Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, And The Interesting Stocks They Own


The Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has publicly called for forcing masks on children, even those in kindergarten. However, not everything is as it appears. For example, the OTPP, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, owns $83 million in stock in 3M. This is a company that makes masks.

Also, an honourbale mention and shoutout to Stormhaven, who has covered this, and taken a different approach. Check that piece out as well, as it has lots of good information.

What else is in the OTPP (which includes both elementary and high school teachers)? Information on the holdings can be obtained for free at the U.S. SEC, the Securities and Exchanges Commission.

3M CO $83,000,000
Abbott Labs $355,000
Biogen Inc. $41,915,000
Eli Lilly & Co $1,110,000
Gilead Sciences $1,406,000
Globeus Med Inc. $513,000
Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC $317,000
Johnson & Johnson $84,386,000
Medpace Holdings Inc. $393,000
Merck & Co. $406,000
Mersana Therapeutics $504,000
Moderna Inc. $970,000
Pfizer $599,000
Procter & Gamble $837,000
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals $736,000
Sarpeta Therapeutics $753,000
TEVA Pharmaceuticals $17,487,000
United Therapeutics Corp. $1,077,000
Vertex Pharmaceuticals $502,000
West Pharmaceutical SVSC $797,000

$83 million in 3M, a company that manufactures facemasks. This is one of those things that makes you go “hmmm….”, doesn’t it?

In addition to owning parts of companies involved in health care and pharmaceuticals, the OTPP has other interests in businesses that will also profit from extended lockdowns, and the “Great Reset”. Here are some of them:

Amazon Group $287,000
Apple $1,104,000
Bank of America Corp $579,000
Black Hills Corp $322,000
Blackstone Group $413,000
Costco Wholesale $943,000
Goldman Sachs $1,714,000
Home Dept $81,854
Kroger Co. $662,000
McDonald’s Corp. $81,651,000
Microsoft $244,167,000
PayPal Holdings $542,000
Pepsico $853,000
Rogers Communications $743,000
Shaw Communications $906,000
Tesla Inc. $561,455,000
Tri Pointe Group Inc. $1,118,000
Twitter Inc. $257,000
Verizon Communications $860,000
Visa Inc. $83,780,000
Zoom Video Communications $392,000

It’s not much of a stretch to see that the OTPP stands to benefit from lockdowns and the “Great Reset”. After all, they are heavily invested in industries and companies that will profit from the current situation.

In addition to owning part of 3M, this Pension Plan also owns considerable stock in Gilead Sciences, Eli Lilly, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Teva, and over $84 million in Johnson & Johnson. This could explain their support for the vaccine agenda. Then again, it could all just be a coincidence.

It could also be a coincidence that Jo Taylor, who’s in charge of the OTPP, has ties to the World Economic Forum. Likewise, it may just be happenstance that Mark Wiseman, who runs Blackrock (which owns SNC Lavalin), used to run the CPPIB, and helped set up the OTPP.

Read into it what you will.

(1) https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=937567
(2) https://archive.is/EFPhz
(3) Submissions At End Of December 2020
(4) https://archive.is/PQnkQ
(5) SEC Filings, Total Pension Fund Assets, December 2020
(6) https://archive.is/SKUga
(7) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/jo-taylor
(8) https://www.weforum.org/people/mark-wiseman

(9) Ontario Teachers, World Economic Forum
(10) Healthcare Of Ontario Pension Plan’s Holdings

Vijaya Kumar Murty, PerfectCloudIO, Smart Villages & Covid Restrictions

Vijaya Kumar Murty, works for the Ontario Science Table, conducting mathematical modelling to “guide” the resposes of politicians on taking away our rights. Now, this group appears to be well meaning academics, but there is a lot of information not in the public arena. And Murty is another example of this happening.

Some questions are worth asking.

The OST is already a questionable organization given: (a) rampant ties the the University of Toronto; (b) conflicts of interest with its partners and members; (c) the brainchild of PHAC works for them; (d) the former research chief of the Ontario UBI pilot project works for them; and (e) the groundwork for OST was laid out in 2019.

Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe, is worth a long hard look. She has climbed the ranks and gained power, despite never practicing as a doctor. Another one is Michael Warner, who financially benefits from prolonged lockdowns. It’s also disturbing that NSERC/CIHR are actually paying people to act as vaccine salesmen, and cloak it as research.

The Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) handed out $666,667 in 2020 to Murty and his associates to conduct modelling for CV cases and deaths. It was to last for 2 years. In 2021, he received a couple more grants of $100,000 each. One was to conduct modelling on the effectiveness of countermeasures. The other was modelling the risk to health care workers.


The large February 2020 grant is explained as:

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, in collaboration with the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Atlantic Association for Research in Mathematical Sciences, together with the Public Health Agency of Canada and international partners, is assembling a national COVID-19 Mathematical Modelling Rapid Response Task Force. Our goal is to mobilize a national network of infectious disease modellers to develop mathematical technologies to assess transmission risk of COVID-19, project outbreak trajectories, evaluate public health interventions for its prevention and control, and inform public health policy makers as well as multi-scale modelling to assist in the development of effective treatment strategies. Such a network functioned during SARS and was successful in providing real-time advice to public health officials. In the case of COVID-19, in addition to the mathematical modellers drawn from across Canada, we have the partnership of the Public Health Agency of Canada and its Coronavirus Modelling Group, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Sasketchawan, the Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation facility at York University and several research institutes in China including one at Xi’an Jiaotong University.

To be clear, computer modelling is not evidence of anything. They are predictions, and limited by both the knowledge and bias of the people involved. And as outlined earlier, the “independent” Ontario Science Table will be being both the modelling, and make the decisions what to do about it. Quite the conflict of interest.

April 2018: the Fields Institute, part of the University of Toronto, hosted a seminar on “smart villages”. The idea is self explanatory, as it would involve bringing even small and remote areas into the digital sphere. Murty was one of the speakers.

September 2018: Murty gave a speech for the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, or AARMS.

May 2019: Murty was chosen to be the head of the Fields Institute. The timing is interesting, as that’s also when the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases was launched by the University of Toronto.

The decision to appoint Professor Murty received unanimous approval of the Fields Institute Board of Directors. Professor Murty will lead the Institute’s continuing efforts to advance research and development of the mathematical sciences in Canada and abroad.

June 2019: The Fields Institute held a conference on the topic of “smart villages”. It was cohosted by the Canada-India Foundation, and Process Research ORTECH Inc. Murty gave a speech on innovation, inequality, and smart villages.

Quite the coincidence: the Fields Institute is pushing for smart villages, and a greater online connectedness. Murty is helping make that happen. However, Murty is also largely responsible for the alarmist computer modelling that is shutting down society, and forcing everything online.

Will PerfectCloudIO benefit from such a societal change?

It turns out that Murty is a Co-Founder and CTO of PerfectCloudIO. Although there are broken links on the Leadership section, his Wikipedia page is linked from his biography.

PerfectCloud is a Canadian cloud company developing innovative technologies to make the cloud safer. We are headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with offices in NY, USA and New Delhi, India. Our services are hosted with Firehost who have data centers located in London, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Dallas.

The website goes on to explain what Perfect Cloud is, and what they are selling to the public. Two of the products they offer are:

  • SmartSignin: the most secure way to manage access to your cloud applications for SSO for your employees, customers or partners, across multiple devices. Includes a Single Sign-On solution, Federated Identity Management, Authorization & Authentication, and Access Control & Audit.
  • SmartCryptor: encrypt your data and store it securely on desktop or cloud storage applications. Share your files or revoke access to any shared documents anytime, using any device. You have the full control over your critical data and who can access it.

In order for a company to be successful, it needs customers, and a growing base.

  • First, by promoting the doomsday computer modelling as fact, he can convince the Ontario Government (and elsewhere) to impose more restrictions. That means more people are stuck at home, and more people will be looking at computer services.
  • Second, by pushing the “Smart Villages” initiative, Murty is able to grow the market. In order to connect people the way he wants, they will need digital hookups, like the kinds of services that Perfect Cloud offers.

Far from being alone, Perfect Cloud partners with several organizations, all of whom stand to profit from the increased computerization of our society. This is mentioned on his OST disclosures. He is listed as an investor, although not active in the day to day operations.

