inc.
  • HyperOffice
  • ibLaunch Company
  • IBM
  • iBonus Limited
  • iCrypto, Inc.
  • Ideando Inc
  • IdRamp
  • iHealth Paragon dba Healthy Mee
  • Imprivata
  • Ink Aviation
  • Intelligent Medical Objects
  • International Business Machines
  • Internet of People – IoP Srl
  • IOTA Foundation
  • IPRD Solutions
  • IriTech, Inc.
  • Iron Bridge
  • iShare Medical
  • Keyed Systems
  • Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • MaineHealth
  • Manceps
  • MaxMD
  • Mayo Clinic
  • mdCAREclik
  • Megical
  • mHealthCoach
  • Microsoft
  • My Work Badge
  • myElth
  • MyMeds
  • MyVaxPass
  • NeurSciences LLC
  • NeXplain
  • NextGen Healthcare
  • Northeast Georgia Health
  • Northwest Solutions LLC
  • NowSecure
  • OneRecord
  • OneSpan, Inc.
  • Onyx Technology, LLC
  • Optum
  • Orbita, Inc.
  • Othena
  • OwlTing
  • Pagemark Technology, Inc.
  • Panoramic Health Innovations, Inc.
  • Papirys Inc.
  • Partners
  • PathCheck Foundation
  • Patient Centric Solutions, Inc
  • PatientLink
  • Pharmapod Ltd.
  • Physician 360
  • Plan8
  • pocketcred.com
  • Point-of-Care Partners
  • PopcornApps
  • Portum
  • Primary Health
  • Proof Market
  • Prove
  • Province of Ontario – Ministry of Health
  • Proxy Inc
  • Quikr, Inc
  • RMM CADD Service,llc
  • Rx.Health
  • Safe Haus Group
  • SAFE Identity
  • SafeWorld™️
  • Saggio Consulting, LLC
  • Sama
  • SBTS Group LLC
  • Scicom (MSC) Bhd
  • ShareMy.Health
  • Shoptaki
  • Shufti Pro
  • SITA
  • Skyflow
  • Sorsix
  • STChealth
  • Strategio Consultant
  • Tamarin Health
  • Taylor Corporation
  • TECH5 SA
  • Technical Writers of India (TWIN)
  • tested.me
  • The Commons Project Foundation
  • The Gekko Group
  • The George Washington University
  • The Sequoia Project
  • Threedot
  • TPT Med Tech
  • TranSendX
  • Transmute
  • Truepill
  • Twilio
  • UC San Diego Health
  • UCHealth
  • Unhackable
  • Unisys
  • Universal Healthcare Group
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
  • University of California Davis Health
  • University of Chicago Medicine
  • V-Health Passport
  • V12 Health LLC
  • VaccineCheck
  • Valid Entry
  • VaxAtlas, Inc.
  • VAXCheck
  • VAXSYS Technologies, Inc.
  • Veri Doc Global Pty Ltd
  • Verif-y
  • Virus Geeks Inc.
  • vlinder
  • VSA-Health, Inc.
  • WebShield Inc.
  • WellUp
  • Wymsical INC
  • XAFE.io
  • Xperterra
  • Yoti
  • Zamna Technologies Ltd.
  • Zebra Technologies Corporation
  • Zocdoc

The Province of Ontario, specifically the Ministry of Health, is also listed as a partner. Strange, there wasn’t any public announcement of this. This may have something to do with the recent announcement that Ontario would be launching a digital ID. (Archive)

Something to note here: the webpage explicitly states that vaccination records are an application for this digital ID. On the “businesses” portion, it states that this can be used to verify customer identity.

So combine the 2 ideas: customers can verify their vaccination status digitally, and businesses can use these IDs to verify who their customers are. This isn’t a stretch to see that this invites so-called vaccine passports as a condition to enter certain places, or work at some of them.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if this partnership had been publicly disclosed? There doesn’t seem to be any media or government announcement of it.

