Centre For Effective Practice, Yet Another OST “Partner” That Stands To Profit From Lockdowns

The Centre for Effective Practice, or CEP, is another “partner” of the Ontario Science Table. The OST apparently does the thinking for Doug Ford and Christine Elliott.

Unsurprisingly, CEP was established as part of the University of Toronto in 2004. They list their services as: research & evaluation, clinical tools and digitization, education programs, and engagement & communication.

CEP also provides a set of key talking points that doctors and other health care providers are to parrot concerning these “vaccines” now available in Canada. The goal isn’t to address legitimate concerns, but rather, to appear to be addressing them.

COVID-19 vaccine authorization
Health Canada has authorized a number of COVID-19 vaccines for use in Canada after a thorough and rigorous review of the evidence to ensure the vaccines meet the standards of safety, quality and efficacy for authorization in Canada. Health Canada will continue to monitor the safety of the vaccines after they are available.

Key messages
Lead by example. Get the COVID-19 vaccine yourself as soon as it is offered to you to protect yourself, your patients, and your community.
Advise patients to receive the vaccine. Communication by trusted health professionals about the importance of vaccines is the most effective way to counter vaccine hesitancy. Tell your patients you will get or have already received the vaccine.
-Be an educator. Be prepared to answer patient questions and address concerns about the vaccine.

Vaccine summary
Efficacy against severe disease and hospitalization
-All of the approved vaccines have a high efficacy rate against severe disease. In the clinical trials, efficacy against severe disease was shown to be:

Pfizer: 75-100% (after dose 2)
Moderna: 100% (14 days after dose 2)
AstraZeneca: 100% (after dose 2)
Janssen: 85.4% (28 days after dose)

First, whether by accident, or by design, CEP is blurring the line between “approved” vaccines, and ones given “interim authorization”. To clarify, these are not approved. Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act allows the Health Minister to sign an Interim Order, allowing them on the market anyway.

(a) Approved: Health Canada has fully reviewed all the testing, and steps have been done, with the final determination that it can be used for the general population
(b) Interim Authorization: deemed to be “worth the risk” under the circumstances, doesn’t have to be fully tested. Allowed under Section 30.1 of the Canada Food & Drug Act. Commonly referred to as an emergency use authorization.

Have a look at the Interim Order, particularly Section 5. Getting authorization isn’t exactly a difficult burden to meet.

Second, an astute person will notice the sleight-of-hand here. These so-called vaccines were “authorized” by Health Canada, however “approved” ones will be rigorously tested. This is an indirect way of saying that these weren’t actually subjected to such testing.

Third, these aren’t really vaccines. Gene replacement therapy would be a more accurate description of the mRNA substances that Pfizer and Moderna produced.

Fourth, it doesn’t say that these gene-replacement “vaccines” will prevent a virus. Instead, it touts efficacy against severe disease and hospitalization. In other words, symptom management.

Fifth, it is explicitly stated that people will rely on your opinion in order to make the decision. While it’s also stated to answer questions, this passage is full of misrepresentations.


Instead of taking word of someone on the internet, it’s probably best to read the product inserts for yourself. Above are the documents provided by Health Canada. Notice, that nowhere do they say “approved” in the documentation.

However, CEP doesn’t provide the actual Health Canada documents. They do other an AstraZeneca summary and a comparison paper, but not the original source materials

Now, why why CEP, the Centre for Effective Practice, be such a blatant shill in the name of big pharma? When you look at their donors and collaborators, things start to make a lot of sense.

Some of CEP’s financial contributors, associates are worth a closer look:

  1. Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario
  2. eHealth Centre of Excellence
  3. Healthcare Excellence Canada
  4. OntarioMD

Could it be that CEP, and its partners and donors support continued lockdowns and restrictions in Ontario, (and elsewhere), at least partially because it’s good for business? Let’s take a look into some of these groups.

