Subversion In The Courts: SOGI Activists Implementing Their Agenda By Stealth

According to the publication: Canadian Lawyer, working tirelessly to upend tradition and social norms is worthy of an honourable mention. Never mind the consequences of that work.

An interesting point about the struggle for “equal” rights. The more victories you achieve, only the less and less important issues remain. Here, “Morgane” Oger goes on CBC to talk about removing references involving gender from BC Courts. Yes, that’s where we are. Keep in mind, this person wanted to establish a doxing website, took a Christian to the cleaners for telling the truth, and got Vancouver Rape Relief defunded for not admitting men. Yes, Oger felt the need to push for an ideology at the expense of women.

As bad as Oger is, we need to look at the bigger picture: the SOGI agenda is being implemented into the Courts, with the deliberate aim of corrupting them. The institutional rot is not limited to a few activists seeking attention. Oger is a symptom of a much larger problem.

The CBA Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community Section (SOGIC) aims to:
-Address the needs and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited members within the CBA
Provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and action on legal issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity
-Encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited lawyers to actively participate in the CBA’s work
-Develop and provide continuing legal education and other professional development programs on legal issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity
-Develop member services relevant to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirited CBA members
SOGIC is a founding member of the International Lesbian and Gay Law Association. We liaise with lesbian and gay law groups in the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel, among others. Our members frequently attend the Nstrong>National Lesbian and Gay Law Association’s (NLGLA) Lavender Law conferences. The NLGLA is affiliated with the American Bar Association.

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) has its own SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) section within it. Far from being limited, it has Provincial and International partners. Specifically, they list the U.S., U.K. and Israel.

This is far more coordinated than some activists and sympathetic media. The major goal is to get SOGI policies implemented into law. These are people trying to circumvent the legislative process.

One such person is Barbara Findlay, who refuses to spell her name with capital letters as an act of defiance. This spelling wasn’t for any real reason, just to cause friction. The publisher, Canadian Lawyer, did an article which lists several accomplishments she had over the years.

  • Changing definition of marriage
  • Putting 2 women on a birth certificate (2 mothers)
  • Forcing centers to host gay “weddings”
  • Forcing rape centers to accept tran-volunteers
  • Getting sex change surgery for inmates
  • Putting biologically male inmates in women’s prisons

Recently, Findlay was successful in getting a B.C. father‘s rights removed, as he tried to prevent his daughter from transitioning into a boy. Never mind the high regret and suicide rate among trans-children. The agenda had to go ahead.

Forcing the Knights of Columbus Center to host a lesbian “wedding” is an interesting one. Remember: the main rallying cry when changing the definition of marriage was that it wouldn’t impose on others. Turns out, that was a lie. There was every intention of imposing — later on.

Findlay and Oger line up ideologically when it comes to Vancouver Rape Relief. Findlay tried to force it to accept trans-volunteers, and Oger got it defunded for only accepting biological women as victims.

The society also notes that findlay founded the CBABC Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community (SOGIC) section and co-founded the CBA National SOGIC federation. In BC, SOGIC is now a community of over 215 LGBTQ2SI+ lawyers, law students and judges.

Findlay isn’t just a bystander. She founded the BC Branch of SOGI lawyers, and co-founded the National Federation. She has been involved in establishing the infrastructure.

The Canadian Bar Association also has an overtly anti-white agenda. They explicitly ask Trudeau to put more “BIPOC” (black, indigenous, people of colour), members onto the bench. Apparently whites can’t be trusted to understand the lived experience of others, especially when non-whites have such high crime rates.

The CBA has also written the Government on a variety of issues, including: conversion therapy, gay blood donation ban, banning intersex surgery decisions by parents, etc… This reads like it was written by EGALE or some other gay rights group.

