While most lockdown related lawsuits and human rights complaints aim at removing these infringements on human rights, others demand that they be reinstated. Here is another such case.
A Calgary man has filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission over the federal government’s decision to lift mask requirements on airplanes.
The decision, announced Monday, is part of a bundle of changes that come into effect Oct. 1. At that point, travellers will also no longer be required to wear masks on trains, provide proof of vaccination or submit public health information with the ArriveCan app.
“I was frankly dismayed when I heard the news,” said Dr. David Keegan, a family doctor who has a cardiopulmonary condition.
Keegan said that while airplanes do have filtration systems, they don’t completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, especially if people are unmasked.
To be clear, nothing prevents, or will prevent this man from wearing a mask when he travels. Instead, his “human rights” complaint is to demand that everyone else be forced to.
He’s also insisting that others play along with his delusions about there being a virus in the first place. Pretty scary that these people are in positions of influence.
Interestingly, the CBC article covering the story, and related reprints, don’t mention that Keegan is a University of Calgary Professor. Did they not want this connection to be made public?
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta only lists a single David Keegan as having a license in that Province. So, it seems unlikely to be a duplicate, or a coincidence. Of course, we don’t want the wrong person to get mocked.
On Keegan’s Twitter profile, it turns out that his pinned tweet is the announcement that he’s filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. This guy isn’t trying to hide the fact that he’s attempting to take people’s freedoms away. Amazingly, the idiots replying are cheering him on as some kind of a hero.
Keegan’s LinkedIn profile describes him as “Family Doc and Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Performance (Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary); Academic Family Physician”. He’s much more than just an employee, but an Associate Dean as well. (Archive here).
The University of Calgary has been very active in lobbying the various levels of Government for more money, and it shows. The school is routinely getting many millions in taxpayer handouts.

Canada Foundation for Innovation | $7,898,000.00 | YES | |
Canada Research Chairs | $8,126,000.00 | YES | |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) | $50,044,000.00 | YES | |
Foreign | $34,573,000.00 | YES | |
Health Canada (HC) | $707,000.00 | YES | |
Municipal | $3,823,000.00 | YES | |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) | $30,820,000.00 | YES | |
Other Federal | $43,087,000.00 | YES | |
Other Provinces | $10,102,000.00 | YES | |
Provincial | $692,013,000.00 | YES | |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | $12,616,000.00 | YES |
Have to wonder about that $34.5 million in “foreign” funding.
Interestingly, although the University of Calgary itself isn’t listed as having received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, or CEWS, the Pentecostal Ministries have. It’s no surprise that UCalgary is structured as a registered charity. In fact, a search flags 3 charities connected to this school. This is just another way to get money from the public.

Revenue Until March 2021
Receipted donations $43,667,964.00 (2.93%)
Non-receipted donations $154,181,263.00 (10.34%)
Gifts from other registered charities $47,805,468.00 (3.21%)
Government funding $794,689,349.00 (53.30%)
All other revenue $450,709,554.00 (30.23%)
Total revenue: $1,491,053,598.00
Expenses Until March 2021
Charitable programs $1,252,850,843.00 (89.28%)
Management and administration $128,575,275.00 (9.16%)
Fundraising $21,825,347.00 (1.56%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $0.00 (0.00%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,403,251,465.00
Revenue Until March 2020
Receipted donations $70,957,295.00 (4.48%)
Non-receipted donations $184,837,402.00 (11.68%)
Gifts from other registered charities $36,304,564.00 (2.29%)
Government funding $806,786,736.00 (50.98%)
All other revenue $483,768,203.00 (30.57%)
Total revenue: $1,582,654,200.00
Expenses Until March 2020
Charitable programs $1,321,469,784.00 (88.08%)
Management and administration $153,149,342.00 (10.21%)
Fundraising $25,419,521.00 (1.69%)
Gifts to other registered charities and qualified donees $347,506.00 (0.02%)
Other $0.00 (0.00%)
Total expenses: $1,500,386,153.00
This “charity” has been taking in approximately $1.5 billion annually as of late. Of course, the public has to subsidize the donations made.
University of Calgary | April 2011 | $100,000 |
University of Calgary | March 2012 | $100,000 |
University of Calgary | October 2017 | $320,729 |
The school has also received some donations from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in recent years. In fairness though, others have taken much more. See this from 2017.
While the CBC reports this as a “Calgary doctor”, let’s be clear: this is an Associate Dean at the University of Calgary. While he may have his own interests in doing this, can we really separate personal and professional lives?
(1) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/david-keegan-human-rights-complaint-mask-mandate-airplane-1.6598062
(2) https://search.cpsa.ca/PhysicianProfile?e=9fd5d2c3-3bcc-43ad-9b7c-e45ba9e7c429&i=0
(3) https://twitter.com/drDavidKeegan
(4) https://twitter.com/drDavidKeegan/status/1574523390253477888
(5) https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-keegan-61707473/
(6) David Keegan _ LinkedIn Profile
(7) https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/vwRg?cno=5009®Id=926282&blnk=1
(8) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/habs/cews/srch/pub/bscSrch
(9) https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyRprtngPrd?q.srchNmFltr=university+of+calgary&q.stts=0007&selectedCharityBn=108102864RR0001&dsrdPg=1
(10) https://gatesfoundation.org
(11) https://ucalgary.ca/news/gates-foundation-interested-one-health-research-approach-ucalgary
I suspect that once the entire globalist cabal is destroyed and the facts come out, we will find that Charities and Foundations were set up specifically for the purpose of money laundering and moving money around, such as taxpayer money, without the public catching on and without any oversight because they are tax exempt. They were also perfect vehicles for human trafficking, depopulation agendas, and pedophile networking, since it is hard for the public to grasp that charities would be doing anything but helping people.
I have found not a single charity or foundation that has done anything meaningful with the billions that many of them get in donations from one another, from the governments and rich individuals, such as he Gates. All they do is move money around to make it impossible to actually understand what they are doing and why. Many, such as the Trudeau Foundation, have had billions donated to them by political allies, all while flaunting the pedophile symbol as their logo.
They are a great place to install academics and political allies who could not otherwise earn a living doing real work. Worse, we are learning that they are a perfect cover for pedophile networks and child trafficking across the world. The UN is a huge player in human trafficking and sexual abuse of children.
If there is anything that has to go, it’s the entire concept of charities and foundations being tax and criminal code exempt.
Academia has literally destroyed this nation. We use to be hard workers, resilient, resourceful with many talented inventors. Especially, our kids were much better educated, the family units were strong and we were a very healthy population.
Once the UN took over our Universities, government, healthcare and education systems, we were turning out people who do not want to work, are unemployable except in the sex trade industry, who are extremely unhealthy and worse, the people running these Universities are often either completely insane or so well-paid by the globalist that they have no issue with making fools of themselves.
The public should be very, very scared of people like this. They use to be confined to psychiatric hospitals, but now are on the loose and running the asylum.
We can expect the court case to be heard post-haste.
Media Release: Canadian Leaders Issue Letters to End Coercive and Unscientific Policies at Post-secondary institutions. https://canadahealthalliance.org/media-release-canadian-leaders-issue-letters-to-end-coercive-and-unscientific-policies/
Are you in BC and interested in what Dean Clifford is doing? Here’s his Odysee channel video that came to my attention recently …. https://odysee.com/@Wolverdean:2/February-27-2022:7