We Are The Advocate, Network And Resource For Team-Based Primary Care In Ontario
The Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO) works to support the implementation and growth of primary care teams by promoting best practices, sharing lessons learned, and advocating on behalf of all primary care teams. Evidence and experience show that team-based comprehensive primary care is delivering better health and better value to patients.
AFHTO is a not-for-profit association representing Ontario’s primary health care teams, which include Family Health Teams (FHTs), Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics (NPLCs) and others who provide interprofessional comprehensive primary care.
Working towards a common vision
Our members share the compelling vision that one day, all Ontarians will have timely access to high-quality and comprehensive primary care; care that is:
Informed by the social determinants of health – the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age
Delivered by the right mix of health professionals, working in collaborative teams in partnership with patients, caregivers and the community
Anchored in an integrated and equitable health system, promoting good health and seamless care for all patients
Sustainable – efficiently delivered and appropriately resourced to achieve expected outcomes

AFHTO works with and on behalf of members to:
Provide leadership to promote expansion of high-quality, comprehensive, well-integrated interprofessional primary care for the benefit of all Ontarians, and
Be their advocate, champion, network and resource to support them in improving and delivering optimal interprofessional care

The Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario is essentially a lobbying group, for the unmbrella of health care workers. That’s what this word salad means. AFTHO also is quite partisan in their efforts, and are pushing for the virtual care model of health, a large part of their online content covers that.

AFHTO is also demanding Ford impose a stay-at-home order. This is a conflict of interest since they are also promoting the “solution”: more access to online health services.

The eHealth Centre of Excellence is another online medical service that offers e-prescribing, referrals, and consults with specialists. As continued lockdowns make physical movement more tricky, this enterprise will surely grow. Also, as the physical and mental health of people wears down, it will artificially generate more business.

Healthcare Excellence Canada acts as a cross between a health care consultant, and an continuing education provided. They also donate to CEP, and their business model is expected to grow. Also, if you wish to take their Executive Training Program, it’s only $2,500 to enroll. What a deal!

OntarioMD offers a variety of services, such as digital health services, which can be bundled together. There’s also eConsulting, which aims to connect patients to specialists quicker. There’s also a Health Medical Upgrade, which is a way of digitizing, storing, and moving records. As physical appearances in health care settings are replaced, the demand for this will grow.

It’s worth pointing out that OntarioMD is not the only party to benefit from this arrangement. Additionally, it means increased business for its vendors, who will also see the rewards. Some of these names should be familiar.

To circle back to the start of the article: what is the real reason that the Centre for Effective Practice, (an Ontario Science Table partner), is so on board with restrictions to liberty? Or, are these connections just coincidental, and completely unrelated?

Don’t worry, CEP has their “talking points” for people who may be concerned about getting experimental shots of who knows what.

CEP AstraZeneca Information Propaganda
CEP Vaccine Comparison Sheet Propaganda

(1) https://cep.health/
(2) https://cep.health/toolkit/covid-19-resource-centre/
(3) https://tools.cep.health/tool/covid-19-vaccines/
(4) https://tools.cep.health/tool/covid-19-vaccine-staging-environment/
(5) https://tools.cep.health/tool/virtual-management-of-chronic-conditions-during-covid-19/
(6) https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/our-partners/
(7) https://twitter.com/Roman_Baber/status/1386788379669508103
(8) Ontario Science Table 01 Behaviour Control Techniques April 22 2021
(9) Ontario Science Table 02 Vaccine Confidence March 5 2021
(10) Ontario Science Table 03 Learning From Israel Feb 1 2021
(11) Ontario Science Table 04 Putting In Harsher Restrictions Oct 15 2021
(12) https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-27/page-8.html#h-234517
(13) Patty Hajdu’s September 16 Interim Order
(14) CEP AstraZeneca Information Propaganda
(15) CEP Vaccine Comparison Sheet Propaganda
(16) https://www.afhto.ca/
(17) https://www.afhto.ca/afhtos-role-supporting-team-based-care/about-afhto
(18) https://www.afhto.ca/news-events/news/ontario-needs-stay-home-order
(19) AFHTO Shift To Virtual Health Care
(20) https://ehealthce.ca/Our-Team.htm
(21) https://healthcareexcellence.ca/
(22) Health Care Excellence Executive Training Class
(23) https://www.ontariomd.ca/
(24) https://www.ontariomd.ca/about-us/our-organization/our-partners

(a) Michael Warner Financially Benefits From Prolonged Lockdowns
(b) Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe?
(c) OST, Monopoly From The University Of Toronto Connected
(d) OST, University Of Toronto, Look At Their Members And Partners
(e) OST’s Robert Steiner Claims To Be Behind PHAC Canada Creation
(f) OST’s Kwame McKenzie Headed 2017 UBI Pilot Project
(g) OST UofT Prelude Actually Set Out In May 2019
(h) OST’s Murty Has Tech Firm That Benefits From Lockdowns
(i) Como Foundation Gives Trillium Health Partners $5M
(j) Current PHO Officials Also Sitting On Ontario Science Table
(k) Canadian Agency For Drugs & Technologies In Health; pCPA

Public Health Ontario A Semi-Autonomous Corporation, Whose Leaders Sit With ON Science Table

According to the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Act, 2007, the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion was created, which is now referred to as Public Health Ontario. The timing is interesting, given that its creation aligns with the 2005 Quarantine Act, which itself is the result of the 3rd Edition of the International Health Regulations from the World Health Organization.