C. A specific online hate remedy [Page 8]
While existing remedies not specifically addressed to the internet – section 12 of the CHRA, for instance – may be available to address online hate, we recommend adding a remedy specific to the internet. This would remove uncertainty and avoid litigation about the meaning of more generic legislation. It could also serve as a warning with an educational and preventive purpose. The government should not miss this opportunity.
A revised civil remedy needs to be directed not only against inciters, but also against publishers, including internet platforms. Internet providers should not have civil immunity for the material on their platforms.
Rather than removing liability of internet providers from individual defamation suits, we recommend that the Tribunal have legislated power to make legally binding orders on internet providers.
The repealed section 13 of the CHRA excluded internet providers from its ambit:
(3) For the purposes of this section, no owner or operator of a telecommunication undertaking communicates or causes to be communicated any matter described in subsection (1) by reason only that the facilities of a telecommunication undertaking owned or operated by that person are used by other persons for the transmission of
that matter.
A re-enacted section 13 should expressly say the exact opposite: when an internet provider allows a person to use their services, the provider is communicating what the person posts on the provider’s platform.

The CBA explicitly supports hate speech laws. Typically, lawyers argue that people should have more freedoms and more rights. But here, they are quite okay with stripping away those rights, and putting the screws to internet providers, in the name of fighting hate.

Now, calling for less whites to be put on benches should be seen as an act of hate speech, right? No, there are a few groups it’s perfectly legal to discriminate against.

If the CBA were truly committed to open and honest discussion on controversial topics, that point of view may be understood. However, it functions as an activist group.

These are the people who have infiltrated our legal system, and are covertly (and not covertly) trying to remake society. Equality for all is a great talking point, but that isn’t really the goal.

It’s true that CBA-SOGIC may not speak for all members, and likely doesn’t, but they act as if they do.

Oger Discusses Stripping “Gendered Language” From BC Courts
Canadian Lawyer Mag On Barbara Findlay
Canadian Bar Association Put More Non Whites On Benches
Canadian Bar Association Trudeau Should Change Laws
Canadian Bar Association Hate Speech Laws

Grants Still Coming For Gay Pride Parades, Even During So-Called Pandemic

We are supposedly in the middle of a “global pandemic”, but why should that get in the way of open degeneracy, funded by public money? There are supposed to be limits on public gatherings, but perhaps pride marches will be exempt. Just wear a mask, and pretty much anything else goes, it seems.(Stock photo found online) (FEDERAL)

1. Federal Grants To Pride Groups

Buddies In Bad Times Theatre Apr. 15, 2021 $11,800
Calgary Pride Planning Comm. Aug. 28, 2020 $25,600
Calgary Pride Planning Comm. Aug. 28, 2020 $102,500
Calgary Pride Planning Comm. Dec. 1, 2020 $100,000
Fernie Pride Society Sep. 5, 2020 $8,400
Fernie Pride Society Nov. 30, 2020 $57,139
Fierté Canada Pride Jun. 1, 2020 $50,000
Fierté Fredericton Pride Inc. Oct. 1, 2020 $161,604
Fierté Timmins Pride Nov. 20, 2020 $125,000
Jasper Pride Festival Society Oct. 1, 2020 $65,400
Kemptville Pride Nov. 25, 2020 $93,471
Lac La Ronge Regional Pride Comm. Jun. 26, 2021 $9,600
Moosejaw Pride Inc. Apr. 1, 2021 $11,000
Nanaimo Pride Society Apr. 1, 2021 $24,500
Niagara Senior Pride Network Nov. 23, 2020 $24,400
PEI Pride Inc. Jul. 28, 2020 $20,000
Peterborough Pride Committee Apr. 1, 2021 $5,300
Pride In Art Society Apr. 1, 2021 $63,300
Regina Pride Inc. Apr. 1, 2021 $19,400
Saskatoon Diversity Network Apr. 1, 2021 $14,700
Taber Equality Alliance Apr. 1, 2021 $5,000
Thunder Pride Association Nov. 9, 2020 $20,265
Toronto Pride Jun. 1, 2020 $25,600
Toronto Pride Jun. 1, 2020 $102,500
Toronto Pride Jun. 1, 2021 $63,500
Truro Pride Society Nov. 4, 2020 $17,204
UR Pride Centre for SGD Inc. Aug. 25, 2020 $25,000
Vancouver Pride Society Jul. 1, 2020 $25,600
Vancouver Pride Society Jul. 1, 2020 $102,500
Victoria Pride Society May 1, 2021 $18,100
Windsor Pride Community Nov. 30, 2020 $28,800
Winnipeg Gay & Lesbian Film Oct. 13, 2020 $5,000
Winnipeg Gay & Lesbian Film Oct. 13, 2020 $15,200
Winnipeg Pride Festival Apr. 1, 2021 $25,500
York Pride Fest May 1, 2021 $15,500
Yorkton Pride Apr. 1, 2021 $6,900
Yukon Queer Society Apr. 1, 2021 $19,700

Even as there are bans on people gathering, and meeting with others outside your “safety bubble”, grants for pride events keep being issued. Churches are ordered closed, but open degeneracy is allowed. Ever get the sense these people aren’t on your side?

