CV #48: Using Computer Models (Predictions), And Misleading Data

The BC Government continues to push the narrative of us being in a deadly pandemic. However, this flies in the face of its own data and numbers.

[1] BCPHO Bonnie Henry admits there’s no science behind limiting gatherings to 50 people. [2] She also admits that the PCR tests can give 30% false negatives. [3] Ontario Deputy Medical Health Officer Barbara Yaffe admits that testing can give 50% false positives. [4] Bonnie Henry admits antibody testing gives both high false positives and false negatives.

Now, what about those computer models?

1. Other Articles On CV “Planned-emic”

The rest of the series is here. Many lies, lobbying, conflicts of interest, and various globalist agendas operating behind the scenes. The Gates Foundation finances many things, including, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, GAVI, ID2020, John Hopkins University, Imperial College London, the Pirbright Institute, the British Broadcasting Corporation, and individual pharmaceutical companies. Worth mentioning: there is little to no science behind what our officials are doing; they promote degenerate behaviour; the Australian Department of Health admits the PCR tests don’t work; the US CDC admits testing is heavily flawed; and The International Health Regulations (IHR), that the WHO imposes are legally binding on all members.

2. Important Links

Federal Modelling, April 2020

PHAC Modelling Information
Artificial Intelligence In Public Health

WaybackMachine Archive

BC Covid Case Details
Wayback Machine Archive

3. BC Issues Waiver Of All Liability

Terms of use, disclaimer and limitation of liability
Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information, the Province of British Columbia, including the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Provincial Health Services Authority and the British Columbia Ministry of Health makes no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy of the information in the dashboard and the associated data, nor will it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Data may not reflect the current situation, and therefore should only be used for reference purposes. Access to and/or content of this dashboard and associated data may be suspended, discontinued, or altered, in part or in whole, at any time, for any reason, with or without prior notice, at the discretion of the Province of British Columbia.

Anyone using this information does so at his or her own risk, and by using such information agrees to indemnify the Province of British Columbia, including the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Provincial Health Services Authority and the British Columbia Ministry of Health and its content providers from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such person’s use of the information on this website.

The BC Government would have us believe that this is accurate information, but puts in the disclaimer that it accepts no liability whatsoever for its publications. Speaks volumes about their reliability.

4. BC Gov’t Doesn’t Stand Behind Claims

Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information, the Province of British Columbia, including the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Provincial Health Services Authority and the British Columbia Ministry of Health makes no representation or warranties regarding the accuracy of the information in the dashboard and the associated data, nor will it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Data may not reflect the current situation, and therefore should only be used for reference purposes. Access to and/or content of this dashboard and associated data may be suspended, discontinued, or altered, in part or in whole, at any time, for any reason, with or without prior notice, at the discretion of the Province of British Columbia.

The Government of BC doesn’t even stand behind the information it publishes. No wonder there is the disclaimer and waiver of liability.

5. BC’s September 17 Surveillance Report

Total number of cases: 7,663
Number of lab-confirmed and lab-probable cases: 7,548
Number of epi-linked probable cases: 115

What do these definitions actually mean though? We’ll have to get them from the BC Centre for Disease Control.

According to those definitions, a person would be considered positive if they have an inconclusive test, and has the very generic symptoms. Strange that positives and “lab-probable” aren’t separated. Similarly, a person can be considered a “probable” case with no test whatsoever.

6. BC Gov’t FearPorn V.S. Its Own Data

And let’s take a look at some of these numbers. As of Sept 17:
-219 deaths overall
-0 deaths of people under the age of 40
-28 deaths of people under the age of 70
-no info provided on preexisting health problems
-positive and lab-probable cases mixed together

Of course, all of this assumes the Government is being open and honest about its results. There’s nothing to say that these reports aren’t entirely fabricated.

7. Computer Models Are Just Predictions

To be absolutely clear: computer models are not evidence of anything. They are simply predictions that “experts” release based on assumptions, predetermined patterns, and bits of data. If the information isn’t reliable, or if there is a political agenda, the results are meaningless.

However, even good intentions and data don’t change the fact that these models are just predictions — at best.

In the case of British Columbia, the Government isn’t even making predictions. Instead, it publishes a series of “what if” scenarios and uses that as a basis for more restrictions.

8. Bringing AI Into Public Health

An interesting aside into Government involvement pursuing artificial intelligence more and more for public health. Don’t worry, it won’t be open to manipulation.

9. Predictive Modelling At Federal Level

Just because there isn’t a death wave going on, it doesn’t mean that the Federal Government isn’t CLAIMING that one is coming. For that, they rely on computer modelling. Again, modelling is not evidence of anything, and is, at best, an educated guess.

10. Seniors Are Bulk Of People Dying

668 (7.3%) were 60-69 years old
1,673 (18.2%) were 70-79 years old
6,566 (71.3%) were over 80 years old

Just 3.3% of deaths were in people under 60 years old. Again, this is assuming these numbers are at all accurate.

11. Vast Majority Recover On Their Own

Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19
Currently there are no therapies available for either the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Health Canada is closely tracking all potential therapeutic treatments and vaccines in development in Canada and abroad, including products that are being used off-label. The Department is working with vaccine developers, researchers, and manufacturers to help expedite the development and availability of medical products such as vaccines, antibodies, and drugs to prevent and treat COVID-19.

On the Health Canada site, it is claimed that there is no treatment or prevention for this disease. Obvious question: how are people recovering if there is no treatment? Do they just get better on their own?

For the sake of argument, assume that Health Canada’s totals are somewhat accurate. Assume that its testing methods are reliable. Why then, does the Government minimize the fact that people mostly recover on their own, without any vaccine? Why is it really being pushed?

12. Bogus CV Modelling Still Goes On

Yes, “Professor Lockdown“, Neil Ferguson has long been exposed as a complete hack. Yes, his track record of failing is out in the open, as are his financial ties to the Gates Foundation. But the same shoddy pseudo-science is still being practiced. Governments don’t talk about the consequences of their draconian measures, or just how bad these tests really are.

Governments use guesswork to justify what they do. That’s all these models really are.

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