For some background information, here is more on the WHO-IHR, the Quarantine Act, and Ontario‘s own Health Act. It’s worth also addressing PHAC, and its self-proclaimed advisor, Robert Steiner, who also sits on OST. These are not independent events, but are directly linked.

This entity (referred to as Public Health Ontario, or PHO), is set up and structured as a corporation. It’s a Crown Corporation, mostly autonomous from the Government.

7 (1) Except as limited by this Act, the Corporation has the capacity, rights and powers of a natural person for carrying out its objects. 2007, c. 10, Sched. K, s. 7 (1).

This group is to have the same rights and powers as an actual person which is not weird at all. The Act also indemnifies any employees or officers or directors from any liability, as long as they claim to be acting in good faith.

No actions or proceedings against Crown
26 No proceeding for damages or otherwise shall be commenced against the Crown, the Minister or any person employed by the Crown with respect to any act done or omitted to be done or any decision of the Corporation, a director or officer of the Corporation, a member of a standing committee or a person employed by the Corporation. 2007, c. 10, Sched. K, s. 26.

Immunity from civil action
27 (1) No proceeding for damages or otherwise shall be commenced against the Minister, a director or officer of the Corporation, a member of a standing committee, or any person employed by the Crown or the Corporation, with respect to any act done or omitted to be done or any decision under this Act that is done in good faith in the execution or intended execution of a power or duty under this Act. 2007, c. 10, Sched. K, s. 27 (1); 2011, c. 1, Sched. 6, s. 7 (1).

Nothing shows that people take responsibility for their actions quite like giving them a pass for the possible consequences. There are limited provisions for taking action against the Crown itself, but not members involved.

Anyhow, that Act specifies that this corporation is to act as an autonomous and mostly independent group from the Government. This would be similar to Alberta Health Services operates.

Now, PHO is structured as a corporation, and is designed to be an arm’s length operation from the Crown. Okay. But looking at who runs it, some familiar faces appear.

  • Brian Schwartz is Vice President of PHO
  • Vanessa Allen is Chief, Microbiology and Laboratory Science at PHO
  • Jessica Hopkins, Chief Health Protection and Emergency Preparedness Officer at PHO
  • Samir Patel, Deputy Chief, Microbiology and Laboratory Science at PHO

Some interesting names in the Leadership of Public Health Ontario. Why should we care about who any of them are? There’s a really simple reason.

In case it wasn’t clear, here is the point: several high ranking members of Public Health Ontario are also members of the Ontario Science Table. Keep in mind, the OST presents itself as neutral and independent expert advice. At the same time, officials from a Crown Corporation in that same Province are part of their organization.

Considering that PHO functions as an extension of the World Health Organization, and implements their dictates, what kind of perspectives will these people bring to OST? Will they simply implement the same ideas, cloaked as “science”, or will they offer radically different policies? So far, it seems to be the former.

When these people speak at OST events and gatherings, are they talking as scientists working independently for the health of Ontarians overall? Or, are they acting in the capacity of Public Health Ontario representatives? Unless the OST is an extension of PHO, there are bound to be conflicts of interest.

It’s a bit like Theresa Tam, who has a page as the Public Health Officer of Canada, but who also as a page for a World Health Organization Advisory Committee. These people even use the same photographs.

On a related note: Deputy Prime Minister, and Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland is also a Trustee at the World Economic Forum. Other prominent politicians are also involved with that organization.

The mess that is the covered before, and more is likely to be added. Far from being independent, OST is rotten to the core with conflicts of interests, and members who have side ventures.

Do the OST and Trillium Health Partners really think that mask mandates are in the public’s best interest? Or did a $5 million donation from a mask manufacturer change their minds? Does Michael Warner‘s side business influence his support for lockdowns? What About Kumar Murty‘s business interests? Or Kwame McKenzie‘s 2017 Ontario UBI project?