Businesses are being shut down, and many more forced into bankruptcy. People’s livelihoods are wrecked, as they are forced onto CERB, CRB or EI. But the Government still has money for this. Nor has there been any indication that the globohomo mafia will get hit.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t include Provincial or Municipal grants. Nor does it reflect private donations. A lot of money is poured into this industry.

2. Pride Now Just Another Corporate Event

Does Calgary Pride (or any pride) look like it’s the opposition for anything? When it has the open backing of the media, corporations, and politicians who march in it, it’s just a mainstream event. Whatever happened to just moving on with your lives?

3. Will Pride Events Be Continuing This Year?

A serious question: Will Ontario’s Tyrant-In-Chief, Doug Ford, allow the pride parades and other events to go on in June? Will they get a pass, even as he threatens to detain people for simply being outside? Will the globohomo industry also feel the pain? June is just 6 weeks away.

It’s worth asking, since there has never been any logic or consistency to what is going on. Maybe the martial law will end (temporarily), so people can flash their privates publicly, and demand to be accepted into society.

BC doesn’t seem to be any better. Someone in the government actually thought this was a good idea.

TSCE #11(C): Bill C-6, Banning Conversion Therapy As Act Of “Tolerance”

The latest form of tolerance: prohibiting legitimate discussion, advertising, or efforts to help people deal with a serious illness. It seems to be vaguely worded on purpose. Should minors really be making decisions about life altering changes to their bodies?

1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

Serious issues like smuggling or trafficking are routinely avoided in public discourse. Also important are the links between open borders and human smuggling; between ideology and exploitation; between tolerance and exploitation; between abortion and organ trafficking; or between censorship and complicity. Mainstream media will also never get into the organizations who are pushing these agendas, nor the complicit politicians. These topics don’t exist in isolation, and are interconnected.

2. Important Links

Bill C-6 Introduced Into House Of Commons
December 1, 2020 Hearing Testimony
Canada Criminal Code: Corrupting Morals

3. Vote On October 28, 2020

  • Mr. Ted Falk (Provencher)
  • Mr. Tom Kmiec(Calgary Shepard)
  • Mr. Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot)
  • Mr. Jeremy Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands)
  • Mr. Derek Sloan (Hastings—Lennox and Addington)
  • Mr. Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock)
  • Mr. Bob Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River)

Bill C-6 passed Second Reading in October 2020. Only 7 MPs, all Conservatives, voted against this Bill. The final tally was 305-7, and it wasn’t even close. Just think: 15 years ago, Conservatives were willing to vote to conserve marriage. Now, they cuck like Liberals.

4. Conversion Therapy Lumped In W/Child Porn

Warrant of seizure
164 (1) A judge may issue a warrant authorizing seizure of copies of a recording, a publication, a representation or any written material, if the judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that
(a) the recording, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is a voyeuristic recording;
(b) the recording, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is an intimate image;
(c) the publication, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is obscene, within the meaning of subsection 163(8);
(d) the representation, written material or recording, copies of which are kept in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is child pornography as defined in section 163.1;
(e) the representation, written material or recording, copies of which are kept in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is an advertisement of sexual services; or
(f) the representation, written material or recording, copies of which are kept in premises within the jurisdiction of the court, is an advertisement for conversion therapy.

Section 164:
Owner and maker may appear
(3) The owner and the maker of the matter seized under subsection (1), and alleged to be obscene, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording, an intimate image, an advertisement of sexual services or an advertisement for conversion therapy, may appear and be represented in the proceedings to oppose the making of an order for the forfeiture of the matter.
Order of forfeiture
(4) If the court is satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, that the publication, representation, written material or recording referred to in subsection (1) is obscene, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording, an intimate image, an advertisement of sexual services or an advertisement for conversion therapy, it may make an order declaring the matter forfeited to Her Majesty in right of the province in which the proceedings take place, for disposal as the Attorney General may direct.
Disposal of matter
(5) If the court is not satisfied that the publication, representation, written material or recording referred to in subsection (1) is obscene, child pornography, a voyeuristic recording, an intimate image, an advertisement of sexual services or an advertisement for conversion therapy, it shall order that the matter be restored to the person from whom it was seized without delay after the time for final appeal has expired.