Perfect Cloud also publishes the identities of some of its major clients. This suggests this isn’t just some start up, but a well established company.

While his association with the Fields Institute is listed, it is never made clear that advancing the Smart Villages initiative is a major goal of theirs. He’s calling for policies that will benefit him financially, even if they are against the best interests of society. Martial law in Ontario certainly is against the public interest, which is likely why this connection isn’t readily available. Not exactly transparent, is it?

UofT/DLSPH “Centre For Vaccine Preventable Diseases” Was Prelude To Ontario Science Table

On May 9, 2019, the University of Toronto announced the creation of the “Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases”.

It seems that the groundwork for the Ontario Science Table (OST) was laid out months before this “pandemic” hit. It came when the Center for Vaccine Preventable Diseases was launched.

The OST is already a questionable organization given: (a) rampant ties the the University of Toronto; (b) conflicts of interest with its partners and members; (c) the brainchild of PHAC works for them; and (d) the former research chief of the Ontario UBI pilot project works for them.

Ontario Deputy Medical Officer, Barbara Yaffe, is worth a long hard look. She has climbed the ranks and gained power, despite never practicing as a doctor. Another one is Michael Warner, who financially benefits from prolonged lockdowns. It’s also disturbing that NSERC/CIHR are actually paying people to act as vaccine salesmen, and cloak it as research.

The centre will draw on strengths across many disciplines of U of T and its key partners in Toronto, including Public Health Ontario, ICES and Toronto Public Health, and globally including the World Health Organization and Gavi, a vaccine alliance. It will bring together experts from public health, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, social work, chemistry and the social sciences, along with bioethicists and biostatisticians, to turn the tide on vaccine rates in Ontario and around the globe.

Vaccine hesitancy is a highly complex problem because it mirrors the public’s historically low trust in institutions and experts overall,” says Natasha Crowcroft, the centre’s director and a professor at Dalla Lana School and the Faculty of Medicine’s department of laboratory medicine and pathobiology who is also chief science officer at Public Health Ontario and adjunct scientist at ICES.

“With the return of diseases once thought to be eradicated in many countries, we need a much wider group of experts around the table.”

Anti-vaccine beliefs are growing just as the immunization field is expanding, with new technologies and target diseases, and improved opportunities to save lives around the globe. With this progress, gaps in our understanding of basic biological and immunological mechanisms are rapidly emerging. The centre will help to fill these knowledge gaps through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Very interesting that the World Health Organization and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) are partners with the University of Toronto. Surely, that won’t lead to any problems down the road.

Bit of a side note: Jeff Kwong, Interim Director of CVPD co-authored a piece with Bonnie Henry in 2017 on mandatory vaccinate or mask policies in B.C. health care facilities.

Kwong has been a vocal shill for WHO/UofT talking points. Chief among them, that vaccines are perfectly safe, and only a fringe group of “anti-vaxxers” would oppose such measures. He uncritically supports the official narrative, which makes him perfect for the role.

The Globe & Mail covered the story originally, but apparently has picked up on nothing out of the ordinary coming in the months since.

On November 13, 2019, the CVPD held a seminar regarding working with the WHO. This differed considerably in tone from Event 201, which was a simulated disaster.

Join the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases for a panel discussion on What it Means to be an International Expert for the World Health Organization. The discussion will focus on improving understanding of:

-The role of immunization experts with global agencies like the World Health Organization, and how this differs from expert roles within national organizations
-The contribution of Canadians to global policy on immunization.

Did no one think it strange that the biggest vaccination effort in human history would start just months after this conference? In all seriousness, this should alarm people. Right now, the University of Toronto is simultaneously connected to:

  • Increasing vaccine uptake
  • Modelling for Covid-19 cases/deaths
  • Advising Doug Ford on restricting the rights of Ontario
  • Several Medical Officers of Health work here

Some of the same people whose job it was to get more people vaccinated (with the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases) are now in a position to more or less impose that mandate (with the Ontario Science Table).

Vinita Dubey is part of the CVPD, and is part of the Behavioural Science Working Group. She is also an Associate Medical Officer of Health for Toronto at the same time. She reports to Eileen De Villa, another UofT Professor, who is very lockdown happy.