Final thoughts to readers in Ontario: do you have any clue who is really running health care in Ontario? Do you know who is actually running the Province? Who’s behind the martial law masked as medical necessity? Think Doug Ford or Christine Elliott are anything but puppets?

Trillium Health Partners Gets $5 Million Grant From Company That Manufactures Face Masks

Robert Reid is a member of the Ontario Science Table. He is also on the Senior Leadership Team of Trillium Health Partners. This is important because it sets up an interesting conflict of interest.

Trillium is also a partner with the OST. So, when Reid is speaking, does he talk as a member of THP, or of the OST?

For some perspective, the OST is already a questionable organization given: (a) rampant ties the the University of Toronto; (b) conflicts of interest with its partners and members; (c) the brainchild of PHAC works for them; (d) the former research chief of the Ontario UBI pilot project works for them; (e) the groundwork for OST was laid out in 2019; and (f) another member has a technology business that benefits from lockdowns.

Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe, is worth a long hard look. She has climbed the ranks and gained power, despite never practicing as a doctor. Another one is Michael Warner, who financially benefits from prolonged lockdowns. It’s also disturbing that NSERC/CIHR are actually paying people to act as vaccine salesmen, and cloak it as research.

Now, what does all of this have to do with Reid and Trillium? On the surface, it looks like OST’s policies are once again being influenced by special interests. Back in September 2020, word of a $5 million donation from the Como Foundation was announced to the public.

Mississauga, On (September 28, 2020) – When the pandemic hit, Max Cucchiella and his wife, Sarah Veinot, along with their family, gathered around the kitchen table in their Port Credit home to help their community. They started making non-medical masks with a clear vinyl insert in the centre, so that those who are deaf or hard of hearing and rely on lip-reading could rejoin the conversation during COVID-19. The lip-reading lens mask, called My Access Mask, is continually evolving with a commitment to quality, innovation and design. Demand took off and the family launched the Como Foundation, which today is announcing a $5 million gift to Trillium Health Partners Foundation with proceeds from mask sales. The generous donation will be used to support the redevelopment and expansion of Mississauga Hospital.

The gift is the result of local innovation, benefitting not just those who are deaf or hard of hearing and Trillium Health Partners (THP), but also McRae Imaging, a local medium-sized business hurt by lost revenue as a result of COVID-19. McRae is now producing these novel masks at a commercial volume in Ontario and is listed on the province’s Workplace PPE Supplier Directory.

How much is the mask industry thriving when a company can afford to cut a $5 million cheque, based on the proceeds from the last 8 months or so? Trillium Health Partners becomes relevant when you realize they are one of Ontario Science Table’s Partners. Not only is Robert Reid in management for THP, but he’s part of the OST as well. Trillium and Reid are in a position to press the Province for mask mandates.

According to the Canada Revenue Agency, there are in fact 2 charities: (i) Trillium Health Partners; and (ii) Trillium Health Partners Foundation. The first is the teaching hospital aspect, and in 2019, it had about $1.2 billion in revenue. The second is the fundraising arm, and in 2019, it raised about $20 million.

There is also an interesting question that needs to be asked: was any consideration given to the Como Foundation in return for this $5 million donation? In the world of public fundraising, it’s a bad idea to do anything that would harm a donor’s business. And declaring an end to the “pandemic”, or even just mask mandates, would certainly dry up a large part of the Como Foundation’s revenue.

The Como Foundation makes a specialized product: see-through masks to help with people who have disabilities read lips and understand better. While there is definitely a benefit to this, it would have been considered a niche market until about a year ago, when masks became mandated.

What was once a limited business has suddenly exploded in growth, thanks almost entirely to politicians imposing mask mandates on the public. In fact, Como’s business is doing so well, that they can make a $5 million donation to one of the Ontario Science Table’s partner organizations.

Also in September 2020, Doug Ford gave the company a public shoutout, saying that these products were absolutely necessary. Now, his Government, encouraged by the Ontario Science Table, supports mandatory masks for the foreseeable future.

Considering Health Canada only authorized their product in June 2020, they seem to have done remarkably well.

What do you think? Does this donation from Como to Trillium come with any conditions, or any “understandings”? Or is it just a coincidence?