Some new sections will also be added entirely. Offering, coercing, forcing, and even advertising conversion therapy will now go against the criminal code.

Forced conversion therapy
320.‍102 Everyone who knowingly causes a person to undergo conversion therapy without the person’s consent is
(a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Causing child to undergo conversion therapy
320.‍103 (1) Everyone who knowingly causes a person who is under the age of 18 years to undergo conversion therapy is
(a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Mistake of age
(2) It is not a defence to a charge under subsection (1) that the accused believed that the person was 18 years of age or older, unless the accused took reasonable steps to ascertain the person’s age.
Advertising conversion therapy
320.‍104 Everyone who knowingly promotes or advertises an offer to provide conversion therapy is
(a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
(b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Material benefit from conversion therapy
320.‍105 Everyone who receives a financial or other material benefit, knowing that it is obtained or derived directly or indirectly from the provision of conversion therapy, is
(a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
(b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

There is also a provision to make it a crime to go abroad to engage in conversion therapy.

Advertising material or services related to conversion therapy will now be treated much along the lines of child pornography or voyeuristic material. Advertising, promoting, or receiving material is also prohibited.

Interestingly, selling pornography (or other degenerate material) is fine if everyone is over 18 years old. In other words, financially benefiting from porn is okay. However, that doesn’t seem to apply at all to conversion therapy.

4. Clips From Parliamentary Hearings

A huge point to be made: sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same thing, and cannot be used interchangeably. Also, the definition and wording is pretty bad. Perhaps these “exploratory” conversations can only be had with people who already agree. The potential for long term harm, including suicides, seems downplayed.

5. Conservatives Capitulate Once Again

So much for standing on principle. The only concern seems to be with the wording of the bill, not the overall intent. Guess we’ll have to see what ultimately happens, but it doesn’t look promising.

Bill C-75 Revisited, The NGOs Pushing Degeneracy, Child Abuse

Bill C-75 was an omnibus piece of legislation. Given its size, it was impossible to properly debate back in 2017/2018. But it’s worth reviewing, even after the fact. It watered down penalties for terrorism offences, and once for reducing penalties for crimes against children. This piece looks more at some of the groups trying to influence the legislation.

1. EGALE Canada Human Rights Trust

From around 16:23 in this September 25, 2018 transcript from the Parliamentary Hearings on law and justice. A few points worth noting.

First: while this is cloaked as a social justice issue, there seems to be no concern for the consequences of the changes sought here. Second: what is wrong with the parents of young children wanting their (intersex) children from having normal lives as a recognized gender? Third: there is the claim that gays are discriminated against because the age of consent is higher than with straight couples. Strange how they always want it lowered, and never propose RAISING it overall.

2. Centre For Gender And Sexual Diversity

Following the introduction of C-39, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (unconstitutional provisions) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, the CCGSD was excited that the government was looking serious at equalizing age of consent legislation. We applaud the government on including this as is critical step forward. The CCGSD has been asking for this critical change since 2008. This is critical to the LGBTQI2+ communities as the criminalization of consensual sexual acts between Canadians should be seen as equal under the law regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity

What they refer to as “equalizing the age” of consent was the provision to reduce the age of consent for anal sex from 18 to 16. Normal sex has a minimum age of consent of 16, years old, and even that was only recent. It used to be 14. The Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity has deemed it a “priority” to lower the age of consent — since 2008 — instead of asking for a higher universal standard.

They talk about equality for consensual acts between Canadians, but they don’t mentions consensual acts between ADULT Canadians. That detail seems left out.

1-Bill C-75 fails to address sex work criminalization
The criminalization of sex work has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme court and continues to put Canadian sex workers in danger. Local, provincial and federal police services continue to use existing legislation to harass and criminalize folks who should be allowed to do their job with the support and protection of the state.
We strongly recommend that a clear decriminalization of sex work be included in C-75.