Jennie Johnstone was named to the CVPD, and is now part of the Congregate Care Setting Working Group with the OST.

Allison McGeer is part of the CVPD, and later joined the OST, but doesn’t appear to be part of any working group.

David McKeown and Fiona Kouyoumdjian get an honourable mention. They part of the Behavioural Science Working Group at OST, while being Associate Medical Officers of Health for Ontario, working with David Williams and Barbara Yaffe.

And as shown in previous posts, a high number of Medical Officers in Ontario either work for the University of Toronto, or have gone to school there, or both.

In April 2020, it was announced that Natasha Crowcroft, the former head of CVPD, would join the World Health Organization as their Senior Technical Advisor for measles and rubella control. She still keeps a position at U of T in the meantime.

With the benefit of hindsight, does none of this seem strange? The University of Toronto sets up a group to promote vaccine uptake, and the following year, the same people are running the “pandemic narrative” in Ontario. Many of the Medical Officers also have ties to this institution. Even normies should be asking questions.

(a) https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-opens-groundbreaking-centre-strengthen-vaccine-confidence-through-collaboration
(b) https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/institutes/centre-for-vaccine-preventable-diseases/our-people/
(c) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29223487/
(d) https://www.utoronto.ca/news/end-pandemic-near-u-t-expert-urges-patience-following-pfizer-vaccine-update
(e) https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-university-of-toronto-launches-the-centre-for-vaccine-preventable/
(f) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/centre-for-vaccine-preventable-diseases-seminar-tickets-79618096871

Also worth a mention, U of T has some interesting donors. True, this is a small amount, but it’s curious to see just who they are accepting money from. Not that it would ever influence how they do business.

A major part of this centre’s mandate will be in finding ways to convince people that vaccines are safe. And what a coincidence, that those services would be needed the following year, on a scale never before seen.

Our Deepest Thanks and Gratitude
Since 2011, Boundless: The Campaign for the University of Toronto has engaged thousands of donors to support our highest priorities and aspirations. To date, more than 100,000 alumni, friends and organizations have supported hundreds of vital initiatives that are changing the lives of students and contributing to the health and vibrancy of our society.
Campaign Donors
The University wishes to express its thanks to the following benefactors who have made gifts to the Boundless campaign at a level of $25,000 or more. We are grateful to all our donors for helping to establish U of T as a philanthropic priority in Canada, and demonstrating their belief in the University’s pursuit of accessible excellence.


$25,000,000 or more

  • Mastercard Foundation

$10,000,000 to $24,999,999

  • TD Bank Group

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999

  • BMO Financial Group
  • RBC Foundation

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999

  • The Honourable David Peterson
  • AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
  • CIBC
  • Goldcorp Incorporated
  • Google Inc
  • HSBC Bank Canada
  • Loblaw Companies Limited
  • Merck Canada Inc
  • Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc
  • Pfizer Canada Inc.
  • Scotiabank
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Teva Canada Limited
  • Walmart Canada Corp.

$100,000 to $999,999

  • Amazon Research Awards
  • Aspen Pharmacare Canada Inc.
  • Associated Medical Services
  • Bayer
  • Bayer Inc. Canada
  • BDC Capital
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Group
  • Coca-Cola Company
  • The Dow Chemical Company
  • Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
  • Facebook Canada
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
  • Janssen Inc
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies
  • Mastercard Worldwide
  • Medical Alumni Association, University of Toronto
  • Medical Pharmacies Group Limited
  • Microsoft Canada
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • National Bank of Canada
  • Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
  • Postmedia Network Inc.
  • Power Corporation of Canada
  • Sanofi Canada
  • Sanofi Pasteur Limited
  • TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.
  • Tides Canada Foundation
  • The Tides Foundation

$25,000 to $99,999

  • Aga Khan Trust for Culture
  • Air Canada
  • Alexion Pharma Canada Corp.
  • Alion Pharmaceuticals, Inc
  • ApoPharma Inc.
  • Apotex Foundation / Honey and Barry Sherman
  • Black Creek Investment Management Inc.
  • Blackberry
  • Cargill Incorporated
  • Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.
  • Deloitte & Touche Foundation Canada
  • Deloitte
  • Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc.
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Microsoft Research Limited
  • Novartis Ophthalmics
  • Pfizer Consumer Healthcare

Getting Government Certified In Contact Tracing: No Skill Or Patience Required

Do you have an hour to kill? Want to become a government certified contact tracer? Now it’s even easier than ever. No real skill, talent, or hard work required.