(a) https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/about/
(b) http://trilliumhealthpartners.ca/aboutus/Pages/Seniorleadership.aspx
(c) https://trilliumgiving.ca/press-releases/como-gift/
(d) https://www.thecomofoundation.ca/
(e) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDhBOmG5ZIc
(f) https://www.thecomofoundation.ca/healthcanada
Como Foundation Mask Health Authorization June 2020

Vijaya Kumar Murty, PerfectCloudIO, Smart Villages & Covid Restrictions

Vijaya Kumar Murty, works for the Ontario Science Table, conducting mathematical modelling to “guide” the resposes of politicians on taking away our rights. Now, this group appears to be well meaning academics, but there is a lot of information not in the public arena. And Murty is another example of this happening.

Some questions are worth asking.

The OST is already a questionable organization given: (a) rampant ties the the University of Toronto; (b) conflicts of interest with its partners and members; (c) the brainchild of PHAC works for them; (d) the former research chief of the Ontario UBI pilot project works for them; and (e) the groundwork for OST was laid out in 2019.

Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe, is worth a long hard look. She has climbed the ranks and gained power, despite never practicing as a doctor. Another one is Michael Warner, who financially benefits from prolonged lockdowns. It’s also disturbing that NSERC/CIHR are actually paying people to act as vaccine salesmen, and cloak it as research.

The Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) handed out $666,667 in 2020 to Murty and his associates to conduct modelling for CV cases and deaths. It was to last for 2 years. In 2021, he received a couple more grants of $100,000 each. One was to conduct modelling on the effectiveness of countermeasures. The other was modelling the risk to health care workers.


The large February 2020 grant is explained as:

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, in collaboration with the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Atlantic Association for Research in Mathematical Sciences, together with the Public Health Agency of Canada and international partners, is assembling a national COVID-19 Mathematical Modelling Rapid Response Task Force. Our goal is to mobilize a national network of infectious disease modellers to develop mathematical technologies to assess transmission risk of COVID-19, project outbreak trajectories, evaluate public health interventions for its prevention and control, and inform public health policy makers as well as multi-scale modelling to assist in the development of effective treatment strategies. Such a network functioned during SARS and was successful in providing real-time advice to public health officials. In the case of COVID-19, in addition to the mathematical modellers drawn from across Canada, we have the partnership of the Public Health Agency of Canada and its Coronavirus Modelling Group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Sasketchawan, the Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation facility at York University and several research institutes in China including one at Xi’an Jiaotong University.

To be clear, computer modelling is not evidence of anything. They are predictions, and limited by both the knowledge and bias of the people involved. And as outlined earlier, the “independent” Ontario Science Table will be being both the modelling, and make the decisions what to do about it. Quite the conflict of interest.

April 2018: the Fields Institute, part of the University of Toronto, hosted a seminar on “smart villages”. The idea is self explanatory, as it would involve bringing even small and remote areas into the digital sphere. Murty was one of the speakers.

September 2018: Murty gave a speech for the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, or AARMS.

May 2019: Murty was chosen to be the head of the Fields Institute. The timing is interesting, as that’s also when the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases was launched by the University of Toronto.

The decision to appoint Professor Murty received unanimous approval of the Fields Institute Board of Directors. Professor Murty will lead the Institute’s continuing efforts to advance research and development of the mathematical sciences in Canada and abroad.

June 2019: The Fields Institute held a conference on the topic of “smart villages”. It was cohosted by the Canada-India Foundation, and Process Research ORTECH Inc. Murty gave a speech on innovation, inequality, and smart villages.

Quite the coincidence: the Fields Institute is pushing for smart villages, and a greater online connectedness. Murty is helping make that happen. However, Murty is also largely responsible for the alarmist computer modelling that is shutting down society, and forcing everything online.

Will PerfectCloudIO benefit from such a societal change?

It turns out that Murty is a Co-Founder and CTO of PerfectCloudIO. Although there are broken links on the Leadership section, his Wikipedia page is linked from his biography.

PerfectCloud is a Canadian cloud company developing innovative technologies to make the cloud safer. We are headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with offices in NY, USA and New Delhi, India. Our services are hosted with Firehost who have data centers located in London, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Dallas.

The website goes on to explain what Perfect Cloud is, and what they are selling to the public. Two of the products they offer are:

  • SmartSignin: the most secure way to manage access to your cloud applications for SSO for your employees, customers or partners, across multiple devices. Includes a Single Sign-On solution, Federated Identity Management, Authorization & Authentication, and Access Control & Audit.
  • SmartCryptor: encrypt your data and store it securely on desktop or cloud storage applications. Share your files or revoke access to any shared documents anytime, using any device. You have the full control over your critical data and who can access it.