There doesn’t seem to be any moral issues with sex work itself, or the dangers or moral issues it causes. Instead, CCGSD takes issue with there being laws against it.

2-Bill C-75 fails to protect intersex children from non-consensual surgery
In June 2017, the CCGSD came out with our Pink Agenda making it clear that we stand in solidarity with Intersex communities and their right to decide what is best for their bodies, and yet today Section 268(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada allows non-consensual surgery by medical practitioners to alter the bodies of infants and children whom they perceive to be ambiguous (i.e. intersex).
We strongly recommend that the repeal of Section 268(3) be included in C-75.

We can’t have parents attempting to correct birth defects the best way they know how, in order to help their children go about their lives. What is wrong with them simply being normal boys or girls?

3-Bill C-75 fails to repeal the ‘bawdy house’ laws or obscenity laws that disproportionately affect queer and trans people
The ‘bawdy house’ laws have continue to criticized by many LGBTQI2+ organizations, including most recently the coalition of LGBTQ2I+ and allied organizations during the debate on C-66, An Act to establish a procedure for expunging certain historically unjust convictions and to make related amendments to other Acts ( These laws continue to be used to criminalize consensual LGBTQI2+ behaviours, and need to be full repealed.
We strongly recommend that the repeal of the ‘bawdy house’ laws be included in C-75

An bizarre argument. While claiming that gays aren’t perverts, the CCGSD also claims that laws against degeneracy disproportionately impact them. Doesn’t that undermine the original assertion?

3. Vancouver Rape Relief — Domestic Violence

The change to reverse onus bail in cases of male violence against women is an encouraging step to help reduce the number of men who immediately re-offend and attack their female intimate partners. It is a positive step because the onus is on the offender to prove why they should be let out on bail if they have a history of domestic violence. This sends a message that violence against women is a serious crime. It is, however, unfortunate that this reverse onus will not apply to those men without a criminal record for domestic violence, which will include convicted persons who received an absolute or a conditional discharge. What we see from our work is getting a conviction is rare; when it does happen often its a man of colour. As a result, we can see the possibility that something like this will disproportionately affect racialized men, while the majority of men who go without being charged and convicted remain unaccountable and undeterred.

Eliminating the mandatory use of preliminary inquiries as it relates to women who have been sexually assaulted is a positive step. We know from our experience accompanying women to court that preliminary inquiries are used by the defence as an attempt to discredit their testimony by pointing out minute discrepancies from their police statements, their preliminary inquiry evidence and their trial testimonies.

Vancouver Rape Relief brings a few interesting arguments into the discussion. First, they are upset that the “reverse onus” provisions of bail won’t apply to men without past convictions for domestic violence. Second, they support eliminating mandatory use of preliminary inquiries, which are an important step of discovery prior to trial. It doesn’t appear that they actually support the idea of due process.

4. Individuals Opposing Degeneracy Laws

Regarding the last video, the crime itself is failing to disclose HIV status with sexual partners. However, it’s frequently misnamed as “criminalizing people with HIV”. Knowing that the other person has this disease is pretty important, regardless of how deadly it might be.

It’s worth pondering: how many of those people who are okay with not disclosing HIV status to sexual partners would be okay with forcing masks and vaccines on people?

5. Does Anyone Care About These Reductions?

  • Section 58: Fraudulent use of citizenship
  • Section 159: Age of consent for anal sex
  • Section 172(1): Corrupting children
  • Section 173(1): Indecent acts
  • Section 180(1): Common nuisance
  • Section 182: Indecent interference or indignity to body
  • Section 210: Keeping common bawdy house
  • Section 211: Transporting to bawdy house
  • Section 242: Not getting help for childbirth
  • Section 243: Concealing the death of a child
  • Section 279.02(1): Material benefit – trafficking
  • Section 279.03(1): Withholding/destroying docs — trafficking
  • Section 279(2): Forcible confinement
  • Section 280(1): Abduction of child under age 16
  • Section 281: Abduction of child under age 14
  • Section 291(1): Bigamy
  • Section 293: Polygamy
  • Section 293.1: Forced marriage
  • Section 293.2: Child marriage
  • Section 295: Solemnizing marriage contrary to law
  • Section 435: Arson, for fraudulent purposes
  • Section 467.11(1): Participating in organized crime

These are not minor or unimportant crimes. In fairness, there are a few submissions that speak out about the hybridization of these offences (making them eligible to be tried summarily). Who came up with these though? Why are such crimes being shrugged off. Sure, the terrorism offence penalties caused backlash, but not these. It’s almost as if they wanted to divert attention.