Side note: I notice that several of the questions imply that you may have multiple sexual partners. Almost as if there was some agenda going on.


It turns out that turning in someone who’s here illegally is actually the wrong answer. One would think that border enforcement is a serious topic, but the Public Health Agency of Canada doesn’t see it that way.


The supplemental sections did cram a lot of social justice nonsense into it, such as privilege and oppression. However, we have to power through it (or just keep hitting skip), in order to get move on.

The public health section has a lot of history lessons, but very little useful information. Yes, this entire article has basically just been trolling, but it wasn’t that painful.

The University Of Toronto, Ontario Science Table Monopoly On “Public Health” In Ontario

Ever get the impression that there is way too much group think in “public health” in Ontario? That could be because so many of them have ties to one institution: the University of Toronto.

About the Science Table
The Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table is a group of scientific experts and health system leaders who evaluate and report on emerging evidence relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic, to inform Ontario’s response.
The Science Table’s mandate is to provide weekly summaries of relevant scientific evidence for the COVID-19 Health Coordination Table of the Province of Ontario, integrating information from existing scientific tables, Ontario’s universities and agencies, and the best global evidence. The Science Table summarizes its findings for the Health Coordination Table and for the public in Science Briefs.
The Science Table is an independent group, hosted by the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. There is no compensation for serving on the Science Table. However, the Scientific Director and the Secretariat are funded by the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and Public Health Ontario.

Interesting, the Ontario Science Table claims to be “independent”, yet it also has a mandate to provide health information for the Province of Ontario. How independent can they really be? And even if there isn’t direct compensation, are they expecting favours later? Political favours?


