An Ontario Superior Court recently ruled that the University of Western Ontario has the right to implement its “vaccine passport” system, and to collect such information. The Judge (to summarize) said that it’s not coercion, but just a choice that people make.
[69] In seeking to justify their request for a permanent injunction, the applicants emphasize what they characterize as the “coercive” nature of the Policy in forcing disclosure of their otherwise private health information. They raise concerns about the danger of losing their academic year if they do not provide their private information by way of proof of vaccination. They raise additional concerns of the fairness of this coercion, given the late timing of Western’s announcement of the continuation of the Policy, after tuition was due and the students had made living arrangements and other financial commitments for the year.
[70] I acknowledge the applicants’ frustration; however, observe that the previous version of the Policy that applied to the 2021-2022 academic terms did notify the university community that the Policy was set to expire on September 7, 2022, and that it would be reviewed by no later than September 1, 2022. There was, in fact, a vaccine mandate and personal information collection policy in place before the ostensible “surprise” of Western’s announcement of the revised Policy on August 22, 2022.
[71] I do not agree with the applicants’ characterization of the Policy as being “coercive” in nature. I do not accept the Policy will “force” members of the university community to disclose their personal information. The Policy forces individuals to choose between two alternatives, even if they like neither option. The choice is the individual’s to make. Each choice comes with its own consequences. That is the nature of choices: Seneca College, at para. 75; Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 113 et a. v. Toronto Transit Commission and National Organized Workers Union v. Sinai Health System, 2021 ONCA 7658 at para. 77.
[72] I am also not persuaded that a disposal order is warranted in the circumstances. Again, the relief sought is broad. The applicants did not provide any authority in support of this relief. The applicants confirmed on the hearing of the application that they want all proof of vaccine information collected by Western to be destroyed. The court does not comprehend any reasonable basis for such a broad order. Among other issues, proof of vaccine information in the 2021-2022 year was collected pursuant to the province’s mandate.
Seriously, why do people bother? Why not just leave the schools altogether? Are the tens of thousands in non-dischargeable student loan debt really worth it?

A curious bit of information about the Judge Kelly Tranquilli: apparently she’s donated to the Liberal Party of Canada several times in recent years. Or, at least there is someone in London with that same name. It’s not much, only about $1,400 in total. Still, worth a look.
As for UWO receiving money, there are many sources, including several millions in “foreign” contributions. This is according to the Federal Lobby Registry. Interesting details shown.
Canada Foundation for Innovation | $7,581,000.00 | YES | |
Canada Research Chairs | $7,339,000.00 | YES | |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) | $28,885,000.00 | YES | |
City of London | $28,885,000.00 | NO | |
Foreign | $4,209,000.00 | YES | |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) | $29,038,000.00 | YES | |
Other Federal | $35,699,000.00 | YES | |
Other Provinces | $35,699,000.00 | YES | |
Province of Ontario | $318,799,000.00 | YES | |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | $9,292,000.00 | YES |
UWO gets financial contributions from all areas of government. Also, there are other areas which this institution is able to profit.

Revenue Until April 2021
Receipted donations $23,391,977.00 (1.74%)
Non-receipted donations $7,913,117.00 (0.59%)
Gifts from other registered charities $8,860,861.00 (0.66%)
Government funding $458,914,000.00 (34.17%)
All other revenue $844,026,000.00 (62.84%)
Total revenue: $1,343,105,955.00
Expenses Until April 2021
Charitable programs $1,068,203,541.00 (96.31%)
Management and administration $30,830,509.00 (2.78%)
Fundraising $10,090,630.00 (0.91%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,109,124,680.00
Revenue Until April 2020
Receipted donations $5,737,520.00 (0.47%)
Non-receipted donations $29,464,401.00 (2.44%)
Gifts from other registered charities $4,705,436.00 (0.39%)
Government funding $436,669,000.00 (36.14%)
All other revenue $731,737,519.00 (60.56%)
Total revenue: $1,208,313,876.00
Revenue Until April 2019
Receipted donations $11,119,427.00 (0.87%)
Non-receipted donations $17,837,610.00 (1.40%)
Gifts from other registered charities $5,854,513.00 (0.46%)
Government funding $467,184,000.00 (36.63%)
All other revenue $773,266,199.00 (60.64%)
Total revenue: $1,275,261,749.00
Worth pointing out: the top 10 highest paid employees receive in excess of $300,000 each. Good to know tuition dollars are being well spent.
The University of Western Ontario is also a registered charity, meaning it’s receiving all sorts of tax benefits at the expense of the public. Regular readers of this site won’t be surprised in the least.
As for CEWS, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, at least 2 groups within UWP received the benefit. Perhaps why there was little interest in protecting students from vaccine mandates. And being a “registered charity”, UWO would also have been eligible for lockdown and rental subsidies.
Things are never quite as they seem.
(1) https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2022/2022onsc5243/2022onsc5243.html
(2) https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2022/2022onsc5243/2022onsc5243.pdf
(3) https://elections.ca
(4) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=6219®Id=923198&blnk=1
(5) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNmFltr=university+western+ontario&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=108162587RR0001&dsrdPg=1
(6) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/habs/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
How can this be a thing still….travel mandates are gone, for now and the science is in all over the place….something is NOT right here……
On Sept 22.22, a ‘press release’ was emailed to 1,600 Canadian media outlets to inform the public that open letters were sent to eight post-secondary institutions including Western University, in response to their Covid-19 policies. Pfizer’s Post Authorization of Adverse Events Report (Appendix C), contains 9 pages of ‘known’ adverse events experienced in the three months following the release of the vaccines. Please share. TY! https://canadahealthalliance.org/media-release-canadian-leaders-issue-letters-to-end-coercive-and-unscientific-policies/
“Something is not right here” is right. Look at the amount of tax free money that is being moved back and forth between all these ‘charities’. And there is no accountability and oversight whatsoever.
Oh well, Canadians love their corporate political party system, so they must pay and pretend they don’t see the corruption.