Although not listed, Walmart is also apparently a supporter of this project. Coincidently, Walmart heavily lobbied Ford into letting the company remain open, while small businesses were forced to close.

Ford and the Ontario parties are also too close to pharma lobbyists, as shown here, here, here, here, and here. Not that the Federal Conservatives, or others are any better.

Ford defers endlessly to the Ontario Science Table, abdicating his responsibility to govern. Quite the rabbit hole. However, the OST is riddled with conflicts of interest, both ideologically, and financially. It’s possible he’s completely unaware of all of this. But it seems more likely that he doesn’t care.

“For The People” was just an empty slogan.

The Commons Project is featured prominently on the World Economic Forum’s site. Both TCP and WEF receive substantial funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. In October 2020, Paul Meyer, the CEO, wrote an article about how to restore trust in air travel.

As an aside, ETFO is also tied to World Economic Forum. Both teacher and health care worker pensions are tied to advancing the GREAT RESET. They own the right stocks.

TCP and WEF also are partnered to run the Common Trust Network to push for vaccine certificates everywhere. Of course, instead of being preplanned and calculated, they spin it as “empowering individuals”. Mastercard also supports this, and is a partner at ID2020. IBM, Oracle and Salesforce are involved (and also part of VCI). These are just a few of the connections.

Don’t you get it? When they say “we’re all this together”, they really mean they have all been colluding.

(1) https://vci.org
(2) https://id2020.org/
(3) https://vci.org/about#smart-health
(4) https://smarthealth.cards/
(5) http://build.fhir.org/ig/dvci/vaccine-credential-ig/branches/main/
(6) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8nEEqUBFO_RFP_NNdppVcg/videos
(7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-sYZEN0XPI
(8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIp82MA03dk
(9) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=203MkH6wooQ
(10) https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontarios-digital-id-plan
(11) https://corporate.walmart.com/newsroom/2021/03/17/walmart-empowering-individuals-with-access-to-digital-health-records-in-partnership-with-the-commons-project-foundation-and-clear
(12) https://www.weforum.org/organizations/commons-project
(13) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/10/rebuild-trust-international-travel/
(14) https://www.commontrustnetwork.org/
(15) https://www.commontrustnetwork.org/partners#partner-link-1
(16) http://lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/Default.aspx

CV #25(F): Ottawa Launching Vaccine Passports At Instigation Of WHO-IHR, 7th Meeting

This is a sequel to the last article. Vaccine passports are coming to Canada, but where did the order come from?

On June 4, 2021, the World Health Organization handed down instructions on proceeding with vaccine passports. On June 7, (yesterday), the Federal Government posted an invitation to bid on the creation of a biometric tracking system, which would most likely include a form of vaccine passport.

For some context of the situation: (a) the International Health Regulations are legally binding; (b) the 2005 Quarantine Act came from WHO; (c) WHO manages the “pandemic”; and (d) PHAC was created in 2004 at the instigation of the WHO.

Now, about the report itself:

Given this recommendation from the IHR Emergency Committee meeting, the Smart Vaccination Certificate Secretariat has expanded the scope of the initiative to develop guidance that includes SARS-CoV-2 testing and COVID-19 recovery status. Accordingly, the Smart Vaccination Certificate specification will be renamed as the “Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC)” specification. The resulting guidance will be published in a series of three separate documents, which will guide Member States on how to digitally document COVID-19 vaccination status, SARS-CoV-2 test results, and COVID-19 recovery status. These guidance documents will include critical components such as the minimum datasets, expected functionality of digital systems, and preferred terminology code systems. They will also include a section on national digital architecture, recognizing that Member States are still expected to decide how they want to implement these systems. The DDCC specifications will include an HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide (IG), including example software implementations.

This page from the IHR Emergency Committee lays out in broad strokes what shall be contained in these vaccine passports. However, the implementation will be left to individual countries.

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister announced new “privileges” for people who have taken the “vaccine”. See 15:00 in video. Keep in mind, these are experimental, not approved by Health Canada, and manufacturers are exempt from liability.