  • Adalsteinn Brown, Co-Chair, Dean, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Senior Fellow, Massey College
  • Brian Schwartz, Co-Chair, Vice-President, Public Health Ontario, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • Peter Jüni, Scientific Director, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Department of Medicine and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Director, Applied Health Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Upton Allen, Professor of Paediatrics, University of Toronto
  • Vanessa Allen, Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Chief, Microbiology and Laboratory Science, Public Health Ontario, Medical Director, Provincial COVID-19 Diagnostic Network, Ontario Health, Clinical Consultant, Infectious Diseases, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • Laura Desveaux, Scientific Lead, Institute for Better Health; Learning Health System Program Lead, Trillium Health Partners; Innovation Fellow, Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care, Women’s College Hospital; Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto; Executive Director, Women Who Lead
  • David Fisman, Professor of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • Jennifer Gibson, Director, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto, Sun Life Financial Chair in Bioethics, Associate Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto
  • Anna Greenberg, Vice President, Health System Performance, Health Quality Ontario Adjunct Lecturer, Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Michael Hillmer, Assistant Deputy Minister, Capacity Planning and Analytics Division, Ministries of Health and Long-Term Care, Assistant Professor, Institute for Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Jessica Hopkins, Deputy Chief, Health Protection, Public Health Ontario, Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Adjunct Lecturer, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • Audrey Laporte, Professor and Director, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Director, Canadian Centre for Health Economics
  • Linda Mah, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Associate Member, Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Allison McGeer, Microbiologist and Infectious Disease Consultant, Mount Sinai Hospital, Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • David McKeown, Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health, Ontario Ministry of Health, Adjunct Professor, Clinical Public Health Division, University of Toronto
  • Andrew Morris, Professor, Infectious Diseases, University of Toronto; Director, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, Sinai Health and University Health Network
  • Laveena Munshi, Assistant Professor, Clinician Investigator, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, Sinai Health System/University Health Network, University of Toronto
  • Kumar Murty, Director, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Mathematics, University of Toronto
  • Samir Patel, Deputy Chief, Microbiology, Public Health Ontario, Clinical Microbiologist, Public Health Ontario
    Associate Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto
  • Fahad Razak, Internist and Assistant Professor, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Research Scientist, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Provincial Lead, Quality Improvement in General Internal Medicine, Ontario Health
  • Robert Reid, Chief Scientist, Trillium Health Partners, Professor (status), Institute for Health Policy, Management & Evaluation, University of Toronto, Professor (part-time), Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Affiliate Associate Professor, Health Services, University of Washington
  • Paula Rochon, Senior Scientist and Geriatrician Women’s College Hospital; Professor, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto; RTOERO Chair in Geriatric Medicine, University of Toronto.
  • Beate Sander, Canada Research Chair in Economics of Infectious Diseases, Scientist and Director, Population Health Economics Research, University Health Network, Director, Health Modeling and Health Economics, Toronto Health Economics and Technology Assessment collaborative, Associate Professor and Faculty Co-Lead Health Technology Assessment program, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Michael Schull, CEO and Senior Core Scientist, ICES Professor and Clinician-Scientist, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Senior Scientist, Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Arjumand Siddiqi, Associate Professor and Division Head of Epidemiology, University of Toronto Canada Research Chair in Population Health Equity
  • Arthur Slutsky, Scientist, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Professor of Medicine, Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto
  • Janet Smylie, Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health and Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Tania Watts, Professor of Immunology, University of Toronto
  • Nathan Stall, Eliot Phillipson Clinician-Scientist Training Program and the Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Robert Steiner, Management and Evaluation Director, Dalla Lana Fellowship in Global Journalism, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • Antonina Maltsev, MPH Epidemiology Student, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
  • Karen Born, Senior Research Associate, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
  • Gerald Lebovic, Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
  • Justin Morgenstern, Senior Research Associate, Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Ayodele Odutayo, Senior Research Associate, Resident Physician, University of Toronto
  • Pavlos Bobos, Pavlos Bobos is a professionally trained clinician (physiotherapy) and a clinical epidemiologist.
    His graduate studies were conducted at the Bone and Joint Institute at Western University and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at University of Toronto.
  • Yoojin Choi, Research Associate, PhD Candidate, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto Course Instructor, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto
  • Roisin McElroy, Research Associate, Emergency Medicine Physician, St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Unity Health Toronto, Lecturer, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Ashini Weerasinghe, an epidemiologist within the Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Program at Public Health Ontario. She holds a master’s degree in epidemiology from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto
  • Diana Yan, Research Associate, HBSc Data Science & Pharmacology Student, University of Toronto

That is the “Science Table” Covid-19 Advisory For Ontario. The above list isn’t everyone, but a lot of them. They all have ties to the same institution. But what about these “medical experts” demanding lockdowns? Surely, they have some more variety to them.

Barbara Yaffe – Ontario Deputy Medical Officer
Eileen De Villa – Toronto Chief Medical Officer
Vinita Dubey – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
Lisa Berger – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
Christine Navarro – Toronto Associate Medical Officer of Health
Avis Lynn Noseworthy – Medical Officer of Health for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge
Vera Etches – Ottawa Deputy Medical Officer of Health
Brent Moloughney – Ottawa Associate Medical Officer
Lawrence C. Loh – Peel Medical Officer of Health
Hamidah Meghani – Halton Region Medical Health Officer
Nicola Mercer – Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Medical Officer (UofT Medical School)
Mustafa Hirji – Niagara Acting Medical Officer of Health (U of T graduate)
Elizabeth Richardson – Hamilton Medical Officer of Health (U of T graduate)

Seeing any pattern here? A lot of them have connections to the same place. It can’t all be a giant coincidence. For more background information on Barbara Yaffe, check this earlier piece.

Who Is Ontario Deputy Medical Officer Barbara Yaffe?

The now infamous clip of Barbara Yaffe telling Ontario that these testing methods can result in 50% false positives. Amazingly, she has never faced real scrutiny from this.

It’s interesting how little information is available on Yaffe, considering she has been in a position of power for years. In some ways, this looks like another Theresa Tam.

