Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists have been proven right again. In this specific example, Dalhousie University will be doing drug trials on infants and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. That’s right, INFANTS and TODDLERS. Sadly, there are still many parents who would knowingly sign their children up to be experimented on.
[A few quotes from the notice]
What is the purpose of the KidCOVE Study?
The purpose of the KidCOVE Study is to test a vaccine that may protect children from getting sick if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2 (also called coronavirus), which causes COVID-19.
What is the KidCOVE Study?
The KidCOVE Study is a clinical trial that is testing a study vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19. Researchers will measure your child’s immune response to the vaccine by collecting blood samples. These samples will be tested for natural proteins that are called antibodies. Checking your child’s antibody level helps researchers know how well the study vaccine is working. The study doctor and study team will monitor your child’s health throughout the study.
To be eligible, your child must:
- Be between six months old and less than six years old and in good health
- Not have a positive COVID-19 test within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
- Be free from exposure to someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 within two weeks prior to receiving the first vaccination
- Not have received an investigational vaccine or treatment for COVID-19
- Be willing and able to comply with all study requirements
What will my child have to do?
- Your child will have two injection visits, which will be 28 days apart. If your child is enrolled in the first part of the study, you will know that they are receiving the study vaccine. If your child is enrolled in the second part of the study, they will be chosen at random to receive either the study vaccine or the placebo.
- There is a 75% chance your child will receive the study vaccine and a 25% chance they will receive the placebo. Your family will not know which option your child has been assigned if enrolled in the second part of the study.
- You and your child will be asked to return to the study site three to four more times, depending on their enrollment assignment. These visits will occur 15 days, one month, six months, and 12 months after the second injection.
- Your child will have two telemedicine visits – about one week after each injection. During these calls, the study team will check how your child is feeling. After that, the study team will call you once a month during the months your child does not have a study site visit.
- You will be asked to complete electronic diary (eDiary) entries for the duration of the study to report any COVID-19 symptoms your child experiences.
- Your child will be closely monitored by the study team if any symptoms of COVID-19 are reported at any time throughout their participation.
To be eligible, the children must be under the age of 6 years old. This is alarming on many different levels. Over 13,000 children are expected to be enrolled in this.
This study appears to be a collaboration between Dalhousie University and the Canadian Center for Vaccinology. It gets even creepier, as the Center for Vaccinology already prepared their list of “talking points” (their label) for children who are understandably worried. And what do you know? It’s Moderna who’s behind the study.
The CCfV collaborates with 3 partner organizations:
(a) CAIRE (Canadian Association for Immunization Research and Evaluation)
(b) CIRN (Canadian Immunization Research Network)
(c) IMPACT (Immunization Monitoring Program, ACTive)
CIRN has actually been covered by Canuck Law before. The organization has extensive ties to the pharmaceutical industry. CAIRE is currently studying the effects of vaccines on pregnant women, and has ties to the usual suspects. IMPACT is run by the Canadian Paediatric Society, and tries to push vaccines on children.
Does these people really have your interests, and the interests of your children at heart? Or is this simply a lucrative business opportunity?
One of the members of the CCfV is Lisa Barrett, who is a “Clinician Investigator” at Dalhousie. She has quite the interesting background, and is more than just a doctor.

It turns out that Barrett is another media darling, making the rounds on the Canadian news. She’s just one more “expert” pushing the mass vaccination agenda, and is often on outlets like CTV News.
According to both her LinkedIn and Dalhousie profiles, Barrett spent time at the NIAID, or National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. This is the organization headed by Anthony Fauci. She also completed a residency at the University of Toronto, which is where the Ontario Science Table is based.

Dalhousie received a $50,000 grant from NSERC (or rather, taxpayers) over the Summer of 2021. This was to promote the pro-vaccine agenda. It was one of just many handed out to Canadian universities. See the links at the bottom for much more on these subsidies.
For another batch of taxpayer grants used to “fight vaccine hesitancy“, consider the list below. A lot of money is being used to promote and push these shots. Now, if there was were a raging pandemic, would all of this be necessary?