Rebel News published a portion of Manitoba’s “top doctor” saying that the Province is introducing their own version of the vaccine passport. Nothing nefarious, he claimed. It was just in case it was needed. Now, why did Brent Roussin say there was no specified purpose?

These guidance documents will make no reference to the specific circumstances under which these certificates should be used. Such guidance will be made available in separate guidance documents published by WHO (e.g. DG temporary recommendations to States Parties after IHR Emergency Committees; WHO’s interim guidance documents on considerations for the implementation of public health and social measures; WHO’s interim guidance documents on considerations for a risk-based approach to international travel in the context of COVID-19; etc.).

It could be because all parties were INSTRUCTED to say that there was no specific purpose for these vaccine certificates. That’s what it sounds like. Countries were instructed to develop these “digital systems” but not specify what they were to be used for.

Additionally, in line with the change in scope, WHO DDCC specifications will not include a section on global architecture for a Global Health Trust Framework. At point in this time, WHO does not intend to implement a Global Health Trust Framework to store the digital public keys of members states, to facilitate the validation and verification of digitally signed COVID-19 certificates (e.g., vaccination certificates, SARS-CoV-2 test certificates, and COVID-19 recovery status certificates) across borders.

WHO states that it does not intend to establish a global system to track vaccination status, for now. The key words are “at this point in time”. That could very easily change later. And no, this isn’t just something they are pondering.

WHO is soliciting proposals for experts to inform the definition of specifications and standards related to interoperability, governance, and design for a personal digital vaccination certificate, in preparation for COVID-19 vaccine availability. Please follow instructions, detailed below, to nominate experts, by 17:00 CET on December 14, 2020.

Furthermore, as detailed in the International Health Regulations (2005), WHO has the mandate to coordinate among member states to provide a public health response to the international spread of diseases. Currently, yellow fever is the only disease expressly listed in the International Health Regulations for which countries can require proof of vaccination from travellers as a condition of entry into a country. WHO has a mandate to take a coordinating role to ensure that member states are equipped and ready for the anticipated global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. For effective implementation of COVID-19 vaccines, global coordination of relevant data management principles and processes is needed to account for and facilitate coherent implementation of transmission prevention and control by all member states.

The Smart Vaccination Certificate consortium will bring together experts to focus on defining specifications and standards for a digital vaccination certificate that would serve current and future requirements, toward the dual purpose of (1) facilitating monitoring of national COVID-19 vaccination programs as well as (2) supporting cross-border uses architected for a potential future in which the COVID-19 vaccine would be included in an updated version of the International Health Regulations.

Late last year, WHO put out an offer for bids on establishing digital vaccine certificates. WHO also admits that vaccination will be included in the next edition of the International Health Regulations, which again, are legally binding.

In April 2021, WHO released a paper opening discussing the pros and cons of mandatory vaccination. In March, 23 countries agreed in principle with establishing a global order to address outbreaks in the future.

Remember last Spring, when the idea of mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports were dismissed as crazy conspiracy theories?

(1) https://www.who.int/news/item/04-06-2021-revised-scope-and-direction-for-the-smart-vaccination-certificate-and-who-s-role-in-the-global-health-trust-framework
(2) https://www.who.int/news/item/19-04-2021-statement-on-the-seventh-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
(3) https://www.who.int/news/item/30-10-2020-statement-on-the-fifth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
(4) https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/world-health-organization-open-call-for-nomination-of-experts-to-contribute-to-the-smart-vaccination-certificate-technical-specifications-and-standards-application-deadline-14-december-2020
(5) https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/340841/WHO-2019-nCoV-Policy-brief-Mandatory-vaccination-2021.1-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
(6) https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/op-ed—covid-19-shows-why-united-action-is-needed-for-more-robust-international-health-architecture
(7) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62-who-legally-binding-international-health-regulations-ihr/
(8) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62b-canadas-actions-were-dictated-by-whos-legally-binding-international-health-regulations/
(9) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62c-the-2005-quarantine-act-bill-c-12-was-actually-written-by-who/
(10) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62f-international-or-global-treaty-for-pandemic-preparedness-and-response-proposed/
(11) https://canucklaw.ca/cv-62g-public-health-agency-of-canada-created-as-branch-of-who-bill-c-12-phac-act/