As for watering down terrorism offences, where did that idea come from? CIJA, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs spoke against some of these provisions. But it’s unclear who was the brains behind the proposal

Now, it should be noted that changes to the MAXIMUM sentence of certain crimes would make law students and paralegals ineligible to work on such cases. While not a defense of criminals, everyone should have access to some representation.

Who was Bill C-75 really designed for? It comes across as if a group wanted to destabilize society, and wrote collaboratively on it.

(1) Parliamentary Study On Bill C-75 (Fall 2018)
(2) Bill C-75 Canadian Centre For Gender Sexual Diversity
(3) Bill C-75 Canadian Civil Liberties Association
(4) Bill C-75 EGALE Canada Human Rights Trust
(5) Bill C-75 Vancouver Rape Relief
(6) Bill C-75 Law Society Of Ontario
(7) Bill C-75 Tom Hooper Et AlBill C-75 UNICEF Canada
(8) Bill C-75 Families For Justice Alberta

In 2005, Conservatives, 30% Liberals, Voted To “Conserve” Marriage

In 2005, almost the entire Conservative Party Caucus, and over 1/4 of the Liberal Party Caucus voted to conserve marriage as between 1 man and 1 woman. Taking such a stand would be completely unthinkable in today’s climate.

1. Understanding Our Real History

CLICK HERE, for #1: UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
CLICK HERE, for #2: Indian Act of Canada, wards of the Crown.
CLICK HERE, for #3: UNESCO’s land grabs as “heritage sites”.

2. Why Cover This Particular Topic?

If anything, this marks a point where the globohomo movement really took off in Canada. Instead of being a small group out on its own, this was the beginning of lawfare in order to force itself on the public at large. Certainly there had been lobbying and court challenges before, but this seems to be a turning point.

The court challenges started in 2003, and it ended with Bill C-38 in 2005. For the full text of Bill C-38.

To accept this (and other “changes”) as part of our heritage to rewrite history. These changes — always done incrementally — are done to subvert and undermine what the country is.

3. Preceding Challenges In Provincial Courts

  • June 10, 2003: Ontario
  • July 8, 2003: British Columbia
  • March 19, 2004: Quebec
  • July 14, 2004: Yukon
  • September 16, 2004: Manitoba
  • September 24, 2004: Nova Scotia
  • November 5, 2004: Saskatchewan
  • December 21, 2004: Newfoundland and Labrador
  • June 23, 2005: New Brunswick
  • Source: Wikipedia

    There is more to the story than just Bill C-38. Starting in 2003, there were a series of Provincial Court challenges (each successful). In some sense, this made the Federal Bill a mere formality.

    4. Harper Made No Real Effort To Reverse

    After winning power in 2006, the Harper Government made a very half hearted attempt to pass a motion to reopen the debate on marriage. But it was obvious that it was just going through the motions to appease supporters.

    5. Modern Conservatism In Canada

    There is a vast difference between accepting a group, and openly promoting their agenda. Difficult to imagine these cucks standing up to “conserve” anything now. At this point, modern conservative parties need to be allowed to die so new options can come forward.

    If a bill was introduced to restore the traditional definition of marriage, there is not a liberal politician in Canada who would support it. Very few conservatives would, and they would receive backlash for doing so.

    P.S. It’s not just “conservatives” in Canada who pander to the gay mafia. It’s happening elsewhere as well.

    Parliament Turns M-47 Into Gay Rights Push, Deflects From Harm & Exploitation Of Vulnerable People

    The Canadian Parliament held hearings on online pornography, and the exploitation of people (including children). Instead of reporting on that, it was used to promote the LBGTQ agenda. Talk about missing the point.