Canadian Journal Of Public Health
CIHR Grants To Conduct Modelling, Other Research (2020)
Ottawa Announcing Grants For CV-19 Research
UofT “Modellers” Getting More Taxpayer Money (2021)
April 17, 2020 Memo To Ontario Doctors
National Collaborating Centre For Infectious Diseases
U of Toronto, McMaster Claim To Have Isolated Covid-19
Fluoride Free Peel On UofT Virus Isolation

Barbara Yaffe is more than just on the “Sunshine List” for Ontario. She’s taking in over $250,000 per year, plus a generous benefits program, courtesy of taxpayers. That’s in addition to the money she gets moonlighting as a Professor for the University of Toronto. For that kind of money, one would hope that the Province is getting a skilled professional. However, her work history isn’t all that impressive.

Yaffe is also part of the NCCID, which aims on implementing aspects of public health into all areas of life. She is a Member, and on the Advisory Board. However, it’s unclear what, if anything, she actually does.

Yaffe is still 1 of 2 registered shareholders of P.A. Rostas Medicine Professional Corporation, which “appears” to be a medical practice set up in 2008, but no information is available about it.

Not only is Yaffe paid quite well, it appears that the entire upper echelon of Ontario Health is making great salaries. Seems none of them have lost jobs, or been forced onto EI or CERB.

Keep in mind, Yaffe blurted out last December that she “only says what they write down for [her]”. This suggests she is little more than a puppet for the political masters. As for her education, she’s a lifer at U of T.

1974 – University of Toronto, General Science
1978 – University of Toronto, Medical Degree
1981 – University of Toronto, Masters of Public Health
1983 – University of Minnesota, Epidemiology (online?)
1984 – University of Toronto, Fellowship in Public Health and Preventative Medicine

That’s from the LinkedIn page. The CPSO profile simply lists medical school in 1978, and a specialty in “Community Medicine” in 1984. Is the LinkedIn page fake? Or is the professional CPSO profile missing information? Anyhow, the “ABOUT” section on LinkedIn states:

I am a public health physician with over 30 years of experience working in local public health in Toronto, Ontario, both as a Medical Officer of Health and as an Associate MOH. My current position is Director of Communicable Disease Control and Associate MOH with Toronto Public Health. My areas of interest include the prevention and control of infectious diseases and emergency preparedness and response, but also much broader areas of public health. My work has increasingly focused on identifying and helping to address the unique needs of our diverse populations and communities – new immigrants/refugees, the homeless, drug users etc. My work involves collaboration with multiple stakeholders (local, provincial and national), advocacy, policy development and program implementation. I am interested in contributing to public health at a national and international level as possible.

If this is to be taken at face value, Yaffe has been a political operative in Ontario for over 30 years. This means she hasn’t actually practiced medicine much, if at all. Yaffe’s talent seems to be in helping write papers on the topic of population control measures. More can be found on Google Scholar. Here are a few of them.

In September 2000, Yaffe co-authored a paper for Oxford Academic that outlined measures should a terrorist attack happen in Canada. If it wasn’t predictive programming, it’s quite the coincidence.

In 2004, Sheela V. Basrur, Barbara Yaffe and Bonnie Henry wrote for the Canadian Journal of Public Health outlining the quarantine, contact tracing and restrictions of movement around SARS.

In 2004, Yaffe co-authored (along with Bonnie Henry) a piece in the New England Journal of Medicine called: Public Health Measures to Control the Spread of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome during the Outbreak in Toronto.

From the last 2004 SARS paper:

We analyzed SARS case, quarantine, and hotline records in relation to control measures. The two phases of the outbreak were compared.
The transmission of SARS in Toronto was limited primarily to hospitals and to households that had had contact with patients. For every case of SARS, health authorities should expect to quarantine up to 100 contacts of the patients and to investigate 8 possible cases. During an outbreak, active in-hospital surveillance for SARS-like illnesses and heightened infection-control measures are essential.
During the outbreak, 23,103 contacts were identified as requiring quarantine (Figure 2). Of those in quarantine, 27 (0.1 percent) were issued a legally enforceable quarantine order owing to initial noncompliance. A breakdown of 316,615 calls to the Toronto Public Health SARS hotline is given in Table 1. The most common reason for calling was to discuss potential exposures.

Even back in 2003/2004, these public health officials were discussing and research details and methods related to quarantine and contact tracing. Not that it will ever be abused some day.