In order for a company to be successful, it needs customers, and a growing base.

  • First, by promoting the doomsday computer modelling as fact, he can convince the Ontario Government (and elsewhere) to impose more restrictions. That means more people are stuck at home, and more people will be looking at computer services.
  • Second, by pushing the “Smart Villages” initiative, Murty is able to grow the market. In order to connect people the way he wants, they will need digital hookups, like the kinds of services that Perfect Cloud offers.

Far from being alone, Perfect Cloud partners with several organizations, all of whom stand to profit from the increased computerization of our society. This is mentioned on his OST disclosures. He is listed as an investor, although not active in the day to day operations.

Perfect Cloud also publishes the identities of some of its major clients. This suggests this isn’t just some start up, but a well established company.

While his association with the Fields Institute is listed, it is never made clear that advancing the Smart Villages initiative is a major goal of theirs. He’s calling for policies that will benefit him financially, even if they are against the best interests of society. Martial law in Ontario certainly is against the public interest, which is likely why this connection isn’t readily available. Not exactly transparent, is it?

UofT/DLSPH “Centre For Vaccine Preventable Diseases” Was Prelude To Ontario Science Table

On May 9, 2019, the University of Toronto announced the creation of the “Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases”.

It seems that the groundwork for the Ontario Science Table (OST) was laid out months before this “pandemic” hit. It came when the Center for Vaccine Preventable Diseases was launched.

The OST is already a questionable organization given: (a) rampant ties the the University of Toronto; (b) conflicts of interest with its partners and members; (c) the brainchild of PHAC works for them; and (d) the former research chief of the Ontario UBI pilot project works for them.

Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe, is worth a long hard look. She has climbed the ranks and gained power, despite never practicing as a doctor. Another one is Michael Warner, who financially benefits from prolonged lockdowns. It’s also disturbing that NSERC/CIHR are actually paying people to act as vaccine salesmen, and cloak it as research.

The centre will draw on strengths across many disciplines of U of T and its key partners in Toronto, including Public Health Ontario, ICES and Toronto Public Health, and globally including the World Health Organization and Gavi, a vaccine alliance. It will bring together experts from public health, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, social work, chemistry and the social sciences, along with bioethicists and biostatisticians, to turn the tide on vaccine rates in Ontario and around the globe.

Vaccine hesitancy is a highly complex problem because it mirrors the public’s historically low trust in institutions and experts overall,” says Natasha Crowcroft, the centre’s director and a professor at Dalla Lana School and the Faculty of Medicine’s department of laboratory medicine and pathobiology who is also chief science officer at Public Health Ontario and adjunct scientist at ICES.

“With the return of diseases once thought to be eradicated in many countries, we need a much wider group of experts around the table.”

Anti-vaccine beliefs are growing just as the immunization field is expanding, with new technologies and target diseases, and improved opportunities to save lives around the globe. With this progress, gaps in our understanding of basic biological and immunological mechanisms are rapidly emerging. The centre will help to fill these knowledge gaps through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Very interesting that the World Health Organization and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) are partners with the University of Toronto. Surely, that won’t lead to any problems down the road.

Bit of a side note: Jeff Kwong, Interim Director of CVPD co-authored a piece with Bonnie Henry in 2017 on mandatory vaccinate or mask policies in B.C. health care facilities.

Kwong has been a vocal shill for WHO/UofT talking points. Chief among them, that vaccines are perfectly safe, and only a fringe group of “anti-vaxxers” would oppose such measures. He uncritically supports the official narrative, which makes him perfect for the role.

The Globe & Mail covered the story originally, but apparently has picked up on nothing out of the ordinary coming in the months since.

On November 13, 2019, the CVPD held a seminar regarding working with the WHO. This differed considerably in tone from Event 201, which was a simulated disaster.

Join the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases for a panel discussion on What it Means to be an International Expert for the World Health Organization. The discussion will focus on improving understanding of:

-The role of immunization experts with global agencies like the World Health Organization, and how this differs from expert roles within national organizations
-The contribution of Canadians to global policy on immunization.