CV #25(E): Canadian Government Seeking Bids For “Biometric Vaccine Passports” System Creation

Where it started: Vaccine passports are just a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Stop with the tin foil hat nonsense.
Where it’s going: We need a company to develop vaccine passport system, and an authority to manage it.

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has an urgent need to secure the services of a global organization (the “Contractor”) with knowledge of and expertise in biometrics. The Agency requires this organization to assist with the immediate establishment of an Office of Biometrics and Identity Management and to work with the Agency in researching, planning for and rapidly developing a strategy and roadmap related to the use of Digital solutions enabled by supporting technologies in biometrics, in response to the COVID 19 situation and other operational priorities. The Contractor will bring knowledge, capabilities, and experience to support CBSA’s urgent need to establish a biometric strategy, biometric foundation and ultimately a Biometrics Authority (Centre of Excellence). Specifically, the “contractor” will assist the CBSA with the development of a comprehensive approach and plan to manage, evolve and adapt in using biometrics to deliver the mission of the agency while considering our interrelationship and joint ventures with other federal government departments and agencies and our international partners.

Also, what is the “Office of Biometrics and Identity Management” that this refers to? Who will run it? Who will have access to this data? Will the information be used for commercial or research purposes. There are of course similar questions concerning this “Biometrics Authority”.

Come to think of it: the Privacy Commissioners’ joint statement doesn’t exactly discourage the creation of vaccine passports.

At its essence, a vaccine passport presumes that individuals will be required or requested to disclose personal health information – their vaccine/immunity status – in exchange for goods, services and/or access to certain premises or locations. While this may offer substantial public benefit, it is an encroachment on civil liberties that should be taken only after careful consideration. This statement focuses on the privacy considerations.

Vaccine passports must be developed and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws. They should also incorporate privacy best practices in order to achieve the highest level of privacy protection commensurate with the sensitivity of the personal health information that will be collected, used or disclosed.

For businesses and other entities that are subject to private sector privacy laws and are considering some form of vaccine passport, the clearest authority under which to proceed would be a newly enacted public health order or law requiring the presentation of a vaccine passport to enter a premises or receive a service. Absent such order or law, i.e. relying on existing privacy legislation, consent may provide sufficient authority if it meets all of the following conditions, which must be applied contextually given the specifics of the vaccine passport and its implementation:

Can we now expect some new order or law to give businesses the power to refuse people entry based on not sharing this information? And what guarantees do we have that this will not be abused or shared anyway? There are safeguards (on paper at least), but what are those actually worth?

The Vaccine Credential Initiative, which includes Microsoft, seems poised to push such a global version. This should surprise no one at this point. A cynic might wonder if the whole thing was planned.

(1) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-21-00958775
(2) https://buyandsell.gc.ca/cds/public/2021/06/07/c375d34f163718ff11b06433e7b68d71/1000357607_-_npp_eng.pdf
(3) Vaccine Passport Notice Of Proposed Procurement
(4) https://priv.gc.ca/en/opc-news/speeches/2021/s-d_20210519/
(5) https://vci.org/

Twenty Twenty-One Is Now Available


Twenty Twenty-One is now posted on Amazon, as a Kindle product. It covers a lot of the backstory of the “pandemic” which isn’t being covered by any mainstream outlet. The option of paperback is being looked into.

Yes, it would be nice to give it away, however, research and reporting are very time consuming. Thank you to everyone who has helped support the site, and helped keep this going.

If you have friends or family who would be interested in this kind of information, please share it with them.

The content on Canuck Law is still available for all.

A shoutout to Fred, Andy, and the folks at Civilian Intelligence Network.