    1. Trafficking, Smuggling, Child Exploitation

    For the previous work in the TSCE series. Laws politicians pass absolutely ensure these obscenities will continue. This piece will focus on Parliament misusing M-47 for gay rights pandering, instead of reporting of exploiting women and children. Also, take a look at open borders movement, the abortion and organs industry, and the NGOs who are supporting it.

    2. Submitted Briefs, Testimony Transcripts

    Porn Defend Dignity, Christian & Missionary Alliance
    Porn Rainy River District Womens Shelter of Hope
    Porn Christian Legal Fellowship
    Porn National Center on Sexual Exploitation
    Porn Sarson MacDonald Forced Pornography
    Porn Gary Wilson Sex Trafficking
    Porn Cordelia Anderson Prevent Abuse And Exploitation
    Porn National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
    Porn Janet Zacharias Health Issue Exploitation
    Porn Charlene Doak-Gebauer Child Porn Hurts
    Porn Fight The New Drug
    Porn Various Scholars
    Porn Hope For The Sold
    Porn Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
    Porn Porn Harms Kids
    Porn Dallas Kornelsen
    Porn Central Nova Womens Resources
    Porn Turning Point Counselling Services
    Porn Ten Broadcasting No Access For Minors
    Porn The Reward Foundation Neurological Changes

    Transcript Parliament Porn February 7
    Transcript Parliament Porn March 23
    Transcript Parliament Porn April 4
    Transcript Parliament Porn April 11

    3. A Few Audio Clips Of Witnesses

    4. Witness: Gary Wilson

    Brief Relating to Motion 47 – Gary B. Wilson
    Thank you for inviting me to present evidence related to Motion 47. My concern is not with pornography use as such, but strictly with the digital porn widely consumed today. No doubt other witnesses will supply evidence linking internet porn (IP) to wider public health issues such as increased aggression, performer risks, and sex trafficking. I will focus on the aspects I know best: IP’s adverse effects on users, and the need for IP research to investigate causation.

    Evidence suggests that today’s streamed IP videos are sui generis, with unique properties such as inexhaustible sexual novelty at a click or tap, effortless escalation to more extreme material, and ready accessibility for viewers of all ages, and that these unique properties are giving rise to severe symptoms in some consumers. Although a full review of research correlating IP use with social and personal problems is beyond the scope of this brief, existing studies associate IP use with greater anxiety, shyness, depression, poorer academic performance, ADHD9, body dysmorphia, and relationship dissatisfaction. Researchers have also linked IP use with arousal,
    attraction, and sexual performance problems with partners, including difficulty orgasming and erectile dysfunction (ED), negative effects on partnered sex, a need for stronger pornographic material, and a preference for using IP to achieve and maintain arousal rather than having sex with a partner.

    5. Witness: Cordelia Anderson

    For the past 40 years, I’ve worked to promote sexual health and prevent sexual harm. While my early work involved treating prostituted women, sex offenders and survivors of sexual abuse/sexual violence, most of my focus has been on prevention. In 1976, I began my work and study at the Program in Human Sexuality (PHS), University of Minnesota. There, I was trained that pornography was harmless and in fact a useful aid for couples and individuals with sexual problems. I learned a lot of excellent information about sexuality, the importance of promoting sexual health and the harms of sexual oppression. However, my work after that point challenged and changed my thinking related to pornography. Next, I was asked to develop a child sexual abuse prevention program (no others existed at the time) in the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office and to work as a child victim advocate. Throughout this time, I also worked as a consulting therapist. I began to see a very different impact of pornography on individuals and culture.

    I’ve conducted over 2,500 presentations and developed numerous educational materials including plays; most recently, “Fired Up” based on the stories of adult survivors or sexual abuse and exploitation. Throughout my career, I’ve tried to bring attention to what types of materials promote sexual health and functioning and what promotes sexual harms and dysfunction. In the 80’s I co-authored a play, “For Adults Only” that addressed many of these issues and then after all the changes with technology, in 2011, I wrote a booklet, “The Impact of Pornography on Children Youth and Culture.” In the past, we had qualitative data from stories and information from clinical practices, but now there is extensive research that speaks to an altered impact from advances in technology and an increasingly egregious sexually exploitive content.