Did no one think it strange that the biggest vaccination effort in human history would start just months after this conference? In all seriousness, this should alarm people. Right now, the University of Toronto is simultaneously connected to:

  • Increasing vaccine uptake
  • Modelling for Covid-19 cases/deaths
  • Advising Doug Ford on restricting the rights of Ontario
  • Several Medical Officers of Health work here

Some of the same people whose job it was to get more people vaccinated (with the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases) are now in a position to more or less impose that mandate (with the Ontario Science Table).

Vinita Dubey is part of the CVPD, and is part of the Behavioural Science Working Group. She is also an Associate Medical Officer of Health for Toronto at the same time. She reports to Eileen De Villa, another UofT Professor, who is very lockdown happy.

Jennie Johnstone was named to the CVPD, and is now part of the Congregate Care Setting Working Group with the OST.

Allison McGeer is part of the CVPD, and later joined the OST, but doesn’t appear to be part of any working group.

David McKeown and Fiona Kouyoumdjian get an honourable mention. They part of the Behavioural Science Working Group at OST, while being Associate Medical Officers of Health for Ontario, working with David Williams and Barbara Yaffe.

And as shown in previous posts, a high number of Medical Officers in Ontario either work for the University of Toronto, or have gone to school there, or both.

In April 2020, it was announced that Natasha Crowcroft, the former head of CVPD, would join the World Health Organization as their Senior Technical Advisor for measles and rubella control. She still keeps a position at U of T in the meantime.

With the benefit of hindsight, does none of this seem strange? The University of Toronto sets up a group to promote vaccine uptake, and the following year, the same people are running the “pandemic narrative” in Ontario. Many of the Medical Officers also have ties to this institution. Even normies should be asking questions.

(a) https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-opens-groundbreaking-centre-strengthen-vaccine-confidence-through-collaboration
(b) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/institutes/centre-for-vaccine-preventable-diseases/our-people/
(c) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29223487/
(d) https://www.utoronto.ca/news/end-pandemic-near-u-t-expert-urges-patience-following-pfizer-vaccine-update
(e) https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-university-of-toronto-launches-the-centre-for-vaccine-preventable/
(f) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/centre-for-vaccine-preventable-diseases-seminar-tickets-79618096871

Also worth a mention, U of T has some interesting donors. True, this is a small amount, but it’s curious to see just who they are accepting money from. Not that it would ever influence how they do business.

A major part of this centre’s mandate will be in finding ways to convince people that vaccines are safe. And what a coincidence, that those services would be needed the following year, on a scale never before seen.

Our Deepest Thanks and Gratitude
Since 2011, Boundless: The Campaign for the University of Toronto has engaged thousands of donors to support our highest priorities and aspirations. To date, more than 100,000 alumni, friends and organizations have supported hundreds of vital initiatives that are changing the lives of students and contributing to the health and vibrancy of our society.
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The University wishes to express its thanks to the following benefactors who have made gifts to the Boundless campaign at a level of $25,000 or more. We are grateful to all our donors for helping to establish U of T as a philanthropic priority in Canada, and demonstrating their belief in the University’s pursuit of accessible excellence.


$25,000,000 or more

  • Mastercard Foundation

$10,000,000 to $24,999,999

  • TD Bank Group

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999

  • BMO Financial Group
  • RBC Foundation

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999

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$100,000 to $999,999

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  • Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies
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  • Tides Canada Foundation
  • The Tides Foundation

$25,000 to $99,999

  • Aga Khan Trust for Culture
  • Air Canada
  • Alexion Pharma Canada Corp.
  • Alion Pharmaceuticals, Inc
  • ApoPharma Inc.
  • Apotex Foundation / Honey and Barry Sherman
  • Black Creek Investment Management Inc.
  • Blackberry
  • Cargill Incorporated
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  • Deloitte
  • Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc.
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Microsoft Research Limited
  • Novartis Ophthalmics
  • Pfizer Consumer Healthcare

Former Ontario UBI Pilot Research Chief, Kwame McKenzie, Part Of Ontario Science Table

In 2017, Ontario announced they would be doing a UBI, or universal basic income, pilot project in a few cities. Among the progress made was “Striking a Research and Evaluation Advisory Committee, led by Dr. Kwame McKenzie, CEO of the Wellesley Institute and Special Advisor to the Ontario Basic Income Pilot, which will provide advice and recommendations on the evaluation of the pilot.” A serious study with well known researchers.

