The RNAO, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, gets a lot of money to run its organization. However, it seems that the policies it promotes do anything but promote public health. What are some of the things it calls for?
To begin with, RNAO opposed in February any loosening of the medical martial law imposed by Doug Ford.
From the records of the Ontario Lobbying Registry, it shows that the RNAO has been receiving millions from the Government, which really means millions from taxpayers.

“The measures announced by the government are welcome, and we are glad our voices were heard,” says RNAO CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun referring to the Action Alert issued by the association immediately preceding Tuesday’s cabinet meeting. In that call, RNAO asked for:
-a lockdown of all non-essential services
-the need to vaccinate all essential service workers
-10 paid sick days for all workers
-re-instituting a moratorium on all residential and encampment evictions
–restricting travel within Ontario and between Ontario and other provinces and countries to only essential travel
April 2021, the RNAO publicly called for lockdowns in the Province. This included shutting down everything deemed “non-eseential”. Furthermore, this group demanded restrictions on travel be imposed both within Ontario, and between Provinces, and to vaccinate every so-called essential worker.
It should be shocking that an organization that claims to support public health calls for such measures that would inflict mental and financial harm. There’s no indication they even attempted to gauge support levels before making these demands.
Beyond that, the RNAO seems to take no issue with calling for constitutional rights to be suspended on the extremely thin premise of preventing a disease. However, its members seem to spineless to call it out.

Make no mistake: there is widespread support for drug decriminalization in Toronto, with 50 civil society organizations and five former mayors signing a recent call in this regard. Health professionals who find themselves on the front lines are being vocal about the need for change; the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario recently said that “decriminalizing personal possession of drugs must be part and parcel of any harm-reduction strategy because it decreases stigma and opens the door to hope, help and health.” Support also comes from people who use drugs, families of loved ones who have overdosed, and 60 per cent of Ontarians who were polled by the Angus Reid Institute in February 2021.
In a June 2021 piece in the Toronto Star, the RNAO was quoted as calling for the full decriminalization of all personal amounts of any narcotics. The RNAO also advocates for “safe injection” sites. In other words, they don’t object to the use of hard drugs. They just want to be involved in it.
Here are some other notices on the RNAO website:
July 2018, the RNAO urged Ford’s PC Government to reinstate the 2015 sex-ed curriculum. Never mind that Ben Levin, a convicted pedophile, had been largely responsible for writing it. How interesting that this is one of their first priorities.
August 2018, the RNAO advocated for more funding for supervised drug injection sites. The rationale was that instead of getting people treatment, paying for narcotics and medical staff to do it “safely” saved lives. They were happy when it was announced that the “conservatives” were supportive of it.
February 2019, the RNAO claims that Ontario’s hospitals are overwhelmed, and that there is understaffing to properly provide care. Interestingly, this point will soon be forgotten in 2020, and overcrowding will be due to the so-called pandemic.
April 2020, the RNAO called for continued funding for the opioid crisis. They want to keep the money coming in for the treatments they provide. Keep in mind, the RNAO supports “safe injection sites” as an alternative to treatment.
July 2020, the RNAO started their #Maskathon campaign, to get everyone in Ontario, even young children, wearing masks. Strangely, they don’t bother to address the physical and psychological effects these will have on people.
October 2020, the RNAO called for lockdowns in the Province. This included banning dining in restaurants, and shutting down bars, gyms and places of worships. In February 2021, they were critical of plans to cut back on this. April 2021, they called for a full lockdown of “non essential” services because of this variants nonsense.
May 2021, the RNAO openly demanded that all health care workers receive these “vaccinations”. Never mind that they weren’t approved by Health Canada, had no long term testing, and the manufacturers were indemnified.
RNAO celebrated its “best in health care journalism” by naming several establishment reporters.
A serious question to all Ontario residents: does it look like this organization has your best interests at heart? They claim to, and they take enough of your money.
(1) http://lobbyist.oico.on.ca/Pages/Public/PublicSearch/
(2) https://twitter.com/rnao
(3) https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2021/06/18/five-former-mayors-of-toronto-on-why-it-is-time-for-the-city-to-decriminalize-simple-drug-possession.html
(4) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/nurses-urge-premier-ford-reinstate-2015-sexual-education-curriculum
(5) https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/liberal-politician-jailed-for-child-porn-released-early-on-parole
(6) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/nurses-say-evidence-robust-supervised-injection-and-overdose-prevention
(7) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/provinces-support-supervised-injection-services-and-overdose-prevention
(8) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/nurses-press-end-hallway-health-care-during-visit-queens-park
(9) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/nurses-call-halt-plans-stop-funding-critical-opioid-treatment-sites
(10) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/rnao-launches-new-social-media-campaign-maskathon
(11) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/rnao-urges-stricter-measures-combat-rapidly-rising-number-covid-19-infections
(12) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/rnao-statement-governments-re-opening-announcement
(13) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/rnao-says-latest-public-health-measures-will-help-curb-covid-19-variants-urges
(14) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/nurses-must-be-fully-vaccinated-immediately-rnao-demands
(15) https://rnao.ca/news/media-releases/rnao-celebrates-the-best-in-health-care-journalism-with-its-annual-media-awards
(16) https://twitter.com/Docs4Decrim/status/1410785836975628288