    6. Witness: Janet Zacharias

    Gender Issue
    Pornography producers and consumers are mostly male (Dines, 2010; Gorman, MonkTurner & Fish, 2010). Moreover, women submission to any and all kinds of sexual acts without resistance are common in pornography.
    An overall significant link between pornography use and beliefs that reinforce violence against women exists. (Hald, Malamuth & Yuen, 2010; Malamuth et al., 2012; Peter & Valkenburg, 2007).
    *Behaviors such as rape are often significantly underreported for political reasons; thus, government statistics can be skewed and inaccurate (Phillips et al.,2015)

    7. UN Office On Drugs And Crime

    UNODC 2014 Report On Trafficking

    Exploitation is the source of profits in trafficking in persons cases, and therefore, the key motivation for traffickers to carry out their crime. Traffickers, who may be more or less organized, conduct the trafficking process in order to gain financially from the exploitation of victims. The exploitation may take on a range of forms, but the principle that the more productive effort traffickers can extract from their victims, the larger the financial incentive to carry out the trafficking crime, remains. Victims may be subjected to various types of exploitation.

    The two most frequently detected types are sexual exploitation and forced labour. The forced labour category is broad and includes, for example, manufacturing, cleaning, construction, textile production, catering and domestic servitude, to mention some of the forms that have been reported to UNODC. Victims may also be trafficked for the purpose of organ removal, or for various forms of exploitations that are not forced labour, sexual exploitation or organ removal. These forms have been categorized as ‘other forms of exploitation’ in this Report, and this Section will also examine the detections of these ‘other forms’ in some detail.

    Information on the forms of exploitation was provided by 88 countries. It refers to a total of 30,592 victims of trafficking in persons detected between 2010 and 2012 whose form of exploitation was reported.

    Looking first at the broader global picture, some 53 per cent of the victims detected in 2011 were subjected to sexual exploitation, whereas forced labour accounted for about 40 per cent of the total number of victims for whom the form of exploitation was reported.

    (from page 33)

    UNODC GLOTIP_2014_full_report

    Now, with all of this information, one would think that the bulk of the final report would cover abuse and sexual exploitation of vulnerable people. However, you would be wrong.

    8. UN On Sale Of Children, Child Porn

    Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography

    Article 1
    States Parties shall prohibit the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography as provided for by the present Protocol.

    Article 2
    For the purposes of the present Protocol:
    (a) Sale of children means any act or transaction whereby a child is transferred by any person or group of persons to another for remuneration or any other consideration;
    (b) Child prostitution means the use of a child in sexual activities for remuneration or any other form of consideration;
    (c) Child pornography means any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes.

    All of these things are important issues to address. One would think that they would be the primary focus of the report at the end, and of the recommendations.

    9. Final Report Of Parliamentary Committee

    Porn Report Back To Parliament

    In response to these concerns and reflecting the recommendations heard in oral testimony and presented in written submissions, the Committee therefore recommends that:

    1. The Public Health Agency of Canada update the 2008 Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education to address sexual health in the digital age, gender-based violence, consent, supplementary information for young people to learn about the different spectrum of sexual expressions and identities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersex, queer, questioning, 2 spirited (LGBTQ2+) communities and provide support for their implementation.

    2. The Public Health Agency of Canada, in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, health care providers, public health and education experts and other relevant stakeholders, develop a Canadian sexual health promotion strategy that would provide comprehensive information on sexuality and sexual health that would include, but not be limited to, sexual identity, gender equity, gender-based violence, consent and behaviour in the digital age and possible risks of exposure to online violent and degrading sexually explicit materials and encourage its usage in school curriculums.

    3. The Public Health Agency of Canada apply Gender-based Analysis Plus in the development of the proposed Canadian sexual health promotion strategy and in the update of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education.

    4. a. The Public Health Agency of Canada compile and make available:
    a list of best practices, information, and currently available tools for parents and families on how to protect children from exposure to online sexually explicit material.
    b. That technology companies, electronics manufacturers, software and browser developers work to create better content filters and tools that respect individual privacy while empowering parents to protect children online.

    What, no mention of the trafficking, or exploitative nature of pornography? No recommendations to fight against people being forced into this “industry”? Way to miss the mark.

    Sure, there is some mention of educating students on the issue of explicit materials, but it almost seems to be an afterthought.

    This isn’t selective editing or quoting. The final report seems to be a very watered down version of what was actually submitted and discussed at the hearings.