Yaffe is also an Associate Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. So is Eileen De Villa, Toronto Medical Health Officer. De Villa has her own backstory, as explained by Stormhaven and Diverge Media. Brent Moloughney is the Associate Medical Officer for Ottawa, and also a Dalla Lana Professor. Notice a trend?

In 2020, at least 9 people at the University of Toronto got grants from the CIHR, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, for Covid-19, some of it to conduct modelling.

  • Roy Gillis of the department of applied psychology and human development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education: Responding to the stigma, fear, discrimination and misinformation related to the COVID-19 disease outbreak – a novel analyses and intervention for a novel coronavirus
  • Shaf Keshavjee of the department of surgery in the Faculty of Medicine and the University Health Network: Reducing the health-care resource burden from COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) –Rapid diagnostics to risk-stratify for severity of illness
  • Robert Maunder of the department of psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine and Sinai Health System: Peer champion support for hospital health-care workers during and after a novel coronavirus outbreak: It’s a marathon, not a sprint
  • Vijaya Kumar Murty of the department of mathematics in the Faculty of Arts & Science and the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences: Agent-based and multi-scale mathematical modelling of COVID-19 for assessments of sustained transmission risk and effectiveness of countermeasures
  • James Rini of the departments of biochemistry and molecular genetics in the Faculty of Medicine: Neutralizing antibodies as SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics
  • Simron Singh of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the department of medicine in the Faculty of Medicine and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre: Assessment of cancer patient and caregiver perspective on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact on delivery of cancer care at an institution with a confirmed case of COVID-19
  • Darrell Tan of the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and department of medicine in the Faculty of Medicine and St. Michael’s Hospital: COVID-19 ring-based prevention trial for undermining spread (CORPUS)
  • Xiaolin Wei of the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health: Developing integrated guidelines for health-care workers in hospital and primary health-care facilities in response to Covid-19 pandemic in low- and mddle-Income countries (LMICs)
  • Xiao-Yan Wen of the department of physiology in the Faculty of Medicine and St. Michael’s Hospital: Therapeutic development for COVID-19 coronavirus-induced sepsis and ARDS targeting vascular leakage

Even going back to March 2020, Ottawa was handing out money everywhere to conducting research on Covid-19. Overnight, it became a growth industry for researchers looking for work. The grants have continued into 2021.

This is nowhere near exhaustive, and a deeper dive will surely uncover far more grants being doled out.

Even as groups like the CIHR are shelling out money to conduct modelling and “response plans”, they are also funding efforts to convince people that vaccines are safe. A significant conflict of interest.

With lives at stake, and large amounts of taxpayer money, one would think that oversight and review mechanisms would be tighter.

Some of the research went to (at least allegedly) for isolating and purifying Covid-19. In fact, the University of Toronto proudly broadcast that achievement as a marvel of modern science. On March 13, 2020, a prominent article was posted on the University website.

While that sounds great, it doesn’t seem to withstand scrutiny. An organization called Fluoride Free Peel has been looking for proof isolation from all over the world. When presented with a freedom of information request, there were “no records available”. What happened? Was this contracted out to some 3rd party, or was there never any isolation to begin with?

The University of Toronto is receiving large amounts of money in the name of pandemic research. Barbara Yaffe (and Eileen De Villa), are both Faculty Members at U of T. At the same time, both are Medical Officers, with De Villa in Toronto, and Yaffe Provincially. They are able (at least in theory) to use their positions of power to prolong the narrative and keep and “pandemic bucks” going.

Last Spring, Health Minister Christine Elliott openly admitted that death “with the virus” are being conflated with deaths “from the virus”. The counting system is at best dysfunctional, and at worse, fruadulent. Moreover, Toronto Public Health made a similar admission and nothing came of it.

It really does go past the point of being absent minded. These medical experts have to be deliberately ignoring what is in front of their faces. More likely, they are fully complicit in perpetuating a hoax.

Yaffe seems to offer nothing productive about this “pandemic”, and only pushes continued medical tyranny. She’s never practiced as a doctor (unless it’s well hidden) and just writes papers and lectures at University of Toronto. Nor has she shown any interest in the myriad of legitimate concerns related to human rights violations. She simply acts to give Ford’s Government a cloak of legitimacy.

After all, she just says whatever they write down for her.