At the time, the initiative from then Premier, “Liberal” Kathleen Wynne, got a lot of pushback. However, it’s being brought back in different form under “Conservative” Doug Ford.

Dr. Kwame McKenzie, who headed the UBI pilot project, is currently on the “Mental Health Working Group” of the Ontario Science Table. Now, the OST recommends more and more business shut downs. This will predictably cripple more of them, and force more people into dependence on the Government.

For more on the Ontario Science Table, check out the University of Toronto monopoly, the rampant conflicts-of-interest, and PHAC brain trust Robert Steiner. So much is easily available, yet not reported by the mainstream media in Ontario, or elsewhere in Canada.

Dr. Kwame McKenzie is CEO Of Wellesley Institute an international expert on the social causes of mental illness, suicide and the development of effective, equitable health systems.

Dr. McKenzie is also Director of Health Equity at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), a Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a consultant working with the World Health Organization on equity.

As a policy advisor, clinician and academic with over 250 papers, 5 books, and numerous awards he has worked across a broad spectrum to improve population health and health services for three decades.

He is a Co-Chair of the Expert Task Force on Substance Misuse, a member of the National Advisory Council on Poverty, a member of Canada’s Expert Advisory Panel on COVID-19 and Mental Health, the Minister of Health’s Covid-19 Testing and Tracing Advisory and was a member of Canada’s Delegation to the High Level Political Forum on the Social Development Goals.

Dr. McKenzie was previously a Human Rights Commissioner for Ontario and Chair of the Research and Evaluation Advisory Committee of Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot. In addition to his academic, policy and clinical work, Kwame has been a columnist for the Guardian, Times-online and Toronto Star and a past BBC Radio presenter.

McKenzie is one of many doctors in that group, whose purpose seems to be to provide cover to the Government of Doug Ford to ride roughshod over the rights of residents.

The project did end in 2018, shortly after Ford became Premier of Ontario. McKenzie expressed his unhappiness with the decision, suggesting it was done prior to there being enough data to make a definitive conclusion.

Kwame McKenzie, CEO of the Toronto-based Wellesley Institute, an urban health think-tank, and a special adviser who worked with the former Liberal government on the pilot, said researchers and policy-makers all over the world were looking forward to the results from the biggest basic income project ever rolled out.

“There were people from high-income countries, literally all over the world, ringing, saying, ‘When can we get the results? How can we work with you?’ So everybody was interested in knowing how this would end up,” he said.”

However, it seems as though McKenzie will ultimately get his wish to see it play out. The Ontario Science Table is recommending measures that will inevitably lead to the collapse of the middle class. The only option at that point will be some form of UBI.

Nor was the Ontario UBI project his only project involving societal change. His biography lists many such efforts. Has no one in the Canadian media noticed this yet? Has anyone cared to look?

Interesting timing: while the UBI project started in 2017, McKenzie was appointed to be a Human Rights Commissioner in Ontario in 2016. In the press release it was noted he’s “a professor and the co-director of the Equity Gender and Population Division at the University of Toronto’s department of psychiatry.” Quite the situation here. A man who believes in vast wealth redistribution is also given significant power to spread equity at the OHRT. When he eventually joined Ontario Science Table, it became a way to further expand his goals.

As for other work, in 2011, McKenzie co-authored a paper titled: Moving the Mental Health Equity Dialogue Forward: The Promise of a Social Entrepreneur Framework. It’s a common theme throughout much of his work, that differences in health outcomes must be dealt with.

Summer of 2020, McKenzie shared a plan, available with the World Health Organization.

In November 2020, McKenzie participated in a World Health Organization panel dealing with inequities in Covid-19 risks and mortality. Perhaps the virus is racist for not harming everyone in exactly the same way.
Kwame McKenzie Improving National Health Equity
Inequities In Covid-19 Infection November 2020

McKenzie has many publications to his name, which can be found with a quick search.

On some level, the health equity wouldn’t be a bad concept. Theoretically, if we could guarantee a basic level of health care for everyone, humanity would be better off.

The problem is the deception involved. This “Covid-19” psy-op is being forced upon unwilling victims globally, and is being used as a scheme to remake the world. Never mind the collateral damage from shutdowns — which Ontario Science Table fully endorses. Forget about the loss of basic freedoms, or the death waves that will result from untested, UNAPPROVED gene-replacement therapy.

Now we have communists being important advisory roles, being able to mask their true agendas as a health crisis.