African Arts & Culture Community Contributor Society | Black communities in British Columbia | $450,000 |
Alberta International Medical Graduates Association | Newcomers to Canada | $500,000 |
Alliance for Healthier Communities | Vulnerable populations across Ontario, Community health providers and workers |
$898,011 |
BGC Canada | Youth, Parents and guardians | $500,000 |
British Columbia Association of Community Health Centres (BCACHC) | Vulnerable populations across British Columbia, Community health providers and workers | $323,871 |
British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) | Public health and immunization stakeholders, General public | $2,732,965 |
British Columbia Fraser Health Authority | Hard-to-reach families, Indigenous populations, Newcomers to Canada, Low-income families | $709,175 |
Canada Safety Council | Teachers, Students in primary, junior, and intermediate grades, Parents and guardians | $220,000 |
Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC) | Vulnerable populations across Canada, Community health providers and workers | $598,915 |
Dr. Peter Centre | Marginalized populations living with HIV and other health issues | $537,301 |
The Canadian Association of Science Centres (CASC) | General public | $1,749,578 |
Canadian Public Health Association | Vaccinators, Health care providers | $1,847,303 |
Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) | Primary care patient populations less likely to have received the vaccine based on factors like reason for vaccine hesitancy, age, language, education level, rurality, gender, and ethnicity. | $450,000 |
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council | Health care providers, Indigenous Peoples | $500,000 |
Institute national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) | Parents and guardians, Youth, Teachers/educators | $723,804 |
Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc. | Urban Indigenous populations in Winnipeg, Manitoba | $470,000 |
Mainline, a program of the Mi’Kmaw Native Friendship Centre | People who use drugs and urban Indigenous Peoples in Halifax, Nova Scotia | $123,000 |
Manitoba Association of Community Health (MACH) | Vulnerable populations across Manitoba, Community health providers and workers | $350,625 |
Nova Scotia Association of Community Health Centres (NSACHC) | Vulnerable populations across Nova Scotia, Community health providers and workers | $292,800 |
Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness | People of African Descent in Nova Scotia | $430,000 |
Public Health Association of British Columbia | Youth | $1,139,916 |
Refugee 613 | Newcomers to Canada and racialized populations | $500,000 |
Regina Treaty / Status Indian Services Inc. (RT/SIS) | Indigenous Peoples in Regina and surrounding communities, Saskatchewan | $100,000 |
Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec (RCAAQ) | Indigenous Peoples in La Tuque, Trois-Rivières, and Joliette, Québec | $475,000 |
Saskatchewan Health Authority | Community health workers, Parents and guardians, High-risk populations | $650,642 |
University Health Network | Personal support workers | $325,000 |
University of British Columbia | Public health, Primary and community care leaders, Local organizations, Indigenous and/or cultural leaders, Municipal leadership, and other Policy makers | $419,000 |
University of Toronto | Vaccinators, General public | $499,792 |
Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre | Underhoused and homeless individuals in New Westminster and Vancouver, British Columbia | $460,000 |
Women’s College Hospital | Non-physician health care practitioners and other essential workers in long-term care facilities and homecare settings | $500,000 |
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre | Racialized women, Ethno cultural and faith-based organizations | $450,000 |
Yukon Health and Social Services | Yukon residents | $599,999 |
Has this sort of money EVER been spent on trying to push experimental concoctions on the public? Has there ever been drive kind of a drive to use infants as guinea pigs?
Much of the content for this article came from 2 people who read this site often. Thanks very much for spreading the word on these important issues.
(1) https://www.dal.ca/news/today/2021/11/08/participants_needed_for_covid_19_vaccine_study_in_children.html
(2) Participants needed for COVID‑19 vaccine study in children – Dal News – Dalhousie University
(3) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/study/kidcove-study/
(4) KidCOVE COVID-19 Study – Canadian Center For Vaccinology –
(5) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/20ck_Moderna_KidCOVE_Study-Talking-Points_v3_080421.pdf
(6) Moderna_KidCOVE_Study-Talking-Points
(7) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/about-ccfv/members/
(8) CCfV Members and Researchers _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(9) https://centerforvaccinology.ca/about-ccfv/collaborative-networks/
(10) Collaborative Networks for Research _ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
(11) https://canucklaw.ca/canadian-immunization-research-network-is-funded-by-big-pharma/
(12) https://www.caire.ca/working-groups
(13) https://cps.ca/en/clinical/immunization-and-vaccines
(14) Immunization and Vaccines _ Canadian Paediatric Society
(15) https://medicine.dal.ca/departments/department-sites/medicine/divisions/infectious-diseases/our-people/faculty/lisa-barrett.html
(16) Lisa Barrett – Division of Infectious Diseases – Dalhousie University
(17) https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/infectious-disease-expert-dr-lisa-barrett-answers-viewer-questions-about-covid-19-part-6-1.4965469
(18) Infectious disease expert Dr. Lisa Barrett answers viewer questions CTV News
(19) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6-vn8hDmuc
(20) https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-barrett-36348126/
(21) Lisa Barrett _ LinkedIn
(22) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization-vaccine-priorities/immunization-partnership-fund.html?fbclid=IwAR1MML8w6SVitOSMqY0mEZJC58R-JZ-7sKbjCW32iZOGwJyuaLysbXnqTIs#a3
(A) Canada’s National Vaccination Strategy
(B) The Vaccine Confidence Project
(C) More Research Into Overcoming “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(D) Psychological Manipulation Over “Vaccine Hesitancy”
(E) World Economic Forum Promoting More Vaccinations
(F) CIHR/NSERC/SSHRC On Grants To Raise Vaccine Uptake
(G) $50,000 Available — Each — For Groups To Target Minorities
(H) Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge
(I) CIHR Using Public Money To Push Vaccines On Society
(J) Heidi Larson, VCP, LSHTM All Getting Funding From Big Pharma
(K) NSERC Grants To Push Vaccines On More People
“To be eligible, your child must:
“Be willing and able to comply with all study requirements.:
!!?? Children between ages of 6mo & 5 yrs??? “be willing” & “able to comply”. Definitely NOT the former & only the latter if restrained!
Parents signing up their kid for this are sadistic &/or getting some personal benefit from this arrangement,…
When i read that I thought the same thing. What????? Are parents really going to do this?
My favourite : o (
Organization Food Allergy Canada
Location TORONTO, ON
Title of proposal Encouraging vaccine confidence in Canadians at risk of anaphylaxis
Grant amount $50,000.00